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- Impostor GUI V2 - by Jas_n#0501 and sf#0001
- 1 -----
- Q: Where can I get the script?
- A: I don't know how you ended up here without the script, but whatever.
- Here is the vermillion thread:
- And here is the loadstring: loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- 2 -----
- Q: The GUI doesn't appear, what do I do?
- A: Depends on the situation, read 3 and 4.
- 3 -----
- Q: I get a protection errormessage, what do I do?
- A: Rejoin your game and do NOT run ANY scripts before Tonky (including autoexec scripts)
- 4 -----
- Q: What exploits work with the Tonky Impostor GUI?
- A: I can only confirm the script as working for Synapse X since that's the only exploit I got.
- 5 -----
- Q: The GUI works but I can't see who the Impostor(s) is/are, what can I do?
- A: Due to recent patches, the current method is kind of slow. You might have to wait until the next round before the script detects the impostor(s).
- 6 -----
- Q: I would like to give positive/negative feedback about the script, where can I do this?
- A: You can leave feedback in the #script-feedback channel in this discord server:
- 7 -----
- Q: None of the possible fixes above worked, what do I do?
- A: It's most likely one of the following:
- - You don't have a compatible exploit.
- - You live in a country where pastebin is blocked (Turkey)
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