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- -- ****************************************************** --
- -- ****************************************************** --
- -- ** Reactor Madness Program ** --
- -- ** for Big Reactor ** --
- -- ** Written by krakaen ** --
- -- ** Video Tutorial ** --
- -- ** ** --
- -- ****************************************************** --
- -- ****************************************************** --
- -- ******** Version 0.1 Changelog (02/16/2016) ********
- -- Changed currentRFTotal to 1 (makes power show at start)
- -- ******** Version 0.2 Changelog (02/16/2016) ********
- -- Added fuel usage (mb/t)
- -- Added function round
- -- Added function comma_value
- -- Added function format_num
- -- ******** Version 0.3 Changelog (02/17/2016) ********
- -- Change Rod looking for 0 instead of 1
- local monitors = {peripheral.find("monitor")}
- local mon = monitors[1]
- local reactors = {peripheral.find("BigReactors-Reactor")}
- local button={}
- local filleds = {}
- local boxes = {}
- local lines = {}
- local texts = {}
- local refresh = true
- local infosSize = {}
- local contorlsSize = {}
- local numbersSize = {}
- local currentRfTotal = 1
- local currentRfTick = 1
- local currentFuelConsumedLastTick = 0.00001
- local rfPerTickMax = 1
- local minPowerRod = 0
- local maxPowerRod = 100
- local currentRodLevel = 1
- -- you need to give the index to be able to use the program
- -- ex : NameOfProgram Index (reactor Krakaen)
- local args = { ... }
- local index = ""
- if (#args == 0) then
- error("No index Given")
- end
- if (#args == 1) then
- index = args[1]
- end
- -- use the black thingy sponge to clear the chalkboard
- term.redirect(mon)
- mon.clear()
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- function clearTable()
- button = {}
- end
- -- All the things that make my buttons work
- function setButton(name, title, func, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, elem, elem2, color)
- button[name] = {}
- button[name]["title"] = title
- button[name]["func"] = func
- button[name]["active"] = false
- button[name]["xmin"] = xmin
- button[name]["ymin"] = ymin
- button[name]["xmax"] = xmax
- button[name]["ymax"] = ymax
- button[name]["color"] = color
- button[name]["elem"] = elem
- button[name]["elem2"] = elem2
- end
- -- stuff and things for buttons
- function fill(text, color, bData)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(color)
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- local yspot = math.floor((bData["ymin"] + bData["ymax"]) /2)
- local xspot = math.floor((bData["xmax"] - bData["xmin"] - string.len(bData["title"])) /2) +1
- for j = bData["ymin"], bData["ymax"] do
- mon.setCursorPos(bData["xmin"], j)
- if j == yspot then
- for k = 0, bData["xmax"] - bData["xmin"] - string.len(bData["title"]) +1 do
- if k == xspot then
- mon.write(bData["title"])
- else
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- end
- else
- for i = bData["xmin"], bData["xmax"] do
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- end
- end
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- -- stuff and things for buttons
- function screen()
- local currColor
- for name,data in pairs(button) do
- local on = data["active"]
- currColor = data["color"]
- fill(name, currColor, data)
- end
- end
- -- stuff and things for buttons
- function flash(name)
- screen()
- end
- -- magical handler for clicky clicks
- function checkxy(x, y)
- for name, data in pairs(button) do
- if y>=data["ymin"] and y <= data["ymax"] then
- if x>=data["xmin"] and x<= data["xmax"] then
- data["func"](data["elem"], data["elem2"])
- flash(data['name'])
- return true
- --data["active"] = not data["active"]
- --print(name)
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- -- Don't question my code, it works on my machine...
- function label(w, h, text)
- mon.setCursorPos(w, h)
- mon.write(text)
- end
- -- Draw function : put's all the beautiful magic in the screen
- function draw()
- for key,value in pairs(filleds) do
- paintutils.drawFilledBox(value[1] , value[2], value[3], value[4], value[5])
- end
- for key,value in pairs(boxes) do
- paintutils.drawBox(value[1] , value[2], value[3], value[4], value[5])
- end
- for key,value in pairs(lines) do
- paintutils.drawLine(value[1] , value[2], value[3], value[4], value[5])
- end
- for key,value in pairs(texts) do
- mon.setCursorPos(value[1], value[2])
- mon.setTextColor(value[4])
- mon.setBackgroundColor(value[5])
- mon.write(value[3])
- end
- screen()
- resetDraw()
- end
- -- Resets the elements to draw to only draw the neccessity
- function resetDraw()
- filleds = {}
- boxes = {}
- lines = {}
- texts = {}
- end
- -- Handles all the clicks for the buttons
- function clickEvent()
- local myEvent={os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")}
- checkxy(myEvent[3], myEvent[4])
- end
- -- Power up the reactor (M&N are a good source of food right?)
- function powerUp(m,n)
- local reactor = reactors[1]
- reactor.setActive(true)
- end
- -- Power down the reactor (M&N are a good source of food right?)
- function powerDown(m,n)
- local reactor = reactors[1]
- reactor.setActive(false)
- end
- -- Handles and calculate the Min and Max of the power limitation
- function modifyRods(limit, number)
- local tempLevel = 0
- if limit == "min" then
- tempLevel = minPowerRod + number
- if tempLevel <= 0 then
- minPowerRod = 0
- end
- if tempLevel >= maxPowerRod then
- minPowerRod = maxPowerRod -10
- end
- if tempLevel < maxPowerRod and tempLevel > 0 then
- minPowerRod = tempLevel
- end
- else
- tempLevel = maxPowerRod + number
- if tempLevel <= minPowerRod then
- maxPowerRod = minPowerRod +10
- end
- if tempLevel >= 100 then
- maxPowerRod = 100
- end
- if tempLevel > minPowerRod and tempLevel < 100 then
- maxPowerRod = tempLevel
- end
- end
- table.insert(lines, {contorlsSize['inX'], contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, contorlsSize['inX'] + contorlsSize['width'], contorlsSize['inY']+(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+5, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, minPowerRod .. '%', colors.lightBlue,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+13, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, '--', colors.white,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+20, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, maxPowerRod .. '%', colors.purple,})
- setInfoToFile()
- adjustRodsLevel()
- end
- -- Calculate and adjusts the level of the rods
- function adjustRodsLevel()
- local reactor = reactors[1]
- local rfTotalMax = 10000000
- local currentRfTotal = reactor.getEnergyStored()
- differenceMinMax = maxPowerRod - minPowerRod
- maxPower = (rfTotalMax/100) * maxPowerRod
- minPower = (rfTotalMax/100) * minPowerRod
- if currentRfTotal >= maxPower then
- currentRfTotal = maxPower
- end
- if currentRfTotal <= minPower then
- currentRfTotal = minPower
- end
- currentRfTotal = currentRfTotal - (rfTotalMax/100) * minPowerRod
- local rfInBetween = (rfTotalMax/100) * differenceMinMax
- local rodLevel = math.floor((currentRfTotal/rfInBetween)*100)
- reactor.setAllControlRodLevels(rodLevel)
- end
- -- Creates the frame and the basic of the visual
- -- Also adds the variables informations for placement of stuff and things
- function addDrawBoxesSingleReactor()
- local w, h = mon.getSize()
- local margin = math.floor((w/100)*2)
- infosSize['startX'] = margin + 1
- infosSize['startY'] = margin + 1
- infosSize['endX'] = (((w-(margin*2))/3)*2)-margin
- infosSize['endY'] = h - margin
- infosSize['height'] = infosSize['endY']-infosSize['startY']-(margin*2)-2
- infosSize['width'] = infosSize['endX']-infosSize['startX']-(margin*2)-2
- infosSize['inX'] = infosSize['startX'] + margin +1
- infosSize['inY'] = infosSize['startY'] + margin +1
- infosSize['sectionHeight'] = math.floor(infosSize['height']/3)
- table.insert(boxes, {infosSize['startX'] , infosSize['startY'], infosSize['endX'], infosSize['endY'], colors.gray})
- local name = "INFOS"
- table.insert(lines, {infosSize['startX'] + margin , infosSize['startY'], infosSize['startX'] + (margin*2) + #name+1, infosSize['startY'],})
- table.insert(texts, {infosSize['startX'] + (margin*2), infosSize['startY'], name, colors.white,})
- local names = {}
- names[1] = 'ENERGY LAST TICK'
- names[2] = 'ENERGY STORED'
- names[3] = 'CONTROL ROD LEVEL'
- for i=0,2,1 do
- table.insert(texts, {infosSize['inX'] + margin, infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, names[i+1], colors.white,})
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 2 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + infosSize['width'], infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i, colors.lightGray})
- end
- -- Controls
- contorlsSize['startX'] = infosSize['endX'] + margin + 1
- contorlsSize['startY'] = margin + 1
- contorlsSize['endX'] = w-margin
- contorlsSize['endY'] = (((h - (margin*2))/3)*2) +1
- contorlsSize['height'] = contorlsSize['endY']-contorlsSize['startY']-(margin)-1
- contorlsSize['width'] = contorlsSize['endX']-contorlsSize['startX']-(margin*2)-2
- contorlsSize['inX'] = contorlsSize['startX'] + margin +1
- contorlsSize['inY'] = contorlsSize['startY'] + margin
- table.insert(boxes, {contorlsSize['startX'] , contorlsSize['startY'], contorlsSize['endX'], contorlsSize['endY'], colors.gray})
- name = "CONTROLS"
- table.insert(lines, {contorlsSize['startX'] + margin , contorlsSize['startY'], contorlsSize['startX'] + (margin*2) + #name+1, contorlsSize['startY'],})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['startX'] + (margin*2), contorlsSize['startY'], name, colors.white,})
- contorlsSize['sectionHeight'] = math.floor(contorlsSize['height']/4)
- reactor = reactors[1]
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- setButton("ON","ON", powerUp, contorlsSize['inX'], contorlsSize['inY'], contorlsSize['inX'] + math.floor(contorlsSize['width']/2) -1, contorlsSize['inY'] +2, 0, 0,
- setButton("OFF","OFF", powerDown, contorlsSize['inX'] + math.floor(contorlsSize['width']/2) +2, contorlsSize['inY'], contorlsSize['inX'] + contorlsSize['width'], contorlsSize['inY'] +2,0, 0,
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+8, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+1, 'AUTO-CONTROL', colors.white,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+5, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+3, 'MIN', colors.lightBlue,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+5, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, minPowerRod..'%', colors.lightBlue,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+13, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, '--', colors.white,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+20, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+3, 'MAX', colors.purple,})
- table.insert(texts, {contorlsSize['inX']+20, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*1)+4, maxPowerRod..'%', colors.purple,})
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- setButton("low-10","-10", modifyRods, contorlsSize['inX'], contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*2)+2, contorlsSize['inX'] + math.floor(contorlsSize['width']/2) -1, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*2)+4, "min", -10, colors.lightBlue)
- setButton("high-10","-10", modifyRods, contorlsSize['inX'] + math.floor(contorlsSize['width']/2) +2, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*2)+2, contorlsSize['inX'] + contorlsSize['width'], contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*2)+4, "max", -10, colors.purple)
- setButton("low+10","+10", modifyRods, contorlsSize['inX'], contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*3)+2, contorlsSize['inX'] + math.floor(contorlsSize['width']/2) -1, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*3)+4, "min", 10, colors.lightBlue)
- setButton("high+10","+10", modifyRods, contorlsSize['inX'] + math.floor(contorlsSize['width']/2) +2, contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*3)+2, contorlsSize['inX'] + contorlsSize['width'], contorlsSize['inY'] +(contorlsSize['sectionHeight']*3)+4, "max", 10, colors.purple)
- -- Numbers
- numbersSize['startX'] = infosSize['endX'] + margin + 1
- numbersSize['startY'] = contorlsSize['endY'] + margin + 1
- numbersSize['endX'] = w-margin
- numbersSize['endY'] = h-margin
- numbersSize['height'] = numbersSize['endY']-numbersSize['startY']-(margin)-1
- numbersSize['width'] = numbersSize['endX']-numbersSize['startX']-(margin*2)-2
- numbersSize['inX'] = numbersSize['startX'] + margin +1
- numbersSize['inY'] = numbersSize['startY'] + margin
- table.insert(boxes, {numbersSize['startX'] , numbersSize['startY'], numbersSize['endX'], numbersSize['endY'], colors.gray})
- name = "NUMBERS"
- table.insert(lines, {numbersSize['startX'] + margin , numbersSize['startY'], numbersSize['startX'] + (margin*2) + #name+1, numbersSize['startY'],})
- table.insert(texts, {numbersSize['startX'] + (margin*2), numbersSize['startY'], name, colors.white,})
- refresh = true
- while refresh do
- parallel.waitForAny(refreshSingleReactor,clickEvent)
- end
- end
- -- Makes and Handles the draw function for less lag in the visual
- function refreshSingleReactor()
- local rfPerTick = 0
- local rfTotal = 0
- local rfTotalMax = 10000000
- local reactor = reactors[1]
- rfTotal = reactor.getEnergyStored()
- rfPerTick = math.floor(reactor.getEnergyProducedLastTick())
- rodLevel = math.floor(reactor.getControlRodLevel(0))
- fuelPerTick = reactor.getFuelConsumedLastTick();
- local i = 0
- local infotoAdd = 'RF PER TICK : '
- if currentRfTick ~= rfPerTick then
- currentRfTick = rfPerTick
- if rfPerTick > rfPerTickMax then
- rfPerTickMax = rfPerTick
- end
- table.insert(lines, {numbersSize['inX'] , numbersSize['inY'],numbersSize['inX'] + numbersSize['width'] , numbersSize['inY'],})
- table.insert(texts, {numbersSize['inX'], numbersSize['inY'], infotoAdd .. rfPerTick .. " RF", colors.white,})
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 1 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + infosSize['width'], infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i, colors.lightGray})
- width = math.floor((infosSize['width'] / rfPerTickMax)*rfPerTick)
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 1 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + width, infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i,})
- end
- i = 1
- infotoAdd = 'ENERGY STORED : '
- if currentRfTotal ~= rfTotal then
- currentRfTotal = rfTotal
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 1 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + infosSize['width'], infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i, colors.lightGray})
- width = math.floor((infosSize['width'] / rfTotalMax)*rfTotal)
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 1 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + width, infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i,})
- table.insert(lines, {numbersSize['inX'] , numbersSize['inY'] +2 ,numbersSize['inX'] + numbersSize['width'] , numbersSize['inY'] +2,})
- table.insert(texts, {numbersSize['inX'], numbersSize['inY']+ 2 , infotoAdd .. rfTotal .. " RF", colors.white,})
- end
- i = 2
- infotoAdd = 'CONTROL ROD LEVEL : '
- if currentRodLevel ~= rodLevel then
- currentRodLevel = rodLevel
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 1 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + infosSize['width'], infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i, colors.lightGray})
- width = math.floor((infosSize['width'] / 100)*rodLevel)
- table.insert(filleds, {infosSize['inX'] , infosSize['inY'] + 1 + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*i) +i, infosSize['inX'] + width, infosSize['inY'] + (infosSize['sectionHeight']*(i+1))-2 +i,})
- table.insert(lines, {numbersSize['inX'] , numbersSize['inY']+4 ,numbersSize['inX'] + numbersSize['width'] , numbersSize['inY'] +4,})
- table.insert(texts, {numbersSize['inX'], numbersSize['inY']+ 4 , infotoAdd .. rodLevel .. "%", colors.white,})
- end
- i = 3
- infotoAdd = 'FUEL USAGE : '
- if currentFuelConsumedLastTick ~= fuelPerTick then
- currentFuelConsumedLastTick = fuelPerTick
- table.insert(lines, {numbersSize['inX'] , numbersSize['inY']+6 ,numbersSize['inX'] + numbersSize['width'] , numbersSize['inY'] +6,})
- table.insert(texts, {numbersSize['inX'], numbersSize['inY']+ 6 , infotoAdd .. format_num(tonumber(fuelPerTick),3) .. "mb/t", colors.white,})
- end
- mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
- adjustRodsLevel()
- draw()
- sleep(2)
- end
- --
- -- ** Get the informations from the index file
- -- line 1 = min ROD
- -- line 2 = max ROD
- --
- function getInfoFromFile()
- if (fs.exists(index..".txt") == false) then
- file =".txt","w")
- file:write("0")
- file:write("\n")
- file:write("100")
- file:close()
- else
- file =".txt","r")
- minPowerRod = tonumber(file.readLine())
- maxPowerRod = tonumber(file.readLine())
- file.close()
- end
- end
- -- Save informations to the index file
- function setInfoToFile()
- file =".txt","w")
- file:write(minPowerRod .. "\n" .. maxPowerRod)
- file:flush()
- file:close()
- end
- ---============================================================
- -- add comma to separate thousands
- -- From
- --
- --
- function comma_value(amount)
- local formatted = amount
- while true do
- formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
- if (k==0) then
- break
- end
- end
- return formatted
- end
- ---============================================================
- -- rounds a number to the nearest decimal places
- -- From
- --
- --
- function round(val, decimal)
- if (decimal) then
- return math.floor( (val * 10^decimal) + 0.5) / (10^decimal)
- else
- return math.floor(val+0.5)
- end
- end
- --===================================================================
- -- given a numeric value formats output with comma to separate thousands
- -- and rounded to given decimal places
- -- From
- --
- function format_num(amount, decimal, prefix, neg_prefix)
- local str_amount, formatted, famount, remain
- decimal = decimal or 2 -- default 2 decimal places
- neg_prefix = neg_prefix or "-" -- default negative sign
- famount = math.abs(round(amount,decimal))
- famount = math.floor(famount)
- remain = round(math.abs(amount) - famount, decimal)
- -- comma to separate the thousands
- formatted = comma_value(famount)
- -- attach the decimal portion
- if (decimal > 0) then
- remain = string.sub(tostring(remain),3)
- formatted = formatted .. "." .. remain ..
- string.rep("0", decimal - string.len(remain))
- end
- -- attach prefix string e.g '$'
- formatted = (prefix or "") .. formatted
- -- if value is negative then format accordingly
- if (amount<0) then
- if (neg_prefix=="()") then
- formatted = "("..formatted ..")"
- else
- formatted = neg_prefix .. formatted
- end
- end
- return formatted
- end
- -- Clear and make the pixel smaller because we are not blind
- mon.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.clear()
- mon.setTextScale(0.5)
- -- Get the information from the index file
- getInfoFromFile()
- -- Add's the visual and starts the Loop
- addDrawBoxesSingleReactor()
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