

Oct 3rd, 2015
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  1. I do this all the time on Twitter. Create fake accounts that look real, casually mention that I'm an engineer at Github or Apple or Google (someone with something to lose), and then send nasty tweets to sjws.
  2. Sjws pounce on this because of how easy it is to get a white, straight male fired in the tech industry who espouses the wrong opinions (think Brendan Eich).
  3. Sjws with a large following start retweeting my shit so that their followers start to pile on. Eventually one of them will find the hints I drop in my bio or tweet history about where I work and start sending out butthurt tweets to google, apple, etc saying passive aggressive bullshit like:
  4. "I guess @Google thinks nothing of having a racist asshole work for them #SwitchingToBing"
  5. I do this to vent my hatred of sjws but also because it wastes much more of their time and energy than mine. I also get pleasure thinking of their sad, round little sjw faces framed by their pink dyed hair getting all disappointed at having claimed a fake scalp
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