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- public string sendTag = "spycoordinate", settingBackup = "", scriptName = "NDS Spy Plane";
- public double gyroStrengthMultiplier = 0.8, settingsVersion = 1.0;
- public IMyTerminalBlock genRemote;
- public List<IMyGyro> gyroList = new List<IMyGyro>();
- public bool aligning = false, resave = false, foundName = false, foundVersion = false;
- public Vector3D planetCoordinate = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
- public Program()
- {
- Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
- Echo("Booting");
- SyncRemote();
- if (genRemote == null) throw new Exception("\n No control block found (remote control or cockpit)");
- else Echo("Booted up and found control block: " + genRemote.CustomName);
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyGyro>(gyroList, g => g.CubeGrid == Me.CubeGrid);
- GroundCoordinate((IMyShipController)genRemote, 0);
- StopOverride();
- if (Me.CustomData == "") SaveData();
- else LoadData();
- Save();
- }
- public void Save()
- {
- }
- public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
- {
- if (Me.CustomData != settingBackup) LoadData();
- if (argument.ToLower() == "align") {
- aligning = !aligning;
- if (!aligning) StopOverride();
- }
- else if (updateSource == UpdateType.Terminal || argument != "") {
- double offset = 0;
- try { offset = double.Parse(argument); } catch { }
- try { RelayCoordinate(offset); } catch {
- SyncRemote();
- Echo("Error getting coordinate");
- if (genRemote == null) Echo("Control block lost, no control block found");
- }
- }
- if (aligning) Align();
- else Echo("Not aligning");
- }
- public void RelayCoordinate(double offset)
- {
- Vector3D groundCoordinate = GroundCoordinate((IMyShipController)genRemote, offset);
- IGC.SendBroadcastMessage<Vector3D>(sendTag, groundCoordinate, TransmissionDistance.AntennaRelay);
- Echo("Sent location: " + groundCoordinate.ToString("N0"));
- }
- public void SyncRemote()
- {
- if (genRemote == null || Me.CubeGrid.CubeExists(genRemote.Position)) {
- genRemote = null;
- List<IMyTerminalBlock> blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyRemoteControl>(blocks);
- if (blocks.Count == 0)
- GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyCockpit>(blocks);
- if (blocks.Count > 0)
- genRemote = blocks[0];
- }
- }
- public Vector3D GroundCoordinate(IMyShipController reference, double offset)
- {
- Vector3D vector, currentPosition = reference.GetPosition();
- if (reference.TryGetPlanetPosition(out planetCoordinate)) {
- vector = Vector3D.Normalize(currentPosition - planetCoordinate);
- double distance = Vector3D.Distance(planetCoordinate, currentPosition), elevation = 0;
- reference.TryGetPlanetElevation(MyPlanetElevation.Surface, out elevation);
- distance -= elevation + offset;
- return planetCoordinate + (vector * distance);
- }
- return new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
- }
- public void StopOverride()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < gyroList.Count; i++) {
- gyroList[i].Pitch = 0f;
- gyroList[i].Yaw = 0f;
- gyroList[i].Roll = 0f;
- gyroList[i].GyroOverride = false;
- }
- }
- public void Align()
- {
- Echo("Aligning");
- Vector2D dir = GetDirectionTo(planetCoordinate, genRemote);
- ApplyGyroOverride(dir.X, 0, -dir.Y, genRemote);
- }
- //Whip's ApplyGyroOverride Method v9 - 8/19/17
- void ApplyGyroOverride(double pitch_speed, double yaw_speed, double roll_speed, IMyTerminalBlock reference)
- {
- var rotationVec = new Vector3D(-pitch_speed, yaw_speed, roll_speed); //because keen does some weird stuff with signs
- var shipMatrix = reference.WorldMatrix;
- var relativeRotationVec = Vector3D.TransformNormal(rotationVec, shipMatrix);
- foreach (var thisGyro in gyroList)
- {
- var gyroMatrix = thisGyro.WorldMatrix;
- var transformedRotationVec = Vector3D.TransformNormal(relativeRotationVec, Matrix.Transpose(gyroMatrix));
- thisGyro.Pitch = (float)transformedRotationVec.X;
- thisGyro.Yaw = (float)transformedRotationVec.Y;
- thisGyro.Roll = (float)transformedRotationVec.Z;
- thisGyro.GyroOverride = true;
- }
- }
- public Vector2D GetDirectionTo(Vector3D targetVector, IMyTerminalBlock originBlock)
- {
- MatrixD matrix = originBlock.WorldMatrix;
- Vector3D originVector = originBlock.GetPosition(), forwardVector = matrix.Down * 5.0 , rightVector = matrix.Right * 5.0, upVector = matrix.Forward * 5.0;
- forwardVector = forwardVector + originVector;
- rightVector = rightVector + originVector;
- upVector = upVector + originVector;
- double
- originRange = Vector3D.Distance(originVector, targetVector),
- forwardRange = Vector3D.Distance(forwardVector, targetVector),
- upRange = Vector3D.Distance(upVector, targetVector),
- rightRange = Vector3D.Distance(rightVector, targetVector),
- upLength = Vector3D.Distance(upVector, originVector),
- rightLength = Vector3D.Distance(rightVector, originVector);
- double
- ThetaP = Math.Acos((upRange * upRange - upLength * upLength - originRange * originRange) / (-2.0 * upLength * originRange)),
- ThetaY = Math.Acos((rightRange * rightRange - rightLength * rightLength - originRange * originRange) / (-2.0 * rightLength * originRange));
- double outPitch = 90.0 - (ThetaP * 180.0 / Math.PI), outYaw = 90.0 - (ThetaY * 180.0 / Math.PI);
- if (originRange < forwardRange) outPitch = 180 - outPitch;
- if (outPitch > 180.0) outPitch = -1 * (360 - outPitch);
- if (originRange < forwardRange) outYaw = 180.0 - outYaw;
- if (outYaw > 180.0) outYaw = -1.0 * (360.0 - outYaw);
- outPitch = (outPitch / 180.0) * Math.PI * gyroStrengthMultiplier;
- outYaw = (outYaw / 180.0) * Math.PI * gyroStrengthMultiplier;
- return new Vector2D(outPitch, outYaw);
- }
- public void SaveData()
- {
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
- builder.AppendLine("sendTag=" + sendTag + ";");
- builder.AppendLine("gyroStrengthMultiplier=" + gyroStrengthMultiplier.ToString() + ";");
- builder.AppendLine("scriptName=" + scriptName + ";");
- builder.AppendLine("settingsVersion=" + settingsVersion.ToString("N2") + ";");
- Me.CustomData = builder.ToString().TrimEnd();
- foundVersion = false;
- foundName = false;
- resave = false;
- Storage = Me.CustomData;
- settingBackup = Me.CustomData;
- }
- public void LoadData()
- {
- if (Me.CustomData == "" && Storage != "") Me.CustomData = Storage;
- string temp = Me.CustomData.Replace("\r\n", String.Empty).Replace("\n", String.Empty).Replace("\r", String.Empty).Replace("\t", String.Empty);
- string[] settingArray = temp.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
- for (int i = 0; i < settingArray.Length; i++)
- ProcessSetting(settingArray[i]);
- if (resave || !foundVersion || !foundName) SaveData();
- else settingBackup = Me.CustomData;
- }
- public void ProcessSetting(string settingString)
- {
- string settingKey = settingString.Substring(0, settingString.IndexOf("=")), settingValue = settingString.Substring(settingString.IndexOf("=") + 1);
- bool settingBool = settingValue.ToLower() == "true";
- double settingDouble = 0.0;
- try { settingDouble = double.Parse(settingValue); } catch { }
- switch (settingKey)
- {
- case "sendTag":
- sendTag = settingValue;
- break;
- case "gyroStrengthMultiplier":
- gyroStrengthMultiplier = settingDouble;
- break;
- case "scriptName":
- foundName = true;
- if (settingValue != scriptName) resave = true;
- break;
- case "settingsVersion":
- foundVersion = true;
- if (settingDouble != settingsVersion) resave = true;
- break;
- }
- }
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