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- """ serveur REST web ,avec exbase de données externe et basic AUTH
- dépendances:
- sudo apt install python3-pip
- pip3 install Flask
- pip3 install Flask-HTTPAuth
- Cette version charge la base de données ext. à partir d'un fichier
- p.e externe data.txt
- Example contenu du fichier externe "data.txt"
- {"db":[
- {
- "id":"1",
- "name":"Albert",
- "title":"Chercheur"
- },
- {
- "id":"2",
- "name":"Isaac",
- "title":"physicien"
- },
- {
- "id":"3",
- "name":"Antonio Villanueva",
- "title":"developpeur"
- },
- {
- "id":"4",
- "name":"Franck Clerissi",
- "title":"Charge d affaires "
- }
- ]
- }
- Example Commandes que nous pouvons exécuter dans curl
- getAllEmp
- curl -i http://localhost:5000/axiome/employe/
- getEmp
- curl -i http://localhost:5000/axiome/employe/{$id}
- default
- curl -i http://localhost:5000
- updateEmp
- curl -i -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"title":"esclave"}' http://localhost:5000/axiome/employe/1 -u"axiome:concept"
- createEmp
- curl -i -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id":"69","name":"Angus","title":"guitar"}' http://localhost:5000/axiome/employe/ -u"axiome:concept"
- Delete
- curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/axiome/employe/1 -u"axiome:concept"
- """
- from flask import Flask
- from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth #pip install Flask-HTTPAuth
- from flask import jsonify
- from flask import request
- from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
- import json
- import os,sys #For path file ;)
- app = Flask(__name__)
- auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
- BASE_WEB_ADDRESS="/axiome/employe/" #Adresse de base de l'adresse Web RESTful
- hostname ="localhost" # ip ... ou pour tests
- PORT=5000 #Port RESTfull web server
- EXT_JSON_FILE="data.txt" #fichier de base de données externe
- """ login:pwd"""
- users = {
- "axiome": generate_password_hash("concept"),
- "tony": generate_password_hash("icaro")
- }
- @auth.verify_password
- def verify_password(username, password):
- if username in users and \
- check_password_hash(users.get(username), password):
- return username
- @app.route("/")
- def default():
- """page Web par défaut """
- return jsonify({'Base Web address':BASE_WEB_ADDRESS})
- @app.route(BASE_WEB_ADDRESS,methods=['GET'])
- def getAllEmp():
- """renvoie toute la base de données """
- return jsonify(employesDB)
- @app.route(BASE_WEB_ADDRESS+'<empId>',methods=['GET'])
- def getEmp(empId):
- usr=[]
- for elem in employesDB['db']:#Loops over dictionary in db list
- for key,value in elem.items():
- if key=='id' and value == empId:
- usr=elem
- return jsonify({'employe':usr})
- @app.route(BASE_WEB_ADDRESS,methods=['POST'])
- @auth.login_required
- def createEmp():
- """ Créer un nouvel employé"""
- dat = {
- 'id':request.json['id'],
- 'name':request.json['name'],
- 'title':request.json['title']
- }
- employesDB['db'].append(dat)
- return jsonify(dat)
- @app.route(BASE_WEB_ADDRESS+'<empId>',methods=['PUT'])
- @auth.login_required
- def updateEmp(empId):
- """mettre à jour un employé dans la base de données """
- for elem in employesDB['db'] : #Loop over list -> dicts
- #look over list elem
- if elem['id'] ==empId:
- if 'name' in request.json :
- elem['name']=request.json['name']
- if 'title' in request.json :
- elem['title']=request.json['title']
- return getEmp(empId)
- @app.route(BASE_WEB_ADDRESS+'<empId>',methods=['DELETE'])
- @auth.login_required
- def deleteEmp(empId):
- """Efface employe dans employeeDB """
- for index,item in enumerate(employesDB['db']):
- for key,value in item.items():
- if key=='id' and value ==empId:
- #find=index
- employesDB['db'].pop(index)
- return jsonify({'response':'delete employe'+empId})
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #Opening extern JSON file see example in ligne 7
- #fichier = open('data.txt')
- fichier = open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], EXT_JSON_FILE), "r")
- employes=json.load(fichier) #To parse JSON from file json.load() returns dictionary
- fichier.close()
- employesDB=employes
- print ("Type ",type (employesDB),employesDB)
- host=hostname,port=PORT)
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