
Prism Any% Glitched Route Test

Jun 19th, 2017
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  1. - get 5 fossil cases
  2. - go to fossil building, get fossil case, deposit in PC and return for another
  3. - withdraw fossil cases in PC
  4. - bike to mart
  5. - swap 4th and 5th fossil cases. energy root x99 and blk apricorn x0 should appear
  6. - swap energy root with bicycle
  7. - swap last fossil case with blk apricorn (cannot swap blk apricorn directly as it's in the position of cancel)
  8. - swap blk apricorn with bicycle
  9. - sell an amount of 99 stacks of energy roots (number tbd)
  10. - buy 99 poke balls, then 99 poke balls, then enough pokeballs to get the third stack to 55, then 7 great balls
  11. - toss 44 from first and 2nd stack of poke balls
  12. - bike back to laurel center
  13. - deposit bicycle
  14. - alternate between depositing tokenfinder in balls pocket and depositing a fossil case in key items until 3 tokenfinders have been deposited
  15. - switch to balls pocket and deposit tokenfinder
  16. - switch to key items pocket and deposit fossil case
  17. - switch to balls pocket and deposit tokenfinder
  18. - switch to key items pocket and deposit fossil case
  19. - switch to balls pocket and deposit tokenfinder
  20. - withdraw three tokenfinders
  21. - do not withdraw any other key items, if you go over 3 key items you cannot fix this by depositing non-essential key items!!!
  22. - exit PC and open key items pocket
  23. - swap 2nd and 3rd tokenfinder
  24. - go to PC and deposit coin case
  25. - exit PC and open key items pocket
  26. - swap 1st and 2nd tokenfinder
  27. - go to PC and deposit 1st tokenfinder
  28. - exit PC and open key items pocket
  30. - select tokenfinder (press select on tokenfinder)
  31. - note: viewing the description of Item 00 crashes the game! avoid this by always swapping to scroll past them
  32. - scroll down and press select on the first tokenfinder seen (any should work though)
  33. - scroll to bicycle and press select on it
  34. - swap it with first item in key items pocket
  35. - press select on bicycle
  36. - scroll down to master ball x255 (above cancel), then press B
  37. - go to deposit menu and switch to key items
  38. - deposit the following (items should appear after depositing):
  39. - 32 master balls
  40. - 81 rare candies
  41. - 43 poison barbs
  42. - 40 max repels
  43. - 38 max revives
  44. - 15 full heals
  45. - 53 max potions
  46. - 21 x specials
  47. - 11 max elixirs
  48. - 250 ice heals
  49. - exit deposit menu and go to withdraw menu
  50. - withdraw all full stacks of the created items except master balls, poison barbs and ice heals
  51. - exit PC menu and exit center
  52. - open item menu
  53. - go to items pocket
  54. - re-organize inventory
  55. - use rare candies on quilava to get to L100 (todo: which moves to teach?)
  56. - switch to key items pocket
  57. - cursor should be on magnet pass. press select to select magnet pass
  58. - scroll all the way up to the top of the inventory (where bicycle was placed earlier) and press select
  59. - press A on bicycle, set as registered item, then use bicycle
  60. - do stuff
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