

Nov 29th, 2012
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  1. [02:22:35] <+Blizzardo1> I know a lot about API Access
  2. [02:22:41] <+Blizzardo1> I have a Library full of API
  3. [02:23:29] <+Blizzardo1> So I don't ever need to touh a signature again, unless I need it :P
  4. [02:23:45] <+Blizzardo1> public static extern bool IsWindowVisible(int h);
  5. [02:23:45] <@Lexi> lol
  6. [02:23:53] <+Blizzardo1> Change that to IntPtr hWnd
  7. [02:23:58] <@Lexi> why
  8. [02:24:10] <@Lexi> this works great
  9. [02:24:30] <+Blizzardo1> Either one really
  10. [02:24:43] <@Lexi> oh so i won't have to do the int32 conversion?
  11. [02:24:47] <+Blizzardo1> I just hate having to cast IntPtr to int
  12. [02:24:53] <+Blizzardo1> Where?
  13. [02:24:54] <@Lexi> yeah makes sense
  14. [02:24:57] <@Lexi> why didn't I think of that
  15. [02:25:34] <@Lexi> done
  16. [02:25:45] <+Blizzardo1> You're casting either way, might as well just stick to one primative or Class
  17. [02:26:10] <+Blizzardo1> Now working with multiple Objects... Overloads are a fantastic thing :P
  18. [02:26:18] <@Lexi> @___@
  19. [02:26:29] <@Lexi> I hate WinAPI in general
  20. [02:26:34] <+Blizzardo1> I love WinAPI
  21. [02:26:39] <+Blizzardo1> Wanna see my DLL?
  22. [02:26:44] <@Lexi> I wrote an Xchat sys info script in perl once using WinAPI
  23. [02:26:44] <+Blizzardo1> It's well documented
  24. [02:26:51] <@Lexi> my brain was bleeding by the time I Was done
  25. [02:26:54] <@Lexi> I'm sure KtecK remembers it
  26. [02:26:56] <+Blizzardo1> lol
  27. [02:27:07] <@Lexi> and sure i can take a look :D
  28. [02:27:13] <@Lexi> unless its C+ in which cause i won't understand squat
  29. [02:27:18] <+Blizzardo1> no
  30. [02:27:23] <@Lexi> lol
  31. [02:27:32] <@Lexi> ill get around to learning C+ someday but I'm in the process of learning python atm
  32. [02:27:44] <+Blizzardo1> C++ :P
  33. [02:27:50] <@Lexi> ...
  34. [02:27:57] <@Lexi> they're synonymes >:(
  35. [02:28:01] <@Lexi> ~wiki C+
  36. [02:28:02] <~Fry> There were no results matching the query.
  37. [02:28:04] <@Lexi> ...
  38. [02:28:05] <@Lexi> FUCK YOU
  39. [02:28:10] <+Blizzardo1> ~wiki C+
  40. [02:28:11] <~Fry> There were no results matching the query.
  41. [02:28:13] <+Blizzardo1> ~wiki C++
  42. [02:28:14] <~Fry> Wikipedia C++ (
  43. [02:28:15] <~Fry> Description: C++ (pronounced "see plus plus") is a statically typed, free-form, multi-paradigm, compiled, general-purpose programming language. It is regarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises a combination of both high-level and low-level language features. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs, it adds object oriented features, such as classes, and other enhancements
  44. [02:28:16] <+Blizzardo1> HA
  45. [02:28:20] <@Lexi> D:
  46. [02:28:21] <@Lexi> it worked before
  47. [02:28:23] <@Lexi> ~wiki Cplus
  48. [02:28:24] <~Fry> Wikipedia Sunkist (soft drink) (
  49. [02:28:24] <~Fry> Description: Sunkist is a brand of primarily orange flavored soft drinks launched in 1979.
  50. [02:28:25] <@Lexi> ....
  51. [02:28:29] <@Lexi> you win
  52. [02:28:30] <+Blizzardo1> HAHAHAHAHAHA
  53. [02:28:42] <+Blizzardo1> You're LINQ God, I'll admit that
  54. [02:28:49] <@Lexi> :'D
  55. [02:28:58] <+Blizzardo1> But Remember this, I work well with the roots, something LINQ can't do :P
  56. [02:29:28] <@Lexi> .-.
  57. [02:30:00] <@Lexi> touching system level code with C# is like trying to solder a circuit board with a flamethrower
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