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- Shishire@Blasphemy:~$ git clone
- Cloning into 'AtomForge'...
- remote: Counting objects: 57, done.
- remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
- remote: Total 57 (delta 19), reused 51 (delta 13)
- Unpacking objects: 100% (57/57), done.
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~$ cd AtomForge/
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git pull
- Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'master'
- from the remote, but no such ref was fetched.
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git --version
- git version 1.7.9
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ uname -a
- CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 Blasphemy 1.7.14(0.260/5/3) 2012-04-25 09:41 i686 Cygwin
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git fetch
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git branch -a
- * master
- remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
- remotes/origin/develop
- remotes/origin/master
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ cat .git
- .git/ .gitignore
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ cat .git
- .git/ .gitignore
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ cat .git/config
- [core]
- repositoryformatversion = 0
- filemode = true
- bare = false
- logallrefupdates = true
- ignorecase = true
- [remote "origin"]
- fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
- url =
- [branch "master"]
- remote = origin
- merge = refs/heads/master
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git branch -vv
- * master 204ef9e [origin/master] v0.2
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git show @{u}
- commit 204ef9ea59920e6ec25d9568b78af9460fff8b1f
- Merge: 593ea39 42a8f35
- Author: Scrubbed <[email protected]>
- Date: Wed Apr 11 14:38:58 2012 -0400
- v0.2
- Merge branch 'develop'
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git pull origin master
- From
- * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
- There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched.
- Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no
- matches on the remote end.
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git merge origin/master
- Already up-to-date.
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git config --list
- core.excludesfile=/home/Shishire/.global_ignore
- core.repositoryformatversion=0
- core.filemode=true
- core.bare=false
- core.logallrefupdates=true
- core.ignorecase=true
- remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
- remote.origin.url=
- branch.master.remote=origin
- branch.master.merge=refs/heads/master
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ echo $GIT_WORK_TREE; echo $GIT_DIR;
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ GIT_TRACE=1 git pull
- trace: exec: 'git-pull'
- trace: run_command: 'git-pull'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '--git-dir'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '--is-bare-repository'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '--show-toplevel'
- trace: built-in: git 'ls-files' '-u'
- trace: built-in: git 'symbolic-ref' '-q' 'HEAD'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' '--bool' 'branch.master.rebase'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' '--bool' 'pull.rebase'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '-q' '--verify' 'HEAD'
- trace: built-in: git 'fetch' '--update-head-ok'
- trace: run_command: 'git-remote-https' 'origin' ''
- trace: run_command: 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all' '--quiet'
- trace: run_command: 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all'
- trace: exec: 'git' 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '-q' '--verify' 'HEAD'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' 'branch.master.merge'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' 'branch.master.remote'
- Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'master'
- from the remote, but no such ref was fetched.
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ echo $GIT_INDEX_FILE
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ GIT_TRACE=1 git pull origin master
- trace: exec: 'git-pull' 'origin' 'master'
- trace: run_command: 'git-pull' 'origin' 'master'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '--git-dir'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '--is-bare-repository'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '--show-toplevel'
- trace: built-in: git 'ls-files' '-u'
- trace: built-in: git 'symbolic-ref' '-q' 'HEAD'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' '--bool' 'branch.master.rebase'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' '--bool' 'pull.rebase'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '-q' '--verify' 'HEAD'
- trace: built-in: git 'fetch' '--update-head-ok' 'origin' 'master'
- trace: run_command: 'git-remote-https' 'origin' ''
- trace: run_command: 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all' '--quiet'
- trace: run_command: 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all'
- trace: exec: 'git' 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all'
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-list' '--verify-objects' '--stdin' '--not' '--all'
- From
- * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
- trace: built-in: git 'rev-parse' '-q' '--verify' 'HEAD'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' 'branch.master.merge'
- trace: built-in: git 'config' 'branch.master.remote'
- There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched.
- Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no
- matches on the remote end.
- Shishire@Blasphemy:~/AtomForge$ git ls-remote
- From
- 204ef9ea59920e6ec25d9568b78af9460fff8b1f HEAD
- 42a8f35419268bebb4342db14633f0803f7e74d8 refs/heads/develop
- 204ef9ea59920e6ec25d9568b78af9460fff8b1f refs/heads/master
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