
generated kube

Feb 9th, 2021
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  1. # podman generate kube telegraf > telegraf.yaml
  2. Error: container 408d585fa404fa1e654082ceab97d8e372134c1b7a81341fa10b909ed754c9da is associated with pod d38af0ecf56a4656b16e2cfc8770891bd9d722d605f75f5fcc67fab1bcba8ef2: use generate on the pod itself
  3. root@multi-v7-ml:/home/student/projects/mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana# podman generate kube d38af0ecf56a4656b16e2cfc8770891bd9d722d605f75f5fcc67fab1bcba8ef2 > pod.yaml
  4. root@multi-v7-ml:/home/student/projects/mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana# cat pod.yaml
  5. # Generation of Kubernetes YAML is still under development!
  6. #
  7. # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
  8. # it into Kubernetes.
  9. #
  10. # Created with podman-3.0.0-dev
  11. apiVersion: v1
  12. kind: Pod
  13. metadata:
  14. creationTimestamp: "2021-02-09T20:18:04Z"
  15. labels:
  16. app: mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana
  17. name: mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana
  18. spec:
  19. containers:
  20. - command:
  21. - /
  22. env:
  23. - name: PATH
  24. value: /usr/share/grafana/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  25. - name: TERM
  26. value: xterm
  27. - name: container
  28. value: podman
  29. - name: GF_PATHS_DATA
  30. value: /var/lib/grafana
  31. - name: GF_PATHS_LOGS
  32. value: /var/log/grafana
  33. - name: GF_PATHS_PLUGINS
  34. value: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
  36. value: /etc/grafana/provisioning
  37. - name: GF_PATHS_CONFIG
  38. value: /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
  39. - name: GF_PATHS_HOME
  40. value: /usr/share/grafana
  41. image:
  42. name: grafana
  43. ports:
  44. - containerPort: 8086
  45. hostPort: 8086
  46. protocol: TCP
  47. - containerPort: 3000
  48. hostPort: 3000
  49. protocol: TCP
  50. resources: {}
  51. securityContext:
  52. allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
  53. capabilities: {}
  54. privileged: false
  55. readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  56. runAsGroup: 0
  57. runAsUser: 472
  58. seLinuxOptions: {}
  59. volumeMounts:
  60. - mountPath: /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
  61. name: home-student-projects-mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana-conf-grafana-grafana.ini
  62. - mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
  63. name: home-student-projects-tig-data-grafana
  64. - mountPath: /var/log/grafana
  65. name: home-student-projects-tig-log-grafana
  66. workingDir: /usr/share/grafana
  67. - args:
  68. - telegraf
  69. command:
  70. - /
  71. env:
  72. - name: PATH
  73. value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  74. - name: TERM
  75. value: xterm
  76. - name: container
  77. value: podman
  78. - name: TELEGRAF_VERSION
  79. value: 1.17.2
  80. image:
  81. name: telegraf
  82. resources: {}
  83. securityContext:
  84. allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
  85. capabilities: {}
  86. privileged: false
  87. readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  88. seLinuxOptions: {}
  89. volumeMounts:
  90. - mountPath: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
  91. name: home-student-projects-mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana-conf-telegraf-telegraf.conf
  92. - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
  93. name: var-run-docker.sock
  94. workingDir: /
  95. - args:
  96. - influxd
  97. command:
  98. - /
  99. env:
  100. - name: PATH
  101. value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  102. - name: TERM
  103. value: xterm
  104. - name: container
  105. value: podman
  106. - name: INFLUXDB_VERSION
  107. value: 1.8.4
  108. image:
  109. name: influxdb
  110. resources: {}
  111. securityContext:
  112. allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
  113. capabilities: {}
  114. privileged: false
  115. readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  116. seLinuxOptions: {}
  117. volumeMounts:
  118. - mountPath: /var/lib/influxdb
  119. name: home-student-projects-tig-data-influxdb
  120. - mountPath: /etc/influxdb
  121. name: home-student-projects-mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana-conf-influxdb
  122. workingDir: /
  123. dnsConfig: {}
  124. restartPolicy: Always
  125. volumes:
  126. - hostPath:
  127. path: /home/student/projects/tig/data/grafana
  128. type: Directory
  129. name: home-student-projects-tig-data-grafana
  130. - hostPath:
  131. path: /home/student/projects/tig/log/grafana
  132. type: Directory
  133. name: home-student-projects-tig-log-grafana
  134. - hostPath:
  135. path: /home/student/projects/mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana/conf/telegraf/telegraf.conf
  136. type: File
  137. name: home-student-projects-mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana-conf-telegraf-telegraf.conf
  138. - hostPath:
  139. path: /var/run/docker.sock
  140. type: File
  141. name: var-run-docker.sock
  142. - hostPath:
  143. path: /home/student/projects/tig/data/influxdb
  144. type: Directory
  145. name: home-student-projects-tig-data-influxdb
  146. - hostPath:
  147. path: /home/student/projects/mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana/conf/influxdb
  148. type: Directory
  149. name: home-student-projects-mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana-conf-influxdb
  150. - hostPath:
  151. path: /home/student/projects/mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana/conf/grafana/grafana.ini
  152. type: File
  153. name: home-student-projects-mqtt-telegraf-influxdb-grafana-conf-grafana-grafana.ini
  154. status: {}
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