
The FATED #florajojo 3/12/2017

Mar 12th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. DetectiveCaillou|GM: When last our heroes' story left off, the corpse of Pirrue was found at the scene of a robbery; that of her very own commissioned work of art! Even more shocking was how her corpse got up! With a zombified victim, with a deep wound in the neck, and a lesser wound already mostly healed in the stomach, our heroes are left with two questions; who killed her, and who is the phantom thief Hermes?!
  4. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Not fifteen minutes after the initial reactions to the scene concluded, that police and museum security arrived to cordon off the crime scene.
  5. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Thirty minutes after that, and Pirrue is set free from the unorthodox (and unintrusive) autopsy performed in Restoration, while Alias and Tinncev have already been released from questioning.
  6. Alias: Also, Alias recovered from his fainting, in the meantime
  7. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Yeah. Also, you're all back in the general "public" area of the museum.)
  8. Pirrue: "This sucks. This *sucks*. This ***sucks!!!***"
  9. Alias: _Alias is extremely glad he wasn't dragged to the MYPD_
  10. Tinncev: "Well I'm going to still go after this trail." He spoke, "I'm going home, you both can have my contact information." He said as he handed out cards to Pirrue and Alias.
  11. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I'm assuming you both opted not to talk about the goons that should probably be in the hospital because of you?)
  12. Alias: (Yeah, I didn't say anything)
  13. Tinncev: (I'll talk to them, in the hospital.)
  14. Tinncev: (Once they recovered)
  15. DetectiveCaillou|GM: ("Should", not necessarily "are". You don't know what happened to them after the fight concluded.)
  16. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Tinncev is trying to give you something, guys.)
  17. Alias: "Huh?"
  18. Pirrue: _grabs the card, not really caring what it says. "Who the crap *are* you two, anyway."_
  19. Alias: _Alias reaches and takes the card, and then looks at it_
  20. Alias: "The name's Alias, you can also call me big 'A'." Alias says, extending his other hand towards Pirrue "There was sweet proposition I wanted to talk with you."
  21. Tinncev: "Yeah, I have a feeling we're going to be finding each other, and I'm a detective." He spoke walking away, "If you want you can follow me." The card showed his area of residence, his compact info, and his alias.
  22. Alias: "Now, listen, you probably need a *person*, a person to work out your deals, Y'know?"Alias said, looking over to <@!Pirrue> , hoping for a reaction... And hoping that his hand would be shook...
  23. Pirrue: _adamantly refuses to shake Alias's hand. She squints at him suspiciously. "...what proposition?"_
  24. Alias: "Y'know, don't you need a *broker* of some sorts? I know you are just begining in this."
  25. "And... Okay, maybe your first step into the world of art wasn't the best, but..."
  26. "I mean, c'mon, I could be your broker, manage the contacts. I assure you, I am well-connected, you just need to look at me and see how *slick* I am to figure that out."
  27. Pirrue: _jabs Alias in the gut with a fingertip - with quite a bit more force than someone of her size should be capable of._
  28. Alias: "OOF."
  29. Pirrue: "The *crap* are you talking about. Do you have any idea what's just happened? ***To me?!?***"
  30. Tinncev: As he is about to walk out of the museum and yells back at Pirrue, "I might know who killed you." He spoke before walking out of the museum.
  31. Alias: "Alright, listen, okay?" Alias said, craddling his stomach "You gotta understand, in life, shit happens, it's about how well you can fall and then get back up. Just- Think about it."
  32. Alias: ( <@!Pirrue> ,Pirrue might be more interested in Tinncev's deal)
  33. Pirrue: _is still blinking angrily at Alias, then her ears prick up. "W-wait," she says, running after Tinncev. "Wait - *what did you just say?!?*"_
  34. Tinncev: He turns around at looks at Pirrue, "I said I might know who killed you." He spoke, looking at her straight in the eyes.
  35. Pirrue: _clenches her fists._
  36. Pirrue: "Tell me."
  37. Tinncev: ( <@!DetectiveCaillou|GM> Who was that Aurorian Fox that said was in love with her?)
  38. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Darling? I hope you don't plan on staying here all night." The mother of Pirrue is waving at the entrance. "Let's go home. We can talk more tomorrow."
  39. Pirrue: _calls out: "...wait a second, mom. I need to talk to this man about something."_
  40. Tinncev: ( <@!DetectiveCaillou|GM> ?)
  41. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (His name was Pepper, and I think you already mentioned it?)
  42. Tinncev: (Ah well, might as well reitterate it)
  43. Alias: "Hmmm..." Alias murmurs, looking at the two, and then looks at the card he still has in his hands... "Maybe I shall pay this one a visit later, yes..."
  44. Tinncev: "A Common Fox, by the name of Pepper, might have killed you." He spoke, "Have you heard of that name before?"
  45. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (*Commons Fox)
  46. Pirrue: " doesn't ring any bells. Where can we find him? Where can I..." She clenches her fists so tightly her fingers might break. "Where can I find a *weapon?*"
  47. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Wow, Pirrue is a much more violent person than I thought she was. Good to know. :3)
  48. Pirrue: (well, this has turned out differently from how I figured it was going to go XD)
  49. Pirrue: (Pirrue is intent on avenging herself XD)
  50. Alias: (I mean, people turn violent in certain occasions)
  51. Tinncev: "...Do you have Stand?" He asked, as his rose eye lights up and shows it's vines. "This is what those goons called it, and I think it's a represntation of one's self."
  52. Alias: (WHAAAAAAT?)
  53. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (But Pirrue doesn't have one. Yet. :3c)
  54. Tinncev: (Ah so she wouldn't see it then, right?)
  55. Pirrue: "...okay. I don't know *what* the hell you're talking about."
  56. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Up to her if she's in the "seeing" phase, yet.)
  57. Pirrue: She looks at Tinncev uncertainly, as if vaguely aware she should be seeing *something*,, nothing.
  58. Tinncev: He lets a vine touch Pirrue's arm, "Well do you feel that at least?" He asks, standing there.
  59. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Pirrue, darling, your father is back with the car. Do you want us to leave you here?"
  60. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I'm sure *anyone* can *feel* a Stand if the user wanted.)
  61. Tinncev: (yeah, he just wants to make sure)
  62. Alias: (I mean, not that he knows, yet)
  63. Pirrue: _jumps back in surprise. "How did you...?"_
  64. Tinncev: "So Stands are invisible to the regular then, interesting. What you felt was my Stand.."
  65. Alias: _Alias attempts to evadesop on the conversation_
  66. DetectiveCaillou|GM: *{Page 30-something, Panel 2: Alias leaning in close despite already being in very close proximity.}*
  67. Pirrue: (XD)
  68. Pirrue: "How do I get one?" Pirrue says, her whisper almost a hiss.
  69. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I'll do that kind of format whenever inspiration strikes for me imagining an "iconic" panel.)
  70. Tinncev: _tries to remember how he got his stand._
  71. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Hmm...)
  72. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh, right, if Kakyoin taught me anything... but wait, it's been implied that you didn't have this at birth...)
  73. Tinncev: (There's also stray cat)
  74. Tinncev: (Who got a stand after being buried.)
  75. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (But you weren't buried.)
  76. Tinncev: (Yeah, also I could have been hit by something that gives me a stand, like another stand or arrow?)
  77. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I have an idea.)
  78. Tinncev: (White Snake can give people's stands.)
  79. Pirrue: (and here I go again, opening up cans of worms without meaning to ^_^; )
  80. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev remembers waking up one day after an odd encounter with a flower growing out of his eye, which no one else could see. It involved a cloaked figure with some kind of knife or dagger. He was looking into the issue after that, thinking he was going crazy, until he found an old woman whom told him of a "Stand Arrow" that was taken from her by the Pawe family a while back. She taught him how to use his Stand before finally deciding to move on by getting out of town.
  81. Tinncev: "I was cut...or stabbed by a dagger, or some sort of knife. Nobody would believe me when this flower growed out of my eye that no one could see, but then this woman said it was from a stand arrow, taken from her by the Pawe family...She taught me how to use it."
  82. Pirrue: "...that whole thing sounds ridiculous. But I'll take what I can get."
  83. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Or maybe she's still around. Heaven knows I need more stuff for players to do in their off-chapters.)
  84. Alias: _Alias approachs more, he's now unconfortably close_
  85. Pirrue: "Butt out," Pirrue mutters.
  86. Tinncev: "Maybe, but you felt my Stand, it proves that I'm not totally..." He turns towards Alias, "What are you doing? You're as much part of this as us two are, he has a stand too you know...A rather powerful stand too."
  87. Pirrue: "Oh for Pete's sake. *Him* too?"
  88. Pirrue: _continues to glare at Alias._
  89. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Pirrue? I'm serious. We *will* leave you." (Call from outside.) "... Yes, we will." She turns back. "Come now."
  90. Alias: "Y-yes." Alias says, raising a finger "I-I mean! Of course!"
  91. Pirrue: "...all right." She looks again at Tinncev's business card. "I...I need to go *set my affairs in order,* or whatever the *newlydeads* are supposed to do. But I *will* be seeing you tomorrow, and I *will* get my...I mean, we *will* get to the bottom of this."
  92. Pirrue: _heads off towards her parents, giving Tinncev a determined thumbs-up._
  93. Tinncev: He nods and gives a thumbs up too, waving goodbye as well.
  94. Alias: _Alias gives a thumbs-up back, before realizing it was not for him_
  95. Pirrue: _gives Alias a very unladylike gesture as she departs._
  96. Alias: "... Shit..." Alias mutters
  97. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "There you are." "We weren't actually going to leave you. Your mother is such a joker!" (Make a clever roll.)
  98. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+3 (Clever)
  99. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][-][+][+]] (Clever)
  100. DetectiveCaillou|GM: As Pirrue followed her parents towards the family car, she notices a movement from the far alley. Is someone watching her? He seems... *familiar*... it's hard to tell at this distance, but she is definitely getting a sense of dread and disgust towards whoever that is. (Meanwhile, what are the other two doing?)
  101. Alias: "So, Tinncev, wasn't it? We'll all be meetin' in your place tomorrow, right chap?"
  102. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Is that who she thinks it is? :3)
  103. Pirrue: _has her suspicions, but...what good would it do to follow that mystery man right now? Without a weapon, or a...*Stand,* or whatever it's called, no amount of righteous fury would help her..._
  104. Alias: (I mean, this is her second strike)
  105. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (... Misread her character again. XP)
  106. Alias: (If she kicks it, she's out for real)
  107. Tinncev: "Yep, you are as much a part of it as anyone else, plus you really handled yourself with your Stand."
  108. Pirrue: For now...for all her bluster, she's just grateful to get back in her parents' car and be on her way home.
  109. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (... Making them come out into the open might be risky...)
  110. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (But dang it, this was tonight's whole adventure, basically...)
  111. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Should I...?)
  112. Alias: "Say, what you told her 'bout this stand business?" Alias said, before looking around, then leaning closer so he could whisper "You for real? Is that how you get this stuff?"
  113. Tinncev: "That's how I got my Stand, so yes, I am for real." He nodded and looked over at Pirrue. "She might still be a target."
  114. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ah well, I'd say a result of 3 is enough to see who it is.)
  115. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (... Or wait. There might be a way to still incorporate him (even if she doesn't go after him)...)
  116. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Anyone object to a 1-2 hour time skip?)
  117. Alias: (Sure)
  118. Alias: (wait)
  119. Alias: (Can I finish with Tinncev?)
  120. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sure.)
  121. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You there, <@!Pirrue>?)
  122. Pirrue: (no objections here)
  123. Alias: "Chap. What you said. It never happened to me." Alias said, squinting his eyes towards Tinncev
  124. Tinncev: "I'm not playing with a full deck of cards here, I don't know everything about this Stand businesss, you're different for whatever reason that I don't know about." He waved his hand.
  125. Alias: _Alias leaned back, pulling his face away from Tinncev_
  126. Alias: "Sure." Alias said, now at a normal distance, once again "I'll see you later."
  127. Tinncev: He waved back and turn around, going back to his house where he does his own detective work.
  128. Tinncev: (commence the time skip)
  129. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (One minute.)
  130. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So where does Alias go during this time?)
  131. Alias: (Home, to an apartment... or hotel room)
  132. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alright.
  133. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ah- What sort of place does Pirrue live in?)
  134. Pirrue: (Let's say an upper-class apartment. Her family has cash but they're not Scrooge McDuck-tier, if that makes sense?)
  135. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue was in her pajamas now. The night wind coming in from the balcony used to bother her, but she finds herself somewhat numb to temperature now. That doesn't stop her from feeling a wicked fever. Weren't Necropossums supposed to not be affected by diseases, either? She's been consulting a technical book about magical chemistry for solutions to both this and a recent fuel problem she's been having with a recent project, when something catches her attention.
  136. Pirrue: (?)
  137. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Is that music? Someone is playing a guitar outside her room.
  138. Pirrue: _glares at the window. Who could that be at this hour..._
  139. Pirrue: _gets up, carefully approaches the window, and looks._
  140. DetectiveCaillou|GM: ... No, it's not outside the apartment... Just outside *her room*.
  141. Alias: (IT WAS ME! DIO! ALL ALONG! *plays a wicked riff*)
  142. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: It's coming not from the window, but *the door*.)
  143. Pirrue: (oh)
  144. Pirrue: _glares at the door. She carefully approaches it and opens it *just* a crack._
  145. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll sneaky.)
  146. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+2
  147. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [+][ ][ ][ ]]
  148. Alias: (Not bad!)
  149. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (BRB)
  150. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The door opens just a crack, and Pirrue could see into her family's apartment flat. Immediately, she noticed the Commons Fox sitting on the coffee table and facing away from her. It seems he's the one with the guitar. What will she do?
  151. Pirrue: "It's *you,*" she snarls, still leaving the door only cracked. "What are *you* doing here? How do you know where I live?"
  152. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias was about to go to bed himself when he heard a furious knocking at his door.
  153. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev's compact rings. He doesn't recognize the number.
  154. Tinncev: He groggily wakes up and gets to his compact, "Yeah, hello?"
  155. Alias: "What the hell?! NO SOLICITORS DAMN IT!" Alias shouts at the door
  156. Pirrue: (XD)
  157. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "Ah, my princess awakes." Pepper turns around to meet her. He seemed more confident than usual, which was... saying a lot. "As you probably know, I have been watching you for quite a while. You see, I love you." He paused as anger seemed to flair up in him, yet he attempts to keep things under control. "I... didn't see you much during the opening gala, and to think that-! ... Sorry. Your death infuriates me so, even if you still smell just as lovely..."
  158. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev: "Hello?" It's that woman. She was Pirrue's mother. "My husband is off calling the police, so I figured I'd call you. You're a detective, right?"
  159. Pirrue: "...Go choke on something," Pirrue hisses, looking around her room for a likely-looking implement.
  160. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias: "Please, you have to lend me your compact, or- A regular phone will do! Anything." You open the door, and it's that guy who was with Pirrue and her mom.
  161. Tinncev: "Oh yes, hello. yes I am a detective." Who slowly went off from his his bed and got dressed, "Did something happen?" He asks.
  162. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "Gladly! But... not now. This city is clearly not safe for you. We must elope!"
  163. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll Clever to find a weapon.)
  164. Pirrue: !r 1dF+3 (Clever)
  165. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 1dF+3 for 4 [1dF = [+]] (Clever)
  166. Alias: "Oh. It's you- whatshisname..." Alias says, squinting his eyes "What do you want with a compact at a time like this?! Also, how do you know where I live?1"
  167. Pirrue: "Elope? mean get *married?*" Pirrue says, more and more convinced of Pepper's insanity by the second.
  168. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev: "There is a man in our house. He seems to be after our daughter, and when I tried to stop him, he seemed to strangle me with thin air. That was almost my third death, I swear... Anyways, I'm not even convinced that the police can even do anything to this monster..." This is the most distressed she's let herself be.
  169. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias: "What- oh, you live next door to our apartment? You were just the first person with their lights still on... Wait, that doesn't matter! I need to call the police! He's gonna take our sweet Pirrue... he almost killed me... Oh my god!" He's a sobbing wreck now.
  170. Tinncev: _"I'm coming there right now, I need your address." He spoke in a more urgent tone as he uses his vines to get his clothes on quickly and get out of his house._
  171. Alias: "Wait, Pirrue- What?! Alright. The compact is in besides the bed, on the end table!" Alias said, pushing the man inside as he himself walked outside, switching places with him.
  172. "You call the police, quickly!" Alias said, before locking the door "Nevermind the locked door!"
  173. Alias: *"I have to see this to believe it..."*
  174. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev receives the address to the apartment, and Alias sets off, himself. (They will get to the apartment in 7 and 3 rounds, respectively, with a chance to shave off something extra each round with a quick roll, but first...)
  175. Pirrue felt around before picking up a letter opener. "Exactly! I know this is not my first proposal..." He glances up. "... But now I realize that life is short, and this town has gotten to dangerous for you... so I'm afraid it isn't a choice this time."
  176. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue could only stare as a fiery glow surrounds Pepper, and though it was hard for her to make out at first, there was definitely another *person* rising out of him.
  177. DetectiveCaillou|GM: As its form grew clearer to her, she could see what looks like a lupine humanoid, though considerably wider than Pepper himself. It had maroon coloration, and has hearts in stylized print on its breast, elbows, and knees, with what looked like a large set of iron doors set into its stomach.
  178. Pirrue: _clutches the letter opener. "The biggest threat to me in this town is *you*," she declares, waiting for him to make a move._
  179. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, these doors open up, and out come iron-and-manacle-like tendrils, darting straight at Pirrue!
  180. Pirrue: _has no idea how much of what she's seeing she can believe._
  181. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5+2 (Forceful + LOCK AND KEY)
  182. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5+2 for 7 [4df = [ ][+][ ][-]] (Forceful + LOCK AND KEY)
  183. Alias: (Cheesus)
  184. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Hey, you don't get to complain about OP-ness. XD)
  185. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: Defense?)
  186. Pirrue: (sorry, Discord is being a turd)
  187. Pirrue: She raises the letter opener, intent on deflecting as many of the tendrils as she can, as foolish as it might sound!
  188. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (And?)
  189. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, "tendril-like chains and manacles" would be more accurate, in hindsight. XD)
  190. Pirrue: (and what? you want me to go ahead and roll, or describe another action?)
  191. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Rolling would be good, yeah.)
  192. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+2 (Flashy)
  193. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+2 for -1 [4dF = [ ][-][-][-]] (Flashy)
  194. Tinncev: (ouch)
  195. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Reroll? Note that this isn't a damaging attack.)
  196. Pirrue: (why reroll?)
  197. Pirrue: (i mean, why do I get a reroll?)
  198. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Just asking if you wanted to redo that, and if you had the means.)
  199. Pirrue: (i don't see anything applicable)
  200. Pirrue: (so looks like I'm taking it ^_^; )
  201. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Heh, I'm just used to egging on a reroll in this sort of scenario. Leftover player instinct. XD)
  202. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The manacles clap down around Pirrue's hands and ankles! Before she could even have time to yell, she's shot forward into the black maw of the enemy Stand! The doors close behind her with a "Slam!" Only the letter opener and a few mechanical bits were left clattering to the floor.
  203. Alias: (So. I guess we are now playing with only two players? ^_^;)
  204. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue wakes up in a small, cylindrical room made of smooth concrete.
  205. Alias: (What was that about 3 and 7 turns?)
  206. Pirrue: "Ugh..." She looks around. "Hello? *Hello?* Pepper, you *dick!* Where am I? ***What did you do?!?***"
  207. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias and Tinncev are still on their way, however! How are they faring? Can time still be bought for their arrival? (Time to tick down those timers. Roll quick?)
  208. Alias: (Big money, no wammies)
  209. Alias: !roll 4df+2 (quick)
  210. DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+2 for 6 [4df = [+][+][+][+]] (quick)
  211. Alias: (Yes)
  212. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (HAAAAAAAAALELUHYA)
  213. Pirrue: (whoooooa)
  214. Tinncev: !r 3d6 4df+2
  215. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 3d6 for 3 [3d6 = 1, 1, 1] and 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [-][+][ ][+]]
  216. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Um, what. XD)
  217. Tinncev: (wait yeah)
  218. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Go home, Tinncev, you're drunk. XD)
  219. Alias: (I win at games)
  220. Tinncev: !r 4df+2
  221. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [ ][ ][-][-]]
  222. Tinncev: (rip)
  223. Pirrue: (Too much GURPS XD)
  224. Tinncev: (yup)
  225. Tinncev: (gurps have ruined my life)
  226. Pirrue: (basic GURPS roll is 3d6, FYI)
  227. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev fumbles with the car keys, but otherwise, he's making good progress. (6 Rounds until his arrival.)
  228. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias, however, makes great progress; not only guessing which was the right "next-door" building by how fancy it was, but also speeding things along by leaping over the reception desk (at the receptionist's protest). (1 Round until his arrival.)
  229. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias: *Adrenaline Rush*
  230. Alias: "Gotta go fast! Don't stop me now!" Alias exclaims, vaulting over the reception desk
  231. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Now all he has to do is find the right apartment. :3)
  232. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (It's Pepper's turn now.)
  233. Alias: (Pin the adrenaline rush?)
  234. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Copied to GM Notes. :3)
  235. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "I am... sorry for confining you within my Lonely Hearts Club, but this is the fastest and safest way I have at our disposal to carry you away from this awful place. Surely, this is no great crime compared to all of the awful things that could happen to you while here... Oh?"
  236. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pepper has noticed a letter opener on the floor. It seemed to have a faux-clockwork hand clenched around the handle as a grip.
  237. Pirrue: "Y-you crazy bastard! I'm not going *anywhere* with you!"
  238. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Oh my! Here, I was thinking I would never truly lay eyes on one of your pieces until after we eloped! How lucky!" He goes to pick it up.
  239. Pirrue: ***"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF THAT!"***
  240. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Oh, to touch that which my beloved created..."
  241. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, the hand unwraps itself from the handle and swivels around to act almost as a foot for the whole thing.
  242. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Would you like to roll 4df+4 (Sneaky), or shall I? :3)
  243. Pirrue: (?)
  244. Alias: (The stand)
  245. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (Sneaky)
  246. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 5 [4dF = [-][+][+][ ]] (Sneaky)
  247. Tinncev: (BRB, gonna take a shower, and it's 9 over here)
  248. Tinncev: (gotta wake up for school in the morning)
  249. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Hm, I think I'll roll the standard Quick/Clever dodge defense.)
  250. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
  251. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [-][+][ ][+]]
  252. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Wha-"
  253. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The hand props itself up, leveling its brass stinger that was the letter opener at Pepper's face.
  254. DetectiveCaillou|GM: And launches itself into the air.
  255. DetectiveCaillou|GM: *SPLRTCH!* "AAAAAAASDFGHG!"
  256. Pirrue: "What...what's going on?"
  257. DetectiveCaillou|GM: {PAGE 52, PANEL 1/1: The letter opener stabbing itself under Pepper's left eye.}
  258. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (The art is pretty gruesome; one could swear that the makeshift missile had partially levered the eye out of its socket.)
  259. DetectiveCaillou|GM: VS. Pepper: *Gouged Eye*
  260. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (How's *that* for some Jojo violence? >:D)
  261. Pirrue: (XD)
  262. Alias: (I am getting my improv verses ready for my entrance)
  263. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Alias (who doesn't need to roll anymore) hears a scream from one of the apartments! He busts in to find a... *bizarre* sight; a Commons Fox standing in the middle of the room, with a letter opener stuck under his right eyeball. The sight is kinda nauseating, to be honest.
  264. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "That bitch! ... C-can't she see that I love her?!"
  265. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Is the handle of that opener *wriggling*?)
  266. Pirrue: (...are you asking me?)
  267. DetectiveCaillou|GM: [1][2][3] (X): [Gouged Eye][!] (4): ___
  268. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (No, just an added detail for Alias to witness. XD)
  269. Alias: "Hey!" Alias calls his attention "You! I am pretty sure you are the reason of why I am not a brooker! I have some select words for *you!*"
  270. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Wait, what are you talking abou-"
  271. Alias: "*You* can call me 'Mr.' Alias, And I am here to say.
  272. That I am gonna kick you ass, in a **major** way.
  273. What are you doing in this apartment?!
  274. Get out of here... **GET OUT OF HERE!!!**"
  275. Pirrue: (oh god XD)
  276. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pfft. XD)
  277. Alias: (hold on, I am getting my rolls ready)
  278. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Meanwhile, Tinncev roll for travel speed.)
  279. Alias: (Tinncev is offline)
  280. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ah.)
  281. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Anyways, proceed.)
  282. Tinncev: (I'm here)
  283. Tinncev: ( not for long though)
  284. Tinncev: !r 4df+2
  285. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [-][ ][ ][+]]
  286. Alias: Alias' stance appears from behind Alias himself, standing there, with his arms folded for a moment. He then lock eyes with pepper. "Tora" it mutters, as he unfolds his arms, the force seeping from the spheres could already be seen. And then he pulls his fist back, preparing to deliver a punch "**Tora!**" he exclaimed, as he started to deliver, punch after punch towards his adversary, expelling his force from the balls as much as he could.
  287. Alias: !roll 4df+4 (Forceful + outward force)
  288. DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+4 for 5 [4df = [+][+][-][ ]] (Forceful + outward force)
  289. Alias: (Above-average, I'll take it every day)
  290. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "D-damnit!" Lonely Hearts Club moves out to intercept!
  291. Alias: (Also, I hope my tiredness has not affected my description)
  292. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5
  293. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 5 [4df = [+][+][-][-]]
  294. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (A regular victory, though it looks like four stress, unless...)
  295. Alias: (Also, does <@!Pirrue> hear the scene?! XD)
  296. Tinncev: (Nyelllo)
  297. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Lonely Hearts Club does its best to block and defend, but it's no match for Angry Young Man's "TORA"s! Finally, with a devastating blow to the side, the iron doors fly open, and Pirrue is thrown out! (Minus 1 stress for {EXPULSION}, and two for Armor Class... Only 1 shift!)
  298. DetectiveCaillou|GM: [X][2][3] (X): [Gouged Eye][!] (4): ___
  299. Alias: "WHA- WHAT THE HELL?!" Alias exclaims, surprised
  300. Tinncev: (If Tinncev was in Duwang, he would have found out Yoshikage easily)
  301. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev cuts a corner in the meantime, but nearly crashes into a parked car around the bend. He only ends up scraping it, though, and he still shaves a few seconds; however...
  302. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "HEY! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" Looking back, Tinncev sees a grey Wolf in a leisure suit top and baggy pants yelling at him. You don't see *that* every day. But still he drives on.
  303. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (4 rounds until Tinncev arrives.)
  304. Alias: ( <@!DetectiveCaillou|GM> , we need to answer the important question now:)
  305. Alias: ( did <@!Pirrue> hear Alias' improv?)
  306. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (No. Only communication to her is Pepper's directed thoughts.)
  307. Alias: ( Noooooooooo!!!)
  308. Alias: ( My masterpiece ;_;)
  309. Alias: ( My *totally* original masterpiece)
  310. Pirrue: (sorry, was AFK, hang on)
  311. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue was on the floor of her apartment now, it seems, after the room she was in shook violently. Standing up she sees Pepper pulling the letter opener out of his eye socket, and... was that a wriggling *hand* sticking out from its end?!
  312. Pirrue: "What the hell. What the hell *is* that. That's..."
  313. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Give the gadget another go, or should the full Stand reveal happen now?)
  314. Pirrue: (to be clear, does Pirrue recognize the letter opener? like, did she *actually* make it herself?)
  315. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (She knows she held it, and the clockwork hand is *definitely* new.)
  316. Pirrue: (so she didn't *make* the hand. got it.)
  317. Pirrue: (i think Pirrue is going to just glare at the letter opener in confusion until it does something else interesting)
  318. Alias: (Are you CLEVERLY acessing the situation?)
  319. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (It has +2 Careful, +2 Forceful, +4 Sneaky, and +0 everything else, including AC and WC. Both you and it get an action. Go. :3)
  320. Pirrue: (all right)
  321. Pirrue: _watches both Pepper and the alien letter opener warily, waiting for the opportunity to make a move of her own._
  322. Pirrue: !r 4dF+3 (Cleverly Create Advantage)
  323. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]] (Cleverly Create Advantage)
  324. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Wait, is this something you can defend against? I forget.)
  325. Alias: (By the way, Alias is now in the room)
  326. Pirrue: (well, yeah, you can totally defend against an action if it makes sense)
  327. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I know. It's not your turn yet. :P)
  328. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Hm... Clever? Alright. Sneaky would get the same result, anyway.)
  329. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+1
  330. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+1 for 0 [4df = [-][+][ ][-]]
  331. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue looks around, and notices that Pepper seemed to have a [Focus Problem][!!]. He's focusing solely at the opener right now.
  332. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (And that Aspect has been copied. :3)
  333. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Now it's the device's turn. What'll it do?
  334. Pirrue: (are you asking me?)
  335. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, I just realized I made a rules mistake earlier. Forgot about the whole "They *have* to take a consequence if hit" thing for {OUTWARD FORCE}.)
  336. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Yeah.)
  337. Pirrue: (i have no idea what it *can* do. ^_^; )
  338. Alias: (Right, it's been a while)
  339. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Whatever makes sense. It doesn't have any crazy stunts of its own, in case you were wondering.)
  340. Tinncev: (Forcefully drive it deeper)
  341. Pirrue: (Quickly slip from his grip and stab him in the face again, I guess? What would I roll for that?)
  342. Tinncev: ( +0 I believe)
  343. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (The mistake was also partly because I'm kinda sleepy right now.)
  344. Pirrue: (same)
  345. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+0
  346. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+0 for 1 [4dF = [+][-][ ][+]]
  347. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3 (Flashy)
  348. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 2 [4df = [ ][-][+][-]] (Flashy)
  349. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The opener quickly slips from Pepper's grip, but before it could attack again, Lonely Hearts Club spins around and grabs it, throwing it across the room. Pirrue physically winced when it clattered across the floor, but no actual damage was done.
  350. Pirrue: _reflects on how odd that is - did she just *feel that letter opener's pain?*_
  351. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (It's time for "where in the world is Tinncev?" Roll those suckers!)
  352. Tinncev: !r 4df+2
  353. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [-][-][+][+]]
  354. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev really floors it until the apartment building comes into sight. He drives up onto the sidewalk, and winces as the front banged and scraped against the outside wall. (+1 stress to the car, but only 2 Rounds remaining until Tinncev arrives.)
  355. DetectiveCaillou|GM: And then Lonely Hearts Club spins its attention around on Alias. "Y-you're dangerous. Too powerful," Pepper says, "I... I need him to get rid of you first! Only then could I have my sweet Pirrue to myself!"
  356. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The manacles shoot forward - seemingly dozens and dozens!!
  357. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Once a session, I can spend a FATE point to guarantee a normal success for this stunt.)
  358. Alias: (Oh, can I defend?)
  359. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Not this time (but only this time).)
  360. Alias: (Ok)
  361. Alias: ( <@!Pirrue> , it's up to you, Alias is in a bind)
  362. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Bleargh. You guys wanna pause and pick this up tomorrow? I'm seriously about to pass out...)
  363. Tinncev: (Sure)
  364. Alias: (Sure)
  365. Tinncev: (I already passed curfew by an hour)
  366. Pirrue: (no objections here)
  367. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alrighty.)
  368. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (... If we left it like this, with no "!-end", would DiscoDude still be here, recording nothing but a new timestamp at the start of part 2?)
  369. Pirrue: (well, in theory)
  370. Pirrue: (but if something happened to my computer between now and next session)
  371. Pirrue: (we would lose the log from part 1)
  372. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got it. Then for now, let us...)
  373. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !end
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