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- [#] ~ r1p's guide on How To: Trace a RAT ~ [#]
- *PLEASE NOTE* : there are otherways on how to do this but this is the most simple way.
- If you are reading this you most likely don't know how to trace a rat. In this guide I will cover: How to protect yourself from RATs, How to "Trace" a RAT and what to do when you have gotten the owners IP/DNS.
- Okay so before i start real quick, you will need these things:
- -- VM or your own PC (if you use your own pc then you have guts.)
- -- Sandboxie
- -- Wireshark
- -- A brain
- -- Basic computer knowledge
- 1. Download a RAT (do not open it)
- 2. Install Sandboxie from here:
- 3. Install Wireshark from here:
- 4. Scan the RAT in VirusTotal:
- 5. If it says a proper word in the detections like "Noancore" its a Nanocore RAT etc, lookup the names yourself
- 6. Open up wireshark and connect it to your wifi settings/adapter
- 7. Start pulling all the traffic
- 8. RIGHT CLICK! the RAT and press "Open in Sandboxie"
- 9. You will see that more traffic has rushed into your wireshark, that is GOOD
- 10. Goto the filter bar and type "dns" and press enter. It will show every dns running on your network
- 11. Find a suspicious looking DNS like "" they all have different addresses so yeah
- 12. Next to the DNS will be an IP Address, now if the owner of the RAT is retarded it will be their home connection otherwise its not
- [#] ~ Congrats you found the IP Address, now moving onto what to do with that information ~ [#]
- 1. Firstly copy and paste the IP Address into
- 2. Find the ISP and search for it in your browser, if it says the company is an ISP it is their home address otherwise its a VPN
- 3. Find what DNS Provider they are using, most people use No-Ip so try looking for a DNS address that matches the owners from there
- 4. Once you have found the DNS Provider report the DNS for "Hosting Malicious Apps"
- 5. You have now taken down a Ratter! :)
- [#] ~ Now I will be telling you how to protect yourself from RATs ~ [#]
- 1. Install an anti-virus like Avast or Eset
- 2. When downloading things off the internet always scan the DIRECT exe in VirusTotal, DO NOT just scan the .RAR OR FOLDER
- 3. If the VirusTotal comes up with things like "Trojan\:tyHJ57Y" it is obfuscated and is most likely a virus
- 4. If you downloaded it off of a forum like HackForums or check the users reputation score if its negative it is malware
- There you go! You have now protected yourself from RATs.
- Please share this pastebin with others so they can also protect themselves.
- #SuicideSec
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