

Apr 26th, 2018
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  1. [05:20:56] <hi> I used to write guides on how to play gamecube games off your USB stick on your Wii. I wrote a whole guide and helped people for a 600 page thread and I don't remember any of it.
  2. 01[05:21:13] <Kurausukun> Dolphin pls
  3. [05:21:23] <hi> Dolphin can't play all GC games
  4. 01[05:21:33] <Kurausukun> What can't it play?
  5. [05:21:49] <hi> just look at the game list. It couldn't play a specific few that I wanted to play.
  6. [05:21:56] <hi> specifically 007: everything or nothing
  7. 01[05:22:31] <Kurausukun> What version are you using? The site seems to imply it plays fine
  8. [05:22:40] <hi> ehh?
  9. 01[05:22:52] <Kurausukun> What Dolphin version are you talking about
  10. [05:22:53] <hi> I'm checking the site now
  11. [05:23:00] <hi> I haven't used dolphin since '10
  12. [05:23:13] <hi> where's the compatability list?
  13. 01[05:23:22] <Kurausukun> Then you've missed thousands of compatibility and speed improvements
  14. 01[05:23:30] <Kurausukun>
  15. 01[05:23:56] <Kurausukun> If you download 4.0-7143, everything you want to play will most likely work
  16. [05:24:39] <hi> Hmmm
  17. [05:24:54] <hi> So why was I helping people play gamecube games on their wii with a usb stick
  18. [05:25:00] <hi> you know, backups
  19. 01[05:25:07] <Kurausukun> Not everyone has the specs to run Dolphin
  20. [05:25:27] <hi> even with a computer more powerful than a Wii, a Wii will run if flawlessly everytime
  21. 01[05:25:53] <Kurausukun> You need something much more powerful than a Wii to emulate the Wii
  22. [05:26:06] <hi> Yea but I doubt that was why I was doing it
  23. 01[05:26:29] <Kurausukun> Plus Dolphin lets you increase the resolution you render it at
  24. [05:26:34] <hi> maybe because people wanted to A. play it without issue B. play it on the TV C. play it using legitimate controllers.
  25. 01[05:26:52] <Kurausukun> You can use the official Gamecube controller adapter with Dolphin
  26. 01[05:27:10] <Kurausukun> And if you're using a laptop, you can play on TV using an HDMI cable
  27. [05:28:13] <hi> yes but it's more of a hassle
  28. [05:28:28] <hi> and not all laptops powerful enough to play dolphin have hdmi out
  29. 01[05:28:41] <Kurausukun> I've yet to come across one that doesn't
  30. [05:29:00] <hi> srsly?
  31. [05:29:05] <hi> hdmi outs are pretty new
  32. [05:29:22] <hi> last time I checked
  33. 01[05:29:48] <Kurausukun> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  34. [05:29:58] <hi> So anyway, I'll have to test it myself, but I no longer have a laptop
  35. [05:30:06] <hi> I replaced it with a gaming desktop and a tablet
  36. [05:30:18] <hi> and my TV is a whole 10,000 meters away so I can't use an hdmi out
  37. 01[05:30:26] <Kurausukun> Well, I would still recommend using Dolphin if you have a gaming desktop
  38. [05:30:33] <hi> yea but I want to play on tele
  39. 01[05:31:06] <Kurausukun> relocate laptop or TV... or you're SOL I guess
  40. [05:31:13] <hi> SOL?
  41. [05:31:21] <hi> I told you I don't have laptop
  42. 01[05:31:25] <Kurausukun> shit out of luck...
  43. 01[05:31:33] <Kurausukun> You're making me feel old
  44. [05:31:51] <hi> Ʊ ͜ Ʊ
  45. [05:32:21] <hi> anyway, I GUESS I'll try to play my favourite GC game
  46. [05:32:24] <hi> Oh
  47. [05:32:37] <hi> also another reason to use the wii to play gamecube backups is the compatibility with your memory card
  48. [05:32:48] <hi> you can play games and save them to the memory card and play old saves too
  49. 01[05:33:14] <Kurausukun> I guess if you really needed that specific a setup, then yes
  50. [05:34:56] <hi> and Dolphin just seems so illegitimate
  51. [05:34:58] <hi> like illegal
  52. [05:35:04] <hi> but on the wii it can be legla
  53. 01[05:35:11] <Kurausukun> Not illegal at all if you dump your own games
  54. [05:35:21] <hi> and not everyone can dump your own games
  55. [05:35:32] <hi> don't you need a specific DVD drive to rip Wii games?
  56. 01[05:35:49] <Kurausukun> If you have a Wii, an SD card and an external HDD, anyone can dump Wii and GC games
  57. [05:36:18] <hi> oh
  58. [05:36:39] <hi> well actually that's how I do it, but then you would be using your Wii to play Wii games on your PC instead of theo ther way around and why would anyone want to do that?
  59. 01[05:37:01] <Kurausukun> Because Dolphin is much better than a Wii
  60. [05:37:07] <hi> how so?
  61. 01[05:37:31] <Kurausukun> Higher resolutions, AF, AA, potentially faster loading, hacks for 16:9 widescreen and 60fps depending on the game
  62. [05:37:57] <hi> And why would I want any of that?
  63. 01[05:38:12] <Kurausukun> ...why wouldn't you? It makes the games look and play better.
  64. [05:38:45] <hi> And why would I want the game to look and play better?
  65. 01[05:38:53] <Kurausukun> You're asking "why would I render a game at 1080p when I could render it at 480p instead?"
  66. [05:39:08] <hi> Do you not know how sharp 480p is?
  67. 01[05:39:18] <Kurausukun> Not very sharp
  68. 01[05:39:26] <Kurausukun> especially compared to 1080p
  69. [05:39:52] <hi> no 480p is sharper
  70. [05:40:01] <hi> You just don't understand
  71. 01[05:40:10] <Kurausukun> clearly not
  72. [05:40:25] <hi> you see, at 480p, more pixels on your screen make up one pixel of the game than in 1080p, so the quality per pixel is higher.
  73. 01[05:40:43] <Kurausukun> ...that's not how pixels work
  74. [05:40:53] <hi> It is
  75. [05:41:14] <hi> Each pixel is 32kb, so if we have more pixels per rendered pixel we are multiplying the information density
  76. [05:41:18] <hi> so it's actually a higher quality than 1080p
  77. 01[05:41:21] <Kurausukun> I'm honestly having trouble discerning whether or not you're being serious at this point
  78. [05:41:30] <hi> 1080p is stuck on 32kb colour per pixel
  79. [05:41:58] <hi> while 480p is 144kb
  80. [05:42:35] <hi> Also it is clearly
  81. [05:42:37] <hi> *clearer
  82. 01[05:42:51] <Kurausukun> Pixels don't just have sizes associated with them, the only measure of that is the color bit depth
  83. [05:43:36] <hi> But people are always talking about pixel density
  84. [05:43:45] <hi> 480p is great balance between number of pixels and density per pixel
  85. [05:44:24] <hi> So can Dolphin render at fullscreen 480p for me?
  86. 01[05:44:42] <Kurausukun> "pixel density" is what most people are actually talking about when they say "resolution"--the number of pixels you can fit into the screen
  87. [05:44:50] <hi> on my gaming desktop I have GTX 980 + 4.4 Ghz i7
  88. 01[05:45:12] <Kurausukun> No, what I mean is the game is rendered internally at a higher resolution, not just upscaled
  89. [05:45:31] <hi> Yes, but the number of pixels on the screen are used better when they are together rendering one virtual pixel. It's hardware multiplying. Just like overclocking
  90. 01[05:45:50] <Kurausukun> If you just stretched the image then it would look clearer on a 480p display, but that's not what's happening here
  91. [05:46:11] <hi> it's clearly because each small point is bigger
  92. [05:46:15] <hi> so you don't miss anything
  93. 01[05:46:34] <Kurausukun> I'll take some screenshots, wait just a second
  94. [05:47:19] <hi> ok
  95. [05:47:45] <PiSquar3d> Great image quality would be 2x 1080p internally down-scaled to 1080p. It's sort of like free AA, enhances image quality.
  96. [05:48:02] <hi> what?
  97. [05:48:06] <hi> internally downscaled?
  98. [05:48:07] <hi> what is that?
  99. [05:48:30] <PiSquar3d> *2x 1080p internally, down-scaled to 1080p
  100. [05:48:58] <PiSquar3d> Commas can make or break a sentence :P
  101. [05:50:43] <hi> I never understood downscaling
  102. [05:50:46] <hi> it makes my games look worse
  103. [05:51:08] <hi> how can I have a higher resolution on my 1080p screen? How does that make sense?
  104. 01[05:51:24] <Kurausukun> You can't, but the way it works makes things less jagged
  105. [05:51:58] <hi> how is that possible?
  106. [05:52:02] <hi> I'm not getting any more pixels
  107. [05:52:06] <hi> now I have twice the information per pixel
  108. [05:52:19] <hi> which is the opposite of me maing 480p on a 1080 screen
  109. [05:52:59] <PiSquar3d> Think of the Wii U gamepad, everything is downscaled to 480p resulting in free AA
  110. 01[05:53:11] <Kurausukun> very true
  111. [05:53:27] <hi> wat
  112. [05:53:39] <hi> but you can't get more than the pixels can give
  113. [05:54:14] <hi> so how can it be smoother at all?
  114. [05:55:17] <PiSquar3d> Audio is kind of similar as well, a lot of people will record their music at insane sample rates and downsample the audio
  115. [05:55:28] <hi> uggh
  116. [05:55:34] <hi> I'm never going to understand how that works
  117. [05:55:46] <hi> I'm using 480p on my 1080p screen right now
  118. 01[05:55:48] <Kurausukun> you could just google it
  119. [05:55:50] <hi> and I'm not
  120. [05:55:52] <hi> missin
  121. [05:55:52] <hi> a
  122. [05:55:53] <hi> thing
  123. [05:56:29] <PiSquar3d> There will be more information (or pixels) on your screen if your render it at 1080p
  124. [05:57:21] <hi> yes but it's about quality, not quanitity. And I do have the pixels
  125. [05:57:30] <hi> it's just that more of them are rending the same thing simultaneously
  126. 01[05:57:32] <Kurausukun> a pixel is a pixel
  127. [05:57:39] <PiSquar3d> The quality will be the exact same per pixel
  128. 01[05:57:43] <Kurausukun> If you have more of them, the image is sharper
  129. [05:57:49] <hi> Then why is the picture bigger? It has to be more quality
  130. [05:58:30] <hi> The fineness is expanded, not contracted like in downsampling
  131. [05:58:56] <PiSquar3d> Also, stretching 480p to 1080p might result in rounding errors
  132. [05:59:10] <hi> plus I get mad fps when I play online games
  133. 01[06:00:02] <Kurausukun> Well the fps gain is certainly true, but that's because your quality is lower
  134. [06:00:11] <hi> I think you mean because there is less waste
  135. 01[06:00:17] <Kurausukun> I just took screenshots, I'm going to upload them in a second
  136. [06:01:02] <hi> you should download gyazo
  137. 01[06:01:12] <Kurausukun> don't even know what that is
  138. [06:01:17] <hi> just drag a box over something and it will upload instantly to a
  139. [06:01:41] <hi>
  140. 01[06:01:41] <Kurausukun> I'm using Dolphin's internal screenshot feature
  141. [06:01:43] <PiSquar3d> stretching 480p to 1080p (if that's what you're doing) is like playing 55 fps video on a 60 fps monitor, frames will double and make the video look weird, same with stretching 480p to 1080p, pixels will double up where it wasn't needed.
  142. 01[06:01:53] <Kurausukun> ^this
  143. [06:02:18] <hi> what do you mean double up
  144. [06:02:22] <hi> why would that happen?
  145. 01[06:02:34] <Kurausukun> Because there aren't enough pixels to fill the screen
  146. [06:02:43] <hi> but there are less pixels because of 480
  147. [06:02:57] <PiSquar3d> because, 480p doesn't naturally stretch to 1080p IIRC
  148. [06:03:09] <hi> You mean it doesn't divide into a whole number
  149. 01[06:03:15] <Kurausukun> Yes
  150. [06:03:19] <PiSquar3d> It would have to be exactly 2x/3x/4x etc. the resolution
  151. [06:03:28] <hi> hmmm
  152. [06:03:38] <PiSquar3d> Same with fps
  153. [06:03:45] <hi> the ratio between 480 and 1080 is 6.25 which is fine
  154. [06:03:49] <PiSquar3d> 30 fps on a 60 fps monitor is perfectly fine
  155. [06:03:50] <hi> actually, 6.75
  156. [06:03:55] <hi> so 6.75 pixels per pixel
  157. [06:04:22] <PiSquar3d> Other way around.
  158. [06:04:35] <hi> but in a game like a first person shooter, it won't matter since you'll be moving around a lot. So if the pixels are changing then it's unnoticeable
  159. 01[06:04:45] <Kurausukun> not really the case
  160. [06:04:51] <hi> since the image is always changing, all it does it add to the illusion that is static images flashing
  161. [06:05:08] <PiSquar3d> Have fun shooting long range w/ 480p
  162. 01[06:05:19] <Kurausukun> I'm uploading the images as we speak
  163. [06:05:22] <PiSquar3d> "Hmmm, is that pixel in the distance the enemy?"
  164. 01[06:05:28] <Kurausukun> lol
  165. [06:05:35] <hi> the pixel is made bigger though so you can tell
  166. 01[06:05:44] <Kurausukun> No, it's duplicated
  167. [06:05:49] <PiSquar3d> Yeah, so the enemy is a bigger square
  168. [06:05:53] <hi> it is spread across 6.75 other pixels
  169. [06:06:07] <PiSquar3d> cool, one 6.75 big one coloured blob
  170. [06:06:09] <hi> so the enemy is better this way
  171. 01[06:06:11] <Kurausukun> here, download this
  172. [06:06:20] <hi> couldn't you just upload them to imggur?
  173. [06:06:22] <PiSquar3d> *6.75 pixel coloured blob
  174. 01[06:06:31] <Kurausukun> I could have, but I didn't feel like it
  175. [06:06:35] <hi> why not?
  176. 01[06:06:41] <Kurausukun> Is it that much trouble to unzip a file?
  177. [06:06:46] <PiSquar3d> 6.75 pixels are going to look the EXACT same
  178. [06:06:54] <hi> the exact same as what?
  179. [06:07:12] <PiSquar3d> as eachother
  180. [06:07:20] <PiSquar3d> they will be all one colour
  181. 01[06:07:38] <Kurausukun> If we're assuming it's only one pixel then yes
  182. 01[06:07:55] <Kurausukun> it's just gonna become a rectangle
  183. [06:08:12] <hi> so I looked at the comparison
  184. 01[06:08:16] <Kurausukun> Yes
  185. [06:08:44] <hi> And one of them is definitely better than the other
  186. 01[06:08:51] <Kurausukun> Right
  187. [06:08:58] <hi> but the difference is very slight
  188. 01[06:09:13] <Kurausukun> Then your eyesight is very poor, OR you're not looking in fullscreen
  189. [06:09:26] <hi> on fullscreen I can barely see a quarter of the 1080p image
  190. 01[06:09:39] <Kurausukun> ....what?
  191. [06:09:51] <hi> on fullscreen the 480 image takes it up nicely
  192. [06:09:57] <hi> but I have to scroll a lot for the 1080p
  193. [06:10:00] <hi> you must have a big TV
  194. 01[06:10:06] <Kurausukun> This is on my laptop
  195. [06:10:12] <hi> yes big screen
  196. 01[06:10:22] <Kurausukun> It has nothing to do with screen size
  197. 01[06:10:33] <Kurausukun> Why would you need to scroll in fullscreen?
  198. [06:10:46] <PiSquar3d> If you view a 1080p image on a 1080p monitor in fullscreen it will take up the whole screen
  199. 01[06:10:52] <Kurausukun> Does your desktop not have a 1080p monitor>
  200. [06:11:00] <hi> but I am using 480p resolution to get max quality
  201. [06:11:14] <PiSquar3d> lol
  202. [06:11:16] <hi> I am using a 144hz 1080p monitor
  203. 01[06:11:26] <Kurausukun> Jesus christ you're wasting it
  204. 01[06:11:35] <Kurausukun> Turn it to 1080p and then look at the images in fullscreen
  205. [06:11:36] <hi> No. I get all the frames
  206. [06:11:38] <PiSquar3d> 144hz... why
  207. [06:11:51] <hi> what do you mean why?
  208. [06:11:54] <hi> more fps
  209. [06:11:57] <PiSquar3d> Why such an arbitrary number?
  210. [06:12:02] <hi> it's not arbitrary
  211. [06:12:05] <hi> it's standard
  212. [06:12:13] <PiSquar3d> Why not one that is divisible by 60?
  213. [06:12:16] <hi> the standard is 60hz and 144hz
  214. 01[06:12:17] <Kurausukun> Not important right now. Turn your monitor to 1080p, and look at the images in fullscreen mode.
  215. [06:12:18] <hi> trust me it's standard
  216. [06:12:27] <hi> it's more standard than 120hz
  217. [06:12:29] <PiSquar3d> It shouldn't be
  218. [06:12:35] <hi> it should be
  219. [06:12:39] <hi> because 144hz is more than 120
  220. [06:12:50] <hi> so we don't need to lose 24 hz because of people with OCD
  221. 01[06:12:55] <Kurausukun> THIS IS NOT AN IMPORTANT ARGUMENT AT THE MOMENT
  222. 01[06:13:14] <Kurausukun> Just do what I said and tell me your thoughts
  223. [06:13:20] <PiSquar3d> Have fun w/ videos doubling up on frames looking weird and jittery
  224. [06:13:22] <hi> okay so you want me to turn my monitor back to 1080p
  225. 01[06:13:25] <Kurausukun> yes
  226. 01[06:13:32] <Kurausukun> then look at the two images in fullscreen
  227. [06:13:35] <hi> ok
  228. 01[06:13:40] <Kurausukun> thank you
  229. [06:13:55] <hi> having a 144hz refresh rate does not change anything when a game has a refresh rate of 60 or less
  230. [06:14:06] <PiSquar3d> Yes, it does -_-
  231. [06:14:15] <hi> most games you play will be dynamic anyway, shifting between 30fps to 120 fps depending on what's going on
  232. [06:14:27] <hi> having a 144hz monitor just makes sure you are getting every frame when it appears
  233. [06:15:00] <PiSquar3d> Not really
  234. [06:15:19] <hi> If you are playing a game on high settings, you can average maybe 40 fps if it's intense
  235. [06:15:28] <PiSquar3d> If you have a monitor that is 60hz than your games should be locked at 60fps or lower
  236. 01[06:15:30] <Kurausukun> All of my games are stable at 60...
  237. [06:15:36] <hi> but if you play on low settings sometimes you get more than you ask, like 80 fps
  238. [06:15:48] <hi> but those 20 extra frames are wasted. You can't see if since your monitor is only 60hz
  239. [06:16:02] <hi> having a 144hz monitor lets you see the extra smoothness
  240. [06:16:09] <PiSquar3d> Who cares, anything past 60 is retarded
  241. 01[06:16:12] <Kurausukun> ^
  242. [06:16:16] <hi> are you serious?
  243. [06:16:24] <hi> Why do you think anything past 60 is retarded>?
  244. 01[06:16:27] <Kurausukun> Have you looked at the images
  245. [06:16:31] <hi> I looked
  246. [06:16:33] <PiSquar3d> Can you legit tell the difference between 80 fps and 100 fps?
  247. [06:16:36] <hi> Yes, I can
  248. [06:16:41] <hi> you probably havn't experienced it before
  249. [06:16:41] <PiSquar3d> GG.
  250. [06:16:47] <hi> because you are used to 60 hz monitors
  251. [06:17:13] <hi> 60hz isn't the be all and end all. It's just the best you've seen because you've limited yourself
  252. [06:17:33] <hi> There is a great difference, especially at the max 144hz
  253. [06:17:33] <PiSquar3d> I'm used to 30/20 Fps at the moment, been playing a lot of GCN and N64 games... and watching YouTube videos @30fps
  254. [06:17:54] <hi> Yes, see you are getting frames constantly below 60hz
  255. [06:18:02] <hi> but I have a powerful machine that constantly gives me above 60hz
  256. [06:18:04] <PiSquar3d> I do notice a difference between 30 and 60 though
  257. [06:18:16] <hi> Yes, the difference between 30 and 60 is more obvious than 60 and 120 though
  258. [06:18:27] <hi> But it is noticeable
  259. [06:18:37] <hi> Once you are used to the higher refresh rate you can tell at a glance
  260. [06:18:55] <hi> I remember when I played Wind Waker for the first time. I didn't know it was 30 fps
  261. [06:19:00] <hi> until I got used to 60 fps games
  262. [06:19:02] <hi> and went back to it
  263. [06:19:04] <hi> and I was like oh my gosh
  264. [06:19:13] <hi> it's the same with 144hz
  265. [06:19:14] <hi> anyway
  266. [06:19:18] <hi> back to the 480 vs 1080
  267. [06:19:25] <hi> And one is definitely sharper than the other
  268. 01[06:19:33] <Kurausukun> Yes
  269. [06:19:41] <PiSquar3d> more frames = a greater load on cpu/gpu
  270. [06:19:57] <hi> I would have to limit my gpu to make it output 60 fps
  271. [06:20:10] <hi> with no cap I get my 144hz
  272. 01[06:20:11] <Kurausukun> Also true. Once you get that high, you need a crazy powerful setup if you played at 1080p
  273. [06:20:24] <hi> but 480 gives you quality and frames
  274. [06:20:29] <PiSquar3d> IF you played at 1080p, lawl
  275. 01[06:20:35] <Kurausukun> It gives you frames, not quality
  276. 01[06:20:42] <Kurausukun> You JUST said one image looked sharper
  277. [06:20:43] <hi> no more pixels per pixel
  278. [06:20:45] <hi> Yes
  279. 01[06:21:11] <Kurausukun> Then it's higher quality
  280. [06:21:15] <PiSquar3d> 1080p has more pixels, that's all there really is to it
  281. 01[06:21:22] <Kurausukun> Yes.
  282. [06:21:26] <hi> the 1080p was sharper, but the 480 was crisper. Also, my browser and all my programs only take up a quarter of the screen now
  283. [06:21:44] <hi> tbh there's not much difference
  284. [06:21:51] <PiSquar3d> >_>
  285. [06:21:53] <hi> maybe you should try 144p
  286. [06:22:26] <PiSquar3d> Yeah, no difference between HDMI and A/V either
  287. [06:22:43] <hi> well HDMI is better because it's one cable
  288. [06:22:47] <hi> unlike A/V
  289. [06:22:52] <hi> it's just more convenient
  290. [06:22:53] <PiSquar3d> I'm o.k with interlaced frames @ 480x640
  291. [06:22:59] <hi> interlaced?
  292. [06:23:11] <PiSquar3d> 480i, interlaced
  293. 01[06:23:43] <Kurausukun> Not necessarily true, A/V is analogue
  294. [06:23:43] <PiSquar3d> each frame only renders every second line, or something.
  295. 01[06:23:51] <Kurausukun> HDMI is digital
  296. [06:24:11] <hi> oh
  297. [06:24:14] <hi> analogue is better than digital
  298. 01[06:24:20] <Kurausukun> Not in this case
  299. [06:24:22] <PiSquar3d> Not really...
  300. [06:24:33] <hi> that's becuse HDMI has more digital than A/V's analogue can digitize
  301. 01[06:24:33] <Kurausukun> Also what the fuck does "crisper" mean if not "sharper"
  302. [06:24:41] <hi> crisper like a potato chip
  303. [06:24:54] <PiSquar3d> kek
  304. 01[06:25:01] <Kurausukun> topkek
  305. 03[06:25:33] * madalynn ( has joined #bcm
  306. 02[06:25:34] * madalynn ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  307. [06:25:43] <PiSquar3d> We've just been spooked by mr skeletal, post in this thread or you will get no milk for your bones
  308. [06:25:57] <hi> when you bite into a potato chip, it is nice right? not like nails in the mouth
  309. [06:25:58] <hi> nails are sharp
  310. [06:26:07] <hi> so potato chip is better than nails
  311. 01[06:27:11] <Kurausukun> But that has nothing to do with video
  312. [06:27:39] <hi> it is just an analogy my friend
  313. 01[06:27:55] <Kurausukun> But the two things you are comparing are not analogous
  314. [06:28:03] <hi> They are
  315. [06:28:11] <hi> you can put them both in your mouth, even at the same time
  316. [06:28:13] <hi> I wouldn't recommend it though
  317. 01[06:28:15] <Kurausukun> How is eating a nail like rendering at 1080p
  318. [06:28:21] <hi> because nails are sharp
  319. [06:28:25] <hi> and potato chips are crisp
  320. [06:29:08] <PiSquar3d> Tides go in, tides go out; you can't explain that.
  321. 01[06:29:18] <Kurausukun> teehee
  322. [06:29:32] <hi> I thought that is related to the phase of the moon, the rotation of the earth and the distance from the sun
  323. [06:29:38] <hi> so it's very explainable
  324. [06:29:43] <hi> with regards to many things
  325. [06:30:12] <PiSquar3d> bill o'reilly
  326. 01[06:30:20] <Kurausukun> my favorite
  327. [06:30:21] <hi> he is somebody. I don't relally know
  328. [06:30:30] <PiSquar3d>
  329. 01[06:30:57] <Kurausukun> Our point is that neither your analogy nor your argument make sense
  330. [06:31:07] <hi> Have you tried a potato chip before?
  331. 01[06:31:27] <Kurausukun> I actually have, believe it or not
  332. [06:31:31] <hi> It is quite satisfying.
  333. [06:31:41] <hi> So you know that they are crisp
  334. 01[06:31:45] <Kurausukun> Sometimes
  335. [06:31:45] <hi> Now do you know that nails are sharp?
  336. [06:31:54] <hi> you have potato chips that aren't crisp?
  337. 01[06:32:06] <Kurausukun> No, I meant the satisfying part
  338. 01[06:32:12] <Kurausukun> Yes, nails are sharp
  339. [06:32:15] <hi> what's not to satifys?
  340. 01[06:32:26] <Kurausukun> Sometimes the flavor is undesirable
  341. [06:32:44] <hi> Hmm
  342. [06:32:50] <hi> I only eat Lays branded
  343. [06:32:55] <hi> I don't know any other
  344. [06:33:04] <PiSquar3d> You know what else is sharp? Sharpies. You know what I like to huff? Sharpies. What could be better than huffing sharp Sharpies, my friends?
  345. 01[06:33:17] <Kurausukun> Kitten huffing forever
  346. [06:33:23] <hi> huffing crisp potato chips
  347. 01[06:33:47] <Kurausukun> We've gotten way off topic
  348. [06:34:30] <hi> I don't think we are too far
  349. [06:34:31] <PiSquar3d> Potato chips, as crisp as they are, have created the up-rise in obesity in America.
  350. [06:34:37] <hi> hahaha
  351. [06:34:46] <hi> the cause of the uprise in obesity is due to many factor
  352. [06:34:53] <PiSquar3d> Mmmm, eat that cancer =3
  353. [06:34:57] <hi> Do not put the blame on my friend the potato chip
  354. 01[06:35:00] <Kurausukun> 480P IS CAUSING CHILDHOOD OBESITY
  355. 01[06:35:12] <Kurausukun> QUICK, TELL FOX NEWS
  356. [06:35:12] <hi> maybe not
  357. [06:35:30] <hi> maybe 480p will only make you want to look at the screen longer
  358. [06:35:31] <PiSquar3d> 480p has more pixels per pixels per colour
  359. [06:35:46] <hi> Yes!
  360. [06:35:50] <hi> So you understand now
  361. [06:36:01] <hi> This took a long time but now I am glad
  362. 01[06:36:04] <Kurausukun> But 1080p has less fat per gram
  363. [06:36:15] <hi> maybe, if you compare it to fat
  364. [06:36:33] <hi> so I am going to celebrate your understanding with potato chips
  365. [06:36:49] <hi> 12 hours from now we should eat potato chips at the same time
  366. [06:36:52] <hi> can you do this?
  367. [06:37:00] <PiSquar3d> I'm going to celebrate with a smoke
  368. [06:37:11] <hi> that is a waste of potato chip
  369. [06:37:13] <hi> you should eat instead
  370. 01[06:37:19] <Kurausukun> I'm going to celebrate by huffing kittens
  371. [06:37:28] <hi> that is impossible, no?
  372. [06:37:52] <hi> So anyway. glad we cleared up the resolution thing
  373. [06:37:57] <hi> but you guys got less serious as we went along
  374. [06:38:05] <PiSquar3d> No, I'm going to smoke a sharp cigarette
  375. [06:38:14] <PiSquar3d> Not a crisp one
  376. [06:38:31] <PiSquar3d> crisp ones cause obesity
  377. 01[06:38:33] <Kurausukun> I always huff the sharpest of kittens as well
  378. 01[06:38:45] <Kurausukun> I have to watch my cholesterol after all
  379. [06:38:47] <hi> You guys are silly
  380. 01[06:40:03] <Kurausukun> I take pride in it
  381. [06:40:16] <hi> So anyway, now I want to try out 144p
  382. [06:40:30] <hi> Kurausukun: can you get a screen shot of 144p vs. 1080?
  383. 01[06:40:50] <Kurausukun> Dolphin can't go lower than native resolution i.e. 480
  384. [06:41:04] <hi> WHAT?!?
  385. [06:41:08] <hi> that's a shame
  386. [06:41:56] <hi> Why can't it go lower?
  387. 01[06:42:09] <Kurausukun> Because most people aren't as retarded as you
  388. [06:42:23] <hi> Why would you out of the blue insult like that?
  389. 01[06:42:42] <Kurausukun> Because I honestly thought you were trolling up to this point
  390. [06:43:04] <hi> why?
  391. 01[06:43:27] <Kurausukun> Because it's just so unthinkable that someone would honestly believe something that goes against common sense so much
  392. [06:43:52] <hi> it's much more common sense that a bigger pixel is easier to see
  393. 01[06:44:05] <Kurausukun> There's no such thing as a "bigger" pixel
  394. 01[06:44:18] <Kurausukun> A pixel, for a given monitor, will always be the same size
  395. [06:44:21] <hi> so we make all the small pixels comprise a larger pixel. In this case 6.75 pixels
  396. 01[06:44:40] <Kurausukun> No, we duplicate the pixel, leading to jagged edges and bluriness.
  397. [06:45:03] <hi> It would be less jagged if it were bigger
  398. [06:45:09] <hi> 1080p is much more jagged
  399. [06:45:29] <hi> like a nail
  400. 01[06:46:11] <Kurausukun> I still don't understand how you have not comprehended that my 1080p image looks better than my 480p image
  401. [06:47:45] <hi> because with 480p, I can see each pixel better
  402. [06:47:51] <hi> while in 1080p, the pixels are much harder
  403. 01[06:48:20] <Kurausukun> The pixels are the same no matter what you do. What you are calling "bigger" pixels are just more pixels
  404. 01[06:48:36] <Kurausukun> Hang on, I can lower the resolution of that 1080p image to 144p
  405. [06:49:54] <PiSquar3d> If you want to see your games better than you would need a monitor that is physically bigger
  406. [06:50:19] <hi> 480p spread out on 1080p screen is like magnification
  407. [06:50:22] <hi> so you see better
  408. [06:50:23] <hi> that is why
  409. [06:51:01] <PiSquar3d> Depends.
  410. [06:51:48] <PiSquar3d> If you are talking about running windows in a lower resolution, then yes, the desktop, browser's etc. will appear much bigger
  411. 01[06:52:03] <Kurausukun> But at the same time much less detailed
  412. [06:52:59] <hi> it's not less detailed. It's just spread out so that everything is more distinguishable
  413. [06:53:05] <PiSquar3d> As for games... Nope.avi
  414. [06:53:49] <hi> if the pixels are more distinguishable because they take up more space, more power to the player
  415. 01[06:54:00] <Kurausukun> Here's what that 1080p image looks like at 144p
  416. 01[06:54:01] <Kurausukun>
  417. 01[06:54:10] <Kurausukun> Knock yourself out
  418. [06:55:02] <hi> still could be better
  419. 01[06:55:38] <Kurausukun> hang on
  420. [06:55:42] <PiSquar3d> You can distinguish each and every low res pixel and there individual, that's cool and all, but it doesn't help distinguish objects and the such
  421. [06:56:00] <PiSquar3d> *and their individual color
  422. [06:56:59] <PiSquar3d> In that picture mario could be one big red square or a nice outline of pixels that define the character itself making him distinguishable from a red blob
  423. [06:57:30] <hi> but that's just poor game design
  424. [06:58:07] <PiSquar3d> ... Exactly, that's why game designers up the resolution so you can see clearly
  425. [06:58:21] <hi> bad move
  426. [06:58:28] <hi> anyway. I'll head to bed now
  427. [06:58:41] <hi> thanks for the foobar bit
  428. 01[06:58:44] <Kurausukun> wait
  429. 01[06:58:51] <Kurausukun> I'm about to upload a 50p image
  430. [06:58:54] <hi> ok
  431. 01[06:58:54] <Kurausukun> Do you want to see it
  432. [06:58:58] <hi> sure
  433. 01[06:59:29] <Kurausukun>
  434. [06:59:45] <PiSquar3d> Oh gawd
  435. 01[06:59:50] <Kurausukun> Exactly
  436. 01[07:00:05] <Kurausukun> It's like time travelling to the 20s and adding color
  437. [07:00:26] <PiSquar3d> That thing in the bottom left is a blob... Oh wait, it's a Mario icon. Bad game design/10
  438. [07:00:28] <hi> hmmm
  439. [07:00:30] <hi> I see the problem
  440. [07:00:33] <hi> this image
  441. [07:00:35] <hi> is definitely bad
  442. [07:00:39] <hi> much worse than before
  443. 01[07:00:41] <Kurausukun> orly
  444. [07:00:56] <hi> This isn't the type of 50p that I'm talking about
  445. 01[07:01:04] <Kurausukun> What other fucking type is there
  446. 01[07:01:35] <Kurausukun> 50p is 50p
  447. [07:01:37] <hi> You see, in this image, multipled pixels get congealated into one which makes the image look blurry, as opposed to each pixel from the 1080 image being expanding to take 6.75 pixels and pushing all the other pixels aside
  448. 01[07:02:11] <Kurausukun> That's called zooming in
  449. [07:02:17] <hi> yes magnifying
  450. 01[07:02:23] <Kurausukun> No, zooming in
  451. [07:02:38] <hi> zooming in and magnification are the same for 2D images
  452. 01[07:02:56] <Kurausukun> Why would you not want to see the whole image
  453. [07:03:08] <hi> to get more quality of the less image
  454. 01[07:03:33] <Kurausukun> If you up the original resolution and then zoom in, it will be even higher quality
  455. [07:03:34] <PiSquar3d> stretching 480p to 1080p doesn't inhance an already low res image
  456. [07:03:39] <PiSquar3d> It's still 480p
  457. 01[07:03:42] <Kurausukun> Correct
  458. [07:03:52] <hi> no we are not stretching 480p to 1080 p
  459. [07:03:58] <hi> we are stretching 1080p to 480p
  460. [07:03:59] <PiSquar3d> you are
  461. 01[07:04:07] <Kurausukun> That's called downscaling
  462. [07:04:14] <hi> no you are thinking in reverse
  463. [07:05:12] <PiSquar3d> Setting windows to 480p mode and running games in 480p is stretching a 480p image across a 1080p monitor
  464. [07:06:53] <PiSquar3d> It's just a 480p image, the less pixels the less information there is to see.
  465. [07:07:53] <PiSquar3d> If you wear glasses and you take them off, the world around you looks much less detailed and worse.
  466. 01[07:08:20] <Kurausukun> Now that's a good analogy. Especially since I do wear glasses
  467. [07:08:37] <PiSquar3d> It's harder to distinguish objects because there is less detail/information being sent to your brain
  468. [07:08:40] <hi> it only appears less detailed. But the details blend into each other
  469. 01[07:08:50] <Kurausukun> That means you're losing detail
  470. [07:08:59] <hi> You're not losing detail, you're losing information
  471. 01[07:09:10] <Kurausukun> That's the same thing in this case
  472. [07:09:24] <hi> i.e. the level of detail is the same, but the brain does not interpret it in the same rich way
  473. [07:10:45] <PiSquar3d> It's more like "the level of detail can reach a certain point but your eyes cannot see such rich detail and information".
  474. [07:11:12] <PiSquar3d> 480p is like limiting yourself by taking your glasses off
  475. [07:11:17] <hi> Well, I mean, you're not seeing any less. The same amount of light is going to your eyes. You just prefer a pretty flower than a blurry flower
  476. [07:11:25] <hi> it's not any less detailed, just doesn't make as much sense to the brain
  477. [07:11:34] <PiSquar3d> *eyes
  478. [07:11:50] <PiSquar3d> It's not a problem with the brain, generally
  479. [07:12:23] <hi> Well focus is systematic and can be simplified to an equation. Why the brain doesn't compute this when bad eyes is beyond me
  480. [07:12:26] <hi> anywa
  481. [07:12:28] <hi> I will go to bed now
  482. [07:12:29] <hi> good night
  483. 01[07:12:50] <Kurausukun> No, your brain is fine. People need glasses because the focal point of the eyes can wander. So we use glasses and contacts to refract the light in such a way that the light rays properly converge on the eye's focal points
  484. [07:13:03] <PiSquar3d> You are seeing less, a blurry flower (480p). You see more, a pretty flower (1080p)
  485. [07:13:12] <hi> yes, but the refraction of the light is a systematic function that acts on the light
  486. [07:14:01] <hi> You're seeing the same. It's like looking at the white snow on a television. You're actually seeing a very detailed picture, but it looks like nothing to you because it doesn't MEAN anything to you
  487. [07:16:01] <hi> a blurry flower is less of a flower, but more of a blurry flower, you get what I'm saying?
  488. [07:16:18] <hi> They don't take up any more or less space
  489. [07:16:20] <PiSquar3d> Would "white snow" be more detailed on a 1080p tv or 480i tv?
  490. [07:16:41] <hi> it would be more detailed on 1080p because of the nature of white snow
  491. [07:17:00] <PiSquar3d> What?
  492. 01[07:17:08] <Kurausukun> Yeah, what?
  493. [07:17:32] <hi> what's with the whats?
  494. 01[07:18:22] <Kurausukun> Literally nothing you say makes sense, that's what
  495. [07:18:31] <PiSquar3d> so, you are telling me that native 1080p isn't as good as native 480p?
  496. [07:18:49] <hi> it depends
  497. [07:19:00] <hi> since 480p only because better when scaled upwards
  498. [07:19:19] <PiSquar3d> It's the same scaled up
  499. [07:19:25] <hi> Anyway. I must go
  500. [07:19:29] <hi> good bye
  501. [07:19:35] <hi> thanks for the chat
  502. [07:19:38] <hi> I'm sure we all learned something today
  503. [07:19:41] <PiSquar3d> 1 red pixel looks the same in 1080p
  504. [07:19:58] <hi> Yea but I'm talking about where that 1 red pixel gets to take up 6.75 pixels instead
  505. [07:20:00] <PiSquar3d> it's only now 1080x1920 red pixels
  506. [07:20:20] <hi> the examples that Kurausukun gave me were not good, because they did not make the pixels more but blurred them together
  507. [07:20:40] <PiSquar3d> Yeah, it takes up 6.75 pixels now, same as increasing the pixel size of a 480p monitor
  508. 01[07:20:45] <Kurausukun> That's what happens when you downscale
  509. [07:21:01] <hi> anyway, we can talk about this later.
  510. [07:21:02] <hi> see you
  511. 02[07:21:05] * hi (Mibbit@900e1a.fb6066.823b42.5196f4) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  512. 01[07:21:11] <Kurausukun> HOLY SHIT
  513. 01[07:21:16] <Kurausukun> THAT WAS MAGICAL
  515. 01[07:21:31] <Kurausukun> FUCK
  516. 01[07:21:35] <Kurausukun> MY FUCKING MIND
  517. 01[07:21:39] <Kurausukun> IS FULL OF FUCK
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