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- <?php
- /*********************************************************************************************************************\
- * ============
- * August 6th, 2012
- *
- *
- * =============
- * Kwaku Otchere
- *
- *
- * ==================
- * Josh Sherman
- *
- *
- * Thanks to Andrew Hewitt ( for the idea and suggestion
- *
- * All the credit goes to ColdFusion's brilliant cfdump tag
- * Hope the next version of PHP can implement this or have something similar
- * I love PHP, but var_dump BLOWS!!!
- *
- *
- *
- * =============
- * Dumps/Displays the contents of a variable in a colored tabular format
- * Based on the idea, javascript and css code of Macromedia's ColdFusion cfdump tag
- * A much better presentation of a variable's contents than PHP's var_dump and print_r functions
- *
- *
- * =============
- * new dBug ( variable [,forceType] );
- * example:
- * new dBug ( $myVariable );
- *
- *
- * if the optional "forceType" string is given, the variable supplied to the
- * function is forced to have that forceType type.
- * example: new dBug( $myVariable , "array" );
- * will force $myVariable to be treated and dumped as an array type,
- * even though it might originally have been a string type, etc.
- *
- * NOTE!
- * ==============
- * forceType is REQUIRED for dumping an xml string or xml file
- * new dBug ( $strXml, "xml" );
- *
- \*********************************************************************************************************************/
- class dBug {
- var $xmlDepth=array();
- var $xmlCData;
- var $xmlSData;
- var $xmlDData;
- var $xmlCount=0;
- var $xmlAttrib;
- var $xmlName;
- var $arrType=array("array","object","resource","boolean","NULL");
- var $bInitialized = false;
- var $bCollapsed = false;
- var $arrHistory = array();
- //constructor
- function dBug($var,$forceType="",$bCollapsed=false) {
- //include js and css scripts
- if(!defined('BDBUGINIT')) {
- define("BDBUGINIT", TRUE);
- $this->initJSandCSS();
- }
- $arrAccept=array("array","object","xml"); //array of variable types that can be "forced"
- $this->bCollapsed = $bCollapsed;
- if(in_array($forceType,$arrAccept))
- $this->{"varIs".ucfirst($forceType)}($var);
- else
- $this->checkType($var);
- }
- //get variable name
- function getVariableName() {
- $arrBacktrace = debug_backtrace();
- //possible 'included' functions
- $arrInclude = array("include","include_once","require","require_once");
- //check for any included/required files. if found, get array of the last included file (they contain the right line numbers)
- for($i=count($arrBacktrace)-1; $i>=0; $i--) {
- $arrCurrent = $arrBacktrace[$i];
- if(array_key_exists("function", $arrCurrent) &&
- (in_array($arrCurrent["function"], $arrInclude) || (0 != strcasecmp($arrCurrent["function"], "dbug"))))
- continue;
- $arrFile = $arrCurrent;
- break;
- }
- if(isset($arrFile)) {
- $arrLines = file($arrFile["file"]);
- $code = $arrLines[($arrFile["line"]-1)];
- //find call to dBug class
- preg_match('/\bnew dBug\s*\(\s*(.+)\s*\);/i', $code, $arrMatches);
- return $arrMatches[1];
- }
- return "";
- }
- //create the main table header
- function makeTableHeader($type,$header,$colspan=2) {
- if(!$this->bInitialized) {
- $header = $this->getVariableName() . " (" . $header . ")";
- $this->bInitialized = true;
- }
- $str_i = ($this->bCollapsed) ? "style=\"font-style:italic\" " : "";
- echo "<table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3 class=\"dBug_".$type."\">
- <tr>
- <td ".$str_i."class=\"dBug_".$type."Header\" colspan=".$colspan." onClick='dBug_toggleTable(this)'>".$header."</td>
- </tr>";
- }
- //create the table row header
- function makeTDHeader($type,$header) {
- $str_d = ($this->bCollapsed) ? " style=\"display:none\"" : "";
- echo "<tr".$str_d.">
- <td valign=\"top\" onClick='dBug_toggleRow(this)' class=\"dBug_".$type."Key\">".$header."</td>
- <td>";
- }
- //close table row
- function closeTDRow() {
- return "</td></tr>\n";
- }
- //error
- function error($type) {
- $error="Error: Variable cannot be a";
- // this just checks if the type starts with a vowel or "x" and displays either "a" or "an"
- if(in_array(substr($type,0,1),array("a","e","i","o","u","x")))
- $error.="n";
- return ($error." ".$type." type");
- }
- //check variable type
- function checkType($var) {
- switch(gettype($var)) {
- case "resource":
- $this->varIsResource($var);
- break;
- case "object":
- $this->varIsObject($var);
- break;
- case "array":
- $this->varIsArray($var);
- break;
- case "NULL":
- $this->varIsNULL();
- break;
- case "boolean":
- $this->varIsBoolean($var);
- break;
- default:
- $var=($var=="") ? "[empty string]" : $var;
- echo "<table cellspacing=0><tr>\n<td>".$var."</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";
- break;
- }
- }
- //if variable is a NULL type
- function varIsNULL() {
- echo "NULL";
- }
- //if variable is a boolean type
- function varIsBoolean($var) {
- $var=($var==1) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
- echo $var;
- }
- //if variable is an array type
- function varIsArray($var) {
- $var_ser = serialize($var);
- array_push($this->arrHistory, $var_ser);
- $this->makeTableHeader("array","array");
- if(is_array($var)) {
- foreach($var as $key=>$value) {
- $this->makeTDHeader("array",$key);
- //check for recursion
- if(is_array($value)) {
- $var_ser = serialize($value);
- if(in_array($var_ser, $this->arrHistory, TRUE))
- $value = "*RECURSION*";
- }
- if(in_array(gettype($value),$this->arrType))
- $this->checkType($value);
- else {
- $value=(trim($value)=="") ? "[empty string]" : $value;
- echo $value;
- }
- echo $this->closeTDRow();
- }
- }
- else echo "<tr><td>".$this->error("array").$this->closeTDRow();
- array_pop($this->arrHistory);
- echo "</table>";
- }
- //if variable is an object type
- function varIsObject($var) {
- $var_ser = serialize($var);
- array_push($this->arrHistory, $var_ser);
- $this->makeTableHeader("object","object");
- if(is_object($var)) {
- $arrObjVars=get_object_vars($var);
- foreach($arrObjVars as $key=>$value) {
- $value=(!is_object($value) && !is_array($value) && trim($value)=="") ? "[empty string]" : $value;
- $this->makeTDHeader("object",$key);
- //check for recursion
- if(is_object($value)||is_array($value)) {
- $var_ser = serialize($value);
- if(in_array($var_ser, $this->arrHistory, TRUE)) {
- $value = (is_object($value)) ? "*RECURSION* -> $".get_class($value) : "*RECURSION*";
- }
- }
- if(in_array(gettype($value),$this->arrType))
- $this->checkType($value);
- else echo $value;
- echo $this->closeTDRow();
- }
- $arrObjMethods=get_class_methods(get_class($var));
- foreach($arrObjMethods as $key=>$value) {
- $this->makeTDHeader("object",$value);
- echo "[function]".$this->closeTDRow();
- }
- }
- else echo "<tr><td>".$this->error("object").$this->closeTDRow();
- array_pop($this->arrHistory);
- echo "</table>";
- }
- //if variable is a resource type
- function varIsResource($var) {
- $this->makeTableHeader("resourceC","resource",1);
- echo "<tr>\n<td>\n";
- switch(get_resource_type($var)) {
- case "fbsql result":
- case "mssql result":
- case "msql query":
- case "pgsql result":
- case "sybase-db result":
- case "sybase-ct result":
- case "mysql result":
- $db=current(explode(" ",get_resource_type($var)));
- $this->varIsDBResource($var,$db);
- break;
- case "gd":
- $this->varIsGDResource($var);
- break;
- case "xml":
- $this->varIsXmlResource($var);
- break;
- default:
- echo get_resource_type($var).$this->closeTDRow();
- break;
- }
- echo $this->closeTDRow()."</table>\n";
- }
- //if variable is a database resource type
- function varIsDBResource($var,$db="mysql") {
- if($db == "pgsql")
- $db = "pg";
- if($db == "sybase-db" || $db == "sybase-ct")
- $db = "sybase";
- $arrFields = array("name","type","flags");
- $numrows=call_user_func($db."_num_rows",$var);
- $numfields=call_user_func($db."_num_fields",$var);
- $this->makeTableHeader("resource",$db." result",$numfields+1);
- echo "<tr><td class=\"dBug_resourceKey\"> </td>";
- for($i=0;$i<$numfields;$i++) {
- $field_header = "";
- for($j=0; $j<count($arrFields); $j++) {
- $db_func = $db."_field_".$arrFields[$j];
- if(function_exists($db_func)) {
- $fheader = call_user_func($db_func, $var, $i). " ";
- if($j==0)
- $field_name = $fheader;
- else
- $field_header .= $fheader;
- }
- }
- $field[$i]=call_user_func($db."_fetch_field",$var,$i);
- echo "<td class=\"dBug_resourceKey\" title=\"".$field_header."\">".$field_name."</td>";
- }
- echo "</tr>";
- for($i=0;$i<$numrows;$i++) {
- $row=call_user_func($db."_fetch_array",$var,constant(strtoupper($db)."_ASSOC"));
- echo "<tr>\n";
- echo "<td class=\"dBug_resourceKey\">".($i+1)."</td>";
- for($k=0;$k<$numfields;$k++) {
- $tempField=$field[$k]->name;
- $fieldrow=$row[($field[$k]->name)];
- $fieldrow=($fieldrow=="") ? "[empty string]" : $fieldrow;
- echo "<td>".$fieldrow."</td>\n";
- }
- echo "</tr>\n";
- }
- echo "</table>";
- if($numrows>0)
- call_user_func($db."_data_seek",$var,0);
- }
- //if variable is an image/gd resource type
- function varIsGDResource($var) {
- $this->makeTableHeader("resource","gd",2);
- $this->makeTDHeader("resource","Width");
- echo imagesx($var).$this->closeTDRow();
- $this->makeTDHeader("resource","Height");
- echo imagesy($var).$this->closeTDRow();
- $this->makeTDHeader("resource","Colors");
- echo imagecolorstotal($var).$this->closeTDRow();
- echo "</table>";
- }
- //if variable is an xml type
- function varIsXml($var) {
- $this->varIsXmlResource($var);
- }
- //if variable is an xml resource type
- function varIsXmlResource($var) {
- $xml_parser=xml_parser_create();
- xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0);
- xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser,array(&$this,"xmlStartElement"),array(&$this,"xmlEndElement"));
- xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser,array(&$this,"xmlCharacterData"));
- xml_set_default_handler($xml_parser,array(&$this,"xmlDefaultHandler"));
- $this->makeTableHeader("xml","xml document",2);
- $this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlRoot");
- //attempt to open xml file
- $bFile=(!($fp=@fopen($var,"r"))) ? false : true;
- //read xml file
- if($bFile) {
- while($data=str_replace("\n","",fread($fp,4096)))
- $this->xmlParse($xml_parser,$data,feof($fp));
- }
- //if xml is not a file, attempt to read it as a string
- else {
- if(!is_string($var)) {
- echo $this->error("xml").$this->closeTDRow()."</table>\n";
- return;
- }
- $data=$var;
- $this->xmlParse($xml_parser,$data,1);
- }
- echo $this->closeTDRow()."</table>\n";
- }
- //parse xml
- function xmlParse($xml_parser,$data,$bFinal) {
- if (!xml_parse($xml_parser,$data,$bFinal)) {
- die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d\n",
- xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)),
- xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser)));
- }
- }
- //xml: inititiated when a start tag is encountered
- function xmlStartElement($parser,$name,$attribs) {
- $this->xmlAttrib[$this->xmlCount]=$attribs;
- $this->xmlName[$this->xmlCount]=$name;
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount]='$this->makeTableHeader("xml","xml element",2);';
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='$this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlName");';
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='echo "<strong>'.$this->xmlName[$this->xmlCount].'</strong>".$this->closeTDRow();';
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='$this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlAttributes");';
- if(count($attribs)>0)
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='$this->varIsArray($this->xmlAttrib['.$this->xmlCount.']);';
- else
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='echo " ";';
- $this->xmlSData[$this->xmlCount].='echo $this->closeTDRow();';
- $this->xmlCount++;
- }
- //xml: initiated when an end tag is encountered
- function xmlEndElement($parser,$name) {
- for($i=0;$i<$this->xmlCount;$i++) {
- eval($this->xmlSData[$i]);
- $this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlText");
- echo (!empty($this->xmlCData[$i])) ? $this->xmlCData[$i] : " ";
- echo $this->closeTDRow();
- $this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlComment");
- echo (!empty($this->xmlDData[$i])) ? $this->xmlDData[$i] : " ";
- echo $this->closeTDRow();
- $this->makeTDHeader("xml","xmlChildren");
- unset($this->xmlCData[$i],$this->xmlDData[$i]);
- }
- echo $this->closeTDRow();
- echo "</table>";
- $this->xmlCount=0;
- }
- //xml: initiated when text between tags is encountered
- function xmlCharacterData($parser,$data) {
- $count=$this->xmlCount-1;
- if(!empty($this->xmlCData[$count]))
- $this->xmlCData[$count].=$data;
- else
- $this->xmlCData[$count]=$data;
- }
- //xml: initiated when a comment or other miscellaneous texts is encountered
- function xmlDefaultHandler($parser,$data) {
- //strip '<!--' and '-->' off comments
- $data=str_replace(array("<!--","-->"),"",htmlspecialchars($data));
- $count=$this->xmlCount-1;
- if(!empty($this->xmlDData[$count]))
- $this->xmlDData[$count].=$data;
- else
- $this->xmlDData[$count]=$data;
- }
- function initJSandCSS() {
- echo <<<SCRIPTS
- <script language="JavaScript">
- /* code modified from ColdFusion's cfdump code */
- function dBug_toggleRow(source) {
- var target = (document.all) ? source.parentElement.cells[1] : source.parentNode.lastChild;
- dBug_toggleTarget(target,dBug_toggleSource(source));
- }
- function dBug_toggleSource(source) {
- if ('italic') {
- source.title='click to collapse';
- return 'open';
- } else {
- source.title='click to expand';
- return 'closed';
- }
- }
- function dBug_toggleTarget(target,switchToState) {
- = (switchToState=='open') ? '' : 'none';
- }
- function dBug_toggleTable(source) {
- var switchToState=dBug_toggleSource(source);
- if(document.all) {
- var table=source.parentElement.parentElement;
- for(var i=1;i<table.rows.length;i++) {
- target=table.rows[i];
- dBug_toggleTarget(target,switchToState);
- }
- }
- else {
- var table=source.parentNode.parentNode;
- for (var i=1;i<table.childNodes.length;i++) {
- target=table.childNodes[i];
- if( {
- dBug_toggleTarget(target,switchToState);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style type="text/css">
- table.dBug_array,table.dBug_object,table.dBug_resource,table.dBug_resourceC,table.dBug_xml
- { font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:# 000000; font-size:12px; border-spacing:2px; display:table; border-collapse:separate; }
- table.dBug_array td,
- table.dBug_object td,
- table.dBug_resource td,
- table.dBug_resourceC td,
- table.dBug_xml td
- { line-height:1.3; padding:3px; vertical-align:top; }
- .dBug_arrayHeader,
- .dBug_objectHeader,
- .dBug_resourceHeader,
- .dBug_resourceCHeader,
- .dBug_xmlHeader
- { font-weight:bold; color:# FFFFFF; cursor:pointer; }
- .dBug_arrayKey,
- .dBug_objectKey,
- .dBug_xmlKey
- { cursor:pointer; }
- /* array */
- table.dBug_array { background-color:# 006600; }
- table.dBug_array td { background-color:# FFFFFF; }
- table.dBug_array td.dBug_arrayHeader { background-color:# 009900; }
- table.dBug_array td.dBug_arrayKey { background-color:# CCFFCC; }
- /* object */
- table.dBug_object { background-color:# 0000CC; }
- table.dBug_object td { background-color:# FFFFFF; }
- table.dBug_object td.dBug_objectHeader { background-color:# 4444CC; }
- table.dBug_object td.dBug_objectKey { background-color:# CCDDFF; }
- /* resource */
- table.dBug_resourceC { background-color:# 884488; }
- table.dBug_resourceC td { background-color:# FFFFFF; }
- table.dBug_resourceC td.dBug_resourceCHeader { background-color:# AA66AA; }
- table.dBug_resourceC td.dBug_resourceCKey { background-color:# FFDDFF; }
- /* resource */
- table.dBug_resource { background-color:# 884488; }
- table.dBug_resource td { background-color:# FFFFFF; }
- table.dBug_resource td.dBug_resourceHeader { background-color:# AA66AA; }
- table.dBug_resource td.dBug_resourceKey { background-color:# FFDDFF; }
- /* xml */
- table.dBug_xml { background-color:# 888888; }
- table.dBug_xml td { background-color:# FFFFFF; }
- table.dBug_xml td.dBug_xmlHeader { background-color:# AAAAAA; }
- table.dBug_xml td.dBug_xmlKey { background-color:# DDDDDD; }
- </style>
- }
- }
- ?>
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