
A list of the standard library modules in Python3 I mainly use

Dec 11th, 2022
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  1. random: This module provides functions for generating random numbers.
  2. os: This module provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
  3. sys: This module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.
  4. time: This module provides functions for working with time, including converting between representations, getting the current time, and sleeping.
  5. re: This module provides regular expression matching operations.
  6. zlib: This module provides functions for compression and decompression using the zlib library.
  7. PIL (Python Imaging Library): This module provides functions for working with images.
  8. requests: This module provides functions for making HTTP requests.
  9. json: This module provides functions for working with JSON data.
  10. itertools: This module provides functions for working with iterators.
  11. urllib: This module provides functions for working with URLs.
  12. math: This module provides mathematical functions.
  13. base64: This module provides functions for encoding and decoding data in base64 representation.
  14. ctypes: This module provides access to the C types library, which can be used to call functions in C libraries from Python.
  15. collections: This module provides specialized container data types.
  16. datetime: This module provides functions for working with dates and times.
  17. logging: This module provides functions for logging messages.
  18. glob: This module provides functions for finding files matching a specified pattern.
  19. threading: This module provides functions for working with threads.
  20. csv: This module provides functions for reading and writing CSV files.
  21. functools: This module provides higher-order functions, which are functions that operate on or return other functions.
  22. string: This module provides functions for working with strings.
  23. subprocess: This module provides functions for working with subprocesses.
  24. io: This module provides functions for working with input/output operations.
  25. sysconfig: This module provides access to the configuration information used by the interpreter.
  26. struct: This module provides functions for working with C-style structs.
  27. argparse: This module provides functions for parsing command-line arguments.
  28. decimal: This module provides support for fast correctly rounded decimal floating point arithmetic.
  29. tempfile: This module provides functions for working with temporary files and directories.
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