
hiding Bob

Sep 14th, 2022
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  1. But I couldn't walk back into my apartment with a bag full of no-nos. I'd have to hide them before I got there - and that meant leaving the bag here. That wasn't exactly a brilliant idea, but I didn't have much in the way of a choice. I would have to take whatever precautions I could to hide the bag and hope that they were enough.
  2. Earth magic isn't my forte. It is an extremely demanding discipline, physically speaking. You are, after all, talking about an awful lot of weight being moved around. Using magic doesn't mean you get to ignore physics. The energy for creating heat or motion comes from a different source, but it still has to interact with reality along the same lines as any other kind of energy. That means that affecting tons of earth takes an enormous amount of energy, and it's damned difficult - but not impossible. Ebenezar had insisted that I learn at least one very useful, if enormously taxing, spell with earth magic. It would be the effort of an entire day to use it in the real world. But here, in the Nevernever . . .
  3. I lifted my staff, pointed it at the ground before me, and intoned in a deep, heavy monotone, "Dispertius!" I unleashed my will as I did, though I was already winded, and the earth and stone beneath my feet cracked open, a black gap opening like a stony mouth a few inches in front of my toes.
  4. "Oh, no, no," Bob said. "You are not going to put me in - "
  5. It was an enormous effort to my swiftly tiring body, but I pitched the bag, with the Swords, Bob, and all, into the hole. It vanished into the dark, along with Bob's scream of, "You'd better come back!"
  6. The furious hissing of the enraged centipedes sliced through the air.
  7. I pointed my staff at the hole again and intoned, "Resarcius!" More of my strength flooded out of me, and as quickly as that, the hole mended itself again, with the earth and stone that the bag and its contents displaced being dispersed into a wide area, resulting in little more than a very slight and difficult-to-see hump in the ground. The spell would make retrieval of the gear difficult for anyone who didn't know exactly where it was, and I had put it deep enough to hide it from anyone who wasn't specifically looking for it. I hoped.
  8. Bob and the Swords were as safe as it was possible for me to make them, under the circumstances, and my wall of silver fire was steadily dwindling. It was time to get going while I still could.
  11. Changes Chapter 12, Page 109-110
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