

Apr 27th, 2014
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  1. firefox[2750]: initWithCallback: Xerox Imaging
  2. firefox[2750]: objc[2750]: Class PDEChoice is implemented in both /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxImaging.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxImaging and /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxJobType.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxJobType. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  3. firefox[2750]: objc[2750]: Class NumericPwdFormatter is implemented in both /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxImaging.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxImaging and /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxJobType.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxJobType. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  4. firefox[2750]: objc[2750]: Class XeroxBiDi is implemented in both /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxImaging.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxImaging and /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxJobType.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxJobType. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  5. firefox[2750]: initWithCallback: JobType
  6. firefox[2750]: objc[2750]: Class HyperlinkButton is implemented in both /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxJobType.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxJobType and /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxTroubleshooting.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxTroubleshooting. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  7. firefox[2750]: objc[2750]: Class XeroxBiDi is implemented in both /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxImaging.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxImaging and /Library/Printers/Xerox/PDEs/XeroxTroubleshooting.plugin/Contents/MacOS/XeroxTroubleshooting. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  8. firefox[2750]: XeroxTroubleshootingPlugin: initialize
  9. firefox[2750]: XeroxTroubleshootingPlugin: initWithBundle
  10. firefox[2750]: XeroxTroubleshootingPlugin: PDEPanelsForType
  11. firefox[2750]: initWithCallback: Troubleshooting
  12. kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in: 66 bus resets in last 3 minutes.
  13. Phaser_8500N__00_00_aa_95_de_40_[2916]: The function `CGContextErase' is obsolete and will be removed in an upcoming update. Unfortunately, this application, or a library it uses, is using this obsolete function, and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of system performance.
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