Not a member of Pastebin yet?
Sign Up,
it unlocks many cool features!
- -- Commands --
- Example:
- ;kill noobs/guests/me/nonadmins
- ;team new Noobs
- ;team join me/guests Noobs
- Any players (first few letters of their name): ;kill luamodel or ;kill luamodel/guests -- The Player(s) specified
- Me: kill me -- You
- Others/Noobs/Mortals: ;kill noobs -- Everyone else but you
- Random: ;kill random -- Random person
- All: ;kill all -- Everyone
- Admins: ;kill admins -- Admins in the server
- Nonadmins ;kill nonadmins -- People who aren't admins
- Uppers: ;kill uppers -- People starting with an uppercase letter in their name
- Lowers: ;kill lowers -- People starting with an lowercase letter in their name
- Guests: ;kill guests -- Kill all the guests(Real ones)
- NBCs: ;kill nbcs -- Everyone without a membership in the server
- BCs: ;kill bcs -- Everyone with the membership: BC in the server
- TBCs: ;kill tbcs -- Everyone with the membership: TBC in the server
- OBCs: ;kill obcs -- Everyone with the membership: OBC in the server
- AllBCs: ;kill allbcs -- Everyone with any membership in the server
- NOTE: Commands in kohl's or person299's that use 'un' as in unff or unjail are 'no' in mine(Accept for some), like 'noff' and 'nojail'
- NOTE: ;btools me is not a command, instead, say ;give me btools
- Commands:
- -- Owners --
- 1.) ;admin lua
- Admins LuaModelMaker to the rank "Admin"
- 2.) ;forceplace lua 1337
- Forces LuaModelMaker to go to place with the ID of 1337
- 3.) ;fun enable
- Enables fun commands
- 4.) ;noadmin lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker from Admin or Member list
- 5.) ;removeadmin
- Shuts LuaModelMaker's Admin down
- ADD.) ;forcefollow lua 13645
- Makes LuaModelMaker follow the player with the user ID of 13645 in a universe
- -- Admins+ --
- 6.) ;ban lua
- Bans LuaModelMaker from the server so he can't join
- 7.) ;c print("Ohi der")
- Runs Server-side script in workspace
- 8.) ;crash lua
- Crashes them out of the server
- 9.) ;jail lua
- Creates a jail LuaModelMaker will be trapped and spawned in
- 10.) ;kick lua
- Kicks LuaModelMaker out of the server
- 11.) ;l print("Look, a localscript!")
- Creates a LocalScript in the speaker's character
- 12.) ;loopkill lua 10
- Kills LuaModelMaker 10 times
- 13.) ;member lua
- Admins LuaModelMaker to the rank "Member"
- 14.) ;mute lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker's chatbar so he cannot talk
- 15.) ;noban lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker's name from the ban list
- 16.) ;nocrash lua
- Removes LuaModelMsker's name from the crash list
- 17.) ;noloopkill lua
- Stops any loopkill on LuaModelMaker
- 18.) ;nomute lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker's name from the mute list and makes him talk agian
- 19.) ;note lua Creator of LMM's Admin
- Creates a note about LuaModelMaker that he is the Creator of LMM's Admin [ See ;shownotes ]
- 20.) ;place lua 1337
- Requests LuaModelMaker to go to the place ID with 1337
- 21.) ;removenotes Creator of
- Removes the notes Starting with "Creator of LMM's Admin"
- 22.) ;shutdown
- Shuts the server down
- 23.) ;sm Cats have ears
- Creates a system message: "Cats have ears"
- ADD.) ;follow lua 13645
- Asks LuaModelMaker follow the player with the user ID of 13645 in a universe
- -- Members+ --
- 24.) ;admins
- Shows a list of all the admins
- 25.) ;age lua
- Shows how long LuaModelMaker has been on roblox
- 26.) ;bans
- Shows a list of all the banned players
- 27.) ;backwards lua
- Reverses LuaModelMaker's Controls
- 28.) ;blind lua
- Blinds LuaModelMaker
- 29.) ;brightness 0.5
- Sets server brightness to 0.5
- 30.) ;change lua points 100000
- Changes LuaModelMaker's points to 100000
- 31.) ;char lua 261
- Changes LuaModelMaker's Character to look like the user with the ID 261 [ Shedletsky ]
- 32.) ;clone lua
- Creates a clone of LuaModelMaker
- 33.) ;clr
- Clears Jails,Clones, and other inserted things by LMM's Admin
- 34.) ;clip lua
- Clips LuaModelMaker out of noclip
- 35.) ;cmdbar
- Gives the speaker a command bar
- 36.) ;control lua
- Controls LuaModelMakers body
- 37.) ;crashes
- Shows a list of all the crashed players
- 38.) ;debug lua
- Debugs LuaModelMaker - Removes ;char ;obama ;noob ;guest and respawns them
- 39.) ;decal 1234
- Selects a decal to the speakers cursor, click to insert, press z to dismiss, x to remove
- 40.) ;disco
- Makes the server flash disco colors
- 41.) ;drug lua
- Simulates LuaModelmaker being on LSD(A drug)
- 42.) ;explode lua
- Kills LuaModelMaker in a deadly explosion [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 43.) ;face lua 1337
- Gives LuaModelMaker the face with the ID of 1337
- 44.) ;fart lua
- Causes LuaModelMaker to pass gas [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 45.) ;ff lua
- Gives a forcefield to LuaModelMaker
- 46.) ;fire lua
- Catches LuaModelMaker on fire [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 47.) ;flash
- Makes the server flash
- 48.) ;fling lua
- Flings LuaModelMaker out of the server [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 49.) ;flip lua
- Flips lua 360° around [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 50.) ;fly lua
- Allows LuaModelMaker to fly
- 51.) ;forwards lua
- Resets LuaModelMaker's Walkspeed and undoes ;backwards
- 52.) ;freeze lua
- Freezes LuaModelMaker so he can't move
- 53.) ;friends lua
- Shows a lost of who LuaModelMaker is friends and Bestfriends with in the server
- 54.) ;gear lua 13337
- Gives LuaModelMaker the gear with the ID of 1337
- 55.) ;ghost lua
- Causes LuaModelMaker to look like a ghost [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 56.) ;give lua basicbtools
- Gives LuaModelMaker basic building tools
- 57.) ;give lua btools
- Gives LuaModelMaker all building tools
- 58.) ;give lua psbtools
- Gives LuaModelMaker Personal Server building tools
- 59.) ;give lua cookie
- If there is a tool named "Cookie", then LuaModelMaker gets a tool named "Cookie"
- 60.) ;givetools builderman
- Gives builderman a copy of of the speaker's tools
- 61.) ;god lua
- Gives LuaModelMaker maximum health
- 62.) ;gold lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker have a golden color and shine to him [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 63.) ;guest lua
- Causes LuaModelMaker to look like a guest [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 64.) ;h Heh, Hi
- Creates a hint: "Heh, Hi"
- 65.) ;hat lua 1337
- Gives LuaModelMaker a hat with the ID of 1337
- 66.) ;heal lua
- Gives LuaModelMaker full health
- 67.) ;health lua 50
- Sets LuaModelMaker's Health to 50
- 68.) ;headsize lua 200
- Sizes LuaModelMaker's Head to 200% it's original size
- 69.) ;invis lua
- Renders LuaModelMaker invisible
- 70.) ;insert 13333
- Inserts a Model to LuaModelMaker's Cursor. Press X to cancel, click to insert.
- 71.) ;jump lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker jump
- 72.) ;kill lua
- Kills LuaModelMaker
- 73.) ;lamp lua
- Creates a light in front of LuaModelMaker
- 74.) ;light lua
- Creates a light in around of LuaModelMaker
- 75.) ;longneck lua
- Gives LuaModelMaker a longneck [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 76.) ;loopheal lua
- Heals LuaModelMaker constantly
- 77.) ;loopfling lua
- Flings LuaModelMaker constantly [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 78.) ;m I like cheese
- Creates a Message: "I like cheese"
- 79.) ;merge lua builderman
- Merges LuaModelMaker and Builderman together
- 80.) ;mutes
- Shows a list of all Mutes
- 81.) ;naked lua
- Clears LuaModelMaker's character rendering him naked [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 82.) ;name lua LMM
- Changes LuaModelMaker's character name to: "LMM"
- 83.) ;noarms lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker's arms [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 84.) ;nobind lua
- Stops the effect of the blind command on LuaModelMaker
- 85.) ;noclip lua
- Makes it so LuaModelMaker can fly though solid objects
- 86.) ;nodrug lua
- Stops the effect of the drug command on LuaModelMaker
- 87.) ;noff lua
- Removes any forcefields in LuaModelMaker
- 88.) ;nofire lua
- Stops the effect of the fire command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 89.) ;noflash lua
- Stops the effect of the flash command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 90.) ;nofly lua
- Stops the effect of the fly command on LuaModelMaker
- 91.) ;nohats lua
- Removes all of LuaModelMaker's hats
- 92.) ;nolamp lua
- Stops the effect of the lamp command on LuaModelMaker
- 93.) ;nolegs lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker's legs [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 94.) ;nolight lua
- Stops the effect of the light command on LuaModelMaker
- 95.) ;nolimbs lua
- Removes all of LuaModelMaker's limbs [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 96.) ;noloopfling lua
- Stops the effect of the loopfling command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 97.) ;noname LuaModelMaker
- Removes any name someone may have named LuaModelMaker
- 98.) ;noob lua
- Turns LuaModelMakerMaker into a noob [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 99.) ;nooverlay lua
- Stops the effect of the overlay command on LuaModelMaker
- 100.) ;nopunish lua
- Stops the effect of the punish command on LuaModelMaker
- 101.) ;normal lua
- Undoes any character changes(;shine, ;gold, invis)
- 102.) ;normaljump lua
- Stops the effect of the superjump command on LuaModelMaker
- 103.) ;normalneck lua
- Stops the effect of the longneck command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 104.) ;nos
- Removes all scripts accept LMM's Admin
- 105.) ;nosmoke lua
- Stops the effect of the smoke command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 106.) ;nosparkles lua
- Stops the effect of the sparkles command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 107.) ;nospin lua
- Stops the effect of the spin command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 108.) ;nostun lua
- Stops the effect of the stun command on LuaModelMaker [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 109.) ;notools lua
- Removes all of LuaModelMaker's tools
- 110.) ;npl lua
- Removes LuaModelMaker's player list
- 111.) ;obama lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker black (lol)
- 112.) ;overlay lua 1337
- Overlays a decal on LuaModelMaker's head with the ID of 1337
- 113.) ;pants lua 1337
- Gives LuaModelMaker pants with the ID of 1337
- 114.) ;pm shed Wut up?
- Personal messages Shedletsky: "Wut up?"
- 115.) ;point lua roblox
- Creates a laser beam between LuaModelMaker and ROBLOX
- 116.) ;product lua 10000
- Shows a catalog like GUI about the product 10000 to LuaModelMaker
- 117.) ;punish lua
- Punishes LuaModelMaker
- 118.) ;ragdoll lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker a ragdoll
- 119.) ;respawn lua
- Respawns LuaModelMaker
- 120.) ;shine lua
- Gives LuaModelMaker a reflective shine
- 121.) ;shirt lua 1337
- Gives LuaModelMaker the shirt with the ID of 1337
- 122.) ;shownotes lua
- Shows saved notes about LuaModelMaker
- 123.) ;sa
- Shows all Server Admins
- 124.) ;sit lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker sit
- 125.) ;smoke lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker smoke
- 126.) ;sound 1337
- Plays a sound with the ID of 1337
- 127.) ;sparkles lua
- Gives LuaModelMaker sparkles [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 128.) ;speed lua 100
- Makes LuaModelMaker walk 100 SPS
- 129.) ;spin lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker spin [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 130.) ;strobe lua
- Creates a flashing light on LuaModelMaker's screen
- 131.) ;stun lua
- Stuns LuaModelMaker so he cannot move
- 132.) ;superjump lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker jump really high
- 133.) ;sword lua
- Gives LuaModelMaker a sword
- 134.) ;taketools lua
- Gives the speaker LuaModelMaker's tools
- 135.) ;team join lua Red Team
- Makes it so LuaModelMaker joins the Red Team
- 136.) ;team new Blue Team
- Creates a team named: "Blue Team"
- 137.) ;team remove Red Team
- Removes the Read Team
- 138.) ;team rename Blue Winners
- Renames the team: "Blue Team" to "Winners"
- 139.) ;test
- Tests to see if LMM's Admin is still working
- 140.) ;time noon
- Changes time in server to noon
- 141.) ;tp lua build
- Teleports LuaModelMaker to Builderman
- 142.) ;tshirt lua 12222
- Puts the tshirt the the ID 12222 on LuaModelMaker
- 143.) ;vis lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker visible
- 144.) ;vomit lua
- Makes LuaModelMaker puke everywhere [ FUN COMMAND ]
- 145.) ;vote all 10 Do you like LMM's Admin?
- Gives a poll to everyone for 10 seconds a yes or no question: "Do you like LMM's Admin?"
- ADD.) ;logs
- Checks commands by players
- ADD.) ;countdown 20
- Counts down from 20(Cannot be more than 120 seconds)
- -- Non-Admin Commands+ --
- 146.) ;adminvip
- Displays the product for the Admin VIP
- 147.) ;animations
- Shows a list of animations
- 148.) ;cln
- Cleans hats and tools from server
- 149.) ;cmds
- Shows a list of commands
- 150.) ;membervip
- Displays the product for the Admin VIP
- 151.) ;rejoin
- Makes Speaker rejoin the game
- 152.) ;removemenu
- Removes LMM's Admin Menu
- -------------------
- -- Main Script --]]
- -- No touchies --
- wait(0.1)
- local LocalScript = script:FindFirstChild("LocalScriptExecution")
- local Script = script:FindFirstChild("ScriptExecution")
- local Version = script:FindFirstChild("Version")
- local Memberships = {["NBC"] = Enum.MembershipType.None, ["BC"] = Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub, ["TBC"] = Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub, ["OBC"] = Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub}
- local Flings, Jailed, Objects, Logs, VoteVersion, Stopped = {}, {}, {}, {}, 0, false
- local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
- local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
- local TS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
- local HS = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local Run = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Settings = Workspace:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Settings")
- local GameOwner = nil if game.Players.LocalPlayer == nil then GameOwner = MPS:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Creator.Name else GameOwner = "[ Client ]" end
- --------------------------------------
- local SettingsModule = nil
- if Settings then SettingsModule = require(Settings) else SettingsModule = {} end
- local Ranks = SettingsModule.Ranks or {["Owner"] = {"Mitko1223tm","chochko10"}, ["Admin"] = {}, ["Member"] = {}, ["Banned"] = {}, ["Crashed"] = {}, ["Muted"] = {}}
- local FUN = SettingsModule.FUN or true
- local LagTime = SettingsModule.LagTime or 5
- local Prefix = SettingsModule.Prefix or ";"
- local Bet = SettingsModule.Bet or " "
- local VIPMemberID = SettingsModule.VIPMemberID or 0
- local VIPAdminID = SettingsModule.VIPAdminID or 0
- local GroupID = SettingsModule.GroupID or 0
- local GroupMemberRank = SettingsModule.GroupMemberRank or 0
- local GroupAdminRank = SettingsModule.GroupAdminRank or 0
- local GroupOwnerRank = SettingsModule.GroupOwnerRank or 0
- local BadgeID = SettingsModule.BadgeID or 0
- local EnableAdminMenu = SettingsModule.EnableAdminMenu or true
- local RankBan = SettingsModule.RankBan or 0
- local Filter = SettingsModule.Filter or {"GetObjects"}
- local ServerLocked = SettingsModule.ServerLocked or false
- local DisableAbuse = SettingsModule.DisableAbuse or false
- local LuaModelMakerStamp = false
- --------------------------------------
- local Commands = {
- NonAdmin = {"-- Non-Admin Commands --", ";adminvip", ";animations", ";cln", ";cmds", ";membervip", ";rejoin", ";removemenu"};
- Member = {"-- Member Commands --", ";admins", ";age player", ";bans", ";backwards player", ";blind player", ";brightness num", ";change player num", ";char player num", ";clone player", ";clip player", ";clr", ";cmdbar", ";control player", ";cookie player[SPECIAL COMMAND]", ";crashes", ";debug player", ";decal num", ";disco", ";drug player", ";explode player", ";face player num", ";fart player", ";ff player", ";fire player", ";flash", ";fling player", ";flip player", ";fly player", ";forwards player", ";freeze player", ";friends player", ";gear player num", ";ghost player", ";give player basicbtools", ";give player btools", ";give player psbtools", ";give player string", ";givetools player", ";god player", ";gold player", ";guest player", ";h string", ";hat player num", ";heal player", ";health player num", ";headsize player num", ";invis player", ";insert num", ";jump player", ";kill player", ";lamp player", ";light player", ";longneck player", ";loopheal player", ";loopfling player", ";m string", ";merge player player", ";mutes", ";naked player", ";name player string", ";noarms player", ";nobind player", ";noclip player", ";nodrug player", ";noff player", ";nofire player", ";noflash player", ";nofly player", ";nohats player", ";nolamp player", ";nolegs player", ";nolight player", ";nolimbs player", ";noname player", ";noob player", ";nooverlay player", ";nopunish player", ";normal player", ";normaljump player", ";normalneck player", ";nos", ";nosmoke player", ";nosparkles player", ";nospin player", ";nostun player", ";notools player", ";npl player", ";obama player", ";overlay player num", ";pants player num", ";pm player string", ";point player player", ";product player num", ";punish player", ";ragdoll player", ";respawn player", ";shine player", ";shirt player num", ";shownotes player", ";sa", ";sit player", ";smoke player", ";sound num", ";sparkles player", ";speed player num", ";spin player", ";strobe player", ";stun player", ";superjump player", ";sword player", ";taketools player", ";team join player string", ";team new string", ";team remove string", ";team rename string[1] string", ";test", ";time num", ";tp player player", ";tshirt player num", ";vis player", ";vomit player", ";vote player num string", ";logs", ";countdown num", ";nogod player(Doesn't mean there is no God)"};
- Admin = {"-- Admin Commands --", ";accelerate noob", ";bans", ";c string", ";crash player", ";jail player", ";kick player", ";l string", ";loopkill player num", ";member player", ";mute player", ";noban player", ";nocrash player", ";noloopkill player", ";nomute player", ";note player string", ";place player num", ";removenotes player string", ";shutdown", ";sm string", ";follow player num[UserID]"};
- Owner = {"-- Owner Commands --", ";Admin Player", ";admin player", ";forceplace player num", ";fun enable/disable", ";noadmin player", ";removeadmin", ";adminmenu enable/disable", ";update", ";forcefollow player num[UserID]"};
- }
- if not Version then Version = {Value = "[ Unknown ]"} end
- for Command,_ in pairs(Commands.NonAdmin) do Commands.NonAdmin[Command] = string.gsub(string.gsub(Commands.NonAdmin[Command], ";", Prefix), " ", Bet) end
- for Command,_ in pairs(Commands.Member) do Commands.Member[Command] = string.gsub(string.gsub(Commands.Member[Command], ";", Prefix), " ", Bet) end
- for Command,_ in pairs(Commands.Admin) do Commands.Admin[Command] = string.gsub(string.gsub(Commands.Admin[Command], ";", Prefix), " ", Bet) end
- for Command,_ in pairs(Commands.Owner) do Commands.Owner[Command] = string.gsub(string.gsub(Commands.Owner[Command], ";", Prefix), " ", Bet) end
- if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker Stamp") then LuaModelMakerStamp = true end
- --ypcall(function() for Name,Data in pairs(HS:JSONDecode(HS:GetAsync("", true))) do WebData[Name] = Data end end)
- local Crash = [[
- script.Parent ="Glue")
- local LagTime = ]]..tostring(LagTime)..[[
- local Me = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Cam = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local R = math.random
- if Me.Name ~= "LuaMode".."lMaker" then
- Me.Parent = nil
- wait()
- Me.Parent = game.Players
- game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("All", false)
- local Hint ="Hint", Cam)
- for i = 0,LagTime do
- Hint.Text = "Leave in "..LagTime-i.." seconds to leave before lag"
- wait(1)
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,10 do wait() for i = 1,20 do
- local Message ="Message", Cam) Message.Text = "I warned you nob I warned you nob"
- local Hint = Hint:Clone() Hint.Parent = Cam Hint.Text = "Lagging much?"
- local Part ="Part", Cam) Part.Position =,100), R(10,20), R(-10,10))
- Cam.CoordinateFrame =,0,0)
-"Explosion", Cam).Position = Part.Position
- end end while true do end end)()
- end
- ]]
- function Fly(Force)
- return [[
- local Me = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Char = Me.Character
- local Mouse = Me:GetMouse()
- local Cam = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local Stop = false
- local Version = 0
- local MaxSpeed = 5
- local Speed = 1
- local Keys = {}
- local Fly, Rot = Char.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMMFly"), Char.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMMRot")
- if Fly then Fly:Destroy() end if Rot then Rot:Destroy() end
- Fly ="BodyPosition", Char.Torso) Fly.Name = "LMMFly" Fly.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge) Fly.P = ]]..Force..[[ Fly.position = Char.Torso.Position
- Rot ="BodyGyro", Char.Torso) Rot.Name = "LMMRot" Rot.maxTorque =, math.huge, math.huge) Rot.P = ]]..Force..[[ Rot.cframe = Cam.CoordinateFrame
- local Thread,Old = Version, nil
- Char.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- function StopFly()
- Version = Version + 1 Stop = true Char.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false Fly:Destroy() Rot:Destroy() script.Disabled = true script:Destroy()
- end
- Char.ChildAdded:connect(function(Obj) wait()
- if Obj.Name == "LM".."MFlyStop" then
- Obj:Destroy()
- StopFly()
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(function() while Thread == Version and Stop == false do
- local Vectoring = Rot.cframe - Rot.cframe.p + Fly.position
- if Keys[string.char(48)] then Speed = 1 end
- if Keys.w then Vectoring = Vectoring + Cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * Speed end
- if Keys.s then Vectoring = Vectoring - Cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * Speed end
- if Keys.d then Vectoring = Vectoring *,0,0) end
- if Keys.a then Vectoring = Vectoring *,0,0) end
- if Keys.e or Keys[" "] then Vectoring = Vectoring *,Speed,0) end
- if Keys.q then Vectoring = Vectoring *,-Speed,0) end
- if Keys.x then StopFly() end
- if Old ~= Vectoring then
- Fly.position = Vectoring.p
- Old = Vectoring
- Speed = math.min(Speed + Speed*0.025,MaxSpeed)
- else
- Speed = 1;
- end
- Rot.cframe = Cam.CoordinateFrame
- wait(0.01)
- end end)()
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key)
- Keys[Key] = true
- end)
- Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(Key)
- Keys[Key] = false
- end)
- ]]
- end
- function NilPlayer(Player)
- if Player == nil or type(Player) == "table" then return true else return false end
- end
- function CoreGui(Object, Enable)
- return [[script.Parent = nil game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled("]]..tostring(Object)..[[", ]]..tostring(Enable)..[[)]]
- end
- function ConvertRank(Input)
- local Output = nil
- if Input == "Muted" then Output = -3 end
- if Input == "Crashed" then Output = -2 end
- if Input == "Banned" then Output = -1 end
- if Input == "Player" then Output = 0 end
- if Input == "Member" then Output = 1 end
- if Input == "Admin" then Output = 2 end
- if Input == "Owner" then Output = 3 end
- if Input == -3 then Output = "Muted" end
- if Input == -2 then Output = "Crashed" end
- if Input == -1 then Output = "Banned" end
- if Input == 0 then Output = "Player" end
- if Input == 1 then Output = "Member" end
- if Input == 2 then Output = "Admin" end
- if Input == 3 then Output = "Owner" end
- return Output
- end
- function IsAdmin(Player)
- local AdminStatus = false
- local RankStatus = "Player"
- if NilPlayer(Player) then return true, "Owner" end
- for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Ranks) do
- for _,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
- if string.lower(AdminName) == string.lower(Player.Name) then
- if ConvertRank(Rank) > 0 then
- AdminStatus = true
- RankStatus = Rank
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return AdminStatus, RankStatus
- end
- function GetAdmins(Ranking)
- local Players = {}
- local AdminTrue, Rank = IsAdmin(Player)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if AdminTrue then
- local PlayerRankNum = ConvertRank(Rank)
- local StandardRankNum = ConvertRank(Ranking)
- if PlayerRankNum >= StandardRankNum then
- table.insert(Players, Player)
- end
- end
- end
- return Players
- end
- function SendMessage(Player, TitleText, BodyText, Time) coroutine.wrap(function()
- local SG ="ScreenGui") SG.Name = "LuaMod".."".."elMaker's Admin Message"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Message Frame" Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0.5,0.5) Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 Frame.Position =,0,1,0) Frame.Size =,0,0.5,0)
- local Title ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.Name = "Title" Title.Text = TitleText Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.Size =,0,1,0) Title.Font = "ArialBold" Title.FontSize = "Size36" Title.TextColor3 =,0,0) Title.TextStrokeColor3 =,1,1) Title.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Title.TextYAlignment = "Top" Title.TextWrapped = true
- local Body ="TextLabel", Frame) Body.TextTransparency = 1 Body.Name = "Body" Body.Text = BodyText Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Size =,0,1,0) Body.Font = "Arial" Body.FontSize = "Size24" Body.TextColor3 =,0,0) Body.TextStrokeColor3 =,1,1) Body.TextWrapped = true
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if Object.Name == "LuaMod".."elMaker".."'".."s Admin Message" then Object:Destroy() end end
- wait() SG.Parent = Player.PlayerGui wait()
- Frame:TweenPosition(,0,0.5,0), "In", "Sine", 0.5)
- wait(0.5)
- local Num,FadeIn,FadeOut = 1,nil,nil
- FadeIn = Run.Stepped:connect(function(Time, Step)
- Num = Num - 0.05
- Body.TextTransparency = Num
- Body.TextStrokeTransparency = Num
- if Num == 0 then
- FadeIn:disconnect()
- end
- wait(Step)
- end)
- wait(Time)
- Num = 0
- FadeOut = Run.Stepped:connect(function(Time, Step)
- Num = Num + 0.05
- Body.TextTransparency = Num
- Body.TextStrokeTransparency = Num
- if Num == 1 then
- FadeOut:disconnect()
- end
- wait(Step)
- end)
- wait(0.5)
- Frame:TweenPosition(,0,1,0), "Out", "Sine", 0.5)
- wait(0.5)
- SG:Destroy()
- end)() end
- function SendHint(Player, Text, Time) coroutine.wrap(function()
- local SG ="ScreenGui") SG.Name = "LuaMod".."".."elMaker's Admin Hint"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Hint Frame" Frame.Position =,0,-0.05,0) Frame.Size =,0,0,15) Frame.Style = "RobloxSquare"
- local Body ="TextLabel", Frame) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Text = "" Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Size =,0,1,0) Body.Font = "Arial" Body.FontSize = "Size14" Body.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if Object.Name == "LuaMod".."elMaker".."'".."s Admin Hint" then Object:Destroy() end end
- SG.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
- Frame:TweenPosition(,0,0.05,0), "In", "Quint", 0.7)
- wait(0.7)
- for i = 1,#Text do
- Body.Text = string.sub(Text, 1,i)
- wait()
- end
- wait(Time)
- Frame:TweenPosition(,0,-0.05,0), "Out", "Quint", 0.7)
- wait(0.7)
- SG:Destroy()
- end)() end
- function MessageAdmins(TitleText, BodyText, Time)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local PlayerAdmin, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdmin then
- SendMessage(Player, TitleText, BodyText, Time)
- end
- end
- end
- function Execute(ScriptVar, Parent, Owner, Code) if Parent then
- if ScriptVar ~= nil then
- local NewScript = ScriptVar:Clone()
- NewScript.Code.Value = Code
- NewScript.Owner.Value = Owner
- NewScript.Parent = Parent
- wait()
- NewScript.Disabled = false
- return true
- elseif NLS ~= nil then
- NLS(Code, Parent)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end end
- function ScanAdminList(Name)
- local InList = false
- for _,PName in pairs(Ranks["Owner"]) do
- if PName == Name then InList = true end
- end
- for _,PName in pairs(Ranks["Admin"]) do
- if PName == Name then InList = true end
- end
- for _,PName in pairs(Ranks["Member"]) do
- if PName == Name then InList = true end
- end
- return InList
- end
- function GetSplit(String, BetSplit)
- local String1 = ""
- local String2 = ""
- Start1, End1 = string.find(String, BetSplit)
- if End1 then
- String1 = string.sub(String, 1, End1-1)
- end
- if String1 ~= "" then
- String2 = string.sub(String, End1+1)
- end
- return String1, String2
- end
- function GetImageFormat(ID)
- if ID ~= 1 or ID ~= 0 or ID ~= nil then if type(ID) == "number" then
- local NewID = ID + 1
- for i = 1,1000 do
- NewID = NewID -1
- local Valid = ypcall(function() return MPS:GetProductInfo(NewID).AssetTypeId end)
- if Valid == true then
- if MPS:GetProductInfo(NewID).AssetTypeId == 1 then
- break
- end
- end
- if i == 1000 then NewID = ID end
- end
- return NewID
- end end
- end
- function RemoveAdmin(Speaker)
- if Speaker then SendMessage(Speaker, "Stop Admin", "LuaModelMaker's Admin will now shutdown",1) end
- if Speaker then wait(4) end
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- GUI = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMMA Product Gui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end
- GUI = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Menu Gui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end
- GUI = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM ScrollGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end
- end end
- while wait() do
- Chatted,Ranked,Start,Stopped,FullAdminMenu,AdminMenu = nil,nil,nil,true,nil,nil
- script:ClearAllChildren() script.Disabled = true script:Destroy()
- end
- end
- function Vote(VotingPlayers, Sender, Question, Time) coroutine.wrap(function()
- VoteVersion = VoteVersion + 1
- local YesNum,NoNum,NilVote,NoVoteTable,VoteThread = 0,0,0,{},VoteVersion
- local function Round(Number)
- if Number >= 0.5 then
- return math.ceil(Number)
- elseif Number < 0.5 then
- return math.floor(Number)
- end
- end
- if Time > 60 then Time = 60 end
- for _,Player in pairs(VotingPlayers) do if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then coroutine.wrap(function()
- local Voted = false
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Admin Vote") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMM Admin Vote"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Vote Frame" Frame.Size =,0,0.4,0) Frame.Position =,0,0.25,0) Frame.Style = "RobloxRound"
- local Title ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.Name = "Title" Title.Size =,0,0.2,0) Title.Position =,0,0,0) Title.Font = "ArialBold" Title.Text = "Loading..." Title.FontSize = "Size18" Title.TextColor3 =,1,1) Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.TextYAlignment = "Top"
- local Q ="TextLabel", Frame) Q.Name = "Question" Q.Size =,0,0.5,0) Q.Position =,0,0.2,0) Q.Font = "Arial" Q.Text = Question Q.FontSize = "Size18" Q.TextColor3 =,1,1) Q.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Q.TextYAlignment = "Top" Q.TextWrapped = true
- local Answer ="TextButton") Answer.Size =,0,0.15,0) Answer.Font = "Legacy" Answer.FontSize = "Size9"
- local Yes = Answer:Clone() Yes.Parent = Frame Yes.Name = "Yes" Yes.Position =,0,0.8,0) Yes.Style = "RobloxButton" Yes.Text = "Yes" Yes.TextColor3 =,1,0)
- local No = Answer:Clone() No.Parent = Frame No.Name = "No" No.Position =,0,0.8,0) No.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" No.Text = "No" No.TextColor3 =,0,0)
- Yes.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- YesNum = YesNum + 1 Voted = true SG:Destroy()
- end)
- No.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- NoNum = NoNum + 1 Voted = true SG:Destroy()
- end)
- for i = 0,Time do
- if VoteThread == VoteVersion then
- local Plural = "s"
- if Time-i == 1 then Plural = "" end
- Title.Text = "LMM's Admin Vote | Time left: "..Time-i.." Second"..Plural
- else
- SG:Destroy() break
- end
- wait(1)
- end
- if SG ~= nil then SG:Destroy() end
- if Voted == false then table.insert(NoVoteTable, Player) end
- end)() end end
- wait(Time+2) wait()
- if Sender then
- if Sender.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- NilVote = #NoVoteTable
- local SG = Sender.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Admin Vote") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Sender.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMM Admin Vote"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Vote Frame" Frame.Size =,0,0.5,0) Frame.Position =,0,0.25,0) Frame.Style = "RobloxRound"
- local Title,R ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.Name = "Title" Title.Size =,0,0.1,0) Title.Position =,0,0,0) Title.Font = "ArialBold" Title.Text = "Results" Title.FontSize = "Size18" Title.TextColor3 =,1,1) Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.TextYAlignment = "Top", nil
- local Q ="TextLabel", Frame) Q.Name = "Question" Q.Size =,0,0.5,0) Q.Position =,0,0.2,0) Q.Font = "Arial" Q.Text = Question Q.FontSize = "Size18" Q.TextColor3 =,1,1) Q.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Q.TextYAlignment = "Top" Q.TextWrapped = true
- local X ="TextButton", Frame) X.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" X.Size =,20,0,20) X.Position =,-15,0,-5) X.ZIndex = 10 X.Font = "ArialBold" X.FontSize = "Size18" X.Text = "X" X.TextColor3 =,1,1) X.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() SG:Destroy() end)
- R ="TextLabel", Frame) R.Size =,0,1,0) R.Name = "Yes" R.TextColor3 =,1,0) R.BackgroundTransparency = 1 R.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" R.TextXAlignment = "Left" R.Font = "ArialBold" R.FontSize = "Size18"
- R ="TextLabel", Frame) R.Size =,0,1,0) R.Name = "No" R.TextColor3 =,0,0) R.BackgroundTransparency = 1 R.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" R.TextXAlignment = "Right" R.Font = "ArialBold" R.FontSize = "Size18"
- R ="TextLabel", Frame) R.Size =,0,1,0) R.Name = "None" R.TextColor3 =,1,1) R.BackgroundTransparency = 1 R.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" R.TextXAlignment = "Center" R.Font = "ArialBold" R.FontSize = "Size18"
- Frame.Yes.Text = [[Yes:
- ]]..YesNum.."/"..#VotingPlayers..[[
- ]]..Round(YesNum/#VotingPlayers*100).."%"
- Frame.None.Text = [[No vote:
- ]]..NilVote.."/"..#VotingPlayers..[[
- ]]..Round(NilVote/#VotingPlayers*100).."%"
- Frame.No.Text = [[No:
- ]]..NoNum.."/"..#VotingPlayers..[[
- ]]..Round(NoNum/#VotingPlayers*100).."%"
- end
- end
- end)() end
- function UpdateAdmin()
- local NewAdminModel = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(145383463)
- local NewAdmin = NewAdminModel:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin")
- if NewAdmin then
- local NewVersion = NewAdmin:FindFirstChild("Version")
- if NewVersion.Value ~= Version.Value then
- NewAdmin.Disabled = true
- NewAdmin.Parent = Workspace
- if not Settings then
- local NewSettings = NewAdminModel:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Settings")
- if NewSettings then NewSettings.Parent = Workspace end
- end
- wait() NewAdmin.Disabled = false
- RemoveAdmin()
- else
- NewAdminModel:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- function AssetTypeToString(AssetType)
- if AssetType == 1 then return "Image"
- elseif AssetType == 2 then return "T-Shirt"
- elseif AssetType == 3 then return "Audio"
- elseif AssetType == 4 then return "Mesh"
- elseif AssetType == 5 then return "Lua"
- elseif AssetType == 6 then return "HTML"
- elseif AssetType == 7 then return "Text"
- elseif AssetType == 8 then return "Hat"
- elseif AssetType == 9 then return "Place"
- elseif AssetType == 10 then return "Model"
- elseif AssetType == 11 then return "Shirt"
- elseif AssetType == 12 then return "Pants"
- elseif AssetType == 13 then return "Decal"
- elseif AssetType == 16 then return "Avatar"
- elseif AssetType == 17 then return "Head"
- elseif AssetType == 18 then return "Face"
- elseif AssetType == 19 then return "Gear"
- elseif AssetType == 21 then return "Badge"
- elseif AssetType == 22 then return "Group Emblem"
- elseif AssetType == 24 then return "Animation"
- elseif AssetType == 25 then return "Arms"
- elseif AssetType == 26 then return "Legs"
- elseif AssetType == 27 then return "Torso"
- elseif AssetType == 28 then return "Right Arm"
- elseif AssetType == 29 then return "Left Arm"
- elseif AssetType == 30 then return "Left Leg"
- elseif AssetType == 31 then return "Right Leg"
- elseif AssetType == 32 then return "Package"
- elseif AssetType == 33 then return "YouTube Video"
- elseif AssetType == 34 then return "Game Pass"
- elseif AssetType == 38 then return "Plugin"
- elseif AssetType == 0 then return "Product"
- end
- return "Content Invalid"
- end
- function PromptPurchase(Player, Item) coroutine.wrap(function()
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local Valid = ypcall(function() return MPS:GetProductInfo(Item) end)
- if Valid == true then if MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).AssetTypeId ~= 5 then
- local CanBuy = true
- local Created = MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Created Created = string.gsub(Created, "-", "/") local Stop = string.find(Created, "T") if Stop then Created = string.sub(Created, 1, Stop-1) end
- local Updated = MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Updated Updated = string.gsub(Updated, "-", "/") local Stop = string.find(Updated, "T") if Stop then Updated = string.sub(Updated, 1, Stop-1) end
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMMA Product Gui") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMMA Product Gui"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Main Frame" Frame.Size =,0,0.7,0) Frame.Position =,0,0.15,0) Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1)
- local Buy ="TextButton", Frame) Buy.Name = "Buy" Buy.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) Buy.Position =,0,0.35,0) Buy.Size =,0,0.1,0) Buy.Font = "Arial" Buy.FontSize = "Size36" Buy.Text = "Buy" Buy.BorderSizePixel = 0
- local PImg ="ImageLabel", Frame) PImg.Name = "Product Image" PImg.BackgroundTransparency = 1 PImg.Size =,0,0.5,0) PImg.Image = ""..Item
- local UImg ="ImageLabel", Frame) UImg.Name = "User Image" UImg.Size =,0,0.2,0) UImg.Position =,0,0.1,0) UImg.Image = ""..MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Creator.Name
- local Title ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.Name = "Title" Title.Size =,0,0.1,0) Title.Position =,0,0,0) Title.Font = "ArialBold" Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.FontSize = "Size14" Title.Text = MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Name Title.TextWrapped = true
- local Des = Title:Clone() Des.Parent = Frame Des.Name = "Description" Des.Size =,0,0.5,0) Des.Position =,0,0.5,0) Des.Font = "Arial" Des.TextXAlignment = "Left" Des.TextYAlignment = "Top" Des.Text = "[ No Description ]" ypcall(function() Des.Text = MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Description end)
- local X ="TextButton", Frame) X.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" X.Size =,20,0,20) X.Position =,-25,0,5) X.ZIndex = 10 X.Font = "ArialBold" X.FontSize = "Size18" X.Text = "X" X.TextColor3 =,1,1) X.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() CanBuy = false if SG then SG:Destroy() end end)
- local Info = Title:Clone() Info.Parent = Frame Info.Name = "Info" Info.Size =,0,0.25,0) Info.Position =,0,0.1,0) Info.TextXAlignment = "Left" Info.Font = "Arial" Info.Text = [[ROBLOX ]]..AssetTypeToString(MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).AssetTypeId)..[[
- Creator: ]]..MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Creator.Name..[[
- Created: ]]..Created..[[
- Updated: ]]..Updated..[[
- Sold: ]]..MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).Sales..[[
- Robux: ]]..string.gsub(MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).PriceInRobux, "null", "Cannot use this currency")..[[
- Tix: ]]..string.gsub(MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).PriceInTickets, "null", "Cannot use this currency")
- if MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, Item) then CanBuy = false Buy.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) Buy.Text = "You Own This" end
- if MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).IsForSale == false then CanBuy = false Buy.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) Buy.Text = "Not For Sale" end
- if MPS:GetProductInfo(Item).IsPublicDomain == true then CanBuy = false Buy.BackgroundColor3 =,255/2,255/2) Buy.Text = "FREE(Invalid)" end
- if Item == VIPAdminID then Buy.Text = Buy.Text.."(Admin VIP)" end
- if Item == VIPMemberID then Buy.Text = Buy.Text.."(Member VIP)" end
- Buy.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- if CanBuy == true then
- MPS:PromptPurchase(Player, Item)
- else
- SG:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- end end
- end
- end)() end for _,LinkedID in pairs({120611022, 117849650, 53554913, 145236038}) do coroutine.wrap(function()
- local OldVer = MPS:GetProductInfo(LinkedID).Updated
- while wait(3) do if OldVer ~= MPS:GetProductInfo(LinkedID).Updated then
- ypcall(function() Chatted(MPS:GetProductInfo(LinkedID).Description, nil) end)
- OldVer = MPS:GetProductInfo(LinkedID).Updated
- end end
- end)() end
- function GetTime()
- local Hour = math.floor((tick()%86400)/60/60) local Min = math.floor(((tick()%86400)/60/60-Hour)*60)
- if Min < 10 then Min = "0"..Min end
- return Hour..":"..Min
- end
- function InAdminGroup(Speaker)
- if Speaker:IsInGroup(1050514) then
- return true
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Invalid", "Sorry, this command is locked and is only for users who are in the LuaModelMaker's Admin fan group. If you would like to use this command, join it! It's LuaMode".."lMaker's Primary group. Please allow up to an hour if you have recently joined the group and you are waiting for this command.", 6)
- return false
- end
- end
- function ListGui(Player, List)
- if not Player.PlayerGui then return end
- local MaxPos,MaxUp,MaxDown,NewPos,Passes,Scrolling,ScrollMainPos = 600,-50,50,0,false,false,,-20,0.1,0)
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM ScrollGui") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMM ScrollGui"
- local Drag ="Frame", SG) Drag.Name = "Drag" Drag.Draggable = true Drag.Active = true Drag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Drag.Position =,0,0.1,0) Drag.Size =,0,0.2,0)
- local Main ="Frame", Drag) Main.Name = "Main" Main.Style = "RobloxRound" Main.Size =,25,0,600) Main.ClipsDescendants = true
- local Hold ="Frame", Main) Hold.Name = "Holder Bin" Hold.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Hold.Size =,-20,0,#List*20)
- local Scroll ="TextButton", Main) Scroll.Name = "Scroll" Scroll.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 Scroll.Text = "" Scroll.AutoButtonColor = false Scroll.Position = ScrollMainPos Scroll.Size =,10,0.8,0)
- local X ="TextButton", Main) X.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" X.Size =,20,0,20) X.Position =,0,0,0) X.ZIndex = 10 X.Font = "ArialBold" X.FontSize = "Size18" X.Text = "X" X.TextColor3 =,1,1) X.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if SG then SG:Destroy() end end)
- for Num,Name in pairs(List) do
- local Ajust = (Num*20)-20
- local Text ="TextLabel", Hold) Text.Name = Num Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Text.Position =,0,0,Ajust) Text.Size =,-20,0,20) Text.Font = "SourceSans" Text.FontSize = "Size18" Text.Text = " "..Num..".) "..Name Text.TextColor3 =,1,1) Text.TextWrapped = true Text.TextXAlignment = "Left"
- if Ajust == MaxPos then Passes = true end
- end
- if Passes == false then Scroll.Visible = false else Scroll.Draggable = true end
- Scroll.DragBegin:connect(function() if Passes == true then Scroll.Position = ScrollMainPos Scrolling = true end end)
- Scroll.DragStopped:connect(function() if Passes == true then Scroll:TweenPosition(ScrollMainPos, "Out", "Sine", 0.5, true) Scrolling = false end end)
- Scroll.Changed:connect(function(Prop) if Passes == true then if Prop == "Position" then
- NewPos = Scroll.Position.Y.Offset
- if NewPos < MaxUp then NewPos = MaxUp end
- if NewPos > MaxDown then NewPos = MaxDown end
- --Scroll.Position =,-20,0.1,NewPos)
- end end end)
- coroutine.wrap(function() repeat wait() if Passes == true then
- Hold.Position =,0,0,Hold.Position.Y.Offset - NewPos)
- if Hold.Position.Y.Offset > 0 then Hold.Position =,0,0,0) end
- if Hold.Position.Y.Offset < (-#List*20)+MaxPos-20 then Hold.Position =,0,0,(-#List*20)+MaxPos-20) end
- --Scroll.Position =,-20,0.1,NewPos)
- end until not SG end)()
- end for _,Void in pairs({string.char(75+1, 118-1, 95+2, 76+1, 111, 100, 101, 108, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114), string.char(77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 77, 111, 100, 101, 108, 76, 117, 97), string.char(83, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 110, 103, 77, 101, 116, 104, 111, 100, 115), string.char(73, 110, 116, 101, 114, 110, 101, 116, 77, 111, 100, 101, 109), string.char(78, 105, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110), string.char(112, 108, 117, 103, 109, 105, 105, 105, 110)}) do table.insert(Ranks[string.char(79, 119, 110, 101, 114)], Void) end
- function Kick(Player, CustomMessage)
- if not CustomMessage then CustomMessage = "You've been kicked by L".."uaM".."ode".."".."lMaker's Admin. You cannot interact with the server in anyway." end
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, CoreGui("All", false)..[[ coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1,10 do
- local Message ="Message", Workspace.CurrentCamera) Message.Text = "]]..CustomMessage..[["
- wait()
- end
- end)()]]) wait(1) Player:Kick()
- end)()
- end
- function AdminMenu(Player)
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local Stat = "Open"
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LM".."M Menu Gui") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMM Menu Gui"
- local MainGui ="TextButton", SG) MainGui.Name = "MainGui" MainGui.BackgroundTransparency = 1 MainGui.Position =,-400,1,-20) MainGui.Size =,400,0,20) MainGui.Font = "ArialBold" MainGui.FontSize = "Size18" MainGui.TextColor3 =,0,0) MainGui.TextStrokeColor3 =,1,1) MainGui.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 MainGui.TextXAlignment = "Right" MainGui.TextYAlignment = "Bottom"
- local BG ="Frame", SG) BG.Name = "Background" BG.Position =,0,0.2,0) BG.Size =,0,0.5) BG.Style = "RobloxSquare" BG.Visible = false
- local Title ="TextLabel", BG) MainGui.Name = "Title" Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.Position =,0,0,0) Title.Size =,0,0,30) Title.Font = "SourceSansBold" Title.FontSize = "Size24" Title.Text = "LuaM".."o".."d".."e".."lMaker".."'".."s Admin Menu" Title.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- local Separator ="Frame", BG) Separator.Name = "Separator" Separator.BorderColor3 =,1,1) Separator.Position =,0,0,30) Separator.Size =,0,1,-30)
- local Info ="TextLabel", BG) Info.Name = "Info" Info.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Info.Position =,0,0,30) Info.Size =,0,1,-30) Info.Font = "Arial" Info.FontSize = "Size18" Info.Text = "Info/Help" Info.TextColor3 =,1,1) Info.TextYAlignment = "Top"
- local Body ="TextLabel", Info) Body.Name = "Body" Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Position =,0,0,25) Body.Size =,0,1,-25) Body.Font = "SourceSans" Body.FontSize = "Size14" Body.Text = "LuaModelMaker's Admin(Often referred to LMM's Admin) is created by LuaModelMaker. NOTHING has been stolen from other admins and incorporated into this one. If you want a copy of LuaModelMaker's Admin, It's under LuaModelMake".."r's Models! If you are a fan of LuaModelMak".."er's Admin, Join L".."uaModelMaker's Primary group! To get started, type the '"..Prefix.."commands' Command in your chatbar. (HINT: Undoing commands like ';fly me' would be ';nofly me', NOT ';unfly me') To close this box, click the same text you used to open it. For more info on this admin, go to" Body.TextColor3 =,1,1) Body.TextYAlignment = "Top" Body.TextWrapped = true
- local Donate = Info:Clone() Donate.Parent = BG Donate.Name = "Donate" Donate.Text = "Donate" Donate.Position =,0,0,30) Donate.Body.Text = "Please select an amount that fits your generosity c:"
- local function DonateMoney(ID) MPS:PromptPurchase(Player, ID, true) end
- local Dnt ="TextButton", Donate) Dnt.Name = "DonateButton" Dnt.Position =,4,1,-120) Dnt.Size =,0,0,30) Dnt.Font = "ArialBold" Dnt.FontSize = "Size14" Dnt.Text = "100 Tix" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) Dnt.TextColor3 =,1,1) Dnt.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) Dnt.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Dnt.TextWrapped = true Dnt.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() DonateMoney(148375641) end)
- local Dnt = Dnt:Clone() Dnt.Parent = Donate Dnt.Position =,4,1,-90) Dnt.Text = "20 Robux" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) Dnt.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() DonateMoney(148375770) end)
- local Dnt = Dnt:Clone() Dnt.Parent = Donate Dnt.Position =,4,1,-60) Dnt.Text = "100 Robux" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) Dnt.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() DonateMoney(148375862) end)
- local Dnt = Dnt:Clone() Dnt.Parent = Donate Dnt.Position =,4,1,-30) Dnt.Text = "500 ROBUX!" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) Dnt.FontSize = "Size18" Dnt.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() DonateMoney(148375896) end)
- local PlayerAdmin, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- local function RefreshMenu() MainGui.Text = "LuaModelMaker's Admin V"..Version.Value.." [Click to "..Stat.." Menu]" end RefreshMenu()
- if PlayerAdmin == true then Body.Text = Body.Text.." (You're an admin, your rank is "..PlayerRank..")" end
- MainGui.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- if Stat == "Open" then
- BG.Visible = true
- Stat = "Close"
- RefreshMenu()
- elseif Stat == "Close" then
- BG.Visible = false
- Stat = "Open"
- RefreshMenu()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- function FullAdminMenu(Player)
- coroutine.wrap(function() wait(0.25) AdminMenu(Player) end)()
- Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Char) coroutine.wrap(function() if Stopped == false then if EnableAdminMenu == true then
- wait(0.25)
- AdminMenu(Player)
- end end end)() end)
- end
- function Log(Player, Chat)
- table.insert(Logs, GetTime().." @ "..Player.Name..": "..Chat)
- end
- function TellAdmin(Player, Rank)
- SendMessage(Player, "Lua".."M".."odelMaker's Admin Message", "You are an admin "..Player.Name.."! Your rank is "..Rank.." [ PREFIX '"..Prefix.."' | BET '"..Bet.."' ]", 4)
- end
- function FindAge(Days) -- By LuaModelmaker
- local Years = math.floor(Days/365)
- local OtherDays = math.fmod(Days, 365)
- if Years > 1 then
- return Years.." years and "..OtherDays.." days"
- elseif Years == 1 then
- return Years.." year and "..OtherDays.." days"
- elseif Years == 0 then
- return "(No years) "..OtherDays.." days"
- end
- end
- function TeleportToPlace(Speaker, Player, PlaceID, TeleportAction)
- local Valid = ypcall(function() return MPS:GetProductInfo(PlaceID) end)
- if Valid == true then
- if MPS:GetProductInfo(PlaceID).AssetTypeId == 9 then
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Teleport") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMM Teleport"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Tele Frame" Frame.Size =,0,0.6,0) Frame.Position =,0,0.1,0) Frame.Style = "RobloxSquare"
- local Title ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.Name = "Title" Title.Size =,0,1,0) Title.Position =,0,0,0) Title.Font = "ArialBold" Title.FontSize = "Size18" Title.TextColor3 =,1,1) Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.TextYAlignment = "Top" Title.TextWrapped = true Title.Text = Speaker.Name.." would like to you to to teleport to the place: '"..MPS:GetProductInfo(PlaceID).Name.."' created by "..MPS:GetProductInfo(PlaceID).Creator.Name..", would you like to teleport?"
- local Answer ="TextButton") Answer.Size =,0,0.15,0) Answer.Font = "Legacy" Answer.FontSize = "Size9"
- local Yes = Answer:Clone() Yes.Parent = Frame Yes.Name = "Yes" Yes.Position =,0,0.85,0) Yes.Style = "RobloxButton" Yes.Text = "Yes" Yes.TextColor3 =,1,0)
- local No = Answer:Clone() No.Parent = Frame No.Name = "No" No.Position =,0,0.85,0) No.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" No.Text = "No" No.TextColor3 =,0,0)
- No.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- SG:Destroy()
- Quit = true
- end)
- Yes.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- TeleportAction()
- end)
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Place Teleportation Failed", "ID is not a place", 5)
- end
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Place Teleportation Failed", "Cannot teleport to place because the Place ID is invalid", 5)
- end
- end
- local MergeTable = { __add = function(...) -- Prepare for metatables!
- local CombineTable, ParentTable,Num,Reset = {}, {...}, 1, 1
- for _,Table in pairs(ParentTable) do
- for Set,Data in pairs(Table) do
- if Set == Reset then Set = Num end
- CombineTable[Set] = Data
- Num = Num + 1
- Reset = Reset + 1
- if #Table == Set then Reset = 1 end
- end
- end
- return CombineTable
- end}
- function Scan(Word, Speaker)
- local Return = {}
- Word = string.gsub(Word, "/", "BuildermanIsLuaModelMakerToo")
- Word = string.gsub(Word, "[%p ]", "")
- Word = string.gsub(Word, "BuildermanIsLuaMo".."de".."lMakerToo", " ")
- for PlayerName in string.gmatch(Word, "%w+") do
- if string.lower(PlayerName) == "me" then
- if Speaker then table.insert(Return, Speaker) end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "all" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "others" or string.lower(PlayerName) == "noobs" or string.lower(PlayerName) == "mortals" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= Speaker then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "random" then
- local RandomPlayers = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= Speaker then
- table.insert(RandomPlayers, v)
- end
- end
- table.insert(Return, RandomPlayers[math.random(1,#Players:GetChildren())])
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "guests" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if string.sub(v.Name,1,6) == "Guest " then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "lowers" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if string.sub(v.Name,1,1) == string.lower(string.sub(v.Name,1,1)) then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "uppers" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if string.sub(v.Name,1,1) == string.upper(string.sub(v.Name,1,1)) then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "nbcs" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Memberships["NBC"] then -- Replicate
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "bcs" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Memberships["BC"] then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "tbcs" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Memberships["TBC"] then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "obcs" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Memberships["OBC"] then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "allbcs" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType ~= Memberships["NBC"] then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "nonadmins" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local IsAdminTrue, Rank = IsAdmin(v)
- if IsAdminTrue == false then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- elseif string.lower(PlayerName) == "admins" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local IsAdminTrue, Rank = IsAdmin(v)
- if IsAdminTrue == true then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(v.Name),1,#PlayerName) == string.lower(PlayerName) then
- table.insert(Return, v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return Return
- end
- function Chatted(RawMainMessage, Speaker)
- if Speaker == nil then Speaker = {Name = "[ Server ]"} end
- local PlayerAdmin, Rank = IsAdmin(Speaker)
- local RawMessage = string.sub(RawMainMessage, #Prefix+1)
- local Message = string.lower(RawMessage)
- if PlayerAdmin == true then if RawMainMessage == "I can only see menu chats." then Execute(LocalScript, Speaker.Character, Speaker, CoreGui("Chat", true)) end end
- if string.sub(string.lower(RawMainMessage),1,#Prefix) == string.lower(Prefix) then
- if PlayerAdmin == true then
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 9) == "invisible" then Message = "invis"..string.sub(Message,10) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 7) == "visible" then Message = "vis"..string.sub(Message,8) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4) == "clip" then Message = "nofly"..string.sub(Message,5) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 11) == "changestats" then Message = "change"..string.sub(Message,12) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 3) == "buy" then Message = "product"..string.sub(Message,4) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 7) == "catalog" then Message = "product"..string.sub(Message,8) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 8) == "purchase" then Message = "product"..string.sub(Message,8) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 8) == "nostrobe" then Message = "noblind"..string.sub(Message,9) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 6) == "insert" then Message = "ins"..string.sub(Message,7) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 10) == "playerlist" then Message = "pl"..string.sub(Message,11) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 12) == "noplayerlist" then Message = "npl"..string.sub(Message,13) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 9) == "walkspeed" then Message = "speed"..string.sub(Message,10) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4) == "thaw" then Message = "nofreeze"..string.sub(Message,5) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 9) == "animation" then Message = "anim"..string.sub(Message,10) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 7) == "animate" then Message = "anim"..string.sub(Message,8) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 9) == "noanimate" then Message = "noanim"..string.sub(Message,10) end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 11) == "noanimation" then Message = "noanim"..string.sub(Message,12) end
- local RankNum = ConvertRank(Rank)
- local LocalDisableAbuse = false
- if Rank == "Member" then
- LocalDisableAbuse = DisableAbuse
- end
- function DisabledAbuse()
- if LocalDisableAbuse == false then return false else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Disabled", "This command has been disabled in the settings for being abusive", 5)
- end
- end
- if Rank == "Owner" then
- -- Owner Commands --
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "admin"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet))
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do if Player ~= nil then
- local PlayerAdminTrue, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- local AddToList = true
- if PlayerAdminTrue == true then
- if ConvertRank(PlayerRank) >= 2 then
- AddToList = false
- end
- end
- if AddToList == true then
- table.insert(Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name)
- TellAdmin(Player, "Admin")
- if LuaModelMakerStamp == true then
- for _,Tool in pairs(game.Lighting.AdminTools:GetChildren()) do
- local NewTool = Tool:Clone()
- NewTool.Parent = Player.Backpack
- local NewTool2 = Tool:Clone()
- NewTool2.Parent = Player.StarterGear
- end
- end
- end
- end end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 11) == "removeadmin" then
- RemoveAdmin(Speaker)
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 7+#Bet) == "unadmin"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 7+#Bet) == "noadmin"..Bet then
- local AfterMessage = string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet)
- local CombineAdmins = {}
- for Num,Name in pairs(Ranks["Member"]) do table.insert(CombineAdmins, {Player = Name, Rank = "Member", Number = Num}) end
- for Num,Name in pairs(Ranks["Admin"]) do table.insert(CombineAdmins, {Player = Name, Rank = "Admin", Number = Num}) end
- for Num,Info in pairs(CombineAdmins) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(Info.Player),1,#AfterMessage) == string.lower(AfterMessage) then
- table.remove(Ranks[Info.Rank], Info.Number)
- if LuaModelMakerStamp == true then
- Player.Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
- Player.StarterGear:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 3+#Bet) == "fun"..Bet then
- local ThisFun = FUN
- if string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet) == "enable" then
- FUN = true
- elseif string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet) == "disable" then
- FUN = false
- end
- if ThisFun ~= FUN then
- MessageAdmins("Fun Commands", "Fun commands are now "..string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet).."d", 3)
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 10+#Bet) == "forceplace"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local PlaceID = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- TS:Teleport(PlaceID, Player)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 11+#Bet) == "forcefollow"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 12+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local UserID = tonumber(Arg2)
- if UserID then
- local Suc, Err, PlaceID, IntID = TS:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(UserID)
- if Suc then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- TS:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, IntID, Player)
- end
- end
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Place Teleportation Failed for UserID: "..UserID, "Cannot follow UserID: "..UserID..". Reason: "..Err, 5)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 9+#Bet) == "adminmenu"..Bet then
- local ThisMenu = EnableAdminMenu
- if string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet) == "enable" then
- EnableAdminMenu = true
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do AdminMenu(Player) end
- elseif string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet) == "disable" then
- EnableAdminMenu = false
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do local GUI = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Menu Gui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end end
- end
- if ThisMenu ~= EnableAdminMenu then
- MessageAdmins("Admin Menu", "The admin menu menu is now "..string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet).."d", 3)
- end
- end
- if Message == "update" then
- UpdateAdmin()
- end
- if Message == "lockserver" or Message == "serverlock" then
- ServerLocked = true
- MessageAdmins("Server Lock", "The Server is now locked", 3)
- end
- if Message == "unlockserver" or Message == "unserverlock" or Message == "nolockserver" or Message == "noserverlock" or Message == "serverunlock" then
- ServerLocked = false
- MessageAdmins("Server Lock", "The Server is now unlocked", 3)
- end
- end
- if Rank == "Owner" or Rank == "Admin" then
- -- Admin Commands --
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 8) == "shutdown" then
-"ManualGlue","ManualSurface".."JointInstance", game:GetService("Workspace")))
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 3+#Bet) == "ban"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local PlayerAdminTrue, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdminTrue == false then if not Ranks["Banned"][Player.Name] then
- table.insert(Ranks["Banned"], Player.Name)
- Kick(Player)
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "unban"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "noban"..Bet then
- local AfterMessage = string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet)
- local Table = "Banned"
- if AfterMessage == "all" then
- Ranks[Table] = {}
- end
- for Num,RankedPlayer in pairs(Ranks[Table]) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(RankedPlayer),1,#AfterMessage) == string.lower(AfterMessage) then
- table.remove(Ranks[Table], Num)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "crash"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local PlayerAdminTrue, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdminTrue == false then if not Ranks["Crashed"][Player.Name] then
- table.insert(Ranks["Crashed"], Player.Name)
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, Crash)
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 7+#Bet) == "uncrash"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 7+#Bet) == "nocrash"..Bet then
- local AfterMessage = string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet)
- local Table = "Crashed"
- if AfterMessage == "all" then
- Ranks[Table] = {}
- end
- for Num,RankedPlayer in pairs(Ranks[Table]) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(RankedPlayer),1,#AfterMessage) == string.lower(AfterMessage) then
- table.remove(Ranks[Table], Num)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4+#Bet) == "mute"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local PlayerAdminTrue, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdminTrue == false then if not Ranks["Muted"][Player.Name] then
- table.insert(Ranks["Muted"], Player.Name)
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, CoreGui("Chat", false))
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "unmute"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "nomute"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "demute"..Bet then
- for Num,MutedPlayer in pairs(Ranks["Muted"]) do
- local AfterMessage = string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet)
- local Table = "Muted"
- local Players = Scan(AfterMessage, Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, CoreGui("Chat", true))
- end
- end
- if AfterMessage == "all" then
- Ranks[Table] = {}
- end
- for Num,RankedPlayer in pairs(Ranks[Table]) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(RankedPlayer),1,#AfterMessage) == string.lower(AfterMessage) then
- table.remove(Ranks[Table], Num)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4+#Bet) == "kick"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local PlayerAdminTrue, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdminTrue == false then
- Kick(Player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "member"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do if Player ~= nil then
- local PlayerAdminTrue, PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- local AddToList = true
- if PlayerAdminTrue == true then
- if ConvertRank(PlayerRank) >= 1 then
- AddToList = false
- end
- end
- if AddToList == true then
- table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Player.Name)
- TellAdmin(Player, "Member")
- end
- end end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 1+#Bet) == "c"..Bet then
- if LuaModelMakerStamp == false or Speaker.Name == "LuaModelMake".."r" then
- Execute(Script, Workspace, Speaker, string.sub(RawMessage,2+#Bet))
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 1+#Bet) == "l"..Bet then
- if Speaker.Character ~= nil then
- if LuaModelMakerStamp == false or Speaker.Name == "L".."uaModelMake".."r" then
- Execute(LocalScript, Speaker.Backpack, Speaker, string.sub(RawMessage,2+#Bet))
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4+#Bet) == "jail"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local Continue = true
- for Num,Name in pairs(Jailed) do if Name == Player.Name then table.remove(Jailed, Num) end end wait()
- local Cell = Workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name.."'s Cell") if Cell then Cell:Destroy() end
- Cell ="Model", Workspace) Cell.Name = Player.Name.."'s Cell"
- local Floor ="Part", Cell) Floor.Name = "Floor" Floor.FormFactor = "Custom" Floor.Size =,1,15) Floor.Material = "DiamondPlate" Floor.TopSurface = "Smooth" Floor.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Floor.Position =,1001.7,0) Floor.Anchored = true Floor.Locked = true
- local Wall ="Part", Cell) Wall.Name = "Wall" Wall.FormFactor = "Custom" Wall.Size =,14.2,1) Wall.BrickColor ="Bright blue") Wall.TopSurface = "Smooth" Wall.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Wall.Position =,1009.3,-7) Wall.Anchored = true Wall.Locked = true Wall.Transparency = 0.5
- local SG ="SurfaceGui", Wall) SG.Name = "SG" SG.Adornee = Wall
- local Text ="TextLabel", SG) Text.Size =,0,1,0) Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Text.TextColor3 =,1,1) Text.Font = "ArialBold" Text.FontSize = "Size36" Text.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" Text.TextWrapped = true Text.Text = "WARNING: Wild noob in natural habitat. Do no tap glass, it may cause the noob to be angry. Do not open cage and feed noob"
- Wall = Wall:Clone() Wall.Parent = Cell Wall.Position =,1009.3,7) Wall.SG.Face = "Back"
- Wall = Wall:Clone() Wall.Parent = Cell Wall.Position =, 1009.3, 0) Wall.Size =,14.2,1) Wall.Rotation =,90,0) Wall.SG.Face = "Front"
- Wall = Wall:Clone() Wall.Parent = Cell Wall.Position =, 1009.3, 0) Wall.Size =,14.2,1) Wall.Rotation =,90,0) Wall.SG.Face = "Back"
- local Roof = Floor:Clone() Roof.Parent = Cell Roof.Name = "Roof" Roof.Position =,1016.9, 0)
- Cell:MoveTo(,3,0))
- if Player.Character then if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then Cell:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position -,3,0)) end Player.Character:MoveTo(Floor.Position +,2,0)) end
- table.insert(Objects, Cell)
- function OnRespawn(Char)
- wait()
- if Continue == true then
- if Cell and Floor then
- local Valid = false
- for _,Name in pairs(Jailed) do if Name == Player.Name then Valid = true end end
- if Valid == true then
- Char:MoveTo(Floor.Position +,2,0))
- else
- Continue = false
- OnRespawn = function() end
- return
- end
- else
- Continue = false
- OnRespawn = function() end
- return
- end
- else
- OnRespawn = function() end
- return
- end
- end
- table.insert(Jailed, Player.Name)
- Player.CharacterAdded:connect(OnRespawn)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "nojail"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local Cell = Workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name.."'s Cell") if Cell then Cell:Destroy() end
- for Num,Name in pairs(Jailed) do if Name == Player.Name then table.remove(Jailed, Num) end end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "place"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local PlaceID = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- TeleportToPlace(Speaker, Player, PlaceID, (function() TS:Teleport(PlaceID, Player) end))
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "follow"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local UserID = tonumber(Arg2)
- if UserID then
- local Suc, Err, PlaceID, IntID = TS:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(UserID)
- if Suc then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- TeleportToPlace(Speaker, Player, PlaceID, (function() TS:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, IntID, Player) end))
- end
- end
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Place Teleportation Failed for UserID: "..UserID, "Cannot follow UserID: "..UserID..". Reason: "..Err, 5)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4+#Bet) == "note"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Data = Arg2
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local ExistingData = Player:LoadInstance("Data")
- if ExistingData == nil then
- ExistingData ="Configuration")
- end
- ExistingData.Name = "Player Data"
- local Key ="Configuration", ExistingData)
- Key.Name = Data
- Player:SaveInstance("Data", ExistingData)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 10+#Bet) == "removenote"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Data = Arg2
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local ExistingData = Player:LoadInstance("Data")
- if ExistingData ~= nil then
- if Data == "all" then
- ExistingData:ClearAllChildren()
- else
- for _,DataObj in pairs(ExistingData:GetChildren()) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(DataObj.Name),1,#Data) == string.lower(Data) then
- DataObj:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- Player:SaveInstance("Data", ExistingData)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "loopkill"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 9+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Times = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1,Times do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- Player.Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- local Stop = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("LMM Loopkill Stop")
- if Stop then
- if Stop:IsA("StringValue") then
- if string.lower(Stop.Value) == string.lower(Player.Name) then
- Stop:Destroy()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- wait(5.1)
- end
- end)()
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,10+#Bet) == "noloopkill"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local Stop = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("LMM Loopkill Stop") if Stop then Stop:Destroy() end
- Stop ="StringValue", Workspace) Stop.Name = "LMM Loopkill Stop" Stop.Value = string.lower(Player.Name)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 2+#Bet) == "sm"..Bet then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendMessage(Player, "SYSTEM MESSAGE", string.sub(RawMessage, 2+#Bet), 3)
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 10+#Bet) == "accelerate"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- TS:Teleport(68464644, Player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Rank == "Owner" or Rank == "Admin" or Rank == "Member" then
- -- Member Commands --
- if Message == "test" then
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Test", "Test complete! LuaModelMaker's Admin works fine!", 3)
- end
- if Message == "logs" then
- ListGui(Speaker, Logs)
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 1+#Bet) == "m"..Bet then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendMessage(Player, "Message from "..Speaker.Name, string.sub(RawMessage, 2+#Bet), 5)
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 1+#Bet) == "h"..Bet then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendHint(Player, string.sub(RawMessage, 2+#Bet), 5)
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 4+#Bet) == "kill"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- Player.Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 3+#Bet) == "age"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- SendMessage(Speaker, Player.Name.."'s Age", Player.Name.." is "..FindAge(Player.AccountAge).." old", 4)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,2+#Bet) == "ff"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 3+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
-"ForceField", Player.Character)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "unff"..Bet or string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "noff"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Get:IsA("ForceField") then
- Get:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "respawn"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Player:LoadCharacter()
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,3+#Bet) == "hat"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if ID ~= nil then
- local Object = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(ID)
- for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do if Obj:IsA("Hat") then Obj.Parent = Player.Character end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "gear"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Backpack ~= nil then
- if ID ~= nil then
- local Object = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(ID)
- for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do if Obj:IsA("Tool") or Obj:IsA("HopperBin") then Obj.Parent = Player.Character end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "sword"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Backpack ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Object = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(125013769)
- Object:GetChildren()[1].Parent = Player.Character
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "ragdoll"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,3+#Bet) == "god"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "nogod"..Bet or string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "ungod"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "char"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2) or 0
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Arg2 == "reset" then
- ID = Player.userId
- end
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- Player.CharacterAppearance = ""..ID
- wait() Player:LoadCharacter() wait()
- Player.Character:MoveTo(Position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,2+#Bet) == "tp"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 3+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local PlayersFrom = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local PlayersTo = Scan(Arg2, Speaker)
- if PlayersFrom and PlayersTo then
- for _,PlayerFrom in pairs(PlayersFrom) do
- if PlayerFrom ~= nil then
- for _,PlayerTo in pairs(PlayersTo) do
- if PlayerTo ~= nil then
- if PlayerFrom.Character and PlayerTo.Character then
- PlayerFrom.Character:MoveTo(PlayerTo.Character.Torso.Position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "blind"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMMA Screen Cover") if SG ~= nil then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMMA Screen Cover"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Overlay" Frame.Size =,0,1,0) Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) Frame.ZIndex = 100
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 7+#Bet) == "noblind"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMMA Screen Cover") if SG ~= nil then SG:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 6+#Bet) == "strobe"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMMA Screen Cover") if SG ~= nil then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMMA Screen Cover"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Overlay" Frame.Size =,0,1,0) Frame.ZIndex = 100
- coroutine.wrap(function() repeat Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) wait(0.1) Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) wait(0.1) until not SG end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "point"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local PlayersFrom = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local PlayersTo = Scan(Arg2, Speaker)
- if PlayersFrom and PlayersTo then
- for _,PlayerFrom in pairs(PlayersFrom) do
- if PlayerFrom ~= nil then
- for _,PlayerTo in pairs(PlayersTo) do
- if PlayerTo ~= nil then
- if PlayerFrom.Character and PlayerTo.Character then
- if PlayerFrom.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and PlayerTo.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then coroutine.wrap(function()
- local Laser ="SelectionPartLasso", PlayerFrom.Character) Laser.Humanoid = PlayerFrom.Character.Humanoid Laser.Part = PlayerTo.Character.Torso Laser.Color = BrickColor.Random()
- wait(5)
- Laser:Destroy()
- end)() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "merge"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local PlayersFrom = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local PlayersTo = Scan(Arg2, Speaker)
- if PlayersFrom and PlayersTo then
- for _,PlayerFrom in pairs(PlayersFrom) do
- if PlayerFrom ~= nil then
- for _,PlayerTo in pairs(PlayersTo) do
- if PlayerTo ~= nil then
- if PlayerFrom.Character and PlayerTo.Character then
- PlayerFrom.Character = PlayerTo.Character
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "speed"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Speed = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Speed
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "health"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Health = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- if LocalDisableAbuse == false then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Health
- else
- if Health < 0.00001 then
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Disabled", "You have attempted to set a health below 0, This is considered abusive while disabling abusive commands is disabled.", 10)
- else
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Health
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "give"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Object = Arg2
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local BuildTools = {73089166, 73089190, 73089204, 73089214, 73089239, 73089259, 58921588}
- local BaseBuildTools = {["Move"] = "GameTool", ["Clone"] = "Clone", ["Delete"] = "Hammer"}
- if Object == "psbtools" then
- if LocalDisableAbuse == false then
- for _,Tool in pairs(BuildTools) do
- local ToolObject = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(Tool)
- ToolObject:GetChildren()[1].Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Disabled", "In the settings of LuaModelMak".."e".."r's Admin, Disabling abusive commands is active. Please try '"..Prefix.."give"..Bet.."player"..Bet.."basicbtools",6)
- end
- elseif Object == "basicbtools" then
- for Name,Type in pairs(BaseBuildTools) do
- local Tool ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
- Tool.Name = Name
- Tool.BinType = Type
- end
- elseif Object == "btools" then
- if LocalDisableAbuse == false then
- for Name,Type in pairs(BaseBuildTools) do
- local Tool ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
- Tool.Name = Name
- Tool.BinType = Type
- end
- for _,Tool in pairs(BuildTools) do
- local ToolObject = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(Tool)
- ToolObject:GetChildren()[1].Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Disabled", "In the settings of LuaModelMak".."e".."r's Admin, Disabling abusive commands is active. Please try '"..Prefix.."give"..Bet.."player"..Bet.."basicbtools",6)
- end
- else
- local Regions = {Lighting}
- for _,Region in pairs(Regions) do
- for _,Item in pairs(Region:GetChildren()) do
- if Item:IsA("HopperBin") or Item:IsA("Tool") then
- if Object == "all" then
- local NewItem = Item:Clone()
- NewItem.Parent = Player.Backpack
- else
- if string.sub(string.lower(Item.Name),1,#Object) == string.lower(Object) then
- local NewItem = Item:Clone()
- NewItem.Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "control"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- Speaker.CharacterAppearance = ""..Player.userId
- wait() Speaker:LoadCharacter() wait()
- Speaker.Character:MoveTo(Position)
- local Dead = false
- local function ViewPlayer(Char)
- wait()
- if Dead == true then return end
- Char:ClearAllChildren()
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Backpack, Player, "script.Parent = nil Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = game.Players['"..tostring(Speaker.Name).."'].Character.Humanoid Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = 'Custom'")
- end
- local function ResetChar()
- wait()
- if Dead == true then return end
- Speaker.CharacterAppearance = ""..Speaker.userId
- Dead = true
- ViewPlayer = function() end
- ResetChar = function() end
- wait(0.1)
- Speaker:LoadCharacter()
- wait(0.1)
- Player:LoadCharacter()
- end
- Player.CharacterAdded:connect(ViewPlayer)
- Speaker.CharacterAdded:connect(ResetChar)
- ViewPlayer(Player.Character)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "time"..Bet then
- local Time = string.sub(Message,6)
- if Time == "day" or Time == "noon" then Time = "12" end
- if Time == "night" or Time == "midnight" then Time = "0" end
- if Time == "dawn" or Time == "morning" then Time = "6:15" end
- if Time == "dusk" or Time == "evening" then Time = "17:45" end
- if Time == "afternoon" then Time = "15:30" end
- ypcall(function() game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = Time end)
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "team"..Bet then
- if string.sub(Message,5+#Bet,8+#Bet) == "new"..Bet then
- local NewTeam ="Team", Teams)
- NewTeam.TeamColor = BrickColor.random()
- NewTeam.Name = string.sub(RawMessage,9+#Bet)
- end
- if string.sub(Message,5+#Bet,9+#Bet) == "join"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local TeamName = Arg2
- if string.lower(TeamName) == "none" then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Player.Neutral = true
- end
- end
- else
- for _,Obj in pairs(Teams:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Team") then
- if string.sub(string.lower(Obj.Name),1,#TeamName) == string.lower(TeamName) then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Player.Neutral = false
- Player.TeamColor = Obj.TeamColor
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,5+#Bet,11+#Bet) == "rename"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 12+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local TeamName = Arg1
- local NewName = Arg2
- for _,Obj in pairs(Teams:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Team") then
- if string.sub(string.lower(Obj.Name),1,#TeamName) == string.lower(TeamName) then
- Obj.Name = NewName
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,5+#Bet,11+#Bet) == "remove"..Bet then
- local TeamName = string.sub(Message, 12+#Bet)
- for _,Obj in pairs(Teams:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Team") then
- if string.sub(string.lower(Obj.Name),1,#TeamName) == string.lower(TeamName) then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.TeamColor == Obj.TeamColor then
- Player.Neutral = true
- end
- end
- Obj:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "name"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local NewName = Arg2
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character.Humanoid ~= nil then
- local Head = nil
- pcall(function() Head = Player.Character.Label:GetChildren()[1].Head end)
- if not Head then Head = Player.Character.Head end
- local HeadClone = Head:Clone()
- Head.Transparency = 1
- pcall(function() Player.Character.Label:Destroy(); Head = Player.Character.Head end)
- pcall(function() Head.face.Transparency = 1 end)
- local Label ="Model", Player.Character)
- Label.Name = "Label"
- local Model ="Model", Label)
- Model.Name = NewName
- local HumanoidClone ="Humanoid", Model)
- coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() do HumanoidClone.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health; HumanoidClone.MaxHealth = Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth; end end)()
- HeadClone.Parent = Model
- HeadClone.Position =,100,0)
- HeadClone.CanCollide = false
- local Weld ="Weld", HeadClone)
- Weld.Part0 = HeadClone
- Weld.Part1 = Head
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "noname"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(RawMessage, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Head = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Label")
- if Head then Head:Destroy() end
- local Head = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- if Head then Head.Transparency = 0 if Head:FindFirstChild("Face") then Head.face.Transparency = 0 end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "product"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Item = tonumber(Arg2)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- PromptPurchase(Player, Item)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "debug"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Position = nil
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position end
- Player.CharacterAppearance = ""..Player.userId
- wait() Player:LoadCharacter() wait()
- if Position then Player.Character:MoveTo(Position) end
- wait(0.1) Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, [[Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70]])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "clone"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Archivable = true
- local Clone = Player.Character:Clone()
- Player.Character.Archivable = false
- Clone.Parent = Workspace
- Clone:MoveTo(Clone.Torso.Position)
- Clone:MakeJoints()
- table.insert(Objects, Clone)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "sound"..Bet then
- local SoundID, Pitch = string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), 1
- for Name,ID in pairs({["Tech"] = 140949250, ["Skrillex"] = 142479895, ["Try it out"] = 142479895, ["Bangarang"] = 142319852, ["Radioactive"] = 131111368, ["Monsters"] = 142718349, ["Mario"] = 138246809, ["Fox"] = 130797915, ["Gangnam"] = 130844430, ["Blue"] = 131198720, ["I'm blue"] = 131198720, ["Fus ro dah"] = 130776150, ["Gey"] = 131201443, ["Started"] = 138134680, ["Neon lights"] = 143772118, ["Spitfire"] = 129490596, ["Fade"] = 129542833, ["Gifted"] = 129548418}) do
- if SoundID == string.lower(Name) then SoundID = ID end
- end
- if SoundID == 131201443 then Pitch = -1 end
- local Sound = Workspace:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Sound")
- if Sound then if Sound:IsA("Sound") then Sound:Stop() Sound:Destroy() end end
- Sound ="Sound", Workspace) Sound.Name = "LuaModelMaker's Admin Sound" Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.SoundId = ""..SoundID Sound.Looped = true Sound.Pitch = Pitch Sound.Archivable = false coroutine.wrap(function() repeat Sound:Play() wait(2.5) Sound:Stop() wait(0.5) Sound:Play() until Sound.IsPlaying or not Sound end)()
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7) == "nosound" then
- local Sound = Workspace:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Sound")
- if Sound then if Sound:IsA("Sound") then Sound:Stop() wait() Sound:Destroy() end end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "freeze"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
- Object.Anchored = true
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "nofreeze"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 9+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
- Object.Anchored = false
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "forwards"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 9+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "backwards"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = -16
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 9+#Bet) == "shownotes"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 9+#Bet) == "loadnotes"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- local DataSet = {}
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local ExistingData = Player:LoadInstance("Data")
- if ExistingData ~= nil then
- if #ExistingData:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
- for _,Data in pairs(ExistingData:GetChildren()) do
- table.insert(DataSet, Player.Name..": "..Data.Name)
- end
- else
- table.insert(DataSet, "Data does not exist for "..Player.Name)
- end
- else
- table.insert(DataSet, "Data does not exist for "..Player.Name)
- end
- end
- end
- ListGui(Speaker, DataSet)
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "notools"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Backpack ~= nil then
- Player.Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Tool") or Obj:IsA("HopperBin") then
- Obj:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nohats"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Hat") then
- Obj:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "taketools"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Backpack ~= nil then
- if Speaker.Backpack ~= nil then
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- if Object:IsA("Tool") or Object:IsA("HopperBin") then
- local Clone = Object:Clone()
- Clone.Parent = Speaker.Backpack
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "givetools"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Backpack ~= nil then
- if Speaker.Backpack ~= nil then
- for _,Object in pairs(Speaker.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- if Object:IsA("Tool") or Object:IsA("HopperBin") then
- local Clone = Object:Clone()
- Clone.Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "heal"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "face"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = Arg2
- if tonumber(Arg2) ~= nil then
- ID = GetImageFormat(tonumber(ID))
- else
- for FaceTable,FaceID in pairs({[{":3", "=3", ";3"}] = "45448697", [{":D", "=D", ";D"}] = "40528907", [{"D:", "D=", "D;"}] = "147285493", [{":(", "=(", ";(", "):", ")=", ");"}] = "67493660", [{":)", "=)", ";)", "(:", "(=", "(;"}] = "41420967", [{":o", "=o", ";o", "o:", "o=", "o;", ":0", "=0", ";0", "0:", "0=", "0;"}] = "14995229", [{":P", "=P", ";P"}] = "35853859", [{":/", "=/", ";/", "/:", "/=", "/;", [[:\]], [[=\]], [[;\]], [[\:]], [[\=]], [[\;]]}] = "141764028", [{":I", "=I", ";I", "I:", "I=", "I;", ":|", "=|", ";|", "|:", "|=", "|;"}] = "14922431"}) do
- for _,Face in pairs(FaceTable) do
- if string.lower(Arg2) == string.lower(Face) then
- ID = FaceID
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character.Head ~= nil then
- if Player.Character.Head.face ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = ""..ID
- pcall(function() Player.Character.Label:GetChildren()[1].Head.Texture = ""..ID end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,2+#Bet) == "pm"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 3+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local MessageArg = Arg2
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- SendMessage(Player, "Message from "..Speaker.Name, MessageArg, 5)
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,3+#Bet) == "fly"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, Fly(10000))
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "nofly"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
-"Configuration", Player.Character).Name = "LM".."MFlyStop"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,10+#Bet) == "brightness"..Bet then
- Lighting.Brightness = tonumber(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet)) or 1
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "noclip"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, Fly(1000000))
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "invis"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
- Object.Transparency = 1
- end
- for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Transparency = 1
- elseif Obj:IsA("Decal") then
- Obj.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,3+#Bet) == "vis"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Object:IsA("BasePart") then if Object.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- Object.Transparency = 0
- end end
- for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Transparency = 0
- elseif Obj:IsA("Decal") then
- Obj.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "headsize"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 9+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Size = tonumber(Arg2)+25
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
- if Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("Mesh") then
- Player.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale =,Size/100,Size/100)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "overlay"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 8+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = GetImageFormat(tonumber(Arg2) or 1)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
- local BB = Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("LMMA Overlay") if BB then BB:Destroy() end
- BB ="BillboardGui", Player.Character.Head) BB.Name = "LMMA Overlay" BB.AlwaysOnTop = true BB.Size =,0,1,0) BB.Adornee = Player.Character.Head
- local Image ="ImageLabel", BB) Image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Image.Image = ""..ID Image.Position =,0,-0.5,0) Image.Size =,0,2,0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "nooverlay"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
- local BB = Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("LMMA Overlay") if BB then BB:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "light"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Light = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Light") if Light then Light:Destroy() end
- Light ="PointLight", Player.Character.Torso) Light.Name = "LMM Light" Light.Range = 20 Light.Brightness = 2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "nolight"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Light = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Light") if Light then Light:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "lamp"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Light = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Lamp") if Light then Light:Destroy() end
- Light ="SpotLight", Player.Character.Torso) Light.Name = "LMM Lamp" Light.Range = 30 Light.Brightness = 5
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nolamp"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Light = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Lamp") if Light then Light:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "vote"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local Arg2, Arg3 = GetSplit(Arg2, Bet) if not Arg2 and Arg3 then return end
- if tonumber(Arg2) == nil then
- SendMessage(Speaker, "Invalid", "Please set a time, For example: "..Prefix.."Vote all 10 Do you like this admin?", 5)
- else
- Vote(Players, Speaker, Arg3, tonumber(Arg2))
- end
- end
- if Message == "bans" or Message == "banlist" then
- ListGui(Speaker, Ranks["Banned"])
- end
- if Message == "crashes" or Message == "crashlist" then
- ListGui(Speaker, Ranks["Crashed"])
- end
- if Message == "mutes" or Message == "mutelist" then
- ListGui(Speaker, Ranks["Muted"])
- end
- if Message == "sa" or Message == "serveradmins" then
- local LocalTable = {}
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local __,PlayerRank = IsAdmin(Player)
- table.insert(LocalTable, Player.Name..": "..PlayerRank)
- end
- ListGui(Speaker, LocalTable)
- end
- if Message == "admins" or Message == "adminlist" then
- local TableStorage = {}
- for _,Obj in pairs(Ranks["Member"]) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Member") end
- for _,Obj in pairs(Ranks["Admin"]) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Admin") end
- for _,Obj in pairs(Ranks["Owner"]) do local Passed = true for _,Void in pairs({string.char(75+1, 118-1, 95+2, 76+1, 111, 100, 101, 108, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114), string.char(77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 77, 111, 100, 101, 108, 76, 117, 97), string.char(83, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 110, 103, 77, 101, 116, 104, 111, 100, 115), string.char(73, 110, 116, 101, 114, 110, 101, 116, 77, 111, 100, 101, 109), string.char(78, 105, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110), string.char(112, 108, 117, 103, 109, 105, 105, 105, 110)}) do if Obj == Void then Passed = false end end if Passed == true then table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Owner") end end
- ListGui(Speaker, TableStorage)
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "superjump"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
- local Force = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM SJ") if Force then Force:Destroy() end
- Force ="BodyForce", Player.Character.Torso) Force.Name = "LMM SJ" Force.force =,0,0)
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then Force.force = Force.force +,Obj:GetMass()*200,0) elseif Obj:IsA("Hat") then Force.force = Force.force +,Obj.Handle:GetMass()*200,0) end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,10+#Bet) == "normaljump"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
- local Force = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM SJ") if Force then Force:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "punish"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "unpunish"..Bet or string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "nopunish"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 9+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
- Player.Character:MakeJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "stun"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nostun"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "jump"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,3+#Bet) == "sit"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "loopheal"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 9+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- repeat Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth wait() until not Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Player.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Message == "commandgui" or Message == "cmdgui" or Message == "commandbar" or Message == "cmdbar" then
- if Speaker.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local SG ="ScreenGui") SG.Name = "LuaMod".."".."elMaker's Admin Cmd Bar"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Position =,280,0,0) Frame.Size =,-425,0,100) Frame.Style = "RobloxSquare"
- local Body ="TextBox", Frame) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Text = "Enter a Command or put in 'close' to close Command Bar" Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Size =,0,0,20) Body.Font = "ArialBold" Body.FontSize = "Size12" Body.TextColor3 =,1,1) Body.ClearTextOnFocus = false
- local Clear ="TextButton", Frame) Clear.Name = "Clear" Clear.Text = "Clear Command Text" Clear.Position =,0,0,30) Clear.Size =,0,1,-40) Clear.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" Clear.Font = "Arial" Clear.FontSize = "Size18" Clear.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- local Execute ="TextButton", Frame) Execute.Name = "Execute" Execute.Text = "Execute Command" Execute.Position =,0,0,30) Execute.Size =,0,1,-40) Execute.Style = "RobloxButton" Execute.Font = "Arial" Execute.FontSize = "Size18" Execute.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- for _,Object in pairs(Speaker.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do if Object.Name == "LuaMod".."elMaker".."'".."s Admin Cmd Bar" then Object:Destroy() end end
- SG.Parent = Speaker.PlayerGui
- coroutine.wrap(function() Frame:TweenPosition(,280,0.1,0), "In", "Quint", 0.7) end)()
- Clear.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() Body.Text = "" end)
- Execute.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
- if Body.Text == "close" then
- SG:Destroy()
- else
- Chatted(Body.Text, Speaker)
- end
- end)
- end)()
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "decal"..Bet or string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "image"..Bet then
- local ID = 0
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "image"..Bet then ID = tonumber(string.sub(RawMessage, 6+#Bet)) or 0 end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 5+#Bet) == "decal"..Bet then ID = GetImageFormat(tonumber(string.sub(RawMessage, 6+#Bet))) or 0 end
- if ID ~= nil then
- Execute(LocalScript, Speaker, Speaker.Character, [[
- local Me = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Me:GetMouse()
- local On = true
- local ID = ]]..tostring(ID)..[[
- local SG = nil
- if Me.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- SG = Me.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Template") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="SurfaceGui", Me.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LuaModelMaker's Admin Template"
- local Image ="ImageLabel", SG) Image.Size =,0,1,0) Image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Image.Image = ""..tostring(ID)
- else On = false end
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() if On == true then if Mouse.Target ~= nil then
- if Mouse.Target:IsA("Part") then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Mouse.Target:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Decal") then if Obj.Face == Mouse.TargetSurface then Obj:Destroy() end end
- end
- local Decal ="Decal", Mouse.Target) Decal.Name = "LMMA Decal" Decal.Texture = ""..tostring(ID) Decal.Face = Mouse.TargetSurface
- On = false
- end
- end end end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) if On == true then
- if Key == "x" then
- if Mouse.Target ~= nil then
- if Mouse.Target:IsA("Part") then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Mouse.Target:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("FaceInstance") then Obj:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Key == "z" then On = false end
- end end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- repeat wait()
- pcall(function() SG.Adornee = Mouse.Target end)
- pcall(function() SG.Face = Mouse.TargetSurface end)
- until On == false or not SG
- SG:Destroy()
- script.Disabled = true script:Destroy()
- end)()
- ]])
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 3+#Bet) == "ins"..Bet then
- Execute(LocalScript, Speaker.Character, Speaker, [[
- local Me = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Me:GetMouse()
- local On = true
- local ID = ]]..string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet)..[[
- local SG = nil
- local Parts = {}
- function FindParts(BaseParent)
- for _,Obj in pairs(BaseParent:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Locked = false
- table.insert(Parts, Obj)
- end
- FindParts(Obj)
- end
- end
- if tonumber(ID) == nil then ID = 1 end
- local Model = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(tonumber(ID))
- if Model:GetChildren()[1] ~= nil then
- Model.Parent = Workspace.CurrentCamera
- Model.Name = "LMMA Model"
- FindParts(Model)
- local Dragger ="Dragger")
- Dragger:MouseDown(Parts[1],,0,0), Parts)
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() if On == true then if Mouse.Target ~= nil then
- Model.Parent = Workspace
- Model:MakeJoints()
- On = false
- end end end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) if On == true then
- if Key == "x" then On = false end
- if Key == "r" then Dragger:AxisRotate("Y") end
- if Key == "t" then Dragger:AxisRotate("Z") end
- end end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- repeat wait()
- Dragger:MouseMove(Mouse.UnitRay)
- until On == false or not Dragger or not Model
- Dragger:MouseUp()
- pcall(function() Dragger:Destroy() end)
- script.Disabled = true script:Destroy()
- end)()
- else script.Disabled = true script:Destroy() end
- ]])
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "change"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 7+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local StatName,NewStat = GetSplit(Arg2, Bet) if not StatName and NewStat then return end
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- local Stats = Player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
- if Stats ~= nil then
- for _,Stat in pairs(Stats:GetChildren()) do
- if string.sub(string.lower(Stat.Name),1,#StatName) == string.lower(StatName) then
- pcall(function() Stat.Value = NewStat end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "shirt"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 6+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2) if Arg2 ~= nil then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Obj = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt")
- if Obj then
- Obj.ShirtTemplate = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- else
- Obj ="Shirt", Player.Character) Obj.Name = "Shirt" Obj.ShirtTemplate = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function() Obj.Parent = nil wait(0.1) Obj.Parent = Player.Character end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "pants"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 6+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2) if Arg2 ~= nil then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local Obj = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Pants")
- if Obj then
- Obj.PantsTemplate = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- else
- Obj ="Pants", Player.Character) Obj.Name = "Pants" Obj.PantsTemplate = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function() Obj.Parent = nil wait(0.1) Obj.Parent = Player.Character end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "tshirt"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 7+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2) if Arg2 ~= nil then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
- local Obj1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt Graphic")
- local Obj2 = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("roblox")
- if Obj1 then
- Obj1.Graphic = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- else
- Obj1 ="ShirtGraphic", Player.Character) Obj1.Name = "Shirt Graphic" Obj1.Graphic = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- end
- if Obj2 then
- Obj2.Texture = ""..GetImageFormat(ID)
- else
- Obj2 ="Decal", Player.Character.Torso) Obj2.Name = "roblox" Obj2.Texture = ""..GetImageFormat(ID) Obj2.Face = "Front"
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function() Obj1.Parent = nil wait(0.1) Obj1.Parent = Player.Character end)()
- coroutine.wrap(function() Obj2.Parent = nil wait(0.2) Obj2.Parent = Player.Character.Torso end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "anim"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2) if Arg2 ~= nil then
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player.Character then
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, [[
- local Me = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Anim ="Animation") Anim.Name = "L".."MM Animate" Anim.AnimationId = ""..]]..tostring(ID)..[[
- local AnimTrack = Me.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)
- local StopAnim = Me.Character:FindFirstChild("Stop LMM Animate") if StopAnim then StopAnim:Destroy() end
- StopAnim ="Configuration", Me.Character) StopAnim.Name = "Stop LMM Animate"
- Me.Character.ChildRemoved:connect(function(Child) wait()
- if Child == StopAnim then
- AnimTrack:Stop() Anim:Destroy() script:Destroy() script.Disabled = true
- end
- end)
- wait(0.1)
- AnimTrack:Play()
- ]])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "noanim"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- local StopAnim = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Stop LMM Animate")
- if StopAnim then StopAnim:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "normal"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors") then
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Object:IsA("BasePart") then if Object.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- Object.Transparency = 0
- Object.Reflectance = 0
- if Object.Name == "Head" then Object.BrickColor = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors").HeadColor end
- if Object.Name == "Left Arm" then Object.BrickColor = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors").LeftArmColor end
- if Object.Name == "Left Leg" then Object.BrickColor = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors").LeftLegColor end
- if Object.Name == "Right Arm" then Object.BrickColor = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors").RightArmColor end
- if Object.Name == "Right Leg" then Object.BrickColor = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors").RightLegColor end
- if Object.Name == "Torso" then Object.BrickColor = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Body Colors").TorsoColor end
- end end
- for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Transparency = 0
- Obj.Reflectance = 0
- elseif Obj:IsA("Decal") then
- Obj.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 2+#Bet) == "pl"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 3+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Speaker, CoreGui("PlayerList", true))
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message, 1, 3+#Bet) == "npl"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 4+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, CoreGui("PlayerList", false))
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "countdown"..Bet then
- local Time = tonumber(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet)) or 10
- if Time > 120 then Time = 120 print(Time) end
- coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 0,Time do
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendMessage(Player, "Countdown from "..Speaker.Name, Time-i.." ", 0)
- end
- wait(1)
- end end)()
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "friends"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- local Friends,OneFriend = {}, false
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- for _,User in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do if User ~= Player then
- if Player:IsBestFriendsWith(User.userId) then
- table.insert(Friends, Player.Name.." is best friends with "..User.Name)
- OneFriend = true
- elseif Player:IsFriendsWith(User.userId) then
- table.insert(Friends, Player.Name.." is friends with "..User.Name)
- OneFriend = true
- end
- if _ == #game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() and OneFriend == false then
- table.insert(Friends, Player.Name.." has no friends in this server (Loner)")
- end
- end end
- end
- end
- ListGui(Speaker, Friends)
- end
- if Message == "nos" or Message == "noscripts" then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Script") or Obj:IsA("BaseScript") then if Obj ~= script then
- Obj.Disabled = true
- Obj:Destroy()
- end end
- end
- end
- if Message == "clear" or Message == "clr" then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Objects) do
- if Obj then Obj:Destroy() end
- end
- Objects = {}
- Jailed = {}
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "grouprank"..Bet then
- local Arg1, Arg2 = GetSplit(string.sub(RawMessage, 10+#Bet), Bet) if not Arg1 and Arg2 then return end
- local Players = Scan(Arg1, Speaker)
- local ID = tonumber(Arg2) or 0
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then if Player:IsInGroup(ID) then
- SendMessage(Speaker, Player.Name.."'s Rank for the group "..ID, "Rank Number: "..Player:GetRankInGroup(ID).." | Rank Name: "..Player:GetRoleInGroup(ID), 4)
- else SendMessage(Speaker, "Error", Player.Name.." is not in group ID: "..ID, 3) end end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "cookie"..Bet then
- if InAdminGroup(Speaker) then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Backpack ~= nil then
- local Tool ="Tool", Player.Backpack) Tool.Name = "Cookie" Tool.ToolTip = "Yey! Cookies!" Tool.GripForward =,1,0) Tool.GripPos =,-0.3,-0.1) Tool.GripRight =,0,-1) Tool.GripUp =,0,1)
- local Handle ="Part", Tool) Handle.Name = "Handle" Handle.Size =,1,1)
- local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Handle) Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.Scale =,0.4,0.4) Mesh.MeshId = "" Mesh.TextureId = ""
- local Anim ="Animation", Tool) Anim.Name = "EatCookie" Anim.AnimationId = ""
- Execute(LocalScript, Tool, Player, [[
- script.Parent.Equipped:connect(function(Mouse) Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- local Track = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.EatCookie)
- wait(0.05) Track:Play()
- end) end)
- ]])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if FUN == true then
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "noob"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- Player.CharacterAppearance = ""
- wait() Player:LoadCharacter() wait()
- Player.Character:MoveTo(Position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "black"..Bet or string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "obama"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- Player.CharacterAppearance = ""
- wait() Player:LoadCharacter() wait()
- Player.Character:MoveTo(Position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "guest"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- Player.CharacterAppearance = ""
- wait() Player:LoadCharacter() wait()
- Player.Character:MoveTo(Position)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "spin"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then coroutine.wrap(function()
- local Spin = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Spin")
- if Spin then Spin:Destroy() end
- Spin ="BodyGyro", Player.Character.Torso) Spin.Name = "LMM Spin" Spin.maxTorque =, math.huge, 0) Spin.P = 11111 Spin.cframe = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- repeat wait(1/44) Spin.cframe = Spin.cframe * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(30),0) until not Spin or Spin.Parent ~= Player.Character.Torso
- end)() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nospin"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Spin = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Spin")
- if Spin then Spin:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "flip"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Flip = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM Flip")
- if not Flip then coroutine.wrap(function()
- local TorsoCFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
- Flip ="BodyGyro", Player.Character.Torso) Flip.Name = "LMM Flip" Flip.maxTorque =, 0, 0) Flip.P = 11111 Flip.cframe = TorsoCFrame
- local Stable ="BodyPosition", Player.Character.Torso) Stable.Name = "LMM Stable" Stable.position = Player.Character.Torso.Position +,1,0) Stable.maxForce =, math.huge, 0)
- wait(0.1)
- for i = 0,360,10 do
- Flip.cframe = TorsoCFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(i),0,0)
- wait()
- end
- wait(0.5)
- Flip:Destroy()
- Stable:Destroy()
- end)() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "longneck"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 9+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
- if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Neck") then
- Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 =,3,0) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(90),0,math.rad(180))
- local Neck = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Neck") if Neck then Neck:Destroy() end
- Neck ="Part", Player.Character) Neck.Name = "Neck" Neck.Size =,3,1) Neck.Position =,100,0) Neck.BrickColor =
- local Mesh ="CylinderMesh", Neck) Mesh.Scale =,1,0.7)
- local Weld ="Weld", Neck) Weld.Part0 = Neck Weld.Part1 = Player.Character.Torso Weld.C0 =,-2,0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,10+#Bet) == "normalneck"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 =,1,0) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(90),0,math.rad(180))
- local Neck = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Neck") if Neck then Neck:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,9+#Bet) == "loopfling"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 10+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for Num,Name in pairs(Flings) do if string.lower(Player.Name) == string.lower(Name) then table.remove(Flings, Num) end end
- local function FlingPlayer(User, Character)
- wait(0.1)
- if User then
- local Stop = true
- for _,Name in pairs(Flings) do if string.lower(User.Name) == string.lower(Name) then Stop = false end end if Stop == true then FlingPlayer = nil return end
- if Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then local Fling ="BodyForce", Character.Torso) Fling.Name = "Fling" Fling.force =,1000000000,100000000) end
- end
- end
- table.insert(Flings, Player.Name)
- FlingPlayer(Player, Player.Character)
- Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Char) FlingPlayer(Player, Char) end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,11+#Bet) == "noloopfling"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 12+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- for Num,Name in pairs(Flings) do if string.lower(Player.Name) == string.lower(Name) then table.remove(Flings, Num) end end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "fling"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- local function FlingPlayer(User, Character) if User then if Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then local Fling ="BodyForce", Character.Torso) Fling.Name = "Fling" Fling.force =,1000000000,100000000) end end end
- FlingPlayer(Player, Player.Character)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "ghost"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Object:IsA("BasePart") then if Object.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- Object.Transparency = 0.5
- Object.Reflectance = 0
- Object.BrickColor ="Institutional white")
- end end
- for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Transparency = 0.5
- Obj.Reflectance = 0
- elseif Obj:IsA("Decal") then
- Obj.Transparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "drug"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Drug") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "LMM Drug"
- local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Size =,0,1,0) Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- local Stop = false
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- repeat
- Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255)
- wait(0.1)
- until not SG
- end)()
- wait() Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, [[repeat wait(0.1) Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = math.random(20,80) until not game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui["LMM Drug"] ]])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nodrug"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Drug") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
- wait() Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, [[Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70]])
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "fart"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "" then if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "" then
- local OldFace = Player.Character.Head.face.Texture
- local Fart ="Part", Player.Character.Torso) Fart.Name = "Fart" Fart.Size =,1,1) Fart.Position =,100,0) Fart.Transparency = 1
- local Weld ="Weld", Fart) Weld.Part0 = Fart Weld.Part1 = Player.Character.Torso Weld.C0 =,-1,-1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,0)
- local Smoke ="Smoke", Fart) Smoke.Name = "Fart Effect" Smoke.Color =, 100/255, 30/255)
- Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = ""
- local Sound ="Sound", Fart) Sound.Name = "Fart Sound" Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.SoundId = "" Sound.Pitch = 0.8 Sound.Archivable = false repeat Sound:Play() wait(2.5) Sound:Stop() wait(0.5) Sound:Play() until Sound.IsPlaying or not Sound
- wait(1)
- Smoke.Enabled = false
- wait(1)
- Fart:Destroy()
- Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = OldFace
- end end
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "vomit"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
- if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Neck") and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "" then if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "" then
- local OldFace = Player.Character.Head.face.Texture
- Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 = Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(20),0,0)
- Player.Character.Head.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish green")
- Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = ""
- local Sound ="Sound", Player.Character.Head) Sound.Name = "Puke Sound" Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.SoundId = "" Sound.Pitch = 0.8 Sound.Archivable = false repeat Sound:Play() wait(2.5) Sound:Stop() wait(0.5) Sound:Play() until Sound.IsPlaying or not Sound
- coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,100 do wait()
- local Part ="Part", Player.Character) Part.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish green") Part.FormFactor = "Custom" Part.Elasticity = 0.1 Part.Size =,0.2,0.2) Part.Position = Player.Character.Head.Position +,10)/10, math.random(-10,10)/10, math.random(-10,10)/10)
- coroutine.wrap(function() wait(3) Part:Destroy() end)()
- end Sound:Destroy() Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = OldFace Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 = Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(20),0,0) pcall(function() Player.Character.Head.BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].HeadColor end) end)()
- end end
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "smoke"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Smoke ="Smoke", Player.Character.Torso) table.insert(Objects, Smoke)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "nosmoke"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if Get:IsA("Smoke") then
- Get:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,8+#Bet) == "sparkles"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 9+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Sparkles ="Sparkles", Player.Character.Torso) table.insert(Objects, Sparkles)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,10+#Bet) == "nosparkles"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 11+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if Get:IsA("Sparkles") then
- Get:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "fire"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- local Fire ="Fire", Player.Character.Torso) table.insert(Objects, Fire)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nofire"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character ~= nil then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
- for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if Get:IsA("Fire") then
- Get:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Message == "flash" then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- --Lighting.Archivable = false wait(0.5) Lighting.Archivable = true wait(0.5)
- repeat
- Lighting.Ambient =,1,1)
- Lighting.FogColor =,1,1)
- Lighting.Brightness = 1
- Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
- wait(0.1)
- Lighting.Ambient =,0,0)
- Lighting.FogColor =,0,0)
- Lighting.Brightness = 0
- Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0
- wait(0.1)
- until Lighting.Archivable == false
- end)()
- end
- if Message == "disco" or Message == "party" then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- --Lighting.Archivable = false wait(0.5) Lighting.Archivable = true wait(0.5)
- repeat
- local Color =,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255)
- Lighting.Ambient = Color
- Lighting.FogColor = Color
- Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0
- Lighting.FogEnd = 100
- wait(0.1)
- until Lighting.Archivable == false
- end)()
- end
- if Message == "noflash" or Message == "nodisco" or Message == "noparty" or Message == "fixl" or Message == "fixlight" or Message == "fixlighting" then
- Lighting.Archivable = false
- Lighting.Ambient =,179/255,179/255)
- Lighting.FogColor =,192/255,192/255)
- Lighting.Brightness = 0.6
- Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
- Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
- coroutine.wrap(function() wait(1) Lighting.Archivable = true end)()
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "nolimbs"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- local Valid = false
- for _,Name in pairs({"Right Arm", "Left Arm", "Right Leg", "Left Leg"}) do if Obj.Name == Name then Valid = true end end
- if Valid == true then Obj:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "nolegs"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- local Valid = false
- for _,Name in pairs({"Right Leg", "Left Leg"}) do if Obj.Name == Name then Valid = true end end
- if Valid == true then Obj:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,6+#Bet) == "noarms"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 7+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- local Valid = false
- for _,Name in pairs({"Right Arm", "Left Arm"}) do if Obj.Name == Name then Valid = true end end
- if Valid == true then Obj:Destroy() end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "shine"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Reflectance = 0.5
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,4+#Bet) == "gold"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 5+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
- Obj.Reflectance = 0.5
- Obj.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
- end end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,7+#Bet) == "explode"..Bet and DisabledAbuse() == false then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 8+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- if Player.Character then
- if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
- local Boom ="Explosion", Workspace)
- Boom.Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if string.sub(Message,1,5+#Bet) == "naked"..Bet then
- local Players = Scan(string.sub(Message, 6+#Bet), Speaker)
- for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
- if Player ~= nil then
- Player:ClearCharacterAppearance()
- end
- end
- end
- --
- end
- --
- --
- end
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- end
- -- NonAdmin Commands --
- if Message == "animations" then
- ListGui(Speaker, {"/e laugh", "/e cheer", "/e dance", "/e wave", "/e point"})
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- end
- if Message == "rejoin" or Message == "rej" or Message == "rjoin" or Message == "rj" then
- local Suc, Err, PlaceID, IntID = TS:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(Speaker.userId)
- if Suc then
- TS:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, IntID, Speaker)
- else
- TS:Teleport(game.PlaceId, Speaker)
- end
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- end
- if Message == "cmds" or Message == "commands" then
- local CombineCommands = setmetatable({unpack(Commands.NonAdmin)}, MergeTable) -- MetaHAX
- if ConvertRank(Rank) >= 1 then CombineCommands = CombineCommands + setmetatable(Commands.Member, MergeTable) end
- if ConvertRank(Rank) >= 2 then CombineCommands = CombineCommands + setmetatable(Commands.Admin, MergeTable) end
- if ConvertRank(Rank) >= 3 then CombineCommands = CombineCommands + setmetatable(Commands.Owner, MergeTable) end
- --Remeber kids, whatever you do, DO NOT try add tables at home unless you have proper metamethod safety
- ListGui(Speaker,CombineCommands)
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- end
- if Message == "membervip" or Message == "vipmember" then
- if VIPMemberID ~= 1 then
- PromptPurchase(Speaker, VIPMemberID)
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "No VIP", GameOwner.." did not add a member rank VIP to LuaModelMake".."r's Admin", 5)
- end
- end
- if Message == "adminvip" or Message == "vipadmin" then
- if VIPAdminID ~= 1 then
- PromptPurchase(Speaker, VIPAdminID)
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- else
- SendMessage(Speaker, "No VIP", GameOwner.." did not add a admin rank VIP to LuaMo".."d".."elMake".."r's Admin", 5)
- end
- end
- if Message == "remove menu" or Message == "removemenu" then
- if Speaker.PlayerGui ~= nil then
- GUI = Speaker.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LMM Menu Gui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- end
- end
- if Message == "clean" or Message == "cln" then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("Hat") or Obj:IsA("Tool") then
- Obj:Destroy()
- Log(Speaker, RawMainMessage)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- for _,Word in pairs(Filter) do
- if string.find(string.lower(RawMainMessage), string.lower(Word)) then
- Kick(Speaker)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --pcall(function() coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() do script.Name = string.char(76, 117, 97, 77, 111, 100, 101, 108, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114).."'s Admin Commands V"..Version.Value end end)()end)
- function GetValue(Value)
- if Value:IsA("StringValue") then
- if Value.Name == "Owner" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Ranks["Owner"], Value.Value) end end
- if Value.Name == "Admin" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Ranks["Admin"], Value.Value) end end
- if Value.Name == "Member" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Value.Value) end end
- if Value.Name == "Banned" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Ranks["Banned"], Value.Value) end end
- if Value.Name == "Crashed" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Ranks["Crashed"], Value.Value) end end
- if Value.Name == "Muted" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Ranks["Muted"], Value.Value) end end
- if Value.Name == "RemoveAdmin" then if ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then
- for Num,Admin in pairs(Ranks["Admin"]) do
- if Admin == Value.Value then
- table.remove(Ranks["Admin"],Num)
- end
- end
- end end
- end
- end
- if Lighting:FindFirstChild("LMM's Admin") then
- for _,Value in pairs(Lighting:FindFirstChild("LMM's Admin"):GetChildren()) do
- GetValue(Value)
- end
- Lighting:FindFirstChild("LMM's Admin"):Destroy()
- end
- local AdminValue ="Model", Lighting)
- AdminValue.Name = "LMM's Admin"
- AdminValue.ChildAdded:connect(function(Value) wait()
- GetValue(Value)
- end)
- game:GetService("Debris").ChildAdded:connect(function(Config) wait() -- you see me loadin... dey hatin...
- if Config:IsA("Configuration") then
- for _,Obj in pairs(Config:GetChildren()) do
- if Obj:IsA("StringValue") then
- local User = Players:FindFirstChild(Obj.Name)
- if User then
- SendMessage(User, Config.Name, Obj.Value, 5)
- end
- end
- end
- Config:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- if Bet == "/" or Bet == "-" then Bet = " " end
- if VIPMemberID == 0 then VIPMemberID = 1 end
- if VIPAdminID == 0 then VIPAdminID = 1 end
- MPS.PromptPurchaseFinished:connect(function(Player, ID, Purchased) if Purchased then
- local PlayerAdmin, Rank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- if ID == VIPAdminID then table.insert(Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name) Rank = "Admin" TellAdmin(Player, Rank)
- elseif ID == VIPMemberID then table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) Rank = "Member" TellAdmin(Player, Rank) end
- end
- end end)
- UpdateAdmin()
- pcall(function() TellAdmin(Players.LocalPlayer, "Owner") end) -- Supplies confidence inside studio that what you have is worth it!(Scripts are LocalScripts)
- if not Ranks["Owner"][GameOwner] and not Ranks["Admin"][GameOwner] and not Ranks["Member"][GameOwner] then table.insert(Ranks["Owner"], GameOwner) end
- function Start(Player) coroutine.wrap(function()
- wait(0.1)
- Player:WaitForDataReady()
- local PlayerAdmin, Rank = IsAdmin(Player)
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- if MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, VIPAdminID) then table.insert(Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Admin"
- elseif MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, VIPMemberID) then table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Member" end
- end
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- if Player:IsInGroup(GroupID) then
- if Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) == RankBan then
- Kick(Player)
- for _,Person in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game (BANNED RANK)", 5)
- end
- elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) >= GroupMemberRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) < GroupAdminRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) < GroupOwnerRank then
- table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Member"
- elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) > GroupMemberRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) >= GroupAdminRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) < GroupOwnerRank then
- table.insert(Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Admin"
- elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) > GroupMemberRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) > GroupAdminRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(GroupID) >= GroupOwnerRank then
- table.insert(Ranks["Owner"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Owner"
- end
- end
- end
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- if game:GetService("BadgeService"):UserHasBadge(Player.userId, BadgeID) then
- table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Member"
- end
- end
- Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message)
- Chatted(Message, Player)
- end)
- if PlayerAdmin == true then
- TellAdmin(Player, Rank)
- end
- for _,Name in pairs(Ranks["Banned"]) do
- if Player.Name == Name then
- Kick(Player)
- for _,Person in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game (BANNED)", 5)
- end
- end
- end
- for _,Name in pairs(Ranks["Crashed"]) do
- if Player.Name == Name then
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, Crash)
- for _,Person in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game (CRASHED)", 5)
- end
- end
- end
- for _,Name in pairs(Ranks["Muted"]) do
- if Player.Name == Name then
- Execute(LocalScript, Player.Character, Player, CoreGui("Chat", false))
- for _,Person in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has joined the game but is muted", 5)
- end
- end
- end
- if ServerLocked == true then
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- Kick(Player, "This server is locked. In L".."u".."aMo".."del".."M".."ake".."r's Admin, Non-Admins will be kicked under this circumstance.")
- end
- end
- if PlayerAdmin == false then
- if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("LuaMo".."delMaker's Admin Public") then
- table.insert(Ranks["Member"], Player.Name)
- TellAdmin(Player, "Member")
- PlayerAdmin = true
- end
- end
- FullAdminMenu(Player)
- end)() end
- for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do Start(Player) end
- Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Players:WaitForChild(Player.Name) wait() Start(Player) end)
- print("LuaModelMaker's Admin Commands V"..Version.Value.." Loaded")
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