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- /*
- * R e a d m e
- * -----------
- *
- * In this file you can include any instructions or other comments you want to have injected onto the
- * top of your final script. You can safely delete this file if you do not want any such comments.
- */
- // This file contains your actual script.
- //
- // You can either keep all your code here, or you can create separate
- // code files to make your program easier to navigate while coding.
- //
- // In order to add a new utility class, right-click on your project,
- // select 'New' then 'Add Item...'. Now find the 'Space Engineers'
- // category under 'Visual C# Items' on the left hand side, and select
- // 'Utility Class' in the main area. Name it in the box below, and
- // press OK. This utility class will be merged in with your code when
- // deploying your final script.
- //
- // You can also simply create a new utility class manually, you don't
- // have to use the template if you don't want to. Just do so the first
- // time to see what a utility class looks like.
- //
- // Go to:
- //
- //
- // to learn more about ingame scripts.
- public Program()
- {
- // The constructor, called only once every session and
- // always before any other method is called. Use it to
- // initialize your script.
- //
- // The constructor is optional and can be removed if not
- // needed.
- //
- // It's recommended to set Runtime.UpdateFrequency
- // here, which will allow your script to run itself without a
- // timer block.
- IMyTextSurface s = (IMyTextSurface)GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("LCD");
- SpriteHUDLCD x = new SpriteHUDLCD(s);
- //x.s = s;
- x.setLCD("this is<color=lightgreen> a test<color=red> of color");
- }
- public void Save()
- {
- // Called when the program needs to save its state. Use
- // this method to save your state to the Storage field
- // or some other means.
- //
- // This method is optional and can be removed if not
- // needed.
- }
- public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
- {
- // The main entry point of the script, invoked every time
- // one of the programmable block's Run actions are invoked,
- // or the script updates itself. The updateSource argument
- // describes where the update came from. Be aware that the
- // updateSource is a bitfield and might contain more than
- // one update type.
- //
- // The method itself is required, but the arguments above
- // can be removed if not needed.
- }
- public class SpriteHUDLCD
- {
- static Dictionary<string, Color> ColorList = new Dictionary<string, Color>
- {
- { "aliceblue", Color.AliceBlue },
- { "antiquewhite", Color.AntiqueWhite },
- { "aqua", Color.Aqua },
- { "aquamarine", Color.Aquamarine },
- { "azure", Color.Azure },
- { "beige", Color.Beige },
- { "bisque", Color.Bisque },
- { "black", Color.Black },
- { "blanchedalmond", Color.BlanchedAlmond },
- { "blue", Color.Blue },
- { "blueviolet", Color.BlueViolet },
- { "brown", Color.Brown },
- { "burlywood", Color.BurlyWood },
- { "badetblue", Color.CadetBlue },
- { "chartreuse", Color.Chartreuse },
- { "chocolate", Color.Chocolate },
- { "coral", Color.Coral },
- { "cornflowerblue", Color.CornflowerBlue },
- { "cornsilk", Color.Cornsilk },
- { "crimson", Color.Crimson },
- { "cyan", Color.Cyan },
- { "darkblue", Color.DarkBlue },
- { "darkcyan", Color.DarkCyan },
- { "darkgoldenrod", Color.DarkGoldenrod },
- { "darkgray", Color.DarkGray },
- { "darkgreen", Color.DarkGreen },
- { "darkkhaki", Color.DarkKhaki },
- { "darkmagenta", Color.DarkMagenta },
- { "darkoliveGreen", Color.DarkOliveGreen },
- { "darkorange", Color.DarkOrange },
- { "darkorchid", Color.DarkOrchid },
- { "darkred", Color.DarkRed },
- { "darksalmon", Color.DarkSalmon },
- { "darkseagreen", Color.DarkSeaGreen },
- { "darkslateblue", Color.DarkSlateBlue },
- { "darkslategray", Color.DarkSlateGray },
- { "darkturquoise", Color.DarkTurquoise },
- { "darkviolet", Color.DarkViolet },
- { "deeppink", Color.DeepPink },
- { "deepskyblue", Color.DeepSkyBlue },
- { "dimgray", Color.DimGray },
- { "dodgerblue", Color.DodgerBlue },
- { "firebrick", Color.Firebrick },
- { "floralwhite", Color.FloralWhite },
- { "forestgreen", Color.ForestGreen },
- { "fuchsia", Color.Fuchsia },
- { "gainsboro", Color.Gainsboro },
- { "ghostwhite", Color.GhostWhite },
- { "gold", Color.Gold },
- { "goldenrod", Color.Goldenrod },
- { "gray", Color.Gray },
- { "green", Color.Green },
- { "greenyellow", Color.GreenYellow },
- { "doneydew", Color.Honeydew },
- { "hotpink", Color.HotPink },
- { "indianred", Color.IndianRed },
- { "indigo", Color.Indigo },
- { "ivory", Color.Ivory },
- { "khaki", Color.Khaki },
- { "lavender", Color.Lavender },
- { "lavenderblush", Color.LavenderBlush },
- { "lawngreen", Color.LawnGreen },
- { "lemonchiffon", Color.LemonChiffon },
- { "lightblue", Color.LightBlue },
- { "lightcoral", Color.LightCoral },
- { "lightcyan", Color.LightCyan },
- { "lightgoldenrodyellow", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow },
- { "lightgray", Color.LightGray },
- { "lightgreen", Color.LightGreen },
- { "lightpink", Color.LightPink },
- { "lightsalmon", Color.LightSalmon },
- { "lightseagreen", Color.LightSeaGreen },
- { "lightskyblue", Color.LightSkyBlue },
- { "lightslategray", Color.LightSlateGray },
- { "lightsteelblue", Color.LightSteelBlue },
- { "lightyellow", Color.LightYellow },
- { "lime", Color.Lime },
- { "limegreen", Color.LimeGreen },
- { "linen", Color.Linen },
- { "magenta", Color.Magenta },
- { "maroon", Color.Maroon },
- { "mediumaquamarine", Color.MediumAquamarine },
- { "mediumblue", Color.MediumBlue },
- { "mediumorchid", Color.MediumOrchid },
- { "mediumpurple", Color.MediumPurple },
- { "mediumseagreen", Color.MediumSeaGreen },
- { "mediumslateblue", Color.MediumSlateBlue },
- { "mediumspringgreen", Color.MediumSpringGreen },
- { "mediumturquoise", Color.MediumTurquoise },
- { "mediumvioletred", Color.MediumVioletRed },
- { "midnightblue", Color.MidnightBlue },
- { "mintcream", Color.MintCream },
- { "mistyrose", Color.MistyRose },
- { "moccasin", Color.Moccasin },
- { "navajowhite", Color.NavajoWhite },
- { "navy", Color.Navy },
- { "oldlace", Color.OldLace },
- { "olive", Color.Olive },
- { "olivedrab", Color.OliveDrab },
- { "orange", Color.Orange },
- { "orangered", Color.OrangeRed },
- { "orchid", Color.Orchid },
- { "palegoldenrod", Color.PaleGoldenrod },
- { "palegreen", Color.PaleGreen },
- { "paleturquoise", Color.PaleTurquoise },
- { "palevioletred", Color.PaleVioletRed },
- { "papayawhip", Color.PapayaWhip },
- { "peachpuff", Color.PeachPuff },
- { "peru", Color.Peru },
- { "pink", Color.Pink },
- { "plum", Color.Plum },
- { "powderblue", Color.PowderBlue },
- { "purple", Color.Purple },
- { "red", Color.Red },
- { "rosybrown", Color.RosyBrown },
- { "royalblue", Color.RoyalBlue },
- { "saddlebrown", Color.SaddleBrown },
- { "salmon", Color.Salmon },
- { "sandybrown", Color.SandyBrown },
- { "seagreen", Color.SeaGreen },
- { "seashell", Color.SeaShell },
- { "sienna", Color.Sienna },
- { "silver", Color.Silver },
- { "skyblue", Color.SkyBlue },
- { "slateblue", Color.SlateBlue },
- { "slategray", Color.SlateGray },
- { "snow", Color.Snow },
- { "springgreen", Color.SpringGreen },
- { "steelblue", Color.SteelBlue },
- { "tan", Color.Tan },
- { "teal", Color.Teal },
- { "thistle", Color.Thistle },
- { "tomato", Color.Tomato },
- { "turquoise", Color.Turquoise },
- { "violet", Color.Violet },
- { "wheat", Color.Wheat },
- { "white", Color.White },
- { "whitesmoke", Color.WhiteSmoke },
- { "yellow", Color.Yellow },
- { "yellowgreen", Color.YellowGreen }
- };
- public IMyTextSurface s = null;
- public SpriteHUDLCD(IMyTextSurface s)
- {
- this.s = s;
- }
- public void setLCD(string text)
- {
- s.WriteText(text);
- List<object> tok = new List<object>();
- string[] tokens = text.Split(new string[] { "<color=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
- for(int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
- {
- var t = tokens[i];
- foreach(var kvp in ColorList)
- {
- if(t.StartsWith(kvp.Key+">"))
- {
- t = t.Substring(kvp.Key.Length + 1);
- tok.Add(kvp.Value);
- break;
- }
- }
- tok.Add(t);
- }
- s.ContentType = ContentType.SCRIPT;
- s.Script = "";
- RectangleF _viewport;
- _viewport = new RectangleF(
- (s.TextureSize - s.SurfaceSize) / 2f,
- s.SurfaceSize
- );
- using (var frame = s.DrawFrame())
- {
- var zpos = new Vector2(0, 0) + _viewport.Position + new Vector2(s.TextPadding / 100 * s.SurfaceSize.X, s.TextPadding / 100 * s.SurfaceSize.Y);
- var position = zpos;
- Color cColor = Color.White;
- foreach(var t in tok)
- {
- if (t is Color) cColor = (Color)t;
- else if(t is string) writeText((string)t, frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize,cColor);
- }
- //writeText("012", frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize, Color.Blue);
- //writeText("345", frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize, Color.White);
- //writeText("678\n12", frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize, Color.Red);
- //writeText("345", frame, ref position, zpos, s.FontSize, Color.Green);
- }
- }
- public void writeText(string text, MySpriteDrawFrame frame, ref Vector2 pos, Vector2 zpos, float textSize, Color color)
- {
- string[] lines = text.Split('\n');
- for(int l = 0; l < lines.Length; l++)
- {
- var line = lines[l];
- if (line.Length > 0)
- {
- MySprite sprite = MySprite.CreateText(line, "Monospace", color, textSize, TextAlignment.LEFT);
- sprite.Position = pos;
- frame.Add(sprite);
- }
- if (l < lines.Length - 1)
- {
- pos.X = zpos.X;
- pos.Y += 28 * textSize;
- }else pos.X += 20 * textSize * line.Length;
- }
- }
- }
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