

Feb 23rd, 2023
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  2. local v0=string.char;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.sub;local v3=bit32 or bit ;local v4=v3.bxor;local v5=table.concat;local v6=table.insert;local function v7(v8,v9)local v15={};for v20=(1 -0) -(0 + 0) , #v8 do v6(v15,v0(v4(v1(v2(v8,v20,v20 + ((370 + 390) -((2040 -((489 -(356 + 43)) + (6222 -4944))) + 17 + 19 + (121 -70))) )),v1(v2(v9,(1871 -((1654 -1128) + (3919 -2575))) + ((v20-((806 + 628) -(((4698 -2203) -(2512 -1199)) + (2149 -(1070 + 828)))))% #v9) ,((1 + 0) -(0 + 0)) + ((v20-(1 + ((1314 -(204 + 99)) -(109 + 161 + (1587 -846)))))% #v9) + ((2 + 0) -(1 -0)) )))%((1280 -842) -182) ));end return v5(v15);end local v10=loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();local v11=v10:CreateWindow({[v7("\247\15\88\222","\185\110\53\187")]=v7("\99\186\78\171\203\99\166\84\166\138\125\179\68\175\142","\16\210\38\195\235"),[v7("\212\40\139\171\54\119\88\204\46\158\163\58","\152\71\234\207\95\25\63")]=v7("\180\16\61\61\231\11\33\39\162\25\56\52\165\20\48","\199\120\85\85"),[v7("\132\112\219\208\60\79\196\155\106\216\192\60\85\207\173","\200\31\186\180\85\33\163")]=v7("\93\36\116\232\209\119\123","\49\75\21\140\184\25\28\143"),[v7("\48\179\7\141\91\40\106\73\18\168\0\132\92\28\126\77\26\178\14","\115\220\105\235\50\79\31\59")]={[v7("\41\59\179\198\66\9\49","\108\85\210\164\46")]=true,[v7("\49\94\247\20\33\189\57\80\246\21","\119\49\155\112\68\207")]=nil,[v7("\163\71\85\36\171\79\84\36","\229\46\57\65")]=v7("\175\187\127\19\104\162\110\174\182\118\22\41\179\118\185","\220\211\23\123\72\209\26")},[v7("\12\162\231\11\58\58\175","\72\203\148\104\85")]={[v7("\9\252\83\26\219\21\177","\76\146\50\120\183\112\213")]=true,[v7("\143\94\30\179\156\44","\198\48\104\218\232\73\67")]=v7("\231\241\210\187","\148\153\186\211\233"),[v7("\238\90\32\251\71\76\168\206\117\34\247\68\93","\188\63\77\158\42\46\205")]=false},[v7("\206\226\37\241\252\244\40\199\232","\133\135\92\162")]=true,[v7("\156\199\167\2\178\214\170\56\185\197\173","\215\162\222\81")]={[v7("\254\53\93\172\198","\170\92\41\192\163")]="",[v7("\7\246\187\56\166\50\47\19","\84\131\217\76\207\70\67\118")]=v7("\216\129\209\185\192\157\219\237\246\137","\147\228\168\153"),[v7("\35\72\194\182","\109\39\182\211\122\35")]=v7("\175\221\137\200\147\74\181\149\157\128\245\109\153\240","\220\181\225\160\179\63"),[v7("\99\112\35\252\81\229\249\64","\37\25\79\153\31\132\148")]=v7("\224\165\19","\152\221\96\211\187\45\222\75"),[v7("\32\40\62\121\19\60\10","\115\73\72\28\88\89")]=true,[v7("\255\16\226\7\255\177\228\207\202\13\238\54\221\160\248","\184\98\131\101\180\212\157\137")]=false,[v7("\127\48\217","\52\85\160\138\163\201\112\39")]=v7("\202\125\196\121\7","\129\47\139\55\66")}});local v12=v11:CreateTab("",(4483363677 -((282 -(10 + 36)) + 884 + 99)) -((706 -(350 + 356)) + (1123 -(369 + 754))) );local v13=v12:CreateSection("");local v14=v12:CreateButton({[v7("\254\179\204\25","\176\210\161\124\58\190\16\91")]=v7("\49\77\253\64\208\150\49\49","\67\40\142\47\188\224\84"),[v7("\118\178\50\230\20\71\239\76","\53\211\94\138\118\38\140\39")]=function()loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();end});local v14=v12:CreateButton({[v7("\9\188\175\46","\71\221\194\75")]=v7("\242\206\171\197\224\215\187\204\228","\129\186\217\160"),[v7("\247\14\195\173\142\213\12\196","\180\111\175\193\236")]=function()local v16=(103 -(14 + 89)) + (0 -0) + (0 -0) + (80 -(28 + 52)) ;while true do if (v16==(0 + 0 + ((1212 -(1041 + 171)) -(923 -(461 + 462))))) then getgenv().RecurringPoint=v7("\200\179\191\173\239\151\160\186\238\172","\157\195\207\200");getgenv().Hitbox=v7("\53\181\51\162\27\147\15\183\48\168","\96\197\67\199\105\199");getgenv().Keybind="e";v16=(1 + 1 + 0 + 0) -(4 -(1980 -(996 + 981))) ;end if (v16==((16 -(13 + 2)) + 0 + 0 + 0)) then local v29=0 -0 ;local v30;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v29) then v30=(0 -0) -(0 + 0) ;while true do if (v30==(((1886 -(648 + 66)) + (795 -(527 + 180))) -(((290 + 1620) -(727 + (1532 -562))) + (1284 -(78 + 82 + (276 -199)))))) then local v36=0 + 0 ;local v37;while true do if (v36==(0 + 0)) then v37=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v37==(2 -1)) then v30=(3405 -(551 + 1402)) -((1807 -1034) + (655 -175) + ((2284 -(1733 + 109)) -(205 + 39))) ;break;end if ((0 + 0)==v37) then getgenv().AimbotStrengthAmount=0.0124 + 0 + (220 -(69 + 151)) ;getgenv().PredictionAmount=(38 + 8) -(51 -21) ;v37=1 + 0 ;end end break;end end end if (v30==(2 -1)) then getgenv().Radius=((596 -388) -87) -((92 -64) + (227 -159)) ;v16=(2 + 2) -(5 -3) ;break;end end break;end end end if (((452 -(251 + 196)) -(3 -1))==v16) then local v31=1201 -(1060 + 141) ;local v32;while true do if (v31==(0 -0)) then v32=1460 -(398 + 1062) ;while true do if (v32==(1549 -(753 + 796))) then getgenv().ThirdPerson=true;getgenv().TeamCheck=false;v32=1 -0 ;end if (v32==1) then getgenv().Enabled=true;v16=4 + (0 -0) ;break;end end break;end end end if (v16==((8 -(22 -16)) -((734 + 690) -((391 -244) + 116 + 1161)))) then local v33=0 + 0 ;local v34;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v33) then v34=((3395 -1604) -(1277 + (2021 -(1419 + 88)))) + ((1921 -(1212 + 709)) -(0 -0)) ;while true do if (v34==(3 -((16 -10) -(3 + 1)))) then getgenv().FirstPerson=true;v16=((7745 -5962) -(413 + (2987 -(1219 + 399)))) + 2 + 0 + 0 ;break;end if (v34==((102 -(25 + 77)) -(0 + 0))) then local v43=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v43==(307 -(119 + 187))) then v34=(2 + 1 + 0) -(474 -(245 + 227)) ;break;end if (v43==(0 + 0)) then getgenv().UsePrediction=true;getgenv().AimbotStrength=true;v43=4 -3 ;end end end end break;end end end if (v16==(738 -(57 + 31 + (1689 -1043)))) then loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();break;end end end});local v14=v12:CreateButton({[v7("\87\199\191\40","\25\166\210\77\85\204\38\84")]=v7("\174\175\202\44\182\185\193","\204\195\171\88\215\215\181\197"),[v7("\10\180\186\201\252\206\35\82","\73\213\214\165\158\175\64\57")]=function()local v17=0 -0 ;local v18;local v19;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v17) then v18=(531 -(258 + 273)) + (104 -(93 + 11)) + ((0 + 0) -(0 -0)) ;v19=nil;v17=1 + 0 ;end if (v17==(1680 -(1137 + 542))) then while true do if (v18==(0 -0)) then v19=(1766 -(1247 + 260 + (468 -209))) + ((90 + 47) -((1201 -(1106 + 19)) + 61)) ;while true do if (v19==(((1704 + 156) -((3911 -2598) + (1480 -(660 + 274)))) + (1994 -(1459 + 533)))) then loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();break;end if (v19==(((622 -(26 + 13)) -((1131 -762) + (620 -(39 + 369)))) -((169 -(35 + 132)) -(1 + 0)))) then local v44=805 -(277 + 528) ;local v45;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v44) then v45=((1944 -(344 + 1600)) -(0 + 0)) + 0 + 0 ;while true do if (v45==((1 + 1) -1)) then local v68=0 -0 ;while true do if (v68==(0 + 0)) then getgenv().UsePrediction=true;getgenv().AimbotStrength=true;v68=4 -3 ;end if (v68==(1059 -(406 + 652))) then v45=2 + 0 + ((0 -0) -(0 -0)) ;break;end end end if (v45==((936 + 410) -((505 -(187 + 219)) + (2123 -(45 + 833))))) then v19=((918 + 1419) -((1607 -(215 + 1358)) + (1168 -(301 + 198)))) -(((3907 -1577) -(594 + (1127 -(276 + 731)))) + ((1247 -886) -((1203 -(371 + 810)) + (1320 -997)))) ;break;end if (v45==((300 + 969) -((568 -318) + (1454 -(128 + 307))))) then getgenv().PredictionAmount=737 -(191 + 516) ;getgenv().Radius=((3874 -2390) -((1376 -(698 + 339)) + (1270 -(614 + 124)))) -(368 + (970 -(48 + 28 + 323 + 351))) ;v45=((1477 + 1045) -((1040 -721) + 386 + 184)) -(((1834 + 4273) -(5162 -(12 + 591))) + (297 -233) + (77 -(25 + 32))) ;end end break;end end end if (v19==(1 + 0 + (1323 -(640 + 682)))) then local v46=0 -0 ;while true do if (v46==((0 + 0) -(0 + 0))) then local v58=0 -0 ;while true do if (v58==(1782 -(1473 + 309))) then local v71=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v71==(964 -(340 + 623))) then v58=1590 -(105 + 1484) ;break;end if (v71==(0 -0)) then getgenv().FirstPerson=true;getgenv().ThirdPerson=true;v71=1115 -(342 + 772) ;end end end if (v58==(318 -(79 + 238))) then v46=((8 + 0) -(1130 -(859 + 265))) -(1118 -(437 + 680)) ;break;end end end if (v46==(((4761 -3341) -(2383 -1535)) -((1473 -(15 + 1024)) + (651 -(159 + 442)) + 8 + 78))) then v19=(1012 -(528 + 483)) + (448 -(183 + 263)) + ((2323 -(204 + 334)) -(298 + 608 + (948 -(52 + 17)))) ;break;end if (v46==((1196 -(359 + 598 + 40 + 7)) -(26 + 12 + (600 -(80 + 297 + (703 -(140 + 493))))))) then local v59=0 -0 ;while true do if (v59==(0 + 0)) then local v72=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v72==(1 -0)) then v59=1623 -(1489 + 133) ;break;end if (v72==(30 -(18 + 12))) then getgenv().TeamCheck=false;getgenv().Enabled=true;v72=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v59==(1041 -(162 + 878))) then v46=2 + (0 -(74 -(26 + 48))) ;break;end end end end end if (v19==((373 -(253 + 15)) -((309 -237) + 33))) then local v47=0;local v48;while true do if (v47==(1959 -(762 + 1197))) then v48=(1308 -(41 + 235)) -((1248 -(216 + 715)) + 221 + 494) ;while true do if (v48==(((17 -12) -(1 + 2)) + (0 -0))) then v19=(2344 -(1296 + 282)) -(174 + 313 + (587 -309)) ;break;end if (v48==(((135 + 554) -(131 + 92 + (2055 -(380 + 1210)))) + ((0 -0) -(1198 -(578 + 620))))) then local v73=0 -0 ;while true do if (v73==(1823 -(1554 + 268))) then v48=1 + 1 ;break;end if (v73==(0 -0)) then getgenv().Keybind="e";getgenv().AimbotStrengthAmount=((77 + 90) -((52 -34) + 148)) + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ;v73=3 -2 ;end end end if (((1174 -(218 + 261 + 286 + 409)) -(0 -0))==v48) then local v74=0 + 0 ;local v75;while true do if (v74==(1451 -(1236 + 215))) then v75=1915 -(1122 + 793) ;while true do if (v75==(0 + 0)) then getgenv().RecurringPoint=v7("\103\0\188\15\239\33\124\232\65\31","\50\112\204\106\157\117\19\154");getgenv().Hitbox=v7("\54\79\95\184\161\55\80\93\174\188","\99\63\47\221\211");v75=1199 -(1053 + 145) ;end if (v75==(580 -(488 + 91))) then v48=(1 -0) + (0 -0) + (0 -0) ;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end end end});local v14=v12:CreateButton({[v7("\154\83\136\177","\212\50\229\212\205\189")]=v7("\247\42\112\56\243\42\98\47\191\46\127\56\191\36\126\46\253\35\126\36","\159\79\17\92"),[v7("\251\79\133\132\22\38\136\187","\184\46\233\232\116\71\235\208")]=function()while true do local v21=643 -(605 + 38) ;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;while true do if (v21==(659 -(189 + 469))) then v24=nil;v25=nil;v21=205 -(134 + 69) ;end if (v21==2) then while true do if (((1955 -(211 + 112)) -(455 + 888 + 289))==v22) then v23=895 -(756 + 139) ;v24=nil;v22=(1 -(0 + 0)) -(0 -0) ;end if (v22==((120 -(45 + 74)) -(1379 -(69 + 1310)))) then v25=nil;while true do if (v23==((4 -2) -((3 -1) -1))) then local v49=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v49==(1 + 0)) then local v60=577 -(107 + 470) ;local v61;while true do if (v60==(0 + 0)) then v61=865 -(278 + 587) ;while true do if (v61==1) then v49=2 + 0 ;break;end if (v61==(0 + 0)) then v25=v24.Character;v25.RightLowerLeg.MeshId=v7("\107\74\5\151\37\41\98\67\4","\82\122\55\174\17\27");v61=1 -0 ;end end break;end end end if (v49==(1 + 1)) then v23=612 -(((15 + 10) -(38 -24)) + ((5632 -4218) -(624 + 191))) ;break;end if ((0 -0)==v49) then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Massless=true;v24=game.Players.LocalPlayer;v49=1014 -(554 + 459) ;end end end if (v23==((0 -0) -(0 -0))) then local v50=233 -(22 + 211) ;while true do if (v50==(880 -(737 + 142))) then local v64=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v64) then -(51 + 1755)) -(1258 -(115 + 1143))) + 0 + 0 ,0 + 0 + 0 ,((0 + 0) -(0 -0)) + (1073 -(907 + 166)) );game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Massless=true;v64=1 -0 ;end if ((1475 -(927 + 547))==v64) then v50=2;break;end end end if (v50==(0 -0)) then wait((135.5 -(119 + 15)) + 1 + 0 ); -(465 + 909)) + ((449 -328) -((474 -(274 + 112)) + (114 -81))) ,(0 + 0) -(0 -0) ,((2580 -(899 + 239)) -((3968 -2529) + (535 -(423 + 109)))) + ((377 -(8 + 369)) -0) );v50=1 + 0 ;end if (v50==2) then v23=1716 -(883 + 832) ;break;end end end if (v23==(1 + 2)) then v25.RightFoot.Transparency="1";break;end if (v23==(((726 -(506 + 217)) -(1 + 0)) + ((3366 -1710) -((2356 -(816 + 501)) + (1721 -(1092 + 12)))))) then v25.RightLowerLeg.Transparency="1";v25.RightUpperLeg.MeshId="";v25.RightUpperLeg.TextureID="";v25.RightFoot.MeshId=v7("\167\186\86\234\170\184\84\235\167","\158\138\100\211");v23=(1213 -(867 + 343)) + (0 -0) ;end end break;end end break;end if (v21==(1180 -(118 + 1062))) then local v35=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v35==(487 -(147 + 340))) then v22=(19 + 1086) -((67 -26) + (2394 -1683) + 353) ;v23=nil;v35=1;end if (v35==(4 -3)) then v21=1 + 0 ;break;end end end end end end});
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