

Oct 12th, 2021
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  1. Polyclonal Antibody Sequencing for the Next Generation Antibody Discovery
  3. Can you give us a brief overview of why you think it’s beneficial to generate and de novo sequence polyclonal antibodies from a single animal?
  4. From a production point of view, it is important to have polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) that are reproducible from batch to batch. The standard strategy consists of mixing several pubs isolated from different animals (2-20 animals). The reason for this is they are able to generate an averaged product in large quantities. By doing this, the pAb is less sensitive to variability.
  6. However, we are proposing a different approach from a sequencing point of view. The previously described pAb mixture is difficult to sequence as the level of complexity is significantly increased by pooling the different animals. Instead, it would be worthwhile to assess each individual animal and select the best producer based on the unique desired quality of the generated pubs (i.e., immunoprecipitation, Western blot, ELISA, etc.).
  7. FOR MORE:
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