
BWR - Changelog 09/03/2025

Mar 9th, 2025
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  1. Soda Popper
  2. + Reduced HYPE cost jump to 25% (was 30%)
  3. - Reduced reload speed bonus to 15% (was 25%)
  4. The weapon's sustain appeared to be an issue, not just in the damage itself but how it fed the HYPE meter and made allowing for more jumps feel too powerful. In reducing it's reload, we hope making the extra air jumps less costly will be fairer.
  6. Loch-n-Load
  7. + 25% faster firing speed
  8. - Removed faster reload speed bonus (was 20% faster)
  9. - Added: This weapon reloads 35% slower
  10.   This weapon loads it's whole clip at once
  11. The reload bonus was a comparitively nothing bonus, increasing sustain on a weapon that ought to be focused on single-target elimination. Combining the older bonuses of firing and reloading feels like a better marraige of attributes for this purpose, on top of the remote sticky detonation.
  13. Short Circuit
  14. + Increased max energy ball life time to 1.5 seconds (was 0.5)
  15.   Charge Energy Ball with alt-fire to increase duration, from 0.5 to 1.5 seconds
  16. - Energy Ball's speed scales from 25% to 100% with charge
  17. - Force of blast jump is based on charge level
  18. In addition with some potential gripes with energy orb's reach, there were some additional concerns about the potency of it's jumping. In order to keep it less spammable for either use, this charge system was added to limit the orb's speed and lifetime, making it's reach more manageable for projectile classes to work around, while also limiting the engineer's ability to jump around.
  20. Bazaar Bargain
  21. + Fix to headshot damage when using Powered-Up charge shot
  22. + Zoom increases by double for Powered-Up shot
  23. - Added 50% zoom reduction
  24. In addition to a headshot fix, a suggestion of giving it reduced zoom as an additional attribute was worked in. It additionally gains a boost upon using a head, further enforcing the committment to hardscoping by amplifying your tunnel vision.
  26. Razorback
  27. + Weapon now treats attacks that occur within 10 frames as a single attack
  28.   Protection from multiple sources at once made more consistent
  29. The weapon was not consitently defending against things like stickybomb traps or caber hits which did damage in multiple hits. The 10 frame window should be enough to make it's intended protection against lethal hits consistent.
  31. Solemn Vow
  32. + Removed extra push force taken from damage (was +50%)
  33.   Knockback given a more consistent arc
  34. - On-hit: deal knockback to self
  35. The knockback vulnerability felt like more of an upside in most cases, and often a free one. With this change, we further enforce the weapon's intention of creating distance between the medic and his enemies, requiring more active input from the Medic to do so rather tahn simply surfing off enemy damage.
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