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- --The name of the mod displayed in the 'mods' screen.
- name = "Combined Status"
- --A description of the mod.
- description = "Displays Health, Hunger, Sanity, Temperature, Seasons, Moon Phase, and World Day."
- --Who wrote this awesome mod?
- author = "rezecib, Kiopho, Soilworker, hotmatrixx"
- --A version number so you can ask people if they are running an old version of your mod.
- version = "1.7.7"
- --This lets other players know if your mod is out of date. This typically needs to be updated every time there's a new game update.
- api_version = 6
- api_version_dst = 10
- priority = 0
- --Compatible with both the base game and Reign of Giants
- dont_starve_compatible = true
- reign_of_giants_compatible = true
- shipwrecked_compatible = true
- dst_compatible = true
- --This lets clients know if they need to get the mod from the Steam Workshop to join the game
- all_clients_require_mod = false
- --This determines whether it causes a server to be marked as modded (and shows in the mod list)
- client_only_mod = true
- --This lets people search for servers with this mod by these tags
- server_filter_tags = {}
- icon_atlas = "combinedstatus.xml"
- icon = "combinedstatus.tex"
- forumthread = "/files/file/1136-combined-status/"
- --[[
- Credits:
- Kiopho for writing the original mod and giving me permission to maintain it for DST!
- Soilworker for making SeasonClock and allowing me to incorporate it
- hotmatrixx for making BetterMoon and allowing me to incorporate it
- ]]
- local hud_scale_options = {}
- for i = 1,21 do
- local scale = (i-1)*5 + 50
- hud_scale_options[i] = {description = ""..(scale*.01), data = scale}
- end
- configuration_options =
- {
- {
- label = "體溫",
- hover = "設定是否顯示玩家的體溫。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true},
- {description = "隱藏", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- label = "顯示氣溫",
- hover = "設定是否顯示氣溫(營火等溫源不計算)。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true},
- {description = "隱藏", data = false},
- },
- default = false,
- },
- {
- label = "顯示小圖示",
- hover = "在體溫和氣溫指數的左邊標上小圖示來方便辨認。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true, hover = "總共可以標示體溫、氣溫和罪惡值,前提是你有開啟這些功能。"},
- {description = "隱藏", data = false, hover = "永遠不顯示小標示。"},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- name = "UNIT",
- label = "溫度單位",
- hover = "可選擇遊戲溫度(預設)、攝氏或華氏。",
- options = {
- {description = "遊戲溫度", data = "T",
- hover = "這是遊戲預設的溫度單位。"
- .."\n在0度凍結,在70度過熱;每5度得到警示"},
- {description = "攝氏", data = "C",
- hover = "這是採用遊戲溫度的一半數字"
- .."\n在0度凍結,在35度過熱;每2.5度得到警示"},
- {description = "華氏", data = "F",
- hover = "這是美國地區最常用的溫度單位"
- .."\n在32度凍結,在158度過熱;每9度得到警示"},
- },
- default = "T",
- },
- {
- label = "顯示月光變化",
- hover = "設定是否顯示月光的變化"
- .. "\n在多人版,這已經是內建的功能。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true},
- {description = "不顯示", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- name = "SHOWMOON",
- label = "顯示月光狀態",
- hover = "設定要在哪個時段顯示月光狀態",
- options = {
- {description = "只有晚上", data = 0, hover = "只在夜晚顯示,這是預設的設定"},
- {description = "黃昏", data = 1, hover = "在黃昏和夜晚時顯示"},
- {description = "永遠顯示", data = 2, hover = "全天候顯示"},
- },
- default = 1,
- },
- {
- label = "預測滿月",
- hover = "預測下一個滿月的天數。"
- .. "\n當滑鼠移到標示上面時顯示。",
- options = {
- {description = "是", data = true},
- {description = "否", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- name = "FLIPMOON",
- label = "翻轉月亮",
- hover = "翻轉月相(預設是北半球的月相)"
- .. "\n如果許選是,則會顯示南半球的月相。",
- options = {
- {description = "是", data = true, hover = "展現南半球的月相"},
- {description = "否", data = false, hover = "展現北半球的月相"},
- },
- default = false,
- },
- {
- label = "季節時鐘",
- hover = "增加顯示季節的時鐘,並且重新排列狀態標誌。"
- .."\n或者增加一個標示顯示季節,並且當滑鼠移過去會顯示當前季節剩餘天數。",
- options = {
- {description = "最簡易", data = "Micro"},
- {description = "緊湊型", data = "Compact"},
- {description = "時鐘型", data = "Clock"},
- {description = "不顯示", data = ""},
- },
- default = "Clock",
- },
- {
- label = "罪惡值",
- hover = "設定是否顯示玩家的罪惡值。此功能無法在多人版使用。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true},
- {description = "隱藏", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- label = "海狸值",
- hover = "當伍迪(Woodie)還是人類狀態的時候顯示海狸值。在多人版,這已經是內建的功能。",
- options = {
- {description = "永遠顯示", data = true},
- {description = "變身時顯示", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- label = "洞穴時鐘",
- hover = "在洞穴中顯示時鐘。只適用於Reign of Giants的單人遊戲。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = false},
- {description = "隱藏", data = true},
- },
- default = false,
- },
- {
- label = "狀態值",
- hover = "顯示當前的健康、飢餓度和血量的數字。",
- options = {
- {description = "當前/最大值", data = "Detailed"},
- {description = "永遠顯示", data = true},
- {description = "被動顯示", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- label = "顯示狀態最大值",
- hover = "顯示狀態\"最大值:\"的數字,變得更顯眼。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true},
- {description = "隱藏", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- label = "顯示時鐘上的文字",
- hover = "在時鐘(天數)和季節時鐘(當前季節)上顯示文字。\ n如果隱藏,則只會在滑鼠移過時才會顯示。",
- options = {
- {description = "顯示", data = true},
- {description = "隱藏", data = false},
- },
- default = true,
- },
- {
- label = "HUD比例",
- hover = "讓你可以自由調整整個狀態界面的整體大小。預設值為1。",
- options = hud_scale_options,
- default = 100,
- },
- }
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