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- ### Graph a geofacet map of new cases per 100k by state - /u/MetricT
- library(tidyverse)
- library(tidycensus)
- library(cowplot)
- library(TTR)
- library(geofacet)
- library(broom)
- ### Pull cases data from the NY Times repo below
- ###
- ###
- ###
- spreadsheet <-
- "../nytimes_covid-19-data/us-states.csv" %>%
- read_csv(col_names = TRUE, col_types = "Dccdd")
- ### How big should our SMA window be?
- SMA_n <- 7
- ### Pull state population data from the Census
- pop2018 <-
- get_acs(geography = "state",
- variables = c("B01003_001"),
- year = 2018,
- geometry = FALSE,
- cache_table = TRUE) %>%
- rename(POP2018 = estimate) %>%
- select(NAME, POP2018) %>%
- left_join(fips_codes %>%
- select(state_name, state) %>%
- unique() %>%
- as_tibble(),
- by = c("NAME" = "state_name")) %>%
- rename(state_abbr = state,
- state = NAME) %>%
- select(state, state_abbr, POP2018)
- ### Take the data and convert it to a 7-day SMA of new cases per capita
- data <-
- spreadsheet %>%
- select(date, state, cases) %>%
- arrange(date) %>%
- pivot_wider(id_cols = "date", names_from = "state", values_from = "cases") %>%
- mutate(across(!starts_with("date"),
- .fns = list(new = ~ c(.[1], diff(.))),
- .names = "{fn}_{col}"
- )) %>%
- select(date, contains("new_")) %>%
- rename_at(vars(contains("new_")),
- ~ str_replace(., "new_", "")) %>%
- mutate(across(!starts_with("date"),
- .fns = list(sma = ~ SMA(., n = SMA_n)),
- .names = "{fn}_{col}"
- )) %>%
- select(date, contains("sma_")) %>%
- rename_at(vars(contains("sma_")),
- ~ str_replace(., "sma_", "")) %>%
- pivot_longer(-date, names_to = "state", values_to = "new_cases") %>%
- left_join(pop2018, by = c("state" = "state")) %>%
- mutate(new_cases_percapita = 100000 * new_cases / POP2018) %>%
- select(date, state, state_abbr, new_cases_percapita)
- ### Add dot to the end of the line for reference
- dots <-
- data %>%
- select(date, state, new_cases_percapita) %>%
- pivot_wider(id_cols = "date",
- names_from = "state",
- values_from = "new_cases_percapita") %>%
- tail(n = 1) %>%
- pivot_longer(-date, names_to = "state", values_to = "new_cases_percapita") %>%
- rename(dots = new_cases_percapita)
- data <- data %>% left_join(dots, by = c("date" = "date", "state" = "state"))
- ### Compute the growth rate over the last 2 weeks
- growth <-
- data %>%
- select(date, state, new_cases_percapita) %>%
- filter(date >= as.Date(Sys.Date()) - 14) %>%
- filter(!state %in% c("Virgin Islands",
- "Guam",
- "Northern Mariana Islands")) %>%
- group_by(state) %>%
- do(tidy(lm(new_cases_percapita ~ date, .))) %>%
- filter(term == "date") %>%
- select(state, estimate) %>%
- rename(growth = estimate) %>%
- arrange(growth)
- #data <- data %>% left_join(dots, by = c("date" = "date", "state" = "state"))
- this_title <-
- paste("New Cases per 100k (", SMA_n, "-day moving average)", sep = "")
- g_facet <-
- ggplot(data = data) +
- theme_bw() +
- geom_line(aes(x = as.Date(date), y = new_cases_percapita)) +
- geom_point(aes(x = as.Date(date), y = dots), color = "blue") +
- facet_geo(~ state) +
- labs(title = this_title,
- caption = "", x = "", y = "")
- print(g_facet)
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