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- ;Original script by hxck found @
- ;Small modifications made by nick1/illhawkthat
- ;Last edit February 23 2013
- alias lastAPIkey {
- return f6a3b7b12549aa211a6deec453c79417
- }
- On *:START: {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo)) { hmake lastinfo 20 }
- if ($isfile(lastinfo.hsh)) { hload -s lastinfo lastinfo.hsh }
- }
- On *:LOAD: {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo)) { hmake lastinfo 20 }
- if ($isfile(lastinfo.hsh)) { hload -s lastinfo lastinfo.hsh }
- }
- on *:TEXT:!lfmhelp*:#: {
- if ($2 == nr) {
- .query $nick The New Releases command works 4 ways:
- .query $nick 1. !lfmnr - This will show 5 (Default) recommended new albums based on the person who triggered it
- .query $nick 2. !lfmnr <1-10> - This will show 1-10 (depending on what you chose) recommended new albums based on the person who triggered it
- .query $nick 3. !lfmnr [username] - This will show 5 (default) recommended new albums based on username
- .query $nick 4. !lfmnr [username] <1-10> - This will show 1-10 (depending on what you chose) recommended new albums based on username
- }
- if ($2 == compare) {
- .query $nick The Taste-O-Meter works 2 ways:
- .query $nick !lfmc user1 - This will compare user1 with the person who triggered it (assuming that person has added their nick to the bot)
- .query $nick !lfmc user1 user2 - This will compare user1 with user2
- }
- if (!$2) {
- .query $nick !lfmhelp - for this list of commands
- .query $nick 3---Adding yourself to the bot
- .query $nick --
- .query $nick !lfma username :: Add yourself to the bot
- .query $nick !lfmd username :: Remove yourself from the bot
- .query $nick --
- .query $nick 3---Basic information
- .query $nick !lfm [username] :: Now Playing info
- .query $nick !lfmu [username] :: Profile information on the specified user
- .query $nick --
- .query $nick 3---Advanced information
- .query $nick !lfmc user1 [user2] :: Taste-O-Meter rating with another nick. Type !lfmhelp compare for more information.
- .query $nick !lfms artist :: 10 artists similar to the one specified
- .query $nick !lfmnr <1-10/username> [1-10] :: Recommended new album(s) based on your listening history. Type !lfmhelp nr for more information.
- .query $nick !lfmta :: Top 10 overall artists on the charts
- .query $nick !lfmuta <overall|7day|3month|6month|12month> [username] :: Top 10 Artists for a specific period/user
- .query $nick !lfmn [username] :: Top 10 recommended Neighbors for the specified user
- }
- }
- on *:TEXT:!lfm*:#: {
- if ($sock(lfm)) { sockclose lfm }
- ; ===================
- ; Add or Remove Users
- ; ===================
- if ($1 == !lfma) {
- hadd -m lastinfo $nick $2
- hsave lastinfo lastinfo.hsh
- msg # Added! Use !lfm or !lfmu
- }
- if ($1 == !lfmd) {
- hdel lastinfo $nick $2
- msg # User removed.
- }
- ; =================
- ; Set method 'Info'
- ; =================
- if ($1 == !lfmu) {
- if ($sock(lfm)) { sockclose lfm }
- set %methodd info
- if (!$2) {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo, $nick)) {
- msg # No such nick regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick>
- halt
- }
- if $hget(lastinfo, $nick) {
- set %username $hget(lastinfo, $nick)
- set %method /2.0/?method=user.getinfo&user= $+ %username $+ &limit=1&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- }
- if ($2) {
- set %username $iif($hget(lastinfo, $2),$hget(lastinfo, $2),$2)
- set %method /2.0/?method=user.getinfo&user= $+ %username $+ &limit=1&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # »
- }
- ; ===============
- ; Set method 'NP'
- ; ===============
- if ($1 == !lfm) {
- if ($sock(lfm)) { sockclose lfm }
- set %lfmnametemp 0
- set %lfmartisttemp 0
- set %lfmalbumtemp 0
- set %methodd np
- if (!$2) {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo, $nick)) {
- msg # No such nick regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick>
- halt
- }
- if ($hget(lastinfo, $nick)) {
- set %username $hget(lastinfo, $nick)
- set %method /2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user= $+ %username $+ &limit=1&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- }
- if ($2) {
- set %username $iif($hget(lastinfo, $2),$hget(lastinfo, $2),$2)
- set %method /2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user= $+ %username $+ &limit=1&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- sockopen lfm 80
- set %lfm.chan #
- }
- ;=====================
- ; Set method 'Compare'
- ;=====================
- if ($1 == !lfmc) {
- set %methodd compare
- if (!$2) { msg # You must provide a nickname to compare with. | halt }
- if (!$3) {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo,$nick)) { msg # You're not regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick>, or do !lfmc <Last.FM Nick 1> <Last.FM Nick 2> | halt }
- else {
- set %lfmcu1 $hget(lastinfo,$nick)
- set %lfmcu2 $iif($hget(lastinfo,$2),$hget(lastinfo,$2),$2)
- }
- }
- if ($3) {
- set %lfmcu1 $iif($hget(lastinfo,$2),$hget(lastinfo,$2),$2)
- set %lfmcu2 $iif($hget(lastinfo,$3),$hget(lastinfo,$3),$3)
- }
- set %method $+(/2.0/?,%lfmcu1,&value2=,%lfmcu2,&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey )
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # 4»
- }
- ;=====================
- ; Set method 'Similar'
- ;=====================
- if ($1 == !lfms) {
- set %methodd similar
- if (!$2) { msg # You must provide an artist. | halt }
- set %method /2.0/?method=artist.getsimilar&artist= $+ $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(43)) $+ &autocorrect=1&limit=10&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # 4»
- }
- ;==========================
- ; Set method 'New Releases'
- ;==========================
- if ($1 == !lfmnr) {
- if (($2) && (!$3)) {
- if ($2 isnum) {
- if ($2 > 10) { msg # Sorry, but that'll be too many releases, please choose a number between 1 and 10 | halt }
- if ($2 isnum 1-10) {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo,$nick)) { msg $chan You're not regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick> | halt }
- set %lfmnrout $2
- set %username $hget(lastinfo,$nick)
- }
- }
- else {
- set %lfmnrout 5
- set %username $iif($hget(lastinfo,$2),$hget(lastinfo,$2),$2)
- }
- }
- if (!$2) {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo,$nick)) { msg $chan You're not regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick> | halt }
- else {
- set %lfmnrout 5
- set %username $hget(lastinfo,$nick)
- }
- }
- if ($3) {
- set %username $iif($hget(lastinfo,$2),$hget(lastinfo,$2),$2)
- if ($3 > 10) { msg # Sorry, but that'll be too many releases, please choose a number between 1 and 10 | halt }
- if ($3 isnum 1-10) { set %lfmnrout $3 }
- }
- set %methodd lfmnr
- set %lfmnametemp 0
- set %lfmnrtemp 0
- set %method $+(/2.0/?method=user.getnewreleases&user=,%username,&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey )
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # 4»
- }
- ;===============================
- ; Set method 'Chart Top Artists'
- ;===============================
- if ($1 == !lfmta) {
- set %methodd lfmta
- set %method $+ $lastAPIKey
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # 4»
- }
- ;==============================
- ; Set method 'User Top Artists'
- ;==============================
- if ($1 == !lfmuta) {
- set %methodd lfmuta
- if (!$2) { msg # You must provide a period of time. Acceptable inputs are: Overall, 7day, 3month, 6month and 12month. | halt }
- if (($2) && (!$3)) {
- if ($2 == overall) || ($2 == 7day) || ($2 == 3month) || ($2 == 6month) || ($2 == 12month) {
- set %period $2
- if (!$hget(lastinfo,$nick)) { msg # You're not regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick> | halt }
- set %username $hget(lastinfo,$nick)
- set %method $+ %username $+ &period= $+ %period $+ &limit=10&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- else { msg # 4» Acceptable inputs are: Overall, 7day, 3month, 6month and 12month. | halt }
- }
- if (($2) && ($3)) {
- if ($2 == overall) || ($2 == 7day) || ($2 == 3month) || ($2 == 6month) || ($2 == 12month) {
- set %period $2
- set %username $iif($hget(lastinfo,$3),$hget(lastinfo,$3),$3)
- set %method $+ %username $+ &period= $+ %period $+ &limit=10&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- else { msg # 4» Acceptable inputs are: Overall, 7day, 3month, 6month and 12month. | halt }
- }
- if ($sock(lfm)) { sockclose lfm }
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # 4»
- }
- ;============================
- ; Set method 'User Neighbors'
- ;============================
- if ($1 == !lfmn) {
- set %methodd lfmn
- if (!$2) {
- if (!$hget(lastinfo,$nick)) { msg # You're not regged with the bot, please add one using !lfma <Last.FM Nick> | halt }
- set %username $hget(lastinfo,$nick)
- set %method $+ %username $+ &limit=10&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- if ($2) {
- set %username $iif($hget(lastinfo,$2),$hget(lastinfo,$2),$2)
- set %method $+ %username $+ &limit=10&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey
- }
- if ($sock(lfm)) { sockclose lfm }
- sockopen lfm 80
- sockmark lfm msg # 4»
- }
- }
- ; ==================
- ; Connect the Socket
- ; ==================
- on *:sockopen:lfm: {
- sockwrite -n $sockname GET %method HTTP/1.1
- sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
- sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
- sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
- }
- ; ===============
- ; Read the Socket
- ; ===============
- on *:sockread:lfm: {
- if ($sockerr) { $sock(lfm).mark Socket Error: $sock(lfm).wsmsg }
- var %lfmtemp
- sockread %lfmtemp
- ; =============
- ; Set 'NP' vars
- ; =============
- if (%methodd == np) {
- if ((<name> isin %lfmtemp) && (%lfmnametemp == 0)) {
- set %lfmname $replace($nohtml(%lfmtemp),&,&,",")
- set %lfmnametemp 1
- }
- if ((<artist isin %lfmtemp) && (%lfmartisttemp == 0)) {
- set %lfmartist $replace($nohtml(%lfmtemp),&,&,",")
- set %lfmartisttemp 1
- }
- if ((<album isin %lfmtemp) && (%lfmalbumtemp == 0)) {
- set %lfmalbum $replace($nohtml(%lfmtemp),&,&,",")
- set %lfmalbumtemp 1
- }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ==============
- ; Set 'NP2' vars
- ; ==============
- if (%methodd == np2) {
- if (<duration> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.length $nohtml(%lfmtemp) }
- if (<userloved> isin %lfmtemp) {
- if (<userplaycount> isin %lfmtemp) {
- set %lfm.playcount $gettok($nohtml(%lfmtemp),1,32)
- set %lfm.loved $gettok($nohtml(%lfmtemp),2,32)
- }
- else { set %lfm.loved $gettok($nohtml(%lfmtemp),1,32) }
- }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ===============
- ; Set 'Info' vars
- ; ===============
- if (%methodd == info) {
- if (<realname> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.realname $remove(%lfmtemp,<realname>,</realname>) }
- if (<country> isin %lfmtemp) { set $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,1,32),<country>,</country>) }
- if (<name> isin %lfmtemp) { set $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,1,32),<name>,</name>) }
- if (<age> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.age $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,1,32),<age>,</age>) }
- if (<id> isin %lfmtemp) { set $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,1,32),<id>,</id>) }
- if (size="large" isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.image $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,2,32),size="large">,</image>) }
- if (<gender> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.gender $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,1,32),<gender>,</gender>) }
- if (<playcount> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.plays $remove($gettok(%lfmtemp,1,32),<playcount>,</playcount>) }
- if (<subscriber> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.subscriber $remove(%lfmtemp,<subscriber>,</subscriber>) }
- if (<type> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.type $remove(%lfmtemp,<type>,</type>) }
- set %lfm.url $+ %username
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ==================
- ; Set 'Compare' vars
- ; ==================
- if (%methodd == compare) {
- if (<score> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.score $round($calc($nohtml(%lfmtemp)*100),1) }
- if (<name> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfm.artists $+(%lfm.artists,$chr(32),$replace($nohtml(%lfmtemp),&,&,","),$chr(44)) }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ==================
- ; Set 'Similar' vars
- ; ==================
- if (%methodd == similar) {
- if (<name> isin %lfmtemp) {
- set %lfm.similar $+(%lfm.similar,$chr(32),$nohtml(%lfmtemp),$chr(44))
- }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; =======================
- ; Set 'New Releases' vars
- ; =======================
- if (%methodd == lfmnr) {
- if ((<name> isin %lfmtemp) && (%lfmnametemp == 0) && (%lfmnrtemp < %lfmnrout)) { set %lfmrecsout %lfmrecsout $replace($nohtml(%lfmtemp),&,&,",") - }
- if ((<name> isin %lfmtemp) && (%lfmnametemp == 1) && (%lfmnrtemp < %lfmnrout)) {
- set %lfmrecsout %lfmrecsout $replace($nohtml(%lfmtemp),&,&,",") $+ ,
- set %lfmnametemp 0
- inc %lfmnrtemp
- }
- if (<artist> isin %lfmtemp) { set %lfmnametemp 1 }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ============================
- ; Set 'Chart Top Artists' vars
- ; ============================
- if (%methodd == lfmta) {
- if (<name> isin %lfmtemp) {
- set %lfm.topartists $+(%lfm.topartists,$chr(32),$nohtml(%lfmtemp),$chr(44))
- }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ===========================
- ; Set 'User Top Artists' vars
- ; ===========================
- if (%methodd == lfmuta) {
- if (<name> isin %lfmtemp) {
- set %lfm.usertop $+(%lfm.usertop,$chr(32),$nohtml(%lfmtemp),$chr(44))
- }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- ; ========================
- ; Set 'User Neighbor' vars
- ; ========================
- if (%methodd == lfmn) {
- if (<name> isin %lfmtemp) {
- set %lfm.neighbors $+(%lfm.neighbors,$chr(32),$nohtml(%lfmtemp),$chr(44))
- }
- if (<error isin %lfmtemp) { var %err $remove(%lfmtemp,<error code=",</lfm>,</error>,">) | $sock(lfm).mark $remove(%err,$left(%err,1)) | unset %lfm.* | sockclose lfm }
- }
- }
- ; ===============================
- ; Close socket and message output
- ; ===============================
- on *:sockclose:lfm: {
- if (%methodd == np2) {
- msg %lfm.chan » %username is playing $qt(%lfmname) by %lfmartist $iif(%lfmalbum,$chr(124) album: %lfmalbum,$null) $chr(124) $iif(%lfm.playcount,$+($chr(40),Played %lfm.playcount times,$chr(41))) $iif(%lfm.loved,4♥) $iif(%lfm.length,$+([,$gettok($duration($calc(%lfm.length / 1000),3),2-,58),]))
- unset %lfm* | unset %lfmcu* | unset %method | unset %methodd
- }
- if (%methodd == np) {
- set %methodd np2
- set %method $+(/2.0/?method=track.getinfo&api_key= $+ $lastAPIKey $+ &artist=,$urlencode(%lfmartist),&track=,$urlencode(%lfmname),&username=,%username)
- if ($sock(lfm)) { sockclose lfm }
- sockopen lfm 80
- }
- if (%methodd == info) {
- $sock(lfm).mark User: %username 4» ID: $iif( == $null,Not Specified, 4» Subscriber? $replace(%lfm.subscriber,0,No,1,Yes) 4» Type: %lfm.type $+
- $sock(lfm).mark Real Name: $iif(%lfm.realname == $null,Not Specified,%lfm.realname) 4» Name: $iif( == $null,Not Specified, 4» Age: $iif(%lfm.age == $null,Not Specified,%lfm.age) 4» Gender: $iif(%lfm.gender == $null,Not Specified,$replace(%lfm.gender,m,Male,f,Female,n,Unknown)) 4» Country: $iif( == $null,Not Specified,
- $sock(lfm).mark Plays: %lfm.plays 4» Image: $iif(%lfm.image == $null,Not Specified,%lfm.image) 4» %lfm.url
- unset %lfm* | unset %lfmcu* | unset %method | unset %methodd
- }
- if (%methodd == compare) {
- $sock(lfm).mark %lfmcu1 $+ 's compatibility with %lfmcu2 is $iif(%lfm.score == 0,Unknown.,$compat(%lfm.score) $+($chr(40),%lfm.score,$chr(37),$chr(41),$chr(46)) Artist(s) they have in common include(s) $gettok(%lfm.artists,1- $+ $calc($gettok(%lfm.artists,0,44) - 2),44) $+ .)
- unset %lfm* | unset %lfmcu* | unset %method | unset %methodd
- }
- if (%methodd == similar) {
- $sock(lfm).mark Similar Artists: $replace($gettok(%lfm.similar,1-10,44) $+ .,&,&)
- unset %lfm* | unset %lfmcu* | unset %method | unset %methodd
- }
- if (%methodd == lfmnr) {
- $sock(lfm).mark New Album Releases for %username are: $gettok(%lfmrecsout,1- %%lfmnrout,44) $+ .
- unset %lfm* | unset %method | unset %methodd | unset %username
- }
- if (%methodd == lfmta) {
- $sock(lfm).mark Top of the Charts: $gettok(%lfm.topartists,1-10,44) $+ .
- unset %lfm* | unset %method | unset %methodd | unset %username
- }
- if (%methodd == lfmuta) {
- $sock(lfm).mark Top 10 Artists for %username 4» Period: $replace(%period,overall,Overall:,7day,Last 7 Days:,3month,Last 3 Months:,6month,Last 6 Months:,12month,Last 12 months:) $gettok(%lfm.usertop,1-10,44) $+ .
- unset %lfm* | unset %method | unset %methodd | unset %username | unset %period
- }
- if (%methodd == lfmn) {
- $sock(lfm).mark Top 10 Neighbors: $gettok(%lfm.neighbors,1-10,44) $+ . $+ %username $+ /neighbours
- unset %lfm* | unset %method | unset %methodd | unset %username
- }
- }
- alias nohtml {
- var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x, )
- return %x
- }
- alias urlencode {
- var %a = $regsubex($$1,/([^\w\s])/Sg,$+(%,$base($asc(\t),10,16,2)))
- return $replace(%a,$chr(32),$chr(43))
- }
- alias -l compat {
- if ($1 isnum 00.0-16.6) { return Very Low }
- if ($1 isnum 16.6-33.3) { return Low }
- if ($1 isnum 33.3-50.0) { return Medium }
- if ($1 isnum 50.0-66.6) { return High }
- if ($1 isnum 66.6-83.4) { return Very High }
- if ($1 isnum 83.4-100) { return Super }
- }
- On *:EXIT: {
- hsave lastinfo lastinfo.hsh
- hfree lastinfo
- }
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