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- # Метод сопряженных градиентов
- import numpy as np
- import math as mt
- H = 1e-15
- def Norma(_x : np.array) -> float:
- return mt.sqrt(_x[0] ** 2 + _x[1] ** 2)
- def Grad(_f, _x : np.array) -> np.array:
- return ((_f((_x[0] + H, _x[1])) - _f((_x[0], _x[1]))) / H, (_f((_x[0], _x[1] + H)) - _f((_x[0], _x[1]))) / H)
- def FindMinimum(_f, _x : np.array, _s : np.array, _lamb0 = 0.0):
- h = 0
- lamb = _lamb0
- delt = 1e-8
- if _f(_x + _lamb0 * _s) > _f(_x + (_lamb0 + delt) * _s):
- lamb = _lamb0 + delt
- h = delt
- elif _f(_x + _lamb0 * _s) < _f(_x + (_lamb0 + delt) * _s):
- lamb = _lamb0 + delt
- h = -delt
- while True:
- h *= 2
- lamb += h
- if _f(_x + (lamb - h) * _s) <= _f(_x + lamb * _s):
- return np.array([min(_lamb0, lamb), max(_lamb0, lamb)])
- def DichotomyMethod(_f, _interval, _x, _s, eps = 1e-7):
- _a = _interval[0]
- _b = _interval[1]
- _x1 = (_a + _b - 0.5 * eps) / 2
- _x2 = (_a + _b + 0.5 * eps) / 2
- while abs(_b - _a) > eps:
- if _f(_x + _x1 * _s) <= _f(_x + _x2 * _s):
- _b = _x2
- else:
- _a = _x1
- _x1 = (_a + _b - 0.5 * eps) / 2
- _x2 = (_a + _b + 0.5 * eps) / 2
- return 0.5 * (_x1 + _x2)
- def FindMinLambd(_f, _x0, _s):
- return DichotomyMethod(_f, FindMinimum(_f, _x0, _s), _x0, _s)
- def Method(_f, _x0 : np.array, eps = 1e-3):
- k = 0
- x_curr = np.array(_x0)
- maxIter = 1000
- _s = np.zeros(2)
- while k < maxIter:
- # step 1
- if k % 3 == 0:
- _s = -1 * np.array(Grad(_f, x_curr))
- # step 2
- lambd = FindMinLambd(_f, x_curr, _s)
- x_next = x_curr + lambd * _s
- # step 3, 4
- w = (Norma(Grad(_f, x_next))) ** 2 / (Norma(Grad(_f, x_curr))) ** 2
- _s = -1 * np.array(Grad(_f, x_next)) + w * _s
- if Norma(_s) < eps:
- print (str(k) + " MCG answer: ({:9e}; {:9e}), {:9e}".format(x_next[0], x_next[1], _f(x_next)))
- break
- x_curr = x_next
- k += 1
- # Метод крутящихся жоп
- import math as mt
- import numpy as np
- D1 = lambda t = 1, n = 2: t / (n * mt.sqrt(2)) * (mt.sqrt(n + 1) + n - 1)
- D2 = lambda t = 1, n = 2: t / (n * mt.sqrt(2) * (mt.sqrt(n + 1) - 1))
- def SortByAscending(_f, _x1 : np.array, _x2 : np.array, _x3 : np.array):
- fMax = max(_f(_x1), _f(_x2), _f(_x3))
- fMin = min(_f(_x1), _f(_x2), _f(_x3))
- xl, xs, xh = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])
- arr = [_x1, _x2, _x3]
- for vector in arr:
- if _f(vector) == fMin:
- xl = vector
- elif _f(vector) == fMax:
- xh = vector
- else:
- xs = vector
- return xl, xs, xh
- # Отражение
- def Reflection(_xMass : np.array, _xh : np.array, _alpha : float) -> np.array:
- return _xMass + _alpha * (_xMass - _xh)
- # Растяжение
- def Stretch(_xMass : np.array, _xRefl : np.array, _gamma : float) -> np.array:
- return _xMass + _gamma * (_xRefl - _xMass)
- # Сжатие
- def Compression(_xMass : np.array, _xh : np.array, _beta : float) -> np.array:
- return _xMass + _beta * (_xh - _xMass)
- # Редукция
- def Reduction(_xl : np.array, _x1 : np.array, _x2 : np.array, _x3 : np.array):
- return np.array(_xl + 0.5 * (_x1 - _xl)), np.array(_xl + 0.5 * (_x2 - _xl)), np.array(_xl + 0.5 * (_x3 - _xl))
- # 0 < alpha
- # 0 < beta < 1
- # 0 < gamma
- def Method(f, _x0 : np.array, eps = 1e-3, alph = 1.0, beta = 0.5, gamm = 2.5):
- # step 1
- k = 0
- x1 = _x0
- x2 = np.array([D1(), D2()])
- x3 = np.array([D2(), D1()])
- f_count = 0
- while True:
- # step 2
- x1, x2, x3 = SortByAscending(f, x1, x2, x3)
- xh = np.array(x3)
- xl = np.array(x1)
- xs = np.array(x2)
- xl1 = np.zeros(2)
- # step 3
- xMass = 0.5 * np.array((xl + xs)) # x_{n + 2}
- fxh, fxs, fxl, fxmass = f(xh), f(xs), f(xl), f(xMass)
- # step 4
- delt = mt.sqrt(((fxh - fxmass) ** 2 + (fxs - fxmass) ** 2 + (fxl - fxmass) ** 2) / 3.0)
- if delt <= eps:
- print (str(k) + ' DPM answer: ({:8e}; {:8e}), f = {:8e}'.format(xl[0], xl[1], f(xl)))
- break
- # step 5
- xRefl = np.array(Reflection(xMass, xh, alph)) # x_{n + 3}
- fxrefl = f(xRefl)
- xStrt = np.array([]) # x_{n + 4}
- xComp = np.array([]) # x_{n + 5}
- # step 6
- if fxrefl <= fxl:
- xStrt = Stretch(xMass, xRefl, gamm)
- fxstrt = f(xStrt)
- if fxstrt < fxl:
- xh = xStrt
- x3 = xh
- else:
- xh = xRefl
- x3 = xh
- elif fxs < fxrefl and fxrefl <= fxh:
- xComp = Compression(xMass, xh, beta)
- xh = xComp
- x3 = xh
- elif fxl < fxrefl and fxrefl <= fxs:
- xh = xRefl
- x3 = xh
- elif fxrefl > fxh:
- x1, x2, x3 = Reduction(xl, x1, x2, x3)
- k += 1
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