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- #
- import copy
- import math
- from Tkinter import *
- import random
- import time
- CYCLE_AMOUNT = 5 # higher number -> fewer cycles
- # if you change the resolution,
- # you may need to slightly alter the following two:
- CAM_HEIGHT = 0.125
- CAM_WIDTH = 0.015
- # do not edit these:
- CAM_LENGTH = 0.1
- CAM_SEP = 0.04
- WALL_H = 0.5
- CELL_SIZE = 40 # pixels
- DEBUG = False
- FOV = math.pi/2
- ################################################################################
- ##### Point & Seg Helper Functions #############################################
- ################################################################################
- chk=[]
- import inspect
- def trace():
- print
- chk.sort()
- for z in chk: print z
- print
- def tr():
- z=inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
- if z not in chk:
- print z
- chk.append(z)
- def flipCoin(): # ZZZ
- return random.choice([True, False])
- def smallChance(): # ZZZ
- choices = [True]
- choices.extend([False]*CYCLE_AMOUNT)
- return random.choice(choices)
- def withinEp(x, y):
- """Returns True if x and y are within some predefined epsilon: 0.0001"""
- epsilon = 0.0001
- return abs(x-y) < epsilon
- def chopDomain(x):
- """Chops number to fit within [1,1] for use with arccos"""
- if (x > 1):
- return 1
- elif (x < -1):
- return -1
- else:
- return x
- def isNumber(x):
- """Returns True if x in an int, long, or float; False otherwise"""
- return type(x) in (int, long, float)
- def mathSign(x):
- if (x == 0):
- return 0
- else:
- return (x/abs(x))
- def xKey(point):
- return point.x
- def yKey(point):
- return point.y
- def extremeX(pointSet):
- minPoint = min(pointSet, key=xKey)
- maxPoint = max(pointSet, key=xKey)
- return (minPoint, maxPoint)
- def extremeY(pointSet):
- minPoint = min(pointSet, key=yKey)
- maxPoint = max(pointSet, key=yKey)
- return (minPoint, maxPoint)
- def hexColor(red, green, blue):
- return ("#%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, blue))
- def makeColor(row, col, rows, cols):
- if (((row == rows-1) and (col == cols-2)) or
- ((row == rows-2) and (col == cols-1))):
- color = hexColor(255,255,255)
- else:
- green = 255*(row+col)/float(rows+cols)
- blue = 255*(rows+cols-row-col)/float(rows+cols)
- red = 40
- color = hexColor(red, green, blue)
- return color
- def rgbFromHex(color): # ZZZ
- # get RGB color from hex
- red = int(color[1:3], 16)
- green = int(color[3:5], 16)
- blue = int(color[5:], 16)
- return (red, green, blue)
- def leftChannelColor(color):
- # cyan-tint color for right channel of
- # red-cyan anaglyph
- # (red, green, blue) = rgbFromHex(color)
- # gray = (red+green+blue)/2
- # newGray = min(255, gray*2)
- # I could not get this to work, so I resorted
- # to black/white (rather, red/cyan) for 3DG:
- return hexColor(0, 255, 255)
- def shrinkScreenSeg(x, h, otherX, otherH):
- if (abs(x) > abs(h)):
- newX = 1.0*mathSign(x)
- a = newX / x
- newH = a*h + (1-a)*otherH
- else:
- newH = 1.0*mathSign(h)
- a = newH / h
- newX = a*x + (1-a)*otherX
- return (newX, newH)
- ################################################################################
- ##### Point, Seg, Ray Classes ##################################################
- ################################################################################
- class Point(object):
- def __init__(self, x, y):
- if (not isNumber(x) or not isNumber(y)):
- assert(False), "cannot make a point from non-numbers"
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return (withinEp(self.x, other.x) and withinEp(self.y, other.y))
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def __hash__(self):
- hashables = (self.x, self.y)
- return hash(hashables)
- def dist(self, other): # ZZZ
- dx = self.x - other.x
- dy = self.y - other.y
- return math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
- class Seg(object):
- def __init__(self, p1, p2, color=hexColor(0,0,0)):
- # sanity check
- if not (type(p1) == type(p2) == Point):
- assert(False), "cannot make a seg from nonpoints"
- self.p1 = p1
- self.p2 = p2
- self.color = color
- self.isVert = (self.kind() == "vert")
- self.isHoriz = (self.kind() == "horiz")
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if ((self.p1 == other.p1) and (self.p2 == other.p2)):
- return True
- elif ((self.p1 == other.p2) and (self.p2 == other.p1)):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def __hash__(self):
- hashables = (self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y)
- return hash(hashables)
- def kind(self):
- if (self.p1.x == self.p2.x):
- return "vert"
- elif (self.p1.y == self.p2.y):
- return "horiz"
- else:
- return "other"
- def withinDist(self, eye, dist):
- """Returns True if eye is within a certain distance of
- the segment (in a rectangular sense around the edges)"""
- minX = min(self.p1.x, self.p2.x)
- maxX = max(self.p1.x, self.p2.x)
- minY = min(self.p1.y, self.p2.y)
- maxY = max(self.p1.y, self.p2.y)
- return ((minX - dist < eye.x < maxX + dist) and
- (minY - dist < eye.y < maxY + dist))
- class Ray(object):
- def __init__(self, eye, target):
- self.eye = eye
- self.dx = target.x - eye.x
- self.dy = target.y - eye.y
- = target
- def __mul__(self, scale):
- newTargetX = self.eye.x + scale*self.dx
- newTargetY = self.eye.y + scale*self.dy
- return Ray(self.eye, Point(newTargetX, newTargetY))
- def dot(self, other):
- if (type(other) != Ray):
- assert(False), "cannot dot non-rays"
- if (self.eye != other.eye):
- assert(False), "rays have different starting points"
- return self.dx * other.dx + self.dy * other.dy
- def norm(self):
- return math.sqrt(
- def angle(self, other):
- if (type(other) != Ray):
- assert(False), "angle not defined for non-rays"
- if (self.eye != other.eye):
- assert(False), "rays have different starting points"
- value = chopDomain( /float(self.norm() * other.norm()))
- angle = math.acos(value)
- return angle # radians
- def rotate(self, angle):
- # angle in radians
- # taken from
- rotationMatrix = Matrix([[math.cos(angle), -math.sin(angle)],
- [math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]])
- oldNorm = self.norm()
- dir = Vector([self.dx, self.dy])
- newDir = rotationMatrix.mult(dir)
- newPoint = Point(newDir.elements[0], newDir.elements[1])
- newTarget = Point(newPoint.x + self.eye.x, newPoint.y + self.eye.y)
- newRay = Ray(self.eye, newTarget)
- return newRay
- class Matrix(object):
- def __init__(self, elements):
- self.elements = elements
- self.rows = len(elements)
- if (type(elements[0]) == list):
- self.cols = len(elements[0])
- else:
- # handle vectors too
- self.cols = 1
- def mult(self, other):
- if (type(other) != Vector):
- assert(False), "cannot be multiplied"
- # other must be a vector
- def dotprod(row):
- return Vector(row).dot(other)
- # using map was the idea of James Wu
- return Vector(map(dotprod, self.elements))
- def transpose(self):
- # this implementation was taken from recitation
- return Matrix(zip(*self.elements))
- class Vector(Matrix):
- def __init__(self, elements):
- # column vector
- self.elements = elements
- self.rows = len(elements)
- def dot(self, other):
- if (type(other) != Vector):
- assert(False), "cannot dot non-vectors"
- def prod(a):
- return a[0] * a[1]
- return sum(map(prod,zip(self.elements,other.elements)))
- def norm(self):
- return math.sqrt(
- def __mul__(self, other):
- if (not isNumber(other)):
- assert(False), "cannot multiply"
- return Vector(map(lambda x : other*x, self.elements))
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- return self.__mul__(other)
- def __add__(self, other):
- newElements = map(sum, zip(self.elements, other.elements))
- return Vector(newElements)
- def __neg__(self):
- return Vector(map(lambda x: -x, self.elements))
- class ScreenSeg(object):
- # keeps track of distance from center of screen and height
- def __init__(self, cam, seg):
- self.color = seg.color
- # MUST be given a seg that is visible in the direction of the cam
- # Seg pruning must be done beforehand!
- # following is some linear algebra
- v1 = Ray(cam.viewRay.eye, seg.p1)
- v2 = Ray(cam.viewRay.eye, seg.p2)
- screenV1 = v1 * (cam.viewRay.norm()**2 /
- screenV2 = v2 * (cam.viewRay.norm()**2 /
- self.x1 =
- self.x2 =
- self.h1 = WALL_H * screenV1.norm() / v1.norm()
- self.h2 = WALL_H * screenV2.norm() / v2.norm()
- self.shrink()
- def __str__(self):
- (x1,h1,x2,h2) = (self.x1,self.h1,self.x2,self.h2)
- return str((x1,h1,x2,h2))
- def shrink(self):
- # required because tkinter cannot draw points too far from
- # the visible portion of the canvas
- # if abs(x),abs(h) < 1, it can be drawn
- (x1, x2, h1, h2) = (self.x1, self.x2, self.h1, self.h2)
- if ((abs(x1) > 1) or (abs(h1) > 1)):
- (self.x1, self.h1) = shrinkScreenSeg(x1, h1, x2, h2)
- if ((x2 > 1) or (h2 > 1)):
- (self.x2, self.h2) = shrinkScreenSeg(x2, h2, x1, h1)
- class Intersection(object):
- # represents an intersection of a ray and a wall, which can be either
- # "normal" - ray.eye --- --- wall
- # this should usually obscure the wall
- # "behind" - ray.eye --- wall ---
- # the wall is generally in front of the obstruction
- # "backwards" - wall --- ray.eye ---
- # this generally does not obscure the wall
- # "infinity"
- # the ray and wall are parallel
- def __init__(self, point, kind):
- self.point = point
- self.kind = kind # str
- ################################################################################
- ##### Line Intersection Functions ##############################################
- ################################################################################
- def intersectRayAndRookSeg(ray, segment):
- """Given a ray and a rook segment, returns their intersection. The point
- of intersection is not guaranteed to lie on the segment."""
- if (segment.isHoriz):
- return intersectRayAndHorizSegment(ray, segment)
- elif (segment.isVert):
- return intersectRayAndVertSegment(ray, segment)
- else:
- assert(False), "not a rook segment"
- def intersectRayAndVertSegment(ray, segment):
- """Given a ray and a "vert" segment, return an intersection, unless
- the ray and segment are collinear, at which point this will return
- the entire segment"""
- ### NOTE: The "eye" is forbidden from lying on a segment ###
- # sanity check
- if (not segment.isVert):
- assert(False), "not a vertical segment"
- if (ray.dx != 0):
- # Note that segment.p1.x == segment.p2.x since it is vertical
- # pointOnLine = k*(dx,dy) + eye. This solves for k:
- k = (segment.p1.x - ray.eye.x) / float(ray.dx)
- yIntercept = k*ray.dy + ray.eye.y
- intPoint = Point(segment.p1.x, yIntercept)
- if (k < 0):
- return Intersection(intPoint, "backwards")
- elif (k < 1):
- return Intersection(intPoint, "behind")
- else:
- return Intersection(intPoint, "normal")
- else:
- if (segment.p1.x == ray.eye.x):
- # collinear!
- return segment
- else:
- yIntercept = 1 if (ray.dy > 0) else -1
- return Intersection(Point(0,yIntercept), "infinity")
- def intersectRayAndHorizSegment(ray, segment):
- """Given a ray and a "horiz" segment, return an intersection, unless
- the ray and segment are collinear, at which point this will return
- the entire segment"""
- # sanity check
- if (not segment.isHoriz):
- assert(False), "not a horizontal segment"
- if (ray.dy != 0):
- # Note that segment.p1.y == segment.p2.y since it is horizontal
- # pointOnLine = k*(dx,dy) + eye. This solves for k:
- k = (segment.p1.y - ray.eye.y) / float(ray.dy)
- xIntercept = k*ray.dx + ray.eye.x
- intPoint = Point(xIntercept, segment.p1.y)
- if (k < 0):
- return Intersection(intPoint, "backwards")
- elif (k < 1):
- return Intersection(intPoint, "behind")
- else:
- return Intersection(intPoint, "normal")
- else:
- if (segment.p1.y == ray.eye.y):
- # collinear!
- return segment
- else:
- xIntercept = 1 if (ray.dx > 0) else -1
- return Intersection(Point(xIntercept,0), "infinity")
- def intersectWalls(seg1, seg2):
- """Given two orthogonal rook segs, returns the predicted
- intersection (if they were to stretch into lines)"""
- if (seg1.kind() == seg2.kind()):
- assert(False), "segs not perpendicular"
- if ((seg1.kind() == "other") or (seg2.kind() == "other")):
- assert(False), "not rook segments"
- elif (seg1.isHoriz):
- return Point(seg2.p1.x, seg1.p1.y)
- elif (seg1.isVert):
- return Point(seg1.p1.x, seg2.p1.y)
- else:
- # should never happen
- assert(False), "ERROR!"
- ################################################################################
- ##### Line Intersection Functions ##############################################
- ################################################################################
- def obstructViaIntersections(cross1, cross2, wall, seg):
- """Given two intersections, a wall, and a segment, return a set containing the
- portions on the segment. The wall is what obscured the segment to produce
- the two intersections (which are collinear with the seg)."""
- # sanity check
- if ((type(cross1) != Intersection) or (type(cross2) != Intersection)):
- assert(False), "received non-intersections"
- elif (type(seg) != Seg):
- assert(False), "received non-segment"
- # I recognize this is AWFUL style, but I can't think of another
- # way to handle these cases
- # Most of these cases are really distinct
- if (cross1.kind == "normal"):
- if (cross2.kind == "normal"):
- return normNormIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "behind"):
- return normBehindIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "backwards"):
- return normBackIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "infinity"):
- return normInfIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross1.kind == "behind"):
- if (cross2.kind == "normal"):
- return normBehindIntersect(cross2,cross1,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "behind"):
- return behindBehindIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "backwards"):
- return behindBackIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "infinity"):
- return behindInfIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross1.kind == "backwards"):
- if (cross2.kind == "normal"):
- return normBackIntersect(cross2,cross1,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "behind"):
- return behindBackIntersect(cross2,cross1,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "backwards"):
- return backBackIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg)
- elif (cross1.kind == "infinity"):
- if (cross2.kind == "normal"):
- return normInfIntersect(cross2,cross1,wall,seg)
- elif (cross2.kind == "behind"):
- return behindInfIntersect(cross2,cross1,wall,seg)
- def normNormIntersect(cross1,cross2,wall,seg):
- # sanity check
- if ((type(cross1) != Intersection) or (type(cross2) != Intersection)):
- assert(False), "received non-intersections"
- if (type(seg) != Seg):
- assert(False), "received non-seg"
- if (seg.isVert):
- return normNormVertIntersect(cross1,cross2,seg)
- elif (seg.isHoriz):
- return normNormHorizIntersect(cross1,cross2,seg)
- def normNormHorizIntersect(cross1,cross2,seg):
- crossPoint1 = cross1.point
- crossPoint2 = cross2.point
- segSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- crossSet = set([crossPoint1, crossPoint2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeX(segSet)
- (minCrossPoint, maxCrossPoint) = extremeX(crossSet)
- if (minCrossPoint.x <= minSegPoint.x):
- if (maxCrossPoint.x < minSegPoint.x):
- # nothing obscured
- return set([seg])
- elif (maxCrossPoint.x < maxSegPoint.x):
- # obscured on left
- return set([Seg(maxCrossPoint, maxSegPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- # entirely obscured
- return set()
- elif (minCrossPoint.x < maxSegPoint.x):
- if (maxCrossPoint.x < maxSegPoint.x):
- # centrally obscured
- return set([Seg(minSegPoint,minCrossPoint, seg.color),
- Seg(maxCrossPoint,maxSegPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- # obscured on right
- return set([Seg(minSegPoint,minCrossPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- return set([seg])
- def normNormVertIntersect(cross1,cross2,seg):
- crossPoint1 = cross1.point
- crossPoint2 = cross2.point
- segSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- crossSet = set([crossPoint1, crossPoint2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeY(segSet)
- (minCrossPoint, maxCrossPoint) = extremeY(crossSet)
- if (minCrossPoint.y <= minSegPoint.y):
- if (maxCrossPoint.y < minSegPoint.y):
- # nothing obscured
- return set([seg])
- elif (maxCrossPoint.y < maxSegPoint.y):
- # obscured on top
- return set([Seg(maxCrossPoint, maxSegPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- # entirely obscured
- return set()
- elif (minCrossPoint.y < maxSegPoint.y):
- if (maxCrossPoint.y < maxSegPoint.y):
- # centrally obscured
- return set([Seg(minSegPoint,minCrossPoint, seg.color),
- Seg(maxCrossPoint,maxSegPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- # obscured on bottom
- return set([Seg(minSegPoint,minCrossPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- return set([seg])
- def normBehindIntersect(cross,behindCross,wall,seg):
- newCross = intersectWalls(wall,seg)
- newIntersection = Intersection(newCross, "normal")
- return normNormIntersect(cross, newIntersection, wall, seg)
- def normBackIntersect(cross,backCross,wall,seg):
- # we want to find the remaining portion of the seg
- # on the opposite side of the backCross
- if (seg.isVert):
- return normBackVertIntersect(cross,backCross,wall,seg)
- elif (seg.isHoriz):
- return normBackHorizIntersect(cross,backCross,wall,seg)
- else:
- assert(False), "seg should be vert or horiz"
- def normBackVertIntersect(normCross, backCross, wall, seg):
- cross = intersectWalls(wall, seg)
- segSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeY(segSet)
- if (backCross.point.y < cross.y):
- # want bottom half of line
- botPoint = extremeY(set([minSegPoint, normCross.point]))[0] # min
- topPoint = extremeY(set([maxSegPoint, normCross.point]))[0] # min
- if (topPoint.y < botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- # want top half of line
- botPoint = extremeY(set([minSegPoint, normCross.point]))[1] # max
- topPoint = extremeY(set([maxSegPoint, normCross.point]))[1] # max
- if (topPoint.y < botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- def normBackHorizIntersect(normCross, backCross, wall, seg):
- cross = intersectWalls(wall, seg)
- segSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeX(segSet)
- if (backCross.point.x < cross.x):
- # want left half of line
- leftPoint = extremeX(set([minSegPoint, normCross.point]))[0] # min
- rightPoint = extremeX(set([maxSegPoint, normCross.point]))[0] # min
- if (rightPoint.x <= leftPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(leftPoint, rightPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- # want right half of line
- leftPoint = extremeX(set([minSegPoint, normCross.point]))[1] # max
- rightPoint = extremeX(set([maxSegPoint, normCross.point]))[1] # max
- if (rightPoint.x <= leftPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(leftPoint, rightPoint, seg.color)])
- def normInfIntersect(cross,infCross,wall,seg):
- # we want to find the remaining portion of the seg
- # on the opposite side of the infCross
- if (seg.isVert):
- return normInfVertIntersect(cross,infCross,wall,seg)
- elif (seg.isHoriz):
- return normInfHorizIntersect(cross,infCross,wall,seg)
- else:
- assert(False), "seg should be vert or horiz"
- def normInfVertIntersect(cross, infCross, wall, seg):
- segSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeY(segSet)
- if (infCross.point.y > 0):
- # obscured above cross
- topPoint = extremeY(set([maxSegPoint, cross.point]))[0] # min
- botPoint = extremeY(set([minSegPoint, cross.point]))[0] # min
- if (topPoint.y < botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- elif (infCross.point.y < 0):
- # obscured below cross
- topPoint = extremeY(set([maxSegPoint, cross.point]))[1] # max
- botPoint = extremeY(set([minSegPoint, cross.point]))[1] # max
- if (topPoint.y < botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- assert(False), "infCross should be vertical"
- def normInfHorizIntersect(cross, infCross, wall, seg):
- segSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeX(segSet)
- if (infCross.point.x > 0):
- # obscured to right of cross
- rightPoint = extremeX(set([maxSegPoint, cross.point]))[0] # min
- leftPoint = extremeX(set([minSegPoint, cross.point]))[0] # min
- if (rightPoint.x < leftPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(leftPoint, rightPoint, seg.color)])
- elif (infCross.point.x < 0):
- # obscured to left of cross
- rightPoint = extremeX(set([maxSegPoint, cross.point]))[1] # max
- leftPoint = extremeX(set([minSegPoint, cross.point]))[1] # max
- if (rightPoint.x < leftPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(leftPoint, rightPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- assert(False), "infCross should be horizontal"
- def behindBehindIntersect(behindCross1,behindCross2,wall,seg):
- # the (obstructing) wall is behind the seg
- # so nothing is obstructed
- return set([seg])
- def behindBackIntersect(behindCross,backCross,wall,seg):
- # requires a picture to understand:
- # *** ###|
- # ***.###|
- # *** ###|
- # if . is the eye and | represents the obstructing wall:
- # backCross must be in the * section
- # behindCross must be in the # section
- # (The eye may not be in a seg)
- # We must remove the part of the seg that extends beyond the wall
- if (seg.isVert):
- return behindBackVertIntersect(behindCross,backCross,wall,seg)
- elif (seg.isHoriz):
- return behindBackHorizIntersect(behindCross,backCross,wall,seg)
- else:
- assert(False), "seg should be vert or horiz"
- def behindBackVertIntersect(behindCross, backCross, wall, seg):
- newCross = intersectWalls(wall, seg)
- crossSet = set([newCross, behindCross.point, backCross.point])
- (minCrossPoint, maxCrossPoint) = extremeY(crossSet)
- if (wall.p1.y > behindCross.point.y):
- # wall crosses above
- # (could choose backCross, also)
- # quick check
- (botSegPoint,topSegPoint) = extremeY(set([seg.p1,seg.p2]))
- topPoint = extremeY(set([topSegPoint, newCross]))[0] # min
- if (botSegPoint.y >= topPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botSegPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- (botSegPoint,topSegPoint) = extremeY(set([seg.p1,seg.p2]))
- botPoint = extremeY(set([botSegPoint, newCross]))[1] # max
- if (topSegPoint.y <= botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topSegPoint, seg.color)])
- def behindBackHorizIntersect(behindCross, backCross, wall, seg):
- newCross = intersectWalls(wall, seg)
- crossSet = set([newCross, behindCross.point, backCross.point])
- (minCrossPoint, maxCrossPoint) = extremeX(crossSet)
- if (wall.p1.x > behindCross.point.x):
- # wall crosses to right
- # (could choose backCross, also)
- # quick check
- (botSegPoint,topSegPoint) = extremeX(set([seg.p1,seg.p2]))
- topPoint = extremeX(set([topSegPoint, newCross]))[0] # min
- if (botSegPoint.x >= topPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botSegPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- (botSegPoint,topSegPoint) = extremeX(set([seg.p1,seg.p2]))
- botPoint = extremeX(set([botSegPoint, newCross]))[1] # max
- if (topSegPoint.x <= botPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topSegPoint, seg.color)])
- def behindInfIntersect(behindCross,infCross,wall,seg):
- # requires a picture:
- # .###|
- # *###|
- # *###|
- # the infCross must be in the * section
- # the behindCross must be in the * section
- # any portion of the segment that extends beyond the wall is obscured
- # just like with the behindBackIntersect
- if (seg.isVert):
- return behindInfVertIntersect(behindCross,infCross,wall,seg)
- elif (seg.isHoriz):
- return behindInfHorizIntersect(behindCross,infCross,wall,seg)
- else:
- assert(False), "seg should be vert or horiz"
- def behindInfVertIntersect(behindCross,infCross,wall,seg):
- segPointSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeY(segPointSet)
- cross = intersectWalls(wall,seg)
- if (infCross.point.y > 0):
- # wall above eye
- topPoint = extremeY(set([maxSegPoint, cross]))[0] # min
- botPoint = extremeY(set([minSegPoint, cross]))[0] # min
- if (topPoint.y < botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- elif (infCross.point.y < 0):
- # wall below eye
- topPoint = extremeY(set([maxSegPoint, cross]))[1] # max
- botPoint = extremeY(set([minSegPoint, cross]))[1] # max
- if (topPoint.y < botPoint.y):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(botPoint, topPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- assert(False), "infCross should be vertical"
- def behindInfHorizIntersect(behindCross,infCross,wall,seg):
- segPointSet = set([seg.p1, seg.p2])
- (minSegPoint, maxSegPoint) = extremeX(segPointSet)
- cross = intersectWalls(wall,seg)
- if (infCross.point.x > 0):
- # wall to right of eye
- leftPoint = extremeX(set([minSegPoint, cross]))[0] # min
- rightPoint = extremeX(set([maxSegPoint, cross]))[0] # min
- if (rightPoint.x < leftPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(leftPoint, rightPoint, seg.color)])
- elif (infCross.point.x < 0):
- # wall to left of eye
- leftPoint = extremeX(set([minSegPoint, cross]))[1] # max
- rightPoint = extremeX(set([maxSegPoint, cross]))[1] # max
- if (rightPoint.x < leftPoint.x):
- return set()
- else:
- return set([Seg(leftPoint, rightPoint, seg.color)])
- else:
- assert(False), "infCross should be horizontal"
- def backBackIntersect(backCross1,backCross2,wall,seg):
- return set([seg])
- ################################################################################
- ##### Total Visibility of a Segment ############################################
- ################################################################################
- def obstructSeg(eye, wall, seg):
- """Given an eye, a certain seg, and an (obstructing) wall, this returns
- the remaining visible portion of the seg as a set of segments (or an empty
- set)."""
- ray1 = Ray(eye, wall.p1)
- ray2 = Ray(eye, wall.p2)
- cross1 = intersectRayAndRookSeg(ray1, seg)
- cross2 = intersectRayAndRookSeg(ray2, seg)
- if ((type(cross1) == Seg) or (type(cross2) == Seg)):
- # something obscured entire segment
- # NOTE: There is a small side effect, since
- # the entire seg is returned even if the obstruction lies behind
- # however, the seg must be viewed straight on for this to happen
- #, so in the 3D case, it doesn't matter
- return set()
- return obstructViaIntersections(cross1, cross2, wall, seg)
- def obstructSegViaSegSet(eye, segSet, seg):
- """Given an eye, a certain seg, and a set of other segs, this returns the
- remaining visible portion of the specific seg when obstructed by the whole
- set."""
- # sanity check
- if (type(seg) != Seg): assert(False), "seg not of type Seg"
- if (type(segSet) != set): assert(False), "segSet not of type set"
- if (type(eye) != Point): assert(False), "eye not a Point"
- remainingPieces = set([seg])
- newPieces = set()
- for wall in segSet:
- for piece in remainingPieces:
- newPieces = newPieces | obstructSeg(eye, wall, piece) # union
- remainingPieces = newPieces
- newPieces = set()
- return remainingPieces
- def obstructSegs(eye, segSet):
- """Given an eye and a set of segments, this returns the visible portions
- (as a set) of each segment."""
- visible = set()
- for seg in segSet:
- otherSegs = segSet - set([seg])
- visible = visible.union(obstructSegViaSegSet(eye, otherSegs, seg))
- return visible
- ################################################################################
- ##### Camera Class #############################################################
- ################################################################################
- class Camera(object):
- def __init__(self, viewRay):
- if (type(viewRay) != Ray):
- assert(False), "Camera requires Ray"
- self.viewRay = viewRay
- self.rightRay = viewRay.rotate(-math.pi/2)
- self.height = CAM_HEIGHT
- def rotate(self, angle):
- # angle in radians
- viewRay = self.viewRay
- self.viewRay = self.viewRay.rotate(angle)
- self.rightRay = self.rightRay.rotate(angle)
- def translate(self, vector):
- newX = self.viewRay.eye.x + vector.elements[0]
- newY = self.viewRay.eye.y + vector.elements[1]
- newEye = Point(newX, newY)
- newTargetX = + vector.elements[0]
- newTargetY = + vector.elements[1]
- newTarget = Point(newTargetX, newTargetY)
- newRightX = + vector.elements[0]
- newRightY = + vector.elements[1]
- newRightTarget = Point(newRightX, newRightY)
- self.viewRay = Ray(newEye, newTarget)
- self.rightRay = Ray(newEye, newRightTarget)
- ################################################################################
- ##### Maze Class ###############################################################
- ################################################################################
- class Maze(object):
- def __init__(self, rows, cols):
- (self.rows, self.cols) = (rows, cols)
- self.initCells()
- self.initPoints()
- self.initSegs()
- self.makeMaze()
- def initCells(self):
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- # more points than cells
- cRows = rows - 1
- cCols = cols - 1
- self.cells = [[i+cCols*j for i in xrange(cCols)] for j in xrange(cRows)]
- def initCellsAsOne(self):
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- # more points than cells
- cRows = rows - 1
- cCols = cols - 1
- self.cells = [[1]*cCols for i in xrange(cRows)]
- def initPoints(self):
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- self.points = [[0]*cols for i in xrange(rows)]
- for row in xrange(rows):
- for col in xrange(cols):
- self.points[row][col] = Point(row, col)
- def initSegs(self):
- # we start with all possible segments
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- self.segs = list()
- for row in xrange(rows):
- for col in xrange(cols):
- curPoint = Point(row,col)
- color = makeColor(row, col, rows, cols)
- if (row + 1 < rows):
- nextPoint = Point(row+1,col)
- self.segs.append(Seg(curPoint, nextPoint, color))
- if (col + 1 < cols):
- nextPoint = Point(row,col+1)
- self.segs.append(Seg(curPoint, nextPoint, color))
- def removeSeg(self, seg, cellVal1, cellVal2):
- if (seg in self.segs):
- self.segs.remove(seg)
- self.renameCells(cellVal1, cellVal2)
- def renameCells(self, cellVal1, cellVal2):
- (cRows, cCols) = (self.rows - 1, self.cols - 1)
- (fromVal, toVal) = (max(cellVal1, cellVal2), min(cellVal1, cellVal2))
- for row in xrange(cRows):
- for col in xrange(cCols):
- if (self.cells[row][col] == fromVal):
- self.cells[row][col] = toVal
- def isFinishedMaze(self):
- (cRows, cCols) = (self.rows - 1, self.cols - 1)
- for row in xrange(cRows):
- for col in xrange(cCols):
- if (self.cells[row][col] != 0):
- return False
- return True
- def makeMaze(self):
- # I am borrowing heavily from the algorithm used here:
- #
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- (cRows, cCols) = (rows-1, cols-1)
- while (not self.isFinishedMaze()):
- cRow = random.randint(0, cRows-1)
- cCol = random.randint(0, cCols-1)
- curCell = self.cells[cRow][cCol]
- if flipCoin(): # try to go east
- if (cCol == cCols - 1): continue # at edge
- targetCell = self.cells[cRow][cCol + 1]
- dividingSeg = Seg(Point(cRow,cCol+1),
- Point(cRow+1,cCol+1))
- if (curCell == targetCell):
- if (dividingSeg in self.segs):
- if (smallChance()):
- self.removeSeg(dividingSeg, curCell, targetCell)
- else:
- self.removeSeg(dividingSeg, curCell, targetCell)
- else: # try to go north
- if (cRow == cRows - 1): continue # at edge
- targetCell = self.cells[cRow+1][cCol]
- dividingSeg = Seg(Point(cRow+1,cCol),
- Point(cRow+1,cCol+1))
- if (curCell == targetCell):
- continue
- else:
- self.removeSeg(dividingSeg, curCell, targetCell)
- def deadCornerCell(self, row, col, dir):
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- (cRows, cCols) = (rows - 1, cols - 1)
- if (dir == "UL"):
- # checking to the upper left
- # if shielded by dead cells to the bottom right, this is dead
- rightCell = self.cells[row][col+1]
- downCell = self.cells[row-1][col]
- return (((self.hasSeg(row, col, "right")) or (rightCell == 0)) and
- ((self.hasSeg(row, col, "down")) or (downCell == 0)))
- elif (dir == "UR"):
- leftCell = self.cells[row][col-1]
- downCell = self.cells[row-1][col]
- return (((self.hasSeg(row, col, "left")) or (leftCell == 0)) and
- ((self.hasSeg(row, col, "down")) or (downCell == 0)))
- elif (dir == "DL"):
- rightCell = self.cells[row][col+1]
- upCell = self.cells[row+1][col]
- return (((self.hasSeg(row, col, "right")) or (rightCell == 0)) and
- ((self.hasSeg(row, col, "up")) or (upCell == 0)))
- elif (dir == "DR"):
- leftCell = self.cells[row][col-1]
- upCell = self.cells[row+1][col]
- return (((self.hasSeg(row, col, "left")) or (leftCell == 0)) and
- ((self.hasSeg(row, col, "up")) or (upCell == 0)))
- else:
- assert(False), "not a direction"
- return False
- def cullCorners(self, eye):
- eyeRow = int(math.floor(eye.y))
- eyeCol = int(math.floor(eye.x))
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- (cRows, cCols) = (rows - 1, cols - 1)
- # xranges are reversed so that we check progressively
- # further from the eye (since this process "cascades")
- culledFlag = False
- # bottom left
- if ((eyeRow != 0) and (eyeCol != 0)):
- for row in xrange(eyeRow-1, -1, -1):
- for col in xrange(eyeCol-1, -1, -1):
- if (self.deadCornerCell(row, col, "DL")):
- if (self.cells[row][col] != 0):
- self.cells[row][col] = 0 # dead
- culledFlag = True
- # bottom right
- if ((eyeRow != 0) and (eyeCol != cCols)):
- for row in xrange(eyeRow-1, -1, -1):
- for col in xrange(eyeCol+1, cCols):
- if (self.deadCornerCell(row, col, "DR")):
- if (self.cells[row][col] != 0):
- self.cells[row][col] = 0 # dead
- culledFlag = True
- # top left
- if ((eyeRow != cRows) and (eyeCol != 0)):
- for row in xrange(eyeRow+1, cRows):
- for col in xrange(eyeCol-1, -1, -1):
- if (self.deadCornerCell(row, col, "UL")):
- if (self.cells[row][col] != 0):
- self.cells[row][col] = 0 # dead
- culledFlag = True
- # top right
- if ((eyeRow != cRows) and (eyeCol != cCols)):
- for row in xrange(eyeRow+1, cRows):
- for col in xrange(eyeCol+1, cCols):
- if (self.deadCornerCell(row, col, "UR")):
- if (self.cells[row][col] != 0):
- self.cells[row][col] = 0 # dead
- culledFlag = True
- return culledFlag # something was deleted
- def removeDeadSandwichedSegs(self):
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- (cRows, cCols) = (rows - 1, cols - 1)
- # check right
- for row in xrange(cRows):
- for col in xrange(cCols - 1):
- if (self.cells[row][col] == self.cells[row][col+1] == 0):
- deadSeg = Seg(Point(col+1, row), Point(col+1, row+1))
- if (deadSeg in self.checkSegs):
- self.checkSegs.remove(deadSeg)
- # check far right
- for row in xrange(cRows):
- if (self.cells[row][cCols-1] == 0):
- deadSeg = Seg(Point(cCols+1, row), Point(cCols+1, row+1))
- if (deadSeg in self.checkSegs):
- self.checkSegs.remove(deadSeg)
- # check up
- for row in xrange(cRows - 1):
- for col in xrange(cCols):
- if (self.cells[row][col] == self.cells[row+1][col] == 0):
- deadSeg = Seg(Point(col, row+1), Point(col+1, row+1))
- if (deadSeg in self.checkSegs):
- self.checkSegs.remove(deadSeg)
- # check far top
- for col in xrange(cCols):
- if (self.cells[cRows-1][col] == 0):
- deadSeg = Seg(Point(col, cRows+1), Point(col+1, cRows+1))
- if (deadSeg in self.checkSegs):
- self.checkSegs.remove(deadSeg)
- return None
- def hasSeg(self, row, col, dir):
- y = row
- x = col
- if (dir == "left"):
- return (Seg(Point(x, y), Point(x, y+1)) in self.checkSegs)
- elif (dir == "right"):
- return (Seg(Point(x+1,y), Point(x+1,y+1)) in self.checkSegs)
- elif (dir == "up"):
- return (Seg(Point(x, y+1), Point(x+1, y+1)) in self.checkSegs)
- elif (dir == "down"):
- return (Seg(Point(x, y), Point(x+1, y)) in self.checkSegs)
- else:
- assert(False), "not a direction"
- def deleteCellsInDir(self, delRow, delCol, dir):
- # destructive function
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- (cRows, cCols) = (rows - 1, cols - 1)
- if ((delRow == cRows) or (delRow < 0) or
- (delCol == cCols) or (delCol < 0)):
- # out of bounds
- return None
- if (dir == "left"):
- for col in xrange(0, delCol+1):
- self.cells[delRow][col] = 0
- elif (dir == "right"):
- for col in xrange(delCol, cCols):
- self.cells[delRow][col] = 0
- elif (dir == "down"):
- for row in xrange(0, delRow+1):
- self.cells[row][delCol] = 0
- elif (dir == "up"):
- for row in xrange(delRow, cRows):
- self.cells[row][delCol] = 0
- else:
- assert(False), "not a direction"
- def cullSegs(self, eye):
- # only return segs which could possibly be visible to reduce
- # render time
- # mark all cells as 1 (alive)
- # we will mark cells as 0 (dead) if they cannot possible be seen
- # walls sandwiched between dead cells are invisible and will be culled
- eyeRow = int(math.floor(eye.y))
- eyeCol = int(math.floor(eye.x))
- (rows, cols) = (self.rows, self.cols)
- (cRows, cCols) = (rows - 1, cols - 1)
- self.initCellsAsOne()
- self.checkSegs = copy.copy(self.segs)
- for col in xrange(eyeCol, cCols):
- if self.hasSeg(eyeRow, col, "right"):
- self.deleteCellsInDir(eyeRow, col+1, "right")
- break
- for col in xrange(eyeCol, -1, -1):
- if self.hasSeg(eyeRow, col, "left"):
- self.deleteCellsInDir(eyeRow, col-1, "left")
- break
- for row in xrange(eyeRow, cRows):
- if self.hasSeg(row, eyeCol, "up"):
- self.deleteCellsInDir(row+1, eyeCol, "up")
- break
- for row in xrange(eyeRow, -1, -1):
- if self.hasSeg(row, eyeCol, "down"):
- self.deleteCellsInDir(row-1, eyeCol, "down")
- break
- while(self.cullCorners(eye)):
- # cullCorners will remove cells invisible by a corner
- # it will return true if something was removed
- pass
- self.removeDeadSandwichedSegs()
- # will remove segs sandwiched between dead cells
- return set(self.checkSegs)
- ################################################################################
- ##### Animation Class ##########################################################
- ################################################################################
- # taken from
- class Animation(object):
- def __init__(self, width=500, height=300):
- self.root = Tk()
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, width=self.width, height=self.height)
- self.canvas.pack()
- self.init()
- self.root.bind("<KeyPress>", self.keyPressed)
- self.root.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.keyReleased)
- self.root.bind("<Button-1>", self.mousePressed)
- def run(self):
- self.timerFired()
- self.root.mainloop()
- def init(self):
- pass
- def redrawAll(self):
- pass
- def keyPressed(self, event):
- pass
- def keyReleased(self, event):
- pass
- def mousePressed(self, event):
- pass
- ################################################################################
- ##### MazeGame Animation Class #################################################
- ################################################################################
- class MazeGame(Animation):
- def __init__(self, mazeSize, width=700, height=500):
- self.mazeRows = mazeSize
- self.mazeCols = mazeSize
- self.mode = "3D"
- super(MazeGame, self).__init__(width, height)
- self.root.resizable(width=0, height=0) # non-resizable
- ######################
- ####### Model ########
- ######################
- def init(self):
- self.isGameOver = False
- self.isHelp = True
- self.initMaze()
- self.initCamera()
- def initCamera(self):
- self.speed = 0.3
- self.rotateSpeed = math.pi/10
- self.cameraLength = CAM_LENGTH
- self.cameraSep = CAM_SEP
- # we start closest to (0,0)
- # facing in the x direction
- # check if facing wall
- startPoint = Point(0.5, 0.5)
- if (Seg(Point(0,1),Point(1,1)) in self.maze.segs):
- secondCamStart = Point(0.5, 0.5 - self.cameraSep)
- secondCamView = Point(0.5 + self.cameraLength, 0.5 - self.cameraSep)
- viewPoint = Point(0.5 + self.cameraLength, 0.5)
- else:
- secondCamStart = Point(0.5 + self.cameraSep, 0.5)
- secondCamView = Point(0.5 + self.cameraSep, 0.5 + self.cameraLength)
- viewPoint = Point(0.5, 0.5 + self.cameraLength)
- = Camera(Ray(startPoint, viewPoint))
- self.secondCamera = Camera(Ray(secondCamStart, secondCamView))
- self.cameraVel = 0
- self.sideCameraVel = 0
- self.cameraRotVel = 0
- def initMaze(self):
- print "Generating random maze..."
- self.maze = Maze(self.mazeRows, self.mazeCols)
- print "Finished generating maze!"
- ######################
- ##### Controller #####
- ######################
- def timerFired(self):
- if (self.mode == "3D"):
- self.screenSegs = set()
- self.visibleSegs = set()
- self.circularVisibleSegs = set()
- (self.visibleSegs,
- self.circularVisibleSegs) = self.firstPersonVisibleSegs(
- self.projectVisibleSegsToScreen(,
- self.screenSegs,
- self.visibleSegs)
- elif (self.mode == "3DG"):
- self.screenSegs = set()
- self.secScreenSegs = set()
- self.visibleSegs = set()
- self.secVisibleSegs = set()
- self.circularVisibleSegs = set()
- self.secCircularVisibleSegs = set()
- (self.visibleSegs, self.circularVisibleSegs) = \
- self.firstPersonVisibleSegs(
- (self.secVisibleSegs, self.secCircularVisibleSegs) = \
- self.firstPersonVisibleSegs(self.secondCamera)
- self.projectVisibleSegsToScreen(,
- self.screenSegs,
- self.visibleSegs)
- self.projectVisibleSegsToScreen(self.secondCamera,
- self.secScreenSegs,
- self.secVisibleSegs)
- elif (self.mode == "2D"):
- self.topDownVisibleSegs()
- self.updateCamera()
- self.isWin()
- self.redrawAll()
- delay = 1 # ms
- self.canvas.after(delay, self.timerFired)
- def topDownVisibleSegs(self):
- eye =
- possibleSegs = self.maze.cullSegs(eye)
- self.circularVisibleSegs = obstructSegs(eye, possibleSegs)
- def firstPersonVisibleSegs(self, cam):
- # check if each seg in visibleSegs is within 90 degrees of cam.viewRay
- # given visSegs to store visibleSegs and circSegs to store
- # circularly visible segs
- visSegs = set()
- circSegs = set()
- eye = cam.viewRay.eye
- possibleSegs = self.maze.cullSegs(eye)
- circSegs = obstructSegs(eye, possibleSegs) # visible in 360
- visSegs = set()
- for seg in circSegs:
- ray1 = Ray(eye, seg.p1)
- ray2 = Ray(eye, seg.p2)
- angle1 = abs(ray1.angle(cam.viewRay))
- angle2 = abs(ray2.angle(cam.viewRay))
- screenEye =
- screenDir = (cam.rightRay.dx, cam.rightRay.dy)
- rightPoint = Point(screenEye.x+screenDir[0], screenEye.y+screenDir[1])
- screenRay = Ray(screenEye, rightPoint)
- viewRay = cam.viewRay
- if ((angle1 < FOV) and (angle2 < FOV)):
- visSegs.add(seg)
- elif ((angle1 >= FOV) and (angle2 < FOV)):
- newIntersect = intersectRayAndRookSeg(screenRay, seg)
- newPoint = newIntersect.point
- # check for special case
- if (0 < < viewRay.norm()):
- continue
- else:
- visSegs.add(Seg(newPoint, seg.p2, seg.color))
- elif ((angle1 < FOV) and (angle2 >= FOV)):
- newIntersect = intersectRayAndRookSeg(screenRay, seg)
- newPoint = newIntersect.point
- # check for special case
- if (0 < < viewRay.norm()):
- continue
- else:
- visSegs.add(Seg(seg.p1, newPoint, seg.color))
- else:
- # seg is completely behind
- continue
- return (visSegs, circSegs)
- def projectVisibleSegsToScreen(self, cam, screenSegs, visSegs):
- for seg in visSegs:
- screenSegs.add(ScreenSeg(cam, seg))
- def updateCamera(self):
- topDownModes = ["2D"]
- firstPersonModes = ["3D", "3DG"]
- if (self.mode in topDownModes):
- self.topDownUpdateCamera()
- elif (self.mode in firstPersonModes):
- self.firstPersonUpdateCamera()
- else:
- assert(False), "Not a valid mode"
- def topDownUpdateCamera(self):
- self.secondCamera.rotate(self.cameraRotVel)
- self.secondCamera.translate(self.cameraVel)
- if not self.cameraIsLegal():
- # move back!
- self.cameraVel)
- self.secondCamera.translate(- self.cameraVel)
- def firstPersonUpdateCamera(self):
- viewDir = Vector([,])
- rightDir = Vector([,])
- velocity = (self.cameraVel/viewDir.norm()) * viewDir
- sideVel = (self.sideCameraVel/rightDir.norm()) * rightDir
- newVel = (velocity + sideVel)
- if (newVel.norm() != 0):
- oldNorm = max(velocity.norm(), sideVel.norm())
- newVel = newVel * (oldNorm/newVel.norm())
- self.secondCamera.rotate(self.cameraRotVel)
- self.secondCamera.translate(newVel)
- if not self.cameraIsLegal():
- # move back!
- newVel)
- self.secondCamera.translate(- newVel)
- def cameraIsLegal(self):
- # check that camera is no more than 1.5*self.cameraLength
- # from any wall
- cam1 =
- cam2 = self.secondCamera
- for seg in self.circularVisibleSegs:
- if (seg.withinDist(cam1.viewRay.eye,1.2*self.cameraLength) or
- (seg.withinDist(cam2.viewRay.eye, 1.2*self.cameraLength))):
- return False
- return True
- def isWin(self):
- # if in last cell, game is won
- lastX = self.maze.cols - 1
- lastY = self.maze.rows - 1
- if ((abs( - lastX) < 1) and
- (abs( - lastY) < 1)):
- self.isGameOver = True
- def mousePressed(self, event):
- pass
- def keyPressed(self, event):
- firstPersonModes = ["3D", "3DG"]
- topDownModes = ["2D"]
- if (self.mode in firstPersonModes):
- self.firstPersonKeyPressed(event)
- elif (self.mode in topDownModes):
- self.topDownKeyPressed(event)
- else:
- assert(False), "not a valid mode"
- if (event.keysym == "h"):
- # toggle help screen
- self.isHelp = not self.isHelp
- elif (event.keysym == "z"):
- trace()
- else:
- self.isHelp = False
- if (event.keysym == "r"):
- self.mode = "3D"
- self.init()
- self.isHelp = False
- # restart
- if (event.keysym == "1"):
- self.mode = "2D"
- self.cameraVel = Vector([0,0])
- elif (event.keysym == "2"):
- self.mode = "3D"
- self.cameraVel = 0
- self.sideCameraVel = 0
- elif (event.keysym == "3"):
- self.mode = "3DG"
- self.cameraVel = 0
- self.sideCameraVel = 0
- def firstPersonKeyPressed(self, event):
- viewDir = Vector([,])
- if ((event.keysym == "w") or (event.keysym=="Up")):
- self.cameraVel = self.speed
- elif ((event.keysym == "s") or (event.keysym=="Down")):
- self.cameraVel = -self.speed
- elif ((event.keysym == "d") or (event.keysym=="Right")):
- # clockwise
- self.cameraRotVel = self.rotateSpeed
- elif ((event.keysym == "a") or (event.keysym=="Left")):
- # counter-clockwise
- self.cameraRotVel = - self.rotateSpeed
- elif ((event.keysym == "comma") or (event.keysym=="Prior")):
- # Prior is page up
- # sidestep left
- self.sideCameraVel = self.speed
- elif ((event.keysym == "period") or (event.keysym=="Next")):
- # Next is page down
- self.sideCameraVel = -self.speed
- def topDownKeyPressed(self, event):
- up = ["Up", "w"]
- down = ["Down", "s"]
- left = ["Left", "a"]
- right = ["Right", "d"]
- if (event.keysym in up):
- # up is down in TkInter
- self.cameraVel = self.speed * Vector([0,-1])
- elif (event.keysym in down):
- # up is down in TkInter
- self.cameraVel = self.speed * Vector([0,1])
- elif (event.keysym in right):
- self.cameraVel = self.speed * Vector([1,0])
- elif (event.keysym in left):
- self.cameraVel = self.speed * Vector([-1,0])
- # ensure no more rotation
- self.cameraRotVel = 0
- def keyReleased(self, event):
- firstPersonModes = ["3D", "3DG"]
- topDownModes = ["2D"]
- if (self.mode in firstPersonModes):
- return self.firstPersonKeyReleased(event)
- elif (self.mode in topDownModes):
- return self.topDownKeyReleased(event)
- else:
- assert(False), "not a valid mode"
- def firstPersonKeyReleased(self, event):
- translations = ["w", "s", "Up", "Down"]
- sideSteps = ["comma","period","Prior","Next"]
- rotations = ["a", "d", "Left", "Right"]
- if (event.keysym in translations):
- self.cameraVel = 0
- elif (event.keysym in sideSteps):
- self.sideCameraVel = 0
- elif (event.keysym in rotations):
- self.cameraRotVel = 0
- def topDownKeyReleased(self, event):
- translations = ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right",
- "w", "a", "s", "d"]
- if (event.keysym in translations):
- self.cameraVel = Vector([0,0])
- ######################
- ######## View ########
- ######################
- def drawGameOver(self):
- cx = self.width/2
- cy = self.height/2
- self.canvas.create_text(cx, cy, text="You Win!",
- font="Helvetica 36 bold")
- def drawHelp(self):
- cx = self.width/2
- leftcx = self.width/3
- rightcx = (2*self.width)/3
- cy = self.height/2
- self.canvas.create_text(cx,cy*(2./9.),text="3D Maze!",
- font="Helvetica 28",fill="white")
- self.canvas.create_text(cx,cy/2,
- text="""Find the far corner (the white cell)
- The maze will get greener""",
- font="Helvetica 24",fill="white",
- justify=CENTER)
- self.canvas.create_text(leftcx, cy, text="""
- To move
- To sidestep
- To switch to 2D mode
- 3D mode
- 3D with glasses
- To toggle help
- To restart""", font="Helvetica 18",fill="white")
- self.canvas.create_text(rightcx, cy, text="""
- WASD or arrow keys
- ,/. or PgUp/PgDown
- 1
- 2
- 3
- h
- r""", font="Helvetica 18",fill="white")
- def redrawAll(self):
- self.canvas.delete(ALL)
- if (self.mode == "2D"):
- self.redraw2D()
- elif (self.mode == "3D"):
- self.redraw3D()
- elif (self.mode == "3DG"):
- self.redraw3DG()
- else:
- assert(False), "no valid mode"
- if (self.isHelp):
- self.drawHelp()
- elif (self.isGameOver):
- if (self.mode == "3DG"):
- self.draw3DGGameOver()
- else:
- self.drawGameOver()
- def redraw2D(self):
- eye =
- segs = self.circularVisibleSegs
- cx = self.width/2
- cy = self.height/2
- left = cx - (CELL_SIZE*(self.mazeCols - 1))/2
- top = cy - (CELL_SIZE*(self.mazeRows - 1))/2
- self.draw2DEye(left, top)
- for s in segs:
- self.canvas.create_line(left + CELL_SIZE*s.p1.x,
- top + CELL_SIZE*s.p1.y,
- left + CELL_SIZE*s.p2.x,
- top + CELL_SIZE*s.p2.y,
- fill=s.color, width=2)
- if (DEBUG):
- for s in self.maze.segs:
- self.canvas.create_line(left + CELL_SIZE*s.p1.x,
- top + CELL_SIZE*s.p1.y,
- left + CELL_SIZE*s.p2.x,
- top + CELL_SIZE*s.p2.y,
- fill="black", width=1)
- def draw2DEye(self, left, top):
- eye =
- target =
- x1 = left + CELL_SIZE*eye.x
- y1 = top + CELL_SIZE*eye.y
- x2 = left + CELL_SIZE*target.x
- y2 = top + CELL_SIZE*target.y
- self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, arrow="last", fill="blue")
- def drawBackground(self):
- background = hexColor(255,255,255) # better for red/cyan anaglyph
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, self.width, self.height,
- fill=background, width=0)
- def drawGround(self):
- brown = hexColor(123, 112, 0)
- #brown = hexColor(163, 130, 41) # alternative
- cy = self.height/2
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, cy, self.width, self.height,
- fill=brown, width=0)
- def drawSky(self):
- #blue = hexColor(130,202,250) # light sky blue
- blue = hexColor(112,172,255) # sky blue
- #blue = hexColor(160,191,235) # alternative
- cy = self.height/2
- self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, self.width, cy,
- fill=blue, width=0)
- def redraw3D(self):
- cx = self.width/2
- cy = self.height/2
- scaleX = (self.width / CAM_WIDTH)
- scaleY = (self.height / CAM_HEIGHT)
- self.drawGround()
- self.drawSky()
- for s in self.screenSegs:
- left = cx - s.x1*scaleX
- right = cx - s.x2*scaleX
- leftTop = cy + s.h1*scaleY
- leftBot = cy - s.h1*scaleY
- rightTop = cy + s.h2*scaleY
- rightBot = cy - s.h2*scaleY
- self.canvas.create_polygon(left, leftTop, right, rightTop,
- right, rightBot, left, leftBot,
- fill=s.color,
- outline="black")
- def draw3DGChannel(self, channel):
- # the wireframe 3DG idea was Nick Goman's
- cx = self.width/2
- cy = self.height/2
- scaleX = (self.width / CAM_WIDTH)
- scaleY = (self.height / CAM_HEIGHT)
- if (channel == "right"):
- screenSegs = self.screenSegs
- shift = "0,0"
- else:
- screenSegs = self.secScreenSegs
- shift = "0,1"
- for s in screenSegs:
- left = cx - s.x1*scaleX
- right = cx - s.x2*scaleX
- leftTop = cy + s.h1*scaleY
- leftBot = cy - s.h1*scaleY
- rightTop = cy + s.h2*scaleY
- rightBot = cy - s.h2*scaleY
- if (channel == "right"):
- outlineColor = hexColor(255,0,0)
- else:
- outlineColor = hexColor(0,255,255)
- if (s.color == "#ffffff"):
- endColor = "#bbffbb"
- self.canvas.create_polygon(left, leftTop, right, rightTop,
- right, rightBot, left, leftBot,
- width=0, fill=endColor)
- self.canvas.create_line(left, leftTop, right, rightTop,
- stipple="gray50", offset=shift,
- fill=outlineColor,width=3)
- self.canvas.create_line(right, rightTop, right, rightBot,
- stipple="gray50", offset=shift,
- fill=outlineColor,width=3)
- self.canvas.create_line(right, rightBot, left, leftBot,
- stipple="gray50", offset=shift,
- fill=outlineColor,width=3)
- self.canvas.create_line(left, leftBot, left, leftTop,
- stipple="gray50", offset=shift,
- fill=outlineColor,width=3)
- def redraw3DG(self):
- self.drawBackground() # white
- self.draw3DGChannel("left")
- self.draw3DGChannel("right")
- game = MazeGame(12, 1366, 768)
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