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- local function IsAuthorized(self, index)
- return (index == "Fire" or index == "Invoke" or index == "FireServer" or index == "InvokeServer") and (enabled[self.ClassName] and not ignore[self.Name])
- end
- function __namecall(...)
- local arguments = {...}
- local index = table.remove(arguments)
- --local remote = table.remove(arguments, 1)
- if IsAuthorized(self, index) then
- return RemoteCallback(self, unpack(arguments))
- end
- return __namecall(self, ...)
- end
- __namecall = newcclosure(function(__namecall)
- print("[no var namecall w/newcclosure Hook]",__namecall)
- __newindex=newcclosure(function(self,...)
- return f(self,...)
- end)
- print("__newindex w/newcclosure", __newindex)
- __index=newcclosure(function(self,...)
- return shit(self,...)
- end)
- print("__index w/newcclosure", __index)
- function Instance.random(startInstance, recurse)
- local tree = {}
- recurse = recurse or false
- if recurse then
- function recurse(instance)
- tree[#tree + 1] = instance
- for _,v in ipairs(instance:GetChildren()) do
- recurse(v)
- end
- end
- recurse(startInstance or game)
- else
- for _,v in ipairs(startInstance:GetChildren()) do
- tree[#tree + 1] = v
- end
- end
- return tree[math.random(1, table.getn(tree))]
- end
- print(Instance.random(game, true):GetFullName())
- local grequire = require
- require = function(source)
- local s, r = pcall(function()
- if(typeof(source) == "number" or typeof(source) == "string")then
- return loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(source))[1].Source)()
- else
- return grequire(source)
- end
- end)
- return r
- end
- return require
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