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- term.redirect(peripheral.wrap("top"))
- local speaker = peripheral.wrap("right")
- local nSize, bNew, nBase, stack, maxx, maxy = 8, true, 0, {}, term.getSize()
- stack[ 0 ] = { math.floor( maxx/2 ) - 4, math.floor( maxx/2 ) + 4, bReverse = false }
- local function gameOver()
- term.clear()
- local str = "Game Over! Your Score: " .. #stack - 1
- term.setCursorPos( math.floor( (maxx - #str) / 2 ), maxy / 2 )
- print( str )
- term.setCursorPos( 1, 1 )
- error()
- end
- local function renderStack()
- if #stack - nBase > maxy / 2 then
- nBase = nBase + 1
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor( )
- for i = 0, #stack do
- if i + nBase > #stack then
- break
- end
- term.setCursorPos( stack[ i + nBase ][ 1 ], maxy - i )
- term.write( string.rep( " ", stack[ i + nBase ][2] - stack[ i + nBase ][1] ) )
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor( )
- end
- speaker.playSound("minecraft:music_disc.pigstep",.7)
- local function getInput()
- local new = bNew and { 1, nSize + 1, bReverse = false } or stack[ #stack ]
- local id = os.startTimer( 0.1 * (0.99^#stack) )
- while true do
- local event, side, x, y = { os.pullEvent() }
- if event[ 1 ] == "timer" and event[ 2 ] == id then
- if not new.bReverse then
- new[ 1 ] = new[ 1 ] + 1
- new[ 2 ] = new[ 2 ] + 1
- if new[ 2 ] > maxx then
- new.bReverse = true
- end
- else
- new[ 1 ] = new[ 1 ] - 1
- new[ 2 ] = new[ 2 ] - 1
- if new[ 1 ] <= 1 then
- new.bReverse = false
- end
- end
- if bNew then
- stack[ #stack + 1 ] = new
- bNew = false
- end
- break
- elseif event[ 1 ] == "monitor_touch" then
- if new[ 1 ] < ( bNew and stack[ #stack ][ 1 ] or stack[ #stack - 1 ][ 1 ] ) then
- new[ 1 ] = ( bNew and stack[ #stack ][ 1 ] or stack[ #stack - 1 ][ 1 ] )
- end
- if new[ 2 ] > ( bNew and stack[ #stack ][ 2 ] or stack[ #stack - 1 ][ 2 ] ) then
- new[ 2 ] = ( bNew and stack[ #stack ][ 2 ] or stack[ #stack - 1 ][ 2 ] )
- end
- if new[ 2 ] - new[ 1 ] <= 0 then
- speaker.playSound("minecraft:entity.chicken.death",.3)
- gameOver()
- end
- nSize = new[ 2 ] - new[ 1 ]
- if bNew then
- stack[ #stack + 1 ] = new
- else
- stack[ #stack ] = new
- bNew = true
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- while true do
- term.clear()
- renderStack()
- getInput()
- end
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