

Mar 22nd, 2012
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  1. fucking nerd boys.
  3. you can be so fucking charming, in your own sweet, vulnerable-yet-stoic way. you fall in love so easily, and so deeply. you close yourself to everyone and seal up your heart to avoid rejection, but when a pretty girl befriends you, you melt like so much ice in her hands. you'll bare your soul to her, compare all other women to her, put her on a pedestal and walk through hell to make her smile. do you know what that does to a woman? no other love is like the worship of the introvert; other men may be taller or richer or better in bed, but once a woman has been loved by a shy romantic, her heart will always ache for that deep, intense connection. the inhibited geek loves his woman, not as a husband loves his wife, but as the moon loves the sun: as the source of all the light and warmth and goodness in his world. Being loved like that, how could any woman help but shine, that her sweet moon might shine brighter?
  5. So... this one's for you, nerd boys. The forgotten ones loving from afar, the sweet ones secretly in love with their close girl friends, the quiet poets and the shy musicians and the oblivious programmers and the helpless engineers. You make amazing boyfriends.
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