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- ‘Anyway, back to me,’ said Missy. ‘As I was saying. So I could be me again, yadda yadda yadda. So I could … manifest!’ Before their eyes, the hologram became solid. Well – more or less. There was still a little bit of flickering. Missy sniffed. ‘Only three lots of life force. Another one would have been just peachy, but –’ she looked at Daphne again, and blew her a kiss – ‘you were so super-yummy I just couldn’t bring myself to horribly slaughter you. Well, not right then. I probably will, in a minute or two.’
- ***
- Missy gestured, and the shifting shape of power was no longer between the two men, it was floating just above her hands. It seemed to have three sides now, and through each one Daphne could see a different screaming face – one side showed Xnardo, another the Embodyerment Rouge, and the third Ⅎ. Then Missy gestured again – and Iarbus and Dib began to dissolve away.
- ‘Nooooooo!’ they both screamed.
- ‘You could always try saying something nice,’ said Missy. ‘I am a lovely lady, after all. I might just change my mind if you do.’
- ‘You – you are not an inferior just because you are a woman!’ gasped Iarbus.
- ‘I really like your hat!’ choked the dribbling Dib.
- ‘Aw, thanks hun!’ said Missy. ‘Tell you what, though. I’m still going to totally kill you, and then I’m going to use this big powery thing to squash your planets into two lovely diamond earrings, OK? Bye-bye, Iarbus the idiot! Bye-bye, Dib the Dead!’
- As Daphne watched, the shape grew two more facets, and two more faces. Dib and Iarbus had been added to the eternal scream.
- ***
- I Am The Master: Legends of the Renegade Time Lord, Missy's Magical Mystery Mission
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