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- /* A "find-the-operations" problem
- Given the sequence
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = 2011
- Find the operations (+,-,*,/) to insert between the numbers.
- Arbitrary parenthizing is allowed.
- If there are solutions: How many?
- For the solution, I use the GPars framework
- for achieving multi-threaded execution
- The Master task determines the different ways of parenthizing. In the
- example, we have C_8 = 1430 different ways to place the brackets.
- C_8 = (2n)!/((n+1)*n!^2) is the eighth Catalan number.
- For each bracket pattern, the slave substitutes the 4 operations
- at the 8 placeholders of the pattern. Thus, each slave performs
- 2^(2*8) evaluations.
- The part that needs the most computing power is the execution of
- the computation (who wonders?)
- In order to avoid losing hits due to precision problems, I use rational numbers.
- My final implementation in C++ improved performance by a factor of 10'000, showing that
- the choice of language *is* important. Anyway, the Groovy implementation shows a lot
- of tricks that can be played with this language. Its power is its expressiveness,
- approaching closely yet the "develop by config" vision. It is a very good choice for
- coding located near a user interface. It is a not so good choice for computational
- tasks like this one.
- See my github folder for the final
- implementation in C++
- Requires groovy class RationalNumber, see
- */
- import groovyx.gpars.*
- import*
- import*
- import static
- import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
- // An Enum for the basic operations (+,-,*,/)
- import static Operation.*
- //start the actors
- File logfile = new File(/D:\groovy\log.txt/)
- def master = new CalculatorMaster(numberOfActors:8,size:9,expectedResult:2011,logfile:logfile)
- master.allOperations.each { println it }
- master.start()
- master.waitUntilDone()
- println "\nDone"
- // Messages
- private final class Operations { int size; List<List> data; int expectedResult }
- private final class Result { List<List> data }
- //Worker actor
- final class CalculatorActor extends AbstractPooledActor {
- void act() {
- loop {
- react {message ->
- switch (message) {
- case Operations:
- Result r = new Result(data:[])
- {
- List<List> result = new Combinator(
- message.size,
- it,
- new RationalNumber( message.expectedResult,1) ).findMatches()
- if (result.size > 0) result )
- }
- reply r
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Master actor
- final class CalculatorMaster extends AbstractPooledActor {
- int expectedResult = 6
- int size = 5
- int numberOfActors = 5
- File logfile
- private CountDownLatch startupLatch = new CountDownLatch(1)
- private CountDownLatch doneLatch
- private int startTasks() {
- List<List<Integer>> operations = getAllOperations()
- int cnt = sendTasksToWorkers( operations )
- doneLatch = new CountDownLatch(cnt)
- operations.size
- }
- private List createWorkers() {
- return (1..numberOfActors).collect {new CalculatorActor().start()}
- }
- public List<List<Integer>> getAllOperations() {
- List<List<Integer>> operations = []
- buildOperation( [], operations )
- return operations
- }
- private void buildOperation( List<Integer> operation, List<List<Integer>> operations ) {
- def k = operation.size()
- def s = k > 0 ? operation.sum() : 0
- if (k < size - 2) {
- (k+2).times {
- if (s+it<k+2) {
- // copy this trunk
- ArrayList child = new ArrayList( operation )
- // Add the current index
- child.push it
- // Recur to next lower level
- buildOperation( child, operations )
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // Lowest level reached - another operation is complete
- assert size-s >= 1
- operation.push( size-s-1 ) // The last index can be computed
- operations.push( operation ) // Push to result
- }
- }
- private int sendTasksToWorkers(List<List> operations) {
- List<AbstractPooledActor> workers = createWorkers()
- int cnt = 0
- operations.each {
- workers[cnt % numberOfActors] << new Operations(size:size,expectedResult:expectedResult,data:[it])
- cnt += 1
- }
- return cnt
- }
- public void waitUntilDone() {
- startupLatch.await()
- doneLatch.await()
- }
- void act() {
- int numberOfOperations = startTasks()
- startupLatch.countDown()
- println "$numberOfOperations operations"
- logfile.write "$numberOfOperations operations\n"
- loop {
- react {
- switch (it) {
- case Result:
- print "."
- {
- if (it) println ""
- it.each {
- println it
- logfile << it << "\n"
- }
- }
- doneLatch.countDown()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class Combinator {
- ArrayList allocation = []
- final RationalNumber expectedResult
- final int size
- private acc = []
- List<List> result = []
- private final static Operation[] ops = [ PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, BY ];
- public Combinator( int size, ArrayList operations, RationalNumber expectedResult) {
- assert operations.size == size - 1
- assert operations.sum() == size - 1
- this.size = size
- this.expectedResult = expectedResult
- int numOpCount = 0
- size.times {
- allocation.push it + 1
- if (it >= 1) {
- numOpCount += operations[it-1]
- assert numOpCount <= it
- operations[it-1].times {
- allocation.push ANY
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public List findMatches() {
- final BigInteger differentAllocations = 1 << 2*(size-1)
- // Look for the places with operations - needs to be done only once
- List<Integer> allocIndex = []
- allocation.eachWithIndex { it, index ->
- if (it instanceof Operation) {
- allocIndex.push index
- }
- }
- assert allocIndex.size == size - 1
- differentAllocations.times { iAlloc ->
- (size-1).times { i ->
- allocation[allocIndex[i]] = ops[iAlloc & 0x3]
- iAlloc = iAlloc >> 2
- }
- if (Calculator.evaluate(allocation).equals(expectedResult)) {
- result.push new ArrayList(allocation)
- }
- }
- return result
- }
- }
- class Calculator {
- public static Object evaluate(ArrayList input) {
- def exception = null
- Operation x;
- def stack = new Calculator.ExecutionStack()
- input.each {
- if (it instanceof Operation) {
- stack.apply it
- }
- else {
- stack.push new RationalNumber(it,1)
- }
- }
- return stack.result
- }
- static class ExecutionStack {
- private Stack s = []
- def apply = { op ->
- def right = s.pop()
- def left = s.pop()
- s.push op.apply( left, right )
- }
- def push = { arg -> s.push( arg ) }
- public getResult() { s.pop() }
- }
- }
- enum Operation {
- PLUS({ a,b -> a+b }, '+'),
- MINUS({ a,b -> a-b }, '-'),
- TIMES({ a,b -> a*b }, '*'),
- BY({ a,b -> a/b }, '/')
- private final Closure op;
- private final String glyph;
- Operation(Closure op, String glyph) { this.op = op; this.glyph = glyph }
- Operation(String glyph) { this.glyph = glyph }
- def apply = { a,b -> op(a,b) }
- public static final ANY = TIMES;
- public String toString() { glyph }
- }
- assert Calculator.evaluate([1,2,3,PLUS,PLUS]) == new RationalNumber( 6, 1 )
- assert Calculator.evaluate([1,2,PLUS,3,TIMES,6,4,MINUS,MINUS]) == new RationalNumber( 7, 1 )
- assert Calculator.evaluate([1,0,BY]) == RationalNumber.DIV_BY_ZERO
- assert Calculator.evaluate([2,1,MINUS]) == new RationalNumber( 1, 1 )
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