

Nov 8th, 2022 (edited)
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  2. That ad is targeted why would you throw it back to them
  4. What's the Dark Web? First it's the Dark Net, so not "named", but web accessible somehow.
  5. Typically I don't care for that phrasing "named" since to users, it's another route look up; but
  6. Dark means 1st, NO DNS serves that address; so, hackers can take you Dark. And, do you know
  7. you're Dark?
  8. So, while conservatives at your place are like gossip game gossip game, gossip game,
  9. but don't ever network game or irc the '90's and early 2k: But, those internet things would block a user
  10. if it couldn't lookup name for number so that's just an interesting detail, and somewhat ironic that beliefs
  11. hold over 'til today, to be taught.
  13. Yeah, hackers can take you Dark, if they take down your DNS.
  14. So, is it the same hackers that then take over your DNS, or now you're part of the Dark Web?
  16. =============================
  17. five dollars and seventy five cents
  18. And, some pitiful savings bonds services most nations' debt.
  20. So, if I've got a friend, and I realize I am about to completely forget
  21. that at an event, I owed five dollars and 75 cents, but I got 15.75
  22. So, I track him down, and I'm prepared to make him take the 5 , let's say.
  23. But he'll just let me give him the seventy five cents, and that's my preference,
  24. at the time, because before, I committed to finding out where he was to hookup
  25. with 'him, etc, etc, that how I was feeling about it.
  27. Ok So, let's say I'm right about that.
  29. What's happens to the friendship if ever pay the five. I think the phrase
  30. is, it diminishes. It's never really the same after that, people want to know
  31. why, and so forth. And, so that's five dollars I owe...
  32. =================
  33. So what are the morals of letting the world owe us money?
  34. ============
  35. holding the debt.
  37. * * * * * * * * * * *
  39. Are you happy Kornaki how the Media set the mid-terms this
  40. year? Based on the beliefs the voters cast their ballots
  41. upon, the Republican voters are for the sustained and
  42. continued repeal of Roe, in their choice of representation.
  44. So Hospital Pronouncing Death on the unviable fetus, based
  45. what is actually, a special mother's pulse, and condemning
  46. the remains for "necromantic study" and to research boil
  47. in blood cures, but tho, that infant, may not be dead,
  48. it's blood might still pump, whats called the Fetal Heart
  49. beat, as always been a lie. I'm a this a voter who is
  50. religious for Roe, but media maintains that's nonexistent.
  51. You see Roe, and the laws the came with, stopped that
  52. behavior in America's hospitals.
  54. Are due to return, to America as Common Place?! And, you
  55. should respect the Decency Act there, and keep American
  56. Voters in the Dark! Because it's origins are that dark.
  57. When in fact, there was no viable Abortion procedure as
  58. practiced in the United States, and no Universal Polio
  59. Vaccine Procedure.
  61. But even in that good end, to cure disease, hospitals
  62. would still leave "partial birth remains" in the womb.
  63. Cast out Mother, and try patent on the results.
  64. = = = =
  66. Kevin::
  68. We hope and pray that when continue to vote us back to Washington
  69. you never learn that we only love you as a reflection found in
  70. a mutual fund.
  71. -----------
  72. Yeah, it me, the Dem that's just tops to half... holding at all back.
  73. But with my Pontiac highway and street met, at ~36 mpg
  74. since I started driving it
  75. ---------------
  76. But that's not proper fill up either, Democrat, not according to our
  77. slides from the thirties because you neglected to buy cheap beer at
  78. the convenience store,that's part of the gas station lot, and our slides
  79. have you pushing a milk card as what was called a "day mule"
  80. based on your education ,and you're home's consistence attendance at
  81. the poll.
  82. At your cash withdrawal was part of last year's rush, we discount
  83. that defeat inflate at the pump.
  84. The rules worked well that beast was the smell, of a successful term
  85. in office.
  86. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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