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- * t - triangle
- program lab1_v4
- implicit none
- integer display_actions, chosen_action
- real calc_t_area, calc_t_min_angle, calc_t_min_angle_cos
- integer t_type
- real t_side, t_angle
- logical is_t_configured *1
- common /triangle/ t_type, t_side, t_angle
- is_t_configured = .false.
- 10 chosen_action = display_actions()
- print *
- if (chosen_action .eq. 5) stop
- * Block the chosen action if the triangle data is not set, and display the actions menu again
- if (chosen_action .ne. 1 .and. .not.(is_t_configured)) then
- print *, '!!! Can''t calculate because triangle data ' //
- . 'isn''t set.'
- print *
- goto 10
- endif
- * Perform the chosen action
- if (chosen_action .eq. 1) then
- call set_t_data()
- is_t_configured = .true.
- elseif (chosen_action .eq. 2) then
- print *, 'Area = ', calc_t_area(t_type, t_side, t_angle)
- elseif (chosen_action .eq. 3) then
- print *, 'Min angle = ', calc_t_min_angle(t_type, t_angle)
- elseif (chosen_action .eq. 4) then
- print *, 'Cosine of the min angle = ',
- . calc_t_min_angle_cos(t_type, t_angle)
- endif
- * Display the actions menu again
- print *
- goto 10
- end
- * Displays the action menu so that the user choices the one of them
- * returns: number of the chosen menu action
- integer function display_actions()
- logical validate_chosen_action
- 20 print *, 'Choose an action (enter action number):'
- print *, '1) Set triangle data;'
- print *, '2) Calculate the area of a triangle;'
- print *, '3) Calculate the minimum angle of a triangle;'
- print *, '4) Calculate the cosine of the minimum angle;'
- print *, '5) End the program.'
- read *, display_actions
- if (.not.(validate_chosen_action(display_actions))) then
- goto 20
- endif
- return
- end
- * Validate chosen actions menu item by it number. Show error if action isn't valid
- logical function validate_chosen_action(chosen_action)
- integer chosen_action
- validate_chosen_action = .true.
- if (chosen_action .lt. 1 .or. chosen_action .gt. 5) then
- print *
- print *, 'Chosen action is undefined.'
- print *
- validate_chosen_action = .false.
- endif
- return
- end
- * Set triangle data
- subroutine set_t_data()
- integer t_type
- real t_side, t_angle
- logical validate_t_type, validate_t_side, validate_t_angle
- common /triangle/ t_type, t_side, t_angle
- 30 print *, '------- Start triangle configuration -------'
- print *, 'Choose the type of triangle (enter type number):'
- print *, '1) Equilateral triangle;'
- print *, '2) Right triangle.'
- read *, t_type
- if (.not.(validate_t_type(t_type))) then
- goto 30
- endif
- if (t_type .eq. 1) then
- t_angle = 60
- elseif (t_type .eq. 2) then
- 31 print *, 'Enter the opposite angle (in degrees):'
- read *, t_angle
- if (.not.(validate_t_angle(t_type, t_angle))) then
- goto 31
- endif
- endif
- 32 if (t_type .eq. 1) then
- print *, 'Enter the length of the leg (in m):'
- else
- print *, 'Enter the length of the side (in m):'
- endif
- read *, t_side
- if (.not.(validate_t_side(t_side))) then
- goto 32
- endif
- print *, '------- End of triangle configuration -------'
- return
- end
- * Validate chosen triangle type. Show error if type is undefined.
- logical function validate_t_type(t_type)
- integer t_type
- validate_t_type = .true.
- if (t_type .lt. 1 .or. t_type .gt. 2) then
- print *
- print *, '!!! Chosen triangle type is undefined.'
- print *
- validate_t_type = .false.
- endif
- return
- end
- * Validate triangle angle value. Show error if angle isn't correct.
- logical function validate_t_angle(t_type, t_angle)
- integer t_type
- real t_angle
- validate_t_angle = .true.
- if (t_angle .le. 0) then
- print *
- print *, '!!! Angle can''t be less than or equals to 0.'
- print *
- validate_t_angle = .false.
- endif
- if (t_type .eq. 2 .and. t_angle .ge. 90) then
- print *
- print *, '!!! Angle can''t be greater than 90.'
- print *
- validate_t_angle = .false.
- endif
- return
- end
- * Validate triangle side value. Show error if side isn't correct.
- logical function validate_t_side(t_side)
- real t_side
- validate_t_side = .true.
- if (t_side .le. 0) then
- print *
- print *, '!!! Side can''t be less than or equals to 0.'
- print *
- validate_t_side = .false.
- endif
- return
- end
- real function deg_to_rad(degrees)
- real degrees, PI
- parameter (PI = 3.14)
- deg_to_rad = degrees * PI / 180
- return
- end
- * Calculate the area of a triangle
- real function calc_t_area(t_type, t_side, t_angle)
- real deg_to_rad
- integer t_type
- real t_side, t_angle
- if (t_type .eq. 1) then
- calc_t_area = sqrt(3.0) / 4.0 * t_side ** 2
- else
- calc_t_area = t_side ** 2 / (2 * tan(deg_to_rad(t_angle)))
- endif
- return
- end
- * Calculate the minimum angle of a triangle
- real function calc_t_min_angle(t_type, t_angle)
- integer t_type
- real t_angle
- if (t_type .eq. 1) then
- calc_t_min_angle = 60
- else
- calc_t_min_angle = min(t_angle, 90.0 - t_angle)
- endif
- return
- end
- * Calculate the cosine of the minimum angle
- real function calc_t_min_angle_cos(t_type, t_angle)
- real calc_t_min_angle, deg_to_rad
- integer t_type
- real t_angle, t_min_angle
- t_min_angle = calc_t_min_angle(t_type, t_angle)
- calc_t_min_angle_cos = cos(deg_to_rad(t_min_angle))
- return
- end
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