
Excerpt from "Her Royal Morning Coffee"

Jan 17th, 2024
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  1. "I’m willing to take the risk if it makes you happy.”
  3. “You do.” Luna buried her nose in his mane and held <redacted> close in the darkness with her wing tracing long, slow spirals along his ribs “There are so many times when I am in Canterlot with my sister… that I wish you were there with me. You already make me so happy.”
  5. “Thank you,” said <redacted>, preening a little under the covers. “You deserve it.”
  7. The slow circles of pleasurable touching slowed to a halt. “No, I do not. They are times when I know I do not deserve to be happy; when I feel as if I should take everything that makes me happy and give it to Her. She held our beloved Equestria together for a thousand years while I was imprisoned within the moon for my crimes. I do not deserve to be happy. I deserve a thousand years of punishment, a thousand years of darkness in repentance for my crimes.”
  9. “What about then?” <redacted> wriggled around and began to stroke her warm sides in return. “What about after you have served your punishment? Will you deserve to be held and loved and appreciated then?”
  11. Luna held perfectly still under the press of his hooves, allowing <redacted> to run his gentle touch over all of her body to the ends of her wings and back as if he were scrubbing away a stubborn stain, from every vane of her feathers to the tingling touch of her flowing mane. Only when she was perfectly clean and still did he stop and rest his wandering hoof on her damp cheek. He could still feel her tremble against him, but the press of her chest was muted and warm instead of the chill that had seemed to sweep across her.
  13. “Perhaps,” admitted Luna.
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