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- @name RUST Building (GlitchDetector)
- @persist Building:number Type:string Gx Gy Gz X Y Z Scale Pr:entity ANGOFF:number ROTSCALE:number
- @persist Holding:number LS:string
- @persist BASEPROP:string POLEPROP:string MATERIAL:string WALLPROP:string STAIRPROP:string
- @persist DOORPROP:string WINDOWPROP:string RAMPPROP:string GLASSPROP:string ROTWALLPROP:string
- @persist PM:string PA:angle PP:vector PMAT:number FILLERPROP:string
- @model models/bull/gates/microcontroller2.mdl
- ########################################
- # Based on the construction mechanism #
- # in the game "Rust" by Facepunch #
- ########################################
- # Controls are as following by default #
- # LMB: Place tile #
- # RMB: Change tile #
- # R: Rotate tile #
- # Z: Undo tile #
- ########################################
- runOnTick(1)
- runOnChat(1)
- # Check if the player is using the tool or not.
- Building = (owner():weapon():type() == "weapon_crowbar") # This can be changed to what WEP or SWEP you want.
- # "Enable" or "Disable" the holographic preview if the player is building or not.
- holoAlpha(0,Building*100)
- holoMaterial(0,"models/wireframe")
- # Custom function for spawning props, materializing and setting their properties.
- function void spawnCustom(CModel:string,CPos:vector,CAng:angle,CMat:number){
- if( !propCanCreate() ){
- timer("spawnprop",10)
- PM = CModel
- PP = CPos
- PA = CAng
- PMAT = CMat
- }else{
- Pr = propSpawn(CModel,1)
- Pr:setPos(CPos)
- Pr:setAng(CAng)
- if(CMat){ Pr:setMaterial(MATERIAL) }
- }}
- if( clk("spawnprop") ){
- spawnCustom("" + PM,vec() + PP,ang() + PA,0 + PMAT)
- }
- # Define everything the first time, so it is not executed every server tick.
- if( first() ){
- holoCreate(0) # Creates the holographic preview. So it can be worked with.
- propSpawnEffect(1) # Enables an effect when spawning props.
- Type = "base" # Sets the default tile.
- Building = 0 # Variable for checking if you are building or not.
- Gx = 16 # Default grid x-size
- Gy = 16 # Default grid y-size
- Gz = 16 # Default grid z-size
- Scale = 4 # Scaling, this only affects the holographic preview and the grid. Not the props.
- ANGOFF = 0 # Default rotation angle.
- # Define all props here.
- BASEPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube4x4x05.mdl" # Used as the foundation and ceiling.
- POLEPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube05x4x05.mdl" # A pole or pillar.
- WALLPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube4x4x025.mdl" # Used as the wall.
- ROTWALLPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube4x6x025.mdl" # This is used as a wall, but only when the rotation is 45, 135 etc. ( So it fills the whole block )
- STAIRPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube1x4x025.mdl" # This is used in every part of the staircase. (Which contains 4 props)
- DOORPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube1x4x025.mdl" # Used to make doorways.
- WINDOWPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube1x4x025.mdl" # Used to make windows.
- GLASSPROP = "models/props_phx/construct/glass/glass_plate2x2.mdl" # Used to make glass in windows.
- RAMPPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube1x6x025.mdl" # Used to make ramps or roof filler pieces.
- FILLERPROP = "models/hunter/blocks/cube1x4x025.mdl" # Used to fil in halved walls
- MATERIAL = "models/props/CS_militia/roofbeams01" # Default material used for props.
- ROTSCALE = 45 # Angular rotation grid.
- Holding = 0 # Variable for checking if you are holding down a key.
- }
- # Check if the player is building and not holding a key, so double placement is not an issue.
- if( Building && !Holding ){
- # Rotate if the player holds RELOAD (R)
- if( owner():keyReload() ){
- hint("Rotate "+(ANGOFF),4)
- }
- # Change material
- if( owner():keyUse() ){
- if( MATERIAL == "models/props/CS_militia/roofbeams01" ){ # If current tile is "base"
- MATERIAL = "models/props_combine/health_charger_glass"# Set tile to "pole" ... and etc.
- }elseif(MATERIAL=="models/props_combine/health_charger_glass"){
- MATERIAL = "phoenix_storms/Metalfloor_2-3"
- }else{
- MATERIAL = "models/props/CS_militia/roofbeams01"
- }
- hint("Material: "+MATERIAL,4)
- }
- # Change tile if the player is holding ATTACK2 (RMB)
- if( owner():keyAttack2() ){
- if( Type == "base" ){ # If current tile is "base"
- Type = "pole" # Set tile to "pole" ... and etc.
- }elseif(Type=="pole"){
- Type = "wall"
- }elseif(Type=="wall"){
- Type = "stair"
- }elseif(Type=="stair"){
- Type = "door"
- }elseif(Type=="door"){
- Type = "door2"
- }elseif(Type=="door2"){
- Type = "window"
- }elseif(Type=="window"){
- Type = "window2"
- }elseif(Type=="window2"){
- Type = "ramp"
- }elseif(Type=="ramp"){
- Type = "filler"
- }elseif(Type=="filler"){
- Type = "base"
- }
- # Tell the player the new tile
- hint("Tile \""+Type+"\"",4)
- }
- # Place a tile if the player is holding ATTACK1 (LMB)
- if( owner():keyAttack1() ){
- if( Type == "base" ){ # If Tile is "base" then spawn the correct props.
- spawnCustom(BASEPROP,vec(X,Y,Z),ang(),1)
- }elseif(Type=="pole"){ # If Tile is "pole" then spawn the correct props. ... etc
- spawnCustom(POLEPROP,vec(X+6,Y,Z),ang(0,0,90),1)
- }elseif(Type=="wall"){
- if( (ANGOFF / 90) == floor(ANGOFF/90) ) {
- spawnCustom(WALLPROP,vec(X,Y,Z),ang(0,ANGOFF,90),1)
- }else{
- spawnCustom(ROTWALLPROP,vec(X,Y,Z),ang(90,ANGOFF,90),1)
- }
- } elseif(Type=="stair"){
- spawnCustom(STAIRPROP,vec(X+(Scale*12),Y+(Scale*12*0.25),Z+(Scale*12)),ang(0,0,30),1)
- spawnCustom(STAIRPROP,vec(X,Y-(Scale*12*2),Z),ang(0,90,0),1)
- spawnCustom(STAIRPROP,vec(X,Y+(Scale*12*2),Z+(Scale*12*2)),ang(0,90,0),1)
- spawnCustom(STAIRPROP,vec(X-(Scale*12),Y+(Scale*12*0.25),Z-(Scale*12)),ang(0,180,30),1)
- } elseif(Type=="door"){
- spawnCustom(DOORPROP,vec(X,Y-(Scale*12*1.5),Z),ang(0,90,90),1)
- spawnCustom(DOORPROP,vec(X,Y+(Scale*12*1.5),Z),ang(0,90,90),1)
- spawnCustom(DOORPROP,vec(X,Y,Z+(Scale*12*1.5)),ang(90,90,90),1)
- } elseif(Type=="door2"){
- spawnCustom(DOORPROP,vec(X-(Scale*12*1.5),Y,Z),ang(0,180,90),1)
- spawnCustom(DOORPROP,vec(X+(Scale*12*1.5),Y,Z),ang(0,180,90),1)
- spawnCustom(DOORPROP,vec(X,Y,Z+(Scale*12*1.5)),ang(90,180,90),1)
- } elseif(Type=="window"){
- spawnCustom(GLASSPROP,vec(X,Y+(Scale*12*0.5),Z-(Scale*12*0.5)),ang(0,90,90),0)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X,Y,Z-(Scale*12*1.5)),ang(90,90,90),1)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X,Y-(Scale*12*1.5),Z),ang(0,90,90),1)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X,Y+(Scale*12*1.5),Z),ang(0,90,90),1)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X,Y,Z+(Scale*12*1.5)),ang(90,90,90),1)
- } elseif(Type=="window2"){
- spawnCustom(GLASSPROP,vec(X-(Scale*12*0.5),Y,Z-(Scale*12*0.5)),ang(0,180,90),0)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X,Y,Z-(Scale*12*1.5)),ang(90,180,90),1)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X-(Scale*12*1.5),Y,Z),ang(0,180,90),1)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X+(Scale*12*1.5),Y,Z),ang(0,180,90),1)
- spawnCustom(WINDOWPROP,vec(X,Y,Z+(Scale*12*1.5)),ang(90,180,90),1)
- } elseif(Type=="ramp"){
- Pr = propSpawn(RAMPPROP,ang(0,ANGOFF,45),1)
- Pr:setPos(vec(X,Y,Z)) Pr:setMaterial(MATERIAL)
- } elseif(Type=="filler"){
- spawnCustom(FILLERPROP,vec(X,Y,Z),ang(90,ANGOFF,0),1)
- } elseif(Type==""){
- }
- hint("Placed \""+Type+"\"",4)
- Pr:setMaterial(MATERIAL) # Sets the spawned props material, this was used before multiple props per spawn was made.
- }
- }
- # Show the holographic preview for the tiles.
- if( Building ){
- # Reset all XYZ coordinates with their respective scaled values.
- X = round( owner():aimPos():x() / Gx )*Gx
- Y = round( owner():aimPos():y() / Gy )*Gy
- Z = ceil( (owner():aimPos():z()-Gz/2) / Gz )*Gz
- # Reset the angle so you don't need holoAng(0,ang()) in every block not using another value for angle.
- holoAng(0,ang())
- if( Type == "base" ){ # Again, if tile is "base" ...
- holoModel(0,"block") # Sets the model of the holographic preview.
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*4,Scale*4,Scale*0.5)) # Sets the scale of the hologram.
- Gx = Gy = Gz = Scale*12*4 # Sets the grid size, so some tiles can be placed more freely than others.
- }elseif( Type == "pole" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*0.5,Scale*4))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*2
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "wall" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*4,Scale*0.25,Scale*4))
- holoAng(0,ang(0,ANGOFF,0)) # Sets the angle of the preview, so you can rotate tiles before placing them.
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*2
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "stair" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*3,Scale*3,Scale*0.5))
- holoAng(0,ang(0,0,30))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*4
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "door" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*3,Scale*3))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*2
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "door2" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*3,Scale*3))
- holoAng(0,ang(0,90,0))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*2
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "window" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*2,Scale*2))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*2
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "window2" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*2,Scale*2))
- holoAng(0,ang(0,90,0))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12*2
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "ramp" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*5,Scale*0.5))
- holoAng(0,ang(0,ANGOFF,45))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12
- Gz = Scale*12*4
- Z = Z + Scale*12*2
- }elseif( Type == "filler" ){
- holoModel(0,"block")
- holoScale(0,vec(Scale*0.5,Scale*4,Scale*1))
- holoAng(0,ang(0,ANGOFF,0))
- Gx = Gy = Scale*12
- Gz = Scale*12*2
- Z = Z + Scale*12*0.5
- }
- # Set the holographic position after the respective values have been altered.
- holoPos(0,vec(X,Y,Z))
- }
- # Sets the message shown in the chips information-popup.
- setName("RUST Building Tool by GlitchDetector
- Used by "+owner():name() + "
- Current tool: "+Type+"")
- # Checks if the player is holding down a key, used so you cannot execute two actions in a row without releasing a key.
- Holding = ( owner():keyReload() || owner():keyAttack1() || owner():keyAttack2() || owner():keyUse() )
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