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- # author: Bartlomiej "furas" Burek (
- # date: 2022.03.18
- # [scraping baby names python - Stack Overflow](
- '''
- Few mistakes and problems:
- - it has to be `class_=...` instead of `classname=....`
- (funny is because next functions you use correct `class_` or `{"class": ...}`)
- - you search `<td class="row">` but this page doesn't have it - it has `<div class="row">`.
- (funny is, you assign it to variable `div_results` so maybe it is only typo)
- But it would be simpler to use `css selector` and search `select("td.nameCell.bodyLinks a")`
- - you check `if name not in bodyLinks:` but you should do `if name not in babynames:`
- - page uses relative urls `/baby-names-josiah-2356.htm` but `requests` needs absolute urls `` and you have to add `` to url
- - you add result to `babnames[mean]` but you should use name `babnames[name]`
- I see another problem: code may run long time and if you would like to stop it then you would have to use Ctr+C and it would not run code which save data in `csv` - it can be better to put `while True` in `with open() as ...:` and write new row directy when you get new name
- '''
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- import requests
- import csv
- babnames = {}
- start_index = 0
- with open('babnames.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding="utf-8") as f_output:
- csv_output = csv.writer(f_output)
- csv_output.writerow(['Name', 'Meanning'])
- while True:
- print('start_index:', start_index)
- req = requests.get(f"{start_index}&excludeLimit=100&gender=MALE&containing=&origin=&includeLimit=100&sort=&meaning=&endsWith=&theme=&batchSize=40&includeExclude=ALL&numberOfSyllables=&startsWith=")
- soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, "lxml")
- found = False
- results ='td.nameCell.bodyLinks a')
- print('results:', len(results))
- for result in results:
- name = result.get_text(strip=True)
- print('>>> name:', name)
- if name in babnames:
- print('- skip -')
- else:
- print('name:', name)
- link = '' + result['href']
- print('link:', link)
- response_details = requests.get(link)
- soup_details = BeautifulSoup(response_details.content, "lxml")
- a_mean = soup_details.find("p", {"class": "bodyText"})
- if a_mean:
- mean = a_mean.get_text(strip=True)
- else:
- mean = '#'
- print('mean:', mean)
- babnames[name] = mean
- found = True
- csv_output.writerow([name, mean])
- # Keep going until no new names found
- if found:
- start_index += 40
- else:
- break
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