

Jan 26th, 2011
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  1. 5:48:37pm UNIBOMBER_17(Explode_In_Your_Mouth):1 you need to leave
  2. 05:49:01pm UNIBOMBER_17(Explode_In_Your_Mouth):1 Ken is the only Staff welcome unless your in here on offcial biz
  3. 07:47:46pm IcEyGrUB:1 really
  4. 07:47:53pm IcEyGrUB:1 when his rule come in im co owner of his site
  5. 07:48:51pm IcEyGrUB:1 and I can sit here as normal chatter all I want im not viloating no rules remove me and it be viloation of phreik policy
  6. 07:49:59pm UNIBOMBER_17(Explode_In_Your_Mouth):1 You need to leave the room neither P or I wish to have you in our room unless your here here under our request and I can remove you from the room Ken already said I do not have to have any staff in the room
  7. 07:50:41pm UNIBOMBER_17(Explode_In_Your_Mouth):1 So please leave the room and do not return unless requested by Pania or My self
  8. 07:52:44pm UNIBOMBER_17(Explode_In_Your_Mouth):1 I already Asked that Cyra not join and she repested that
  9. 07:53:37pm UNIBOMBER_17(Explode_In_Your_Mouth):1 If I have to call ken and wake him up I will and then you can deal with him on it were he will tell you that you need to leave
  10. 07:55:24pm IcEyGrUB:1 you heading for shit and I be back when ever I require to be here regardless your invite
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