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- rem Generated 08/12/2015 08:20:30 by Visual bB Version
- rem **********************************
- rem *<filename> *
- rem *<description> *
- rem *<Dominic McGough> *
- rem *<contact info> *
- rem *<license> *
- rem **********************************
- playfield:
- ................................
- XXX...XXXXX..XX.XXXX............
- X.XX..X.X.X.X...X..........X....
- X..X..X.X.X..XX.X.XX.....XX.XX..
- X.XX..X...X.....X..X.......X....
- XXX...X...X.....XXXX............
- ............XXX.................
- ....X.......X..X.XXX.XXX..XX....
- ..XX.XX.....XXXX.X.X.X.X.X......
- ....X.......XX....XX..XX..X.....
- ............XXXX.XXX.XXX.XX.....
- end
- COLUBK = $3E
- COLUPF = $4E
- player0x=50:player0y=50
- player1x=20:player1y=20
- missile0height=4:missile0y=255
- NUSIZ0 = 16
- score = 20
- sprites
- basket
- player0:
- %00111100
- %01100110
- %01000010
- %01000010
- %11000011
- %11111111
- %10000001
- %01111110
- end
- egg
- player1:
- %00111100
- %01000010
- %10111001
- %10100001
- %01010110
- %01010010
- %00100100
- %00011000
- end
- if missile0y>240 then goto skip
- missile0y=missile0y-2:goto draw_loop
- skip
- if joy0fire then missile0y = player0y-2:missile0x = player0x+4
- draw_loop
- drawscreen
- rem if player1y<player0y then player1y=player1y+1
- rem if player1y>player0y then player1y=player1y-1
- rem if player1x<player0x then player1x=player1x+1
- rem if player1x>player0x then player1x=player1x-1
- if player1y < 90 then player1y=player1y+1
- rem else player1y = 0
- rem player1x=rand/2 goto jump
- rem if player1y > 300 then player1y=55
- player1x=player1x:player1y=player1y
- if joy0up then player0y=player0y-1:goto jump
- if joy0down then player0y=player0y+1:goto jump
- if joy0left then player0x=player0x-1:goto jump
- if joy0right then player0x=player0x+1:goto jump
- rem if collision(missile0,player1) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255
- if player1y > 80 then score=score-1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:goto jump
- if collision(player0,player1) then score=score+1:player1x=rand/2:player1y=0:missile0y=255
- jump
- goto sprites
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