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it unlocks many cool features!
- --[[Rewrote the entire auto medic because it was messy
- - More features, such as min. towers stunned
- - A LOT more optimization, should produce 0 lag
- - Not adding distance checks because it's
- Credits to
- Gal. Sigmanic#6607 for some functions, such as troop detection
- Made my MintTea#9260
- ]]
- local suc,err = pcall(function()
- --Defining Variables
- local RS, TW, RF, LPSR = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"), workspace:WaitForChild("Towers"), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RemoteFunction"), nil
- local Medics, MedicIndex, MedicAbility, MedicMicro, StunnedCount, status, library = {}, 0, false, false, 0, nil,loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- local AbilityDelay = 2 --Change to 1.5, or 1. Whichever works best for you :)
- local Debug = true
- local TowersStunnedBeforeAbility = 1 --Default option. Can be changed in the GUI
- --Functions
- local function prints(v)
- if Debug then
- warn(v)
- end
- end
- local function microTower(tower,statuss)
- if statuss then
- status.Text = statuss
- end
- local frame = tower.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- local tname = tower.Replicator:GetAttribute("Type")
- local upgrade = tower.Replicator:GetAttribute("Upgrade")
- --Sell tower
- RF:InvokeServer("Troops","Sell",{Troop = tower})
- --Place tower
- tower = RF:InvokeServer("Troops","Place",tname,{Rotation = frame.Rotation,Position = frame.Position})
- --Upgrade tower
- for i = 1, upgrade do
- RF:InvokeServer("Troops","Upgrade","Set",{Troop = tower})
- end
- prints("Microed tower!")
- return towerMedics
- end
- local function checkStun(tower) -- checks stuns of tower
- local stuns = tower.Replicator.Stuns
- for i,v in pairs(stuns:GetAttributes()) do
- if v == true then
- prints("Detected Stun!")
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function Medic()
- if #Medics < 1 then
- return "Waiting for Medic..."
- end
- MedicIndex = (MedicIndex % #Medics) + 1
- local selectedMedic = Medics[MedicIndex]
- if selectedMedic.Replicator:GetAttribute("Upgrade") < 5 then
- return "Waiting for lvl 5 medic..."
- elseif StunnedCount < 1 then
- return "Waiting for stun..."
- end
- -- Use Ability
- if MedicAbility then
- StunnedCount = 0
- wait(AbilityDelay)
- if #Medics < 1 then return "You sold your medic ._." end
- if not selectedMedic then
- MedicIndex = (MedicIndex % #Medics) + 1
- selectedMedic = Medics[MedicIndex]
- end
- local Re = RF:InvokeServer("Troops","Abilities","Activate",{Troop = selectedMedic,Name = "Cleansing"})
- if not Re then --Ability on cooldown, micro medic
- if MedicMicro then
- if selectedMedic.Replicator:GetAttribute("Worth") > LPSR:GetAttribute("Cash") then return "You can't afford to Micro! Waiting..." end
- selectedMedic = microTower(selectedMedic)
- RF:InvokeServer("Troops","Abilities","Activate",{Troop = selectedMedic,Name = "Cleansing"})
- MedicIndex = MedicIndex + 1
- return "Successfully Microed Medic!"
- else
- return "Ability on cooldown... Waiting..."
- end
- else
- MedicIndex = MedicIndex + 1
- return "Successfully used Ability!"
- end
- else
- return "Medic Ability Not turned on!"
- end
- return "An error occured..."
- end
- local function monitorTower(tower)
- if tower:FindFirstChild("Owner").Value and tower:FindFirstChild("Owner").Value == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.UserId and tower.Replicator:GetAttribute("Type") == "Medic" then
- table.insert(Medics,tower)
- prints("Medic found! Adding to list...")
- status.Text = Medic()
- if tower.Replicator:GetAttribute("Upgrade") < 5 then
- local Temp = nil
- Temp = tower.Replicator:GetAttributeChangedSignal("Upgrade"):Connect(function()
- if tower.Parent == nil then
- Temp:Disconnect()
- return
- end
- if tower.Replicator:GetAttribute("Upgrade") == 5 then
- prints("Medic maxed!")
- status.Text = Medic()
- Temp:Disconnect()
- end
- end)
- end
- else
- prints("Found tower that isn't medic! Monitoring for stun...")
- if checkStun(tower) then
- StunnedCount = StunnedCount + 1
- if StunnedCount == TowersStunnedBeforeAbility then
- status.Text = Medic()
- spawn(function()
- prints("Stunned count reached! using abi...")
- wait(1)
- status.Text = Medic()
- end)
- end
- end
- tower.Replicator.Stuns.Changed:Connect(function()
- if checkStun(tower) then
- StunnedCount = StunnedCount + 1 --detects stuns, requests medic ability
- if StunnedCount == TowersStunnedBeforeAbility then
- status.Text = Medic()
- spawn(function()
- prints("Stunned count reached! using abi...")
- wait(1)
- status.Text = Medic()
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- --Initialization
- if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end
- if getgenv().AlrExecMAC then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Auto Medic V2",
- Text = "Script Already Executed.";
- Duration = 6;
- })
- return
- elseif game.PlaceId ~= 5591597781 then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Auto Medic V2",
- Text = "Not in game! Killing script...";
- Duration = 6;
- })
- return
- else
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Auto Medic V2",
- Text = "Script Executed! Enjoy :)";
- Duration = 6;
- })
- end
- getgenv().AlrExecMAC = true
- for i,v in pairs(RS.StateReplicators:GetChildren()) do
- if v:GetAttribute("UserId") and v:GetAttribute("UserId") == game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId then
- LPSR = v
- end
- end
- --Main Script
- local w = library:CreateWindow("Auto Medic Ability V2")
- w:Toggle("Auto Medic Abilities", {flag='enabled'}, function() MedicAbility = w.flags.enabled end)
- w:Toggle("Auto Micro Medics", {flag='microing'}, function() MedicMicro = w.flags.microing end)
- w:Slider("Min. Stuns",{min = 1, max = 20, pricise = true, flag = w.flags.mintower},function(value)
- value = tonumber(value)
- if not value then value = 1 end
- TowersStunnedBeforeAbility = value
- end)
- w:Button("Delete Gui",function()
- --w:DestroyGui() --Can't be used due to the latest UI loadstring being obfuscated and MM isn't gonna be happy
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("CoreGui"):GetDescendants()) do
- if v:IsA("Frame") and v.Name == "Auto Medic Ability V2" then
- v.Parent.Parent:Destroy()
- end
- end
- getgenv().TowerAddedM:Disconnect()
- getgenv().TowerRemovedM:Disconnect()
- StatusTable = nil
- getgenv().AlrExecMAC = false
- end)
- w:Section('Loading...')
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("CoreGui"):GetDescendants()) do
- if v:IsA("TextLabel") and v.Text == "Loading..." then
- status = v
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Towers:GetChildren()) do
- monitorTower(v)
- end
- getgenv().TowerAddedM = game:GetService("Workspace").Towers.ChildAdded:Connect(function(v)
- wait(.25)
- if not v:FindFirstChild("Replicator") then
- repeat wait() until v:FindFirstChild("Replicator")
- end
- monitorTower(v)
- end)
- getgenv().TowerRemovedM = game:GetService("Workspace").Towers.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(v)
- if v:FindFirstChild("Owner").Value and v:FindFirstChild("Owner").Value == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.UserId and v.Replicator:GetAttribute("Type") == "Medic" then
- for i,t in next,Medics do
- if t == v then
- table.remove(Medics,i)
- spawn(function()
- status.Text = "Medic Removed!"
- wait(1)
- status.Text = Medic()
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- status.Text = Medic()
- end)
- if not suc then warn(err) end
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