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- DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
- DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
- GM: When we last left off, Tinncev had just [Lynch Pinned][!] an enemy Stand with its own user, while Pirrue's instructor Riley wants to hurl something at her Stand!
- Tinncev: _remained silent, not wanting to lose too much blood...he had to stop this fast...And he might know exactly how to do it._
- GM: Pirrue & Alias: "Lessee, here... What to throw... Hey, I never asked; how'd you get your Stands? Was it an arrow?"
- GM: Tinncev: "Well shite, this ain't... good."
- Tinncev: (Can a Miasma Seed in the Cut Artery?)
- GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 3 [4df = [+][ ][+][+]]
- Alias: "I never got stabbed by that kind of stuff, lady. Hey, lucky me, I never got stabbed, ever. Punched, a bunch, slashed at, well... Once." Alias says, crossing his arms, while his stand crosses his arms. "About that, how come I have a stand, anyways?"
- Pirrue: "I...don't know. I kinda woke up *dead* yesterday." Pirrue gives a nervous smile. "I thought it might have something to do with that."
- GM: Tinncev: "This is supposed to be sapping my en'rgy, right? Can't let that happen..." She attempts to pull out the seeds.
- Tinncev: (Am I rolling against careful or?)
- GM: Alias & Pirrue: "Nah, there's usually only two ways it happens. One; get stabbed with a Stand arrow. Fancy gold paper weights, they are... to the untrained eye, anyways. Two; you need to be a direct descendant of a dude that got stabbed with a Stand arrow. Could be yer pop, could be yer grandma. Now, there are other, weirder methods of getting one, but those're the main two ways."
- GM: (They roll Overcome Forceful vs. 2.)
- Alias: _Alias scratches his chin_
- GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 1 [4df = [ ][+][ ][ ]]
- Alias: "Hmmmm... So there *is* other ways than... Getting stabbed..." Alias says, pensative, while his stand slowly replicates his stance as well
- Tinncev: (Now...Can I place a Miasma Seed on myself for +4 careful?)
- Pirrue: "So...hold on. I could have *superhero* in my *background?* That's...that's *ridiculous,*" Pirrue says, laughing nervously. "...B-but...I guess I did have a weird wound that nobody could account for." She pulls up her shirt to show the half-healed stab wound. "This was done *after* I got my throat cut, so I'm it shouldn't have healed *at all*."
- Tinncev: (Or do I just roll a +2 to careful)
- Tinncev: (I'm trying to overcome the cut artery advantage on me)
- GM: Tinncev: "Damn!" She's having trouble with the blossoms.
- Tinncev: _takes a big risk, he hasn't really done this before but...He tries to make the seed blossom on the cut artery so that there would be no blood loss._
- GM: Pirrue: "Well that's quite the mystery you have on your hands... Ah!" Her nebulous Stand picks up a metal ball from a mini rock garden box on a nearby side table. "Perfect."
- Tinncev: (Do I roll careful or would you think this would be clever?)
- GM: (This isn't something that's really covered in the rules. I can interpret it as removing the free invoke from the aspect, if you want to spend your turn doing that.)
- Alias: "Wait. Stand users have the habit of... Knowing eachother, I assume. Is that correct?" Alias asks, tilting his head to the side
- Tinncev: (Yeah, I'll do that)
- Pirrue: (it's totally covered in the rules)
- Pirrue: (you're trying to remove an aspect on you with an Overcome)
- GM: Pirrue & Alias: "Where'd you hear that? You sure you're a novice? It's true, though; Stand users tend to be drawn together. Dunno why. Anyways! This here is Dead Or Alive, and its ability is over rotational force." Dead Or Alive tosses the metal ball forward, but as it fell, it suddenly curved into rapid orbit around the Stand.
- GM: (Ah; the added flavor description confused me. XD)
- GM: (So what *would* someone roll to plug a wound with a flower?)
- Tinncev: (Alrighty, I'm gonna cleverly roll, because I think it was pretty clever to use something that isn't necassarilly used for stopping blood loss)
- GM: (You'd roll clever to come up with the plan, not to execute it.)
- Pirrue: (yeah)
- Tinncev: (Then careful then :p )
- GM: (Roll it!)
- Pirrue: (yeah, careful sounds good :3)
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (CAREFULLY OVERCOMING)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [+][-][ ][ ]] (CAREFULLY OVERCOMING)
- Tinncev: (I am the king of average rolls)
- GM: (That's a tie. Ties just remove free invokes, right?)
- Pirrue: (it's your call! :3)
- Pirrue: (like, he was gunning to remove the aspect outright)
- Pirrue: (if a tie isn't good enough)
- Pirrue: (let's say he got either a partial success, or a full success but at a cost)
- Tinncev: (It could be like another aspect like {Bloody Rose} )
- GM: Alias & Pirrue: "Y'see, Stands are often good at punching things. Not all of them, mind, but one thing that they all have in common? Each and every one of 'em has something unique. Something special that only they can do. A special ability or three, right? Here's mine in action!"
- GM: Suddenly, the whirling mass flexes, and the metal orb shoots out of orbit at Toys In The Attic!
- Pirrue: "SHIIIIIT!" Pirrue reflexively makes TiTA dodge.
- Alias: "Lady. This is an important question-" Alias begins, before being too startled to continue
- GM: !roll 4df+6
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+6 for 5 [4df = [-][-][+][ ]]
- GM: (Dodging means Quick, right?)
- Alias: _Alias gets in a fighting stance, ready to react at any moment "Oh shit."_
- GM: (I'm ruling that it'll be removing the free invoke, since it's a Consequence.)
- GM: (Also, Pirrue agreed to this, remember?)
- Pirrue: /r 4dF+0 (Quick)
- Pirrue: !r 4dF+0 (Quick)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+0 for -4 [4dF = [-][-][-][-]] (Quick)
- Tinncev: (OUCH)
- Pirrue: (OH. MY. GOD.)
- GM: (UM. I wanted to make an example of your ability, not kill you! XD)
- GM: (I'll let you reroll that if you can find something to spend a FATE point on.)
- Alias: (Alias wasn't quite paying attention, he kinda just realized that they were about to spar)
- Alias: (Well, begun sparring, rather)
- GM: (Heck, I might let you reroll with just a FATE point, aspects be damned. XD)
- GM: (<@!Pirrue>?)
- Pirrue: (well)
- Pirrue: (this is actually pretty good if you think about it)
- GM: (Because seriously; this was not meant to be a serious attack. XD)
- Pirrue: (i mean)
- Pirrue: (how else is Pirrue going to learn her Stand's *special ability*)
- GM: (But even +3 AC won't save you from taking some serious damage, which I did *not* want to happen. >_>;)
- Pirrue: (okay, then, hang on)
- Pirrue: (I am officially making Pirrue's final Aspect "Tougher Than She Looks")
- Pirrue: (would spending a FATE Point on a +2 help?)
- Alias: (I think the concede option allows you to shed all the consequences?)
- GM: (That's before rolling, though.)
- Pirrue: (no, I can add +2 after a roll)
- GM: (I'm talking about conceding.)
- Alias: (Man, <@!Pirrue> , you can reroll, why not? It literally can't get worse)
- GM: (And that would still add up to you taking 3 shifts.)
- Pirrue: (that's fine. Stress doesn't linger. And neither do Mild Consequences.)
- Pirrue: (like, unless we're going to be attacked by German Ninjas right here in this very training ground, that three-stress tick just *goes away* as soon as we change scene.)
- GM: (Alright.)
- Pirrue: (and besides, Pirrue could do with a bloody nose to temper some of that anger. XD)
- GM: SMASH!!! The moment the orb collides with TITA's stomach, the whole Stand flies apart! An arm here, a leg in three pieces there, 'ribs' everywhere. The whole thing is [In Pieces]! As the head rolls to a stop, Alias and Pirrue realize that the orb had already returned to close orbit. "And again!" CRASH! The orb flies forward again, this time smashing into the head! The head of TITA breaks apart into odds and ends, but mostly two halves... but did it really hit at all? It had no mouth, yet Alias could swear that a big smirk broke out on its face!
- Alias: _Alias stares wide-eyed, frozen in place as that scene happens_
- Pirrue: And Pirrue feels it *all,* to her shock. She doesn't fall apart or anything - that would be *weird* - but at the same time, she has an instinctive feeling like *designed* to break like this?
- GM: She still has one hell of a bloody nose, however. "Heh... Whoops. Did I pack too much punch into that? Sorry."
- Alias: "Lady, uh... I..." Alias stammers, trying to recover "I wanted to make a question." he finally mannages
- GM: "So yeah, if it looks like a Stand can come apart easily, like a puzzle or a junk sculpture, then it probably can at no cost to the user... Hm?"
- Alias: "Lady. This is an important question, listen." Alias says, straightning himself.
- "You!" Alias says, pointing his finger to her, putting all his body behind it, as if he had just said an *objection* "U-um... What was the question again..."
- "Right! Yes! Of course!" He says, as he recovers his composture "You! Have you ever heard of any Foster?! Have your mother mentioned this name?!"
- Alias: (I hope Alias' antics have been entertaining so far)
- GM: "I dunno. Maybe, maybe not. It sounds unlikely, even if you have Stands in your blood. You were born in, fuckin'... Auroria right? Zillion-plus miles away? It's a good working theory, so go with that. Anyways, from what I can tell, your Stand uses air or bubbles or... *something* to generate 'outward force' from those ba- um... *spheres*. Other than that, it's a classic punching ghost."
- Pirrue: "So...what about *this?*" Pirrue says. By all rights her Stand looks demolished, but she can still sense its...*awareness* all around her.
- Alias: "Classic?! Lady, This is **PREMIUN** punching ghost!" Alias replies, crossing his arms, trying to look cool as he does it.
- GM: She turns to Pirrue. "Tell that to all the other one-trick pony powerhouses... And as for *you*; breaking apart is a good defensive move, but I doubt that's all it has up its sleeve. Can you think of anything? Let's hope it's not as morbid as like... physically crushing people with their regrets and sacrifices. *Eugh* Hated that guy. Felt sorry for him when he left us, too."
- GM: Tinncev: Jude tries to remove her buds again.
- GM: But first...
- GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 3 [4df = [+][+][ ][+]]
- GM: (No damage!)
- Pirrue: "Wow. That *is* pretty harsh. Uh." She tries to will the fallen pieces of Toys in the Attic back into motion.
- GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 1 [4df = [ ][-][+][+]]
- Alias: _"One-trick pony... One-trick pony... I'll show her, I'll learn to do all sort of cool stuff with my stand, I'll make him do things no one did before... One-trick pony, bah." Alias mumbles to himself_
- Alias: "He-hey..." Alias stammers slightly "What about your stand, huh? Does it *only* throws stuff around?"
- GM: "Hm? Well, you wouldn't want to stick your hand into it, that's for sure..."
- GM: (Gonna need more specifics, Pirrue. Is there anything that she remembers happening in her first encounter?)
- Alias: "Heh, try me- Wait, no, nevermind." Alias says first with a grin, before realizing how stupid that was.
- Pirrue: (she just...tries to get the pieces to *move*)
- GM: The pieces move, if a bit haphazardly. It's *way* easier to move them closer together than farther apart, but overall, it feels muddled, like they're missing something
- GM: (Title of the song describes effects of sticking body parts into Dead Or Alive. XD)
- GM:
- GM: "Try to think about when your Stand first manifested. Are there any clues there?"
- Pirrue: "There was...a thing." Pirrue remembers the letter opener, the little thing that had *been there* right when she needed it.
- Pirrue: The design wasn't familiar. It was almost like something she would've made, but she knows for a fact she never *made* such a thing.
- GM: Tinncev: "Dammit!" She just stamps her feet and desummons the Stand (spending a FATE point for the simultaneous action).
- Pirrue: And her parents sure as hell didn't *buy* it.
- Pirrue: And right when she needed it to, it struck out - lashed out at Pepper of its own accord.
- GM: Active Aspects:
- TINNCEV: [X][2][3] (X): [Cut Artery] (4): (6):
- JUDE: [X][2][3] (2):
- VS. JUDE: [Seeded][!]
- GM: "I'm sure you'll figure it out. You two got any more questions?"
- Tinncev: (I'm going to try and get rid of that aspect and attack, gonna use a Fate point)
- GM: (Did I establish that? That you can spend a FATE point to make the Stand and user act separately?)
- Tinncev: (Not really, but now that you said that it's cool I can do that)
- Pirrue: (uh, whoop)
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (CAREFUL OVERCOME) 4df+4 (QUICK + BINDING VINES)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [-][+][ ][+]] (CAREFUL OVERCOME); 4df+4 for 4 [4df = [-][+][ ][ ]] (QUICK + BINDING VINES)
- GM: (Also, I think you're overblowing the threat level of this consequence. XD)
- Tinncev: (shhhhh...)
- GM: (Is that you saying "shhh quiet I don't care", or "shhhhhhit"?)
- Tinncev: (Shh quiet)
- GM: (Okay? I figured that you already satisfied the flavor need. I'll just erase the consequence, then?)
- Tinncev: (ye)
- GM: (<@!Pirrue>? <@!Alias>? Neither of you have anything to say?)
- GM: (Also, can someone really just roll to get rid of a consequence?)
- GM: (I think that'd be different from a normal invoke aspect.)
- Pirrue: (whoop, hang on)
- Pirrue: (wait, uh)
- Pirrue: (i was waiting for a response?)
- Pirrue: (i thought you were trying to draw my attention to the funky letter opener ^_^; )
- GM: (I did. You haven't said or done anything yet, though.)
- Pirrue: (yeah, but)
- Pirrue: (i don't quite get how the revelation is supposed to help)
- Pirrue: (breadcrumb, please?)
- GM: (Try... using the stunt?)
- Alias: "So... You're done sparring with sunshine over here?" Alias asks, crossing his arms
- Pirrue: (there's nothing for it to attach to?)
- Pirrue: (i mean)
- Pirrue: (i assumed TiTA could manifest an army of tiny toy soldiers)
- Pirrue: (but that's not anywhere on my sheet)
- Pirrue: (so yeah, i'm confused)
- GM: (Boxes, Beanbags, plates, the orb, the 'rock garden in a box'...)
- GM: (Wait, you didn't seriously read the Stand sheet?)
- Pirrue: (uh, yeah, I read it)
- Pirrue: (it's here in my doc)
- Pirrue: (but I just couldn't visualize what all was present)
- Pirrue: (the place got described last night ^_^; )
- GM: (Ah right; I forgot not everybody brushes up on the logs.)
- GM: (Anyways, you can even just mention it to her?)
- Pirrue: (oof.)
- Pirrue: "Well...the very first time my Stand manifested...I think it didn't look like this. It looked like...well, a *knife.* A little ornate letter opener. That...well, this *asshole* got his hands on it at one point, and it *stabbed him* all on its own."
- GM: "Hm..." She looked at the scattered pieces. "Did it look like anything was attached to it?"
- Pirrue: "...a little metal hand."
- GM: (I've yet to get a ruling on the whole "erasing a consequence" thing, BTW.)
- Pirrue: She's starting to put the pieces together. She looks at the debris left behind when Toys in the Attic smashed those boxes, and *grabs* at them...
- GM: (And?)
- Pirrue: (shouldn't you describe the pieces moving towards the debris and...combining with them, or whatever?)
- Pirrue: (like, I dunno how much description of what my Stand does would be overstepping my bounds)
- GM: (I think that'd be up to you? Fine.)
- Pirrue: (as far as I can tell TiTA is technically an NPC, so)
- Pirrue: (maybe I'm misunderstanding)
- Pirrue: (but yeah, as for consequences)
- GM: (No, sky's the limit unless I say otherwise. As long as the resulting Toy would reasonably have the stats specified for it, go ahead.)
- Pirrue: (the whole idea is they're stuff you *can't* clear in the heat of a situation)
- Pirrue: (but considering this is shonen manga stuff)
- Pirrue: (where people routinely do crazy over-the-top shit)
- Pirrue: (i think a houserule might be in order)
- Pirrue: (how does this sound?)
- GM: (I dunno, I feel like he already 'dealt with it' in-universe?)
- Pirrue: (right, right)
- Pirrue: (but let's say this)
- Pirrue: (since this is the kind of stuff that's par for the genre, let's say a Consequence can be mitigated with a successful Overcome, difficulty equal to the stress it represents)
- Pirrue: (like, a Moderate can become a Mild if you beat 4)
- Pirrue: (and a Mild either goes away or becomes a different non-Consequence aspect, whichever makes more sense)
- GM: (<@!Alias>: Does Alias have anything left to contribute, or is he done here?)
- Pirrue: _watches the pieces grab hold of the debris, forming into little wooden marionettes about half her height._
- Pirrue: "That's interesting."
- GM: (I think I'll just say "no" for now and figure this out later. Enough debates!)
- Tinncev: (Well I guess I'll get my FP back then, huh?)
- GM: (Yeah.)
- Tinncev: (Since I'm only going to try and bind the,)
- Tinncev: (them*)
- Tinncev: (And that was like...4)
- GM: (Anyways, I'm going to roll defend now and be done with all of this OOC stuff. XP)
- GM: !roll 4df+1
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+1 for 2 [4df = [+][-][+][ ]]
- Tinncev: (I rolled a four btw)
- GM: Tinncev: "You're real persistent, shrub. I can tell you're serious about joining up... but I'm not sure we can trust someone who *already* has a Stand, see." Big words from a Pyzky who seems to be [A Little Tied Up][!]. "Not that we can make more anyway, though..." She resummons her Stand while she tries to break free.
- GM: !roll 4df+0 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 0 [4df = [+][ ][-][ ]] and 4df+0 for -1 [4df = [+][-][ ][-]]
- Pirrue: _pokes one of the dolls._
- GM: Tinncev: "Crap, this doesn't look good..." She fails to break out, and takes another shift of Stress!
- GM: Pirrue: The doll bobs back at the poke before returning to its position. "Looks like your pieces can make even *littler* yous! Heheheheheh..." Alias figured they wouldn't get out without hearing at least one stoner laugh.
- GM: "Anywho, you guys got names for these things?"
- Alias: "He's..." Alias says, looking behind him, at his extremely peaceful (at the moment) stand, "He's an Angry Young Man, just like me."
- GM: TINNCEV: [X][2][3] (X): [Cut Artery] (4): (6):
- JUDE: [X][X][3] (2):
- VS. JUDE: [Seeded][!]
- VS. JUDE: [A Little Tied Up][!]
- Alias: _Alias poses, as if he just proved himself the smartest genius in Owel._
- Pirrue: "...Toys. Toys in the Attic," Pirrue says, confidently.
- Tinncev: His eyes widen a bit and stares at Jude, "You're going to tell me who's making these stands."
- Tinncev: His first words after has his neck cut.
- Alias: _Alias trembles slightly "Oh no, her stand name... It's COOL!"_
- Alias: (*picture squidwards "Oh no, he's hot!" scene*)
- GM: (Tinncev, it's your turn.)
- Tinncev: (Going to quickly attack)
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (QUICK ATTACK)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [-][+][ ][-]] (QUICK ATTACK)
- Tinncev: (I'd...Like to use my seeds and vine invokes, if possible...)
- GM: Alias & Pirrue: "Cool! Now, are there any more questions? I mean, I'm sure you can come back if you need more pointers, but I think you know what you need to."
- GM: (Let me roll first.)
- GM: !roll 4df+2
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 4 [4df = [ ][+][+][ ]]
- Alias: "Hmmm... One last thing..." Alias says, tapping his nose "There's something we're forgetting."
- Pirrue: "...wait, this is everything? Aren't you...I dunno, gonna teach us how to focus our chi or master our breathing or whatever we need to do to...use these things properly?"
- GM: "There's no secret magic method to success here. It's kinda like riding a bike, y'know? Once you get the hang of it, there isn't much to 'learn', per say. So what *are* we forgetting, Mr. Foster?"
- GM: (Yeah, Tinncev, add that stuff.)
- Tinncev: (So...5)
- Alias: "Smoke..." Alias says, lifting a finger "... Weed." He finishes, with a grin.
- Tinncev: (I assume each invoke is +2)
- GM: (Yeah.)
- Tinncev: (So yah, 5)
- GM: Tinncev's fist connects with Jude, catching her square in the beak when... ((X): [Bloody Beak][!])
- GM: !roll 4df+5
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+5 for 4 [4df = [+][-][-][ ]]
- Pirrue: _rolls her eyes._
- GM: (How are you going to defend, Tinncev? Meanwhile; flower damage time.)
- GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 2 [4df = [+][ ][+][ ]]
- Tinncev: (Imma roll quick to defend)
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (QUICK DEFEND)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [-][+][-][ ]] (QUICK DEFEND)
- Tinncev: (...I'm...Going to reroll with a fate)
- GM: Meanwhile, she isn't physically ill, but she's certainly *Weakened*.
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+2 (QUICK DEFEND)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 4 [4df = [-][+][+][+]] (QUICK DEFEND)
- Tinncev: (:D)
- GM: And before he could land a second punch, he has to jump back to keep from taking a second wound. Meanwhile, Jude herself tries to break out of the vines. (-1 FATE)
- GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+0 for 1 [4df = [ ][ ][ ][+]]
- GM: (Man, the moment you killed her node momentum, this battle was over. XD)
- Tinncev: (Heh)
- GM: Alias & Pirrue: "Heh, why not! Wanna join us, little dude?"
- GM: (Your turn, Tinncev.)
- Tinncev: !r 4df+2 (QUICKLY ATTACK)\
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [+][+][-][ ]] (QUICKLY ATTACK)\
- GM: !roll 4df+2
- DiscoDude: <@GM> rolled 4df+2 for 2 [4df = [ ][+][-][ ]]
- Tinncev: (And gonna use that free invoke)
- Tinncev: (From broken Beak)
- GM: (Gonna spend *On The Defensive* that I forgot to add to counter that.)
- Alias: "Hey, its your chance to try it, sunshine, you might want to consider giving it a try before you die~" Alias says, leaning towards Pirrue with a grin.
- GM: (Tied attack/defend leads to a boost, after all.)
- Tinncev: (Can I use an Aspect on my sheet from my Stand? STABBING THORNS?)
- GM: TINNCEV: [X][2][3] (X): [Cut Artery] (4): (6):
- JUDE: [X][X][3] (X): [Bloody Beak]
- VS. JUDE: [Seeded]
- VS. JUDE: [A Little Tied Up]
- VS. JUDE: *Weakened*
- Pirrue: _crosses her arms._
- Tinncev: (Soooo...How about letting me get that third stress box? :3c)
- Pirrue: *"Ugh,"* she grumbles. Alias *still* doesn't get she's touchy about *that.*
- GM: (Well, you're getting it either way, but you'll need 3 more to KO outright. The remaining boost can work with that FATE invoke to do that. :3)
- Tinncev: (Sure alrighty then)
- GM: *THWACK!* Tinncev's fist connects with the Pyzky's cheek, causing her to recoil and jerk around! She cries out as this thrashing caused the thorns to dig in, and she finally collapses out of pain and fatigue. The glider dissipates, but doesn't crumble.
- GM: (Alright, time for things to wrap up soon!)
- Alias: "Anyways, lead the way, lady! I'll smoke from any pipe you give me!" Alias says, exitedly... yes, exitedly.
- Tinncev: "Good Grief." He says as he approaches the Pzky, "One thing's for sure you are not going to the police, instead you're going to be my roomate wether you like it or not." He spoke as he adjusted his tie.
- Tinncev: (Roomate as in...Hostage.)
- Alias: (First Pepper, then Alias, and now Tinncev?! Good grief!)
- GM: So Tinncev is going to carry Jude's unconscious body home?
- GM: (<@!Pirrue>?)
- Tinncev: (Yup)
- GM: (Okay... Any way you're gonna do that without someone calling the police on you?)
- Pirrue: "You enjoy. I'm not sure that stuff would even *do* anything for me."
- Tinncev: (...Shit)
- Tinncev: (I guess I can't really do that.)
- Tinncev: (Hmmm...)
- Tinncev: (He'll call...the woman's phone number.)
- Alias: "Then why are you scared to try, Hmmm?" Alias replies to <@!Pirrue>
- Tinncev: (The one who taught him, he doesn't know she's dead though)
- GM: Suddenly, there's a ringing sound coming from somewhere in the place.
- GM: "Ah... Someone's trying to call my mom..." Riley heads into the mess of curtains.
- GM: Tinncev: "Hello?" Riley is now kneeling at a funerary shrine in a back room, having taken her mother's compact from the table.
- Pirrue: "I'm not *scared* at all," Pirrue says. "You just watch. It's not going to do *anything.*"
- Pirrue: "Once you're done with it, hand it over."
- Tinncev: As soon as someone picks up the phone he replies, "Baba? I may have found out the group that has been-Wait, who are you?"
- GM: "I'm Riley, her daughter. Yaga passed away a year ago, sorry. Is there anything I can do in her stead?"
- Alias: _Alias takes a long drag from a pipe, before passing it to Pirrue (I assume he can do that)_
- Tinncev: "Oh dear...Well...I have found a group of people who make people get stands...And I just took out their recruiter, named Jude, is Pirrue and Alias there?"
- GM: "Er, okay? Yeah, they're here. Couple'a peaches, they are."
- Tinncev: "I think they have an arrow...or something." He stops a bit, "Do you at least care about this?"
- Pirrue: _takes the longest inhale her lungs can physically hold, a screwed-up look of determination on her face._
- Alias: (now, <@!GM> , you have to tell us)
- Alias: (Does Pirrue get high?)
- GM: "Oof, yeah. Nothing good comes from a buncha fools messing around with those."
- GM: Pirrue's pupils dilate.
- Tinncev: "Well can you come over here, I'm by their cafe in the alleyway...And can you bring my some bandages, they cut an artery."
- Tinncev: (I also...uh)
- Tinncev: (Forgot their name)
- Tinncev: (The family)
- GM: "Where? Also, who are these clowns?" (The Pawe Family.)
- Tinncev: "The Pawe Family Cafe, and those people I sent over wanted to know how to use their stands to help me."
- GM: "Well I knew *that*... and... wait, no... The Pawe Family? *Seriously*? Shit..."
- Tinncev: "Did they...Steal something, like an arrow in the past?"
- Tinncev: Tinncev stands in the alleyway, looking down at Jude.
- Alias: _Alias extends a hand towards Pirrue, expecting to get the pipe back, so he can take another drag._
- GM: "No, I mean it's bad news that crime family got their mitts on this thing! And I still don't know where that is, and I don't got time to deal with this. Can I send your buddies over instead?"
- Tinncev: "Sure, hopefully they know how to use their stands."
- GM: "Mmmyeah, basically."
- Alias: " <@!Pirrue> , you okay? You're gonna hog the pipe all for yourself?"
- Tinncev: He then hangs up and waits for his friends.
- Pirrue: (what exactly happens to Pirrue otherwise, besides her pupils dilating?)
- Alias: (I think this was the cue)
- Alias: (That she gets high)
- GM: (Yep.)
- Pirrue: _slowly, gently, keels over._
- Pirrue: The pipe drops to the floor.
- Pirrue: Her eyes are still open; she's still clearly awake, but it's hard to say what she's feeling or thinking at this moment.
- Alias: "Oh. Shit." Alias manages, before reaching for Pirrue, "You okay kiddo?!" he asks, clearly worried
- Pirrue: "Ah ha ha're deep-dish...and've got extra cheese...ha ha ha...pepperoni..."
- GM: "Alright, girlscouts, your friend needs your help moving a dude. You can call him for the details, but other than that oh what the hell! Seriously? Stay with us, kiddo!"
- Pirrue: "Brooooooooached? You can't make up no word-say brooooooooached..."
- Alias: "She took only one drag!" Alias nearly yells, exasperated
- Alias: "Is she gonna be ok?! I mean, she's dead already?!"
- GM: (Can we wrap this up soon?)
- Pirrue: (sure XD)
- Alias: (I think we can wrap it up like this)
- Alias: (And the fans will go)
- Alias: (Wow, they left us a drug-induced cliffhanger?!)
- Tinncev: (Well I'm going to take a shower, y'all can wrap this up)
- Pirrue: "You can't brother me down, Mrs. Strong Fast...I favorited you on my Facebroach..."
- Alias: "Riley! C'mon! You know what to do in times like this, right?!" Alias looks up to the clover lamb, a shimmer of hope in his eyes.
- GM: "Shit, it's best to just get her out of here and let her sit it out..."
- Pirrue: "Iiiiiii'm a touchy-feely-holic!"
- Alias: _Alias takes Pirrue on his arms
- "Well. This could have been worse..."_
- Alias: "Where to?" Alias asks, looking over to the exit of the room.
- GM: (Oh, were you asking me?)
- Alias: (Well)
- Alias: (Asking Riley)
- Alias: (Like, he can't leave her on the streets, can he?)
- GM: (Ah, thought you were asking Pirrue. XD)
- Alias: ( <@!Pirrue> wouldn't have anwered anything useful XD )
- GM: "Probably not back to her parents place? They'd be pissed. Shit, I dunno," she says as she waves you off.
- GM: (TFW you realize it's totally okay to give a stupid answer on account of the character being stupid high. XD)
- Pirrue: "I'm provost! *PROVOOOOOST!*"
- Alias: "Oh, thanks a bunch, I'll just carry her on my shoulder and drop her on my apartment. It's not like I am carrying a high, underage girl on public, that's just spouting out CRAZY!"
- GM: (Man, we do *not* know how to end a scene. XD)
- Alias: ( We could end here... )
- Alias: (And on the next episode, she's at Alias' home, safe. Somehow)
- Alias: (And it's never explained)
- GM: (Alright, I was just expecting you to physically leave first. XD)
- Alias: _Alias starts to walk out the place, with Pirrue over his shoulder_
- Alias: "If this don't land me in jail, I don't know what will."
- GM: (That his final line?)
- Alias: (Sure, <@!Pirrue> , last line?)
- Pirrue: "Ohhhhh, this is a *lucrative* arrangement..."
- Pirrue: (and I'm good XD)
- GM: Now, for my end scene...
- GM: Pepper couldn't stay still as he sat in that lonely holding cell. His eyes darted to the barred window, then to the door. He walks to the latter.
- GM: "Let me out! I must see her!"
- GM: Suddenly, it occurred to him to do the obvious. He brings out Lonely Hearts Club to try and pry apart the bars, when...
- GM: *clatter*
- GM: There's a noise from outside the window. He turns to see what seems to be the grey silhouette of a hand printed onto the ledge of the window, as if a hand left it there by holding the ledge from outside.
- GM: "... The fuck?"
- GM: Suddenly, it, along with several other hands like it, fly into the room at him!
- GM: The guards come running this time, prepared for a faked crisis...
- GM: But the cell is empty.
- GM: The only things out of place are the bent bars...
- GM: And a message left on the wall in bright pigments.
- GM: < TO BE CONTINUED | \ | \ |
- GM: !end
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