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- --[[Runs notes inside a table or a string (notes seperated by free spaces, then) using special syntax, the Note API and computer.beep
- Examples:
- "E5": Plays the note "E5" for the duration specified in the second parameter (default 0.125, equaling 120 bpm)
- "-E5": Plays the note "E5" with double the specified duration
- "E5_4": Plays the note "E5" with 4 times the specified duration, change "4" to any number x to play the note x times the duration specified
- "P_4": Plays a pause with 4 times the specified duration, change "4" to any number x to play the note x times the duration specified
- For note names, use the syntax of the strings of the Note API
- if you set the third parameter to true, you may insert a table containing tables or strings looking the same as explained above.
- This will allow you to play multiple channels of a song simultaneously, up to 8 at a time.
- This mode requires the mod Computronics to be present and the computer to contain a Beep Card from that mod.
- ]]
- local n = require("note")
- local song = {}
- local function insertSynchronized(tMain, tInsert)
- tMain = tMain or {}
- if not tInsert then
- error("Error during song parsing, found nil insert table", 2)
- elseif #tInsert == 0 then
- return tMain
- end
- if #tMain == 0 then
- for i,j in ipairs(tInsert) do
- table.insert(tMain, {j[1], {j[2]}})
- end
- return tMain
- end
- --now the fun begins
- for i,j in ipairs(tInsert) do
- for k,v in ipairs(tMain) do
- --is the time frame already there?
- if v[1] == j[1] then
- table.insert(v[2], j[2])
- break
- elseif v[1] > j[1] then
- --it is not.
- table.insert(tMain, k, {j[1], {j[2]}})
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return tMain
- end
- function, shortest, multi)
- if not shortest then shortest = 0.125 end
- if type(shortest)~="number" then
- shortest = 0.125
- end
- if shortest < 0.05 then
- error("Error: Shortest note must not be smaller than 0.05", 2)
- end
- multi = multi or false
- if type(multi)~="boolean" then
- multi = false
- end
- if not multi then
- local tNotes = notes
- if type(tNotes) == "string" then
- local tB = {}
- for j in string.gmatch(notes,"%S+") do
- table.insert(tB, j)
- end
- tNotes = tB
- end
- if type(tNotes) ~= "table" then
- error("Wrong input given, requires a table or a string as first parameter", 2)
- end
- local noteMap = {}
- do
- local duration
- for i,j in ipairs(tNotes) do
- if string.find(j,"P") then
- duration = 0
- elseif string.find(j,"%-") then
- duration = 2
- elseif string.find(j,"_") then
- duration = tonumber(string.match(j,".*_(%d+)"))
- else
- duration = 1
- end
- if duration ~= 0 then
- table.insert(noteMap, i, {string.match(j,"(%a.?%d)_?%d*"),shortest*duration})
- else
- table.insert(noteMap, i, {-1, shortest*tonumber(string.match(j,"P_(%d+)"))})
- end
- end
- end
- for i,j in ipairs(noteMap) do
- if type(j[1]) == "number" then
- os.sleep(j[2])
- else
-[1], j[2])
- end
- end
- else
- --beep card mode
- local component = require("component")
- if not component.isAvailable("beep") then
- error("No beep card found, not possible to have multiple sound channels")
- end
- local beep = component.beep
- local freqMap = {}
- if not type(notes) == "table" then
- error("Wrong input given, in multi mode requires a table as first parameter", 2)
- end
- --parsing start
- for k,v in ipairs(notes) do
- local duration
- local timeMap = {}
- local timecount = 0
- local pause = -1
- if(type(v) == "string") then
- local tB = {}
- for j in string.gmatch(notes,"%S+") do
- table.insert(tB, j)
- end
- v = tB
- end
- for i,j in ipairs(v) do
- if string.find(j,"P") then
- --os.sleep(shortest*tonumber(string.match(j,"P_(%d+)")))
- duration = 0
- elseif string.find(j,"%-") then
- duration = 2
- elseif string.find(j,"_") then
- duration = tonumber(string.match(j,".*_(%d+)"))
- else
- duration = 1
- end
- if duration ~= 0 then
- table.insert(timeMap, {timecount, {n.freq(string.match(j,"(%a.?%d)_?%d*")), shortest*duration}})
- timecount = timecount + duration
- else
- table.insert(timeMap, {timecount, {pause, shortest*tonumber(string.match(j,"P_(%d+)"))}})
- timecount = timecount + tonumber(string.match(j,"P_(%d+)"))
- pause = pause - 1
- end
- end
- --timeMap: {{time, {freq, duration}}, {time2, freq2, duration2}}}
- insertSynchronized(freqMap, timeMap)
- end
- --freqMap: {{time, {channel={freq, duration}, channel2={freq2, duration2}}}, {time3, {channel3={freq3, duration3}, channel4={freq4, duration4}}}}
- --parsing end
- for k,v in ipairs(freqMap) do
- local fMap = {}
- for i,j in pairs(v[2]) do
- if type(j[1]) == "number" and j[1] >= 0 then
- fMap[j[1]] = j[2]
- else
- --pause here
- end
- end
- beep.beep(fMap)
- if k < #freqMap then
- os.sleep((freqMap[k+1][1] - v[1]) * shortest)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return song
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