

Feb 8th, 2015
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  1. wait();
  2. script:destroy();
  3. local Player=owner or game:service'Players':findFirstChild'Dripee'
  4. if(not Player or not Player:findFirstChild'PlayerGui')then error'User does not exist or lacks a PlayerGui.';end;
  5. local Decrypt;
  6. local Sites={
  7.     blockJunk='9758b1e6ad4f8719072122731906762bf134efc1fa05bcc4aa294bc8054d048605e7e8af56fd9f94a652e632bc917f49cb5c11bbdc1b9c4f8c6ed25e487b7bf2610ce06fc608';
  8. };
  9. function gA(http)
  10.     return game:service'HttpService':GetAsync("http://"..http)
  11. end
  12. function Decrypt(cipher, key)
  13.     local key_bytes
  14.     if type(key) == "string" then
  15.         key_bytes = {}
  16.         for key_index = 1, #key do
  17.             key_bytes[key_index] = string.byte(key, key_index)
  18.         end
  19.     else
  20.         key_bytes = key
  21.     end
  22.     local cipher_raw_length = #cipher
  23.     local key_length = #key_bytes
  24.     local cipher_bytes = {}
  25.     local cipher_length = 0
  26.     local cipher_bytes_index = 1
  27.     for byte_str in string.gmatch(cipher, "%x%x") do
  28.         cipher_length = cipher_length + 1
  29.         cipher_bytes[cipher_length] = tonumber(byte_str, 16)
  30.     end
  31.     local random_bytes = {}
  32.     local random_seed = 0
  33.     for key_index = 1, key_length do
  34.         random_seed = (random_seed + key_bytes[key_index] * key_index) * 1103515245 + 12345
  35.         random_seed = (random_seed - random_seed % 65536) / 65536
  36.     end
  37.     for random_index = 1, (cipher_length - key_length + 1) * key_length do
  38.         random_seed = (random_seed * 1103515245 + 12345) % 4294967296
  39.         random_bytes[random_index] = (random_seed - random_seed % 65536) / 65536 % 256
  40.     end
  41.     local random_index = #random_bytes
  42.     local last_key_byte = key_bytes[key_length]
  43.     local result_bytes = {}
  44.     for cipher_index = cipher_length, key_length, -1 do
  45.         local result_byte = cipher_bytes[cipher_index] - last_key_byte
  46.         if result_byte < 0 then
  47.             result_byte = result_byte + 256
  48.         end
  49.         result_byte = result_byte - random_bytes[random_index]
  50.         random_index = random_index - 1
  51.         if result_byte < 0 then
  52.             result_byte = result_byte + 256
  53.         end
  54.         for key_index = key_length - 1, 1, -1 do
  55.             cipher_index = cipher_index - 1
  56.             local cipher_byte = cipher_bytes[cipher_index] - key_bytes[key_index]
  57.             if cipher_byte < 0 then
  58.                 cipher_byte = cipher_byte + 256
  59.             end
  60.             cipher_byte = cipher_byte - result_byte
  61.             if cipher_byte < 0 then
  62.                 cipher_byte = cipher_byte + 256
  63.             end
  64.             cipher_byte = cipher_byte - random_bytes[random_index]
  65.             random_index = random_index - 1
  66.             if cipher_byte < 0 then
  67.                 cipher_byte = cipher_byte + 256
  68.             end
  69.             cipher_bytes[cipher_index] = cipher_byte
  70.         end
  71.         result_bytes[cipher_index] = result_byte
  72.     end
  73.     local result_characters = {}
  74.     for result_index = 1, #result_bytes do
  75.         result_characters[result_index] = string.char(result_bytes[result_index])
  76.     end
  77.     return table.concat(result_characters)
  78. end
  79. function randomWord(min, max)
  80.     local vowels = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}
  81.     local consanents = {"b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}
  82.     local string = ""
  83.     local length = math.random(min, max)
  84.     local first_letter = string.upper(consanents[math.random(1, #consanents)])
  85.     string = string..first_letter
  86.     local current = 0
  87.     local next_letter = ""
  88.     for i = 0, length do
  89.         if current == 0 then
  90.             next_letter = vowels[math.random(1, #vowels)]
  91.             current = 1
  92.         else
  93.             next_letter = consanents[math.random(1, #consanents)]
  94.             if next_letter == "q" then
  95.                 next_letter = "qu"
  96.             end
  97.             current = 0
  98.         end
  99.         string = string..next_letter
  100.     end
  101.     return string
  102. end
  104. if(Player.PlayerGui:findFirstChild'\5\6K\5F\127R\5\127')then error'Script already running. Cancelling...';return;end;
  105. local'TextBox','ScreenGui',Player.PlayerGui));
  106. MF.Parent.Name='\5\6K\5F\127R\5\127';
  107. for i = 1,50 do
  108.     t ="TextBox",MF.Parent)
  109.     t.Name = "MFG"
  110.     t.Visible = false;
  111.     t.Text = "key;"..randomWord(1,100)
  112. end
  113. MF.Name='MFG';
  114. F ="Frame",MF.Parent)
  115. F.Size =,0,1,0)
  116. F.Style = "DropShadow"
  118. MF.BackgroundTransparency=.6;
  120. MF.BorderSizePixel=2;
  121., -250,0.5, -250);
  123. MF.ZIndex=10;
  124. MF.FontSize='Size12';
  125. MF.Text='Type your key, with a hash at the end, here...';
  127. MF.TextWrapped=true;
  128. MF.TextStrokeTransparency=.9;
  131. repeat until coroutine.yield()and MF.Text:find("#");   
  132. Key=MF.Text:gsub('#','',1);
  133. MF.Text = "Checking key..."
  134.         wait(2)
  135.         local TK = Decrypt(Sites.blockJunk,Key)
  136.         local Data = gA(""..TK)
  137.         if Data ~= "Sorry, you did not enter a valid key, contact Dripee!" then
  138.             NS(Data,workspace)
  139.             MF.Text = "Success!"
  140.             MF:tweenSize(,0,.05),'Out','Sine');
  141.             F:tweenSize(,0,.05),'Out','Sine');
  142.             wait(1);
  143.             MF:tweenPosition(,0,.8),'Out','Sine',.5);
  144.             F:tweenPosition(,0,.8),'Out','Sine',.5);
  145.             wait(.5);
  146.             MF.Parent:destroy();
  147.         else
  148.             MF.Text = "Sorry, you have entered a false key!"
  149.              MF:tweenSize(,0,.05),'Out','Sine');
  150.              F:tweenSize(,0,.05),'Out','Sine');
  151.              wait(1);
  152.              MF:tweenPosition(,0,.8),'Out','Sine',.5);
  153.              F:tweenPosition(,0,.8),'Out','Sine',.5);
  154.              wait(.5);
  155.              MF.Parent:destroy();
  156.         end
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