
Slogger TwitterLogger configuration

Jun 18th, 2013
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  1. TwitterLogger:
  2. save_favorites: true
  3. save_retweets: true
  4. description:
  5. - Logs updates and favorites for specified Twitter users
  6. - twitter_users should be an array of Twitter usernames, e.g. [ ttscoff, markedapp ]
  7. - save_images (true/false) determines whether TwitterLogger will look for image urls and include them in the entry
  8. - save_favorites (true/false) determines whether TwitterLogger will look for the favorites of the given usernames and include them in the entry
  9. - save_images_from_favorites (true/false) determines whether TwitterLogger will download images for the favorites of the given usernames and include them in the entry
  10. - save_retweets (true/false) determines whether TwitterLogger will look for the retweets of the given usernames and include them in the entry
  11. - save_images_from_retweets (true/false) determines whether TwitterLogger will download images for the retweets of the given usernames and include them in the entry
  12. - "droplr_domain: if you have a custom droplr domain, enter it here, otherwise leave it as "
  13. twitter_users:
  14. - jeffcovey
  15. save_images_from_favorites: true
  16. droplr_domain:
  17. TwitterLogger_last_run: Tue Jun 18 20:04:38 2013
  18. twitter_tags: "#social #twitter"
  19. save_images: true
  20. save_images_from_retweets: true
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