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- function attachEvents() {
- let submitBtn = document.getElementById("submit");
- submitBtn.addEventListener("click", getLocationId);
- let locationInput = document.getElementById("location");
- let locationObj = {};
- let forecastDiv = document.getElementById("forecast");
- let currentWeatherDiv = document.getElementById("current");
- let upcomingWeatherDiv = document.getElementById("upcoming");
- var requestOptions = {
- method: 'GET',
- redirect: 'follow'
- };
- function getLocationId() {
- let loc = locationInput.value;
- wipeDivs("forecasts");
- wipeDivs("forecast-info")
- fetch("http://localhost:3030/jsonstore/forecaster/locations", requestOptions)
- .then(response => response.text())
- .then(r => JSON.parse(r))
- .then(r => locationObj = r.find(l => == loc))
- .then(r => today(locationObj))
- .then(r => forecoming(locationObj))
- .catch(error => invalidData());
- }
- function today(locationObj) {
- = "block";
- console.log(
- fetch(`http://localhost:3030/jsonstore/forecaster/today/${locationObj.code}`, requestOptions)
- .then(response => response.text())
- .then(result => JSON.parse(result))
- .then(r => populateToday(r))
- .catch(error => invalidData());
- }
- function forecoming(locationObj) {
- fetch(`http://localhost:3030/jsonstore/forecaster/upcoming/${locationObj.code}`, requestOptions)
- .then(response => response.text())
- .then(result => JSON.parse(result))
- .then(r => populateUpcoming(r))
- .catch(error => invalidData());
- }
- function populateToday(obj) {
- console.log(obj);
- let wrapperDiv = document.createElement("div");
- wrapperDiv.className = "forecasts";
- let symbSpan = document.createElement("span");
- symbSpan.className = "condition symbol"
- symbSpan.textContent = chooseSymbol(obj.forecast.condition);
- conditionSpan = document.createElement("span");
- conditionSpan.className = "condition";
- let placeSpan = document.createElement("span");
- placeSpan.className = "forecast-data";
- placeSpan.textContent =;
- let tempSpan = document.createElement("span");
- tempSpan.className = "forecast-data";
- tempSpan.textContent = `${obj.forecast.high}°/${obj.forecast.low}°`;
- let typeSpan = document.createElement("span");
- typeSpan.className = "forecast-data";
- typeSpan.textContent = `${obj.forecast.condition}`;
- conditionSpan.appendChild(placeSpan);
- conditionSpan.appendChild(tempSpan);
- conditionSpan.appendChild(typeSpan)
- wrapperDiv.appendChild(symbSpan);
- wrapperDiv.appendChild(conditionSpan);
- currentWeatherDiv.appendChild(wrapperDiv)
- }
- function populateUpcoming(obj) {
- let arr = obj.forecast;
- console.log(arr)
- let wrapperDiv = document.createElement("div");
- wrapperDiv.className = "forecast-info";
- arr.forEach(d => {
- let upcomingSpan=document.createElement("span");
- upcomingSpan.className="upcoming";
- let symbSpan = document.createElement("span");
- symbSpan.className = "condition symbol";
- symbSpan.textContent = chooseSymbol(d.condition);
- let tempSpan = document.createElement("span");
- tempSpan.className = "forecast-data";
- tempSpan.textContent = `${d.high}°/${d.low}°`;
- conditionSpan = document.createElement("span");
- conditionSpan.className = "condition";
- conditionSpan.textContent = d.condition;
- upcomingSpan.appendChild(symbSpan);
- upcomingSpan.appendChild(tempSpan);
- upcomingSpan.appendChild(conditionSpan);
- wrapperDiv.appendChild(upcomingSpan)
- })
- upcomingWeatherDiv.appendChild(wrapperDiv);
- }
- function chooseSymbol(str) {
- let symb = "";
- switch (str) {
- case "Sunny": symb = "☀"; break;
- case "Partly sunny": symb = "⛅"; break;
- case "Overcast": symb = "☁"; break;
- case "Rain": symb = "☂"; break;
- }
- return symb;
- }
- function invalidData(){
- let erDiv=document.createElement("div");
- erDiv.className="forecasts";
- erDiv.textContent="Error";
- currentWeatherDiv.appendChild(erDiv)
- }
- function wipeDivs(divsClassName){
- let divsToWipe=Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName(divsClassName));
- divsToWipe.forEach(d=>d.remove())
- }
- }
- attachEvents();
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