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- delete window.$;
- let wpRequire;
- window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[ Math.random() ], {}, (req) => { wpRequire = req; }]);
- let ApplicationStreamingStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata).exports.Z;
- let RunningGameStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.ZP?.getRunningGames).exports.ZP;
- let QuestsStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getQuest).exports.Z;
- let ChannelStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.getAllThreadsForParent).exports.Z;
- let GuildChannelStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.ZP?.getSFWDefaultChannel).exports.ZP;
- let FluxDispatcher = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.flushWaitQueue).exports.Z;
- let api = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.tn?.get);
- let quest = [...QuestsStore.quests.values()].find(x => !== "1248385850622869556" && x.userStatus?.enrolledAt && !x.userStatus?.completedAt && new Date(x.config.expiresAt).getTime() >
- let isApp = navigator.userAgent.includes("Electron/")
- if(!quest) {
- console.log("You don't have any uncompleted quests!")
- } else {
- const pid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30000) + 1000
- const applicationId =
- const applicationName =
- const taskName = ["WATCH_VIDEO", "PLAY_ON_DESKTOP", "STREAM_ON_DESKTOP", "PLAY_ACTIVITY"].find(x => quest.config.taskConfig.tasks[x] != null)
- const secondsNeeded = quest.config.taskConfig.tasks[taskName].target
- const secondsDone = quest.userStatus?.progress?.[taskName]?.value ?? 0
- if(taskName === "WATCH_VIDEO") {
- const tolerance = 2, speed = 10
- const diff = Math.floor(( - new Date(quest.userStatus.enrolledAt).getTime())/1000)
- const startingPoint = Math.min(Math.max(Math.ceil(secondsDone), diff), secondsNeeded)
- let fn = async () => {
- for(let i=startingPoint;i<=secondsNeeded;i+=speed) {
- try {
- await{url: `/quests/${}/video-progress`, body: {timestamp: Math.min(secondsNeeded, i + Math.random())}})
- } catch(ex) {
- console.log("Failed to send increment of", i, ex.message)
- }
- await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, tolerance * 1000))
- }
- if((secondsNeeded-secondsDone)%speed !== 0) {
- await{url: `/quests/${}/video-progress`, body: {timestamp: secondsNeeded}})
- }
- console.log("Quest completed!")
- }
- fn()
- console.log(`Spoofing video for ${applicationName}. Wait for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - startingPoint)/speed*tolerance)} more seconds.`)
- } else if(taskName === "PLAY_ON_DESKTOP") {
- if(!isApp) {
- console.log("This no longer works in browser for non-video quests. Use the desktop app to complete the", applicationName, "quest!")
- }
- api.get({url: `/applications/public?application_ids=${applicationId}`}).then(res => {
- const appData = res.body[0]
- const exeName = appData.executables.find(x => x.os === "win32").name.replace(">","")
- const games = RunningGameStore.getRunningGames()
- const fakeGame = {
- cmdLine: `C:\\Program Files\\${}\\${exeName}`,
- exeName,
- exePath: `c:/program files/${}/${exeName}`,
- hidden: false,
- isLauncher: false,
- id: applicationId,
- name:,
- pid: pid,
- pidPath: [pid],
- processName:,
- start:,
- }
- games.push(fakeGame)
- FluxDispatcher.dispatch({type: "RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE", removed: [], added: [fakeGame], games: games})
- let fn = data => {
- let progress = quest.config.configVersion === 1 ? data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds : Math.floor(data.userStatus.progress.PLAY_ON_DESKTOP.value)
- console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
- if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
- console.log("Quest completed!")
- const idx = games.indexOf(fakeGame)
- if(idx > -1) {
- games.splice(idx, 1)
- FluxDispatcher.dispatch({type: "RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE", removed: [fakeGame], added: [], games: []})
- }
- FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
- }
- }
- FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
- console.log(`Spoofed your game to ${applicationName}. Wait for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - secondsDone) / 60)} more minutes.`)
- })
- } else if(taskName === "STREAM_ON_DESKTOP") {
- if(!isApp) {
- console.log("This no longer works in browser for non-video quests. Use the desktop app to complete the", applicationName, "quest!")
- }
- let realFunc = ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata
- ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = () => ({
- id: applicationId,
- pid,
- sourceName: null
- })
- let fn = data => {
- let progress = quest.config.configVersion === 1 ? data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds : Math.floor(data.userStatus.progress.STREAM_ON_DESKTOP.value)
- console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
- if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
- console.log("Quest completed!")
- ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = realFunc
- FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
- }
- }
- FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
- console.log(`Spoofed your stream to ${applicationName}. Stream any window in vc for ${Math.ceil((secondsNeeded - secondsDone) / 60)} more minutes.`)
- console.log("Remember that you need at least 1 other person to be in the vc!")
- } else if(taskName === "PLAY_ACTIVITY") {
- const channelId = ChannelStore.getSortedPrivateChannels()[0]?.id ?? Object.values(GuildChannelStore.getAllGuilds()).find(x => x != null && x.VOCAL.length > 0).VOCAL[0]
- const streamKey = `call:${channelId}:1`
- let fn = async () => {
- console.log("Completing quest", applicationName, "-", quest.config.messages.questName)
- while(true) {
- const res = await{url: `/quests/${}/heartbeat`, body: {stream_key: streamKey, terminal: false}})
- const progress = res.body.progress.PLAY_ACTIVITY.value
- console.log(`Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
- await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20 * 1000))
- if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
- await{url: `/quests/${}/heartbeat`, body: {stream_key: streamKey, terminal: true}})
- break
- }
- }
- console.log("Quest completed!")
- }
- fn()
- }
- }
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