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- -- params : ...
- script.Parent = nil
- local Game = game
- local Workspace = Game:GetService("Workspace")
- PS = false
- name = "Point Admin 2"
- LastClean = 0
- local ar = 0
- IPBans = {"Einstein_Theory", "toaddy"}
- Banned = {"fl00b_er", "16bitkitty", "NegativeFeedback", "Reruderu", "frwzy", "pxire", "MissingLuaScript", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Kofphtastrophe", "EdibleScript", "Crazy12Kid", "Kofph", "llCrazeh", "Ph0sphoria", "eessay", "adeebarifdibbo", "DataBuddy", "rockybot58", "headshot1045", "headshot1045s", "cjm73", "bryerwendell", "Neckray213", "Kiritobolado123", "Rerumu", "TsuyoiKumo", "iiApocTurtle", "bamafreechat422", "vitoriavargas", "matthewbenfoust", "thomas2times", "LeoHydro", "josh4251", "FaZecool90", "Roblox451675", "sobral1590", "Homeboyjoke", "Koch", "explosin59", "musdoy", "xXMymomsIpadXxGames1", "IAmAura", "xXMymomsIpadXxGames", "toaddy", "xXMymomsIpadXxGames", "Night_Lua", "Knoxify", "iListenTo1900sMusic", "CVSPharmacys", "Dirtbike", "iListenCountryMusic", "iListen2CountryMusic", "littleversion08"}
- IDBans = {"128334381", "188244777", "55112341", "23690437"}
- LBans = {"Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "xXMymomsIpadXxGames", "adeebarifdibbo", "TheLuaScripter", "xXMymomsIpadXxGames1"}
- CBanned = {"Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "Einstein_Theory", "xXMymomsIpadXxGames", "adeebarifdibbo", "TheLuaScripter", "TheLuaScripter", "TheLuaScripter", "TheLuaScripter"}
- local roast = {"Einstein_Theory", "Rerumu", "TheLuaScripter", "FaZecool90", "areno2002"}
- local antiban = {"LegendOfDarknees"}
- local logs = {}
- local hBanned = {}
- local Ranked = {"LegendOfDarknees", "bismarck4445", "leo6907", "darklord5674", "1x1x1x1proURL", "bellauozo", "xDarkScripter", "MagikMagiik", "alle0815", "emrehan1234567891", "Deathkid9005", "shadowninja865", "toplazer", "Voidacity", "francaiscanada10", "toadyy", "CLarramore", "00JACKROD", "Pixelsnafer", "sebastian6788", "discreetspinoob2", "MMOPlayerz101", "Z_V", "LordSynctonic", "RasenganSupremo100", "KazutoShehabKirito", "brandonx00", "RobloxLalolpol", "mexicanbro1234", "xXBlackXXFireXx3214", "TycoonKing1981", "Allumna", "Injectioneer", "murylloyago", "samdisk11", "pokemonarceus500", "Zaidia", "BrightDavidSandovaL", "ASAP_CWS", "DSSJ3"}
- Admins = {LegendOfDarknees = 666666666, bismarck4445 = 9, DSSJ3 = 10, francaiscanada10 = 5, leo6907 = 5, Voidacity = 1337, ["1x1x1x1proURL"] = 2, bellauozo = 5, darklord5674 = 7, Allumna = 8, xDarkScripter = 5, alle0815 = 2, Deathkid9005 = 7, shadowninja865 = 2, Z_V = 10, emrehan1234567891 = 7, discreetspinoob2 = 5, mexicanbro1234 = 8, MagikMagiik = 6, toplazer = 7, toadyy = 1, CLarramore = 5, ["00JACKROD"] = 2, Pixelsnafer = 2, RasenganSupremo100 = 5, LordSynctonic = 2, sebastian6788 = 8, MMOPlayerz101 = 5, KazutoShehabKirito = 5, brandonx00 = 5, RobloxLalolpol = 5, xXBlackXXFireXx3214 = 8, TycoonKing1981 = 4, Injectioneer = 6, murylloyago = 7, samdisk11 = 6, pokemonarceus500 = 7, Zaidia = 6, Player1 = 8, BrightDavidSandovaL = 8, ASAP_CWS = 1}
- local ms ="Sound", script)
- ms.Volume = 1000
- ms.Pitch = 1
- local Http = game:GetService("HttpService")
- local Levels = {
- [1] = {"Trusted","Institutional white")}
- ,
- [2] = {"Moderator","Royal purple")}
- ,
- [3] = {"Full moderator","New Yeller")}
- ,
- [4] = {"Admin","Bright blue")}
- ,
- [5] = {"Super admin","Really red")}
- ,
- [6] = {"Developer","Toothpaste")}
- ,
- [7] = {"Co-owner","Lime green")}
- ,
- [8] = {"Owner","Really black")}
- ,
- [9] = {"Full owner","Really black")}
- ,
- [10] = {"True creator","Really black")}
- }
- sbexe = function(cmd, plr)
- if not type(cmd) == "string" then
- return
- end
- if plr then
- if type(plr) == "userdata" then
- plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote", true).Value = cmd
- else
- if type(plr) == "string" then
- plr = game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(plr)
- plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote", true).Value = cmd
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Players = Game:GetService("Players")
- local plrs = Players:GetChildren()
- local Tabs = {}
- local Allowed = {"LegendOfDarknees"}
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- wait()
- sbexe("x/print(\'Point admin V.2 has runned!\')", v)
- wait()
- sbexe("x/print(\'\')", v)
- wait()
- sbexe("x/print(\'Discord is\')", v)
- wait()
- sbexe("x/print(\'\')", v)
- wait()
- sbexe("x/print(\'Prefix is: / or ! or all the others.\')", v)
- wait()
- end
- end
- )()
- AdminChat = function(msg1, msg2)
- pcall(function()
- for _,v in next do
- local SV ="StringValue")
- SV.Parent = v
- SV.Name = "SB_Chat"
- SV.Value = "" .. tostring(msg1):gsub("", "") .. "" .. tostring(msg2):gsub("", "") .. ""
- game.Debris:AddItem(SV, 0.1)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- AdminChat("", "")
- wait()
- AdminChat("|Point admin 2|:", " Point admin 2 Has loaded!")
- AdminChat("|Point admin 2|:", " Running scripts you did not make is a ban reason.")
- wait()
- AdminChat("", "")
- local chats = {"I am a bot programmed to talk after a period of time.", "Rules: Dont abuse (or run scripts that arent yours)", "Abusing is a ban reason.", "hi u ok", "What i am doing with my life..", "My creator and designer is LegendOfDarknees.", "I am a admin with injects.Why not inject some weed?"}
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait(math.random(25, 40))
- wait()
- AdminChat("", "")
- wait()
- AdminChat("|Point Admin 2|:", chats[math.random(1, #chats)])
- AdminChat("|Point Admin 2 Discord|:", "Discord is QCypdRq! Join it for applying/chatting.")
- wait()
- AdminChat("", "")
- wait()
- end
- end
- )()
- Workspace = Game:GetService("Workspace")
- Debris = Game:GetService("Debris")
- Lighting = Game:GetService("Lighting")
- Teams = Game:GetService("Teams")
- MR = math.rad
- MD = math.deg
- IPStore = {}
- PrivateServer = {}
- PrivateServerWarnings = {}
- IncommingConnection = function(IPAddress, Replicator)
- local IP = (IPAddress:sub(1, IPAddress:find(":") - 1))
- local ThePlayer = nil
- Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(NewPlayer)
- if not ThePlayer then
- ThePlayer = NewPlayer
- end
- end
- )
- repeat
- wait()
- until ThePlayer
- IPStore[ThePlayer.Name] = IP
- for i = 1, #IPBans do
- if IPBans[i] == IP then
- ThePlayer:Kick("|Point 2 Admin|: You\'re IP banned.Fucking skid faggot.")
- AdminChat("|Point admin 2 ban system|", "IP-Banned player " .. ThePlayer.Name .. " Has tryed to join.")
- end
- end
- end
- Round = function(Number, ToWhatExtent)
- if ToWhatExtent then
- return math.floor(Number / ToWhatExtent + 0.5) * ToWhatExtent
- else
- return math.floor(Number + 0.5)
- end
- end
- Settings = {Color ="Institutional white"), Name = "Point admin 2", Version = "2"}
- ErrorHandler = function(Error)
- print(Error)
- end
- local QuaternionFromCFrame = function(cf)
- local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components()
- local trace = m00 + m11 + m22
- if trace > 0 then
- local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace)
- local recip = 0.5 / s
- return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5
- else
- do
- local i = 0
- if m00 < m11 then
- i = 1
- end
- if i == 0 and m00 or m11 < m22 then
- i = 2
- end
- if i == 0 then
- local s = math.sqrt(m00 - m11 - m22 + 1)
- local recip = 0.5 / s
- return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip
- else
- do
- if i == 1 then
- local s = math.sqrt(m11 - m22 - m00 + 1)
- local recip = 0.5 / s
- return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip
- else
- do
- if i == 2 then
- local s = math.sqrt(m22 - m00 - m11 + 1)
- local recip = 0.5 / s
- return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local QuaternionToCFrame = function(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
- local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z
- local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs
- local xx = x * xs
- local xy = x * ys
- local xz = x * zs
- local yy = y * ys
- local yz = y * zs
- local zz = z * zs
- return, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy))
- end
- local QuaternionSlerp = function(a, b, t)
- local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4]
- local startInterp, finishInterp = nil, nil
- if cosTheta >= 0.0001 then
- if 1 - cosTheta > 0.0001 then
- local theta = math.acos(cosTheta)
- local invSinTheta = 1 / math.sin(theta)
- startInterp = math.sin((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta
- finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
- else
- do
- startInterp = 1 - t
- finishInterp = t
- if 1 + cosTheta > 0.0001 then
- local theta = math.acos(-cosTheta)
- local invSinTheta = 1 / math.sin(theta)
- startInterp = math.sin((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta
- finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta
- else
- do
- startInterp = t - 1
- finishInterp = t
- return a[1] * (startInterp) + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * (startInterp) + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * (startInterp) + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * (startInterp) + b[4] * finishInterp
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- CLerp = function(a, b, t)
- local qa = {QuaternionFromCFrame(a)}
- local qb = {QuaternionFromCFrame(b)}
- local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z
- local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z
- local _t = 1 - t
- return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t))
- end
- ShowInCircle = function(Prompter, ...)
- local Args = {...}
- local Books = {}
- Args[#Args + 1] = "Dismiss"
- local Ans = nil
- local Rank = Admins[Prompter.Name]
- for i = 1, #Args do
- do
- local IsKings = nil
- do
- if Args[i]:find("(Kings Only)") then
- IsKings = true
- end
- local Book ="Part", workspace.Base)
- Book.Anchored = true
- Book.Name = Prompter.Name
- Book.Locked = true
- Book.CanCollide = false
- Book.TopSurface = 0
- Book.CFrame = Prompter.Character.Torso.CFrame
- Book.Transparency = 0
- Book.Material = "Neon"
- Book.Reflectance = 0.1
- Book.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
- local light ="PointLight", Book)
- light.Brightness = 100
- Book.Size =, 1, 1)
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] then
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 2 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Royal purple")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 3 then
- Book.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 4 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Bright blue")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 5 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Really red")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 6 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 7 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Lime green")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] >= 8 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Really black")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- end
- else
- Book.BrickColor = Settings.Color
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- end
- end
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e").Value == "Rainbow" then
- Book.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
- end
- end
- table.insert(Books, Book)
- local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Book)
- Billboard.Adornee = Book
- Billboard.Enabled = true
- Billboard.Active = true
- Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
- Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
- local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
- Text.Text = Args[i]
- Text.FontSize = "Size24"
- Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Text.Font = "Arial"
- Text.TextTransparency = 0
- Text.TextWrapped = false
- Text.TextColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.4
- Text.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
- if IsKings and Admins[Prompter.Name] >= 10 then
- Text.TextColor3 ="Really black").Color
- end
- Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Text.BackgroundColor3 = Settings.Color.Color
- Text.Size =, 0, 15, 0)
- local ClickDetector ="ClickDetector", Book)
- ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
- ClickDetector.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(CPlayer)
- if CPlayer.Name == Prompter.Name then
- Book.Material = "Ice"
- Text.TextColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- Text.TextStrokeColor3 ="Bright blue").Color
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 2.5 do
- wait()
- if Book ~= nil then
- Book.Size = Book.Size +, 0.05, 0.05)
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- )
- ClickDetector.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(CPlayer)
- if CPlayer.Name == Prompter.Name then
- Book.Material = "Neon"
- Text.TextColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- Text.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 2.5 do
- wait()
- if Book then
- Book.Size = Book.Size -, 0.05, 0.05)
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- )
- ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(Player)
- if Player == Prompter and Args[i] == "Dismiss" then
- Ans = Args[i]
- for _,v in pairs(Books) do
- do
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 20 do
- wait()
- pcall(function()
- v.Size = v.Size:lerp(, 0, 0), 0.2)
- end
- )
- end
- v:Destroy()
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- Books = {}
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- local Speed = 1
- Rot = function()
- Speed = Speed + 0.0025
- local Tabs = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Books) do
- do
- table.insert(Tabs, v)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #Tabs do
- local Position = nil
- pcall(function()
- Position = Prompter.Character.Torso.CFrame
- end
- )
- if Position == nil then
- return
- end
- Tabs[i].CFrame = CLerp(Tabs[i].CFrame, * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(360 / #Tabs * i) + Speed, 0) * + #Tabs, math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 2, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 1, math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 1, math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 1), 0.1)
- end
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(Rot)
- end
- )()
- end
- Prompt = function(Prompter, ...)
- local Args = {...}
- local Books = {}
- Args[#Args + 1] = "Dismiss"
- local Ans = nil
- for i = 1, #Args do
- do
- local Book ="Part", workspace.Base)
- do
- Book.Name = Prompter.Name
- Book.Anchored = true
- Book.Locked = true
- Book.CanCollide = false
- Book.TopSurface = 0
- Book.Transparency = 0
- Book.Material = "Neon"
- Book.Reflectance = 0.1
- Book.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
- Book.Size =, 2, 2)
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] then
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 2 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Royal purple")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 3 then
- Book.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 4 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Bright blue")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 5 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Really red")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 6 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Toothpaste")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] == 7 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Lime green")
- else
- if Admins[Prompter.Name] >= 8 then
- Book.BrickColor ="Really black")
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- Book.BrickColor = Settings.Color
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- end
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- end
- end
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e") then
- Book.BrickColor ="e").Value)
- if Prompter:FindFirstChild("e").Value == "Rainbow" then
- Book.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
- end
- end
- table.insert(Books, Book)
- local light ="PointLight", Book)
- light.Brightness = 10
- local light ="PointLight", Book)
- light.Brightness = 100
- Book.Size =, 1, 1)
- local Billboard ="BillboardGui", Book)
- Billboard.Adornee = Book
- Billboard.Enabled = true
- Billboard.Active = true
- Billboard.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
- Billboard.ExtentsOffset =, 2.5, 0)
- local Text ="TextLabel", Billboard)
- Text.Text = Args[i]
- Text.FontSize = "Size24"
- Text.TextColor3 = Settings.Color.Color
- Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- Text.Font = "Arial"
- Text.TextTransparency = 0
- Text.TextWrapped = false
- Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- Text.TextColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.4
- Text.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
- Text.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- local light ="PointLight", Book)
- light.Brightness = 10
- local AttemptToFixPrompt = i
- local ClickDetector ="ClickDetector", Book)
- ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
- ClickDetector.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(CPlayer)
- if CPlayer.Name == Prompter.Name then
- Book.Material = "Neon"
- Text.TextColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- Text.TextStrokeColor3 ="Bright blue").Color
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 20 do
- Book.Size = Book.Size +, 0.05, 0.05)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )
- ClickDetector.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(CPlayer)
- if CPlayer.Name == Prompter.Name then
- Book.Material = "Neon"
- Text.TextColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- Text.TextStrokeColor3 =, 0, 0)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 20 do
- Book.Size = Book.Size +, 0.05, 0.05)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )
- ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(Player)
- if Player == Prompter then
- Ans = Args[i]
- local BackupBooks = Books
- do
- Books = {}
- local AnimationOver = nil
- pcall(function()
- end
- )
- Book.Touched:connect(function(zPart)
- pcall(function()
- if zPart == Player.Character.Torso then
- AnimationOver = true
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )
- delay(5, function()
- AnimationOver = true
- end
- )
- for _,v in pairs(BackupBooks) do
- do
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 20 do
- wait()
- pcall(function()
- v.Size = v.Size:lerp(, 0, 0), 0.2)
- end
- )
- end
- v:Destroy()
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- BackupBooks = nil
- return AttemptToFixPrompt
- end
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- local Speed = 1
- Rot = function()
- Speed = Speed + 0.0025
- local Tabs = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Books) do
- do
- table.insert(Tabs, v)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #Tabs do
- local Position = nil
- pcall(function()
- Position = Prompter.Character.Torso.CFrame
- end
- )
- if Position == nil then
- return
- end
- Tabs[i].CFrame = CLerp(Tabs[i].CFrame, * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(360 / #Tabs * i) + Speed, 0) * + #Tabs, math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 2, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 1, math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 1, math.sin((tick() + i) * 1) / 1), 0.1)
- end
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(Rot)
- end
- )()
- while Ans == nil and #Books > 0 do
- wait()
- end
- return Ans
- end
- Allowed = {"LegendOfDarknees"}
- mm = function(v, me, color, dtime)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local pgui = v.PlayerGui
- local scgui ="ScreenGui", v.PlayerGui)
- local main ="Frame", scgui)
- main.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
- main.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
- main.Style = "DropShadow"
- main.Visible = true
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 20 do
- main.Position = / i, 0, 0.5, 0)
- wait()
- end
- end
- )()
- local txt ="TextLabel", main)
- txt.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- txt.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- txt.Text = "|ERROR|: M_TEXT_NO_NUMBER"
- txt.Visible = true
- pcall(function()
- local a = color.r
- if type(a) == "number" then
- color = a
- end
- end
- )
- pcall(function()
- local a =
- if a then
- color = a.color
- end
- end
- )
- if not pcall(function()
- local a = color.r
- if type(a) ~= "number" then
- error()
- end
- end
- ) then
- color ="Institutional white").Color
- end
- pcall(function()
- txt.Font = "SourceSans"
- txt.Text = me
- txt.TextScaled = true
- txt.TextColor3 = color
- if type(dtime) == "number" then
- delay(dtime, function()
- pcall(function()
- wait(dtime)
- for i = 1, 20 do
- main.Position = main.Position - / i, 0, 0.5, 0)
- wait()
- end
- scgui:Destroy()
- end
- )
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )()
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- do
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- mm(v, "hi nib","Really red"), 1)
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- pm = function(v, me, parent, dtime)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local pgui = v.PlayerGui
- local scgui ="ScreenGui", v.PlayerGui)
- scgui.Enabled = true
- local main1 ="Frame", scgui)
- main1.Visible = true
- main1.Position =, 0, 0.15, 0)
- main1.BorderSizePixel = 0
- main1.Size =, 0, 0.65, 0)
- main1.BackgroundColor3 =, 217, 217)
- local ef ="Frame", main1)
- ef.BackgroundColor3 =, 181, 181)
- ef.BackgroundTransparency = 0
- ef.BorderSizePixel = 0
- ef.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
- ef.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
- ef.Visible = true
- local txt ="TextLabel", ef)
- txt.BackgroundColor3 =, 145, 145)
- txt.BorderSizePixel = 0
- txt.Parent = ef
- txt.Position =, 0, 0.25, 0)
- txt.Size =, 0, 0.55, 0)
- txt.Font = "SciFi"
- txt.FontSize = "Size14"
- txt.Text = "Point Admin 2"
- txt.Visible = true
- pcall(function()
- txt.Text = parent
- end
- )
- txt.TextScaled = false
- txt.TextWrapped = true
- local m ="TextLabel", main1)
- m.BorderSizePixel = 0
- m.BackgroundColor3 =, 184, 184)
- m.Position =, 0, 0.1)
- m.Size =, 0, 0.8, 0)
- m.Font = "SciFi"
- m.TextWrapped = true
- m.TextScaled = true
- m.Visible = true
- for i = 1, 20 do
- main1.Position = / i, 0, 0, 0)
- wait()
- end
- m.Text = me
- if type(dtime) == "number" then
- delay(dtime, function()
- pcall(function()
- for i = 1, 20 do
- main1.Position = main1.Position - / i, 0, 0, 0)
- wait()
- end
- scgui:Destroy()
- end
- )
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local pgui = v.PlayerGui
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- pm(v, "Point admin 2 has loaded! made by LegendOfDarknees.", "Server", 1)
- end
- )()
- end
- ParseMessage = function(Message)
- Message = Message:gsub("lego%s", "")
- Message = Message:gsub("runescape%s", "")
- Message = Message:gsub("minecraft%s", "")
- local Command = nil
- local Args = {}
- for Word in Message:gmatch("%w+") do
- if not Command then
- Command = Word
- else
- table.insert(Args, Word)
- end
- end
- return Command, Args
- end
- onPlayerLeaved = function(p)
- for i,v in pairs(antiban) do
- if p.Name == v then
- for i,v2 in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
- v2:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: Someone banned a antiban player.")
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- mm(v, p.Name .. " Has leaved the game!",, 0, 0), 1)
- end
- end
- onPlayerAdded = function(NewPlayer)
- pcall(function()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- wait(0.2)
- sbexe("remove/PointAdmin", NewPlayer)
- wait()
- sbexe("create/PointAdmin", NewPlayer)
- wait()
- sbexe("edit/PointAdmin", NewPlayer)
- wait()
- sbexe("require(600520217)", NewPlayer)
- wait()
- sbexe("exit/", NewPlayer)
- wait()
- sbexe("save/PointAdmin", NewPlayer)
- wait()
- sbexe("x/warn(\'Point Admin 2 has been added to your script list.\')", NewPlayer)
- end
- )()
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC33: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if PS == true and Allowed[NewPlayer] == nil and Admins[NewPlayer.Name] and Admins[NewPlayer.Name] < ar then
- NewPlayer:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: This server is private.Your rank needs to be " .. ar .. " to join!")
- end
- if Admins[NewPlayer.Name] == nil then
- NewPlayer:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: This server is private.")
- end
- mm(NewPlayer, "Welcome! Point admin is currently running in this server.","Bright green").Color, 1)
- for i = 1, 20 do
- wait()
- if Admins[NewPlayer.Name] then
- ShowInCircle(NewPlayer, "Point Admin 2 is running in this server.", "Your rank is " .. Admins[NewPlayer.Name] .. "", "Point admin 2 is created by LegendOfDarknees and no one else.")
- break
- end
- ShowInCircle(NewPlayer, "Point Admin 2 is running in this server.", "Your rank is " .. "0" .. "", "Point admin 2 is created by LegendOfDarknees and no one else.")
- break
- end
- do
- NewPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(C)
- xpcall(function()
- local a, b = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- onChat(NewPlayer, C)
- end
- ))
- assert(a, b)
- end
- , ErrorHandler)
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )
- end
- local Names = {}
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(IDBans) do
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.UserId == v then
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You\'re id banned.Get outta here, skid.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(LBans) do
- while game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(v) and wait() do
- for i = 1, 10 do
-"Message", v:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "You\'re lag banned.Fucking faggot."
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(Banned) do
- if game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(v) then
- game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(v):Kick("|Point admin 2|: You\'re banned.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(CBanned) do
- if game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(v) then
- pm(v, "You\'re crash banned.", "Point admin 2", 99999)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(hBanned) do
- if game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(v) then
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You\'re http banned.Reason: " .. hBanned[v.Name].Reason)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- ShowCommands = function(player)
- local option = Prompt(player, "Kill", "Kick", "Ban", "Anti-Ban", "Setrank", "Cleanup", "FF", "UnFF", "Hide", "Hide/Ranks", "Show", "Show/Ranks", "Shutdown", "Time(or)Clock", "Lag", "Breakscripts", "Killmenu", "Fire", "Help", "Privateserver", "Privateserveroff", "Ping(message)", "Msg(message)", "Hint(hint)", "Weight", "Light(player)", "Crash ban", "Update", "Injects")
- addcmd = function(name, usage, description, example)
- ShowInCircle(player, name, usage, description, example)
- end
- mm(player, "Showing commands...","Bright green").Color, 0.6)
- if option == "Kill" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Kill", "Usage: kill", "Description: Kills a player.", "Example: kill player")
- else
- if option == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Kick", "Usage: kick", "Description: Kicks a player.", "Example: kick/player")
- else
- if option == "Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Ban", "Usage: ban", "Description: Bans a player,making the player not be able to join.", "Example: ban player")
- else
- if option == "Anti-Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Anti-ban", "Usage: antiban", "Description: Not done,but antibans a player.", "Example: antiban player")
- else
- if option == "Setrank" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Setrank", "Usage: setrank", "Description: Sets a player\'s rank.", "Example: setrank/player/rank")
- else
- if option == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Cleanup", "Usage: cleanup", "Description: Cleans game.", "Example: cleanup")
- else
- if option == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: FF", "Usage: ff", "Description: Gives a player\'s ForceField.", "Example: ff player")
- else
- if option == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: UnFF", "Usage: unff", "Description: Removes a player\'s ForceField.", "Example: unff player")
- else
- if option == "Hide" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Hide", "Usage: hide", "Description: Hides something", "Example: hide/ranks")
- else
- if option == "Hide/Ranks" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Hide/Ranks", "Usage: hide/ranks", "Description: Hides something ranks.", "Example: hide/ranks")
- else
- if option == "Show" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Show", "Usage: show", "Description: Shows something.", "Example: show/")
- else
- if option == "Show/Ranks" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Show/Ranks", "Usage: show/ranks", "Description: Shows ranks.", "Example: show/ranks")
- else
- if option == "Shutdown" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Shutdown", "Usage: shutdown", "Description: Shutdowns server.Kicks everyone.", "Example: shutdown")
- else
- if option == "Time(or)Clock" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Time/Clock", "Usage: show/time or show/clock", "Description: Shows the time.", "Example: show/time")
- else
- if option == "Lag" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Lag", "Usage: lag", "Description: Lags an player.", "Example: lag player")
- else
- if option == "Breakscripts" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Breakscripts", "Usage: breakscripts", "Description: Breaks all scripts in-game.", "Example: breakscripts")
- else
- if option == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Killmenu", "Usage: killmenu", "Description: Shows a menu of people,Click a name to kill.", "Example: killmenu")
- else
- if option == "Fire" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Fire", "Usage: fire", "Description: Sets a player on a decorative fire.", "Example: fire player")
- else
- if option == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Help", "Usage: help", "Description: Shows information.", "Example: help")
- else
- if option == "Privateserveron" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Privateserveron", "Usage: privateserveron", "Description: Turns private server on.", "Example: privateserveron")
- else
- if option == "Privateserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Privateserveroff", "Usage: privateserveroff", "Description: Turns private server off.", "Example: privateserveroff")
- else
- if option == "Ping(message)" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Ping", "Usage: ping", "Description: Pings something.", "Example: ping hi")
- else
- if option == "Msg(message)" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Msg", "Usage: msg", "Description: Creates a message with your text.", "Example: msg hi")
- else
- if option == "Hint(message)" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Hint", "Usage: hint", "Description: Creates a hint with your text.", "Example: hint hi")
- else
- if option == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Weight", "Usage: weight", "Description: Shows you the weight of a player.", "Example: weight leg")
- else
- if option == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Light", "Usage: light", "Spawns a light in a player.", "Example: light leg")
- else
- if option == "Crash ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Crash ban", "Usage: cban", "Crashes a player,Everytime he trys to join he gets crashed.Suicide mission.", "Example: cban player")
- else
- if option == "Update" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Update", "Usage: update", "Removes admin.", "Example: update")
- else
- if option == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Injects", "Usage: injects", "Shows a list of injects.", "Example: injects")
- else
- if option == "Credits" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Name: Credits", "Usage: credits", "Shows credits.", "Example: credits")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- onChat = function(player, message)
- local Command, Arguments = ParseMessage(message)
- table.insert(logs, message)
- rank1 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Credits" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Shows credits.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank0 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Cmds", "Credits", "Help")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Credits" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Shows credits.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank2 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Credits" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Shows credits.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank3 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Admins", "Afk", "Rip", "Style", "Ar", "Light", "Weight", "Privateserver", "Injects", "Cleanup", "Privateserveroff", "Killmenu", "FF", "UnFF", "Kick", "Banlist", "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Admins" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Admins", "Description: Shows Admins/ranked.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Afk", "Description: Tells everyone you\'re afk.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Rip" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RIP", "Description: rip in rip 666 - 1337.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Style" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Changes tabs style.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Ar" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ar", "Description: Sets the minimum needed rank to join a PS.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Light", "Description: ALELUYUYA THE ANGEL CAME TO THE WORLD.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Weight", "Description: Shows who\'s the fatty.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privateserver" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S", "Description: The name says it all. :u #2lazy", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Injects", "Description: Yes daddy inject me that!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cleanup", "Description: Do dirty adult things,clean.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privatserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S off", "Description: Turns off your privats- Privatesg- Privateserver.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Killmenu", "Description: kek", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "UnFF", "Description: Removes a player\'s forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "FF", "Description: Gives a player a forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Kick", "Description: Kicks a low-life kid!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Banlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Banlist", "Description: Shows banned kids.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank4 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Admins", "Exe", "RBan", "ChatLogs", "Shutdown", "Ban", "Afk", "Rip", "Style", "Ar", "Light", "Weight", "Privateserver", "Injects", "Cleanup", "Privateserveroff", "Killmenu", "FF", "UnFF", "Kick", "Banlist", "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Shutdown" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Shutdown", "Description: Kill the server. :U", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Exe" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Exe", "Description: Executes a LUA code", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "RBan" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RBan", "Description: Remote bans a player.", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "ChatLogs" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "C.L", "Description: Shows everything everyone said (boring :U)", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ban", "Description: Ban a skid!", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Admins" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Admins", "Description: Shows Admins/ranked.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Afk", "Description: Tells everyone you\'re afk.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Rip" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RIP", "Description: rip in rip 666 - 1337.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Style" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Changes tabs style.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Ar" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ar", "Description: Sets the minimum needed rank to join a PS.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Light", "Description: ALELUYUYA THE ANGEL CAME TO THE WORLD.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Weight", "Description: Shows who\'s the fatty.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privateserver" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S", "Description: The name says it all. :u #2lazy", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Injects", "Description: Yes daddy inject me that!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cleanup", "Description: Do dirty adult things,clean.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privatserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S off", "Description: Turns off your privats- Privatesg- Privateserver.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Killmenu", "Description: kek", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "UnFF", "Description: Removes a player\'s forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "FF", "Description: Gives a player a forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Kick", "Description: Kicks a low-life kid!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Banlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Banlist", "Description: Shows banned kids.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank5 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Admins", "Exe", "Lag", "Antiban", "RBan", "ChatLogs", "Shutdown", "Ban", "Afk", "Rip", "Style", "Ar", "Light", "Weight", "Privateserver", "Injects", "Cleanup", "Privateserveroff", "Killmenu", "FF", "UnFF", "Kick", "Banlist", "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Lag" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Lag", "Description: rip pc 2016 - 2017 nvr forget", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Antiban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "A.B", "Description: ba nibs u cant ban me or rip server!111", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Shutdown" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Shutdown", "Description: Kill the server. :U", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Exe" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Exe", "Description: Executes a LUA code", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "RBan" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RBan", "Description: Remote bans a player.", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "ChatLogs" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "C.L", "Description: Shows everything everyone said (boring :U)", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ban", "Description: Ban a skid!", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Admins" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Admins", "Description: Shows Admins/ranked.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Afk", "Description: Tells everyone you\'re afk.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Rip" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RIP", "Description: rip in rip 666 - 1337.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Style" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Changes tabs style.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Ar" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ar", "Description: Sets the minimum needed rank to join a PS.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Light", "Description: ALELUYUYA THE ANGEL CAME TO THE WORLD.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Weight", "Description: Shows who\'s the fatty.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privateserver" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S", "Description: The name says it all. :u #2lazy", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Injects", "Description: Yes daddy inject me that!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cleanup", "Description: Do dirty adult things,clean.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privatserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S off", "Description: Turns off your privats- Privatesg- Privateserver.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Killmenu", "Description: kek", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "UnFF", "Description: Removes a player\'s forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "FF", "Description: Gives a player a forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Kick", "Description: Kicks a low-life kid!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Banlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Banlist", "Description: Shows banned kids.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank6 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Admins", "Exe", "Crash", "CBanlist", "LBanlist", "Lag", "Antiban", "RBan", "ChatLogs", "Shutdown", "Ban", "Afk", "Rip", "Style", "Ar", "Light", "Weight", "Privateserver", "Injects", "Cleanup", "Privateserveroff", "Killmenu", "FF", "UnFF", "Kick", "Banlist", "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Crash" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Crash", "Description: no crash pls dad", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "CBanlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "CBanlist", "Description: Shows crash banned players", "Rank needed: 6")
- else
- if o2 == "LBanlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "LBanlist", "Description: Shows lag banned players", "Rank needed: 6")
- else
- if o2 == "Lag" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Lag", "Description: rip pc 2016 - 2017 nvr forget", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Antiban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "A.B", "Description: ba nibs u cant ban me or rip server!111", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Shutdown" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Shutdown", "Description: Kill the server. :U", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Exe" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Exe", "Description: Executes a LUA code", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "RBan" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RBan", "Description: Remote bans a player.", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "ChatLogs" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "C.L", "Description: Shows everything everyone said (boring :U)", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ban", "Description: Ban a skid!", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Admins" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Admins", "Description: Shows Admins/ranked.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Afk", "Description: Tells everyone you\'re afk.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Rip" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RIP", "Description: rip in rip 666 - 1337.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Style" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Changes tabs style.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Ar" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ar", "Description: Sets the minimum needed rank to join a PS.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Light", "Description: ALELUYUYA THE ANGEL CAME TO THE WORLD.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Weight", "Description: Shows who\'s the fatty.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privateserver" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S", "Description: The name says it all. :u #2lazy", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Injects", "Description: Yes daddy inject me that!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cleanup", "Description: Do dirty adult things,clean.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privatserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S off", "Description: Turns off your privats- Privatesg- Privateserver.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Killmenu", "Description: kek", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "UnFF", "Description: Removes a player\'s forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "FF", "Description: Gives a player a forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Kick", "Description: Kicks a low-life kid!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Banlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Banlist", "Description: Shows banned kids.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank7 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Admins", "Exe", "Unban", "Crash", "CBanlist", "LBanlist", "Lag", "Antiban", "RBan", "ChatLogs", "Shutdown", "Ban", "Afk", "Rip", "Style", "Ar", "Light", "Weight", "Privateserver", "Injects", "Cleanup", "Privateserveroff", "Killmenu", "FF", "UnFF", "Kick", "Banlist", "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Unban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Unban", "Description: Unbans a player.k00l :u", "Rank needed: 7")
- else
- if o2 == "Crash" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Crash", "Description: no crash pls dad", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "CBanlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "CBanlist", "Description: Shows crash banned players", "Rank needed: 6")
- else
- if o2 == "LBanlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "LBanlist", "Description: Shows lag banned players", "Rank needed: 6")
- else
- if o2 == "Lag" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Lag", "Description: rip pc 2016 - 2017 nvr forget", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Antiban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "A.B", "Description: ba nibs u cant ban me or rip server!111", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Shutdown" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Shutdown", "Description: Kill the server. :U", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Exe" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Exe", "Description: Executes a LUA code", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "RBan" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RBan", "Description: Remote bans a player.", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "ChatLogs" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "C.L", "Description: Shows everything everyone said (boring :U)", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ban", "Description: Ban a skid!", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Admins" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Admins", "Description: Shows Admins/ranked.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Afk", "Description: Tells everyone you\'re afk.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Rip" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RIP", "Description: rip in rip 666 - 1337.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Style" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Changes tabs style.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Ar" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ar", "Description: Sets the minimum needed rank to join a PS.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Light", "Description: ALELUYUYA THE ANGEL CAME TO THE WORLD.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Weight", "Description: Shows who\'s the fatty.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privateserver" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S", "Description: The name says it all. :u #2lazy", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Injects", "Description: Yes daddy inject me that!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cleanup", "Description: Do dirty adult things,clean.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privatserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S off", "Description: Turns off your privats- Privatesg- Privateserver.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Killmenu", "Description: kek", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "UnFF", "Description: Removes a player\'s forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "FF", "Description: Gives a player a forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Kick", "Description: Kicks a low-life kid!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Banlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Banlist", "Description: Shows banned kids.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rank8 = function()
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Admins", "Exe", "Unban", "Crash", "CBanlist", "LBanlist", "Lag", "Antiban", "RBan", "ChatLogs", "Shutdown", "Ban", "Afk", "Rip", "Style", "Ar", "Light", "Weight", "Privateserver", "Injects", "Cleanup", "Privateserveroff", "Killmenu", "FF", "UnFF", "Kick", "Banlist", "Cmds", "Credits", "Help", "Explorer", "Ping", "Msg", "Ungod", "God", "Hint", "Music", "Stopmusic", "Pitch", "Volume")
- if o2 == "Cmds" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cmds", "Description: Shows a list of commands", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Unban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Unban", "Description: Unbans a player.k00l :u", "Rank needed: 7")
- else
- if o2 == "Crash" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Crash", "Description: no crash pls dad", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "CBanlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "CBanlist", "Description: Shows crash banned players", "Rank needed: 6")
- else
- if o2 == "LBanlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "LBanlist", "Description: Shows lag banned players", "Rank needed: 6")
- else
- if o2 == "Lag" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Lag", "Description: rip pc 2016 - 2017 nvr forget", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Antiban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "A.B", "Description: ba nibs u cant ban me or rip server!111", "Rank needed: 5")
- else
- if o2 == "Shutdown" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Shutdown", "Description: Kill the server. :U", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Exe" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Exe", "Description: Executes a LUA code", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "RBan" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RBan", "Description: Remote bans a player.", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "ChatLogs" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "C.L", "Description: Shows everything everyone said (boring :U)", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Ban" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ban", "Description: Ban a skid!", "Rank needed: 4")
- else
- if o2 == "Admins" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Admins", "Description: Shows Admins/ranked.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Afk", "Description: Tells everyone you\'re afk.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Rip" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "RIP", "Description: rip in rip 666 - 1337.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Style" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Credits", "Description: Changes tabs style.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Ar" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ar", "Description: Sets the minimum needed rank to join a PS.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Light" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Light", "Description: ALELUYUYA THE ANGEL CAME TO THE WORLD.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Weight" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Weight", "Description: Shows who\'s the fatty.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privateserver" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S", "Description: The name says it all. :u #2lazy", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Injects" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Injects", "Description: Yes daddy inject me that!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Cleanup" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Cleanup", "Description: Do dirty adult things,clean.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Privatserveroff" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "P.S off", "Description: Turns off your privats- Privatesg- Privateserver.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Killmenu" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Killmenu", "Description: kek", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "UnFF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "UnFF", "Description: Removes a player\'s forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "FF" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "FF", "Description: Gives a player a forcefield.", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Kick" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Kick", "Description: Kicks a low-life kid!", "Rank needed: 3")
- else
- if o2 == "Banlist" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Banlist", "Description: Shows banned kids.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Help", "Description: Shows help.", "Rank needed: 0")
- else
- if o2 == "Explorer" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Explore the game.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ping" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ping", "Description: Pings your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Msg" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Msg", "Description: Messages your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Hint" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Hint", "Description: Hint your text.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Ungod" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Ungod", "Description: Ungods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "God" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "God", "Description: Gods a player.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Music" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Music", "Description: Creates a music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Stopmusic" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Stopmusic", "Description: Stops music.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Pitch" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Pitch", "Description: Changes music\'s pitch.", "Rank needed: 1")
- else
- if o2 == "Volume" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Explorer", "Description: Changes music\'s volume.", "Rank needed: 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if not "Your rank is " .. Admins[player.Name] then
- local o = Prompt(player, "Commands you can use", "Rank 1 commands", "Rank 2 commands", "Rank 3 commands", "Rank 4 commands", "Rank 5 commands", "Rank 6 commands", "Rank 7 commands", "Rank 8 commands", "Rank 9 commands", "Rank 10 commands", Command ~= "cmds" or "0")
- do
- if o == "Commands you can use" then
- if Admins[player.Name] == nil then
- rank0()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 1 then
- rank1()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 2 then
- rank2()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 3 then
- rank3()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 4 then
- rank4()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 5 then
- rank5()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 6 then
- rank6()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] == 7 then
- rank7()
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] >= 8 then
- rank8()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if o == "Rank 1 commands" then
- rank1()
- else
- if o == "Rank 2 commands" then
- rank2()
- else
- if o == "Rank 3 commands" then
- rank3()
- else
- if o == "Rank 4 commands" then
- rank4()
- else
- if o == "Rank 5 commands" then
- rank5()
- else
- if o == "Rank 6 commands" then
- rank6()
- else
- if o == "Rank 7 commands" then
- rank7()
- else
- if o == "Rank 8 commands" or o == "Rank 9 commands" or o == "Rank 10 commands" then
- do
- rank8()
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_THEN_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC176: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Command == "ban" and Admins[player.Name] >= 4 then
- do
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- do
- local reason = message:sub(string.len(Arg) + 2)
- if Admins[Player.Name] == nil then
- pcall(function()
- mm(player, "You banned " .. Player.Name .. "!","Institutional white").Color, 1)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- local svd = Player.Name
- local reasonsaved = reason
- while wait() do
- pcall(function()
- local Player = game:service("Players")[svd]
- Player:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You\'re banned.Reason: " .. reasonsaved)
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- end
- )
- end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC241: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if Admins[Player.Name] and Admins[Player.Name] < Admins[player.Name] then
- pcall(function()
- mm(player, "You banned " .. Player.Name .. "!","Institutional white").Color, 1)
- table.insert(Banned, Player.Name)
- Player:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You\'re banned.")
- end
- )
- end
- if Admins[player.Name] == nil then
- pcall(function()
- mm(player, "You banned " .. Player.Name .. "!","Institutional white").Color, 1)
- table.insert(Banned, Player.Name)
- Player:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You\'re banned.")
- end
- )
- else
- end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC263: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_THEN_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC263: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC279: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if Admins[player.Name] >= Admins[Player.Name] or Command == "mute" and Admins[player.Name] >= 4 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) and (Admins[Player.Name] == nil or Admins[Player.Name] < Admins[player.Name]) then
- if not Player.muted then
- local e ="BoolValue", Player)
- end
- e.Name = "muted"
- e = true
- local gui = Player.PlayerGui.Chat
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- if wait() then
- pcall(function()
- gui.Parent = script
- gui.Name = Player.Name
- end
- )
- end
- if e.Value == false then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "explorer" or Command == "explore" and Admins[player.Name] then
- local services = {game:GetService("Workspace"), game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterPack"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("Teams"), game:GetService("SoundService"), game:GetService("Debris"), game:GetService("InsertService"), game:GetService("RunService"), game:GetService("Chat"), game:GetService("TeleportService"), game:GetService("Geometry"), game:GetService("MarketplaceService"), game:GetService("BadgeService"), game:GetService("NetworkClient"), game:GetService("FriendService")}
- explore = function(obj)
- local gg = {}
- for i,v in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) do
- if v then
- table.insert(gg, v)
- end
- end
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(gg))
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "View children", "View parent", "Remove", "Clear children")
- if o2 == "View children" then
- explore(o)
- else
- if o2 == "View parent" then
- explore(o.Parent)
- else
- if o2 == "Remove" then
- o:Remove()
- else
- if o2 == "Clear children" then
- o:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(services))
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" then
- explore(o)
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "unmute" and Admins[player.Name] >= 4 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- local gui = Player.PlayerGui
- if not Player.muted then
- local e ="BoolValue", Player)
- end
- e.Name = "muted"
- e = false
- if not script[Player.Name] then
- local g = gui.Chat ~= nil or nil
- end
- g.Parent = gui
- g.Name = "Chat"
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "crash" and Admins[player.Name] >= 5 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- if Admins[Player.Name] == nil then
- pcall(function()
- while wait() do
- local s ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui)
- local e ="Message", s)
- e.Text = "You\'re being crashed."
- local a ="TextLabel", s)
- local b ="ImageLabel", s)
- local c ="Hint", Player.PlayerGui)
- local d ="Frame", s)
- Player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- local k ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
- k.Name = "You\'re being crashed."
- end
- end
- )()
- local f ="ForceField", Player.Character)
- local g ="Sparkles", Player.Character.Torso)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- if Admins[Player.Name] then
- if Admins[Player.Name] < Admins[player.Name] then
- pcall(function()
- while wait() do
- local s ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui)
- local e ="Message", s)
- e.Text = "You\'re being crashed."
- local a ="TextLabel", s)
- local b ="ImageLabel", s)
- local c ="Hint", Player.PlayerGui)
- local d ="Frame", s)
- Player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- local k ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
- k.Name = "You\'re being crashed."
- end
- end
- )()
- local f ="ForceField", Player.Character)
- local g ="Sparkles", Player.Character.Torso)
- end
- end
- )
- else
- if Admins[Player.Name] == nil then
- pcall(function()
- while wait() do
- local s ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui)
- local e ="Message", s)
- e.Text = "You\'re being crashed."
- local a ="TextLabel", s)
- local b ="ImageLabel", s)
- local c ="Hint", Player.PlayerGui)
- local d ="Frame", s)
- Player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- local k ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
- k.Name = "You\'re being crashed."
- end
- end
- )()
- local f ="ForceField", Player.Character)
- local g ="Sparkles", Player.Character.Torso)
- end
- end
- )
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC580: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if Admins[player.Name] >= Admins[Player.Name] or Command == "sbexe" and Admins[player.Name] > 2 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- pcall(function()
- local args = message:sub(string.len(Arg) + 2)
- sbexe(args, Player)
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "admins" then
- local e = {}
- for i,v in pairs(Admins) do
- table.insert(e, v)
- end
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(Ranked))
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" and Admins[o] < Admins[player.Name] then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Set rank", "Ban player", "Crash ban player", "Lag ban player")
- if o2 == "Set rank" then
- local rank = Prompt(player, "Set rank to trusted(1)", "Set rank to moderator(2)", "Set rank to Full-moderator(3)", "Set rank to admin(4)", "Set rank to Super-admin(5)", "Set rank to Developer(6)", "Set rank to Co-owner(7)", "Set rank to owner(8)")
- if rank == "Set rank to trusted(1)" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- Admins[o] = 1
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to moderator(2)" and Admins[player.Name] > 2 then
- Admins[o] = 2
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to Full-moderator(3)" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- Admins[o] = 3
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to admin(4)" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- Admins[o] = 4
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to Super-admin(5)" and Admins[player.Name] > 5 then
- Admins[o] = 5
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to Developer(6)" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- Admins[o] = 6
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to Co-owner(7)" and Admins[player.Name] > 7 then
- Admins[o] = 7
- else
- if rank == "Set rank to owner(8)" and Admins[player.Name] > 8 then
- Admins[o] = 8
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- do
- if o2 == "Ban player" then
- table.insert(Banned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Crash ban player" then
- table.insert(CBanned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Lag ban player" then
- table.insert(LBans, o)
- end
- end
- end
- if Command == "losr" and Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- pcall(function()
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v then
- local e = v.PlayerGui
- do
- local sc ="ScreenGui", e)
- local t ="TextLabel", sc)
- t.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
- t.Text = "|Point Admin 2|: " .. Player.Name .. " is a losrrrrrrrr!!111 ha losrrr!1"
- t.TextScaled = true
- t.BackgroundColor3 ="Institutional white").Color
- t.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
- t.Font = "SourceSansLight"
- t.TextColor3 ="Really black").Color
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for i = 1, 30 do
- t.Position = t.Position:lerp(, 0, 0, 0), 0.2)
- wait()
- end
- wait(3)
- for i = 1, 30 do
- t.Position = t.Position:lerp(, 0, 0, 0), 0.2)
- wait()
- end
- t:Destroy()
- end
- )()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "banhammer" and Admins[player.Name] >= 4 then
- pcall(function()
- local p = game:GetService("Players")[player.Name]
- local ma = p.Character
- local char = p.Character
- local mouse = p:GetMouse()
- local larm = char["Left Arm"]
- local rarm = char["Right Arm"]
- local lleg = char["Left Leg"]
- local rleg = char["Right Leg"]
- local hed = char.Head
- local torso = char.Torso
- local hum = char.Humanoid
- local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
- local root = char.HumanoidRootPart
- local deb = false
- local shot = 0
- local debris = game:service("Debris")
- local l = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local rs = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped
- ptz = {0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05, 1.1}
- local AddNew =
- mouse = p:GetMouse()
- player = p
- local torso = ma.Torso
- local tool = AddNew("Tool", p.Backpack)
- tool.Name = "Ban hammer"
- local e = AddNew("Part", tool)
- e.Name = "Handle"
- e.CanCollide = false
- e.Size =, 6, 6)
- e.CFrame = e.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.pi / 2, 0)
- local m = AddNew("SpecialMesh", e)
- m.MeshId = "rbxassetid://10604848"
- m.TextureId = "rbxassetid://10605252"
- m.Scale =, 1.1, 1.1)
- shooting = false
- tool.Activated:connect(function()
- if shooting == false then
- shooting = true
- kik = e.Touched:connect(function(ht)
- hit = ht.Parent
- if ht and hit:IsA("Model") and hit:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and hit.Name ~= p.Name then
- z ="Sound", hed)
- z.SoundId = "rbxassetid://169380525"
- z.Volume = 1
- z:Play()
- kik:disconnect()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- pcall(function()
- if Admins[hit.Name] < Admins[player.Name] or Admins[hit.Name] == nil then
- game:service("Players")[hit.Name]:Kick("The ban hammer has spoken!")
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- hit:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):TakeDamage(19)
- hit:FindFirstChild("Torso").Velocity = hit:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame.lookVector * -300
- end
- if ht and hit:IsA("Hat") and hit.Parent.Name ~= p.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):TakeDamage(19)
- kik:disconnect()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- pcall(function()
- if Admins[hit.Parent.Name] < Admins[player.Name] or Admins[hit.Parent.Name] == nil then
- game:service("Players")[hit.Parent.Name]:Kick("The ban hammer has spoken!")
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- hit:FindFirstChild("Torso").Velocity = hit:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame.lookVector * -300
- end
- end
- )
- wait(0.2)
- kik:disconnect()
- shooting = false
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )
- else
- if Command == "ranks" then
- ShowInCircle(player, unpack(Levels))
- else
- if Command == "afk" then
- ShowInCircle(player, player.Name .. " Is afk.", player.Name .. " Is afk.", player.Name .. " Is afk.")
- else
- if Command == "rip" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- pcall(function()
- local char = Player.Character
- local torso = char.Torso
- local root = char.HumanoidRootPart
- local t1 ="Part", workspace.Base)
- t1.Name = "tombstone_dirt"
- t1.BrickColor ="Reddish brown")
- t1.CanCollide = false
- t1.CFrame = root.CFrame -, 3.25, 0)
- t1.CFrame = t1.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))
- t1.Material = "Grass"
- t1.Size =, 1, 8)
- local tw ="Weld")
- local t2 ="Part", t1)
- t2.Name = "tombstone_stone"
- t2.CanCollide = false
- t2.BrickColor ="")
- t2.Anchored = false
- t2.CFrame = t1.CFrame +, 0, -4)
- t2.Size =, 5, 1.2)
- local sg ="SurfaceGui", t2)
- sg.Enabled = true
- sg.Face = "Back"
- sg.Adornee = t2
- local txt ="TextLabel", sg)
- txt.TextScaled = true
- txt.Text = "r.i.p " .. Player.Name
- txt.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- txt.BorderSizePixel = 0
- txt.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- tw.Part1 = t2
- tw.Part0 = t1
- tw.Parent = char
- tw.C0 =, 2.5, -4)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- t1.CFrame = root.CFrame -, 3.2, 0)
- t1.CFrame = t1.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))
- wait(0.1)
- t1.CFrame = root.CFrame -, 3.2, 0)
- t1.CFrame = t1.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))
- t1.Anchored = true
- t2.Anchored = true
- t1.CanCollide = true
- t2.CanCollide = true
- end
- )()
- char:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "style" and Admins[player.Name] then
- local o = Prompt(player, "Black style", "Rainbow style", "White style", "Purple style", "Custom", "Remove color")
- if o == "Black style" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Value = "Really black"
- e.Name = "e"
- else
- do
- if o == "Rainbow style" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Value = "Rainbow"
- e.Name = "e"
- else
- do
- if o == "Remove color" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Name = "e"
- e:Destroy()
- else
- do
- if o == "White style" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Value = "Institutional white"
- e.Name = "e"
- else
- do
- if o == "Purple style" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Value = "Royal purple"
- e.Name = "e"
- else
- do
- if o == "Custom" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, "Toothpaste", "New Yeller")
- if o2 == "Toothpaste" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Value = "Toothpaste"
- e.Name = "e"
- else
- do
- do
- if o2 == "New Yeller" then
- if not player:FindFirstChild("e") then
- local e ="StringValue", player)
- end
- e.Value = "New Yeller"
- e.Name = "e"
- end
- if Command == "dt" or Command == "dismiss" then
- for i,v in pairs(workspace.Base:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == player.Name then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "arset" or Command == "ar" and Admins[player.Name] then
- local o = Prompt(player, "Set AR level to 1", "Set AR level to 2", "Set AR level to 3", "Set AR level to 4", "Set AR level to 5", "Set AR level to 6", "Set AR level to 7", "Set AR level to 8")
- if o == "Set AR level to 1" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- ar = 1
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 2" and Admins[player.Name] > 2 then
- ar = 2
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 3" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- ar = 3
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 4" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- ar = 4
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 5" and Admins[player.Name] > 5 then
- ar = 5
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 6" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- ar = 6
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 7" and Admins[player.Name] > 7 then
- ar = 7
- else
- if o == "Set AR level to 8" and Admins[player.Name] > 8 then
- ar = 8
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "players" then
- local s = {}
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- table.insert(s, v.Name)
- end
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(s))
- local rank = 0
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, o, "Set rank", "Ban player", "Crashban player", "Lagban player")
- if o2 == "Set rank" then
- if Admins[o] and Admins[o] < Admins[player.Name] then
- local o3 = Prompt(player, "Set rank to 1(Trusted)", "Set rank to 2(Moderator)", "Set rank to 3(Full-moderator)", "Set rank to 4(Admin)", "Set rank to 5(Super-admin)", "Set rank to 6(Developer)", "Set rank to 7(Co-owner)", "Set rank to 8(Owner)")
- if o3 == "Set rank to 1(Trusted)" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- Admins[o] = 1
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 2(Moderator)" and Admins[player.Name] > 2 then
- Admins[o] = 2
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 4(Full-moderator)" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- Admins[o] = 3
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 4(Admin)" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- Admins[o] = 4
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 5(Super-admin)" and Admins[player.Name] > 5 then
- Admins[o] = 5
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 6(Developer)" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- Admins[o] = 6
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 7(Co-owner)" and Admins[player.Name] > 7 then
- Admins[o] = 7
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 8(Owner)" and Admins[player.Name] > 8 then
- Admins[o] = 8
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Admins[player.Name] < Admins[o] then
- ShowInCircle(player, "Your rank ins\'t enough for this command. " .. Admins[o] + 1)
- else
- if Admins[o] == nil then
- local o3 = Prompt(player, "Set rank to 1(Trusted)", "Set rank to 2(Moderator)", "Set rank to 3(Full-moderator)", "Set rank to 4(Admin)", "Set rank to 5(Super-admin)", "Set rank to 6(Developer)", "Set rank to 7(Co-owner)", "Set rank to 8(Owner)")
- if o3 == "Set rank to 1(Trusted)" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- rank = 1
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 2(Moderator)" and Admins[player.Name] > 2 then
- rank = 2
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 4(Full-moderator)" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- rank = 3
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 4(Admin)" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- rank = 4
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 5(Super-admin)" and Admins[player.Name] > 5 then
- rank = 5
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 6(Developer)" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- rank = 6
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 7(Co-owner)" and Admins[player.Name] > 7 then
- rank = 7
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- else
- if o3 == "Set rank to 8(Owner)" and Admins[player.Name] > 8 then
- rank = 8
- table.insert(Admins, {[o] = rank})
- table.insert(Ranked, o)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- do
- if (Admins[o] ~= nil or o2 == "Ban player") and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- table.insert(Banned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Crashban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- table.insert(CBanned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Lagban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- table.insert(LBans, o)
- else
- end
- end
- end
- if Admins[o] then
- if (Admins[o] >= Admins[player.Name] or o2 == "Ban player") and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- table.insert(Banned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Crashban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- table.insert(CBanned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Lagban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- table.insert(LBans, o)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if Command == "music" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- pcall(function()
- local ms2 = ms:Clone()
- ms2.Parent = workspace
- ms2.Looped = true
- ms2.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. message:sub(7)
- ms2:Play()
- end
- )
- else
- if Command == "hint" and Admins[player.Name] >= 1 then
- local g ="Hint", workspace)
- g.Text = message:sub(6)
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(g, 5)
- else
- do
- if Command == "msg" and Admins[player.Name] >= 1 then
- local g2 ="Message", workspace)
- g2.Text = message:sub(5)
- game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(g2, 5)
- else
- do
- if Command == "ping" and Admins[player.Name] >= 1 then
- ShowInCircle(player, message:sub(6))
- else
- if Command == "stopmusic" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "ungod" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- pcall(function()
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "god" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- pcall(function()
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "unban" and Admins[player.Name] >= 7 then
- pcall(function()
- table.remove(Banned, message:sub(7))
- end
- )
- else
- if Command == "banlist" and Admins[player.Name] then
- local v2 = ""
- local can = true
- for i,v in pairs(Banned) do
- v2 = v2 .. R12_PC1765
- end
- local i = 1
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- if Banned[i] == nil then
- break
- end
- pcall(function()
- i = i + 1
- print(Banned[i])
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(Banned))
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, o, "Unban player", R12_PC1765, "Lagban player")
- if o2 == "Unban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- table.remove(Banned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Crashban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- table.remove(Banned, o)
- table.insert(CBanned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Lagban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- table.remove(Banned, o)
- table.insert(LBans, o)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "lbanlist" and Admins[player.Name] >= 6 then
- local v2 = ""
- local can = true
- for i,v in pairs(LBans) do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC1856: Overwrote pending register: R12 in 'AssignReg'
- v2 = v2 .. R12_PC1765
- end
- local i = 1
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- if LBans[i] == nil then
- break
- end
- pcall(function()
- i = i + 1
- print(LBans[i])
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(LBans))
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC1881: Overwrote pending register: R12 in 'AssignReg'
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, o, "Unban player", R12_PC1765, "Lag ban")
- if o2 == "Unban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 4 then
- table.remove(LBans, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Change ban type to normal ban" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- table.remove(LBans, o)
- table.insert(Banned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Crash ban" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- table.insert(CBanned, o)
- table.remove(LBans, o)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "cbanlist" and Admins[player.Name] >= 6 then
- local v2 = ""
- local can = true
- for i,v in pairs(CBanned) do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC1948: Overwrote pending register: R12 in 'AssignReg'
- v2 = v2 .. R12_PC1765
- end
- local i = 1
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- if CBanned[i] == nil then
- break
- end
- pcall(function()
- i = i + 1
- print(CBanned[i])
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- local o = Prompt(player, unpack(CBanned))
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC1973: Overwrote pending register: R12 in 'AssignReg'
- if o and o ~= "Dismiss" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, o, "Unban player", R12_PC1765, "Lag ban")
- if o2 == "Unban player" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- table.remove(CBanned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Change ban type to normal ban" and Admins[player.Name] > 6 then
- table.remove(CBanned, o)
- table.insert(Banned, o)
- else
- if o2 == "Lag ban" and Admins[player.Name] > 5 then
- table.remove(CBanned, o)
- table.insert(LBans, o)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "pitch" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v.Pitch = message:sub(7)
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "volume" and Admins[player.Name] > 1 then
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") then
- v.Volume = message:sub(8)
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "exe" and Admins[player.Name] > 3 then
- pcall(function()
- loadstring(message:sub(5))()
- end
- )
- else
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC2110: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P3
- if (Command == "load/" and Admins[player.Name] == 3) or Admins[player.Name] == 2 then
- xpcall(function()
- local c, d = coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- loadstring(message:sub(6))()
- end
- ))
- assert(c, d)
- end
- , function(Error)
- local Hint ="Message", Workspace)
- Hint.Text = "|QUICKSCRIPT ERROR|:| " .. Error:sub("(.-:)")
- wait(4)
- Hint:Remove()
- end
- )
- else
- if Command == "light" and Admins[player.Name] >= 1 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC2126: Overwrote pending register: R12 in 'AssignReg'
- for R12_PC1765,Player in pairs(Game:GetService(R12_PC1765):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- pcall(function()
- mm(player, "Created a light in " .. Player.Name .. "\'s Torso.","Bright green"), 0.6)
- mm(Player, player.Name .. " Has created a light in your torso.","Bright green"), 0.6)
- local l ="PointLight", Player.Character.Torso)
- local Rank = Admins[Player.Name]
- l.Color = Levels[Rank][2].Color
- l.Brightness = 30
- l.Range = 25
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "idban" and Admins[player.Name] >= 6 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- mm(player, "You ID-Banned " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- table.insert(Banned, Player.Name)
- table.insert(IDBans, Player.UserId)
- Player:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You\'re ID-Banned. Get outta here, skid.")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "weight" and Admins[player.Name] >= 2 then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- local mass = 0
- mm(player, "Calculating the weight of " .. Player.Name .. "..","Bright green"), 0.6)
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name):GetChildren()) do
- wait()
- if v.ClassName == "Part" then
- mass = mass + v:GetMass()
- print(mass)
- end
- end
- ShowInCircle(player, Player.Name .. "\'\'s Weight is:" .. mass .. "Kg!")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "cleanup" and Admins[player.Name] >= 2 then
- for _,v in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) == nil and v.className ~= "Terrain" and v ~= script then
- pcall(function()
- v:Remove()
- end
- )
- end
- end
- local Base ="Part", Workspace)
- mm(player, "Cleaned up!..","Bright green"), 0.6)
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- mm(v, player.Name .. " Has cleaned the game.","Bright green"), 0.6)
- end
- Base.Anchored = true
- Base.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Base.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
- Base.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric
- Base.BrickColor ="Bright green")
- Base.Material = "Grass"
- Base.Size =, 1, 1000)
- Base.Name = "Base"
- Base.CFrame =
- local Option = Prompt(player, "Click me if you would like to clean everything...")
- if Option == "Click me if you would like to clean everything..." then
- pcall(function()
- Lighting:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- )
- pcall(function()
- Teams:ClearAllChildren()
- end
- )
- pcall(function()
- table.foreach(Players:GetPlayers(), function(_, v)
- v.Neutral = true
- end
- )
- end
- )
- end
- local Option = Prompt(player, "Click me if you would like to respawn players...")
- if Option == "Click me if you would like to respawn players..." then
- for _,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- pcall(function()
- local Model ="Model", Workspace)
-"Humanoid", Model)
- v.Character = Model
- end
- )
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "privateserver" and Admins[player.Name] >= 3 then
- local o = Prompt(player, "Enable/disable", "Allow a player", "Un-allow a player")
- if o then
- if o == "Enable/disable" then
- if PS == false then
- PS = true
- ShowInCircle(player, "Private server is now actived.")
- ar = Admins[player.Name]
- else
- if PS == true then
- PS = false
- ShowInCircle(player, "Private server is now deactivated.")
- ar = 0
- end
- end
- else
- if o == "Un-allow a player" then
- local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
- local Names = {}
- for _,v in pairs(People) do
- table.insert(Names, v.Name)
- end
- local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
- print(OptionChoosen)
- if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) and game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen] then
- table.remove(Allowed, Players[OptionChoosen])
- end
- print("Player missing")
- else
- do
- if o == "Allow a player" then
- local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
- local Names = {}
- for _,v in pairs(People) do
- table.insert(Names, v.Name)
- end
- local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
- print(OptionChoosen)
- if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) and game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen] then
- table.insert(Allowed, Players[OptionChoosen])
- end
- end
- do
- print("Player missing")
- if Command == "injects" and Admins[player.Name] then
- mm(player, "Showing a list of injects..","Bright green"), 0.6)
- local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, "Page 2", "Night sword", "Clorox", "Pistol", "Sans script", "DSSJ3", "15 Feet tall school bully", "Saness", "Rainbow trashcan", "Music cube")
- print(OptionChoosen)
- do
- do
- if OptionChoosen == "Page 2" then
- local Page2Option = Prompt(player, "Something :u", "Yandere-cancer.", "9/11", "New dark titan", "Dark titan(old)", "Old SSJ script", "Satan\'s dog", "Dev uzi", "Gaster hands", "DSSJ4", "Satan")
- if Page2Option == "DSSJ4" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Something :u" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Dark titan(old)" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "New dark titan" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Satan" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Gaster hands" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Dev uzi" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Old SSJ script" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "9/11" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Yandere-cancer." then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if Page2Option == "Satan\'s dog" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if OptionChoosen == "Rainbow trashcan" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "Night sword" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "15 Feet tall school bully" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "Clorox" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "Music cube" then
- sbexe("", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "DSSJ3" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "Sans script" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "Saness" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- else
- if OptionChoosen == "Pistol" then
- sbexe("hl/", player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC2788: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if Command == "privateserveroff" and 3 <= Admins[player.Name] and PS == true then
- PS = false
- ShowInCircle(player, "Private server is deactived.")
- mm(player, "Private server is now deactivated.","Bright green"), 0.6)
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC2817: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if Command == "hide" and 2 <= Admins[player.Name] and Arguments[1] == "ranks" then
- local NotInViewRanks = true
- Lighting.TimeOfDay = "14:00:00"
- Lighting.Ambient ="Medium stone grey").Color
- while Workspace:FindFirstChild("RankStatus", true) do
- Workspace:FindFirstChild("RankStatus", true):Destroy()
- end
- end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC2879: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
- if Command == "rban" and 4 <= Admins[player.Name] and (Admins[message:sub(6)] < Admins[player.Name] or Admins[message:sub(6)] == nil) then
- table.insert(Banned, message:sub(6))
- end
- if Command == "shutdown" and 4 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- mm(player, "Shutting down..","Bright green"), 0.6)
- local rank = Admins[player.Name]
- local reason = message:sub(10)
- for i = 1, 10000 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
- v:Kick("|Point Admin|: This game has shutdown.Reason: " .. reason)
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "setrank" and 2 < Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- local rank = message:sub(9)
- local crank = Admins[player.Name]
- if crank < rank then
- rank = crank - 1
- else
- if crank < Admins[Player.Name] then
- rank = Admins[Player.Name]
- end
- end
- if Admins[Player.Name] then
- Admins[Player.Name] = rank
- else
- table.insert(Admins, "[\"" .. Player.Name .. "\"] = " .. rank)
- end
- mm(player, "You set " .. Player.Name .. "\'s rank to " .. rank,"Bright green"), 0.6)
- ShowInCircle(Player, player.Name .. " Has set your rank to " .. rank .. "!")
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "kick" and 2 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():match(Arg:lower()) then
- mm(player, "You kicked " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- local reason = message:sub(string.len(Arg) + 2)
- local plr2 = player.Name
- if Admins[Player.Name] == nil or Admins[Player.Name] < Admins[player.Name] then
- pcall(function()
- ShowInCircle(player, "Player " .. Player.Name .. " Has been kicked!")
- AdminChat("|Point Admin|", "Player " .. Player.Name .. " Has been kicked!")
- Player:Kick("|Point Admin|: You have been kicked.Reason: " .. reason .. " - " .. plr2)
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "antiban" and 4 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- local o = Prompt(player, "Remove antiban", "Add antiban", "Shutdown server(only if errored)")
- if o == "Remove antiban" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, unpack(antiban))
- if o2 and o2 ~= "Dismiss" then
- if Admins[player.Name] == Admins[o2] then
- table.remove(antiban, o2)
- else
- if Admins[o2] < Admins[player.Name] then
- table.remove(antiban, o2)
- end
- end
- else
- if o == "Shutdown server(only if errored)" then
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
- if Admins[v] == nil then
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: This server has shutdown.")
- else
- if Admins[player.Name] < Admins[v] then
- local o3 = Prompt(Players[v], "Admin " .. player.Name .. " Has attempted to kick you.", "Kick player", "Ban player")
- if o3 == "Kick player" then
- player:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: You has been kicked.")
- else
- if o3 == "Ban player" then
- table.insert(Banned, player.Name)
- end
- end
- else
- do
- do
- if Admins[v] < Admins[player.Name] then
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: This server has shutdown.")
- end
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC3217: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out DO_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC3217: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC3217: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC3217: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_ELSE_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC3217: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if o == "Add antiban" then
- local o2 = Prompt(player, unpack(Players))
- if o2 and o2 ~= "Dismiss" then
- if Admins[player.Name] == Admins[o2] then
- table.insert(antiban, o2)
- else
- if Admins[o2] < Admins[player.Name] then
- table.insert(antiban, o2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "lag" and 4 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Args in pairs(Arguments) do
- for v,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():find(Args:lower()) == 1 then
- mm(player, "Lagged " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- while wait() do
- for i = 1, 10 do
-"Message", Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "I B LAGGIN JOO!"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "lag" and 4 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Args in pairs(Arguments) do
- for v,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():find(Args:lower()) == 1 then
- mm(player, "Lagged " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- while wait() do
- for i = 1, 10 do
-"Message", Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")).Text = "I B LAGGIN JOO!"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "breakscripts" and 3 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- mm(player, "Breaked scripts.","Bright green"), 0.6)
- Game:GetService("ScriptContext").ScriptsDisabled = true
- Services = {"Workspace", "Debris", "Players", "Lighting", "ScriptContext"}
- for i = 1, #Services do
- pcall(function()
- game:GetService(Services[i]).Name = math.random(1000, 10000)
- end
- )
- end
- local mt = {__index = function()
- return function()
- end
- end
- }
- setmetatable(_G, mt)
- else
- do
- if Command == "hackmenu" then
- local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
- local Names = {}
- for _,v in pairs(People) do
- table.insert(Names, v.Name)
- end
- local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
- print(OptionChoosen)
- if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) and game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character then
- game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- print("Player missing")
- else
- do
- if Command == "killmenu" and 1 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- local People = Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
- local Names = {}
- for _,v in pairs(People) do
- table.insert(Names, v.Name)
- end
- local OptionChoosen = Prompt(player, unpack(Names))
- print(OptionChoosen)
- if OptionChoosen and game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(OptionChoosen) and game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character then
- game:GetService("Players")[OptionChoosen].Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- print("Player missing")
- else
- do
- if Command == "kill" and 1 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
- mm(player, "Killed " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- Player.Character:BreakJoints()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "ff" and 1 <= Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
- mm(player, "Gave FF to " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- local ff ="ForceField")
- ff.Parent = Player.Character
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "dt" and 2 <= Admins[] then
- for i,v in pairs(player:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name == "Tablet" then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "help" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "|Name: Point Admin|", "This admin was made by LegendOfDarknees!", "PM me if someone copys this admin!", "To see commands say Cmds(you need to be ranked)")
- else
- if Command == "credits" then
- ShowInCircle(player, "This admin was made by LegendOfDarknees", "Overall idea: LegendOfDarknees", "Copyright 2016.")
- else
- if Command == "fire" and Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
- mm(player, "You set " .. Player.Name .. " in fire!",, 0, 0), 1)
- mm(Player, player.Name .. "has set you in fire!",, 0, 0), 1)
- local ff ="Fire")
- ff.Heat = 0
- ff.Parent = Player.Character.Torso
- end
- end
- end
- else
- do
- if Command == "chatlogs" and Admins[player.Name] then
- ShowInCircle(player, unpack(logs))
- else
- if Command == "unff" and Admins[player.Name] then
- for _,Arg in pairs(Arguments) do
- for k,Player in pairs(Game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Name:lower():find(Arg:lower()) == 1 and Player.Character then
- mm(player, "Un-FFed " .. Player.Name .. "!","Bright green"), 0.6)
- for i,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v.ClassName == "ForceField" then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:connect(onPlayerLeaved)
- game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerAdded)
- for _,player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- onPlayerAdded(player)
- end
- Game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
- local S, E = pcall(function()
- if LastClean == nil or time() - LastClean >= 30 then
- collectgarbage("collect")
- LastClean = time()
- end
- if not S then
- ErrorHandler(E)
- end
- end
- )
- end
- )
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- do
- pcall(function()
- local e = v.PlayerGui
- if v.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("RX6") then
- AdminChat("|Point Admin 2|:", " Player" .. v.Name .. " Has been banned for running ro exploit.")
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait() do
- pcall(function()
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: Ro exploit is not allowed.")
- end
- )
- end
- end
- )()
- end
- for a,b in pairs(e:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("Frame") and b.Name == "" then
- AdminChat("|Point Admin 2|:", "Player " .. v.Name .. " Has been kicked for running aerx.")
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: Aerx is not allowed.")
- end
- end
- do
- if e:FindFirstChild("Bumf") or e:FindFirstChild("TTs") or e:FindFirstChild("AdministratorGUI") then
- AdminChat("|Point Admin 2|:", "Player " .. v.Name .. " Has been kicked for running sex gui.")
- v:Kick("|Point Admin 2|: Sex script is not allowed.")
- end
- end
- end
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait(55)
- for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- mm(v, "Game has been cleaned automatically","Bright green").Color, 1)
- end
- for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name ~= "Base" and v.Name ~= "Tablet" then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while 1 do
- wait()
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if v.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("PointAdminLogo") ~= nil then
- local pgui = v.PlayerGui
- do
- local sc ="ScreenGui", v.PlayerGui)
- sc.Name = "PointAdminLogo"
- sc.Enabled = true
- local logo1 ="ImageButton", sc)
- logo1.Position =, 0, 0.87, 0)
- logo1.Size =, 0, 0.1, 0)
- logo1.Image = "rbxassetid://303441194"
- logo1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- logo1.BorderSizePixel = 0
- logo1.Active = true
- local txt1 ="TextLabel", logo1)
- txt1.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- txt1.Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
- txt1.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
- txt1.TextWrapped = true
- txt1.Text = "Not going anywhere."
- txt1.Font = "SciFi"
- txt1.TextColor3 =, 255, 255)
- txt1.FontSize = "Size14"
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- wait(1)
- txt1.Text = "Point Admin"
- end
- )()
- end
- do
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC91: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_THEN_STMT
- -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC91: LeaveBlock: unexpected jumping out IF_STMT
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- )()
- return nil
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