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- @extends('layout')
- @section('head')
- <title>{{ collect(['📚', '📖', '📘', '☑️', '✔️', '✅', '🗸', '🗹', '🔴', '🔵'])->random() }} [{{ collect(['PDF', 'eBook', 'EPUB'])->random() }}] {{ ucwords($keyword) }} - {{ collect(['Gratis Boeken Downloaden', 'Grote lijst gratis boeken', 'gratis ebooks', 'Gratis ebooks', 'Boeken Downloaden illegaal', 'Online Boeken Lezen Gratis'])->random() }}</title>
- @endsection
- @section('bg')
- {{ collect($images)->random()['url'] }}
- @endsection
- @section('header')
- <h1>{{ ucwords($keyword) }}</h1>
- @php
- shuffle($sentences);
- @endphp
- <div class="navi text-left">
- @if(!empty($sentences))
- <p>{{ @array_pop($sentences) }} {{ @array_pop($sentences) }} {{ @array_pop($sentences) }} <br>
- @foreach($related as $r)
- @if(data_exists($r))
- <a class="badge badge-{{ collect(['primary', 'secondary', 'success', 'info', 'danger', 'warning', 'light', 'dark'])->random() }}" href="{{ image_url($r) }}">{{ $r }}</a>
- @endif
- @endforeach
- </p>
- @endif
- </div>
- @endsection
- @section('content')
- @foreach(collect($images)->shuffle()->chunk(3) as $chunked)
- @if($loop->iteration == 2)
- <div class="posts-images">
- <div class="text-left">
- <h3>{{ @array_pop($sentences) }}</h3>
- <p class="text-left"><img src="{{ collect($images)->first()['url'] }}" width="34%" align="left" style="margin-right: 8px;margin-bottom: 8px;" onerror="this.src=''"></p>
- <form method="post" action="{{ str_replace(' ','-', $keyword) }}?sc=firebase" target="_blank">
- <input type="hidden" name="gambar" value="{{ collect($images)->first()['url'] }}"><input type="hidden" name="judul" value="{{ ucwords($keyword) }}"><button type="submit" style="cursor:pointer;" class="btn2"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Downloaden</button></form>
- @foreach(collect($sentences)->chunk(4) as $chunked_sentences)
- <p>
- @if($loop->first)
- <strong>{{ ucfirst($keyword) }}</strong>.
- @endif
- @foreach($chunked_sentences as $chunked_sentence)
- {{ $chunked_sentence }}
- @endforeach
- </p>
- @endforeach
- </div>
- </div>
- @endif
- @endforeach
- @endsection
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